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How to make Pastillas?

Pastillas is a Filipino sweet treat that everybody loves. These are soft and sweet milk candies
that will remind you of your childhood and become part of our growing up years. Today I will
show you how to make this easy treat.

First, we need to wear our apron and make sure that we are clean. Then we need to prepare
all the ingredients.

These are the simple ingredients that we can find anywhere.

 1 cup powdered milk

 1/3 cup condensed milk
 1/4 cup sugar
How to make it!
 Combine the powdered milk and the condensed milk in a mixing bowl. Mix well until
the texture becomes ready for molding.
 Form a tube shape from the mixture. You can then cut it to small pieces to make
tube-shaped pastillas or roll them using your hands to make pastillas balls.
 Coat with sugar for the final touch.
 Wrap each piece with cellophane if desired.
 Serve and enjoy your pastillas!
In making my pastillas I used powdered milk and sugar that are solid and condensed
milk that is liquid.

In making pastillas it is best to used locally processed milk. Nueva Ecija is regarded
as the Milk Capital of the Philippines while Bacolod City is where we can find the
largest sugarcane plantation. These products are essential in our daily life that is why
the were sold and bartered into different regions in our country. Due to high demand
of these products, they can increase the income of their regions which help their
growing industry.

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