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Praise be to God Almighty for His blessings and help, so that writer can
complete the simple paper of Project. The author also gives thanks for guidance and
direction from Dra.Nursayani Marua’oM.pd

The author also expressed his gratitude to the colleagues involved in the
preparation of this paper of Project.

Therefore that author hope this paper of project can be useful for readers and
the author also expect constructive suggestions and criticism from the readers.
A. Background of Problem
According to Kramsch (1993), culture refers to membership in discourse
community that shares common system of standard for perceiving, believing
evaluating and action. Language is the principal means where by we conduct our
social lives. When used is context of communication, it is bound up with culture in
multiple and complex ways.
The language people usefor very day communication is proved in cultural same
the shaped the culture. Seelye’s (1976) seven goals of culture instructions included:
the sense or functionality, of culturally conditioned behavior, interaction of language
and social variables, conventional behavior in common situations, cultural
connotations of words and pharases,evaluating statements about the culture,
researching another cultureand attitudes toward other societies.
B. Identification of Problem
Denying cultural expression means limiting the expression og unique
perseptives on life and the transmission of knowledge from generation to generation
1. Cultural and language
2. Australia’s cultural and linguistic diversity
3. Identity and community
C. Formulation of problem
Based on the background of the problem raised, above, the problem can be
formulated as follows.
D. Limit of Problem
In classroom action rsearch focuses on improving speaking skills in Indonesia
language learning with students facilitator and explaining strategies in fifth grade
E. Benefits of Surveys
1. The Author wish this paper can help her friends to understand about the
language variation. Known well how many cultural environment of English
and how variation of language can be accepted.
2. To fuilfill the task of subject sociolinguistics.


A. Evaluation
The ability to speak in relation to cultural with the another person could result
in and other positive experiences. This result I rapid exposure to speaking, so I takes
a lot of time to evaluate theses skills because what is agreed in the process of
speaking, speaking skills, scoring in speaking skills, and planning and ways of
communicating. Speaking is listening skills, evaluation to understand the ability of
things that talk about speaking.
B. Implementation of evaluation result
Every language communicates experiences attitudes complete, as these will
help as understand language and culture from the perceptive sociolinguistics.
Components learning in Indonesia still partly applies learning as a matter that is
designed based on educators tutors and must be followed students/learning citizens
not based on the needs and desires of learning citizens.
D. Framework of thinking
As the environment changes, cultural and language typically respond by
creating new terminology to describe it. Research that examine the style of
communication based on high-context and low-context cultural in the
communication process was conducted, in their research entitled communication
style and cultural features in high low context communication cultural.
Communicative competence involves knowledge of every aspct of communication in
social context, including: knowledge and expectation of who may or may talk to
persons of different statuses and roles, what appropriate nonverbal behaviors are
various contexts, are the conversations.


A. Place and time of survey

Place in the survey is the house of the people who are interviewed.
1. Nama : Eduarman Nazara

Asal : Jln. Yos Sudarso

Umur :20

Pendidikan : Mahasiswi IKIP Gunungsitoli

Status : Belum Menikah

Agama : Kristen Protestan


A. Description of result survey.

B. Discussion
Language is more than just a means of communication. In influences our
cultural, and even out though process. During the first four the decade of the century
language was viewed by sociolinguistics and anthropologists as being more
important that is actually is in shaping our perception of reality. Cross-cultural
comparisons of such as thing the color this ca been our cultural through language,
guides decides us in seeing the spectrum in terms of the ability for language and
communication a human.

1. Conclusion
At this trial there cultural environment that people grow up in can have suprising
effects on how they interpret the world around them. This became his delusions did
not come in the form of spoken language, and social behavior are part of the culture
environment that people grow up in, which have surprising effects on how they
interpret the world around them.
2. Suggestion
For that, as a suggestion in this case, we must further improve our quality in
reading well by learning more vocabulary and also improve the way of fond of
reading and are who no.

Byram, M. (1988).Teaching culture education and cultural studies. Language culture

and curriculum.
Amelia, rizki, 2013. An introduction to sociolinguistics. Pekanbaru : benteng Media
Penny, Ralph. Variation and change. United states : cambridge University
Wardaugh, Ronald.2006. An introduction to sociolinguistics. United kingdom :
Blackwell publishing

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