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Name : Munfarid

Roll Number : 23030180145

Midterm Paragraph-Based Writing

Why Is Difficult to Understand Match

Many people find mathematics to be one of the most difficult and boring subjects. It is
undeniable that mathematics is the subject most disliked by students. Most students consider
mathematics difficult because it involves numbers, and has a myriad of formulas that are
considered complicated by students. Sometimes a thing can be easier if we like it, including
mathematics. in fact let alone liking, even hearing his name was reluctant.

In fact, mathematics indirectly trains a person to think rationally and uses logic more.
Mathematics also plays an important role in the fields of technology and scienc. However, most
students already have the idea that mathematics is difficult and boring because the contents of
the lesson are only counting and counting , so that many of the students feel lazy and the most
severe, there are students who skip classes simply because they do not like mathematics.

Here, in my opinion the teacher plays a very important role in learning mathematics. The
mastery of the material achieved by students is of course very dependent on the teacher. Many
teachers do not really understand the mathematics they teach in their students. So the teacher
becomes unsympathetic towards students. The teacher's disinterference is of course very
influential on students' interest in the subjects taught by the teacher. For example, a student is
not happy with a math teacher so he will slowly a priori also with mathematics.

In addition, parents also provide an important role in learning mathematics. Many

parents instill in their children that mathematics is a difficult subject. As a result, children to
adulthood have an understanding that mathematics is a frightening specter.

Because these factors are usually someone does not like mathematics, there are many
ways you can do so that someone likes and easy to do mathematics. Mathematical assumptions
are difficult usually because of the learning methods that make it difficult for children to explore
these lessons. With learning methods that are fun, unique, efficient, and effective, children will
be much easier in learning and mastering the material being taught, actually like math is nothing
to lose, because mathematics is a real lesson that can bring benefits in real life.

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