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Danang Supriyo XI MIPA C

Article about independence day

Seventy-five years ago, on August 17, 1945, the first president

of Indonesia, Soekarno, with Mohammad Hatta, proclaimed
Indonesia’s independence from Dutch colonialism. Since then,
every August 17th, Indonesians have celebrated Independence
Day. From the presidential palace to remote villages, the
excitement is ubiquitous: flag hoisting ceremonies, parades,
competitions, and cultural performances allow Indonesians to
celebrate their freedom with pride.
Every agust 17 th, indonesian people make some competition
to make the independence day more exciting, like panjat
pinang, balap karung, and more. But during pandemic
indonesian people can’t do that because that breaking the law
of quarantine that people can’t make crouwd so the corona
virus does not spreads to other people.
So in this year independence, indonesian people trying to make
some new competition that does’t break the law. Like making
the competition online, so we dont need to meet face to face.
Like playing online game to celebrate the independence day.
And at 10.00 am morning, indonesian people having a
ceremony in Istana merdeka, central jakarta. But during
pandemic indonesian people having a ceremony in different
area. And to make the ceremony more exciting during
pandemic, indonesia people make some new competition, like
drawing mask. In this pandemic people must wear a mask if
they want to go out, so they will not get infected. And the prize
for the winner is money. So we as an indonesian people should
be proud of this country.

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