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Tomorrow is not just about advanced technology nor future success.

To get there, you will need a

certain plan. To me, tomorrow means a schedule. It is a schedule to help people get where they want to
be. You always have to make plans if you expect a bright future. For our students now, planning is the
key to our success in school.

Planning starts even at the lowest level of school. Kids go to school when they are young. Going to
school means doing homework and reviewing knowledge. However, most young kids want to enjoy
spending time in nature or play video games. At early stage of school, elementary students might be too
young to acknowledge the importance of balancing time so their parents and teachers have to support
them, guiding them basic planning skills so that they can learn the very first lesson on planning.
Whenever your mother or father says you can only play with your electronic devices for 30 minutes or
so on, it means that they are trying to help you control the amount of time you spend on doing one
thing. Without your parent’s guidance, you might overuse your time without even realizing. Students
from this age will then have more consciousness and use this skill for future events. By practicing
planning daily, kids can gradually build up their planning skills grade by grade, making them ready to
move to more complicated planning in the next level of education.

Once you move on to secondary school, you are more mature so you have the ability to create a precise
sketch of your time table. It is natural that the older you get, the more work you receive. Not only the
amount of work increases but the level of difficulty is also higher. At these ages, your personality is
formed. Your parents therefore expect you to be a helpful person with house work. Not only that you
have to balance time for different assignments from school, you will also have to find the available
moments to assist your family. Some people start to become uncapable of doing their old hobbies, but
other people are different. They make plans for their whole entire afternoon which helps them to have
full control of what they do. I have also learnt those methods and do agree that they are very helpful.
People also say that if you look at the clock after every five minutes and look through what you have
done for that past amount of time, the amount time you spend on working will be very effective.

Then what will happen at high school. Since I’m a 7 th grade student, I normally envision myself how
school life will be at high school. In my thinking, high school is the period that gives you a lot of extra
assignments but also increase your independence. During this time, you have to start choosing your own
life or career path. You will be joining university in just a few years so you will have to decide to select
those most suitable to your wish and capability. I believe that this is one of the most challenging periods
in anyone’s life because it will determine who you will become. A wrong decision during this time of
your life may prevent you from a right route to your future success and it will take you much time for
you to re-shape your future plan. Of course, people with different minds find their way up later but that
is still going to take a lot of time and effort. Planning now becomes an extremely important element of
your daily life.

Since life is not only about study, so even if you are at school ages, you should consider planning to have
much interaction with your different people, your teachers, classmates, school mates... Planning is
important to give you time, not just for studying but also for developing relationship. People with
intelligence will know how to suspend some of the current unnecessary work load to prioritize their time
with friends. Friends are not just for entertainment. They will be there for you when you need help
which decreases the stress from work.
I can tell that if you have good planning skills, it means that you are always persistent to what you do. If
you make a plan, you should follow it. Plans, schedules, time tables are made to support humans
through out their lives and make work easier. But if you make plans, just for show you will neither
succeed nor make it a useful tool. Persistence is very important in planning as it is just like the soul of
your body. You cannot live without your soul so you cannot make good plans without it.

Although at my age, I almost have just experience in school life, I know that planning is also important in
work, in life, in playing, in several things. I believe the plaining skills I have been accumulating myself so
far will be very helpful for me in my future. In conclusion, plans really determine who you become. It is
best if you know how to make it your strength.

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