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Narrator point of view

“Go and live a life you won’t regret”. Those were the last words that left his mouth before footsteps
started to approach.

Denzel was a young boy. Initially, his sister and him were working at a harsh-environment where they
were treated as non-human creatures. Their endurance finally ran out due to the terrible treatment
they’ve been given so they dared to place a bet on their lives. Try to escape or live their lives as slaves
and die of pain and suffering. After day sof discussion, they finally came to a conclusion. Little did Denzel
and his sister know, the path they chose will affect their lives forever.

Finally managing to escape the house of their owner, Denzel and his sister Cleotha found more people
also trying to escape. They all met each other at the route to escape and met the conductor.

Conductor’s point of view:

“It is an honor being your guide for the time being”, I said as I greeted all of the people who were now
under my protection. We started traveling right after that since this was a runaway after all. It was at
midnight. Everything was dark, but somehow, all of us felt the at ease because everyone was asleep and
non of those slave catchers were here to observe our actions.

At many points of the trip, I could see Denzel and Cleotha helping out the people surrounding them. It
made my day a lot less tiring. But somehow, I started to feel as if something was wrong. Denzel started
acting slowlier than usual and was barely keeping up. I did not give it too much thought though but after
that, it was instant regret.

We were quite close to the main road when Denzel suddenly collapsed.

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