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Move one of your pawns to any corner of its square. It can no longer move, or be captured in a regular way (it does not occupy a square). Pieces which move diagonally cannot move through it. If the effect is removed, the pawn may go to any empty square next to its corner; if there is none, it is captured. Play this card immediately after your move. Continuing Effect: Until the pawn is moved or taken by another card. Under Elf Hill te Saal = a / = | ™ € \ & 4% . f° . a Remove your king from the chessboard. At the beginning of your next turn, he reappears on any vacant square on any edge of the board. He may not appear in check, and may not move on that turn, but otherwise, you may take a normal turn after replacing the king. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Each player must now use his move to capture one of his opponent's pieces, if he can do so. This effects lasts until one of the players cannot make a capture. You are not required to play a card to make a capture, even if you have a card that would let you capture. Play this card immediately after your move. Continuing Effect: Until one player cannot make a capture without using a card. Volunteer If your opponent has more pieces than you (not counting pawns), you may return one of your captured pawns to any empty square in your half of the board. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Take the last card played by your opponent and put it in your hand. If each player has his own deck of cards, you must also discard your top undrawn card. Play this card immediately after your opponent plays a card. Your king becomes a Warlord. (If you have more than one king, pick one and mark it.) It may move up to two squares per turn in any direction or combination of directions. Making a capture ends its move. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Continuing Effect: Until the Warlord is lost or the game ends. Winged Victory Take a pawn which your opponent has captured, and return it to play by placing it on any of the four squares in the middle of the chessboard. The target square must be empty! Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. An enemy piece which is completely surrounded by your pieces (that is, no adjacent square is empty or contains another enemy piece) changes sides. Replace it with the same piece of your color. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Survivors Reward Play this card when you have only one or two pawns left on the board. You may immediately promote them both, replacing them with any pieces except queens. Play this card immediately after your move. AF caiteCasqa HTH 71 A Oa (even decent). Your Gprotient' 5s move is canceled; if he played a card, he gets it back. He must replace any piece(s) he moved, and cannot move again until after your next move . . . but you may not capture on that move. Play this card immediately after your opponent's turn. The World is Round- = ® ‘I o> A On this move, one of your pieces can make an otherwise legal move as if the left and right edges of the chessboard were connected - that is, as if the chessboard were a cylinder. A pawn which reaches the eight rank by this move may be promoted. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Your opponent's move is cancelled. He must make a different move, with the same piece or with another one. If he used a card, he may take it back. Play this card immediately after your opponent's turn. Play this card when your opponent moves a piece toward you across the "frontier" - the line separating your half of the board from his. He must "pay" by choosing a pawn to lose. If he does not wish to pay, his turn is canceled. He gets back any card he used, but he cannot make another move. Play this card immediately after your opponent's turn. AYTTMEINONE - 0 Aa Swap the positions of one of your knights and one of your opponent's knights. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. reckon Swap the positions of a rook and a knight belonging to your opponent. Play this card immediately after your move. Secret Meeting Make an otherwise legal move which puts one of your pieces on a square already occupied by a friendly piece. You can move each of them normally on future moves, but not both at the same time. If your opponent moves a pice to this square while both your pieces are there, both are captured. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Swap the positions of one of your knights and one of your rooks. Play this card immediately after your move. ST ING CUNT Play this card after your opponent moves any piece two or more squares in a straight line without capturing. It continues in the same way until it is stopped by the edge of the board or an occupied square. If it is stopped by one of your pieces, he may choose to capture it, unless his piece is a pawn. Play this card immediately after your opponent's turn. On promoting a pawn, you may duplicate any transformed piece in play which is governed by a current Continuing Effect card. If that continuing effect ends, your promoted pawn is affected as though it was originally tranformed by the normal action of that continuing effect. Play this card at any time you promote a pawn. aoa Play this card when one of your knights has the choice of taking two or more of your opponent's pieces. Capture as many of these pieces as you want (at least two). Your knight is removed from play and regarded as captured. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Play this card when you capture one of your opponent's pieces. The capturing piece changes permanently into a piece of the kind it captured. For instance, if one of your pawns captures a knight, it becomes a knight. Play this card immediately after your move. leet . J a 7 b il Your opponent must show you all the cards in his hand. They remain exposed on the table until played. The new cards he draws are not exposed. Play this card immediately after your move. You may play this card only when three of the four corners of the chessboard are occupied. Move any one of your pieces to the empty corner. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Riposte Play this card when your opponent captures one of your pieces without using a card, Your piece stays in its place and your opponent's piece is captured instead. You lose your next turn. You cannot take a king or queen with this card. Play this card when one of your pieces is captured without using a card. Rooked You may replace any enemy piece, except a king or queen, with a captured enemy rook. Play this card immediately after your move. Move your king to an unoccupied square adjacent to your queen, or your queen to an unoccupied square adjacent to your king. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Royal Knight One of your knights becomes a Royal Knight. It may move as either a knight or a king. Place a marker on the affected knight. Play this card immediately after your turn. Continuing Effect: Until the Royal Knight is removed from play. SEeMe TA No matter what has happened before this card is played, if your king and one of your rooks are in the same rank or file with no pieces between them, you can "castle." Move the rook up to your king and then jump your king over the rook, to the first square on the other side. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. > ie hy Play this card when your opponent has at least four pawns left. The first player to lose all his pawns loses the game. Only regular pawns count (not transformed or promoted ones). Victory can still be achived by checkmate. Play this card immediately after your move. Until the end of the game. Swap the positions of one of your pawns and one of your knights, bishops, or rooks. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. eMC MUI wre Choose an unoccupied square and place a marker there. Until the end of the game, any piece which starts its move in this square can either make its regular move, or move like a queen. Play this card immediately after your move. : Until the end of the game. Look at the top four undrawn cards in your deck (or in the common deck). Choose which one you want to replace this one. Reshuffle the deck. Play this card immediately after your opponent's turn. One of your pieces becomes diseased for the rest of the game. Place a marker on it. Any piece but a king which captures it is also removed from play and regarded as captured. Any piece which shares the same square will also become diseased. Play this card immediately after your move. Continuing Effect: Until the diseased piece is lost. You may play two more cards immediately, ignoring the normal prohibition against playing more than one card per turn! You may not make two moves unless each of the cards says that it replaces a move. Play this card at any time, and then play two other cards which are both legal to play at this moment. Replace one of your bishops or one of your opponent's bishops with a knight of the same color. Play this card immediately after your move. 4 4 ay alt iy Play this card when your king and your queen are on adjacent squares. A Princess appears in an unoccupied square adjacent to the queen. A Princess moves like a queen but only one or two squares at a time. A player may have only one Princess in play at a time. Play this card immediately after your move. Return one of your captured pieces to the board, on a vacant square it could have occupied at the beginning of the game. Your opponent may return one piece of the same kind in the same way. You must pick a piece that your opponent can legally return to the board within these terms. Play this card immediately after your move. Move one enemy piece to any square it could have occupied at the beginning of the game. The square must be empty or contain one of your pieces. If one of your pieces is in the square, it is captured. Play this card immediately after your move. Return one of your captured pieces, except a king or queen, to the board. You must place it on a vacant square it could have occupied at the beginning of the game. Play this card on your move, instead of making a regular move. Replace one of your knights or one of your opponent's knights by a bishop owned by the same player. Play this card immediately after your move. Revenge § | a \ 1 Remove one of your opponent's pawns from the chessboard. It is captured. Play this card when one of your pawns is captured without the use of a card. This card has the same effect as the last card played. It cannot be used to duplicate a unique card from your deck. It can duplicate a unique card of your opponent's! Play this card when the copied card would be played. Play this card when your king's starting square is unoccupied. Place another king on this square. You can now leave one of your kings in check or even let your opponent capture it. You lose the game only when your last king is checkmated. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Each bishop that can do so must be moved to an adjacent empty square by its owner, thus changing the color of the squares it moves on. Your opponent must move his bishops first. Play this card immediately after your move. Hero Worship One of your pieces can move like another piece situated in one of its eight neighboring squares. You cannot capture a piece with this move. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Hidden Passage 5 can hehe Move your king to any unoccupied square of the chessboard. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. BCO\AGHOtnTY Choose an unoccupied square and place a marker there. Until the end of the game, any piece which starts its move in this square can either make its regular move, or move like a bishop. Play this card immediately after your move. Until the end of the game. COAG ay Swap the positions of a bishop and a knight belonging to your opponent. Play this card immediately after your move. Holy War Swap the positions of one of your knights and one of your bishops. Play this card immediately after your move. Play this card when your opponent captures one of your pieces. Choose one of your pawns to be captured instead. Return your original captured piece to the board in the pawn's square. Play this card immediately after one of your pieces is captured. Each player may remove any one enemy piece except a king or queen; it is considered captured. The player who played this card can decide whether to remove the enemy piece first, or to force his opponent to choose first. Play this card immediately after your move. Faith to Move Mountains “oN On this move, one of your bishops can move through other pieces. It must end its move in a vacant square. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Make any legal move with one of your opponent's pieces, except his king. He cannot move this piece during his following turn. You may capture one of your own pieces with this move, but not one of your opponent's. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Fanatic Move one of your pawns forward three squares, provided the path is clear. It may not capture on this move, or be captured en passant. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. IEPA UarGntON © Choose one of your pieces to become a magnet. Until it moves or is captured, no piece of any color (except kings) in the eight adjacent squares can move. A piece may pass through these squares without effect, but one that stops there (whether or not it makes a capture) becomes trapped. Play this card immediately after your move. Until the "magnet" moves or is captured. Figure Dance Each piece in any corner of the chessboard move counter-clockwise to the next corner. These moves happen at the same time; no pieces are captured. Pawns which reach the last rank are promoted. Play this card immediately after your move. Fireball Play this card after any move which does not capture an opposing piece. The piece you moved explodes and is removed from play, along with all the pieces in the eight adjacent square, whatever their color. The pieces are regarded as captured. Kings are not affected. Play this card immediately after your move. This card cancels the effect of any other card. Both cards are discarded. If the opposing card constituted your opponent's whole move, he may make another move, but he may not play another card. Play this card immediately after your opponent has played the card you want to cancel. Place a marker in any unoccupied square. No piece can enter this square, or pass through it, for the rest of the game. Knights and other "jumping" pieces may still pass over it. Play this card immediately after your move. Continuing Effect: Until the end of the game. Remove one of your knights and one of your opponent's knights from play. They are both captured. Play this card before your move. pty) E 2 For this turn, any one of your pieces may move as if it were a knight. You cannot capture a piece with this move. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Choose one of your opponent's pieces, except a king, and move it to any unoccupied corner of the chessboard. Your opponent cannot move this piece on his following turn. Play this card immediately after your move. Turn the chessboard at right angles, clockwise or counter-clockwise. Pawns still move away from their owner. Any pawn in the new last rank is promoted, your opponent promoting first. A pawn in its new first rank can move one or two squares forward. Play this card immediately after your move. Continuing Effect: Until the end of the game. If the continuing effect is undone, the board is turned back, and pawns are affected as above. Play this card when your opponent captures one of your pieces without using a card. Put your piece back on a vacant square it could have occupied at the beginning of the game. Play this card immediately after your opponent's turn. Swap the positions of one of your bishops and one of your opponent's bishops. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Remove one of your opponent's pieces which is threatened by one of yours. It is considered captured. However, your "capturing" piece does not move .. . it remains where it is. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Your opponent must look away from the board for ten seconds, as you remove any one of his pieces except the king. He then has ten seconds to look at the board and state what piece you removed and which square it occupied. If he remembers correctly, the piece is put back in its place. If not, it is captured. Play this card immediately after your move. Amazon All queens on the board become Amazons for the rest of the game. An Amazon can move as a knight or a bishop. Play this card immediately after your move. Cc U f Until all Amazons are removed from play. Anathema Swap the position of a bishop and a rook belonging to your opponent. Play this card immediately after your move. Anathema Swap the position of a bishop and a rook belonging to your opponent. Play this card immediately after your move. Move one or two of your pawns forward, two squares each. Neither one may make a capture. A pawn which was on its starting square may still be captured en passant after this move, if an enemy pawn is in postition to do so. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Move one of your pieces and capture another of your own pieces with it. Play this car on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Battlefield Promotion ~ <> a Z One of your pawns in the sixth or seventh rank is promoted and replaced by the piece of your choice, except for a king or queen. Play this card immediately after your move. One of your opponent's pawns on your half of the board switches allegiance Replace it with one of your own captured pawns. His pawn is considered dead. It cannot return to play. Play this card before your move. Remove any one Continuing Effect card from the table. Its effect is immediately canceled. If any piece is left in an illegal situation, its owner must correct the problem on his next move or lose the piece. Instead of drawing a replacement for Big Mojo, place the removed card in your hand. Play this card immediately after your move. On this move, one of your pawns can capture by moving diagonally backward instead of forward. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Exchange the position of any of your pieces with any adjacent enemy piece. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Delusions of Grandeur™ € a, ae : : ak Move one of your pieces as if it were a king. You cannot capture a piece with this move. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Replace one of your opponent's pieces (except a king or queen) with one of his captured pawns. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. Deere Remove one of your opponent's pieces (except a king or queen) whose neighboring squares are all unoccupied. Play this card on your turn, instead of making a regular move. For this turn only, you may ignore any or all of the continuing effects in play. However, you may do nothing which will result in an illegal or impossible situation after the continuing effects resume their force. Play this card before your move. Remove one of your own pawns from the chessboard, and set it aside. It is now dead, and cannot be brought back into play with another card. Play this card immediately before or after your move. Play this card before making any regular move that does not result in check or a capture. Your opponent may not play a card on your turn . . . not even a card that cancels other cards. Play this card before your move. The next player who says the name of a piece, except "king", loses one piece of that type. It is considered captured. If he doesn't own a piece of that type, this card remains in effect. When you play this card, your opponent has the option of naming a piece immediately. Play this card immediately after your move. Continuing Effect: Until a piece is lost to this card's effect. Capture is now forbidden. This effect lasts until a king is in check or a stalemate occurs. If a stalemate occurs, discard this card and start counting moves again for the purpose of determining stalemate. Play this card immediately after your move. Continuing Effect: Until a king is in check or a stalemate occurs.

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