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Inclusive educational


What is an inclusive
educational community?
An inclusive educactional community is
one that is proposed through its groups
and organizations to give support and
shelter, to the weakest members of the
same, to act in such a way that these
weaker members feel that they are part
of it, welcomed, interrelated, supported ,
understood and can participate in it from
their own reality.

What does it involve?

It involves changes and
modifications in content,
approaches, structures and
strategies, with a common vision
that includes all children of the
appropriate age range and the
conviction that it is the
responsibility of the regular
system to educate all children.

What to do to obtain an
inclusive environment?
Create inclusive classrooms


The educational needs of all

students are considered.
seeks the personal and social
development of all students.
creation of adequate and
affordable physical environments
for all.
variety of resources according to
the characteristics of each student.

"Now, inclusion does not Tips

have to do only with
access to school for Get to know all students and
students with identify their needs.
disabilities, but, above Adjust the design of the
all, with eliminating or activities to the abilities of the
minimizing the barriers students.
that limit the learning Provide activities with all those
and participation of all access elements that the
students." (Launches educational needs of the
Elvir & Montero students require.
Centeno, 2017)


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