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I. Answer the following questions.

Q.1. what are Header and Footer?

Ans: i. The Header allows you to put the title of document at
the top of the page.
ii. The Footer gives you the option to insert page number
on every page. The Footer is printed at bottom of page.

Q.2. write down the steps you would take to insert the date in
your document using the Header and Footer option?
Ans: To insert the date in your document are:
i. Select the Insert tab
ii. Select the’ Date and Time’ option from the Text group.
iii. A different date format will appear in the Date and Time
iv. Select the appropriate format.
v. Click on the OK button.
Q.3. what is the use of Bullets and numbering option?
Ans: The ‘Bullets and Numbering’ feature of word helps you to
make your document more readable and easier to
understand. When you manually number the items in a list,
word converts the typed numbers to automatic
numbering. If you begin paragraph with bullet, another
bullet automatically appears on the next line when you
press the Enter key at the end of the paragraph.

Q.4. Write a short note on the ‘Change case’ function in word.

Ans: Word has an option to change the case of the text without
typing the entire text again. Other cases are Sentence
case, Title case and Toggle case.

II. Fill in the blanks.

1. The Header or Footer can include text or graphics.

2. The ‘Date and Time’ option from the Text group.
3. Word has an in – built dictionary.

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