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The Tent Talk: 08/07/2020


Many young people are faced with societal pressure. By societal, I mean from family, friends, school etc.

So much expectation is placed on their shoulders and there is a constant threat of failure to succeed in life.

In today’s tent talk we will be having a friendly discussion with a panel that I have deep respect for on a topic
that I am very passionate about.

Our society identifies with us on the basis of our success, churches now

1. Is your destiny in your hands, the hands of God or it’s just something that falls into place
2. How do we define purpose as a key to evading pressure
3. What is the biggest area of life you feel pressured?
4. Do the females face a different level of pressure in respect to the male?
5. Why does the burden of child bearing rest on the female? If a man is married and the wife doesn’t give
birth, why does the society attribute this to the female? Even if she gives birth and gives birth to only
females, we still look at the lady as If she’s wrong somewhere;
6. How do you deal personally with pressure?
7. Do you think that this generation and the one to come have been made softer? They complain too
much about everything rather than find solutions? Resilience and Grit seems to have ebbed away from
their dictionary
8. Are you scared of failure? If yes, what do you define as failure?
9. Could pressure be positive also?
10. Thinking about Europeans now, I happen to work in a family company built since 1821 and there has
been a succession of success passed from generation to generation. The kids have grown in an
environment of freedom and expression We as Africans on the other hand are handed over a
responsibility rather than an inheritance. Once you go to school or at a stage, you start by carrying your
families problems, hustling to pay nieces school fees and taking care of your aged parents, and thus not
necessarily having the time to plan your life according to your desire, do you see any fault in this
11. Pressure to perform leads to drug use, sleep abuse, disorders and other unholy and unbeneficial vices
12. Social medias pressure, 57% says social media creates a pressure to succeed, 46% says comparing their
lives to friends on social media makes them inadequate. Abstaining leads to loneliness and this could
lead to mental health also right? We present an avatar to the world which is distant from our real life.
13. What is success to you? Your definition of Success;
14. Role of family. Family causes as much problems as they heal them and for this reason many young
people don’t call home for advise anymore

John 7:5 – His brothers didn’t believe him.

Are you really trying to prove it to people or just to yourself? We are always in a position that requires that we
prove ourself.
Pressure to post? When so n so happens, are you going to post about it? Posting about it is not necessarily
changing it. Purposely stay away from certain mindsets. Some people would start churches only because they
want to prove something and not because they necessarily have it in them and this leads to pressure



What leads to them?

Who we really are comes out when we are under pressure James 1:2-4.

Maturity comes from what you’ve gone through and how you dealt with it. Greatest leaders are chosen from
the level of difficulty they faced. Difficulty makes you. Your best traits are reveled in the midst of challenges.

Col 4:2

My point.

I think it’s the little things that pressures us and really not the big things.

Some of us are really good at making mountains out of small problems, u don’t find your key, it’s a problem,
kids drop cloths of the ground it’s a problem, traffic ruins your whole day, u make a war out of everything and
then its just natural for u to overpressure yourself and then leads to frustration. In the big picture, if its just a
sock on the chair, pick it up, not a big deal, your wife presses the toothpaste from the middle, adjust it and
leave it there, its not enough to loose your cool over. If u continue focusing on what is wrong or what people
do wrong, then u will never see a right or good quakities.

Only this way can u enjoy your life more, people don’t change from our complains, but when u encourage
people, kind and understanding, then u sow a seed of change. WE ALL HAVE SPEC. STRENGTH BUT don’t let
that be your weekeness.

Don’t make a big deal over anything that is not a big do you hear God when u are upset or frustrated?
U need peace to hear God. Why are u grumpy.

Categorise your problems, 5 mins, 5 hours, 5 days, 5 years….your level of maturity is seen by how much you

All of us have a pressure rating:

The Lord wont put more on you than what you can bear meaning there is a weight load that can be too much
for you and when its too much, that’s when we need someone to help us with us but most times this people
disappoint us.

Jesus in the garden of gethsemane Math 26:36-46

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