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Vocabulary/Grammar activities

Unit 1
A Choose the correct answer, a, b, c or d.
1 I got an A in my test and was ___.
a  as good as gold b  tickled pink c  green with envy d  feeling blue
2 That child is much too ___ and bullies his classmates.
a depressed b skinny c attractive d aggressive
3 Some villagers are dressed in black because they are in ___.
a mourning b depressed c  feeling blue d luck
4 My French teacher is a ___ and she has been working at my school for three years.
a stranger b foreigner c colleague d classmate
5 He’s quite ___ and enjoys team sports.
a trustworthy b attractive c aggressive d athletic
6 My English teacher always says, ‘Keep your friends close and your ___ closer.’
a peers b neighbours c enemies d colleagues
7 I was terribly ___ after walking into that glass door I’d thought was open.
a shy b embarrassed c naughty d depressed
8 Everyone in his family loves riding horses except him. He’s the black ___ of the family.
a reptile b kangaroo c stranger d sheep

B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use an expression
including the given word.
1 I hate it when people don’t keep their word.
It is so annoying when people ________________.
2 I got so angry I almost hit him.
I ________________ and almost hit him.
3 The students behaved like little angels.
The students ________________ gold.
4 I don’t really enjoy his company.
I don’t really like ________________ him.
5 It truly annoys me when there are blackouts and I don’t have any candles in the house.
Blackouts truly ________________ nerves.
6 You need to pay attention to detail in this job.
It’s necessary ________________ details in this job.

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 7 Everybody was a bit nervous, so he told an amusing anecdote to make us feel more at ease.
Everybody was a bit nervous, so he ________________ by telling an amusing story.
 8 He makes double the money his brother makes.
He earns ________________ as his brother.

C Complete the sentences using the present simple or the present continuous of the verbs in brackets.
 1 It ___________ (seem) to be a bit confusing. I’ll explain it again.
 2 Sorry, but I don’t have any idea what you ___________ (talk) about.
 3 She cannot wake up in the morning unless she ___________ (have) at least two strong cups of coffee.
 4 Tomorrow, I ___________ (see) an old friend who I haven’t seen in years.
 5 Thanks, but I ___________ (not need) any help at the moment.
 6 He ___________ (always/disturb) the class. It drives me crazy.
 7 It’s so terribly hot today. I ___________ (want) an ice-cream right now!
 8 Be careful! If you ___________ (drop) that vase, it will shatter into a million pieces.
 9 The bus ___________ (leave) in ten minutes, so we’d better hurry.
10 More and more people ___________ (travel) by bicycle in my town these days.

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Unit 2
A Complete the sentences with these words.

abandoned  epidemic  drought  cave  ranch  hoax
theory  generous  certain  proud  looked into  wiped out

 1 We were amazed to learn the drawings on the walls of the ___________ were thousands of years old.
 2 I’m absolutely ___________ I’ve seen that man somewhere before.
 3 He grew up on a Texan ___________ so he knows how to herd cattle.
 4 The police have ___________ the crime but don’t think they’ll be able to solve it.
 5 In the Middle Ages, the Bubonic Plague, also called the Black Death, was a(n)___________ that killed
millions of people and is thought to have been carried by rats.
 6 We found a tiny ___________ kitten on the road and immediately adopted it. He’s the sweetest little thing
you’ve ever met.
 7 We have to save the Tasmanian Devil, which is on the endangered species list, before they’re all
 8 When there is a risk of ___________, people are not allowed to water their lawns or wash their cars.
 9 He has been so ___________ with his help. I truly appreciate it.
10 It was such an outrageous story that we thought it was a(n) ___________                  , but it turned out to be true
in the end.
11 The ___________ of multiple intelligences has really caught on in the field of education.
12 Well done! I’m really ___________ of you! You’ve done a fabulous job on this exercise.

B Complete the text with the past simple or the past continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.
In all mysteries, there is usually someone who knows what really happened. Our English teacher told us about
a particular class she 1 ___________ (have) when she first 2 ___________ (start) teaching. One hot summer day,
when everybody wished they were at the beach, she 3 ___________ (teach) phrasal verbs. She noticed one
student 4 ___________ (chew) what must have been a whole packet of gum. She 5 ___________ (tell) him to get rid
of the gum, which he did immediately. He 6 ___________ (stand) up, throwing the gum out the window, and it
went flying straight through the open window of a flat opposite the school. The whole class 7 ___________ (go)
silent. Honestly, she told us that he couldn’t have aimed it better if he had tried. After that, everyone
___________ (suggest) where the gum 9 ___________ (land). One explanation was that the gum had stuck to the
TV screen. Then everyone wondered about the people who 10 ___________ (live) there. What in the world would
they think when they 11 ___________ (see) it? Those people would have been quite puzzled when they
___________ (find) the gum, no matter where it had ended up in their house. Anyway, the case of the
mysterious gum was certainly no mystery to the class or to our teacher.

C Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

 1 Jack ___ tell these wonderful stories around the campfire when we went camping.
a  used to b would c  was used to
 2 Albert ___ down the street when he witnessed a car accident.
a  was used to strolling b  used to stroll c  was strolling
 3 When I got home yesterday, my brother ___ dinner, which was a pleasant surprise.
a  used to cook b  would cook c  was cooking
 4 My sister-in-law ___ to read lots of detective stories, but she got bored with them and is now into
science fiction.
a  got used b used c  didn’t use
 5 He ___ money, which was quite annoying, but he always paid it back.
a  was always borrowing b  is always borrowing c  used to borrowing

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 6 We had a wonderful tour of the castle, even though it ___ all day.
a  not raining b  was raining c raining
 7 Most tourists who come to Greece in the summer ___ the heat and find it quite uncomfortable.
a  would be b  aren’t used to c  get used to
 8 I ___ live in the suburbs, but moved to the city because it’s much more convenient.
a would b  used to c  was used to

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Unit 3
A Complete the text with these words.

diagnosed  dietician  fit  flexibility  operation  stress  surgeon  well-balanced

Two years ago, my grandmother had to have a minor 1 ___________. She had been very tired and was
 ___________ with a heart problem. So the 3 ___________ was going to install a small device. Fortunately,
everything went really well. My granny, however, decided to change her lifestyle completely. First she went
to see a(n) 4 ___________ for advice on how to eat a(n) 5 ___________ diet. Now she has just taken up ballroom
dancing to relieve 6 ___________. She hopes this will also increase her 7 ___________. Last week, she had a
check-up and the doctor said she was as 8 ___________ as a fiddle!

B Choose the correct word, a, b or c.

 1 Let me give you a ___ . You should drink warm water with a bit of lemon in it in the morning.
a mineral b lip c tip
 2 Prevention is better than ___ as the well-known saying goes.
a diagnosis b cure c treatment
 3 I feel as fresh as a ___ after having had a good workout and a shower.
a cave b daisy c fish
 4 You need some time off work. It would do you a(n) ___ of good.
a world b experience c injection
 5 Thor went to the doctor and was given a ___ for his allergy.
a receipt b recipe c prescription
 6 It is thought that one in five people travelling by plane will ___ a cold.
a catch b breathe c capture
 7 You need to ___ before working out or you might pull a muscle.
a  stretch up b  warm up c  pull up
 8 Teenagers much prefer fast food to ___ food but many are starting to become more aware of feeling
better when they eat right.
a nutrient b vitamin c well-balanced

C Circle the correct answers.

 1 Fred doesn’t have much / a lot experience of cooking for a vegan diet.
 2 I haven’t seen him lately / already. I wonder how he’s doing.
 3 Eric read / was reading the menu and didn’t see Liz come into the restaurant.
 4 They have been marrying / have been married for 25 years and are still madly in love.
 5 Jimmy still hasn’t done his homework already / yet.
 6 My sister has studied / has been studying for three days so far. The final exam is tomorrow.
 7 Hi, there! I have to see / haven’t seen you for ages. How have you been?
 8 Nick only made a few / a little money picking grapes last summer, but it was loads of fun.
 9 The news is / are so depressing these days. I’ve decided to watch cartoons instead.
10 This is the first time I have tried / have been trying sushi. It’s disgusting!
11 They have grown / have been growing their own organic vegetables for years now.
12 I’m off to the shops to pick up little / lots of coffee.

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Unit 4
A Circle the correct words.
 1 You need to back up / hook up your work every couple of hours in case there is a power cut.
 2 Portable appliances / devices are so much easier when travelling because they’re so lightweight.
 3 Smartphones have completely revolutionised / industrialised the way people do business.
 4 I went to a robotics exhibition / invention last Saturday. It was out of this world!
 5 Mum’s initial innovation / reaction to tablets was that she didn’t need one. Now she uses hers every day.
 6 The hotel equips / provides guests with a packed lunch for their walking tour of the city.
 7 Using a touch / digital screen is so much easier than using a mouse.
 8 Taxi drivers think one of the greatest recent inspirations / inventions is GPS.
 9 I wonder what new devices inventors will blast off / come up with in the near future.
10 His talk on developments in the space programme was so inspirational / imaginative that I have decided
to become an astronaut.

B Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

 1 My technician has been fixing my laptop all day, but he ___ by six this evening.
a  will be finishing b  will have finished c  is going to have been finished
 2 From past experience, I know that if Hazel doesn’t start studying, she ___ fail the course.
a  will be b  is going to c  will have
 3 As soon as he ___ here, we’ll cut the birthday cake.
a gets b  will have got c  will be getting
 4 It’s much too cold in here. ___ turn up the heating control?
a  Am I going to b  Will I have c  Shall I
 5 At this time next week, Fiona ___ on a beach, sipping a cool drink and reading a fashion magazine.
a  will have been sitting b  will sit c  will be sitting
 6 I won’t call you ___ I have some news.
a until b when c  by the time
 7 He knows he’s running late, but has promised he ___ the program by the end of the working day.
a  will have been installed b  will install c  will have installed
 8 You should remove the battery from your laptop when you ___ on the mains or it will destroy it.
a  are being worked b work c  will have worked
 9 Move that mobile phone away from the edge of the table or it ___ off and might break.
a  will be falling b  will be fallen c  is going to fall
10 One day, hopefully in the not so distant future, all housework ___ by robots.
a  will be done b  is being done c  will have been done

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C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Use the correct future tense.

Hi Jane,

Guess what! I’ve just decided I 1 ___________ (study) to become a medical technician. I like working in a
café, but the pay isn’t very good and I’m sure I 2 ___________ (never/get) promotion. So it’s time for a
career change. I think the starting pay for medical technicians 3 ___________ (be) almost twice what I make

So, here’s the plan. The course 4 ___________ (start) next January, so I 5 ___________ (work) really hard to
save up enough money for it. If I cut down on eating out and forget about going away on holiday,
I 6 ___________ (save) up enough money by the end of the year. It’s a one-year-course, which means in two
years’ time I 7 ___________ (make) the money back that I paid for the course. I might even be able to take
you on holiday!

Have I lost my mind? Give your honest opinion when you 8 ___________ (have) time to think about this.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



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Unit 5
A Choose the correct word, a, b, c or d.
1 J ohnny has always dreamt of winning an Oscar, but this is just a ___ that will never happen as he doesn’t
have the confidence to perform in public.
a goal b fantasy c hope d drive
2 Miriam is one of the most ___ actresses on the stage today and always receives great reviews from the
a accomplished b best-selling c bankrupt d wealthy
3 Georgia is ___ to become a fighter pilot even though her parents aren’t too keen on the idea.
a celebrated b renowned c devoted d determined
4 The actors cleverly improvised the script of the play and gave ___ performances every night.
a flawless b arrogant c influential d valuable
5 The film is a ___ and has had incredible success at the box office.
a loss b flop c blockbuster d gift
6 Have you ever wondered what ___ people to want to be on a reality TV show?
a motivates b persists c idolises d envies
7 You have to be talented to be a good writer, but you have to be ___                      , too.
a tiring b achieved c infamous d inspired
8 Phillip was born into poverty, but made an absolute ___ by the time he was thirty.
a fortune b profit c progress d failure

B Complete the sentences using the words below.

can’t have  have to  might not have  must have  needn’t have  

should  shouldn’t have  wasn’t able to

1 You ___________ finished already! You’ve only just started!

2 He ___________ spoken so loudly. We’re not deaf.
3 He ___________ open the zip file although he tried for at least half an hour.
4 She ___________ left the office yet. Her computer is still on.
5 Mary obviously has natural talent, but she ___________ had some singing lessons at some point.
6 I really don’t think you ___________ buy that laptop. It costs a fortune.
7 In my opinion, he ___________ thrown in the towel. I thought he had a good chance of winning.
8 If he decides on a career in the army, he will ___________ get his hair cut.

C Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the words
in bold.
1 I’m positive everybody has studied modal verbs.
Everybody ________________ modal verbs.
2 It’s possible he wasn’t feeling motivated.
He ________________ feeling motivated.
3 Was it possible for you to make any progress on that project?
Were ________________ progress on that project?
4 In the end, it wasn’t necessary to buy as much bread as I did.
In the end, I ________________ bought as much bread as I did.

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 5 I’m sure he worked his socks off to get where he is today.
He ________________ socks off to get where he is today.
 6 You’re fit as a fiddle. How about helping me move this weekend?
You’re fit as a fiddle. ________________ me move this weekend?
 7 He used to be a real high-flyer, but it looks like his company is about to go bankrupt.
He used to be a real high-flyer, but it seems his company ________________ bankrupt.
 8 It isn’t necessary for you to finish the project today. The deadline isn’t until next week.
You ________________ the project today. The deadline isn’t until next week.
 9 Do you think it’s a good idea to set your sights on making your first million by the age of thirty?
Do you really ________________ set your sights on making your first million by the age of thirty?
10 I’m sure he didn’t forget to do his homework. He’s an excellent student!
He ________________ do his homework. He’s an excellent student!

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Unit 6
A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in bold.
  1 S
 ome people are just not good at telling jokes or amusing stories, but ___________ have to be great
at it.   COMEDY
  2 W
 e need to have this ___________ looked at by an expert since we don’t know anything about
hieroglyphics.  INSCRIBE
  3 T
 he ___________ of the Dead Sea Scrolls happened between 1946 and 1956, and they are considered to be
one of the greatest discoveries of the last century.   EXCAVATE
  4 T
 he blood tests will be taken to the lab and we will have the results of their ___________ by next
Tuesday.  ANALYSE
  5 H
 erodotus, sometimes referred to as the world’s first ___________, lived from 480 until
  6 T
 he ___________ in his new book are so realistic. It’s much easier to imagine what the ancient ruins used to
look like.   ILLUSTRATE
  7 T
 he police believe his travel documents are not real, but they have no ___________ evidence as yet, so they
can’t arrest him.   CONCLUDE
  8 T
 he documentaries on this TV channel tend to be quite ___________ as they are all on the same
themes.  REPEAT

B Circle the correct words.

 1 These figures do not seem to be accurate / concise. Please check them again.
 2 I need a(n) objective / subjective opinion, not an opinion from someone who is personally involved.
 3 I wanted to visit the Pyramids this summer, but I was put off / taken over by the idea of extreme heat and
decided to go in winter.
 4 How do we know these coins are authentic / accurate? He says they are from ancient Egypt but they
could be copies.
 5 The fall of the Berlin Wall was a historic / conclusive moment in the twentieth century.
 6 We’re going to make an early start tomorrow and set off / set up at seven in the morning.
 7 Dinosaurs took over / died out many years ago.
 8 He has a lot of education / knowledge of ancient artefacts from the Bronze Age.
 9 Many Egyptians of royal birth were buried in excavations / tombs.
10 Statisticians need facts, so they only want to work with analytical / theoretical data.

C Complete the sentences with the correct question tag.

 1 The emperor’s possessions were discovered in the tomb, ___________?
 2 You’re from England, ___________?
 3 Carbon dating isn’t always reliable, ___________?
 4 She wants to become an archaeologist, ___________?
 5 The cut hasn’t become infected, ___________?
 6 You don’t happen to know how old King Tut was when he died, ___________?
 7 I have to rewrite this essay, ___________?
 8 They are going on an archaeological dig in November, ___________?
 9 He didn’t enjoy the National History Museum very much, ___________?
10 Everyone is ready to go, ___________?
11 I’m not going to have enough time to go on the trip, ___________?
12 Let’s make our own time capsule, ___________?

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Unit 7
A Complete the sentences with these words.

disasters  aftershocks  hurricane  casualties  head  
earth  warning  weather  caution  hailstones

 1 Be realistic! You’ve always got your ___________ in the clouds.

 2 After the earthquake there were a series of ___________ that also caused some damage.
 3 Some ___________ were so big in last night’s storm that car windscreens were broken.
 4 Natural ___________ are not always covered by insurance companies.
 5 He threw ___________ to the wind and asked the most popular girl in the class to go bowling.
 6 It is said to be quite calm in the eye of a ___________.
 7 Luckily, nobody died and there were few ___________ in the flood last week.
 8 I’m feeling a bit under the ___________. Maybe I’ve caught a cold.
 9 He’s so down to ___________                , which is a quality I appreciate in a person.
10 There is a severe weather ___________ forecast for this weekend.

B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
 1 He denied ___________ (rob) the bank and claimed he was visiting his grandmother at the time.
 2 He refused ___________ (go) back into the flat for three days after the earthquake.
 3 You’d better ___________ (secure) the windows. There were hurricane warnings on the news.
 4 Oh, no. I forgot ___________ (bring) an umbrella and it looks like we’re in for a thunderstorm.
 5 My parents won’t let me ___________ (stay) out late except on Saturdays.
 6 How have you been? I haven’t ___________ (see) you for ages and was just thinking about you the other
 7 It’s not safe enough ___________ (go) to the beach yet after the tsunami two days ago.
 8 He stopped ___________ (smoke) three weeks ago and has noticed a big difference in his health.
 9 Yesterday, I was made ___________ (clean) my room before I could go to the beach.
10 He thinks he can hook up the washing machine without ___________ (look) at the instructions.

C Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the words
in bold.
 1 This is the worst wildfire we’ve had in decades.
We haven’t had a wildfire ________________ in decades.
 2 It was such a strong tsunami that many boats in the harbour were totally destroyed.
The tsunami was ________________ many boats in the harbour were totally destroyed.
 3 It was too hot for me to enjoy the excursion.
It was ________________ didn’t enjoy the excursion.
 4 I’ve never been to such an informative talk on what to do in case of an earthquake.
That is ________________ been to on what to do in case of an earthquake.
 5 That’s the best pizza I’ve ever had in my entire life.
I’ve never ________________ pizza in my entire life.

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 6 The magnitude of the earthquake was so low that it didn’t cause any damage.
The magnitude of the earthquake was ________________ cause any damage.
 7 Judging from how dark the sky was, we thought the storm would be much heavier.
Judging from how dark the sky was, the storm ________________ we had thought it would be.
 8 No other students in the world are as brilliant as my classmates and I.
My classmates and I are _______________ students in the world.

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Unit 8
A Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets.

Nowadays, it is not 1 ___________ (usual) to find more and more people turning to the Internet to get the
news rather than the mainstream media on TV. They do not feel 2 ___________ (satisfy) that the news on TV is
objective. While it may be true that it can be a bit 3 ___________ (risk) to trust what is on the Net, at least there
are many reports with a wide variety of opinions.
Additionally, possibly for economic reasons, traditional newspapers seem to be losing favour with the public
as well, although most of them also have an online version of each 4 ___________ (publish). In fact, some
newspapers only have their content available online, in which case their 5 ___________ (edit) tend to allow a
wider range of opinions. This gives 6 ___________ (journal) more freedom to report on anything they want.
Another advantage of the Internet is the speed news can spread as the general public can upload videos on
social media of events, such as 7 ___________ (nature) disasters, within minutes of the event happening.
So, where do you get your news from? How much longer do you think traditional TV news broadcasting can
survive before it is replaced with yet another 8 ___________ (real) show?

B Circle the correct words.

 1 A new Harry Potter book has just come out / turned out, but this one has been written as a play.
 2 There is an excellent photography publication / exhibition on at the Museum of Modern Art.
 3 Did you see last night’s episode / series of that new comedy? It was hilarious!
 4 Heavy / Strong rain is forecast for tomorrow.
 5 The columnist / author of this book has a great sense of humour, so it makes for enjoyable reading.
 6 Many people distrust politics / politicians and don’t believe a word that comes out of their mouths.
 7 Here’s the report from our war correspondent / reporter from the other side of the globe.
 8 He’s not convinced yet, but I think he can be brought round / tune in to my view eventually.
 9 Please check the statistics / figures on this account because the total seems rather high.
10 My brother is going to pick me up / out at the airport so I won’t have to take the bus into town.

C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
 1 It is my pleasure to inform you that you ________________ (accept) for the job.
 2 I couldn’t go to the beach yesterday because my car ________________ (service).
 3 The media ________________ (think) by some to be one-sided and not objective.
 4 If you missed it last night, the documentary ________________ (broadcast) again next Friday at 9 p.m.
 5 My report is ________________ (hand in) by next Monday at the latest.
 6 A statement ________________ (give) to the press next week.
 7 It ________________ (know) that eating a nutritious diet makes you feel better.
 8 He ________________ (award) a medal of honour for bravery in battle last week.
 9 I ________________ (shock) to see my friend being interviewed on the news last night.
10 The publisher will fire Joe if they ________________ (give) another article about his pets!

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Unit 9
A Circle the correct words.
 1 He got the sack / got hired for always being late. It’s his own fault really.
 2 We haven’t taken on / laid off any staff because the company is having a bit of financial difficulty.
 3 The Metro is on strike / in denial so we’ll have to take the bus.
 4 There’s a job application / vacancy coming up at my school soon. Are you interested?
 5 The pension / retirement age has been raised by five years because people are living longer.
 6 Some people do volunteer / assistant work out of the goodness of their hearts and say the rewards are
worth much more than money.
 7 I’m absolutely thrilled I got the job. It’s the position / opportunity of a lifetime.
 8 My brother works in a factory and his shift / position changes every two weeks so he keeps rather
strange hours.
 9 You are certainly the most suitable applicant / reference for the job. When can you start?
10 We have checked out his colleagues / references and everything seems to be in order.
11 I could never take a job that involved a lot of travel / hard work. I hate being away from home too long
12 Unfortunately, many workers have been made sacked / redundant because the economy is in such
a mess.

B Change the following from direct speech into reported speech.

 1 ‘Where do you live?’
He wanted _________________________________________________________________________________________________
 2 ‘You absolutely cannot go out until your room is spotless.’
His mother told _______________________________________________________________________________________________
 3 ‘Do you think I have any chance of getting the job?’
He wondered _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 4 ‘Did your company launch a new product last week?’
He asked me _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 5 ‘Will you be seeing him at the office party this evening?’
He asked ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 6 ‘I plan on going on holiday for two weeks this November.’
He said _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 7 ‘I was walking through the park yesterday when I saw an old friend I hadn’t seen in years.’
He said he _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 8 ‘Could you possibly help me fill out this application?’
He asked me _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

C Change the sentences into reported speech using the following reporting verbs.

advise  deny  offer  promise  refuse  remind  suggest  wonder

 1 ‘How about going to the cinema tonight?’ Kenneth asked me.

Kenneth _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 2 ‘Can I give you a hand with this report?’ said my colleague.
My colleague _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 3 ‘If you’re good, I’ll buy you an ice cream later,’ said the boy’s mother
His mother ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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 4 ‘I won’t take this job even for all the money in the world,’ said Douglas.
Douglas _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 5 ‘Please don’t forget to pick up bread on your way home from school today,’ his aunt told him.
His aunt _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 6 ‘It’s not a good idea to be checking your personal emails during working hours,’ said the boss.
The boss ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 7 ‘Do you think I should send an email or just call him?’ asked Jane.
Jane __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 8 ‘I certainly didn’t eat my homework. It was the dog that ate it!’ said the student.
The student ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Unit 10
A Complete the letter with the words below.

range  caravan  departure  hiking  landscape  
locals  rucksack  site  tour  track

Dear Prudence,
Just wanted to drop you a line to tell you how my trip has been going so far.
As you know, I didn’t take a suitcase but decided on a 1 ___________ instead. I’m so glad I did because it’s been
so much easier to carry around, particularly since I like to go off the beaten 2 ___________ where there aren’t
a lot of tourists.
I went 3 ___________ through the Taygetos mountain 4 ___________ and although it was tiring, it was well worth
it. It was so peaceful. I also visited the ancient castle of Mystras, which was incredible. The 5 ___________ are
so friendly. Even though it’s difficult to communicate at times, I seem to be able to make myself understood
because most people there can speak English.
Back in Athens, I went on a one-day coach 6 ___________ to Delphi. It wasn’t very informative although it was
interesting to see the ancient 7 ___________ of the oracles. I plan to read up on it when I get back.
I was wondering if you would consider hiring a 8 ___________ with me next time and we can go up to northern
Greece. I’ve heard the 9 ___________ is breathtaking and there’s this place called Meteora that I’m dying to see.
My 10 ___________ is supposed to be at the end of this month, but I might just stay a bit longer!
Take care,

B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in bold.
1 He’s so ___________ and simply cannot handle any sudden change of plans.   METHOD
2 Chicago is well-known for its ___________. There are some fantastic buildings in the city.   ARCHITECT
3 T
 here is a lack of ___________ on some remote islands so you had better book well in
4 James booked his tour through a travel ___________ in the centre of Glasgow.   AGENT
5 A
 ___________ has gone missing in the Alps and a search party has been organised to try to find
6 All ___________ to the museum must go through a security check.   VISIT
7 I’ll meet you at the ___________ gate at twelve. Don’t be late!   DEPART
8 The synchronised swimming team swam in perfect ___________ and their timing was perfect.   FORM

C Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
1 It’s a pity you didn’t bring a map.
If only ________________ a map.
2 He drives me crazy with all his talk about an alien invasion.
I ________________ always talk about an alien invasion.
3 I didn’t call you because I don’t have your number.
If I ________________ called you.
4 I can’t go on holiday this year because I can’t afford it.
If I ________________ go on holiday this year.
5 Luckily, no one saw us. Otherwise we would be in big trouble.
If someone ________________ in big trouble.

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 6 I’m terribly sorry, but you don’t have a boarding pass so I can’t let you on this flight.
I’m terribly sorry, but if ________________ you on this flight.
 7 She loves eating fish, so she has taken up fishing.
If she ________________ taken up fishing.
 8 It’s a crying shame you can’t get the time off work to come with us.
I wish you ________________ come with us.
 9 I didn’t get round to doing my homework and now my teacher is very upset with me.
If I ________________ my homework, my teacher wouldn’t be so upset with me.
10 You’re exhausted because you were crazy enough to go on the hiking trip.
If you hadn’t been crazy enough to go on the hiking trip, ________________ exhausted.

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Unit 11
A Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.
 1 My wallet was stolen by a ___ on the bus once.
a murder b pickpocket c defendant
 2 He could not come up with any ___ for where he had been at the time of the crime.
a motive b sentence c alibi
 3 I don’t know where the phrase ___ sense came from when so many people don’t seem to have any.
a common b ordinary c logical
 4 He’s a cat ___, which does not mean he steals cats. He robs the upper floors of houses.
a convict b burglar c theft
 5 Ignorance of the law is no ___. You can’t just say you didn’t know it was illegal.
a trial b excuse c case
 6 Just choose one! Why is it so hard for you to come to a ___?
a conviction b verdict c decision
 7 Criminals often return to the ___ of the crime.
a scene b motive c evidence
 8 The case was dismissed owing to a lack of ___.
a witness b evidence c convict
 9 He ___ guilty to the crime so he got a lighter sentence.
a pled b read c claimed
10 It isn’t ___ the law to avoid doing your homework but it should be.
a opposite b above c against
11 He didn’t have to go to prison but he was placed under house ___ for six months.
a arrest b investigation c record
12 The police have closed off the area to the public because they’re looking for ___ to help them
to solve the crime.
a complaints b clues c decisions

B Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

This is a true story. I once met a man 1 ___ name I don’t remember because it was a long time ago. We were
both originally from the same city, 2 ___ gives you a connection 3 ___ you’re abroad and you meet somebody
from the same place 4 ___ you’re from.
Anyway, the reason 5 ___ he was abroad was because he had committed a crime for 6 ___ he might have gone
to prison. The crime was robbery.
Here’s how he almost got caught. He was robbing a children’s clothing shop 7 ___                              , in the middle of the robbery,
he opened the small fridge in the shop and made himself a sandwich. The police, 8 ___ investigated the crime,
had found his fingerprints on the fridge. Honestly, 9 ___ does that?
So he left the country before he had to appear in court. He told me that when the statute of limitations,
 ___ is the time period that you can be tried for a crime, was up, he would go back.
I never saw him again, 11 ___ is probably a good thing although he was actually quite pleasant.
Well, now you know. Don’t make yourself a sandwich 12 ___ you’re in the middle of a robbery, or at least
remember to wear gloves.
 1 a whose b who’s c that
 2 a which b that c who
 3 a when b where c while
 4 a when b whose c that
 5 a why b which c where
 6 a when b why c which
 7 a where b  when c that

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 8 a  who b  when c whose
 9 a  what b who c why
10 a when b that c which
11 a when b that c which
12 a that b  when c which

C Rewrite the sentences using a suitable participle clause to replace the words in bold.
 1 Who are those men who are being led away in handcuffs?

 2 The castle which was built in 1639 is now a famous tourist attraction.

  3 After the detectives found his fingerprints at the scene of the crime he was soon arrested.

 4 The man who was sentenced to ten years was, in fact, innocent.

  5 They robbed a bank and made their getaway on a motorcycle.


  6 When we had finished the cleaning, we decided to bake a cake.


 7 The detective who was assigned to investigate the murder soon solved the case.

 8 The student who was attempting to cheat on the test was made to do fifty exercises on phrasal verbs.

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Unit 12
A Circle the correct answer.
1 The blouse fits / suits me, but do you have it in any other colour? I look terrible in beige.
2 The bride walked down the catwalk / aisle at church in a lovely designer gown.
3 Having lost a lot of weight, she had her jeans taken in / off.
4 He had on a checked / striped suit and he reminded me of a zebra.
5 That colour really fits / suits you. You should wear it more often.
6 I’d like to get a refund / discount on this purchase because it was a gift and I’ll never wear it.
7 I’d be quite willing to give you your money back, madam, if you had the purchase / receipt.
8 I don’t have enough money to afford / hire designer clothes, but I wish I did.

B Complete the text with these words.

bargain  catalogue  exchange  fit  high heels  purchase
quality  receipt  shopaholics  smart  try on  wear out

I hate shopping. I know many people enjoy it and some people love it so much they become real 1 ___________
but, personally, I hate it.
Anyway, the other day I had no choice. My most comfortable shoes were really starting to 2 ___________.
I could still wear them casually, but they were not 3 ___________ enough to wear at work. I have found that you
really have to 4 ___________ shoes to make sure they 5 ___________ so buying shoes online or ordering from a
___________ was out of the question. Off to the centre I went.
Surprisingly enough, I found a pair within half an hour that were good 7 ___________ and exactly what I wanted.
They were also a real 8 ___________ because the shop was going out of business and you can imagine how
crowded it was. The salesperson put my 9 ___________ in a bag and I was quite proud of myself for having
accomplished my mission so quickly.
On Monday morning, I was getting ready for work and, of course, had planned to wear my new shoes.
I opened the bag and inside was a pair of bright red 10 ___________. Don’t get me wrong. They were lovely, but
they’re the kind of shoes I never wear because I’d break my neck within seconds. I had obviously been given
the wrong bag and would have to 11 ___________ them.
So after work, in my old shoes, it was back to the centre. Luckily, I had the 12 ___________ and I was hoping they
still had the shoes I had wanted.
You’re not going to believe this, but the shop had closed down for good. Naturally, I hate shopping even more
now but, by the way, would you happen to be interested in a pair of red shoes for your next birthday?

C Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the one above it using the word in bold.
 1 She was going to make the dress herself but her mother did it in the end.
She was going to make the dress herself but ________________ in the end.
 2 Celebrities rarely do their own makeup before an awards show.
Celebrities usually ________________ before an awards show.
 3 He was handsome as well as being talented.
He was not ________________ talented.
 4 She made her brother do his chemistry homework.
Her brother ________________ homework.

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 5 We should have left 10 minutes ago.
It’s ________________ left.
 6 These trousers are too long. The tailor will take them up.
These trousers are too long. I ________________ up.
 7 If you join the army, they’ll make you get a haircut.
If you join the military, ________________ get a haircut.
 8 My laptop is overheating, so my brother is taking it to the technician.
My laptop is overheating, so I’m ________________ technician.
 9 The clothes in that shop are good quality and they have a good range as well.
Not only ________________ they also have a good range.
10 I have never seen such a weird hairstyle in all my life!
At no time in my life ________________ weird hairstyle!

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Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Vocabulary/Grammar activities

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