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Diplomacy is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between
representatives of states. It usually refers to international diplomacy, the conduct
of international relations through the intercession of professional diplomats with
regard to a full range of topical issues.
How was mentioned by Brian Urquhart : “Diplomacy is one of the world’s oldest
professions”. And it is really true, our ancestors practiced diplomacy without
knowing it in their life. It was represented by formation of tribes, first forms of
communities unified under one leader, in their tactics used in military
confrontation with other tribes.
The more exactly definition of diplomacy in the sphere of international relations
was given by Ernest Satow where was mentioned that : “Diplomacy is the
application of intelligence and tact to the conduct of relations between the
governments of independent states, extending sometimes also to their relations
with vassal states, or more briefly still, the conduct of business between states by
peaceful means”. In nowadays we can use this definition because it has sense, but
on the other hand, in the contemporary era, diplomacy means relations of states in
external policy guided by negotiations, solving global problems which appear
particular in more states, be a member of international organizations, executed by
official agents.
Also, author proposes to us many types of diplomacy like: bilateral diplomacy,
multilateral diplomacy, ad hoc diplomacy, institutionalized diplomacy. Through
this, we can highlight that diversity of diplomacy create a necessary environment
for develop cooperation between states, indifferent of their geographical position.
Diplomacy is represented by official agents, how I mentioned before, called
usually diplomats ( ambassador, envoy). The diplomat is a person who posses the
art of be rational, can negotiate, put his state’s interest on the 1st place, manage
emotions, is a specialist in precise and accurate communication.
From the point of view of Callieres, the central idea of diplomacy is the need for
negotiation : “It demands all the penetration, all the dexterity, all the suppleness
which a man can well possess”.
If we discuss about the contribution of diplomacy to international order, it always
stimulate states to solve their problems or conflicts between peaceful means.
During cold war diplomacy played crucial role to avoid inevitable war among the
two super powers (USSR&U.S). However, diplomacy normally seeks to develop
goodwill toward the state it represents. But diplomacy isn’t just a way to prevent
or at least delay armed conflict. It can help to most effectively satisfy the needs of
diverse peoples: “Diplomacy can be incredibly valuable when it acts like this, as a
tool that changes what seem like zero sum games into games with many winners”.
Diplomacy facilitates communication between the political leaders of states and
other entities in world politics. The presence of diplomats in states is a visible
manifestation of a certain set of rules to which states and non-state actors in the
international system follow" establishing some degree of international order.

In my point of view, diplomacy stimulates worldwide harmony, but in the same

way, it focuses more on political resolutions and neglect other the same important
problems (for example: terroristic activity for combat or prevent it).

In conclusion, diplomacy remains a key instrument for peacefully managing

problems in  the world community, contributing to international order and
nation-states’ security.

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