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Name :Manis Tasya Maryam Sohilauw/ 16320021

Class : 1a Manajemen Informatika

Mata kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Task 1

Please categorize the nouns below into countable or uncontable, and males sentece using A few,
few, A little, and little!

1. Gold : uncontable nouns, i have much gold, i don’t have much gold
2. Car. : Countable nouns, i have A lot of car, i have many car
3. Manggo : countable nouns, i have A few manggo, i have few manggo
4. Butter : uncontable nouns, i have A lot of butter, i have much butter
5. Milk : uncontable nouns, i have A lot of milk, i have much milk
6. Rice : uncontable nouns, i have A little rice , i don’t have little rice
7. Burger : countable nouns, i have A few burger , i have few burger
8. Bag : countable nouns, i have A lot of bag, i have few bag
9. Meat : uncontable nouns, i have A little meat, i have little meat
10. Information : uncontable nouns, i have much information, i don’t have much information

Task 2

Choose How Many and How Much

1. How many avocado dou you see?

2. How much meat are you going buy?
3. How many films that you see last week?
4. How many tomates are three in the fridge?
5. How much milk did you drink yesterday?
6. How many cheese di you buy?
7. How much sands do we need?
8. How many eggs do you want?
9. How much bloods that you transfuse for your sister?
10. How many bicycles did you sell last month?

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