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Jeopardy Questions

Fiber and Function

1. These primary afferent nociceptive fibers are myelinated

a. What are A delta fibers
2. These fibers mediate burning, dull, diffuse pain
a. What are C fibers
3. Light touch, pressure, and vibration are a few of these fibers’ functions
a. What are A beta fibers
4. The cell bodies of the primary afferent fibers are located here
a. What is the dorsal root ganglia
5. These fibers are implicated in the phenomenon of phenotypic switch
a. What are the A beta fibers

What goes up, must come down

1. Primary afferent fibers enter the spinal cord and initially travel in this pathway
a. What is Lissauer’s Tract
2. Another name for Rexed Lamina II
a. What is the sustantia gelatinosa
3. A delta and C fibers terminate mostly in the dorsal horn of these laminae
a. What are laminae I and II
4. Primary relay path for nociceptive input from the spinal cord to the supraspinal level
a. What is the spinothalamic tract
5. Target for spinal cord stimulators
a. What are the dorsal horn or columns

Where Can I Stick This Needle

1. Patient presents with spinal stenosis and DDD

a. What is an epidural steroid injection
2. Eye of the Scotty dog is the target for this nerve block
a. What is the medial branch nerve block
3. Ohhhh, my pancreas hurts
a. What is the celiac plexus block
4. Palpable taut bands are a common target
a. What are trigger points
5. Tegretol did not help my facial pain, now what?
a. What is a trigeminal nerve block

Define This

1. Skinny pants syndrome

a. What is meralgia paresthetica
2. Unpleasant altered or abnormal sensations
a. What are dysesthesias
3. Pathology of the spinal nerve root
a. What is radiculopathy
4. 4 A’s of pain management
a. What are analgesia, ADLs, adverse effects, and aberrant behavior
5. I don’t feel it…but it still hurts
a. What is anesthesia dolorosa

Please Give Me a Sign

1. Flexion, abduction, external rotation

a. What is Patrick’s or FABER test
2. Lasegue’s test is also known as this
a. What is the straight leg raise test
3. Hip flexion, adduction, internal rotation
a. What is the Piriformis test
4. Hang my leg off the table and flex my opposite hip
a. What is the Gaenslen’s test
5. Doc, that needle is making my nerve jump
a. What is a local twitch response

Drugs, Inc.

1. Approximately 9% of Caucasians do not have the enzyme to break down this drug
a. What is codeine
2. Methadone is associated with this cardiac dysrhythmia
a. What is QT prolongation/Torsades de point
3. This metabolite is implicated in hyperalgesia
a. What is morphine-3-glucuronide
4. Do not crush, break, or chew these
a. What are long acting opioids
5. Target site of action for gabapentin and pregabalin
a. What is the Alpha 2 delta subunit on the Ca channel

Final Jeopardy

1. The 5 C’s of Addiction

a. Chronicity, impaired control, compulsive use, continued use despite harm, craving

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