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Matrix is a rectangular or square array of symbol, number or expressions. Matrix is

arranged in rows and columns. A matrix with m rows and n columns is called an
m× n matrix or m-by-n matrix, where m and n are called the matrix dimensions.
Matrices can be used to compactly write and work with multiple linear equations,
that is, a system of linear equations. Matrices and matrix multiplication reveal their
essential features when related to linear transformations, also known as linear
maps. For example, the dimension of the matrix given2 ×2 ,this mean it have two
row and two columns.

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There are various types of matrix, such as transpose matrix, square matrix, inverse
matrix and non-singular matrix.

Transpose matrix is an operator which flips a matrix over its diagonal; that is, it
switches the row and column indices of the matrix A by producing another matrix,
often denoted by  AT .

Square matrix is matrix which have same row and same column.

Inverse matrix is matrix that, when multiplied by A results in the identity. The
notation for this inverse matrix is A–1.

Non-singular matrix is matrix which the determinant is not zero.

In the assignment, there are three questions that we need to solve. Firstly, we need
to find the transpose for each of the following matrix. Secondly, we need to prove
that the various types of matrix is symmetric matrix. Lastly, we need to find the
relationship between symmetric matrix and transpose matrix.

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