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Directions: Watch the video in Swivl that corresponds to this observation. Include annotations in Swivl that
provide evidence for each question. Then, provide a response for each question with the evidence from Swivl
by using the timestamp. After you have responded to each question write a reflection that incorporates your
mentor teacher’s feedback and your own evidence.


How did the Apprentice Teacher allow students choice in their activities and how were these
choices related to different learning styles?

Students can work by themselves or with partner(s) during the warm up. We did a review the different
functions (quadratic, exponential, and linear) and students had the choice of using the table or graphing
each coordinate to obtain their answers. We have previously shown multiple methods for them to use.

How did the Apprentice Teacher introduce the lesson, effectively manage time for students to
progress through the activities, and summarize the lesson with the students?

I started the class with a warm up and with the class, we did the review sheet together. I called on
students to help me fill in the blanks and reiterated what they said and provided extra connections as
well. It was a review day so we were going over the last 3 weeks of lessons, focusing on the three forms of
quadratics and the characteristics of graphs.

How did the Apprentice Teacher assess individual accountability for the student work
accomplished in the lesson?

I went around the room during the warm up and answered individual questions. I am also about the get
student feedback through the TI NSpires. Because I had a zoom student, I projected the zoom on the
board and I shared my screen on my iPad. I had a lot of mobility in the classroom so I was also able to
make sure that everyone was writing on their paper and was engaged and on task. Even standing near
them helped them be on task and talk less and focus.

How does the Apprentice Teacher demonstrate an awareness of student diversity in their
teaching (gender, ethnicity, students who are learning the content in a second language,
accommodations for students with special needs)?

Students are seated based on high achieving, middle achieving and low achieving (only me and my
mentor teacher knows) and I am also aware of 504 students.

Reflection - The reflection should include specific examples of what you observed when you collected
student engagement data at each of the three stopping points. For instance, what were students supposed
to be doing in this segment of the video, what were the students actually doing or not doing. Compare and
contrast this video to FPO 2. Did you notice different students engaged in the lesson? How did the level of
student engagement vary in the videos? What were some of the pedagogical changes you made in this
lesson compared to the lesson for FPO 2?

All the students were engaged, but I also think that this might be because I was going a little quicker to fit
everything in the lesson. Students did not have time to stop and talk to friends or get distracted and it
was also heavily emphasized that all of the material would be on the test the next day. Going around with
the iPad helped as well compared to FPO2 when I was mostly by the computer, manipulating the graphs
on Desmos. But if I did not have zoom up I am not sure if I could connect it to the smart board. I am going
to have to see if there is an AirPlay function on the Windows computer.

At the 15 minute mark, I was helping an individual student. I could see that one student in his group was
distracted by the camera. I should have been asking him if he finished or needed help as well. At the 30
minute mark, I was transitioning from the warm up to the review and students should have been getting
the handout and ready to write. At the 45 minute mark, students were copying what I was writing on the
board. I paused after each section to make sure students were not too behind and had enough time to
write. I was talking while writing as well.

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