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}The feeling insight on

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} The feeling insight on Genogram

strong brothers who are not easily give up when they

faced a problem.
The feeling insight on Genogram
At the end this genogram really open myself to look
[Type the Document Subtitle] deeper to myself and my brothers. It gives a lot and
help me to know and form myself better.

The Feeling Inside Me

Before, I did not have any idea about genogram when

my co-novices talked about it. I thought it was a kind
of pshycho-consoling. I did not even think to related it
to family. However, after this session I am understand
what genogram is. My feeling when I heard the story
of my co-novices about their genogram make me
somehow to put myself in what they had experienced.
For it was a blessing to hear that story about how they
struggled, their emotion when talk about their family.
Somehow it strikes myself to a new point to
understand my co-novices.

Before I presented my genogram, I felt nervous. I

thought I could not present it well. I also felt shy to
open my experienced to my brothers. I was afraid that
they would laugh at me and mock me after they know
what happened in my family. However, it was not
happened. I felt relieve because of this and somehow, I
felt relax after I shared it to my brothers. I felt happy
because I can share what I have experienced within
my family to them.

The Insight

This genogram really help me a lot. From my own

genogram, I realized that the weakness I have is not
fully come from my inner self. I realize that my family
have contribute a lot on what I am now. The impact I
have is also related to my family. Before, I thought
this is I. I, myself, who make what I am now. I forgot
that my family have a role to form what is I now. I am
great full for this because it has open myself to realize
the important role of my family toward myself.

From my friend, I have some insight that from their

genogram I can help me to see and become more
understand about them. From their stories, I found a
struggleness they encountered, how they stand firm
even though they got hurt. Their story make me
realize that I am blessed to have a chance live with

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