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}A Braveness of Heart

Insight on the missionary journey of Fr. Jan Couvreur, CICM.

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} A Braveness of Heart

Third, it’s about the unworthiness. He said to

me, “am I doing this for myself or my
A Braveness of people?” I considered this as one of my
insight because it is true that as a missionary
Heart what I will do is not the work of myself but
the work of God through me. Like what
Insight on the missionary journey of Mother Theresia said that “I am the pen in
Fr. Jan Couvreur, CICM. the hand of God.” I am just His tool that he
used to write. Without Him, I am nothing.

Last week was the week that I’ll always Fourth, it’s a support. He considered himself
remember because in this week I got an as not a single fighter. He needs the support
opportunity to hear amazing story from our from the people and from confreres. They
elderly especially from my partner Fr. Jan helped him a lot when he faced the problem.
Couveur. For two days, I was really enjoyed It is true that I, in my vocation journey,
this occasion. cannot stand until now if I walk alone or I
just use my own strength without the support
In this reflection, I want to reflect the insights from others.
I got from the story of my partner. First, it’s a
prayer. Every time I hear about a religious Fifth, it’s giving the people not the fish, but
life, prayer will never absent as the best the fishing rod. As a missionary, we go there
source of strength. Prayer help them in the not to give what they want but to teach them
difficulties moment in their life as a religious how to do something. This needs a creativity.
missionary. Through prayer, we can calm our That’s why it is good to improve myself for
self and the most important is we can the preparation of my future missionary
encounter god in it. journey. By doing this it is also a sign of
loving the mission we are sent to.
Second, it’s the braveness of heart to stand
and fight for the injustice, the poor, and Finally, it’s about serving the local church.
environment. I really get inspired by the We go to our mission not to gain benefit just
story Fr. Jan told me. How he fought the for our self but the most important is to
corrupt politician, stood for the poor, and develop or to serve the local church. This is
went against the corrupt government on what makes us as a CICM is different from
illegal logging. Many times, those people others. It does not just think or work for our
threaten him. Some even wanted to take his own congregation but also the local church
life. However, he did not surrender or run we serve.
away. He did not life the people he served. I By Dicky Lmuda.
admired this braveness and the courage he
has. In my deepest heart, I ask myself “can I
have that braveness also?”

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