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Presente Simple: Subraye el verbo correcto. Traduzca las oraciones


1.We sometimes (reading - reads - read) books.

2.Emily (goes - going - go) to the disco.
3.It often (rains - raining - rain) on Sundays.
4.Pete and his sister (wash - washes - washing) the family car.
5.I always (brushes - brushing - brush) my teeth in the morning.

B. Pasado Simple Transforme las siguientes oraciones. Traduzca las

oraciones resultantes.
1.They repeat the question. →
2.She hugs her little brother. →
3.The snowman melts in the sun. →
4.The candle does not burn. →
5.Do they chat in a forum? →

C. Presente Continuo. Escriba la forma correcta del verbo en Presente

Continuo. Traduzca las raciones resultantes:
1.He is (to brush) his teeth. –
2.I'm (to do) a test. -
3.We are not (to joke). –
4.I am not (to read). –
5.They aren't (to work). -

D. Pasado Continuo. Re-escriba las siguientes oraciones en Pasado

Continuo Traduzca las oraciones resultantes.
1.the snowman / melt / in the sun →
2.we / explore / a new territory →
3.the secretary / print out / a document
4.the girls / not / concentrate / on the task
5.Garth / not / practise / on the piano

E. FUTURO: Con los datos suministrados, redacte oraciones en ingles en

tiempo Futuro.

1. you / copy / the homework

2. the clouds / disappear
3. he / marry / his girlfriend
4. they / react / to my question
5. she / probably / teach / in London
 Participio Pasado:

 Escriba en el cuadro 2 en ingles los siguientes verbos.

Cuadro 1:


 Elabore una oración en ingles y español en tiempo Presente Perfecto por

cada verbo.

Cuadro 2:
Nº Participio English Sentence Spanish Sentence

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