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Archangel and

New Archangel

Krzysztof Panczyk with John Emms

PuЫished Ьу Everyman PuЫishers, London
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association with Gamblt PuЬlications Ltd, 69 Masbro Road, London W14 OLS.

Copyright © 2000 Кrzysztof Panczyk and Gamblt PuЬlications Ltd

The right of Кrzysztof Panczyk and John Emms to Ье identified аБ the authors of
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Symbols 4
Acknowledgements 4
lntroduction 5

The Archangel (Ьу Krzysztof Panczyk)

1 Archangel with 7 d4 б
2 Archangel with 7 с3: Rare 7th Moves for Вlack 18
3 Archangel with 7 с3 liJxe4: МinorLines 23
4 Archangel with 7 с3 ltJxe4: MainLine (8 d4 ltJa5) 32
5 Archangel with 71:te1: Minor Lines 47
б Archangel with 7 l:te1: MainLine(lOi..g5) 80
7 Archangel with 7 d3 112
8 Archangel: Rare 7th Moves for White 123

The New Archangel and Moller Defence (Ьу John Emms)

9 New Archangel 12б
1О M0ller Defence 14б

Index of Variations 158

Symbol s

+ check Wch world championship

++ douЬle check Ct candidates event
# checkmate IZ interzonal event
!! brilliant move z zonal event
! good move OL olympiad
!? interesting move Ech European championship
?! duЬious move ЕСС European Clubs Cup
? bad move qual quaJifying event
?? Ьlunder tt team toumament
+- White is winning jr junior event
± White is better wom women's event
;!; White is slightly Ьetter rpd rapidplay game
equal position corr. correspondence game
ао unclear position 1-0 the game ends in а win for White
+ Black is slightly better 1/2-112 the game ends in а draw
+ Black is better 0-1 the game ends in а win for Black
-+ Black is winning (n) nth match game
Ch championship (D) see next diagram
Cht team championship


1 (КР) would like to thank those who have helped and supported me in writing this
book. I am very grateful to СС IМ Witold Bielecki for all the games he has given me
and to СС GM Zygmunt Pioch for his games and detailed analyses. Many thanks to my
friend IM Chris Baker for his assistance.
I appreciate all help of my friends Adam Barszcz and Andrzej Prokopczuk, and
Rev. Andrzej Kania for таnу pieces of valuaЬle advice and remarks.
Most of all I would like to thank my parents for their support and my friend Jacek
Ilczuk, who has helped me а lot both in analysis and solving computer proЬlems.

The Archangel Variation (1 е4 е5 2 l2Jf3 lLJcб 3 ii.b5 аб 4 �a4l2Jfб 5 0-0 Ь5 б iLЬЗ

�Ь7) has been known since 1950, when the fust game Kotov-Keres was played. Then
а group of chess-players from Arkhangelsk (after which the line is named), а town in
the north of Russia Ьу the White Sea, made а thorough study of this system. In the
1960s and 1 970s the variation became popu1ar. Major contributions to its development
were made Ьу theoreticians, coпespondence players and strong practica1 chess­
players; I would mention in particular Matsukevich, Lanka, Stein, Bagirov, Gipslis,
Dorfman, Tseshkovsky, Nezhmetdinov, and then Beliavsky, Mikhalchishin, Malaniuk,
Kuzmin, Arkhipov, Gulko, Chiburdanidze, Smirin, Shirov, Anand, Tkachev, Georgiev,
Piket, Onishchuk and Bacrot. There has also been consideraЬ!e input from England,
with such players as Flear, Adams, Short, Chandler and Emms finding таnу interest­
ing ideas in this variation.
I would like to mention the Polish involvement in the development of the Archan­
gel. The following Polish masters have played the Archangel Variation: Kostro (some
analytical articles), GraЬczewski, Lewi, Witkowski, Konikowski (а great many coпe­
spondence games, and an author of а book on the Archangel), Sznapik, Pytel and my­
self, and recently GM Macieja. Worth considering are also the coпespondence games
of СС GM Pioch and СС IM Bielecki, who has worked out his own plan, as well as
ideas of the very creative Polish correspondence player Sek.
The basic idea of this system involves positioning both Ьlack bishops actively.
Black seeks counterplay, while his own king may sometimes Ье in danger as his dark­
squared bishop is not present to defend the kingside, and the king is not entirely secure
on the queenside either. The normal outcome is sharp play with chances for both sides.
One of the good points of the Archangel is that its theory is self-contained ; Black does
not have to know all the branches of the classical Ruy Lopez. The Archangel wiJI ap­
pear, if Black so chooses, after 5 0-0.
А new form of the Archangel (б ... �с5) has its roots in England. The first known
game was played in London in 1 859 Ьetween Lowenthal and Morphy. However, it had
been unfashionaЬ!e for many years, and has been intensively analysed and developed
in recent years, giving it all the characteristics of а brand-new opening. It is discussed
in Chapter 9 of this book Ьу Grandmaster John Emms, who has also contributed Chap­
ter 10, which covers the c1osely related M0ller Variation (5 . .. i.c5). Please note that
there are many possiЬ!e transpositions between these lines and the Archangel. In this
book, all lines that can reasonaЬ!y arise from an Archangel move-order are discussed
in Chapters 1 -8.
Therefore I encourage all players, especially those who like sharp р1ау, to incorpo­
rate the Archangel and New Archangel into their opening repertoire.

Krzysztof Panczyk
1 Arc hangel with 7 d4

1 е4 eS 2l0f3 tt:\cб 3 i.ЬS аб 4 i.a4 ltJf6 must play precise1y to exp1oit the advaп­
5 0-0 bS 6 i.ЬЗ i.b7 7 d4 (D) tages of his positioп. Now:
А1: 10...'i'e8 б
А2: 10...d6 7
АЗ: 10...с5 7
10.. .'�е7 is 1ess accurate than Liпe A l
because o f Matsukevich's recommeпda­
tioп 1 1 i.g5. After 1 1 . . . с5 12 'ir'c3 ( 12
i.xfб? 1oses а piece to 12 ... gxfб ! ) B1ack
has по satisfactory way to equalize:
12 ... dб 1 3 i.xfб gxfб 14 'ii'g 3+ i.g7 1 5
ltJg4 h5 l бl0e3 i.xe4 1 7 lDc3 i s slight1y
better for White; 1 2... .1:.е8 1 3 'ii'b 3+ d5
1 4l0g4 'ii'eб 1 5 lDxfб+ gxfб 1б i.h4 апd
This is the most eпergetic and forciпg Black loses а pawn; or 1 2. . .!D xe4 1 3
move, Ьу which White tries to refute the i.xe7!D xc3 1 4 lDxc3 i.xe7 1 5 1:.fe1 with
who1e system. This variatioп is very im­ а better eпding for White.
portaпt because B1ack has по way to
avoid it. Thankful\y, B1ack has sufficieпt А1)
possiЬilities to obtaiп couпterp1ay. 1 о 'i!feS 1 1 ttJrз

7...ltJxd4 The оп1у move met in practice. 1 1 lDd3

After 7 ... exd4? White сап р1ау 8 е5 'ti'xe4 12 'ti'xe4l0 xe4, 1 1 lDd2 с5 12 'i'c3
ltJg4 9 h3 lDhб 1 О i.xhб gxhб 1 1 i.d5 .ixe4 1 3 1:.е1 d5 апd 1 1 f3? ! с5 1 2 'i'c3
i.g7 12 1:.е1 0-0 1 3l0xd4 with а Ьig ad­ Ь4 13 ..-ь3+ d5 14 f4 с4 all give B1ack
vaпtage (Euwe). very good р1ау.
Now: ll.. .'i'xe4 12 i.gS
А: 8 i.xf7+ б In Fro1ov-Oпishchuk, Alushta 1 992
В: 8 ltJxd4 9 White was not аЬ\е to obtaiп апу advan­
tage after 12 'i'd 1 i.dб 13 ltJbd2 'ifd5 1 4
А) Ь 3 ltJg4 1 5 h3 !D h2 1 б 1:.е1 ltJxfЗ+ 17
8 i.xf7+ 'ihf7 9 ltJxeS+ 'it>g8 10 ..-xf3 ..-хfЗ 1 8l0 xf3 i.xfЗ 1 9 gxfЗ Фf7.
'i'xd4 12 .if4 'ii'xd4 1 3 ltJxd4 .ic5 1 4 lDb3
Although B1ack has the Ьishop-pair, i.Ьб 15 l0 1 d2 Фп l б :tfel .1:.he8 1 7
his pieces occupy slight1y awkward posi­ l 1:.xel + 1 8 1:.хе1 1:.е8 gives B1ack а
tioпs. Iп particu1ar, he may experieпce very good eпding, Chrz-P1esek, Czech
some proЬ\ems with the deve1opment of Cht 1 995.
his kiпg's rook. Iп some variations B1ack's 12...'i'xd4 13 !Dxd4 i.cS 14 сЗ �f7
pawns are а Ьit exposed. Therefore B1ack 15 lDd2 Пhе8 16 J:tfe1 i.Ьб
Archangel with 7 d4 7

Вlack has а good ending, Neukirkh­ This is the main 1ine.

Radulov, Orebro 1 966. 11 'ii'd l
Less good is 1 1 �е3 , which has the
А2) idea that 1 2 'ii'b3+ cannot Ье countered
10 d6
... Ьу 1 2... с4 because of 1 3 li:lxc4. Then:
This new idea does not look bad for а) ЕСО gives 1 1 ... "ii'e8 ! 1 2 �Ь3+ d5
Black. 13 f4 li:lxe4 1 4 li:ld2 с4" 1 5 'i'fЗ .ic5+ 1 6
1 1 li:lf3 Фh 1 li:ld6 +.
Or 1 1 li:ld3 : Ь) 1 1 .. .'�'с7 also looks very good: 1 2
а) 1 1 . . . li:\xe4 1 2 li:lc3 'ii'f6 13 "ii' xf6 _.g3 ( 1 2 'ii'f4? .id6 -+; 1 2 li:lf3 li:lxe4 1 3
(Biolek-Kolar, Katowice 1 993) and now li:\Ьd2 li:lf6 14 Ь З .l:.e8 15 'ii'g5 h 6 1 6 'ii'f5
the simple 1 3 looks ОК. .id6 1 7 .iЬ2 .l:.f8 1 8 ,..g 6 h5 1 9 .l:.fe 1
Ь) 1 1 . . . с5 12 "ii'e3 .1Lxe4 13 li:lc3.1Lg6 .l:.h6 20 'ii'dЗ li:ld5 with good play о п the
оо (or 13 ....1Lf5). kingside for Black, Rudensky-Goleny­
Now (after I 1 li:lf3) Black has several shev, USSR 1 964) 12 . . . li:\xe4 1 3 'i'f4 d5
ways to regain the pawn: 14 li:lfЗ .id6 15 'ii'f5 'ii'f7 16 'i'xf7+
а) 1 1 ... li:\xe4 1 2 .1:.e 1 d5 1 3.1Le3 (Far­ Фхf7 1 7li:�Ьd2 (Hecht-Malaniuk, Mos­
ago-Blasovszky, Budapest 1 993) and now cow 1 995) 17 . . . li:lxd2 gives Black the
Black shou1d р1ау 1 3 ... с5 14 �d3 'ii'f6 1 5 better ending.
с 3.1Ld6. 1 1 'ii'd3 leads to the same variations as
Ь) 1 1 ....1Lxe4 12 "ii'd 1 .1Le7 13 li:lc3 1 1 -..е 3.
.1LЬ7 14 .l:.e1 'i'd7 15 .1Lg5 h6 16 .1Lh4 1 1 .. .'i!fe8
Фh7 1 7-.d3+g6 1 8 .1:.e3 .1:.ae8 1 9.1Lg3 ? ! Black can try 1 1 .. .'it'e7 with similar
li:lh5 2 0 li:ld5 �xd5 2 1 'ii'xd5 .1Lf6 22 ideas, whereas 1 1 . . . d6 1 2 li:lg4 li:\xe4 1 3
.l:.xe8 .l:.xe8 23 с3 .l:.e2 24 .l:.e1 .l:.хЬ2 and f3 li:\g5 14 li:lc3 favours White, Browne­
Black won in Parkanyi-Ailen, Budapest Harandi, Skopje OL 1 972.
1 994. 12 li:lf3
с) 1 l ... c5 (this active move seems After 1 2 li:lg4 Black cannot have any
quite promising for Black) 1 2 'i'e3 and proЬiems. 1 2. . . li:\xg4 1 3 'i'xg4 h5 (gain­
now 12 ...�хе4 13 li:\c3 .ig6 14 li:\h4 .tf7 ing а tempo to develop the rook) and
or 12 .. .'itd7 ! ? with the idea 13 ... .1:.е8. now:
а) 14 'ii'e2 'ii'xe4 1 5 'i!fxe4 .ixe4 1 6
АЗ) с З h4 17 h3 .l:.h5 ! 1 8 .l:.d 1 .ic6 1 9 .ie3
IO cS (D)
.•. .l:.e8 20 li:ld2 .l:.e6 2 1 Фh l .ie7 22 li:lfl
.l:.g6 23 f3 .l:.e5 + Gragger-Matsukevich,
corr. 1 967.
Ь) 14 'i'h3 �хе4 1 5 li:lc3 ( 1 5 а4 'i'g4
w 16 'i'xg4 hxg4 17 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 18 .l:.xa8
.ixa8 19 .l:.d 1 .ic6 20 .if4 Фf7 + Kur­
piewski-Panczyk, Siedlce 1981) 15 .. .'i!fg6
16 .if4 d5 17 .l:.ae1 d4 18 li:\e2 (Dov­
zhik-Vujo�evic, Budapest 1990) 18 . . . .i.d5
gives Black а very good game.
12 . ..-хе4 13 .i.g5
. .

а) 1 3 .1:.е 1 :
8 Archangel and New Archangel

а1) 1 3 . . .'ilid5 14 lL!bd2 с4 (a1so good c l ) l 4 ...lL!g4 15 J:el Ь4 16 'i!t'e2?! (а

is 14 . . . .id6) 15 :te5 'ilif7 (in Matsukev­ speculative sacrifice) and now:
ich's opinion White should play 15 .. Ji'c6 с 11) 16. . .с4 17 tL:!a4 (Vito1in�-Chand­
to hinder the normal moЬi1ization of ler, Jurma1a 1983) and now Black should
White's pieces) 16 lL!g5 'ilig6 17 tL:!dfЗ d6 play 17 ... J:c8, when White does not have
1 8 :te6 h6 19 tL:!h4 'fih5 20 '1/ixh5 tL:!xh5 18 tL:!d4.
21 ltjgf3 .id5 22 :te1 Фf7 23 .id2 tL:!f6 с12) 16 ... Ьхс3 17 '6'с4+ 'itd5 ! 18
24 .ic3 1:tg8 = Khasin-Nezhmetdinov, 'ilixg4 схЬ2 19 :taЬl h5 ! 20 'ii'a4 (the only
USSR 1962. move, keeping an еуе оп the squares d7
а2) l 3 .. .'i'g4 14 а4 ( 1 4 lL!bd2 ! ?), and с4) 20. . .с4 (with ideas of trapping
Eley-Mestel, Hastings 1972, and here White's queen in some variations) 21
l4. . . bxa4 15 tL:!c3 .ixfЗ 16 'ilixf3 'i!i'xfЗ J:e5 'ilif7 22 :txb2 .ixfЗ 23 gxf3 .id6 24
17 gxfЗ and 14 . . . Ь4 15 lL!bd2 d5 look J:e4 '6'xf3 25 'ilixc4+ Фh7 =.

quite good for Black. с2) 14 ... Ь4 !? 15 .ixf6 (15 tL:!e2 h6

Ь) After 13 lL!c3, l 3 . . . 'ilig6 14 .ig5 { also good is 15 ... lL!e4} 16 .ih4 g5 17
transposes to note 'Ь' to Black's 13th .ig3 lte8 18 с3 а5 19 :te1 :th7 20 :tc1
move, and 13 ... 'ft'c6 14 .ig5 to note 'с' to J:he7 21 схЬ4 ахЬ4 22 h3 'iliaб ! gives
B1ack's 13th move. Black а strategically won position, Ger­
13 Ji'f5
.. guri-Кiwv, corr. 1985) 15 ...'6'xf6 16 tL:!d5
Other moves: 'ilif5 17 tL:!e3 'fie6 18 lL!g5 'fic6 19 'i!t'h5
а) 13 ... tL:!d5 has not been sufficiently g6 20 'ilig4 h6 21 tL:!f3 1:te8 22 :tad 1 :th7 !
tested. After 14 lL!bd2 �g6 15 с4 (Dol­ 23 :td3 'fie6 24 :tfd 1 d6 and Black has
gener-Stromer, 2nd Bundes1iga 1 992), the initiative, Gerguri-Кlaic, corr. 1989.
both 15 ... lL!Ь6 and 15 ... ltjЬ4 give B1ack а 14 .ixf6
good position. 14 lL!bd2 cannot Ье dangerous for
Ь) 13 ... 'ilig6 14 lL!c3 (14 .ixf6 'ilixf6 B\ack; e.g., 14... 116 15 .ixf6 'ilixf6 16 1:te1
transposes to the main line) 14 ... :td8: d5 17 lL!e5 .id6 18 tL:!df3 :te8 Obukhov­
Ь1) 15 .ixf6 'ilixf6 16 1:te1 d5 17 'ii'e2 sky-Grabczewski, Dubna 1971.
(17 1:te5 Ь4! 18 tL:!xd5 'ficб 19 lL!e7+ .ixe7 14 'ilixf6

20 1:txe7 1:txd1+ 21 1:txd 1 , Кliavinsh­ l4 . . . gxf6 15 lL!bd2 Фf7 16 tL:!h4 'i!i'd5

Sakovich, Riga 1969, 2 1 ... h6 22 :tdd7 17 с4 Ьхс4 18 tL:!xc4 and now rather than
'fif6 23 1:txb7 'ii'xb2 and Black should l8 ... J:d8? 19 'ith3 1:tg8 20 tL:!fЗ а5 2 1 а4
win the ending), Tarve-Hermlin, 1 965, .ic6 22 1:tad1 :tb8 23 tL:!ce5+ fxe5 24
17 ....id6 18 'fie6+ 'ilixe6 19 1:txe6 h6 and tL:!xe5+ Фе6 25 'fih3+ Фхе5 26 'fih5+
20...Фf7 with good prospects for Black - Фdб 27 1:txd5+ .ixd5 28 1:td1 with а win­
Matsukevich. ning attack for White, Frolov- Yilmaz,
Ь2) 15 .ih4 and then 15 ... d5?! should SimferopollAlushta 1992, Black should
Ье met Ьу 16 tL:!e2 .id6 17 lL!g3 d4 18 а4 play l 8 ...:te8.
hб 19 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 20 1:te1 Фh7 21 .ixf6 15 tL:!c3
'ii'xf6 22 'i!i'd3+ ± Chandler-Flear, British 15 "it'xd7 .ixf3 16 gxf3 J:d8 17 1Vh3
Ch 1983, rather than 16 lL!e5 'ilif5 17 f4 Ь4! gives B1ack very good compensation
d4 1 8 tL:!e2 '6'h5 19 "ii'e1 .ie7 + Kudri­ for the pawn. Sendera-Panczyk, Warsaw
ashov-Bagirov, Kishinev 1964. Instead, 1983 conc1uded 18 аЗ 1:td4 19 .!:е1 h5 20
15 ... Ь4 ! ? 16 tL:!Ы gives Black good с3 1:td3 21 ахЬ4? :thб 22 tL:!a3 1:txf3 23
chances. 'ii'd7 :tg6+ 24 Фh1 :txf2 25 'i'd5+ Фh8
с) 13 ... 'ft'c6 14 tL:!c3 and now: 26 tL:!c4 1:txh2+ 0-1.
Archangel with 7 d4 9

15 .1:.d8

1 5 .. :ilt'c 6 ! ? 16 1:te1 J:td8 17 а4 h5 ! 1 8

ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 9 '11r'd3 h4 gave Black good w
play in Vitolin�-Malaniuk, USSR 1996.
16 %:te1
Another line is 16 а4:
а) 1 б . . . Ь4 1 7 l2Jd5 f// f7 1 8 l2Je3 (Уе
Rongguang recommends 1 8 с4 ЬхсЗ 1 9
l2Jxc3, but after 1 9. . . i.xf3! 1 prefer Black's
position) 1 8. . . i.e7 ( 1 8 ... i.xf3 ! ?) 1 9 l2Je5
'i!r'e6 20 l2Jd3 i.d6 2 1 ЬЗ h5 22 'ii'd2 .l:.h6
23 f4 "i'e4 24 l2Jf2 "i'xf4 25 l2Jfg4 hxg4
26 .l:.xf4 i.xf4 27 gЗ i.e5 (27 . . . i.xg3 !) 81)
28 l2Jf5 i.xal 29 'ilt'g5 ! i.f6 30 l2Jxh6+ 9 с3
Фh7 3 1 'ilt'xc5 Фхh6 + Vito1in�-Кozlov, First played in Fischer-Bisguier, Bue­
1 983. nos Aires 1 970.
Ь) 1 6 ... d5 (ЕСО considers this move 9 l2Jxe4

to Ье the best) 17 ахЬ5 d4 18 liJЫ ахЬ5 Black accepts the challenge. The other
1 9 l2Jbd2 h6 20 .l:.e 1 с4 21 l2Je4 (2 1 .l:.e5? moves are 9 ... d3 10 e5 l2Je4, transposing
сЗ ! 22 l2Je4 i.xe4 23 .l:.xe4 схЫ 24 .I:.Ы to Line В252, and 9 ... d6 (Keres's idea)
dЗ ! + Уе Jiangchuan-Уе Rongguang, 10 cxd4 i.e7.
Beijing 1 99 1 ) 21 ... 'il*'f4 (this is condemned 10 .:et "i'h4!
Ьу Уе Rongguang, who prefers 2 l . . . 'il*'b6 А tactica1 way to solve all proЬ!ems
ао) 22 gЗ 'il*'f5 23 l2Jh4 (23 l2Jxd4 ..txe4 24 connected with the pin on the e-file.
l2Jxf5 .l:.xd 1 +) 2З .. :ir'f7 24 .l:.a7 dЗ and Other moves:
Black's two bishops and the passed pawn а) 1 0 ... i.d6? ! was played in the
may Ье very dangerous; e.g., 25 схdЗ aforementioned garne Fischer-B isguier.
схdЗ 26 'ilt'g4 (perhaps the only way for After 1 1 l2Jd2 ..txh2+ 12 Фfl ! d5 13 "i'h5
White to fight for an advantage is 26 l2Jg6 B1ack tried for а perpetual check Ьу
"i'xgб 27 .l:.xb7 .l:.d4, although the posi­ 13 . . . 0-0?, but this failed: 14 "iixh2 dхсЗ
tion still remains unclear) 26 ... i.c8 27 15 l2Jxe4 dxe4 16 ЬхсЗ с5 17 .l:.еЗ с4 1 8
�g6 'ilt'xg6 28 l2Jxg6 i.Ь4 29 .l:.c 1 i.f5 i.c2 �fб 1 9 .l:.fЗ 'ile6 20 .l:.hЗ �f5 2 1
30 .l:.cc7 i.xg6 3 1 .l:.xg7+ Фf8 32 .l:.xgб i.еЗ .l:.ad8 22 .l:.e1 .l:.d7 23 i.d4 .l:.e8 24
d2 33 .l:.f6+ with а perpetual check. .l:.h5 g5 25 g4 1-0. Тhis idea has not found
16 ... d5 17 �е2 ..td6 18 %:tad1 its supporters since that time. Neverthe­
Frolov-Кhuzman, Ukrainian Ch 1999. less after 1 3 . . . 'i!r'd6 ! the situation is not
18 . . . hб 19 Фhl "i'f7 =. hopeless for Black. White's best is 14 gЗ:
а 1 ) 14 . . .i.xg3 15 i.xd5 i.xd5 16
В) l2Jxe4 i.xe4 1 7 .l:.xe4+ Фf8 1 8 fxgЗ dхсЗ
8 l2Jxd4 exd4 (D) 19 'i!i'fЗ .
White can choose between: а2) 14 . . . 0-0-0 1 5 l2Jxe4 dxe4 16 i.f4
Bl: 9 с3 9 'iWg6 1 7 "i'hЗ+! f5 18 cxd4 i.xgЗ 1 9
В2: 9 eS 10 'i'xgЗ 'ilt'xgЗ 20 ..txgЗ ±.
аЗ) 14 . . . 0-0 1 5 l2Jxe4 ( 1 5 'il*'xh2 dхсЗ
9 i.g5?! h 6 10 i.h4 g5 1 1 i.gЗ с 5 gives 1 6 l2Jxe4 dxe4 17 ЬхсЗ 'i'dЗ+ 18 Фg1
White no compensation for the pawn. 'i'хсЗ 1 9 i.f4 ;!;) 15 ... dxe4 16 i.f4 'i'gб
10 Archangel and New Archangel

( 1 6 . . . 'i*'f6 17 cxd4) 17 'i*'xg6 ! hxg6 1 8 9... lLJe4 (D)

cxd4 е3 ! ? 1 9 1:е2 should Ье good for
а4) 14 .. .'ii' f6 1 5 �xh2 dxc3 16 ltJxe4
dxe4 17 'fi'h5 0-0 18 Ьхс3 'Wxc3 19 .ie3 w
1:ас8 201:ас 1 and White's piece is stron­
ger than B1ack's pawns.
Ь) 10 ... .ie7 1eads to а positiona1 garne
with B1ack's rook and two pawns against
White's Ьishop and knight. 1 1 'Ш'g4 (not
1 1 'i'xd4? 0-0 12 .ie3 { 1 2 1:хе4? .if6
costs White an exchange } 1 2 . . . d5 and
White Ioses а pawn, Pane1o-Siipak, San
Luis 1 995) 1 1 . . . 0-0 12 1:хе4 .ixe4 1 3
'i!t'xe4 .if6 1 4 .id2 1:е8 and now Вlack's Now:
chances are at least equal in all lines: В21 : 10 f3 10
Ы) 1 5 'i'f3 с6 16 cxd4 d5 17 �с3 В22: 1 0 'i'g4 10
.ixd4 1 81:cl 'i'f6 1 9 �xf6 .ixf6 20 Фfl В23: 10 'i'r3 11
(Byrne-Smejkal, Leningrad IZ 1973) and В24: 10 1:е1 11
according to Suetin Black shou1d play В25: 10 с3 14
20 ... d4! 2 1 ltJe2 1:ас8.
Ь2) 15 'Wd3 с5 ! ? 16 .id5 ( 16 с4? d5 821)
17 .ic2 g6 18 схЬ5 с4 -+ Smirin-Shekht­ 10 f3 ltJc5 11 'i'xd4
man) 16 ... с4 17 'i'fЗ 'i'e7 1 8 g3 1:ас8 1 9 Van der Mije-Chiburdanidze, Buenos
cxd4 .ixd4 2 0 .ic3 'i'f6 ! , Kosulich­ Aires wom OL 1 978. Now Black can
Bobotsov, 1 97 1 . play 1 1 ...ltJxb3 12 ахЬ3 с5 followed Ьу
1 1 g3 13 ... d5 or 1 3 . . .'ite6.
Or 11 f3 .id6 with а very strong king­
side attack. 822)
11 ... 'i'f6 12 f3 il.cS 13 'it>g2 d5 14 1 О 'fi'g4 'i'e7 11 .l:f.e1 g6
cxd4 After this move, recommended Ьу
Or 1 4 .ic2 0-0 1 5 fxe4 d3 ! 1 6 .ixd3 Matsukevich, White has proЫems keep­
dxe4 -+. ing the ba1ance.
14... .ixd4 15 .igS! 'i'xgS 16 'i'xd4 11 . . . h5 1 2 'i'f4 ltJc5 1 3 'i'xd4lL\xb3
0-0-0 17 fxe4 dxe4 18 'i'e3 'ii'g6 19 lLJc3 14 ахЬ3 'i'Ь4 15 'i'хЬ4 .iхЬ4 16 .id2 is
.1:.d3 20 'ii'f4 е3+ 21 Фg1 .l:txc3! 22 Ьхс3 equal, Levitina-Litinskaya, Novosibirsk
'i'c6 23 'i'fS+ 'iti>bS 24 il.dS 'fi'xdS 25 1 976.
'i'xd5 il.xd5 26 .l:txe3 il.c4 27 а4 .l:f.d8 28 12 Пхе4
axbS axbS А consistent move. Both 1 2 'i'fЗ ltJc5
Black has the better ending, Kuskov­ 13 il.d5 сб 14 .ie4 .ig7 and 1 2 "ir'f4 h5
Kozlov. There is no clear way to improve 13 1:.хе4 .ih6 14 'i'xf7+ 'i'xf7 15 .ixf7+
White's р1ау. Фхf7 16 1:е1 look better for Black.
12...f5 13 exf6
82) After 1 3 .ig5 fxg4 1 4 .ixe7 Фхе7 1 5
9 eS 1:xg4 с5 Black has а better ending.
The main line. 13 ...'fi'xe4 14 "fr'xe4+ .ixe4 15 f7+
Archangel with 7 d4 11

1 5 i.g5 d5 1 6 f3 (or 1 6 l2Jd2 с5) 15 а4 Ь4 16 сЗ!?

16 ... i.f5 1 7 i.xd5 0-0-0 1 8 i.e4 i.xe4 19 16 i.f4 g5 17 i.gЗ h5 18 h3 i.g7 1 9
fxe4 d3 20 cxd3 J.c5+ 2 1 Фfl i.d4 22 'i'f5 .:cte8 20 1:.fe1 h 4 2 1 i.h2 i.xe5 22
l2Jc3 h6 1eads to an advantage for B1ack. i.xe5 �хе5 23 �xf7 .:hf8 24 'i'h5 'i'f4 +
15 ...Фd8 Gi1d.Garcia-Am.Rodriguez, Havana 1 983.
15 ... Фе7 16 i.g5+ Фсt6 17 .tf4+. 16...dxc3 17ЬхсЗ 'itxe5
16 i.g5+ i.e717i.h6 According to Am.Rodriguez the posi­
Hoping for 17 ... i.f8 18 i.g5+ with а tion is unclear, but after 1 8 i.f4 'itxc3 1 9
draw. 'ii'x c3 ЬхсЗ, 1 8 i.d2 i.d6 1 9 g 3 f5 20
17... с5! 18 i.g7.:rs 19 l2Jd2 i.c6 20 i.c2 с5 and 1 8 i.b2 i.d6 1 9 g3 .:ье8
i.xf8 i.xf8 + White has no compensation.

823) 824)
10 'itrз 'ite7 1 1 l2Jd2 10 .:е1 (D)
Or 1 1 с3 0-0-0 ( 1 1 . . . l2Jc5 12 i.d5 с6
13 cxd4 cxd5 ! ? 1 4 dxc5 'itxc5, or 1 1 ... d3
transposing to В2522), and now:
а) 12 �f4 dxc3 1 3 l2Jxc3 l2Jxc3 14 в
Ьхс3 f6 1 5 'fkg3 'iWxe5 ( 1 5 ... h5 ! ?) 1 6
'i'xe5 fxe5 17 i.g5 1:te8 1 8 i.f7 i.e7 1 9
i.xe8 i.xg5 2 0 i.f7 i.d2 2 1 с 4 1:tf8 22
i.d5 с6 23 i.e4 Ьхс4 24 i.xh7 d5 + Kov­
a1iov-Matsukevich, corr. 1 968.
Ь) 12 'ii'xf7 'itxf7 13 i.xf7 i.c5 14
l2Jd2 1:thf8 15 l2Jxe4 i.xe4 1 6 е6 dxe6 1 7
i.xe6+ ФЬ7 + Macha1a-Gтabczewski,
Stary Smokovec 1 967.
11 ...l2Jc5 12 i.d5 Now:
12 'i'g3 ? ! h5 (a1so good is 12 . . . 0-0-0 8241: 10...i.e7 11
13 а4 f6 or 12 . . . g6 followed Ьу . . . 0-0 - 8242: 10...�h4 l3
Matsukevich) 13 h4 l2Jxb3 14 ахЬ3 'i'e6 8243: 10...d5 13
1 5 1:te1 i.e7 + Lнtz-Bode, Oberurse1 8244: 10...с5! 13
1 989.
12...с6 13 l2Je4 Not good i s 1 0... l2Jc5 1 1 'iixd4 l2Jxb3
1 3 Ь4 cxd5 14 Ьхс5 'i'xc5 1 5 llJЬЗ 12 ахЬ3, when B1ack has proЬlems with
'i'xc2 1 6 i.d2 i.e7 17 xtac 1 'ite4 1 8 'ii'h 3 development.
i.c6 19 f4 d3 20 .:rз i.b4 1/2-lf2 Ivano­
vic-Todorovic, Nik§ic 1 99 1 ; the final po­ 824 1 )
sition is much better for Black. 10...J.e7
13...l2Jxe4 14 i.xe4 0-0-0 Now:
Also very good is 14... g6 15 i.f4 i.g7 82411: 11 сЗ 11
16 %tad1 (Smetanin-Matsukevich, 1 967) 82412: 1 1 �g4 12
16 ... 0-0 (Matsukevich suggests 16 ... f6 or 82413: 1 1 'ii'f3 12
16 .. .f5) 17 1:txd4 f5 1 8 exf6 .:r.xf6 19 i.g5
.:r.xf3 20 J.xe7 i.xd4 21 i.xfЗ i.xb2 22 8241 1 )
i.d6 .:е8 +. l l c3
12 Archangel and New Archangel

This move, recommended Ьу Kozma, 0-0 15 1txe4 i.xe4 1б 1txe4 .:te8 17 dxc7
may Ье inconvenient for B1ack in а nurn­ �h4+) 14...gб 15�h3 dxe4 1б�xhб e3
ber of variations (e.g. 11...d3 12 'i*'xd3) (а good a1temative is 1б ...�d7) 17 'i!kg7
because of the bishop's awkward posi­ .:tf8 18 1txh7 с5 19 с4 �d7 20 'i'h4 fб 21
tion on the е7-square. 11...lL'Jc5 12 cxd4 ехfб 'i!kc6 22 'i'g3 0-0-0 23 f7 Ь4 24 lLJd2
lLJxb3 and now after 13 jfxb3 0-0 14 .:txf7 25 lLJfЗ .:tf6 2б аЗ .:tdf8 27 ахЬ4
lLJc3 dб 15 i.f4 dxe5 1б dxe5 'ttd 4 17 1txf4 28 Ь5 'tte6 29 i.d1 1tg4 30 �hЗ е2
i.g3 1tad8 18 еб 'ttc4 19 jfxc4 Ьхс4 20 31 i.xe2 i.xfЗ 0-1 Brinclc-Claussen -
i.xc7 .:td2 21 1te2 1:txe2 22 lLJxe2 fхеб Hector, Copenhagen 1995.
23 .:td1 i.fб 24 i.a5 i.e4 25 i.c3 i.d3 12 1txg7
2б i.xfб gxfб 27 lLJf4 1tb8 28ltJxd3 cxd3 12 с4 lLJg5 13 f4 Ьхс4 14 i.xc4 h5 15
29 1td2 .:tc8 30 f3 J:tc2 31 .l'lxd3 ПхЫ 'ji'd 1 (B alogh-Trajlcovic, 1955), and now
Black managed to draw in de Firmian­ Black cou1d try 15...lLJh3+!? 16 gxh3 (16
Hector, Hamburg 1993. Worth consider­ Wfl !?) 1б...'i'Ь6.
ing is 13 ахЬ3, which shou1d Ье com­ 12 J:tf8 13 'i!kxh7

pared with Jines in В251. After 13 . .с4! (Harding) 14 .:txe4 Black


can choose between:

82412) а) 14 ... схЬ3 (according to Trajkovic
11 'ti'g4 the chances are now balanced) 15 1txd4
White has two ways (this and В2413) (Harding gives 15 ахЬ3 and 15 схЬ3)
to take advantage of the exposed position 15...Ьхс2 deserves detailed analysis. ln
of Black's knight immediate1y. The ad­ ту opinion White can fight for an advan­
vantage of 11 �g4 is that after White's tage Ьу 16 �хс2; e.g., 16....:tc8 17 lLJc3
threat, .:txe4, is carried out, the rook is Ь4 18 еб! fхеб 19 'i*'g6+ .:tf7 20 .:tf4 i.f6
not pinned. 21 .:tхЬ4 or 16....:tg8 17 g3 'ttb6 18 i.e3
11 с5... �е6 19 lLJc3.
Others: Ь) 14...i.xe4 15 �хе4 схЬ3. Harding
а) 11 ...lLJg5!? 12 i.xg5 (12 f4 h5 13 eva\uates the positions after both 16 ахЬ3
jt'g3 lLJeб 14 i.хеб dхеб 15 jt'xg7 .:tf8 +) �с8 and 16 схЬ3 as satisfactory for
12...i.xg5 and B1ack's position is good. B1ack. In my opinion White has s1ightly
Ь) 11...i.g5 seems good enough to better chances in either case.
Ьl) 12 i.f4 i.xf4 13 'ttxf4 lLJg5 14 82413)
jfxd4 lLJeб 15 'itd2 �h4 1б ltJc3 0-0 1ed 11 �rз о-о! (DJ
to а draw in Hellers-Hector, Ma1mo 1997.
Ы) 12 f3 i.xc1 13 'ttxg7 .:tf8 14
J:xc1 lLJc5 15 lLJd2 jfh4 ""·
Ь3) 12 lLJa3 �хс1 13 'ji'xg7 .:tf8 14 w
1taxc1 с5 15 с4 (15 'i!t'xh7 1tg5!) 15...Ь4
1б lLJЫ 1th4 with good counterp1ay for
Ь4) 12 f4 is critica1, but the resu1ting
complications seem quite acceptaЬle for
Blaclc. 12 ... i.hб 13 �f5 d5 (13... 0-0 14
1txe4 с5 15 с3 i.xe4 lб 1txe4 с4 17 i.d1
d3 is a1so possiЬle) 14 .:txe4 (14 ехdб
Archangel with 7 d4 13

The only chance for Black to obtain 12 �xf7+ 'it>d8 13 W/rs g6 14 'i'g5+
counterplay. i.e7 15 'ilr'xh4 i.xh4 16 i.h6 ll:\e4 17
121:.хе4 cS 13 с4 1te2 ll:\gS 18 i.ЬЗ .U.e8 19 f4
Or 13 а4 с4 14 i.a2 fS 15 exf6 i.xf6 White has а small advantage in an un­
16 'i'e2 i.xe4 17 ,.-хе4 d5"" (Nunn). clear ending.
13 14 exf6 �xf6
Now White can play: 8243)
а) 15 'i!ke2 Ьхс4 16 i.d 1 ( 1 6 i.xc4+ 10 ... d5 11 exd6 �xd6 12 ll:\d2 fS
d5 17 i.ьз с4 Harding) 1 6 ... i.xe4 1 7 Wrong is 1 2 ... i.xh2+ 1 3 Фfl ,.-h4 14
'i!l'xe4 d 5 1 8 ,.-g4 1:.е8 1 9 gЗ с З 20 ll:\aз ll:\xe4 i.e5 1 5 'i'f3 0-0 1 6 i.g5 ± (Tseit­
dЗ led to а win for Black in Banas-Biatny, lin).
Rimavska Sobota 1 974. 13 'i!l'hS+
Ь) 1 5 ll:\d2 i.h4 16 'i'g4 i.xf2+ 1 7 White can force а draw Ьу 13 fЗ
Фh1 was played in Sibarevic-Barlocco, i.xh2+ 14 Фхh2 ,.-h4+ with а perpetual
Mendrisio 1 989, and now 17 . . . Фh8 1 8 check. The other line is 13 ll:\xe4 fxe4
1:.f4 W/e7 gives Black attacking chances; (worse is 1 3 ... i.xe4 14 f3 �h4 1 5 h3 �g3
e.g., 19ll:\fl 'i'e1 20 1:.xf8+1:.xf8 21 i.h6 16 fxe4 'i'h2+ 17 'iti>fl ± Tseitlin) and
'ii'e5 +. now:
с) 15 схЬ5+ Фh8 and now: 16 i.c2 а) 1 4 'i'g4 ,.-f6 1 5 .U.xe4+ i.xe4 1,6
ахЬ5 17 'i'g4 i.xe4 18 'i'xe4 =, 16 ll:\d2 'itxe4+ Фd7 does not give White suffi­
ахЬ5 17 i.c2 с4 18 'i'h5 dЗ or 16 i.d2
= cient compensation for the exchange; for
ахЬ5 with chances for both sides (Nunn). example, 17 i.d5 1:.af8 1 8 'i' g4+ W/f5 19
W/xg7+ Фс8 20 'i'xd4 с5.
8242) Ь) 14 'i'h5+ g6 and now 15 'ilr'g4 'ilr'f6
10.. .'ii h4 11 'i'rз ll:\cs with similar play as in line 'а' ; after 1 5
Or: 'i'h3 с 5 1 6 i.h6 'i*'f6 and 1 5 _.h6 ,.-d7
а) 1 1 ... 0-0-0 !? 12 gЗ and now: Black has better chances.
а 1 ) 1 2 . . .ll:\g5? 1 3 ,.-хЬ7+ ФхЬ7 14 13 ...g6 14 'i*'h6 'ito>d7
i.d5+ с6 15 gxh4 +-. Black can force а draw Ьу 14 ... i.f8 1 5
а2) 1 2. . . i.b4 1 3 gxh4 i.xe 1 is given 'i'f4 i.d6 1 6 'i'h6.
Ьу Matsukevich, but in my opinion after 15 ll:\xe4 fxe4
14 W/g4 (in order to have the move е6 af­ 1 5 . . . i.xe4 1 6 f3 �Ь7 1 7 i.g5 'i'f8 18
ter . . . f6) B1ack does not have sufficient i.e6+ Фс6 19 'ilr'h4 gives White the ini­
compensation. tiative.
аЗ) 1 2 .. .'ii'h3 13 1:.хе4 h5! (the only 16 'i'h3+ 'ito>e8 17 а4
chance for Black) 14 .U.h4 ( 1 4 i.g5 1:.е8 In this complicated position Black has
1 5 ll:\d2 h4 16 1:.ае1 �Ь4 17 �g4 hxg3 good chances.
1 8 'ii'x g3 �хgЗ+ 19 fxg3 i.xe4 20 1txe4
f6 2 1 exf6 gxf6 oo; 14 �xf7 !?) 14 .. .'�xh4 8244)
1 5'ilr'xb7+ Фxb7 16 gxh41:.e8 1 7 i.f4 f6 10 ... с5! 11 с4 dxc3 12 �с2
1 8 exf6 gxf6 1 9 ll:\d2 ФЬ6 20 Фfl .ih6 1 2tt:\xc3 ( 1 2 i.d5? с2 wins for Black)
;1:;. These variations need testing. 12 . . .ll:\xc3 13 ЬхсЗ с4 14 i.c2 'ilfb6 1 5
Ь) 1 1 ... f5 is also rejected Ьу Matsuke­ i.f5 0-0-0 1 6 i.e3 'i'c6 1 7 f3 i.аЗ +
vich, but does not look bad for Black af­ Grabczewski-Vasiukov, Polanica Zdroj
ter 12 'i!l'xf5 i.Ь4 13 Wif7+ Фd8 14 .U.e2 1965.
'i'e7 or 12 exf6. 12...схЬ2
14 Archangel and New Archangel

After 12 ...'ii'h4 13 ..fЗ схЬ2 14 .tхЬ2 British Ch 1991) and now the interesting
ltJxf2 15 �xf2 �xf2+ 1б Фхf2 а very manoeuvre 17 ...1\Ve8 18 .te3 �5 19
unclear ending arises. 1:.fe1 �d5 gives Black quite а good posi­
13 .ixb2llJg5 14f4 ltJe6 15 f5 �g5! tion.
According to Tseitlin Black has better 12... �h4
chances; e.g., 1 б 'i'd2llJf4 17.ie4llJh3+ 12 ...dб 13 .i.f4 (Poleszczuk recom-
18 Фh1 .txe4 19 1:.хе4 �xd2 20 llJxd2 mends 13 еб) 13....ie7 14 а4 0-0 15llJc3
llJf2+ or 1б g3llJd4 17.ixd4 cxd4 18 еб Ь4 1б�хЬ4 dxe5 17�хЬ7 exf4 18 :.Cd1 ;j;
(18llJd2.iЬ4 191:.e21:.c8) 18...dxe6 19 Filipenko-Kozlov, Ordzhonikidze 1978.
fхеб 0-0-0. 13 f4
If 13 .tеЗ Black сап force а draw Ьу
825) 13....txg2.
10 с3 (D) 13 'it'd3 i..e7 14llJd2 0-0 15llJf3 'i'hS
led to а decisive attack for Black in
Boicu- Stupina, Panonija 1981.
13...с5 14.te3 cxd415 .i.xd4l:.c816
в llJcЗ Пс4 17 .te3 g5!?
"" Zelic- Кrasikova, соп. 1991.

10...d3 (D)

8251: 10...llJc5 14
8252: 10...d3 14
8253: 10. .dxc3 1б

825 1 )
10 .llJc5 1 1 cxd4

11 �xd4llJxb3 12 ахЬ3 'fie7 13.if4

(or 13llJd2 �еб 14 Ь4.ie7 15llJe4 0-0 Now:
1б llJcS.ixc5 17 �хс5 Bernard-Pan­
= 82521: 11 .tеЗ 14
czyk, Polish Cht 1986) 13 .....еб 14llJd2 82522: 11 ..r3 15
.te7 15 Ь4 g5 1б .tg3 h5 17 f3 0-О-0 18 82523: 11 �xd3 15
llJe4 h4 19 .if2 g4 20 fxg4 h3 "" Sanz­
Mikhalchishin, Thilisi 1980. 82521 )
11...llJxb3 12 1\Vxb3 11.i.e3
12 ахЬ3!? (keeping the possibility of Now:
playing d5) 12 ....te7 (12 .. .'ii'h4 1eads to а) 11...'ir'e7 12 �xd3 (after 12 '6'f3
an unclear game and good counterplay d5 White has no compensation for the
for 8lack) 13 ..g4 Фf8 14llJc3 Ь4 15llJe2 pawn) 12 ...�xeS 13llJd2.idб 14 f4 'ii'e7
h5 16 ..h3 d6 17 f4 (Rayner-Rahman, 1 S :.а е1 0-0 1 б .id4 1:.fe8 17 llJxe4
Archangel with 7 d4 15

i.xe4 1 8 �g3 'ii'f8 + Djuric-Kapic, corr. ( 1 6 b4l2Je6 1 7 'ike4.1:tc8 1 8l2Jf3 g6 1 9

1 989. .l:td 1 dxe5 20l2Jxe5 i.g7 2 1 .l:txd3 0-0 22
Ь) l l ... c5 1 2 с4 d5 13 ,.. xd3 dxc4 14 lЬf3 с5 + Aпtuпes-AreпciЬia, Seville
'i'xd8+ .l:txd8 15 i.c2 i.e7 16 а4 Ь4 1 7 1 990) апd поw:
i.d 1 .l:td5 1 8 f3 (Vito1iп�-Remert, Riga а1) 1 6...'ikd7 ( 1/2-1f2 Tringov-Tseshkov­
1 984) апd поw 18 . . . i.g5 19 f4 i.h6 20 sky, Roviпj/Zagreb 1 975) 1 7 i.e3 0-0-0
i.f3 .U.xe5 or 1 8 ...l2Jg5 gives Black а very 18 .l:tfd 1 (Vап Looп-Dries, corr. 198 1 )
promisiпg positioп. 1 8.. .'i'e6 with а good game for Black.
с) 1 1 . .l2Jc5
. ! ? is а simp1e move that а2) Тhе simp1e 1 6 . . .dxe5 1 7l2Jxe5 ( or
1ooks quite good. After 12 i.xc5 i.xc5 1 7 'i'xe5 0-0-0 with а better positioп for
B1ack's positioп is better апd по other Black) 1 7 . . . .l:td8 1 8 'i'e3 (Poleszczuk­
move сап justify the avoidaпce of 1 1 Papygiп, corr. 1975) 18 . ..1:td5 . 19 .l:te1 f6
'Wit'xd3 or 1 1 �f3. 20l2Jxc6 'i'xe3 gives Black а good eпd­
82522) Ь) 13 . . . с6 14 l2Je4 l2Jxe4 1 5 i.xe4
11 'Wit'rз 'ike7 12l2Jd2 �хе5 1 6 i.f4 'iWf6 1 7 'Wit'g3 апd White
Оп1у this move сап give Black апу has compeпsatioп for the раwп: 17 ... h6
proЬ!ems. If 12 .l:te1 theп B1ack exchanges ( 1 7 . . . d2 ! ? is worth coпsideriпg; e.g., 1 8
White's stroпg 1ight-squared Ьishop Ьу .l:tad1 h 6 19 .l:txd2 0-0-0 20 .l:t e 1 i.c5 with
1 2. .l2Jc5.
. 1 2 i.e3 сап Ье met so1idly Ьу good р1ау for B1ack) 1 8 i.xd3 ( 18 .l:tae1
1 2. . . 0-0-0 or 1 2 . . . d5, while 12 ... с5 is 0-0-0 19 i.c7 .l:te8 20 i.b8, Hawelko­
worth coпsideriпg too. Paпczyk, Polish Ch 1 987, 20 ... -.. d8 2 1
12...l2Jc5 i.xd3 .l:txe1 2 2 .l:txel i.c5 gives Black а
1 2 ...0-0-0!? 1 3l2Jxe4 'ikxe5 14 .l:te1 f5 good positioп) 1 8 . . . 0-0-0 19 а4 d6 20
1 5 'Wifg3 'ike8 16 liJd6+ ( 1 6 i.f4 fxe4 17 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 2 1 с4 g5 22 i.e3 Kaczmarek­
i.xc7 'ikg6 оо) 1 6 . . . i.xd6 1 7 .U.xe8 .U.hxe8 Detko, Po1ish wom Ch 1 989.
and поw:
а) 18 i.f4 d2 1 9 .U.fl .l:te1 20 i.xd6 82523)
.l:tde8 21 f3 i.d5 22 i.f4 (22 'ili'f4?! i.c4 11 'iWxdЗ (D)
23 h4 .l:txfl + 24 Фh2 .U.e2 25 i.xc7 .l:tff2
26 -.. d6? .l:txg2+ 27 Фh3 .l:th2+ 28 Фg3
.l:teg2+ 29 Фf4 .l:txh4+ 30 Фхf5 .l:th6 0- 1
was the spectacu1ar game Minic-P1aninc, в
Rovinj/Zagreb 1 975) 22. . . i.c4? ! (Black
сап force а perpetual check Ьу 22... .l:txfl +
23 Фxfl i.c4+ 24 Фf2 .l:te2+) 23 .i.xc4
d 1 � 24 i.d3 .l:txfl + 25 i.xfl .U.e2 26 а4
Ьха4 27 �xg7 апd White won in Antu­
пes-Lugo, Cienfuegos 1989.
Ь) 18 f4 i.c5+ 19 Фfl .l:te2 20 i.d1
("+-" Minic) 20 ... i.xg2+ 21 'i'xg2 .l:txg2
22 Фхg2 .l:te8 ""·
13 i.dS The most popu1ar move.
Now: 11 ...l2Jc5 12 �g3
а) 13 . . .i.xd5 (the simplest way to 12 'Wiff5 l2Jxb3 1 3 ахЬ3 g6 14 'i'f6
equalize) 14 �xd5 с6 15 'i'd4 d6 16 liJfЗ 'ili'xf6 15 exf6 0-0-0 gave Black the better
16 Archangel and New Archangel

ending in the game Grigorev-Go1yshev, 0-0-0 21 l2Jc2 J:.d5 22 .i.f4 g5 23 .i.xg5

corr. 1992. J:.xe5 again with а very good ending for
12 .c!L\xb3 13 ахЬ3 �е7
.. Black, Zapo1skis-Soko1ovs, Riga Z 1995.
An interesting plan is 13 ... h5 with the 15 h4
idea ...h4-h3 weakening the squares оп Thrner-Le Quang, Oakham 1992. Black
the a8-h1 diagonal: сап now obtain а very good game Ьу
а) Matsukevich recommends 14 h3. 15 ...'it'eб and if 16 Ь4 or 16 с4 then
Ь) 14 .i.g5 h4 15 'i'g4 .i.e7 and now 16...'i'g4.
16 .i.xe7? 'fixe7 17 ..Wxg7 0-0-0 gives
B1ack а very strong attack, but 1б i.e3!? 8253)
leaves Black's pieces а little awkwardly lO .dxcЗ (D)

Other moves:
а) 14 .i.e3 0-0-0 (worth considering w
is 14 ...h5) 15 l2Jd2 (15 с4!?) 15 ...dб (or
15 ...fб 16 l2Jf3 'fif7 17 Ь4 J:.e8 18 .i.d4
fxe5 19 l2Jxe5 �f5 20 f4 .i.dб 21 J:.ae1
J:te7 оо Seidman-Bisguier, New York 1968)
16 ехdб 'i'xdб 17 �хdб .i.xd6 18 Ь4
J:he8 19lt:'Jb3 J:.еб 20 l2Jc5 .i.xc5 21 Ьхс5
(Bernard-Panczyk, Po1ish Cht \986)
21...J:.de8 22 J:tfe1 J:tg6 23 g3 J:geб +.
Ь) 14 Ь4 'ifeб 15 i.e3 dб 16 f4 h5 17
h3 0-0-0 18 l2Jd2 h4 with very good play The most forcing move.
for Black, Bogdanovic-Pianinc, Sarajevo 11 'fif3
1970. Not good is 11 'i'h5 'i'e7!? 12l2Jxc3
с) 14 с4 (recommended Ьу Suetin) l2Jxc3 13 Ьхс3 g6 + Maciejewski-Bandza,
14 ..."iieб 1ed to an edge for B1ack in Miedzybrodzie 1991.
Thrner-GoluЬovic, Gent U-18 Ech 1992. ll ...dS
d) 14 .i.g5?! (in order to hinder queen­ 1 1.....We7 is wrong. In Burnevsky-Mat-
side castling) 14.. .'i'еб 15 f4 hб 16 .i.h4 sukevich, 1967 White won after 12l2Jxc3
g5 17 fxg5 .i.c5+ 18 Фh1 hxg5! (Matsu­ lt:'Jc5 13 l2Jd5 .i.xd5 14 .i.xd5 J:.b8 15
kevich recommends 18 ...0-0-0) 19 'i'xg5 .i.e3 l2Jeб 16 .l:!.fd1 gб? 17 .i.сб J:.d8 18
( 19 .i.xg5 J:.h3! 20 �f4 .i.e3 and B1ack J:.xd7 J:.xd7 19 J:.d 1.
wins) 19 ...Фf8! 20 'i'g3 J:.g8 21 .i.g5 12 exd6 'i'f6
.i.e7 22 h4 .i.xg5 23 hxg5 J:.e8 -+. 12...l2Jxdб 13 .i.xf7+.
14 . h5
. . 13 .Uel
In а few games Black successfully Or 13 d7+:
tried 14 ...'ii'eб: а) 1З ...Фхd7? 14 'ili'g4+ Фе8?? (this
а) 15 l2Jc2 'i*'g6 16 l2Je3 �xg3 17 1oses Ьу force, but 14...Фd8 15l2Jxc3 h5
hxg3 0-0-0 18lt:\f5 J:.e8 19 .i.f4 h5 20 с4 16 l2Jxe4 hxg4 17 lLJxfб gxfб 18 .i.f4
gб with а better ending for Black, Fon­ gives White а very active position in the
taine-Wenaas, Quebec 1997. ending) 15l2Jxc3 h5 (neither 15 ...'i'e5 16
Ь) 15 Ь4 �gб 16 'i'xgб hxgб 17 i.e3 .i.f4l2Jfб 17 'i' gЗ fic5 18 %Не1+ .i.e7 19
dб 18 .i.d4 с5 19 Ьхс5 dxc5 20 .i.e3 'i'xg7 1-0 S1awinski-Kolarik, corr. 1992
Archangel with 7 d4 17

nor 1 5. . .liJxc3 1 6 .:te 1 + ! liJe4 { l 6. . .�e7

17 �g5 } 1 7 .1:.хе4+ is any good for Black)
1 6 jt'e2 jt'e5 1 7liJxe4 �хе4 1 8 f3 �с5+ w
19 Фh1 1-0 Van der Wiel-Manin Gonza­
lez, Biel IZ 1985.
Ь) 13 .. .C�d8 ! 14 jt'xf6+ liJxf6 1 5
liJxcЗ �d6 1 6 �xf7 Фхd7 1 7 J:e 1 с5
112-lf2 Кremer-Chiburdanidze, Amster­
dam 1986.
13 0-0-0

The critical position in this line. Вlack

is very active and has good chances of
counterplay. After 1 7 �xf7 .:thf8 Black has very
14dхс7 Фхс7 strong pressure on the f-file.
This is better than 14 . . . J:d7 1 5 jt'xf6 17 ФЬ6

liJxf6 1 6 liJxc3 �d6 1 7 �g5 Фхс7 1 8 Black has а very active position. Now:
J:ac 1 , Tseshkovsky-Beliavsky, Lvov 1978. а) 18 J:e2 liJd5 1 9 liJxd5+ �xd5 20
15 jt'xf6 liJxf6 (D) �xd5 .1:.xd5 21 Фfl .1:.hd8 led to а draw
15 . . . gxf6 16 liJxc3 liJxc3 17 �f4+ in Makarychev-Mikhalchishin, USSR
�d6 1 8 ..ixdб+ Фхd6 1 9 Ьхс3 J:hg8 20 Spartakiad 1979.
g3 �d5 ;!;. Ь) 1 8 hЗ �с6 1 9 J:ad1 J:he8 20 J:xe8
16liJxc3 �cS 17 ..if4+ J:xe8 21 ..ixf7 .1:.е7 22 �Ь3 Ь4 23 liJd5+
Alternatively, 1 7 ..ig5 J:c7 1 8 .:tac 1 �xd5 24 �xd5 .:te2 with an initiative for
ФЬ6 19 а4 J:e8 20 J:xe8liJxe8 2 1 liJxb5?! Black, Mordue-Emms, British Ch 1 99 1 .
h6 (2 1 ... �d5 22 �d1 ахЬ5 23 а5+ Фха5 с) Interesting is 1 8 а4 ! ?; for example,
24 J:xc5 �xg2) 22 �f4 g5 23 �Ь8 ахЬ5 1 8 . . .liJg4 and now 19 �gЗ h5 20 �xf7
and White must fight for equality, Vito­ h4 21 J:еб+ Фа7 22 liJxb5+ Фа8 23
lin�-Mikhalchishin, USSR 1 978. liJc7+ Фа7 or 19 J:fl Ь4 (or 19 . . . .1:.d4).
2 Archangel with 7 сЗ:
Rare 7th Moves for Black

1 е4 eS 2l2Jf3l2Jc6 3 .ibS а6 4 .ia4l2Jf6 а2) 8 . . . .ib6? 9 dxe5 +- l2Jxe4?? 1 0

s о-о ьs 6 .tьз .iь7 7 сЗ (DJ 'li'd5 1 - 0 Ricardi-Facino, Florida Valle
1 993.
аЗ) 8 ... .id6? loses to 9 l2Jg5 0-0 1 0 f4
meeting both 1 0 . . . exf4 and 1 0. . . exd4 Ьу
в 1 1 е5.
Ь) lt is too late for Black to transpose
to C1osed systems of the Ruy Lopez Ьу
7 ... .ie7. This is because the bishop has
a1ready been deve1oped on Ь7, and so
White can save а tempo Ьу omitting the
move h3, viz. 8 d4 d6 9 l2Jbd2 0-0. Then:
Ь l ) ЕСО recommends 10 аЗ !?.
Ь2) 1 0 .l:.e1 .l:.e8 1 1 lLifl h6 1 2 l2Jg3
.if8 1 3 .ic2 g6 1 4 а4 .ig7 15 .id3 Ьха4
This move was very popular in the 16 'li'xa4 gives White an advantage, Stan­
1 980s and at the beginning of the 1 990s. islav-Gross, corr. 1 994.
White does not spend any time defending ЬЗ) 10 а4 h6 1 1 'li'e2 .l:.e8 12 d5 l2Jb8
the e4-pawn and prepares his own play in 13 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 14 .l:.xa8 .ixa8 1 5 'li'xb5
the centre. Black will now, Ьу compari­ �bd7 and White is а pawn up, Runo­
son with the line 7 .l:.e1 .ic5 !, lack the wiecki-Jackowski, corr. 1 99 1 .
necessary tempo to fulfil the plan of de­ с) In several games Black tried the
veloping both bishops actively. The main king's fianchetto idea from Line А with­
reply, 7 . . .l2Jxe4, is discussed in the next out the move . . . h6, but this is unimpres­
two chapters. The main altematives are: sive: 7 ... g6 8 d4 (after 8 ltJg5 !? d5 9 exd5
А: 7...h6 19 ltJa5 10 .l:.e1 B1ack's compensation for
В : 7 d5
... 20 the pawn is doubtful) 8 . . . exd4 (8 . . . d6 9
ltJg5 +-) 9 е5 ltJe4 10 .l:.e l l2Jc5 1 1 cxd4
Other ideas: l2Jxb3 1 2 �хЬЗ l2JЬ4 1 3 l2Jc3 liJdЗ 14
а) 7 ... .ic5 has been rather unsuccess­ ltJe4 ( 1 4 l2Jxb5! is even better) l 4 ....ixe4
ful. 8 d4 and now: 1 5 .ig5 .ie7 1 6 .ixe7 'ilt'xe7 1 7 .l:.xe4 ±
а1) 8 . . . exd4 9 cxd4 .ie7 (9 ... .ib6 10 Abramovic-Chiburdanidze, Montpellier
е5 followed Ьу 1 1 d5 ±) 10 e5 l2Je4 1 1 d5 1 986.
l2Ja5 1 2 .ic2 f5 1 3 l2Jd4 0-0 1 4 fЗ с5 15 d) Also not too promising is 7 . . .'1i'e7
l2Je2 l2Jg5 1 6 d6 1 -0 Haag-Tompa, Hun­ 8 d4 d6 9 а4 Ь4 10 .l:.e1 g6 1 1 ltJg5 l2Jd8
garian Ch 1 966. 12 схЬ4 .ig7 13 ltJc3 О-О 1 4 lLif3 ltJc6 1 5
Archangel with 7 сЗ: Rare 7th Moves for Black 19

�d5 �xd5 1 6 J.xd5 ± Howell-J.Little­ .l:l.d 1 _.е7 1 6 J.еЗ �f4 1 7 'i'fl f5 ! ? 1 8

wood, British Ch 1990. J.xf4 ! exf4 1 9 exf5 f3 20 gЗ (20 .l:l.e1 ! ?)
20... gxf5 21 .l:l.e1 'i'f7 22 1 ± Rivera­
А) Moreno, Pinar del Rio 1 99З.
B1ack tries to bui1d а solid position Ьу А2)
. . . g6 and . . . J.g7. However, the weak 9 'i'e2
points of the concept are а certain slow­ This move stresses the weakness of
ness and proЬlems with the point Ь5, the b5-pawn.
which may Ье attacked. 9...g6
8 d4 d6 After 9 ... 'i'e7 10 �bd2 g6 1 1 а4 J.g7
Now: 12 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1З .l:l.xa8+ J.xa8 14 'i!r'xb5
А1: 9 �bd2 19 0-0 15 d5 White obtained an advantage in
А2: 9 'ti'e2 19 Sarfati-Sarapu, New Zea1and Ch 1 982.
АЗ: 9 J:.e1 19 10 а4
10 .l:l.d 1 'i'e7 1 1 а4 ;!; (Popovic).
А1) 10...J.g7 11 dxe5
9 �bd2 g6 Good is 1 1 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 12 .l:l.xa8 'i!r'xa8
Now: IЗ �аЗ 0-0 14 d5 �а5 15 J.c2 as well.
а) 10 _.е2 should Ье compared with ll. . .dxe5 12 ахЬ5
Line А2, while 10 J:.e1 transposes to the 12 .l:l.d 1 is best met Ьу Popovic's
note to White's 10th move in Line АЗ. 1 2. .. 'i'b8 ! 1З �аЗ 0-0! 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 5
Ь) 10 а4 J.g7 1 1 'i!t'e2 0-0 12 .l:l.d1 'ti'xb5 �а5.
exd4 1 З cxd4 (Chiburdanidze-Stupina, 12...ахЬ5 1З J:.xa8 .-ха8 14 �аЗ 0-0
USSR wom Ch 1 979) 13 ... .1:1.е8 with good 14 . . .Ь4 15 схЬ4 0-0 1 6 �с2 �хе4 1 7
counterplay for Black. J.xh6 J.xh6 1 8 'i'xe4 �е7 (Ebeling­
с) 10 J.c2 J.g7: Yakovich, Helsinki 1 992) 19 'iik h4 �f5
с 1 ) 1 1 ЬЗ 0-0 12 J.Ы �d7 (interest­ 20 'i'g4 J.xfЗ 21 'i'xg6+ J.g7 22 'i'xf5
ing is 12 . . . .1:1.е8 with possiЬle transposi­ J.xg2 2З J:.el ± (Popovic).
tion to the Breyer System; e.g., 1 3 а4 15 �хЬ5 �а5 16 J.c2 J.xe4 17 �хс7
�Ь8 14 .l:l.e1 �Ьd7 1 5 J.d3 с6 = Sek) 1 3 'ti'c6 18 J.xe4 �хе4 19 �а6 'ti'c4 20
'i'e2 exd4 1 4 �xd4 J:.e8 (not bad looks 'ti'xc4 �хс4 21 J:.e1 rs 22 �h4 2З
14 ...�xd4 1 5 cxd4 с5 16 .l:l.ad1 'i'c7 Sek) �Ь4
1 5 f4 f5 ! ? 16 а4 �с5 1 7 ахЬ5 �xd4 1 8 ;!; Popovic-Tal, Subotica IZ 1 987.
cxd4 fxe4 ! ? 1 9 'i'g4 ! ( 1 9 f5 'i'g5 with
sharp play) 1 9 . . . �dЗ ! 20 J.xdЗ ехdЗ 2 1 АЗ)
'i'xg6 .l:l.e2 2 2 .l:l.f2 J:.xf2 2 З Фхf2 ахЬ5 9 .l:l.e1 g6 (D)
(2З . . . 'i'h4+ 24 ФеЗ ! ±) 24 .l:l.xa8 'i'xa8 10 а4
25 ФеЗ 'i'f8 26 � J.xe4 27 'iikxe4 'iik f7 Or 10 �bd2 J.g7:
28 'i'xdЗ 'i'd5 29 Фf2! Фf8 ЗО ФgЗ Фе7 а) 1 1 аЗ 0-0 12 J.c2 �d7 1З dxe5
З 1 hЗ h5 ! with compensation for the dxe5 14 �fl �е7 15 �gЗ с5 16 J.еЗ
pawn, Vilchenkov-Rodin, соп. 1980. Фh7 17 'i'd2 'i'c7 18 1;!; Кinnmark­
с2) 1 1 �ЬЗ ! (aiming to contro1 the Zinn, Halle Z 1 967.
squares а5 and с5) 1 1 . . .0-0 12 dxe5 �хе5 Ь) 1 1 J.c2 0-0 12 d5 �е7 1З с4 с6 1 4
1З �хе5 dxe5 14 'i'e2 �h5 ( 1 4 . . . 'i'e7 ! ? dxc6 J.xc6 1 5 ЬЗ �d7 1 6 J.аЗ 'i'b8 1 7
1 5 J.еЗ .l:l.fd8 ;!; deserves attention) 15 схЬ5 ахЬ5 1 8 J.Ь4 �с5 with chances for
20 Archangel and New Archangel

с2) 12 'ir'e2 0-0 1 3 liJbd2 Ь4 14 а5 ( 14

liJc4 ! ?; 14 схЬ4 !?) 14 . . .liJd7?! ( 14 ... �е7
w is better) 1 5 ..td5 'ir'b8 ± Ostojic-Zinn,
Havana 1 968.
с3) 12 'i!Vxd8+ .:!.xd8 13 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 14
liJa3 J:a8 (or 14...Ь4 15 liJb5 Пс8 16 .id5
± Savic- Vujo�evic, Yugoslav Cht 1 997;
after 1 4 ... liJxe4 15 liJxb5 liJc5 16 .ic4
0-0 17 liJxc7 е4 1 8 .ie3 Black has no
compensation for the pawn) 1 5 .ie3 J:a5
(L.Bronstein-Soppe, Argentine Ch 1 985)
and now White should play 16 .ic5 , 1 6
Ьoth sides in а very complicated position, .id2 or 1 6 .ic2.
Zolnierowicz-Malaniuk, Baku 1988. ll ... axbS 12 Пха8 �ха8
с) 1 1 liJП О-О 1 2 liJg3 1:te8 (the un­ 1 2. . . .ixa8 1 3 liJa3 �Ь8 14 d5 liJa5 1 5
natural 12 .. .'iir'e8 can Ье met Ьу the sim­ .ia2 liJb7 (Kutuzovic-Banusic, Pula
ple 13 а4 or 13 d5 with chances to obtain 1 995) 1 6 liJxb5 liJc5 17 liJa3 ±.
an advantage) 1 3 a4 liJa5 14 .ic2 с5 15 13 liJaЗ 'i!Vas
dxe5 dxe5 1 6 �xd8 1:texd8 17 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 Other moves:
1 8 liJxe5 с4 1 9 liJf3 ltJc6 20 1:txa8 1:txa8 а) 13 . . . .ia6 14 liJh4 ( 1 4 .id5 !? is also
21 е5 liJd7 and B1ack managed to draw very strong) 14 ... liJe7 15 f4 exf4 16 е5
the ending in UlyЬin-Malaniuk, Russian l2Je4 17 е6 fxe6 1 8 �g4 gives White а
Club Cup 1 998, although the compensa­ very strong attack, Velimirovic-Fiear,
tion for the pawn seems insufficient. Szirak IZ 1987.
10 ... ..tg7 11 axbS Ь) 13 . . . Ь4 14 схЬ4 0-0 15 dxe5 dxe5
Others: 16 .id2 ltJe7 17 .ic3 (Morozov-Savic,
а) 11 liJa3 (this move lets B\ack de­ corr. 1 979) 17 . . . .ixe4 18 l2Jxe5 .id5 1 9
velop counterpl ay) 1 1 0-0 12 1:tЬI exd4
... l2Jd7 l2Jxd7 20 J:xe7 .ixb3 2 1 �хЬ3
1 3 cxd4 liJa5 14 е5 dxe5 1 5 liJxe5 liJxb3 gives White an advantage.
16 �хЬ3 (Jurkovic-Colin, Cannes 1 997) 14 dS ltJa7
1 6 .. .'�xd4 ! ?. Worse is 14 . . . l2Je7 15 l2Jxb5 0-0 1 6 с4
Ь) 1 1 d5 liJe7 ( 1 1 . . . ltJa5!?) 12 �d3 liJe8 17 .id2 ± Jurkovic-Stelzer, Lienz
( 1 2 с4 !? \eads to а complicated game; 1988.
e.g., 12 ...Ьхс4 13 .ixc4 0-0 14 liJc3 liJd7 15 ..tеЗ 0-0 16 ..txa7 'Wi*'xa7 17 l2Jxb5
1 5 а5 f5 1 6 Ь4 liJf6 17 liJd2 f4 1 8 Ь5 g5, �cS 18 с4 .ia6 19 'Wi*'e2 .ixbS 20 cxbS
Zontakh-Vujo�evic, Tivat 1 997) 12 ... �d7 ПЬ8 21 ..ta4 �а7
1 3 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 14 Пха8+ .ixa8 15 liJa3 с6 Instead of 22 .ib3 1/2- lf2 Mikhalchi­
1 6 dxc6 .ixc6 17 с4 Ьхс4 18 �хс4 0-0 = shin-Malaniuk, Minsk 1 985, White can
Bubka-Horbanowicz, соп. 1 99 1 . obtain а small but lasting advantage Ьу
с) 1 1 dxe5 dxe5 ( 1 1 . . .ltJxe5 1 2 ltJxe5 22 'ir'c2 J:a8 23 J:a1 (or 23 Ь3).
dxe5 13 �xd8+ 1:txd8 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 5
1:ta7 J:b8 1 6 f3 with the better ending for В)
White). Now: 7 ... d5 (D)
с 1 ) 1 2 ахЬ5 !? ахЬ5 1 3 Пха8 �ха8 14 Now:
liJa3 Ь4 15 схЬ4 0-0 transposes to note Bl: 8 d4 21
'Ь' to Black's 13th move. В2: 8 exdS 21
A rchangel with 7 сЗ: Rare 7th Moves for Black 21

tl:\c6 1 8 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 9 'iVe2 ФЬ8 20 i.f4

с4 2 1 е6 ± J.Fries Nie1sen-N.H0iberg,
w Danish Ch 1 990.
Ы) 1 1\c6 1 2 f3 tl:\c5 13 f4 tl:\e4 1 4
i.e3 0-0 1 5 tl:\d2 ± Popovi6-Panczyk,
Po1anica Zdroj 1 982.
Ь3) 1 1 ...g6 1 2 f3 tl:\g5 1 3 f4 tl:\e4 14 f5
'i'd7 (14 ... с5 15 f6 !) 1 5 е6 fxe6 1 6 ltixe6
J:.g8 1 7 tl:\ct2 tl:\c4 1 8 tl:\b3 ( 1 8 tl:\xe4 ! ?
dxe4 1 9 'i'g4) 1 8 ... gxf5 19 'i'h5+ .::1.g6 20
tl:\f4 ± Sundstrom-Esko1a, corr. 1 988.
Ь4) 1 1 ... tl:\c4 12 f3 tl:\c5 1 3 'iVe1 tl:\e6
81) 14 f4 i.c5 1 5 'i'kf2 tl:\a5 1 6 f5 ± Ivanov­
8 d4 гtJxe4 Lugo, New York 1 996.
This position may arise via а different 11 а4
move-order (see Chapter 3, Line В). After 1 1 Ь3 tl:\b6 1 2 'i\t'e2 .ie7 l3 tl:\d4
Weak is 8 ... dxe4 9 tl:\g5 tt:'ld5 1 0 dxe5 'ir'd7 14 f3 с5 15 fxe4 cxd4 16 cxd4 dxe4
(Ivanov's 10 'i'g4 is a1so good) 10 . . .tt:'lxe5 1 7 i.Ы f5 1 8 exf6 i.xf6 Black stands
1 1 'iVd4 tl:\gб 1 2 .::l.d 1 сб 1 3 с4 Ьхс4 14 well, de Firmian-Lugo, New York 1 996.
i.a4 ±. Interesting is 1 1 'ii'e 2.
9 dxeS 11 ... Ь4 12 ЬЗ tl:\as 13 i.b2 i.cS 14
9 tl:\xe5 tl:\xe5 1 О dxe5 i.e7 1 1 tt:'ld2 tl:\d4 tl:\c6 15 tl:\xc6 .ixc6 16 схЬ4 i.хЬ4
( 1 1 'iVg4 gб 1 2 i.hб 'iVd7 ;!; Korchnoi) A.Ivanov-Lugo, Chicago 1 996. White
1 1 . . . tl:\c5 1 2 i.c2 d4 13 cxd4 'i'xd4 14 сап now oЬtain а small but perrnanent ad­
tl:\fЗ 'iVxd 1 1 5 .::l.xd 1 tl:\eб 1 б i.e3 .::l.d8 17 vantage Ьу 1 7 i.xe4 dxe4 1 8 'ir'c2 i.d5
.::l.xd8+ Фхd8 (Vasiukov- Кorchnoi, USSR 1 9 .::l.d 1 ; e.g., 19 ... 0-0 20 tl:\c3 i.xc3 2 1
Cht 1966) 1 8 .::l.d 1 + ;!;. 'itxc3.
9 ... tl:\a5 10 i.c2
Interesting is 1 О tt:'lbd2 tl:\xb3 1 1 82)
tl:\xb3 с5 1 2 .ie3 i.e7 1 3 tl:\e1 'i'c7 1 4 f3 8 exdS tl:\xdS (D)
tl:\g5 1 5 'ir'd2 hб 1 6 'i'f2 .l:.c8 1 7 'i'g3 g6
1 8 J:.d 1 'iVd8 1 9 f4 tl:\e4 20 'iVg4 'i'd7 21
f5 i.g5 22 i.xg5 gxf5 23 .::l.xf5 hxg5?
(Brustman-Vreeken, Pa1ma de Mallorca w
GMA 1989) 24 'i'xe4 ! +-.\c4
а) 10... 'i'd7 1 1 tl:\d4 c5 1 2 tl:\b3 tl:\xb3
13 ахЬ3 i.e7 14 'ir'e2 'i'сб 1 5 f3 tl:\g5 16
tl:\d2 (P1askett-F1ear, Hastings 1984/5)
16 . . . tl:\e6 17 f4 g5 ! ?.
Ь) 1 0. . . i.e7 1 1 tl:\d4 ( 1 1 'iVe2 trans­
poses to Line В22 1 in Chapter 3) and
now: Now:
Ь l ) 1 1 .. .'�'d7 12 f3 с5 13 tl:\e2 tl:\g5 В21 : 9 d4 22
14 tl:\g3 tl:\e6 15 f4 0-0-0 16 f5 tl:\c7 17 а4 В22: 9 :е1 22
A rchang el and New Archang el

iмt а) 16 . . .lt:'!c4 and then:

9 d4 exd4 1 0 lt:'!g5! а 1 ) 17 li:'!d7? i.h4! 1 8 1:.хе8 1:.ахе8 19
Or: hЗ ( 19 ...d 1 i.xf2+ 20 Фhl 1:.f7 +)
а) 10 li:'!xd4 is а simple move that de­ 19 ... 1:.е1+ 20 Фh2 1:.xf2 with an attack
serves attention. Black has no clear way for Black.
to equalize; e.g., 1 0 ... li:'!x.d4 1 1 'i!Vx.d4 or а2) 17 i.h6 i.f6 · 1 8 cxd4 lt:'!xe5 1 9
10 ... llJce7 1 1 1:.е1 с5 12 lt:'!f5 'i!Vd7 13 li:'!eЗ dxe5 i.xe5 20 ltJcЗ i.e6 with а very good
с4 14 i.c2 and Black has some proЬlems game for B1ack.
with development. аЗ) 17 lt:'!xc4 "ikf7 18 f3 ( 1 8 'ii' xd4
Ь) 10 1:.е1 + i.e7 1 1 lt:'!g5 О-О 1 2 lt:'!xh7 i.xc4 and Black wins back а pawn)
1:.е8 (B1anchon-Pirrot, Metz 1 997) 13 18 ... i.xc4 19 cxd4 ( 1 9 ЬЗ 1:.ае8 20 cxd4
cx.d4!? li:'!x.d4 (13 ...'i!Vd6!?) 14 'i'x.d4 i.c5 ! i.Ь4 with strong counterplay for Black)
15 1:.х.е8+ 'i'xe8 1 6 'i!Vd 1 Фхh7 =. 19 ... 1:.ad8 with compensation for the
10 ...'i!Vd7 pawn.
Or 1 0 ... lt:'!ce7 1 1 'i'rз f6 1 2 lt:'!e6 "fi'd6 а4) 1 7 li:'!dЗ 'ii'f7 1 8 cxd4 ( 1 8 ЬЗ ? !
1 3 1:.е1 с5 14 cxd4 cx.d4 1 5 li:'!xd4 ±. dхсЗ 19 lt:'!xcЗ i.f6 is slightly better for
1 1 'i'rз Black) 1 8 ... 1:.ad8 1 9 lt:'!c3 i.b7 20 i.h6
After 1 1 l:.el + ! ? i.e7 1 2 lt:'!xf7 0-0 13 i.f6 and Black has some compensation
'ii'h 5 lt:'!a5 14 lt:'!e5 Black can continue for the pawn although White's chances
14 ... 'i!Ve8 ( 1 4 ...'ii'd6 15 i.c2 li:'!f6 16 'i'hЗ seem а little better.
;!;) 15 i.xd5+ i.xd5 16 'ii'g4 (or 16 lt:'!g6 Ь) 1 6 ... i.f6 17 cxd4 lt:'!c6 1 8 i.d2 ( 1 8
'i!Vxg6 17 'i!Vxd5+ Фh8 ! 18 1:.хе7 { after lt:'!c з i.x.e5 1 9 liJxd5 'i'f7 20 i.еЗ i.xh2+
both 1 8 cxd4 1:.ае8 1 9 i.еЗ с6 20 'i'd7 21 Фхh2 'ii'x d5 with а very good game
lt:'!c4 and 1 8 -.x.d4 1:.ad8 19 'i'a7 lt:'!c4 for B1ack) 18 ... lt:'!xe5 19 dxe5 i.xe5 with
B1ack has strong counterp1ay for the equa1ity.
pawn} 1 8 .. .' ..f6 19 1:.е2 1:.ае8 20 Фfl 1 1 ... li:'!d8 12 cxd4 i.e7 13 lt:'!c3 lt:'!xc3
1:.хе2 21 Фхе2 Чir'xf2+ 22 ФdЗ с6 with а 14 .ixf7+ li:'!xf7 15 -.xf7+ Фd8
very strong attack for B1ack) with com­ Arencibla-Lugo, UЬeda 1997. White
pensation (D): shou1d now avoid the exchange of queens
Ьу 1 6 ЬхсЗ.

9 l:.el i.e7 10 lt:'!xe5 lt:'!xe5 11 1:.хе5
White accepts the sacrifice. Now
Black has а choice Ьetween 1 1 . . . lt:'!f4 (the
Trajkovic Pseudo-Marshall) and 1 1 ... 0-0
with transposition to а rare Iine of the
Marshall Attack. Both of these are out­
side the scope of this book. ЕСО also
gives 1 1 . . . 'ii'd6 with compensation for
the pawn.
З Archangel with 7 сЗ t2Jxe4:
Minor Lines

1 е4 eS 2 llJf3 llJc6 3 �ьs а6 4 �a4 llJf6 This move looks strange, but White
s о-о ьs 6 .i.ьз .i.b7 7 с3 llJxe4 (D) can only obtain а small advantage fol­
lowing it.
9 �c2 d5 10 d3
Or 10 llJxe5 �е7 1 1 d4 0-0 1 2 tt:Jd2 f5
w 13 f3 llJd6 14 llJb3 llJxb3 1 5 ахЬ3 �h4
16 g3 �f6 1 7 llJd3 �с8 18 i.f4 llJf7 19
llJc5 ;!; ZOller-Neubauer, Bavaria 1 996.
10...llJf6 11 llJxe5 i.e7 12 llJd2 0-0 13
llJdfЗ с5 14 d4 llJe4 15 dxc5 i.xc5
;!; Heim-Pettersson, Oslo 1 978.

А2 )
8 d5 9 d3 llJc5 10 llJxe5 llJxe5 1 1

The most consistent and logical move: Now:
Black accepts the challenge and takes the А21: 1 1 ... i.e7 23
offered pawn. Now: А22: 1 1 ... llJe6 24
А: 8 1:te1 23
В: 8 d4 26 А21 )
11 ...i.e7 12 'i'e2
Not dangerous for Black is 8 �d5 llJf6 Other moves are not dangerous for
9 �хс6 dxc6 (also good is 9 . . . �хс6) l O Black either; e.g., 1 2 d4 llJxb3 1 3 ахЬ3
llJxe5 �d6 1 1 d4 О-О ( 1 1 . . .с5 ! ?) 1 2 llJd3 0-0 14 'i'g4 i.c8 1 5 'i'fЗ i.e6 16 Ь4 J:e8
llJd7 1 3 �f4 1/2- 1/2 M01\er-Iskov, Danish 17 ·i.f4 i.f6 18 J:e3 с6 19 llJd2 а5 20
Ch 1974. Ьха5 J:xa5 2 1 J:ee1 J:xa1 = Ljubi�ic­
Buba1ovic, Croatia Cup 1992.
А) 12...llJe6 13 f4
8 J:e1 After 1 3 d4 0-0 1 4 'i'd3 i.f6 1 5 J:e1
Now: с5 1 6 i.c2 g6 1 7 i.e3 J:e8 1 8 llJd2 с4 19
А1: 8... llJa5 23 ...fl 'i'd6 20 f4 Ь4 Black obtains good
А2: 8... d5 24 play, Mtiller-Keller, Bavaria 1 987.
АЗ: 8 llJc5
.•• 24 13 ...0-О 14 f5 i.c5+ 15 Фhl
15 d4 llJxd4 16 cxd4 i.xd4+ is natu­
А1 ) rally profitaЬ\e for Black. 15 ...llJg5
24 Archangel and New Archangel

B arcenilla- Уе Rongguang, B acolod

1 99 1 . Now White should play 16 �g4
.l:.e8 17 .l:.xe8+ '1i'xe8 1 8 i.d2 f6 =. w

ll.. .lt:�e6 12 d4
а) 1 2 'ifh5 g6 1 3 'ir'fЗ .tg7 14 .tg5
'iVd6 15 i.f6 0-0 16 d4?? ( 1 6 .txg7 Фхg7
= ) 1 6...liJxd4 1 7 cxd4 .t xf6 -+ Garcia
Devesa-Pie, Buenos Aires 1 997.
Ь) 12 .fЗ i.d6 13 .l:.f5 0-0 14 .txd5
(other moves are illogical and lead to an ltJxe5 (in Кlovans-Tseshkovsky, USSR
advantage for Black) 14 ... .txd5 15 .l:.xd5 Cht 1 975 White sacrificed а pawn Ьу 1 О
.l:.e8 1 6 .te3 g6! 17 liJd2 f5 and B1ack d4 exd4 1 1 cxd4 but did not obtain suffi­
picks up an exchange, Absmaier-Wemer, cient compensation after 1 1 . . . ltJe6 1 2
Bavaria 1 997. ltJc3 0-0 1 3 .te4 ltJa5 1 4 d5 f 5 1 5 .tc2
с) 12 .tg5 "it'd7 13 .l:.e3 (Schaefer­ liJgS 1 6 liJd4 g6 17 h4 liJf7 18 hS liJd6 1 9
Gross, corr. 1 982) l 3 . . . .td6 with very .th6 .l:.f7 20 �fЗ .tgS) 1 0 . . . ltJxe5 1 1
good play for B1ack. .txb7 liJed3 1 2 .txa8 ltJxe1 1 3 'ii'x e1
12 ... .td6 13 .l:.e1 'ifха8 14 �е2 О-О 15 d4 liJe6 16 liJd2 .l:.e8
Or: = Lutikov-P1aninc, Skopje tt 1969.
а) 1 3 i.g5 'ir'd7 1 4 .1:.e1 0-0 1 5 �g4 f5 9 ltJxe5 10 .l:!.xe5+

1 6 'ir'h4 h6 1 7 .tc 1 .l:.ae8 1 8 f4 с5 with а Now:

better game for B1ack, Reisinger-Mitter­ А31 : 10 ... .te7 24
meier, Bavaria 1 996. А32: 10... ltJe6 25
Ь) 13 .l:.h5 0-0 14 .tc2 g6 1 5 .l:.h3 .l:.e8
16 .th6 liJf4 17 i.xf4 .txf4 and Black АЗ1 )
stands better, Bujisic-Pantos, Belgrade 1 0....te7 1 1 .tc2
1989. Or:
с) 13 .l:.e2 '1i'h4 14 h3 (Pokojowczyk­ а) 1 1 'ir'e2 liJxb3 1 2 ахЬЗ �f8 (or
Szajna, Rzeszow 1 977) 14 . . . 0-0 gives 12 ... cS) cannot Ье dangerous for Black.
Black а good game. Ь) 1 1 d4 liJxb3 1 2 ахЬ3 0-0 13 'iVg4
13.. .'it'h4 14 g3 'iff6 15 liJd2 0-0 16 .tf6 14 .tgS d6 1 5 .txf6 'ir'xf6 16 .l:.e1
liJf3 .l:.fe8 17 ltJe5 с5 18 liJd7 •ds 19 'i'h6 17 'ir'e2 'i!i'g6 with very good р1ау
ltJxc5 ltJxc5 20 dxc5 .txc5 21 .tеЗ for B1ack, Inciura-Zvara, Marij ampole
.txe3 22 .l:.xe3 .l:.xe3 23 fxe3 •g5 24 1 994.
'iVd4 .l:.e8 25 .l:!.d1 h5 26 .l:.d3 .l:.e5 ll.. .d6
1/2- lf2 Ashby-Bellin, British Ch 1 978. а) 1 1 . . . d5 weakens the c5-square.
Ь) 1 1 . . . 0-0 1 2 d4 liJe6 13 d5 (White
АЗ) should play .l:.e 1 here or on the next
8...ltJc5 (D) move, with sirnilar play to the main line)
9 liJxe5 13 ... ltJc5 14 .l:.h5 g6 15 .l:!.hЗ (or 15 .l:.xh7
9 i.d5 .te7 (9 . . .liJd3 10 .l:.e3 liJf4 1 1 Фхh7 16 'ir'h5+ with а perpetual check)
.txc6 .txc6 1 2 liJxe5 .te7 1 3 ltJxc6 dxc6 15 . . . d6 1 6 Ь4 liJd7 17 i.h6 .l:.e8 18 f4?
14 d4 is slightly better for White) 1 0 .th4! 19 gЗ .tf6 20 g4 (Magres-Terlecki,
Archangel with 7 сЗ Ci:Jxe4: Minor Lines 25

соп. 1 986) 20 . . . .ih4 ! and B lack is wiп­ А risky move. White's rook may end
пiпg. up out of play.
12 .l:.e1 0-0 13 d4 lLJe6 14 lLJd2 cS 15 12...0-0
lLJfЗ .!:.е8 16 .iеЗ Also:
;!; To1nai-Mainka, Dortmuпd 1 988. а) 12 ... g6 13 1::t h3 0-0 14 d5 lLJc5 1 5
lLid2 lZJxb3 1 6 lLixb3 1::t e8 and White has
АЗ2) proЬ!ems with the d5-pawn, Amrein­
10 lLJe6 11 d4
..• Besztercseпyi, Budapest 1996.
Other moves are not daпgerous for Ь) 12 .. .'i!t'f6 and now:
B1ack; e.g., 1 1 �h5 'i'kfб ( 1 1 ... gб ! ? fo1- Ьl) 13 'i'g4 g6 14 1::th6 0-0 1 5 �h4
lowed Ьу 1 2 ... .ig7) 12 d4 .idб 13 ::te l 'i't'xh4 16 1::t xh4 1::tfe8 1 7 Фfl h5 1 8 .ie3
0-0 14 .ie3 lLif4 15 .ixf4 'i!Vxf4 1 6 lLJa3 lLJg7 with а very good ending for Black,
1::tae8 gave White no advaпtage in Jons­ Putzbach-Nogly, Hamburg Ch 1 993.
son-MoЬerg, Borlange 1 992. Ь2) 1 3 .ic2 g6 14 1::th3 0-0-0 (risky;
ll �d6
... 14 . . .0-0 is probaЬiy better) 15 a4 lLJg5 1 6
In this way B1ack can take advaпtage .ixg5 ? ! 'i!Vxg5 1 7 f3 'i'еЗ+ 1 8 Фh 1 1::tde8
of the power of the Ьishops оп the open 1 9 tLid2 f5 20 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 2 1 lLifl 'i'kf2 and
diagonals a8-hl and b8-h2. In some vari­ the white rook is 'aпested' , Sadiku-Pan­
ations Black's queen сап move quick1y czyk, Wroclaw 1 982.
into operatioп Ьу ... 'i!Vh4. Now: 13 а4
А321 : 12 1:.h5?! 25 Other moves do not give any advan­
А322: 12 1:.е1 25 tage for White either; for examp1e, 1 3
'iWg4 1::te8 14 .ie3 'i'f6 1 5 .ic2 gб 1 6 lLid2
Or: (Girard-Rausis, Metz 1 997) 16 ... 'i!Vg7
а) 12 .iхеб? (this exchange sacrifice -+.
is iпсопесt) 12 ... .ixe5 (the simple move 13 ... g6 14 1::t h3 1::t e8 15 lLJaЗ 'ii'f6 16
1 2 . . . dхеб also leads to better play for lLic2 lLJg5 17 �xgS 'i't'xgS 18 dS cS 19
B lack) 13 .ixf7+ Фхf7 14 'i!Vh5+ gб 15 dxc6 i.xc6 20 'i'f1 .icS
'i!Vxe5 1::te8 1 6 'i!Vf4+ Фg8 1 7 i.e3 апd Black has active play, Sale-Rausis,
White has to fight hard for а draw, Chaude Baile Herculaпe ЕСС 1994.
de Silans-C.Fiear, French Cht 1 99 1 .
Ь) 1 2 .ig5 ? ! (Calzetta-San Claudio, АЗ22)
Spaпish Cht 1 992) 12 ... fб ! ? 13 1::te 1 fxg5 12 1:te1 'i'h4
14 d5 О-О 1 5 d хеб dхеб 1 б 1::tхеб Фh8 and An altemative is 12 ... 0-0:
the position looks пicer for Black. а) 13 'i!Vg4 ? ! f5 14 'i'g5 1::tf6 1 5 'i'h4
с) 1 2 1::te2 0-0 ( 1 2... 'i!Vh4 ! ? 1 3 g3 �h3 'i!Vf8 16 .if4 1::tg6 17 gЗ Фh8 1 8 .ixe6
14 d5 0-0-0 1 5 'i'kfl ? ! 'i!Vxfl+ 16 Фxfl dxe6 19 .ie5 f4 20 tLid2 'i!Vf5 21 .ixd6
lLJc5 + B . Schmid-Zickelbein, German cxd6 22 1::te2? 1::te8 23 1::tae 1 1::tg4 0- 1
girls Ch 199 1) 13 d5 lLJf4 14 .ixf4 .ixf4 B lum-Kolar, Nuremberg 1 990.
1 5 'i'd4 1::te8 16 1::t xe8+ 'i'хе8 1 7 tLid2 Ь) 13 lLJd2 �h4 14 lLJfl 1::tae8 1 5
�е5 18 'i!Vxe5 .ixe5 with а good ending 'i'd3? lLJc5 1 6 .ixf7+ ( 1 6 dxc5 .ixh2+ 1 7
for Вlack, Sosa-Abdulghafour, Moscow lLixh2 1::txe l + 1 8 lLJfl 'ii'e4 -+) 1 6 ... Фh8
OL 1 994. 17 'i!Vd2 1::txe 1 1 8 �xe 1 lLie4 1 9 gЗ 'i'f6
20 .ib3 lLixf2 2 1 d5 ..Wrз 0- 1 Gazic­
АЗ21 ) Nog1y, Hamburg 1 992.
12 .l:.hS?! 13 ьз 0-0-0
26 Archangel and New Archangel

1 3 ...0-0 is a1so very good. Zaviemiaiev-Spiechin, Arkhangelsk 1965,

14 d5 1 1 ..WЬ5 g6 1 2 lЬxg6 fxg6 13 'ilfe5 ±.
14 a4 1ooks more logica\. Ь) 9 ...lЬa5 10 li.JЬd2 ( 1 0 lЬg5 d5 trans­ 15 ..txf4 poses to the main \ine, and 1 О ..tc2 d5 1 1
After 1 5 g3 lЬxh3+ 1 6 Фg2 'ii'f6 1 7 lЬxd4 to Line В3 of Chapter 4) 1 0... d5 1 1
Фхh3 'ilfxf2 1 8 .:l.e3 g 5 B1ack has а very ..txd5 ..txd5 1 2 lt.Jxe4 ..te7 1 3 ..tg5 0-0
dangerous attack; e.g., 1 9 .:l.f3 g4+ 20 14 ..txe7 'ilfxe7 15 'ilfxd4 .:l.ad8 1 6 lЬg3
Фхg4 'ii'h 2 or 1 9 'ilff3 g4+ 20 Фхg4 'i'f6?! ( 1 6. . .'i'd7 ! ? gives Black far more
1:.hg8+ 21 Фf5 'ilfh2. chances to equa1ize; e.g., 1 7 1 { 1 7
15 ... 'ilfxf4 16 gЗ lt.Je5 'ilfc8 i s not dangerous for Black }
Groener-Zicke1Ьein, W.German jr Cht 1 7 . . . lt.Jc6 1 8 'ii'f4 .:l.fe8) 17 'ilfxf6 gives
1 989. Now 1 6 ... 'ilff5 !? 17 Фg2 .:l.he8 White а better ending, Henao-Garcia,
gives Black very active play. Bogota 1 99 1 .
1 0 lЬg5 lЬa5! (D)
В) This brings about the key position in
8 d4 (D) this line. Other moves:
а) 1 О. . . ..tc5 ? 1 1 'ilfh5 'ilfe7 1 2 ..txd5
g6 (Bobolovich-Ageichenko, Moscow
1 966) 13 'ilfh6 +-.
в Ь) 10 ... ..te7 1 1 .:l.xe4 dxe4 ( 1 1 . . .0-0?
12 'ii'h5 ..txg5 1 3 ..txg5 f6 14 ..td2 and
White is а pure piece up, Czebe-Dumi­
trache, СарреНе 1а Grande 1 995) 1 2
l2Jxf7 'ilfd7 1 3 lЬxh8 0-0-0 14 lЬf7 .:l.f8
15 cxd4 lt.Jxd4 16 lt.Je5 'ii'd 6 1 7 lt.Jg4 h5
1 8 lЬе3 'ii'f4 1 9 'ii'f l and White gradually
repelled the attack in Mecking-Harandi,
Manila IZ 1976.
с) 10 ... lt.Je5 1 1 cxd4 lt.Jc4 ( l l ... lt.Jxg5
Now 8. . .lt.Ja5 is the main line, and the 12 ..txg5 ! f6 1 3 .:l.xe5+ ..te7 14 ..txfб +-)
subject of Chapter 4. Here we only dis­ 1 2 ..txc4 Ьхс4 1 3 f3 ..te7 14 'ilfa4+! с6
cuss other moves: 1 5 fxe4 ..txg5 1 6 exd5+ Фd7 17 dxc6+
В 1 : 8 exd4... 26 ..txc6 18 'ii'хс4 ..txc 1 19 .:l.xc 1 and White
В2: 8 ..te7 ... 27 wins, A1masi-Letay, Budapest 1993.

8 ... d5 transposes to Line В 1 of Chap­

ter 2.
8 exd4

This move, condemned Ьу theoreti-

cians, is not as bad as its reputation.
9 Пе1 d5
а) 9... lt.Je7? 10 lЬe5 lt.Jd6 ( 1 0. . .d5 1 1
J:txe4 with а winning position for White),
Archangel with 7 сЗ l:iJxe4: Minor Lines 27

1 1 .1:txe4+ �xd5 ..-xd5 1 8 lt:\c3 with compensation,

Others: although the final position seems better
а) 1 1 f3 lt:\xb3 12 'i'xb3 �е7 13 J:xe4 for Black after 1 8 ... 'ir'cб.
dxe4 14 'ikxf7+ Фd7 1 5 'iteб+ with а 13...'i'd7
draw. 1 3 . . ...-dб 14 �f4 ...fб 1 5 lt:\d2 hб 1 б
Ь) н -.ь5 'i'fб ( 1 1 ... gб? 1 2 lt:\xe4 +­ lL\dxe4 �хе4 1 7 .1:te1 h�g5 1 8 �xg5 Фхf7
Shur-Levchenkov, USSR 1 97б; 1 1 ...'i'e7!?) 1 9 �хfб gxfб 20 J:xe:4 .1:te8 2 1 J:xe8
1 2 f3 gб ( 1 2 ... lt:\xb3 13 ахЬ3 gб 14 'i'h4 Фхе8 22 ..,с8+ <J;f7 23 ,..хс7+ �е7 24
�с5 is interesting as the insertion of the 'ii'xa5 and White won the ending in
exchange on Ь3 is beneficial for Black if Bakre-Bakliwal, C alcutta 1 99б.
White plays Ьу analogy with Nisipeanu­ 14 .ie 6 'i'c6 15 'ir'h4
Durnitrache; however, Black has to take The critical position evaluated Ьу Nisi­
into account 15 Ь4 dxc3+ 1б Ьхс5 схЬ2 peanu as giving compensation. Black has
17 �хЬ2 'i'xb2 1 8 fxe4 'i'xa1 19 exd5+ the following ways to continue:
Фf8 20 сб оо ) 1 3 'ikh4 �с5 14 fxe4 ( 14 а) 15\c4 (in order to cover the e5-
Фh1 lt:\xb3 1 5 ахЬ3 hб +) 14 . . . dxc3+ 15 square) 1б cxd4 l2Jdб ( l б . . . lt:\e5 1 7 lt:\c3
Фh 1 схЬ2 1 б exd5+ �е7 1 7 �хЬ2 'i'xb2 lt:\gб 18 'i'h3 ..-dб) 17 lt:\c3 Фе8 1 8 .ie3
1 8 lL\c3 0-0-0 1 9 'i'h3+ f5 20 .::tаы 'ikxЬl ..-ьб ;!;.
2 1 .1:txЬl �xg5 =F Nisipeanu-Dumitrache, Ь) 15 ... Фе8 ! and there is nothing Ьetter
Bucharest 1 99б. for White than 1 б .if7+ Фd7 1 7 �еб+
ll... dxe4 1 2 �xf7+ Фе8 1 8 �f7+ with а draw Ьу perpetual
1 2 lt:\xf7 *fб needs practical tests: check.
а) 1 3 lt:\xh8 lt:\xb3 14 ахЬ3 ( 1 4 'it'xb3
�с5 15 cxd4 �xd4) 14 . . . gб 1 5 cxd4 J:d8 82)
and Black stands we\l. 8 ... .ie7 (D)
Ь) 1 3 �g5 ! ? 'i'f5 14 g4 'i'gб ! ? (or
1 4 . . .'wWf3 1 5 'ikxfЗ exf3 1 б lt:\xh8 lt:\xbЗ
1 7 ахЬ3 dxc3 with а good ending for
Black) 1 5 �h4 ( 1 5 h4 lt:\xb3 1 б lt:\xh8 w
'i'еб 17 'i'xb3 �d5 18 'i'd 1 е3 gives B1ack
а very strong attack) 1 5 . . . lt:\xb3 1б lt:\xh8
'i'еб 17 'i'xb3 'i'xg4+ 18 �g3 0-0-0 with
а strong attack for Black.
12 ...Фе7 13 'itg4
Or 13 'i'h5:
а) 1 З ...е3? ! 14 cxd4 'i'xd4 (14...exf2+
1 5 Фfl 'ir'dб 1 б 'ike2+ 'it>d7 1 7 lt:\c3 'ir'e7
1 8 .iеб+ Фе8 1 9 d5 gives White an ini­
tiative that is difficult to parry) 15 .ixe3 Now:
'i'e5? ( 1 5 ... 'i'xb2 is necessary) 1 б lt:\c3 В21: 9 I:.el 28
gб 1 7 'i'g4 J:d8 1 8 J:e1 Фfб 1 9 lt:\d5+ В22: 9 'ii'e2 29
J:xd5 20 �xd5 �с8 2 1 'i'fЗ+ �f5 22
�d2 1 -0 Nisipeanu-Petek, Medellin U- Or:
20 Wch 1 99б. а) 9 d5?! lt:\a5 10 �c2 lt:\fб 1 1 lt:\xe5
Ь) ЕСО recommends 1 3 . . .'i'd7 14 dб 1 2 lt:\g4 lt:\xd5 13 а4 'i'd7 14 J:e1 0-0
cxd4 gб ! 15 'i'h4 .ig7 1 б d5 ! .ixd5 17 l 5 lt:\d2 f5 gives White no compensation
28 Archangel and New Archangel

for the pawn, StrieЬich-Smrescanyi, Scho­ After 1 2 liJd4 !? Black sacrificed а

nach 1 979. pawn in Yurtaev-Kuzmin, Frunze 1 987 Ьу
Ь) 9 ttJxe5 ltJxe5 1 О dxe5 О-О 1 1 ..te3 1 2 . . . 'i'c8 1 3 f3 с5 1 4 fxe4 cxd4 1 5 exd5
d5 1 2 liJd2 с5 ( 1 2 . . .liJxd2 ! ?; 1 2 . . .ltJc5) ..txd5 16 cxd4 Ь4 and managed to draw
1 3 ltJxe4 dxe4 14 'ir'g4 'ikc7 1 5 ..tf4 'ikc6 eventually.
1 6 .:.ае 1 .:.ае8 ( 1 6. . . 8 ! ?) 1 7 .:.ез с4 12... ltJc4
1 8 ..tc2 ;!; Donchev-Berzinsh, Mlada 1 2. . . f5 1 3 exf6 liJxf6 1 4 liJd4 with
Boleslav 1 992. better chances for White, Galkin-Ibragi­
с) 9 dxe5 and now: mov, Perm 1 997.
с 1) 9 . . .ltJc5 1 0 ..td5 ( 1 0 ..tc2 0-0 1 1 13 'i'e2
..te3 d6 1 2 exd6 cxd6 1 3 liJbd2 'ikc7 1 4 White obtains nothing after 1 3 ltJxe4
ltJg5 ..txg5 1 5 ..txg5 ltJe5 1 6 'iih 5 f5 1 7 dxe4 14 'i'xd8 .:.axd8 1 5 ..txe4 ..txe4 1 6
liJЬ3 ltJe6 1 8 ..te3 g6 1 9 .-ь3 ltJc4 gives .:.хе4 .:.ct1 + 1 7 .:.е1 .:.Хе 1 + 1 8 ltJxe1 .:.ct8,
Black excellent р1ау, Hyldkrog-Kosen­ Petrienko-Malaniuk, USSR Cup 1 984.
kov, corr. 1 985) 1 0. . . d6 ( 1 0... 0-0 1 1 Ь4 Interesting is 13 ltJxc4 Ьхс4 1 4 ..txe4
liJa4 12 .:.е1 liJЬ6 1 3 ..tЬ3 d6 14 ..tf4 dxe4 1 5 'i!Yxd8 .:.axd8 1 6 liJd2 ..td5 1 7
dxe5 1 5 ltJxe5 ltJxe5 1 6 ..txe5 'iixd 1 1 7 Фп .:.re8 1 8 ltJxe4 ..txe4 1 9 .:.хе4 .:. ct 1 +
.:.xd1 .:.rc8 Bielczyk-Kosenkov, corr.
= 20 :.е 1 .:.хе 1 + 2 1 �хе 1 ..td6 2 2 ..te3 (22
1 977) 1 1 Ь4 liJe6 1 2 а4 О-О 1 3 liJaЗ 'i'c8 ..tf4 ! ?) 22. . ..:.хе5 23 Ь3 .:.ь5 24 h3 f5 25
14 exd6 ..txd6 1 5 ..te3 lf2- lf2 Popovic­ Фе2 ;!; Leko-Le Quang, Debrecen Echt
Mikhalchishin, Sarajevo 1 985. 1 992.
с2) 9 ... 0-0 10 ..td5 ltJc5 1 1 .:.с1 ( 1 1 13...ltJcxd2
..te3 ltJe6 12 liJbd2 ltJa5 1 3 ltJe4 с5?! 14 1 3 . . . ltJg5 ? ! 14 ltJxg5 ..txg5 1 5 ltJxc4
i.. xb7 liJxb7 15 'i'd5 'i!t'c7 1 6 .:.rct 1 with а ..txc 1 ?? 1 6 ltJa5 1-0 Stalmach-Obrdlik,
better game for White, Weiss-Baird, New corr. 1 993; 1 3 . . . ltJc5 14 liJd4 .:.е8 15 Ь4
York 1 889) 1 1 . . . ltJe6 1 2 liJd4 ltJexd4 1 3 (Praagman-Van der Weijer, corr. 1 989)
cxd4 dб 1 4 е6 fxe6 1 5 .:.хеб �h8 1 6 ltJc3 15 ... liJxd2 16 ..txd2 ltJe4 ;!;.
Ь4 1 7 liJe2 'i!t'd7 1 8 liJf4 liJd8 1 9 .:.е 1 ;!; 14 liJxd2 liJcS
Konstantinopolsky-Brilla Banfalvi, corr. Others:
1 975. а) 14 . . . ltJg5 ? ! 1 5 f4 ..tc5+ 1 6 Фh l
ltJe4? 1 7 ltJxe4 dxe4 1 8 ..txe4 ..txe4 1 9
82 1 ) 'i'xe4 and White i s а pawn up, Тkaczyk­
9 .l:.e1 dS 10 dxeS ltJaS Zdziarski, corr. 1 992.
1 О. . . ..tc5 !? 1 1 ..te3 1eads to interesting Ь) 14 ... f5? ! 15 liJb3 (after 15 exf6 ! ?
and unusua1 positions: ..txfб 1 6 ltJxe4 dxe4 1 7 ..txe4 Black has
а) 1 1 ... ..txe3 1 2 .:.хе3 ltJa5 1 3 liJbd2 to prove his compensation) 1 5 . . .'i'e8 1 6
О-О 14 ..tc2 f5 1 5 exf6 liJxf6 1 6 ltJg5 d4?! f3 ltJg5 1 7 ..te3 ltJeб (Кarafiath-Tiunikov,
(Ziatdinov-Kuzmin, Tashkent 1 987) 1 7 corr. 1 985) 1 8 ltJa5 ..tc8 1 9 'i'd3 with а
.:.ct3 ! с5 1 8 cxd4 cxd4 1 9 liJdf3 ±. better game for White.
Ь) 1 1 ...ltJa5 12 ..txc5 ltJxc5 13 i..c2 с) 14 ... liJxd2 1 5 ..txd2 с5 1 6 f4 с4
liJe6 14 liJd4 'i'g5 1 5 ltJxe6 fxe6 16 liJd2 (Chmiel-Kukawski, Polish Ch 1 990) 1 7
0-0 1 7 liJfЗ 'i'h5 1 8 liJd4 'i'f7 1 9 'i'e2 с5 ..te3 and White's chances оп the kingside
20 liJb3 liJxb3 2 1 ахЬ3 d4 22 f3 'i'f4 with look Ьetter than Black's in the centre.
а good game for Black, Vahtera-Кirsi, 15 liJЬЗ
corr. 1 994. Not good is 1 5 f4 d4 and Black seizes
11 ..ltc2 0-0 12 liJbd2 the initiative. Tobor- Koe1bel, corr. 1 986
Archangel with 7 сЗ !Uxe4: Minor Lines 29

ended 1 6 cxd4? �xd4+ 1 7 Фh 1 �xf4 1 8 20 'i'h5 il.g5 2 1 h4 hб and White ob­

Ь3 'i'd4 1 9 :. ы .:ad8 20 lt:lf3 'it'd7 2 1 tains nothing.
lt:lg5 h б 22 'i'h5? lt:ld3 0- 1 . 20....ig5
1 5...l0xb3 1 6 ахЬ3 с5 17 .ih6! (D) 20 ... il.h4, intending 21 g3 .ig5, is in-
21 f4
The move recommended Ьу Kotkov.
в 21 h4 !? is a1so interesting:
а) An ana1ogous variation to the main
1ine 1eads to an advantage for White, viz.
21 . . . il.hб 22 еб il.g7 23 exf7 .:е7 24 h5
.:хп (24 . . . il.c8 25 'i'gб .:хп 26 hб +-)
25 hб.
Ь) 21 . . . il.d2 1eads to very compli­
cated р1ау: 22 .:е2 il.hб 23 еб il.g7 24
.:tael il.c8 25 'ili'f4 ! and White's chances
seem better; e.g., 25 . . . .:е7 26 .igб d4
After this unexpected move White has (26: . .fб 27 h5 'ili'bб 28 hб +-) 27 h5 d3 28
genuine attacking chances on the king­ .1:td2 'i'e8 29 hб il.h8 and now 30 il.xf7
side. .1:txf7 3 1 'i'xf7+ 'ili'xf7 32 ex.f7 il.f5 33 f3
17....Пе8 ± or 30 il.f5 il.xeб (better is probaЬly
The only move. 17 . . . gxhб? 1 8 'ili'd3 30 . . . с4 a1though after 3 1 Ьхс4 Ьхс4 32 h7
gives White а decisive attack. 17 . . . 'i'Ьб, .:хеб 33 .iхеб il.xeб 34 Ь3 ! White can
contfolling the 6th rank, does not help ei­ obtain а strong attack) 3 1 h7 'ili'c8 32 'i'g3
ther: 18 il.xg7 Фхg7 1 9 'ili' g4+ Фh8 20 .:е8 33 .:xct3 with а very strong attack
'iVh3 +-. for White.
18 .ixg7 с) 21 . . . ..txh4 ! gives White nothing
А logical move. After the more placid better than 22 'iV g8+ (22 g3 'ili'g5 ! 23
1 8 �d3 gб or 18 еб il.fб 19 �d3 gб 20 'i'xh4 'i'xh4 24 gxh4 Фе7 +) 22. . . Фе7 23
exf7+ Фхf7 21 'ii'f3 Black shou1d equa1- 'i'g4 with а repetition.
ize gradually. 21 ....ih6 22 е6 il.g7
18 . ..Фхg7 Not 22 .. .fхеб?? 23 ._,g8+, when White
1 8 . . . il.g5 19 f4 Фхg7 20 'i'd3 il.fб?! forces mate.
(20 ... .:h8) 21 'i'xh7+ Фf8 22 ехfб 'i!i'xfб 23 exf7
23 .:е5 (simp1er is 23 'i'f5 or 23 g4 fo1- Kotkov now continues 23 ... .:xe l + 24
1owed Ьу 24 g5, when B1ack does not have .:хе1 'i!Vfб, when 25 'i'd7 wins instantly,
sufficient compensation for the pawn) but Black has а much better defence:
23 . . . .:хе5 24 fxe5 'i'xe5 25 'ili'hб+ Фе8 23....:te7!
(Кotkov-Cordovil, corr. 1 987) 26 'i'h4 In this extremely complicated position
(Kotkov) gives White an advantage; e.g., White has three pawns and good attack­
2б ... Фd7 27 .1:te1 'i'dб 28 il.f5+ Фсб 29 ing chances for the sacrificed piece.
Kotkov gave the text-move (18 ...Фхg7) 822)
а question mark. However, in my opinion 9 'ili'e2 d5
the matter is not so simp1e. 9 . . . lt:la5 1 О il.c2 d5 1 1 dxe5 transposes
19 'ili'g4+ Фf8 20 .ixh7 to Line В 22 1 .
30 Archangel and New Archangel

10 dxe5 (D) 'i!i'xb5 i.f8 27 i.Ы i.a6 28 'ii'a5 i.d3 29

'i!i'd2 i.хЫ 30 J:.хЫ i.d6 3 1 itJd3 с4 32
i.xd6 'i!i'xd6 33 Ьхс4 ltJxc4 34 'i'Ь4 ltJe3
35 J:.e2 1/2- If2 Niemela- Wahlgren, соп.
в 1 99 1 .
1 2...'i!i'c7 1 3 itJbd2 ltJxd2 1 4 i.xd2
ltJc4 15 i.c1 0-0 16 Ь3 itJЬ6 17 ltJg5 g6
17 ... h6 1 8 'i!i'd3 g6 19 ltJe6! wins ma­
terial for White, since 1 9 .. .fxe6?? allows
20 'i'xgб+ Фh8 21 'ifh7# (Artsumanian).
The best move is probaЬly 1 7. . . i.xg5 al­
though White has attacking chances on
the kingside.
18 ltJxh7! J:l.fe8
Now: 1 8 . . . Фхh7 1 9 fr'h5+ Фg8 20 i.xg6
В221: 10...ltJa5 30 fxg6 21 ffxg6+ Фh8 22 'ii'h 5+ Фg8 23
В222: 10...0-0 30 J:.d3 +- (Artsumanian).
19 .l:.e1 i.c8
822 1 ) 1 9... Фхh7 must Ье tried here.
1 0...ltJa5 1 1 i.c2 с5 20 ltJg5 i.f6 21 i.f4 i.e6 22 ltJxe6
Other moves: J:.xe6 23 i.xg6! .l:.ae8
а) 1 1 . . . ltJc4?! 12 а4 0-0 1 H td 1 'i'e8 23 . . . fxg6 24 exf6 J:.xe2 25 i.xc7 +­
( 1 3 . . . ltJc5 1 4 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 5 .l:.xa8 'Wit'xa8 (Artsumanian).
16 Ь3 itJb6 17 itJd4 ± Van der Tak) 14 24 i.f5 J:.xe5 25 i.xe5 J:l.xe5 26 fih5
ахЬ5 ахЬ5 15 .l:.xa8 i.xa8 1 6 Ь3 itJb6 17 1 -0 Artsumanian-Кiара, соп. 1 990.
itJd4 Ь4 1 8 с4 ltJc5 19 itJf5 dxc4 20 i.h6
схЬ3 21 i.xb3 i.f6? (Ьetter is 21 . . . g6) 22 8222)
i.xg7 i.xg7 23 .l:.d8 i.fЗ? 24 'i'xf3 10...0-0 (D)
ffxe5 25 itJh6+ 1-0 Peirera-Vukcevic,
соп. 1 977.
Ь) 1 1 ... 0-0 12 ltJd4 ( 1 2 .l:.d 1 trans­
poses to Line B 222) 12. . . 'i'd7 1 3 f3 c5 1 4 w
itJb3 ltJxb3 1 5 ахЬ3 ltJg5 1 6 i.xg5 i.xg5
1 7 f4 i.e7 1 8 f5 .1:.fe8 1 9 fr'h5 d4 20 f6 g6
21 'i'g5 (Ulybin-Shirov, Ivano-Frankovsk
1 998) 2 1 ... i.f8 ! with better chances for
Black in а complicated game.
12 .1:.d1
The other good way to develop White's
initiative is 12 itJbd2 ltJxd2 13 i.xd2
ltJc4 14 i.f4 0-0 (risky is 14 ... ltJxb2 1 5
е 6 with а strong initiative for White - 11 J:.d1
Nikolic) 15 Ь3 ltJЬб 16 е6 f5 17 ltJe5 ( 1 7 After the less active 1 1 itJbd2 Lukacs
.U.fe l ! ?) 1 7 . . . d4 1 8 с 4 J:l.f6 1 9 ltJf7 'ife8 recommends 1 1 . . . ltJxd2 12 'i'xd2 ltJa5
20 J:.fe 1 'i'c6 2 1 f3 i.c8 22 ltJe5 ffxe6 23 13 i.c2 с5 14 'ifd3 g6 15 i.h6 J:.e8 =.

схЬ5 i.d6 24 'ifd3 'i!t'd5 25 J:.ac1 ахЬ5 26 ll ...ltJaS 12 i.c2 'ii'c8

Archangel with 7 сЗ CiJxe4: Minor Lines 31

1 2. . . f5 1 3 llJd4 'ifc8 1 4 f3 с5 1 5 fxe4 Stressing the weakness of the dark

fxe4 1 6 llJЬЗ llJc4 17 llJ1d2 1eads to prob­ squares.
lems for Black., ChandJer-Chiburdanidze, 15 %:.е8 (D)

Linares 1 988. Тhе best solution. 1 5 ...'1Wd7 1 6 ЬЗ llJЬб

13 llJbd2 17 '1Wd3 g6 1 8 'ii'd4 .ixg5 1 9 llJxg5 hб 20
Also: llJh3 'i/e7 2 1 llJf4 с5 22 'ife3 J:fe8 23 е6
а) 13 llJd4 с5 14 f3 llJxc3 15 Ьхс3 g5 24 exf7+ -..xf7 25 'ifxc5 llJd7 26 'ifc7
cxd4 16 'ifd3 gб 17 cxd4 llJc4 with а is slight1y better for White, Dvoirys­
good position for Black. Yakovich, Кharkov 1 985.
Ь) 1 3 а4! ? с5 14 llJbd2 �с6 (Black
could a1so try 14 . . .llJxd2!?) 1 5 llJxe4 dxe4
1 6 llJg5 .ixg5 1 7 .ixg5 llJc4 1 8 .iЬЗ
'ifg6 ( 1 8 ...llJxe5 1 9 .id5 'ifc7 20 .if4) 1 9 w
.ixc4 'ii'x g5 20 .id5 ! .ixd5 2 1 .l:;xd5
J:ad8 (Walker-Polaczek, corr. 1 988) 22
�хе4 ! and White is а pawn up.
B1ack has unsuccessfully tried two
different ways to sacrifice а pawn:
а) 1 3 ...'iff5 1 4 J:e 1 llJc4 1 5 llJxe4 dxe4
16 .ixe4 .ixe4 1 7 '1Wxe4 'ii'xe4 1 8 J:xe4
J:ad8 1 9 J:e1 J:d5 20 ЬЗ llJa3 2 1 .ixa3
.iхаЗ 22 J:ad 1 J:fd8 with а 1ittle com­ 16 b3 llJb6 17 'ifdЗ g6
pensation for the pawn, Petroni�-Pantos, Preparing to evacuate the bishop.
Belgrade 1 989. Now, rather than 1 8 'ifd4 .if8 1 9 'ii'h4
Ь) l3 ... 'ifg4 14 h3 'ifg6 1 5 llJxe4 dxe4 llJd7 20 J:e1 .ig7 2 1 .if6 с5 (Тymcio­
1 6 llJd2 J:ad8 1 7 J:e1 f5 1 8 exf6 'ifxf6 1 9 Kukawski, corr. 1 990) 22 llJg5 llJf8 23
llJxe4 and White is а pawn up, Ka1egin- .ixg7 Фхg7 24 'iff4 :t, 18 .ixe7 J:xe7 1 9
1Ьragimov, Perm 1 997. 'ifd4 followed Ь у -.. м deserves atten­
14 .ixd2 llJc4 15 .igS! tion.
4 Archangel with 7 сЗ ttJxe4:
Main Line (8 d4 4Ja5 )

1 е4 eS 2 liJf3 liJc6 3 �ЬS а6 4 �a4 liJf6 А1)

5 О-О ьs 6 �ьз �Ь7 7 с3 liJxe4 8 d4 10...'it'f6
liJaS (D) Although this move is more popular
than 10 ... liJd6, it is weaker and less solid.
11 f3!
1 1 а4 (Romualdi-Dragone, corr. 1 975)
w l l . . . liJc5 radically solves B lack's prob­
lems: 12 �xf7+ 'ilkxf7 1 3 liJxf7 Фхf7 14
dxc5 �хс5 with а very good ending for
Black; 1 2 dxc5 'ilkxe5 1 3 ахЬ5 �хс5 14
Ьха6 �xg2 15 Фхg2 �е4+ with а per­
petual check; 12 'i!Vd 1 ! ? liJxa4 1 3 .::te 1
�е7 14 'i'g4 �с8 15 'i'g3 !? gives White
an initiative for the pawn.
All: ll...liJd6?! 32
Now: А12: 11 liJc5 •.. 33
А: 9 liJxe5 32
В : 9 �с2 36 А1 1 )
l l liJd6?!

Д) А seldom-used move. The knight stands

9 liJxe5 liJxb3 10 'i*'xb3 worse at d6 than at е6. White has three
After 10 ахЬ3 White cannot gain any ways to develop the initiative:
advantage: а) 1 2 liJd2 'i'e6 1 3 'i!Vd1 0-0-0 (or
а) 1 o ... d6 1 1 liJf3 �е7 12 liJbd2 ltJxd2 13 ... �е7 !? preparing ... 0-0) 14 liJb3 liJc4
1 3 �xd2 0-0 Corso-Lu.Valdes, Cuba
= 1 5 liJxc4 �хс4 1 6 liJa5 'i'd5 1 7 li:Jxb7
1 994. ФхЬ7 18 �f4 �d6 19 �xd6 �xd6 20 а4
Ь) 1 О ... �е7 (Owen-SibЬett, corr. 1990) ± Feher-Petronic, Budapest 1 99 1 .
1 1 'i'g4 g6 1 2 �h6 d6 1 3 liJf3 ( 1 3 liJd3 Ь) 1 2 .I:te1 �е7 1 3 а4 .::td8 ( 1 3. ..'�е6!?)
�g5) 1 3 ...f5 14 'i'f4 Фf7 and after ...�f6 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 5 .::ta7 0-0 1 6 liJa3 with
and . . . .::th e8 B1ack shou1dn' t have any an initiative for White, Burovic-Cepon,
proЬlems. LjuЬljana 1992.
Now there are two possiЬilities for с) 12 а4 'i'e6 13 'f*'d 1 0-0-0 (Black
Black: can also consider 13 ... �е7 !?) 14 ахЬ5
А 1 : 10...'i�'f6 32 ахЬ5 15 liJa3 'i'd5 16 b3 liJf5 1 7 'i'd3 f6
А2: 10...liJd6 34 18 'f*'xf5 fxe5 1 9 'ilkxe5 'i'xe5 20 dxe5
ArcJшngel with 7 сЗ t'i1xe4: Main Line (8 d4 ltJa5) 33

�с5+ 2 1 Фh1 .l:.de8 (2 1 . . .Ь4 is better) 22 Now:

Ь4 �Ь6 23 �f4 .l:.hf8 24 �g3 h5 25 А121: 1З...�е7? 33
tt::Jxb5 g5 26 h3 g4 27 fxg4 hxg4 28 h4 А122: 13 ... gxf6 34
i.d5 (Rбtsagov-Shirov, Tallinn rpd 1996)
29 .l:.xf8 .l:.xf8 30 с4 ! +-. А1 2 1 )
1 З...�е7? 14 дi.g5!
д12) After 14 ахЬ3 Фхf6 Вlack has а good
1 1 12 tt::Jg4 ending:
The strongest move, Ьу which White а) 15 �f4!? d6 16 lL:Jd2 1/2- lf2 Cirello­
forces а better ending. Other moves do Ciarizza, corr. 1993.
not cause serious proЬlems for Black: Ь) 15 с4 Ьхс4 (or 15 ... d5 1 6 схЬ5
а) 12 'Wic2 tt::Je6 1 3 lL:Jd2 d6 14 tt::Je4 ахЬ5 17 .l:.xa8 �ха8 18 tt::Jc3 and Black
'Wid8 1 5 lL:Jd3 �е7 1 6 �d2 0-0 Barc­ = stands well, Sherzer-Nickoloff, Chicago
zay-Panczyk, Naleczow 1983. 1992) 16 Ьхс4 i.b4 17 �d2 а5 1 8 i.хЬ4
Ь) 1 2 'i'd1 tt::Je 6 and now: ахЬ4 19 lL:Jd2 d6 Ivanchuk-Beliavsky,

Ь l ) 13 tt::Jd2 d6 14 tt::Je4 'i'd8 15 d5 Linares 1 992.

dxe5 16 dxe6 f5 17 tt::Jf2 'i'xd 1 18 .l:.xd 1 14...gxf6
�d6 19 .l:.e1 0-0 20 lL:Jd3 е4 21 fxe4 ? ! The only move. Poor is 14 . . .tt::J x al 1 5
fxe4 - + Perenyi-Mikhalchishin, Buda­ .l:.e1+:
pest 1 983. а) 15 ...Фd6 1 6 i.f4+ Фс6 17 d5+ Фс5
Ь2) 1 3 а4 �d6 1 4 'i'e2 с5 1 5 ахЬ5 (17 . . .Фb6 1 8 lL:Jxd7+ Фa5 { 1 8 . . . Фа7 1 9
cxd4 16 tt::Jc4 �с5 17 cxd4 i.xd4+ 1 8 �е3+ +-} 1 9 �хс7+ Фа4 20 lL:Jb6+ Фа5
Ф h 1 0-0 1 9 Ьб ( 1 9 lL:Jdб ахЬ5 20 .l:.xa8 21 tt::Jc4++ Фа4 22 Ь3+ tt::Jxb3 23 tt::Jb2#)
�ха8 2 1 tt::J xb5 �с5 + Mikhalchishin) 18 Ь4+ Фс4 1 9 tt::Ja 3+ Фхс3 20 tt::Je4+
1 9. . . �с6 20 �е3? d5 + Anand-Mikhal­ ФхЬ4 (20. . .Фd3 2 1 .l:.d 1 + Фе2 22 .l:.d2+
chishin, Moscow GMA 1989. Фе1 23 i.g3#) 21 .I:.Ьl + Фха3 (alterna­
Ь3) 13 .l:.e1 �d6 (groundless aggres­ tively, 21 ... Фа5 22 i.xc7+ Фа4 23 tt::Jc 3+
sion would Ье 13 . . . 0-0-0 14 а4 Ь4 1 5 Фха3 24 i.f4 1-0 Jukic-V.B�agic, Osijek
tt::Jd 2 g 5 1 6 tt::Jdc4 h 5 17 tt::Ja5 ! �d6 18 1993) 22 tt::Jc3 1-0 J.Haii-Collinson, Oak­
tt::Jxb7 ФхЬ7 19 tt::Jc4 ± Ady-Fiear, Lon­ ham jr 1 992.
don 1 985) 14 tt::Jd2 �хе5 (14 . . .'Wih4 !?; Ь) 15 . . . �е4 (а desperate attempt to
1 4 ... 'Wie7) 15 .l:.xe5 d6 1 6 .l:.e1 0-0 ;!; Vas­ give the king the b7-square) 16 tt::Jd5++ !
quez-Nickoloff, Novi Sad OL 1990. ( 1 6 tt::Je8+ f6; 16 tt::J xe4+, Bere\ovich­
12 13 tt::Jxf6+ (D) Potapov, Russian Cht 1 996, 16 ... Фе6 ! оо)
1 6 . . .Фd6 ( 1 6 . . . Фе6 17 tt::Jxc7+ Фd6 1 8
.tr4+ Фс6 1 9 tt::Jx a8 ±) 1 7 fxe4 .l:.e8 1 8
tt::Jd2 .l:.xe4 1 9 tt::Jxe4+ Фхd5 20 tt::Jf2 tt::Jc2
в 21 J:.e5+ Фс4 22 i.d2 tt::Ja 1 23 .l:.e l and
again White is better.
15 .l:.el+ 'it>d6 16 дi.f4+ Фс6 17 ахЬЗ
�d6 18 hd6 Фхd6 19 Ь4
White сап also try 19 с4, followed Ьу
20 tt::Jc З, or 19 tt::Jd2 .l:.he8 20 lL:Je4+ J.xc4
21 fxe4 (2 l .l:.xe4 .l:.xe4 22 fxe4 Ае8 1 wlth
some counterplay) with а better endlna
for White.
34 Archangel and New Archangel

19 ....:the8 20 .:txe8 Пхе8 21 'ifi>fl rs 22 А2)

ltJd2 'iti>dS 23 g3 d6 24 Пd1 Фс6 25 ltJП 10... ltJd6 (D)
'iti>b6 26 ltJe3 �с8 27 ltJd5+
± Furlan-Petek, S1ovenian Ch 1 996.

д1 22) w
13 ... gxf6 14 J:.e1+
14 ахЬЗ dб leads to а sirnilar position
to the main line:
а) 1 5 ltJd2 Фd7 1 6 ltJe4 i.e7 17 Ь4
J:.he8 18 i.hб i.d8 19 i.g7 .:tеб 20 ltJgЗ
with а better ending for White, Panbuk­
chian-Topalov, Bulgarian Ch 1992.
Ь) 15 с4 'iti>d7 16 llJcЗ i.g7 17 .:td1
:ье8 1 8 Фf2 f5 19 .:ta5 сб 20 i.f4 d5 2 1
с5 i.fб 22 .:td2 .:tеб 23 l2Jd 1 .:tae8 24 Ь4 Now:
i.d8 25 .:tаЗ i.c7 26 i.xc7 Фхс7 27 .:tеЗ А21: 1 1 i.f4 34
.:tхеЗ 28 ltJxe3 ± Popovic-Djuk:ic, Yugo­ А22: 11 а4 35
slav Cht 1 992. А23: 11 .:te1 35
14 .....te7 15 ахЬ3 d6 А24: 11 с4 з5
In Hultquist-M.Johansson, corr. 1 970
Black just managed to draw after 15 ... i.d5 Or:
1 6 с4 (16 i.f4 ! ?) 1б ... Ьхс4 1 7 ltJc3 i.b7 а) 1 1 ..-d1 i.e7 1 2 '*g4 gб 1 3 .:te1
1 8 Ьхс4 dб 1 9 ltJe4 Фd7 20 ltJgЗ .:tae8 2 1 ltJfS 1 4 i.g5 dб 15 i.xe7 ltJxe7 16 ltJdЗ
lDf5 i.d8 2 2 i.f4 d5 2 3 с5 .:txe1 + 24 0-0 А1 Modiahki-Zhu Chunhui, Beijing

.:txe1 .:te8 25 .:txe8 Фхе8 26 Фf2 i.c8 27 1995.

ltJeЗ сб 28 g4 а5 29 lDf5 i.аб 30 ФеЗ. Ь) 1 1 ltJd2 i.e7 12 f3 0-0 13 а4 .i.fб
16 с4 14 llJdЗ .:te8 1 5 ltJc5 i.сб 1 б а5 ltJb7 1 7
An altemative is 16 i.f4 Фd7 1 7 ltJd2: ltJde4 dб 1 8 ltJxb7 i.xb7 Antoniewski­

а) 17 ... а5 1 8 ltJfl i.d5 19 с4 i.сб 20 Luukkonen, Siofok U-20 Ech 1996.

ltJeЗ а4 21 d5 i.b7 (Wo\ff-Та\, San Fran­
cisco 199 1 ) 22 ltJf5 followed Ьу 23 .:tаЗ д21 )
! Wolff. 1 1 .i.f4
Ь) 17 ....:the8 18 llJfl с5 19 dxc5 dxc5 Now B1ack has two ways to deve1op:
20 .:tad 1+ Фсб and Black managed to а) 1 1 ... .i.e7 1 2 ltJd2 0-0 13 ltJefЗ ( 1 3
draw the ending with difficulty in Ka1e­ .:tfe1 !?) 1 3 ...ltJe4 14 ltJxe4 i.xe4 1 5 ltJd2
gin-Potapov, Ufa 1993. .ib7 16 "ii'd 1 dб 17 .:te1 ,..d7 18 .:tез
16... Фd7 17 ltJc3 Пhg8 .:tfe8 Hjelm-Jepson, Swedish open Ch

17 ... f5 18 .:ta5 i.fб 19 .:td 1 сб 20 i.f4 1 992.

.:the8 2 1 с5 i.d8 22 .:taa1 i.c7 23 Ь4 with Ь) 1 1 ... ..-fб!? 1 2 .:te1 0-0-0 ( 1 2....ie7 !?
а better ending for White, Gdanski-Czer­ keeps the right to castle kingside, which
wonski, Polish Ch 1992. could Ье followed Ьу ... ltJfS or . . .ltJe4) 1 3
18 Фfl f5 19 :as i.h4+ 20 g3 i.f6 21 .igЗ h5 14 hЗ 'itfS 1 5 а4 fб 1 6 ахЬ5 ахЬ5
Пd1 i.c6 22 Ь4 d5 23 с5 i.b7 24 i.f4 ( 1 6 ... fxe5 17 Ьхаб .i.a8 1 8 а7 l2Jb7 1 9
with an advantage for White, Gdan­ .:txe5 +-) 17 ltJf3 ! g5 ( 1 7 ... .ixfЗ 1 8 gxfЗ
ski-Volzhin, Oakham jr 1992. 'itxfЗ 19 d5 doesn't help Black either) 1 8
Archangel with 7 сЗ lisxe4: Main Line (8 d4 l:LJa5) 35

lL\a3 and Black' s positioп is extremely seizes the initiative, Degerman-Furhoff,

bad; e.g., 18 . . .i.x.f3 19 �хdб or 18 ... �d5 Stockho1m 1992.
1 9 � iсб 20 'i'a5 g4 2 1 lL\h4. 13 .U.b8

Or I З ...i.fб 14 lL\fl i.сб (or 14 ....U.e8

А22) 15 i.f4 ixe5 1б dxe5, Maxioп-Welleп­
11 а4 i.e7 12 lL\a3 0-0 13 Jf.f4 reiter, соп. 1 993, 1б ... Ьха4 with chances
1 3 �е3 :tb8 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 5 d5 lL\c4 to equalize), Timoshenko-Onishchuk,
1 б lL\axc4 i.xd5 1 7'i'k d 1 i.xc4 1 8 lL\xd7 Alushta 1 994, 1 5 lL\xcб t.
i.xfl 1 9 Фxfl :ta8 112- lf2 Кhait-Beloze­ 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 15 lL\П Ь4
rov, Moscow Ch 199б. This is more forciпg and active than
13...J:Z.b8 14 ахЬ5 1 5 . . ..U.a8 although after 16 if4 i.g5 1 7
Now: .U.xa8 ixa8 1 8 i.xg5 'itxg5 Black's posi­
а) 14 ...lL\xb5 ? ! 15 lL\xb5 dб 1б lL\d3 tion is not bad, Tilak-A.Kuzmiп, Doha
i.e4 17 lL\Ь4 :txb5 ( 17 ... ахЬ5 18 d5 ±; 1 992.
for example, 1 8 ...�g5 1 9 lL\cб 'i'fб 20 16 c4 lL\f5 17 �d3 lL\h4 18 d5 d6
�g3 :tЬ7 2 1 f4 �h4 22 :tfe1 i.xg3 23 Iпterestiпg is 18 . . . 1:te8 followed Ьу
hxg3 with the idea of huпtiпg the Ь7-rook . . .�dб or ... i.fб.
Ьу 'i'а2-аб), Nijboer-Piket, Dutch Ch 19 lL\c6 Jf.xc6 20 dxc6 i.f6 21 1:ta7
1 99б, 1 8 :tхаб ! favours White; for exam­ lL\g6 22 'i'e4 lL\e5 23 'itd5
p1e, 18 ... с5 19 jVa4, 18 ... �g5 19 i.g3 �Ь7 Кotronias-Mozetic, Be1grade 1 993 .
20 :ta7 с5 2 1 �а4 or 1 8 ... �d3 1 9 :tfa1 Black сап obtaiп good couпterp1ay Ьу
с5 20 'i!t'd 1 :tхЬ4 21 схЬ4 �хаб 22 :tхаб 23 ...1:ta8 24 1:tb7 :tаб (Kotronias/Мozetic).
схЬ4 23 d5.
Ь) 14 ... ахЬ5 1 5 lL\c2 lL\f5 1б f3 dб 17 А2 4 )
lL\g4 сб 18 lL\ge3 lL\xe3 19 lL\xeЗ 1/2- lf2 11 с4 (D)
Galkiп-Be1ozerov, Tomsk 1 997.

1 1 :te1 i.e7 12 lL\d2 В
1 2 а4 :tb8 1 3 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 14 lL\d2 0-0
transposes to the maiп liпe.
Iпсопесt is 12 �g5? fб 13 �h4 g5 14
i.g3 fxe5 15 �хе5 :tf8 1 б jVd 1 Фf7 17
'i'h5+ Фg8 1 8 'i'hб lL\f5 1 9 'ith5 dб 20
�g3 �е8 21 'itd 1 h5 0- 1 Уоuпg-Неп1еу,
1 992.
12. .0-0 13 а4

No peaceful move сап give White

chances for ап advantage: The most aggressive move. White
а) 1 3 lL\fl lL\e4 14 d5 lL\fб 15 :td 1 dб threatens с5 and in some variations Black
1 б lL\fЗ с б 1 7 dхсб i.хсб 1 8 lL\d4 i.d5 may have proЬlems with the b5-pawn.
with а good positioп for Black, Prasad­ 1 1 ...f6!
Luпdkvist, Gausda1 1 99 1 . The Ьest move, \eadiпg to forcing р1ау.
Ь ) 1 3 lL\dfЗ lL\f5 1 4 d 5 i.dб 15 с4 Others:
�хе5 1 б :txe5 lL\dб 17 схЬ5 ахЬ5 1 8 :te1 а) 1 1 .. .'ii'e7 ?! (Zecha-Breazu, соп.
:ta4 19 �е3 'i'a8 20 :ted 1 :te8 and Black 1 99 1 ) 1 2 схЬ5 ахЬ5 1 3 1:te1 апd Black
36 Archangel and New Archangel

.. &аео an un_pleuant pin: 1 З .'i'е6 14.. 16 .tf4

e.l Ь4 1 5 Wd 1 .tc7 1 6 lt::k1 2 ±. 16 �е3 d6 17 .td2 c5 1 8 .tc3 0-0 19 f4
Ь) l l bxc4 12 �хс4 ltlxc4 (the on1y
... (an attempt to upset Black's p1an) 19 . . .Ь4
IIIOVI) 1 3 wrxb7 (Whlte cannot expect any 20 .txe5 dxe5 2 1 liJd2 :tae8 22 fxe5 .l:.f5
advantaae aftcr 13 :te 1+ �е7 14 �хс4 23 liJc4 'i'h4 + Arakhamia-Rausis, Сар­
0-0 15 .tf4 d6 16 ltJc3 'i'd7 17 :ас 1 реНе la Grande 1993 .
lac8 1 8 hЗ .1d8 19 �а4 :txe1+, Lau­ 16...d6 17 liJc3
Mainka, Po1anica Zdroj 1 99 1 ) 1 3 . . ..te7 1 7 а4 �f7 ! .
14 liJd2 lt1xd2 1 5 .txd2 0-0 16 .tf4 .l:.b8 1 7... 0-0-0 18 liJd5 'ii'f8
17 'i'xa6 :tхЫ (Vad1a-Dusper, Croatia 18 . . . �h4 ! ?.
Cup 1 993) 18 :аы ;!;, 19 ..txe5
с) 1 1 ... 'ii'f6 1 2 liJc3 ( 1 2 :te1 0-0-0 { or 19 .tе3? ФЬ8 20 .l:.ec1 'i'f7 21 .l:.d 1 с6
12 ....te7 13 l2Jc3 } 13 схЬ5 and White has 22 liJЬ4 'ii'x b3 23 ахЬ3 .tхЫ 24 .l:.a2
chances to obtain an advantage) 12 . . .'�е6 .tc3 25 liJxa6+ Фс8 26 .tf4 .txa6 27
1 3 .l:.e1 (Bauer-Kasimdzhanov, Las Ve­ :txa6 ФЬ7 28 .l:.a2 d5 0- 1 Wlodarczyk­
gas FIDE КО 1999) 1 3 . . .Ьхс4 14 �а4 Paпczyk, Polish Cht 1992.
0-0-0 ( 1 4 . . . .te7 1 5 d5 ! .txd5 1 6 liJxd5 19... dxe5 20 .:.хе5 Фьs
'ii'xd5 17 �xd7+ Фf8 1 8 .tf4 ±) 15 d5 B1ack's position is а 1inle better; for
ir'f6 16 lt1xc4 liJxc4 17 'ii'xc4 .td6 1 8 example, 21 .l:.ae1 'ii'f7 22 liJe3 'it'xb3 + .
.te3 ±.
12 с5 В)
lnterestiпg is 12 .l:.e 1 fxe5 1 3 :txe5+ 9 .tc2 exd4
.te7 14 .tg5 liJf5 (14 ... Ьхс4 15 'ii'g3 lt1e4 Now:
1 6 .txe7 liJxg3 17 .txd8+ Фхd8 ; = В1: 10 liJxd4 36
14 . . . liJc8 15 схЬ5 d6 16 .l:.e3 d5 17 Ьха6 В2: 10 �е2 39
.txa6 1 8 liJc3 .tc4 19 �Ь4 Фf7 20 ВЗ: 10 .l:.e1 39
.txe7 liJxe7 2 1 .l:.fЗ+ gives White stroпg В4: 10 ..txe4 41
pressure) 1 5 схЬ5 lt1xd4 16 .txe7 liJxb3 B S : 10 Ь4 41
17 ..txd8+ Фхd8 18 ахЬ3 d6 19 .l:.g5 g6
20 liJc3 Фd7 21 .l:.c 1 ахЬ5 with an equa1 81 )
position, Djomaiev-Onishchuk, Hallsberg 10 liJxd4 с5
jr 1993. Others:
12...fxe5 13 cxd6 ..txd6 а) 10 . . . lt1g5 1 1 а4 с5 12 �е2+ liJe6
1 3 . . . cxd6 14 .l:.e1 �f6 1 5 а4 �е6 ! 1 6 1 3 liJxe6 dxe6 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 15 'i'xb5+
�g3 h5 17 .tg5 �g4 1 8 'i'xg4 hxg4 .tc6 16 'ife2 .te7 ;!; Z.Aimasi-Onishchuk,
(Ortiz-Ramirez, corr. 1993) 19 dxe5 dxe5 Mamaia U- 16 Wch 1 99 1 .
20 .l:.xe5+ Фf7 2 1 ахЬ5 and поw Riпaldi Ь) 1 0 . . .d 5 1 1 f3 ( 1 1 'i'e2 с 5 1 2 liJb3
gave 21 . . . ахЬ5 22 .l:.xa8 ..txa8 23 .l:.xb5 traпsposes to В2 апd 1 1 .l:.el to В3)
±, but 2 1 ....td6 is better. 11 ... liJd6 1 2 .l:.e1+ Фd7 1 3 .tf4 с5 14
14 dxe5 liJf5 liJxf5 1 5 .txf5+ Фс6 1 6 liJa3 .td6
Zaitsev поw recommeпds 1 4... .tc5 1 5 17 'i'd2 .txf4 18 �xf4 'i'd6 19 'ii'h4
.te3 'f/e7 =. But Black сап fight for an .l:.he8 20 Ь4 .l:.e5 lf2-lf2 Ivanov-Nicko1off,
advantage ! Philade1phia 1 993 .
14... .txe5! 15 .l:.e1 �е7 Now:
It appears that Black has по way to B l l : 11 ..txe4 37
take advantage of the рiп оп the e-file. В12: l l liJfS 37
Archangel with 7 сЗ !'i::.xe4: Main Line (8 d4 ttJa5) 37

81 1 ) 14 ....te7
1 1 .txe4 .txe4 12 .l:.e1 d5 (D) The other possiЬility is 1 4 . . .dxe4 1 5
�g4 ! ( 1 5 .l:l.xe4+ .te7 =):
а) 1 5 . . . �d5 ? ! 1 6 .1:1.xe4+ .te7 1 7 cxd4
f6 1 8 .td2 ltJc6 19 ltJc3 ( 1 9 �xg7 ! ?)
w 19 ... �f7 20 .l:tfl ± Hellers-Mortensen,
Gausdal Z 1 987.
Ь) 15 . . .dxc3? ! 16 fi'xe4+ ! .te7 1 7
ltJxc3 .l:l.a7 (the re1atively best 1 7 . . .Фf8
1 8 .tf4 .tc5+ 1 9 Фh l �е8 20 �d3 does
not improve the position much) 1 8 ltJd5
ltJc6 19 .tg5 .l:td7 20 .l:tad 1 with а winning
attack for White, Hellers-Fiear, Lugano
1 986.
с) 1 5 . . . .1:ta7 16 1:хе4+ .l:te7 17 .tg5
Now: 1:хе4 1 8 �хе4+ .te7 19 cxd4 f6 gives
В 1 1 1 : 13 ltJf5 37 White а slight advantage, Brenjo-Petro­
в112: 13 rз 37 nic, Yugoslav Ch 1 99 1 .
15 �g4
81 1 1 ) This move may lead to very sharp
13 ltJf5 'ifd7 play. White does not aim to win material
1 3 . . . g6 1 4 ltJe3 (or 1 4 ltJg3 ! ? !J..e7) but rather to hinder B1ack's deve1opment.
14 ... !J..e7 1 5 f3 d4 16 cxd4 cxd4 1 7 ltJg4 The other move is 1 5 'ifxd4 0-0 1 6 exd5
( 1 7 fxe4 dxe3) 17 . . . f5 1 8 ltJe5 ( 1 8 fxe4 (not good is 16 е5 1:с8 17 Фh1 ltJc6 and
fxg4) 1 8 . . . !J.. хЫ 19 .l:txЫ �d5 with а Black obtains active р1ау without any
good position for Black in all variations. materia1 investments, MacDonald-Mene­
14 ltJe3 ghini, соп. 1 990; 1 6 �xd5 �с7 gives
1 4 ltJg3 .te7 1 5 ltJd2 ( 1 5 ltJxe4 dxe4 B1ack full compensation for the pawn -
16 �xd7+ Фхd7 1 7 .l:txe4 .l:l.he8 leads to Wolff) 16 ... !J.. f6 17 �d3 .l:te8 18 .l:txe8+
а favouraЬle ending for B1ack) 1 5 . . . .tg6 'ifxe8 (Stripunsky-Sepp, Rostov 1 993)
16 ltJfЗ ltJc6 17 h4 h6 18 ltJe5 ltJxe5 19 and at this point White should continue
.l:l.xe5 (Zso.Polgar-Potapov, Mlada Bole­ 19 .tf4 ! ? �el + 20 'iffl �xfl + 2 1 Wxfl
slav 1 994) and now Вlack should play ltJc4.
19 ....l:l.d8 !?, not exposing the king to dan­ 15. .. 0-0
ger. This simple move seems best. The
14 ... .te7 15 rз d4 16 cxd4 cxd4 17 pawn sacrifice 1 5 . . .�d7 1 6 iVxg7 0-0-0
fxe4 dхеЗ 18 'i'xd7+ Фхd7 19 .tхеЗ 17 �xd4 ( 1 7 ..if4? ! d3 ! gives Black а
..if6 20 ltJcЗ .tхсЗ 21 bxc3 ltJc4 22 .td4 good game; 1 7 cxd4 needs to Ье tested)
lf2- lf2 Zso.Polgar-Gy.Нorvath, Hun­ 17 ... dxe4 gives White an advantage in а
garian Ch 1 995. sharp position.
16 .th6 ..if6 17 е5 Пе8 18 cxd4 �Ь6
81 1 2) 19 .tез ..ie7 20 ltJcЗ �е6
13 rз cxd4 14 fxe4 Black has а good position.
In this apparently simple position
Black must р1ау very accurately to com­ 812)
plete his development. l l ltJf5 (D)
Archangel and New Archangel

Ь) 1 2 lLJd2 ! ? g6 ( 1 2. . .'�'d7) 1 3 lLJg3

lLJxg3 (Beliavsky recommends 1 3 . . . f5)
• 14 fxg3 .i.e7 1 5 lLJf3 d4 1 6 .i.h6 lLJc4 17
cxd4 cxd4 1 8 .i.b3 ± Beliavsky.
12 lLJd2
а) 1 2 lLJe3 ! ? "ii'e6 1 3 f3 1/2- lf2 Geller­
A. Kuzmin, Berlin 1 99 1 .
Ь) 1 2 �f3 lLJg5 1 3 "il'e2+ lLJe6 1 4 .i.f4
lLJc4 1 5 lLJa3 0-0-0 1 6 .i.g3 lLJxa3 17 Ьха3
gб 1 8 fl'e5 ( 1 8 .i.e5 lLJf4 ! ) 1 8 ... fl'xe5 1 9
ixe5 gxf5 20 ixh8 il.e7 2 1 .i.e5 d 6 22
1 1 .'ii'f6
.• ig3 f4 and Black won the ending in
An altemative is Мikhalchishin's move Renet-Shirov, Correze (4) 1 99 1 .
1 1 ... d5. White can either deprive Black с) 1 2 "il'g4 h5 1 3 'ifrз d5 ( 1 3 ... lLJg5 is
of his castling rights or seek positional the same as line 'Ь' but with the extra
compensation: move ... h5) 14 lLJd2 g6 1 5 lLJxe4 dxe4 1 6
а) 1 2 f3 lLJg5 1 3 .i.xg5 �xg5 14 .::te 1 + .i.xe4 0-0-0 1 7 il.xb7+ lLJxb7 1 8 lLJd4
Фd7 1 5 lLJd2 g6 16 f4 "iWxf4 (Beliavsky "il'xfЗ 19 lLJxfЗ .i.g7 Kotronias-Moze­

recommends 16 .. .'ii'f6 1 7 lLJe3 �xf4 1 8 tic, Кarditsa 1 994.

� 'ili'e5 as better still, even though after 12... d5
1 9 lLJg4! "iWg7 20 lLJef6+ the situation is Also:
not c1ear) 1 7 .::tf l 'ili'c7 18 lLJe3 f5 and а) 1 2 ... lLJxd2 1 3 .::te 1 + ! lLJe4 14 .i.xe4
now: 0-0-0 1 5 i.xb7+ lLJxb7 1 6 lLJe3 d5 1 7 а4
а 1 ) 1 9 lLJb3 lLJxb3 20 lLJxd5 "ii'd6 2 1 and White has the initiative (Leko ).
.i.xb3 .::td8 22 lDf4 с4 and Black parried Ь) 1 2 ...�xf5 ! ? 1 3 lLJxe4 (interesting
the attack and obtained а won position in is 13 .i.xe4 ! ? .i.xe4 1 4 lLJxe4 d5 1 5 lLJg3
Yurtaev-A. Kuzmin, Dubai 1 999. "il'd7 16 а4 with compensation for the
а2) 19 .i.xf5 + ! ? gxf5 20 .::txf5 and pawn, Roos-Ramirez, corr. 1 994) 1 3 .. .'ii'd5
now: 14 .i.g5 'ili'xd 1 1 5 .::taxd 1 d5 1 6 .::tfe 1 Wd7
а2 1 ) 20 ...Фс8 2 1 �xd5 .i.xd5 22 17 i.e3 lLJc4 1 8 lLJxc5+ .i.xc5 1 9 .i.xc5
.::txd5 .::ta7 (Z.A1masi-Beliavsky, Yugo­ lLJxb2 20 .::td2 .::t he8 2 1 .::tde2 g6 22 .::te7+
s1av Cht 1 998) and now according to Bel­ .::txe7 23 .::txe7+ Фсб with equality in а
iavsky White can obtain strong (but sharp ending, Onishchuk-Lin Weiguo,
insufficient) pressure for the sacrificed Beijing 1 998.
piece Ьу 23 а4. 13 lLJxe4
а22) ln my opinion the strongest 1 3 f3 'ii'xf5 ( 1 3 ... lLJxd2 ! ? 14 .::te 1 +
move is 20. . .'ii'd6 2 1 .::tf7+ (21 lLJf3 Фс8 Фd7 1 5 .i.xd2 lLJc4) 1 4 fxe4 'ii'd7 1 5 exd5
22 lLJxd5 tЬс4 23 Ь3 'ili'e6 -+; 21 �fЗ d4 i.e7 ао (Almasi).
22 lLJe4 .i.xe4 23 Ш7+ .i.e7 24 '1Wxe4 "iWe6 13 ...dxe4 14 lLJgЗ
-+) 2 1 ...Фс8 (not as clear is 2 1 ... Фе8 22 1 4 "il'g4 h5 ! and White has proьtems
_.f3 d4 23 .::txb7 lDxb7 24 '1Wxb7 .:tb8 25 regaining the pawn.
'ili'e4+ Фd7 26 cxd4) 22 "ii'rз Wb8 and 14...i.e7 15 lLJxe4 'ili'c6 16 'ili'ьs g6
Black is аЬ\е to complete his develop­ Others:
ment successfully; for example, 23 .::tf l а) 1 6 .. .'.-gб 17 �e2 11t'e6 1 8 .::te 1 hб?
Фа7 2 4 Ь4 (24 �xd5 .::td 8) 24. . .lLJc6. (Konikowski states that the position after
Archangel with 7 сЗ l1Jxe4: Main Line (8 d4 lDa5) 39

1 8 ... 0-0 1 9 liJg5 'ir'xe2 20 .J:txe2 .ixg5 2 1 19 liJfЗ h6 20 .ih4 liJg8 (20... g5 ! ? 2 1
.ixg5 .J:tfe8 is tenaЬ\e) 1 9 liJxc5 �хе2 20 .ig3 liJh5) 2 1 .ixe7+ liJxe7 22 liJe5 _.с7
.J:txe2 .id5 2 1 .if4 +- Yurtaev-Mozal­ 23 _.g4 Фg8 24 .ie4 .ixe4 25 _.хе4 and
iov, Smolensk 1 997. White has strong pressure for the pawn,
Ь) 1 6... liJc4 1 7 b3 g6 1 8 'ii'h3 liJd6 1 9 Mortensen-Mainka, Copenhagen 1 993 .
.l:t e 1 0-0 2 0 .if4 liJf5 21 liJg5 .ixg5 22 Ь) 14 . . . liJd6 15 .ie3 .J:tc8 1 6 Ь4 схЬ4
.ixg5 ± Z.Almasi-Beliavsky, Dortmund 17 .id4 f6 1 8 liJd2 Ьхс3 19 Ьхс3 Фf8 and
1 998. although White has some compensation,
17 'ii'es f6 18 'ir'gз о-о 19 rз rs Black chances seem better, Mortensen­
This move seems to solve all proЬlems Am.Rodriguez, Luceme OL 1 982.
in the simp1est way. Others: 1s rз rs
а) 1 9 . . . .J:tad8 20 .if4 .l:td7 21 .l:tfe1 After 1 5 ... .ih4 1 6 fxe4 .ixe1 1 7 _.хе1
'ii'b6 22 .l:te2 .id5 23 Ь3 .if7 24 :Зе1 and dxe4 18 _.g3 f5 19 .if4 White's chances
Black's pieces stand а little awkwardly, look better; e.g., 19 ...'i!r'f6 20 liJd2 h6 2 1
Zontakh-Petronit, Be1grade 1996. h4 'itrh7 2 2 liJfl .J:tad8 2 3 liJe3 'ii'g6 24
Ь) 19 ... .J:tfe8 20 liJf2 (Leko recom­ 'i!r'f2 'i!r'f6 25 h5, Winsnes-Moberg, Goth-
mends 20 .if4 ! ? ±) 20 . . . .id6 2 1 .if4 . enburg 1 993 .
.J:tad8 Leko-Mozetic, Tilburg 1 993.
= 16 fxe4 fxe4
20 lijf2 .id6 Black has two pawns, а dynamic cen­
The key idea is not to 1et the Ьishop get tre and attacking chances on the kingside
to f4, whence it could move to с7. based on his two potentially dangerous
21 .if4 .J:tad8 Ьishops. The main chance for White is to
= Barlow-Feagin, IECC e-mail l 996. break up Black's pawn-centre.
17 с4 .id6 18 g3
82) 1 8 'ii'g4? 'itf6 19 .ie3 d4 20 liJd2 'ii'e5
10 'ite2 dS 1 l ll:lxd4 c5 12 liJЬ3 ll:lxb3 -+ Mortensen-Shirov, Kerteminde 1 99 1 .
13 ахЬ3 i.e7 14 .J:te1 (D) 1 8....ie5 1 9 cxdS 'itxdS
This line was given Ьу Shirov. Black
has full compensation for the piece; White
can only hope to draw this position.
В З)
10 .J:te1 dS 1 1 liJxd4
а) 1 1 cxd4?! .ie7 1 2 liJc3 (Hansson­
Jacobs, London Lloyds Bank 1 984)
12 ...liJxc3 13 Ьхс3 and White must dem­
onstrate the correctness of his pawn sac­
Ь) 1 1 liJg5 ? ! .ie7 12 'ii'h5 g6 13 'ith6
14 0-0!
... _.d7 14 f3 liJd6 15 а4 d3 gives B1ack the
A1tematives: advantage, J.Littlewood-Flear, British Ch
а) 14 . . .liJf6 15 .ig5 Фf8 1 6 liJd2 .J:tc8 1 977.
( 1 6... h6 17 .ih4 .J:tc8, Wang Zili-Malan­ с) l l �xd4 (Becerra Rivero-Moreno,
iuk, Beijing 1 99 1 , 1 8 с4 with compensa­ Havana 1993) should Ье met Ьу 1 l ... liJc6
tion for the pawn) 17 с4 Ьхс4 1 8 Ьхс4 d4 or 1 1 . . . с5 with good play for Black.
40 Archangel and New Archangel

ll cs
... 23....:the8! 24 .:txe8 .:txe8 25 i.xd5+
11...i.d6 12 lt:Jf5 0-0 13 lt:Jd2 .:te8 14 i.xd5 26 'i'xd5+ Фf6 27 'i'd4+ 'it>gS 28
lt:Jxe4 dxe4 15 11r'g4 'iff6 16 lt:Jxd6 cxd6 17 'i'd2+ 'i'f429 .:td1 'i!i'xd2
..te3 d5 with compensation for the pawn, Black won the ending in Gubnicki­
Cvetkovic-Planinc, Pula 1968. Pioch, соп. 1980.
831: 12 lt:Jf5 40 8312)
832: 12 f3 41 12...'i'd7 (D)

831 )
12 lt:Jf5
Now: w
8311: 12... g6 40
8312: 12 .. .'i/kd7 40

831 1 )
12... g6 13 lt:Jg3 i.e7 14i.h6
14 �е2 0-0 (14 ...f5!?) 15 lt:Jd2 tlJxg3
16 �xe7 lt:Je4 17 1!r'xd8 .:tfxd8 18 ttJxe4
dxe4 19 Ь3 with some compensation for
the pawn, Timoshchenko-Novak, Stary
Smokovec 1972 . 13 lt:Je3 Also:
This move, encouraging White to sac­ а) 13 lt:Jg3 0-0-0 14 lt:Jxe4 dxe4 15
rifice the knight, looks very risky. 'i'e2 f5 16 а4 Ь4 17 ..tg5 Ь3 (very good is
1s r3 the simple 17 ...i.e7) 18 i.xd8 'i'xd8 19
However, 15 lt:Jxf5 gxf5 1б�h5+ Фd7 i.d1 с4 20 lt:Jd2 1!r'c7 21 'fi'fl (21 lt:Jxc4
17 'i'xf5+ Фс7 18 i.f4+ lt:Jd6! 19 'i'f7 'i'xc4 22 'i1Yxc4+ lt:Jxc4 23 i.xb3 ltJxЫ
lt:Jc6 (or 19....:te8) is actually not danger­ 24 i.e6+ Фс7 25 i.xf5 lt:Jd3 26 .:te2 i.c5
ous for Black (Pioch). +) 21...i.dб 22 g3 i.c5 23 'fi'h3 ФЬ8 with 16 hxg3 'l;f 7 17 lt:Jd2 а very good game for Вlack, Astrom­
17 g4 i.h4, followed Ьу ...'i'f6, or 17 Shirov, Stockholm 1989.
'i'e2 'ilid7 gives White nothing (Pioch). Ь) 13 f3!? �xf5 14 fxe4 dxe4 15 lt:Jd2
17...i.g5 18 ..txg5 'i'xg5 19 Ь4схЬ4 0-0-0 (15 ....:td8!?) 16 'fi'e2 (;!; Mi1os)
20 ltJЬ3! lt:Jxb3 21 i.xb3 l:tad8 22 'i'd4 16... i.d6 17 lt:Jxe4 i.xe4 18 i.xe4 'ilfe5
'i'xg3! 23 схЬ4 19 g3 ФЬ8 20 i.f4 �f6 does not look bad
Or: for B1ack.
а) 2 3 'i'Ь6 �d6! 2 4 'i'xb7+ .:td7 25 13...0-0-0 14f3 d4 15 cxd4 cxd4
i.xd5+ �xd5 26 'i'хаб ЬхсЗ 27 .:tad 1 Now:
'i'c5+ 28 Фh l .:txd 1! -+ (Pioch). а) 16 ..td2 (Zapata-Milos, Recife
Ь) 23 i.xd5+1? i.xd5 24 �а7+ Фg8 1991) 16... lt:Jxd2 (16 ...'i'c7!?) 17 ..tf5
25 .:te7 (25 .:tad 1 .:ta8! 26 'i'e7 i.f7 dxe3 18 'ilfc2+ ФЬ8 ( l 8б!?) 19
{ rather than 26 ... i.xf3? 27 J:te2!, draw­ ..txd7 .:txd7 20 .:txe3 and now, rather than
ing } and Black wins easily) 25 ...Фf8! 26 the higbly complex and unclear
.:td 1 (26 .:tae1�d6; 26 .:tg7 .:te8) 2б...�Ь8 21 .:te8+ Фа7 22 Фhl g5 (or 22!?),
27 �с5 'i'd6 -+ (Pioch). I suggest the simpler 20 ...i.Ь4!; e.g., 21
Archangel with 7 сЗ t:&ce4: Main Line (8 d4 lt:Ja5) 41

.l:.d3 .l:.c8 ( 2 1 . . ..1:.с7 2 2 lt:Jc3 lt:Jdc4) 22 and White wins back а pawn with а better
lt:Jc3 .l:.xd3 23 'ilkxd3 lt:Jac4 24 �f5 .l:.c7 position) transposes to Line В 52.
with а Ьetter ending for B lack. 12....ie7
Ь) 16 i.xe4 i.xe4 17 fxe4 dxe3 :j:, 12 ... с5 transposes to Line В 1 1 .
13 f3
832) 1 3 lt:Jd2 0-0 ( 1 3 ... с5 ! ?) 1 4 lt:Jxe4 dxe4
12 rз cxd4 13 fxe4 dxe4 1 5 'i'g4 i.f6 1 6 lt:Jf5 lt:Jc4 17 .l:.xe4 �h8
After 1 3 ... i.e7 14 'ilr'g4 0-0 1 5 .ih6 = Tseshkovsky-Pianinc, Zagreb 1 975.
.if6 16 е5 .l:.e8 17 cxd4 the position is lЗ i.хЫ

simi1ar to Line В 1 1 2, but with 1ight­ Others:

squared Ьishops, which is in White's fa­ а) 1 3 . . . i.g6? 14 Ь4 с5 15 Ьха5 cxd4
vour. 16 i.a3 .l:.a7 17 'i'xd4 +- (Wo1ft).
14 .ixe4 .ixe4 Ь) 13 . . . с5 !? 14 fxe4 cxd4 transposes
Or 14 . . . i.e7 !?, when 1 5 'ilr'g4 is not to Line В 1 1 2.
dangerous for B1ack; e.g., 1 5 ... 0-0 1 6 14 .ig5
i.xb7 lt:Jxb7 and White cannot contem­ 14 .l:.xЬI �d7 1 5 i.g5 f6 1 6 i.f4 ( 1 6
plate 1 7 'ilke4 i.c5 1 8 'ii'xb7 dxc3+ 1 9 'i'e2 ! ? 'iiff8 Wolff) 1 6. . .Фf7 1 7 'i'd3 g6
� h l i.f2 -+. 18 Фh1 с6 1 9 lt:Je6 i.d6 20 i.xd6 'i'xd6
The position is identical to the note to and Black parried gradually the attack and
Black's 14th move in Line В 1 1 2, except won in Joecks-Nogly, Germany 199 1/2.
that here B1ack has а Ьishop, rather than а 14 ..i.e4

pawn, оп е4. 14 . . . f6 is critical. Wolff gives 1 5 lt:Je6

15 'ilkg4 'i'd7 16 i.xf6 (or 1 6 'it'xЫ fxg5) 16 ...gxf6
Now: 1 7 'i'xЬI with а strong attack; for exam­
а) 15 . . . i.e7?! 16 i+'xg7 �d5 (Agei­ ple, 17 . . . Фf7 1 8 'ilkf5 .l:.ag8 1 9 lt:Jg5+
chenko-Ivanov, Moscow 199 1 ) 17 �xh8+ Фе8 20 'ilkxf6. 1 suggest 17 . . .lt:Jc4 fo1-
�d7 1 8 'ii'g 7 and Black does not have lowed Ьу ... 'ilkdб and . . . сб in order to have
compensation for the exchange. the move ... .l:.a7.
Ь) 1 5 . . . dxc3? ! 1 6 'ilkxe4+ transposes 15 .ixe7 �хе7 16 fxe4 dxe4
to note 'Ь' to B1ack's 14th move in Line 16 ... 0-0 17 exd5 'i'd7 ;!; Wolff-Emms,
В 1 1 2. Philadelphia 199 1 .
с) 1 5 . . . .1:.а7 1 6 .l:.xe4+ transposes to 1 7 'it'g4 0-0 1 8 .l:.xe4
note 'с' to Black's 1 4th move in В 1 1 2. White has an initiative for а pawn.
Nevertheless after 18 .. .'i'c5 followed Ьу
84) . .. lt:Jcб Black сап obtain at least an equal
10 i.xe4 i.xe4 l l .l:.e1 position.
1 1 'ilr'xd4 d5 ( 1 1 ... i.xfЗ 12 .l:.el + i.e7
1 3 'it'xg7 followed Ьу 14 i.h6) 1 2 lt:Jbd2 85)
(Astashin-Bielousov, 1 973) and now 10 Ь4 lt:Jc4 11 i.xe4
1 2. . . i.f5 so1ves all Black's proЬ!ems, 1 1 lt:Jxd4? lt:Jg5 gives White по com­
whi1e 12 . . . lt:Jc6 13 'it'e3 f5 is also interest­ pensation for the pawn.
ing. l l ...i.xe4 12 .l:.e1 (D)
l l ...d5 12 lt:Jxd4 Тhis is one of the most important posi­
12 Ь4 lt:Jc4 ( 12 ... lt:Jc6 1 3 lt:Jxd4 lt:Jxd4 tions in the system. Black had serious dil'­
{ 13 ... lt:Je7 14 lt:Jd2 followed Ьу а4 with а ficulties in this line for а long time until
very strong initiative for White } 14 'i'xd4 the move 13 . . . с5 (Line В523) wu found.
44 Archangel and New Archangel

а) 20 �xd6+ Фьs 21 ._.хе4 .l:.xd6 22 After 20....te5 2 1 lDd2! White parries

Wxo5 1!6+ 23 ._.xf6 gxf6 24 .l:.e4 .l:!.g8 the attack without difficulty; for exam­
25 la4 leads to an equal position. p1e, 2 1 ....1:.xd2+ 22 .i.xd2 g6 23 lLJd4
Ь) 20 -.хе4 .l:.he8 21 .i.g5 ! g6 (the 'i!fg3+ (23....tg3+ 24 Фе2 f5 25 ltJc6+
best try; 21 ... ltJd3+ 22 ,..xd3 .l:.xe1 23 1 -0 Kotkov-Pikan, соп. 1 984; 23...f5 24
Фхе1 f6 24 liJxd6+ J:txd6 25 'i!ff5+ ФЬ8 lZ'Jc6+ Фс8 25 'i'd3 1 -0 Jandovsky-Mate­
26 .te3 -.ы + 27 Фf2 .l:.d 1 28 Фg3 h5 29 jicek, соп. 1 989) 24 Ф�2 .l:.e8 25 .te3
-.rз g5 +- Polaczek-San Marco, Geneva ltJxe3 26 'i!fxe3 'i'xg2+ 27 Фd3 f6 28
1988; 21 ... f6 22 liJxd6+ .l:.xd6 23 .tf4 +­ .l:.e2 'i!fd5 29 'i'f3 'i'c4+ 30 Фс2 Фа7 3 1
deprives Black's rook of the f6-square) lЬс6+ ФЬ6 3 2 lZ'Ja5 1-0 Hellers-Morten­
22 liJd2! (the key move; Ьу threatening sen, Denmark-Sweden 1 987.
liJfl with the full isolation of Black's 21 'i'xe8.l:.xe8 22 .l:.xe8+ ФЬ7 23 .l:.e4
queen White avoids any complications) This is Ьetter than 23 ltJxdб+ ltJxd6 24
22 ...gxf5 23 ,..xf5+ .l:.d7 24 ltJfl 'i'hl 25 .l:.e1· lZ'JfS 25 lЬd2 ._.g3+ 26 Фfl lLJh4 27 1 .l:.e6 26 .tf4 lLJg6 27 .i.xd6 .l:.dxd6 .l:.e2 (Кindermann-Mainka, Dortmund
28 .l:.xd6 cxd6 29 .l:.xe6 fxe6 30 'i!Vxe6+ 1988) 27...'iVh2 Кindermann.

Фс7 31 'iVf7+ ФЬ6 32 'i'd7 1-0 Abramo­ 23... g6 24 ltJxd6+ lZ'Jxd6 25 lDd2
vic-Flear, BrusseJs 1 986. lZ'Jxe4+ 26 ltJxe4"ike5 27 ltJc5+ Фс6 28
± Klinger-Mainka, Dortmund 1989.

w 8523)
13 .с5! (D)

20 ,..хе4
Or 20 ltJa3, and now:
а) 20... e3+ 21 .i.xe3 (after 2 1 Фе2 g6
22 liJd4 lZ'Je5 Black has full compensa­
tion for the piece) 21 ...ltJxa3 22 liJd4 f5
23 lZ'Jc6+ Фс8 24 lZ'Ja7+ Фь8 25 lZ'Jc6+ On1y this aggressive move gives Black
Фс8 lf2- 1/2 Dvoirys-Sakovich, Кiev 1 98 1 . good counterplay. Black sacrifices а piece
Ь) 20...ltJxa3!? 21 .txa3 .te5 (Vukce­ but has very active pieces and strong
vic-Kapic, соп. 1 985) 22 1 (22 .l:.xe4 pressure in the centre, whereas White has
g6 23 .l:.xe5 gxf5 and now 24 .l:.xfS .l:.d2+ proЬlems completing his development
25 Фtз .l:.d3+ or 24 'iVe2 J:thg8 25 J:tg1 and keeping control of d4, which may Ье
'ilff4+ 26 Фе1 'i!fg3+ with а draw) 22...g6 challenged Ьу а later ... Ь4.
23 liJd4 .l:.d6 24 lZ'1e2 f5 25 ,..g5 h6 26 'i'c 1 14 Ьхс5
g5 with full compensation for the piece. 14 lLJf5 'i'd7 1 5 tl:Jg3 0-0-0 or 1 4 f3
20....1:.he8 cxd4 1 5 fxe4 is the same as Line В1 1 2
Archangel with 7 сЗ lt1xe4: Main Line (8 d4 tiJa5) 45

but with Ь4 and ...liJc4 included, which is сЗ) 19 .:tfl Ь4 20 Фh1 ЬхсЗ 2 1 liJc2
to Black's advantage. 'it'xd 1 22 .:txd 1 J:[adB 23 J:[fl .:te2 24
14 ... i.xc5 15 rз 0-0 16 fxe4 dxe4 17 liJbaЗ liJe5 25 �f4 liJdЗ 26 �gЗ �хаЗ
Пхе4 27 liJxa3 с2 and Black has the advantage
An altemative is 1 7 �h 1 : (Dvoirys).
а) 1 7. . :�'d5 1 В liJd2 J:[adB (Misailo­
vic-Petronic, Yugoslav Cht 1992) 1 9 liJxe4 8523 1 )
�xd4 20 'it'xd4 �xd4 2 1 cxd4 :txd4 22 18 'ifrз (DJ
:ы or 22 liJc5 ±.
Ь) 1 7 ... Ь4 (IlinCic-Mainka, Oberwart
1 990) 1 В liJd2 ! �xd4 1 9 cxd4 �xd4 20
:ы ! (Zadrirna) ±. в
с) 17 . . .:ев 1 В �eЗ liJxeЗ 19 :хеЗ Ь4
20 liJd2 �xd4 (20 . . .ЬхсЗ 21 liJ2bЗ с2 22
'ilr'd2 �Ь6 { 22 . . . �xd4 ! ? 2З iVxd4 а5 24
iVa4 :св } 2З J:[сЗ еЗ 24 J:[хеЗ .:tхеЗ 25
'ifxeЗ а5 26 а4 �d7 27 .:tc 1 'iixa4 2В
:хс2 ;!; Nunn-Beliavsky, Amsterdam
1 990) 21 cxd4 'itxd4 22 liJfl 'iie5 2З .:tЬI
J:[adB with compensation for the piece,
Lanc-Breazu, corr. 1 99 1 .
17 ...'itd5 (D) Now Black сап choose among:
Less accurate is 17 ... f5 1 В .:tf4 'ili'b6 1 9 а) 1 8 . . . :adB 19 liJd2 liJe5 20 'i!Vh5
J:[f2 ( 1 9 liJd2 ! ? liJeЗ 2 0 iVЬЗ+; 1 9 а4 ! ?) (20 'ilr'f5 !?) 20. . . f5 21 J:[h4 liJg6 22 liJ2bЗ
1 9 . . .f4 20 liJd2 �xd4 2 1 cxd4 'iWxd4 22 (22 'i'xh7+? ! ФП 2З .:th6 �xd4+ 24
.:tЫ :ае8 2З �fl , which led to а win for cxd4 iVxd4+ 25 Фh l liJe7 ! 26 :ы 'ilr'eЗ
White in Milos-Bravo, Sao Paulo Z 1 995. and Black wins material) 22 ... liJxh4 1/2- 1/2
Now: Тkaczyk-Rogalewicz, corr. 1 995.
вs2з 1 : 18 tvrз 45 Ь) 1 В ... Ь4 with two possiЬilities:
В5232: 18 Пh4 46 Ы ) 1 9 Фп :ad8 20 liJьз liJe5
(20 ... �а7 2 1 liJ 1 d2, Hellers-Rantanen,
Or: Eksjo tt 1990, 2l . . .liJxd2+ 22 �xd2 ЬхсЗ
а) 1 В 'it'dЗ f5 19 J:[e2 .:taeB 20 �еЗ? 2З �еЗ ! f5 24 .:te7 'iWxfЗ+ 25 gxfЗ ±
(Howell-Mortazavi, СарреНе la Grande Tears) 2 1 'it'e2 liJdЗ 22 �d2 fS 23 J:[e6 f4
1 99 1 ) 20 .. .'tte4 ! 21 'iVxe4 .:txe4 -+. 24 �е4 iVh5 оо Kuhlmann-Markus, corr.
Ь) l B .:tf4 1:/.adB 19 liJd2 (Horvath­ 1 994.
Vujosevic, Paks 1 99В) 19 . . . liJeЗ ! 20 'i!VfЗ Ь2) 1 9 liJd2 Ьхс3 ( 1 9 . . . liJe5 20 'iff5
liJc2 2 1 'it'xd5 J:[xd5 and Black obtains а :ае8 transposes to line 'с') 20 liJxc4 (20
better ending. liJ2bЗ �а7 2 1 Фfl 1:/.adB 22 'iff5 'ii'Ь7 23
с) 18 J:[e1 .:tfeB and then: J:[h4 g6 24 'it'fЗ { 24 ..с2 ! ? } 24 ... 'ili'xfЗ+
с 1 ) 19 :хе8+ .:txe8 20 аЗ (otherwise 25 gxfЗ .:td5?, Koch-Seret, French Ch
Black will play 20. . . Ь4) 20 ... 'i!Ve5 1 -+. 1 992, 26 liJc6 +-) 20... fS (20 .. .'�хс4 2 1
с2) 1 9 Фh 1 J:[xe 1 + 20 iVxe1 i.xd4 2 1 �е3 .:taeB 2 2 :хе8 :хеВ 2З l2Jc2 �хеЗ+
'iWd1 J:[dB 2 2 'i'xd4 'it'xd4 2З cxd4 J:lxd4 24 liJxeЗ 'it'c5 25 Фf2 ;!;) 21 J:[f4 'i!Vxc4 22
24 liJcЗ 1:/.dЗ 25 liJe2 .:td 1 + 26 liJg 1 liJe5 ! �еЗ g5 2З 'i'gЗ Фh8 24 'it'xg5 .:tae8 25
27 �Ы liJdЗ -+. �f2 (25 'ili'h6 ! ?) 25 ... с2 26 J:[c i '6'dЗ 27
46 Archangel and New Archangel

li:Jxc2 -..хс2 28 1:d4 1/2- 1f2 Emms-Rausis,

Le Touquet 1992.
с) 18 19 :ae8 20 li:Jd2 Ь4 w
21 �Ь2!? (21 1:h4 g6 22 li:Je4 i.xd4+ 23
cxd4 'ir'xd4+ 24 ..,f2 'i!i'd 1 + 25 'iffl 'ir'd4+
26 'ir'f2 ..,d1 + 27 'iffl 'ir'd4+ and now
White should acquiesce to а draw instead
of 28 Фh 1? li:Jg4! + Hellers-Shirov,
Stockho1m 1990) 2 l ...g6 22 'iff4 (22 'iff6
1:е6; 22 'i!i'g5 f5; 22 'ir'f2 f5 23 1:хе5 1/2- 1f2
Luther-Topalov, Aalborg 1991) 22...Ьхс3
(after 22!? White should play 23
Фh l , with а likely transposition to the Ь) 19 'i'dЗ f5 20 i.g5 and now:
main line of this note) 23 �хсЗ li:Jc6 24 Ь1) 20 ... 1:td6 21 li::J d2 li:Je5 22 'ir'fl
Фhl li:Jxd4 25 1:xd4 �xd4 26 'ir'xd4?! li:Jg6 23 :ьз f4 24 Фhl (24 li:J2f3 Ь4 25
(B1ack's rooks will Ье very active in the Фh l ЬхсЗ 26 li:Jc2, UlyЬin-Hauchard,
ending; better is 26 �xd4 f5, when White Santiago U-20 Wch 1990, 26...h6 27
is Ьу no means worse) 24 .. .'� xd4 27 �h4 li:Jxh4 28 li:Jxh4 { 28 1:txh4!? g5 29
�xd4 1:е2 + Koch-Degraeve, French Ch :th5 1ooks unclear to me} 28...g5 29 1:txc3
1997. gxh4 ;j; UlyЬin) 24 ... 'ir'xg5 25 li:Je4 ±
Hausmann-G1atzel, соп. 1993.
85232) Ь2) 20...1:tde8 21 li:Jd2 li:Je5 22 'ir'fl
18 1:.Ь4Паd8 (D) (22 'ir'c2, Кosashvili-Psakhis, Israe\ 1991,
Now: 22...h6!? gives B1ack very good play af­
а) 19 li:Jd2 li:Je3 20 'ir'fЗ li:Jf5 21 'i'xd5 ter 23 �еЗ li:Jg4 24 :txg4 fxg4 or 23
1:xd5 22 1:h5 g6 (but not 22...:te8? 23 �xh6 li:Jg6!) 22...f4 23 Фh l (23 1:txf4
�аЗ! ..tхаЗ 24 1:xf5 1:txf5 25 li:Jxf5 i.b2 1:txf4 24 'ir'xf4 li:Jg6 25 'i'g4 h5 26 'i'xh5
26 1:td1 ± Ulybin-Arencibia, Santa Clara �xd4+ 27 Фhl �хсЗ 28 :tfl :te6
1991) 23 :txf5 (23 1:tg5? :txd4 -+) Dvoirys) 23 24 1:th5 �xd4 25
2З ...:txf5 24 li:J2f3 1:te8 25 Фfl 1:td5 = cxd4 h6 26 �dЗ 'ir'f5 27 'i'ЬЗ+ 1:tf7 28
Vehi Bach-Mikhalchishin, Groningen liJfЗ :tеЗ со Dvoirys-Beliavsky, USSR Ch
1990. 1990.
5 Archangel with 7 .:е 1 :
M inor Lines

1 е4 eS 2 liJf3 liJc6 3 .tьs а6 4 �a4 lLif6 а) 8 d4 .txd4 9 lLixd4 liJxd4 1 0 .tg5

s о-о ьs 6 .tьз .tь7 7 Пеt (DJ h6 1 1 .tм d6 and White has no compen­
sation for the pawn.
Ь) 8 ltJxe5 lLixe5 9 d4 lLifg4 ! (better
than 9 ...ltJxe4?! 1 0 dxc5 'iVM? 1 1 fЗ ± or
в 9 .. .'ir'e7?! 10 dxc5 'iixc5 1 1 .tеЗ 'ike7 t)
is good for B1ack; e.g., 1 О hЗ 'ikf6 1 1 .tеЗ
ltJxeЗ 12 fхеЗ .tb6 1 3 dxe5 'iVxe5 +
Kosikowski-Terlecki, corr 1991 or 10 :te2
.tЬб 1 1 hЗ �f6 1 2 hxg4 .txd4 1 3 g5 �6
+ Pav1enko-Be1okurov, USSR 1 966.
с) 8 dЗ and now:
с 1 ) 8 ...ltJg4 9 :tfl h5 10 hЗ 'ikf6 (Pri­
eto-Conchello LоЬо, corr. 1 984) 1 1 liJc3 !?,
intending 1 2 liJd5, gives White an advan­
7....tcs tage.
This Ьishop wil\ exert pressure a1ong с2) 8 . . . h6 9 lLicЗ 0-0 1 0 а4 ltJg4 1 1
the a7-g 1 diagonal even after White sets :п Ь4 1 2 liJd5 lLia5 1 3 .ta2 ьз ао Jacobs­
up his centre with сЗ and d4. The a1tema­ Flear, Eng1and 1 986.
tives are 1ess consistent: сЗ) 8 . . . 0-0 9 .tg5 hб 10 .th4 g5
а) 7 . . . h6 8 сЗ dб 9 d4 transposes to ( 1 0 . . . .te7 ! ?) 1 1 .tgЗ d6 12 аЗ (Paravic­
Line АЗ of Chapter 2. Djuric, corr. 1 9 9 1 ) 1 2. . .ltJh5 ! ? 1 3 lLixe5
Ь) 7 ... .te7 and now: ltJxgЗ 1 4 liJg4 ( 1 4 ltJxc6 .txc6 and B1ack
Ы) 8 dЗ О-О 9 а4 transposes to an stands well after 1 5 'ikfЗ lLih5 1 6 'it'xh5
Anti-Marshall line (c1assified in ЕСО as 'ikf6 or 1 5 hxgЗ 'ikf6) 14 ... ltJxe4 15 dxe4
С88). Фg7 1 6 .td5 'ikd7 and B1ack has good
Ь2) 8 сЗ d5 9 exd5 ltJxd5 transposes chances to equa1ize.
to Line В22 of Chapter 2. с4) 8 . . . d6 (this move seems the most
ЬЗ) 8 d4 ltJxd4 9 ltJxd4 (9 .txf7+ flexiЬ!e) 9 .tg5 (9 a4 ltJe7 1 0 ltJcЗ Ь4 1 1
Фf8 ! 10 .tьз ! ltJxbЗ 1 1 ахЬЗ dб 1 2 liJc3 ltJe2 ltJg6 1 2 .tеЗ .tхеЗ 1 3 fхеЗ О-О 1 4
Фg8 :::: Suetin) 9 . . . exd4 10 e5 ltJe4 trans­ ltJgЗ d 5 with а good game for Black, Von
poses to Line В241 of Chapter 1 . Wemer-Hiermann, B avaria 1 995; 9 сЗ
8 с3 'ike7 10 .tеЗ 0-0 1 1 .txc5 dxc5 :::: Heyme­
White wants to occupy the centre with Zickelbein, Bundes1iga wom 1 99 1/2)
d4. Other moves are not dangerous for 9 ...hб 10 .tеЗ 'ike7 (or 1 0... .txe3 1 1 ПхеЗ
B1ack: 'it'd7 1 2 ltJM 1/2- lf2 Piquemal-C.Fiear,
48 Archangel and New Archangel

Paris 1 989) 1 1 с3 0-0 1 2 tt:lbd2 .iхеЗ 1 3 е 5 �е7 15 cxd4 tt:lxd4 1 6 tt:lxd4 'ii'h4 1 7
J:хеЗ tt:lh5 Zelaya-Navaпo, Moscow
= е 6 + - Hasan-Saha, Calcutta 1 994) 1 1
OL 1 994. tt:lg5+ Фg8 1 2 "ir'xg4 tt:le5 1 3 �gЗ 'i'f6
d) 8 tt:lcз tt:lg4 9 J:fl d6 10 d3 tt:lf6 14 .if4 J:e8 is very good for Black.
(not 10 ...h6?! 1 l li:\g5!) transposes to Line а5) 10 hЗ and поw:
D41 of Chapter 7 (at move 8). а5 1 ) 10...h5 1 1 cxd4 (playing 1 1 hxg4
е) 8 hЗ (this move usually transposes hxg4 leads to unnecessary complica­
to Line Е; here we shall onJy consider in­ tions) 1 1 . . . tt:lxd4 12 tt:lxd4 tt:lxf2 13 Фхf2
dependent lines) 8 ...d6 and now: 'i'f6+ 14 Фg1 ( 1 4 ФеЗ ! ?) 14 . . . .ixd4+ 1 5
е 1 ) 9 d3 0-0 10 .ig5 tt:la5 1 1 tt:lbd2 h6 'it> h 1 0-0-0 1 6 tt:lcЗ ± Rivera-Exposito
12 .ih4 �е7 13 tt:lfl tt:lxbЗ 14 ахЬЗ �е6 Cabrera, Cordoba 1 99 1 .
= Ru. Rodriguez-Т.Smith, Los AngeJes а52) 1 0. . . tt:lxf2 1 1 Фхf2 dхсЗ+ and
1 99 1 . now:
е2) 9 с З 'fie7 (or 9. . .h 6 10 dЗ 'i'd7 1 1 а52 1 ) 1 2 ФgЗ схЬ2 13 .ixb2 and
а4 0-0 { or 1 1 ... .ib6 } ; not bad is 9 ... .ib6 now 13 . . . tt:la5 !? ( 1 3 . . .0-0 14 Фh2 d6 15
1 О dЗ tt:le7 1 1 tt:IЬd2 h6 1 2 liJfl 0-0, when .id5 ;!;) deserves attention. In Stean -
Black stands well) 1 О dЗ h6 1 1 а4 0-0 1 2 Szyszko-Bochusz, London 1 9 7 1 Black
li:\Ьd2 (Matvik-Sakovich, Riga 1 968) obtained а playaЬle position after 14 tt:lcЗ
12 . . .J:tfe8 gives B1ack а good position. tt:lxьз 15 'i'хьз d6.
8 d6
... а522) 12 Фf l (this move seems more
Other moves: natural) 1 2 ... схЬ2 1 3 .iхЫ 0-0 1 4 .id5
а) 8. . .tt:lg4 9 d4 exd4 and now: (or 14 �dЗ ! ? { threatening 14 'i'сЗ } and
а 1 ) 10 li:\xd4?? 'i'h4 -+. now after both 14 . . . .iЬ4 1 5 J:d 1 and
а2) 10 cxd4? tt:lxd4: 14 ... .ie7 1 5 tt:lbd2 White's chances are
а2 1) 1 1 tt:lxd4 'ilr'h4 12 .iеЗ ( 1 2 Ьetter) 14 ... d6 15 tt:IЬd2 J:b8 16 tt:�ьз .ib6
tL:\fЗ?? 'ii'xf2+ 1 3 Фh 1 �g 1+ 0- 1 Pisar­ 1 7 �d2 Ь4 18 J:ac 1 ± Antonio-Dang Tat
iev-Spiechin, Arkhangelsk 1 963; 1 2 hЗ? Thang, Yangon Z 1 998.
'i'xf2+ 1 3 Фh 1 .ixd4 1 4 J:fl .ixe4 0- 1 Ь) 8 . . ..ib6 9 а4 (9 d4 transposes to
Botcharikov-Novitsky, Novosibirsk 1972) line 'с' after 9 ...0-0 or the main Iine after
12...'i'xh2+ 1 3 Фfl �h l + ! 14 Фe2 'i'xg2 9. . . d6) 9 . . . 0-0 1 0 dЗ h6 1 1 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 2
gives B1ack а strong attack. J:xa8 'iixa8 1 3 tt:laЗ 't!Va7 ( 1 3 . . . 'i'a5 ! ?
а22) 1 1 .ixf7+ Фхf7! 1 2 tt:lg5+ Фе8 shou1d equalize) 1 4 J:e2 tt:lg4?! 1 5 d4
13 'fixg4 tt:lc2 14 tt:lxh7 'i'e7 15 'i'h5+ g6 exd4 16 tt:lxb5 'i'a8 17 cxd4 (interesting
16 'i'xg6+ 'i'f7 17 tt:lf6+ Фе7 18 tt:ld5+ is 17 tt:lbxd4 tt:lxd4 1 8 tt:lxd4, whereupon
.ixd5 19 .ig5+ Фе8 20 exd5+ tt:lxe1 2 1 18 ... .ixe4 19 f3 leads to an advantage for
'i'e4+ Фf8 2 2 �хе1 J:te8 -+. white; e.g., 1 9 . . . .ixf3 20 gxfЗ �хfЗ 2 1
аЗ) 10 li:\g5 tt:lxf2 1 1 �fЗ �е7 1 2 J:g2 or 1 9 ... .if5 2 0 .if4) 17 . . . .ta6 1 8
.ixf7+ Фd8 1 3 Ь4 .i b 6 14 "f'xf2 (14 .ic4 d 5 19 exd5 .ixb5 20 .ixb5 tt:lxd4 21
.iЬЗ? ! dхсЗ 1 5 tt:lf7+ Фс8 1 6 tt:lxh8 tt:lxd4 'i'xd5 22 J:d2 and White won in
tt:lg4+ 17 .iеЗ 'fih4 +) 14 ...dxc3 15 .iеЗ Karpov-Fernandez Garcia, Bilbao 1987 .
.iхеЗ 16 'ii'хеЗ h6 17 J:fl hxg5 18 tt:lxcЗ с) 8 . . .0-0 (this often transposes else­
tt:lxЬ4 19 .iЬЗ с5 20 J:r.П 'i'e5 21 hЗ с4 22 where - here we shall only consider inde­
J:afl (Jaederholm-JaЬlonski, соп. 1 986) pendent lines; in general 8 . . . 0-0 is less
22 . . .'i'd6 +. tlexiЬle than 8 ... d6, as Black wi1l have to
а4) 10 .ixf7+ Фхf7 ! (10 ...Фf8? 1 1 play . . .d6 at some point) 9 d4 .ib6 and
.ih5 tt:lf6 12 .ig5 h6 1 3 .ixf6 'ii'xf6 1 4 now:
Archangel with 7 ':.el : Minor Lines 49

с 1) 1 О liJh4. This move has been used large advantage in Vayrynen-Rause, соп.
only after 8 ... d6. 1 would suggest the fol­ 1 992.
lowing lines Ье examined: 1 0 ... li:\a5 ! ?; 9 d4 .i.b6 (D)
1 o ... exd4 1 1 liJf5 (or 1 1 е5); 1 o. . . d5 ! ? Others:
(Sek) 1 1 exd5 liJxd5 1 2 liJf5 exd4. а) Naturally the remova1 of the ten­
с2) 1 О li:\xe5 li:\xe5 1 1 dxe5 li:\xe4 1 2 sion in the centre Ьу 9 . . . exd4 1 0 cxd4
.tеЗ .tхеЗ 1 3 J:txeЗ 'ith4 1 4 'ii'e2 J:tae8 i.Ьб is profitaЬle for White.
1 5 fЗ? ! ( 1 5 liJd2!) 15 ... liJc5 16 liJd2 'ithб Ь) 9 ... .ta7 has no advantages in com­
1 7 liJfl (Bach-Rausis, Untergrombach parison with the text-move, and Ieads to
1 995) 17 . . . liJxb3 1 8 ахЬЗ J:te7 with а the same or similar positions unless White
slight advantage for Black. opens the a-file, and therefore makes im­
сЗ) 1 0 d5 ! ? liJa5 l l i.c2 dб and now: possiЬie any variations with . . .0-0-0.
с3 1 ) 12 i.g5 сб 1 3 dхсб i.хсб 1 4
liJbd2 h б 1 5 i.h4 g 5 1 6 i.gЗ (Aseev­
Volzhin, Novgorod 1995) l б . . .liJh5 with
chances of equality. w
с32) 1 2 liJbd2 сб 13 b4 liJc4 14 liJxc4
Ьхс4 15 dхсб i.хсб 16 i.g5 hб 17 i.h4
J:tc8 1 8 а4 ;!; Schweber-Negri, Buenos
Aires 1 99 1 .
с4) 1 0 i.g5 hб 1 1 i.h4 J:te8 ( 1 1 . . . d6
transposes to Line С of Chapter б) usu­
ally t.ransposes to lines considered in
Chapter б. Here we consider lines that
are specific to this move-order.

с4 1 ) After 1 2 d5 !? liJa5 1 3 i.c2 сб 1 4 The main line, 10 i.g5, is discussed in

liJЬd2 (SzaЬo-GraЬczewsk:i, Albena 1970) the next chapter. Others:
1 4. . . cxd5 15 exd5 i.xd5 ("" Suetin) 1 6 А: 10 dxeS 49
J:txe5 White's chances look а little better; В: 10 liJbd2 50
e.g., l б . . .J:txe5 1 7 liJxe5 g5 1 8 i.gЗ or С: 10 dS 50
l б. . . g5 1 7 i.gЗ liJcб 1 8 J:txe8+ 'itxe8 1 9 D: 10 ..-dЗ 51
а4. Е : 1 0 h3 53
с42) 12 а4 g5 and now: F: 10 аЗ 56
с42 1 ) 1 3 li:\xg5 hxg5 14 i.xg5 exd4 G : 10 liJh4 58
1 5 'itfЗ liJe5 (Andersson- Westerinen, Н: 10 а4 62
Sombor 1970) 16 'ii'gЗ liJgб 17 е5 dб and 1 : 10 .i.e3 68
now ЕСО gives 1 8 еб Фg7 19 liJd2 "" al­
though after both 19 ...Ьха4 and 19 ...dxc3 А)
Black's chances may Ье better. The sim­ 10 dxeS liJxeS l l liJxeS
plest way is 1 8 'ii'dЗ liJf8 19 'i'gЗ liJgб 20 1 1 i.g5 hб 1 2 liJxe5 ( 1 2 i.h4 ._.е7)
'i'dЗ with а draw. 12 ... dxe5 1 3 ._.xd8+ J:txd8 14 i.xfб gxfб
с422) 1 3 i.gЗ exd4 (Ьetter is 1 З . . . dб, is not dangerous for Black.
transposing to Line СЗ42 of Chapter б) l l dxeS 12 _.rз ._.d7 13 ьз

14 е5 liJh5 1 5 cxd4 liJxg3 16 hxgЗ g4 1 7 1 3 а4 'i!r'g4 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 15 J:txa8+

ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 8 :!.ха8 .i.xa8 1 9 liJh2 h5 20 i.xa8 + Demш-Nogly, Hamburg Ch 1992.
li:\xg4 hxg4 21 'itxg4+ gave White а very 13 ...0-0 14 liJd2
50 Archangel and New Archangel

After the iпtrusive 14 .tg5 Black aп­ White сап draw Ьу 1 9 liJh4 .tc8 20 ltJgб
swers поt 14 . . . 'ii'c б 15 .txfб 'ii'xfб 1 б or look for compeпsatioп after 1 9 .:tad 1
'ii'xfб gxfб but 14...lille4 15 1he4 Фh8 1 б Фh8 or 19 .tc2 ,..еб.
'ii'e2 .txf2+ with very good couпterplay.
14... Фh8 С)
Iп Mokry-Paпczyk White carelessly 10 d5 (D)
played l 5 liJfl? ( 1 5 .tc2 or 15 .:td 1 )
= =

15 ... ltJxe4 ! 1б .:l.xe4 f5 17 .:l.d4 �xd4 18

cxd4 .txf3 19 gxfЗ exd4 апd Black had
the advaпtage. в

10 liJbd2
This typical Ruy Lopez move iпvolves
а раwп sacrifice here.
10 exd4

1 0... 0-0 1 1 liJfl hб (or l l . . . ltJe7 1 2

ltJg3 ltJgб 1 3 а4 .:l.b8 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 5 h3
.tсб 1 б .tc2 { 1 б .tg5 !? hб 1 7 dxe5 hxg5
18 exfб ...xfб 19 .td5 } l б ... .td7 17 liJf5 10...ltJe7
;!; Silva Nazzari-Kazaпski, Lugaпo OL Iп Grigoriaп-Hoang Му Thu Giang,
1 9б8) 1 2 liJg3 'ii'd7 13 dxe5 (13 d5!?; 13 Moscow wom OL 1 994, B1ack tried
h3) 13 ... ltJxe5 1 4 ltJxe5 dxe5 15 'ii'xd7 l O. . . ltJa5 l l .tc2 ltJg4 ( 1 1 ...сб ! ?) 1 2 .:te2
ltJxd7 = Caпtuarias-Dosseti Saidmaп, h5 13 h3 -.е7 but after 14 а4 fб 1 5 liJh4
Panamerican Ch 1 99б. ..-п 1б hxg4 hxg4 17 liJf5 0-0-0 1 8 liJg3
1 1 cxd4 ltJxd4 12 ltJxd4 .txd4 13 the sacrifice appeared iпсопесt.
ttJrз .tЬб 14 .tg5 о-о 11 hЗ
1 4...hб!?. White has to play h3 sooпer or later.
15 'ii'd2 'iid7 The altematives are:
After 1 5 . . . .:te8 !? 1 б 'ii'f4 hб 1 7 .th4 с5 а) 1 1 .tg5 ltJgб 1 2 liJbd2 hб 1 3 .te3
18 1 с4 White must prove that he has .txe3 14 fxe3 0-0 15 а4 'ii'd7 l б -.с2 сб
sufficieпt compeпsatioп for the раwп. 17 'i!Vd3 .:l.fe8 1 8 dхсб 'ifxcб 19 ахЬ5 ахЬ5
16 .txf6 gxf6 17 ..-r4 ..-е7 18 'i!i'h6 20 .tc2 'i'Ьб with а Ьetter game for Black,
This gives White good compeпsatioп Kandioller-Кiljak, Timisoara 1 995.
for the раwп. 18 е5? dxe5 19 ltJxe5 ( 1 9 Ь) 1 1 liJbd2 0-0 ( l l ...ltJg4 12 .:te2 f5
'ill'f5 е4 2 0 .:te2 .:l.ae8 +), Petrushiп-Mat­ gives Black promising couпterplay; e.g.,
sukevich, 1 970, 19 ... fxe5 ! 20 .:l.xe5 'ii'dб 1 3 ltJg5 ltJxd5 { 1 3 ... .tc8; 13 . . .ltJgб ! ? }
21 .:td 1 'iicб 22 .:tg5+ (22 .td5 .:tad8 23 14 liJfl ltJxf2 1 5 .:txf2 liJf4) 1 2 liJfl ( 12
h4 .:l.xd5 24 .:texd5 f5) 22...Фh8 23 .txf7 h3 transposes to the maiп liпe) 12 ... hб l 3
-.еб 24 .:l.g8+ .:l.xg8 25 .tхеб .:l.xg2+ 2б h3 ! ? ( 1 3 ltJg3 ltJg4! and . . . f5 with good
Фfl .:txf2+ 27 'ii'xf2 .txf2 28 Фхf2 .:te8 couпterplay for Вlack) 1 3 ... ltJd7 ! ? апd
leaves Black а раwп up. then .. .f5.
18 ... .:tae8 11 ...0-0 12 liJbd2 liJg6 13 ltJП .tc8
This move looks best. The queen's 1 3 ... сб!?.
rook shou1d work оп the e-file and the 14 ltJgЗ Фh8 15 а4 Ьха4 16 .txa4
other опе оп the g-file after ...Фh8. Now ltJg8 17 .tc2
Archangel with 7 ':el : Minor Lines 51

White has а small advantage in а com­ D1: 11 а4 51

plicated position, Zwanepol-Kolar, Bled D2: 1 1 lDbd2 53
1 992.
The strange continuation 1 1 lDaЗ 0-0
D) 1 2 lDc2 exd4 13 cxd4 lDa5 is good for
10 'ir'd3 h6 (D) Black, Talving-Stasans, corr. 1 986.
а) 10 . . .'ifd7? ! 1 1 а4 ( 1 1 i.g5 ! ? fa­ D1)
vours White) 1 1 . . .0-0 1 2 i.g5 (this very 1 1 а4 0-0
logica\ move gives Black serious prob­ Now:
lems) 12 . . . lDa5 and now 13 i.c2? lDxe4 ! D11: 12 ахЬ5? 1 51
gives B\ack а good position. Instead 1 3 D12: 12 d 5 51
i.a2 gives White the advantage. The D13: 12 lDh4 52
point is that the f7-pawn is then pinned, D14: 1 2 lDbd2 52
and Black does not have the resource
. . .f5. D1 1 )
Ь) 10 . . . 0-0 1 1 lDbd2?! ( 1 1 i.g5 ! hб 1 2 ахЬ5? ! ахЬ5 1 3 1:.ха8 'ir'xa8 14
12 i.h4 transposes to Line С2 of Chapter lDh4
б) 1 l . . . 1:.e8. Вlack has saved а tempo and The altematives are not very encour­
White has temporarily Ьlocked the way aging:
for his dark-squared bishop. Now: а) 14 lDbd2?! •а7 ! + Heilemann­
Ь l ) 12 d5 gives positions similar to Amlind, corr. 1 970.
Lines D 12 and D2, although in some Ь) 14 d5 lDa5 15 'ifxb5? i.аб 16 'ifa4
variations Black may play а more useful lDxbЗ 1 7 ..-хьз i.dЗ 1 8 lDa3 ( 1 8 lDbd2
move than . . . hб. lDg4 -+) 18 ... lDg4 19 i.eЗ lDxeЗ 20 fхеЗ
Ь2) 1 2 аЗ exd4 13 cxd4 lЬa5 14 i.c2 1:.Ь8 2 1 ._,d1 i.xe4 22 с4 i.c5 and Black
с5 1 5 Ь4 схЬ4 1 6 ахЬ4 lDc4 with good wins.
counterplay for Black, Beliavsky-Mikh­ 14...lDa5
alchishin, Lvov 1 972. Altematives:
ЬЗ) 12 lDg5 1:.f8 13 lDgfЗ 1:.е8 14 а) 14 ... lDe7 1 5 lDd2 ._,а7 1 6 iDhfЗ
lDg5 J::tf8 lf2- lf2 Voelker-Schulien, Ohio (Ertl-Scherfke, corr. 1 979) 16 . . . exd4 and
1 984. Black can fight for an advantage.
Ь) 14 ... exd4 ! ? 1 5 'ifgЗ (or 1 5 lDf5
i.c8) 1 5 . , .i.c8 needs to Ье tested.
15 i.c2 i.xe4 16 J::txe4 'ifxe4 17 'ir'xe4
w lDxe4 18 ixe4 exd4 19 i.c2 lDc4
1 9 . . . lDc6 !?; l9 . . . 1:.e8 !?.
20 iDfЗ?!
After 20 ЬЗ Black has an advanta­
geous ending.
20 ... dxc3 21 lDxc3 J::t a8
Black soon won the ending in Sam­
malvuo-Тyni, Finnish Cht 1 992.

D 1 2)
Now: 12 d5
52 Archangel and New Archangel

а) 12 .. .lba5 1 3 ..tc2 сб 14 dхсб ..tхсб
15 liJbd2! ;t. в
Ь) 1 2. . .liJe7 1 3 с4 ( 1 3 liJa3 liJg4 1 4
.l:.e2 f5 1 5 exf5, Tseshkovsky-Kozlov,
USSR 1 973, 1 5 . . . Ьха4 followed Ьу cap­
turiпg the d5-pawп) 1 3 . . . Ьхс4 14 ..txc4
liJg4 15 .l:.e2 liJgб ( 1 5 .. . f5 ! ?) 1 6 hЗ liJf6
17 а5 ..ta7 18 g3 liJh5 19 Фg2 �d7 20
.!:.аЗ ..tc8 21 liJg1 ..tc5 22 .l:.b3 f5 23 exf5
.l:.xf5 24 liJc3 'ii'f7 25 liJe4 with chances
for both sides, Gallego-A1oпso, Matanzas
1 992. Lопdоп 1 982) 15 ... liJg4! 16 .l:.e2 liJdfб
17 Ьхаб ..txe4 +.
D 1 3) Ь2) 13 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 14 .l:.xa8 �ха8 15
12 liJh4 'ii'xb5 exd4 1 6 cxd4 �а7 (after 16 ... liJa5
This move 1ooks better thaп iп Liпe 17 ..tc2 ..ta6 White can keep an advan­
D 1 1 , as there Black's queeп is very active tage Ьу 18 �а4) 17 Фh 1 (after 1 7 �а4
оп the a8-h 1 diagoпal and iп some varia­ liJxd4 1 8 l2Jxd4 ..txd4 1 9 'i'kxa7 ..txa7
tioпs оп а7-g 1 . White 1oses а раwп) 17 . . .liJxd4 18 liJxd4
12 . .. liJe7 ..txd4 1 9 f3 d5 20 .l:.d 1 ? (20 ..tc2 keeps
Iпterestiпg is 1 2 . . . exd4 1 3 liJf5 ( 1 3 the materia1 balance) 20. . .dxe4 21 liJxe4
�g3 liJh5) 1 3 . . ...tc8 14 liJxd4 l2Je5. Good ..txe4 22 fxe4 .l:.xe4 апd Black wiпs а
is a1so 12 .. .'�'d7 with the idea 1 3 �g3 раwп, Lawtoп-Jacobs, Lопdоп L1oyds
'iWg4. Bank 1984.
13 �f3 13 liJxd4
l 3 liJd2 ! ?. 13 cxd4 liJЬ4 14 'li'fl ( 1 4 �с3 с5 1 5
13 ...Фh7 e5 l2Jfd5 1 6 ..txd5 liJxd5 17 �dЗ liJf4 1 8
After 13 . . . exd4 14 ..txhб dxc3 15 �f5 dxe5 1 9 .l:.xe5 liJgб with а better
liJxc3 Ь4 1 6 liJd1 White's chances are game for B1ack, Diakonov-Veпtura, соп.
Ьetter. 1977) 14 . . . ..tсб 15 d5 ..td7 16 ахЬ5 ? !
14 ..tc2 ..txb5 17 liJc4 liJg4 1 8 ..tеЗ liJxe3 1 9 fхеЗ
Black сап поw obtaiп an equal posi­ f5 20 exf5 .l:.xf5 with ап iпitiative for
tioп Ьу 14 .. .'i't'd7 followed Ьу .. .'�g4 апd Black, Rodriguez Ta1avera-Coret Fras­
if 1 5 h3 theп 1 5 . . .с5. quet, Valeпcia 1 990.
13... liJxd4
D1 4) 1 3 ...liJe5 ! ? 14 �е2 Ь4.
12 liJbd2 (D) 14 cxd4 .l:!.e8 15 ..tc2
·12 ... exd4 Or 1 5 f3 'ir'd7 1 б ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 7 .l:.xa8
A1tematives: ..txa8 1 8 liJЫ с5 19 dxc5 dxc5 20 �xd7
а) 12 .. .'i'kd7 13 ахЬ5 ? ! ахЬ5 14 .l:.xa8 с4+ with а Ьetter eпding for Black, Mor­
.l:.xa8 1 5 h3 led to а draw iп Thipsay­ ris-Thorsteiпs, Gausda1 1982.
Femandez Garcia, Thessaloniki OL 1984. 15... 1:!.е6
Ь) 12 . . . 1:te8 апd поw: 15 ... liJd5 ! ? and if 1 6 е5 theп 16 ... liJfб
Ьl) l 3 d5 liJe7 1 4 liJfl ? ( 1 4 h3; 14 ..tc2 +.
= ) 14 . . . liJexd5 1 5 ахЬ5 (Rumeпs-Flear, 16 Ь4 liJd5 17 ..taЗ liJf4 18 �еЗ
Archangel with 7 'йеl: Minor Lines 53

Medina-Garcia - Mikhalchishin, B ar­ 25 lZJd4 'i'fб 2б 'ii'd 2? ! lZJxc2 27 'ii'x c2

celona tt 1984. Now 1 8 ... 'Vig5 19 gЗ lZJhЗ+ .11ае8 28 'i'f2 �е4 =!=.
20 Фg2 'VixeЗ 2 1 fxe3 lZJg5 gives Black а
better ending (Mikhalchishin). Е)
10 hЗ (D)
1 1 lZJbd2 0-0 12 lZJП
а) 1 2 а4 transposes to D 1 4. в
Ь) 1 2 d5 lZJe7 1 3 lZJfl (Szalanczy­
Mikhalchishin, Budapest 1 990) and now
Black should play the promising l 3 ... lZJd7
or 1 3 ... lZJg4 followed Ьу .. .f5.
12 exd4

Another interesting idea is 1 2 . . . d5 1 3

exd5 (Ьut not l 3 dxe5? lZJg4 i= Vehi Bach­
Braga, Toledo 199 1 ) 13 ... е4 14 .11хе4 (or
14 �d 1 ехfЗ 15 dхсб �хсб 1б gxfЗ �d7
1 7 �еЗ �Ь7 1 8 lZJgЗ ;!;) 14 . . . lZJxe4 1 5 This position often arises via а New
ifxe4 lZJe7 1 б lZJeЗ 'il'e8 17 lZJe5 .l:td8, Archangel move-order. Now:
Guerra-Nishimura, Aosta 1990. Although Е1: 10...'ii'e7 53
ЕСО eva1uates this position as unc1ear, Е2: 10...0-0 54
White seems to have slightly the better ЕЗ: 10... h6 55
chances after 1 8 а4; for example, 18 ....11dб
1 9 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 20 g4, followed Ьу �с2, or Е1)
1 8 ...Фh8 1 9 �с2 f5 20 'ii'h4 .l:tdб 21 ахЬ5 1 0...'i'e7 1 1 а4
ахЬ5 22 'i'hЗ. Also:
13 cxd4 lZJb4 14 'ii'Ьl cS а) 1 1 �еЗ transposes to note 'Ь' to
А plan to oblain counterp1ay on the White's 1 1 th move in Line 1 1 .
queenside is not as good; e.g., 14 . . . .11е8 Ь) 1 1 �d5 hб 1 2 а4 0-0 1 3 �еЗ exd4
15 lZJgЗ с5 1 б .i.d2 а5 17 аЗ lZJcб 18 d5 14 i.xd4 ;!; Tamin-Guevas, Thessa1oniki
lZJe7 1 9 hЗ а4 20 �с2 �а5 21 �с 1 �xd2 wom OL 1 988.
22 'ii'xd2 'i'Ьб 23 lZJh4 �с8 24 .l:teЗ �d7 с) 1 1 i.g5 hб 12 .i.h4 g5 1 3 �gЗ
25 .l:tfЗ lZJh7 2б lZJh5 +- Arakhamia­ 0-0-0? 1 4 а4 lZJh5 15 lZJxe5 lZJxgЗ 1б
Braga, Aosta 1 990. lZJxcб (1б lZJxf7 ! ?) 1 б ... �хсб 1 7 ахЬ5
15 i.d2 lZJc6 16 dS ахЬ5 18 fxgЗ ± Ens-Appel, Haarlem 1988.
1б е5 dxe5 17 dxe5 (Dimitrov-lzeta, 11 ...0-0 12 dS
Debrecen Echt 1 992) 17 . . . tlJg4 ! 18 'ii'gб LogicaJ . White has protected himse\f
lZJxf2 (or 1 8 . . .'il'c8 19 .l:te4! tlJxf2 with against а possiЬle counterattack Ьу ...lZJg4
the same motif) 19 .i.xhб lZJhЗ+ 20 Фh1 and ... f5 and now closes the centre. Also
lZJf2+ with а perpetual check. possiЬle is 12 �g5 hб 13 �h4 Фh8
16 ... lZJe7 17 hЗ lZJd7 18 lZJgЗ с4 19 ( 1 3 ...g5 !?), Winiwarter-J.Littlewood, Bad
i.c2 fS! 20 lZJxfS lZJxfS 21 exfS tlJf6 Wildbad seniors Wch 1997, 14 d5 ;!;,
The position is unclear. Svensson­ 12...lZJaS 13 i.c2
Panczyk, Gothenburg 1 992 continued 22 Gnegel-Von Wemer, B avaria 1 99б.
�еЗ �хеЗ 23 fxe3 lZJxd5 24 'i'd 1 ?! lZJЬ4 Best is now l З ... сб 1 4 dхсб ;!;,
54 Archangel and New Archangel

Е2) Ь) 1 1 ... ..-е7 12 d5 ( 1 2 dxe5 !? dxe5

10 0-0 ... { 12 ... ltJxe5 1 3 ltJd4 } 1 3 ltJh4) 12 . . .ltJa5
Now: 13 .ic2 h6 14 .i.h4 Afd8 15 liJbd2 с6 1 6
Е21: 1 1 а4 54 dxc6 ltJxc6 1 7 ltJfl Ь4 1 8 ltJe3 �хеЗ 1 9
Е22: 11 �g5 54 АхеЗ Аас8 20 с4 ._.е6 2 1 ЬЗ ;!; Germann­
Zickelbein, Bundesliga wom 1 99 112.
1 1 d5 t:De7 1 2 liJbd2 should Ье met Ьу с) 1 1 . . . Ае8 12 d5 ( 1 2 аЗ ltJa5, Pal­
12 ...ltJd7 ! ? with the idea ... f5, rather than mer-Kazanski, Siegen OL 1 970, 13 �d5
1 2. . . ltJg6? 1 3 ltJfl ltJf4 (Aung-Hashim, с6 14 �а2) 12 ...ltJa5 13 �с2 h6 1 4 �h4
Asian Cht 1 998) 14 �xf4 exf4 15 'Wii'd2 transposes to the main line.
lDh5 16 ltJd4 ±. 12 �h4 Ae8
Е21 ) а) 12 . . ...-е7 1 3 а4 (Ьetter looks 13 d5
1 1 a4 ltJa5 ltJa5 14 �с2, transposing to note 'Ь' to
Or: Black's 1 1th move) 13 ... ltJa5 14 .ia2 с5
а) 1 1 ... J:e8 12 axb5 (12 d5 ! ?) 12 ... ахЬ5 (Нolrnsten-Hector, Stockholm Rilton Cup
1 3 Аха8 .i.xa8 14 d5 ltJa5 1 5 .ia2 ( 1 5 1 997) 15 d5 with chances of oЬtaining an
.ic2 ! ?) 1 5. . .с6 1 6 dxc6 �хс6 1 7 .ig5 h6 advantage.
18 .i.xf6 ._.xf6 19 ltJaЗ ;!; Paavilainen­ Ь) 12 ... g5 13 .igЗ Ае8 and now:
Lane, Belgian Cht 199617. :Ь 1) 14 d5 ltJe7 15 liJbd2 ltJg6 1 6 ltJfl
Ь) 1 1 ...ltJe7 !? 12 liJbd2 ltJg6 1 3 .ic2 ltJf4 1 7 �с2 ltJ6h5 18 ltJЗh2 .i.c8 19
Ае8 14 Ь4 ! ?. ltJg4Фh7 20 ltJfe3 ltJg7 2 1 liJf5 ltJxf5 22
с) l l ...h6 transposes to Line ЕЗ. exf5 f6 gives Black а slightly passive but
12 �с2 с5 solid position, Csoke-Blasovszky, Hun­
12... Ае8 was played in Kunte-Yurtaev, garian Cht 1994.
Calcutta 1998, and now 1 3 ахЬ5 ( 1 3 d5 ! ?) Ь2) 1 4 h4 g4 (14...exd4 1 5 hxg5 ltJxe4
13 ...ахЬ5 14 dxe5 dxe5 15 'i*'xd8 Aaxd8 1 6 g6 d5 1 7 gxf7+ Фxf7 1 8 �h4 -..d7 1 9
16 ltJaЗ would have been slightly better cxd4 leads to а sharp position with better
for White. chances for White) 1 5 ltJh2 'it'd7 1 6 d5
13 d5 с4 14 ltJa3 ._.d7 15 .iеЗ �хеЗ ltJe7 1 7 ltJd2 Фh8 1 8 ltJdfl Ag8 1 9 'ii'd2
16 АхеЗ .:.tЪs 17 ltJd2 .ic8 Ag6 with good chances for Black, Savit­
Or 1 7 ... h6 1 8 Ь4 схЬЗ 1 9 ltJxb3 ltJxb3 IЬraev, Zagan U-20 Wch 1 997.
20 .iхЬЗ �с8 lf2-lf2 Karo1yi-Groszpeter, 13 d5
Paks 1998. 1 3 dxe5 ltJxe5 14 ltJxe5 gives Black а
18 Ь4 схЬЗ 19 ltJxbЗ ltJxbЗ 20 �хЬЗ pleasant choice between 14 . . . dxe5 1 5
'W!i'c7 ltJd2 'ii'd6 1 6 'ii'e2 g 5 1 7 �gЗ Aad8 1 8
= Antonio-Топе, Manila 1 998. Aad 1 'ii'dЗ 19 Фfl 'i!fxe2+ 20 Axe2 ltJh5
+ and 14 ... Ахе5 !? 15 ltJd2 (МcКay-Szna­
Е22) pik, Stockholm jr Wch 1 969) 1 5 . . .-..е 7,
11 �g5 h6 with chances to oЬtain an advantage
Alternatives: thanks to the pressure оп the e4-pawn.
а) 1 1 . . .exd4 12 cxd4 ltJa5 13 .ic2 с5 13 ltJa5

1 4 ltJcЗ Ае8 15 ltJd5 ? ! ( 1 5 dxc5 ! ? ;!;) 1 3 . . .ltJЬ8 14 ltJh2 iDbd7 15 ltJg4 Фh7
15 ...�xd5 16 exd5 (16 dxc5 !?) 1 6 ... Axel+ 1 6 'iff3 g5 17 �g3 ltJxg4 (Apicella­
with а good game for Black, Ho1msten­ Godena, Linares Z 1 995) 1 8 'ifxf7+ and
Koskinen, Espoo 1998. White is better.
Archangel with 7 'J:.el: Minor Lines 55

14 i.c2 с6 15 dxc6 i.xc6 16 liJbd2 g5 An interesting idea is 1 1 . . .g5 1 2 i.e3

17 .1g3 liJh5 18 ttJn -..r6 19 .tь2 .Паd8 liJd7 ( 1 2 . . . g4 ! ?) 1 3 liJa3 lf2- lf2 Ehren­
20 ltJe3 feucht-Кislov, Koszalin 1 999.
Evans-Panczyk, Tamworth 1983. B1ack Now:
can now obtain а very good game Ьу ЕЗl: 12 liJa3 55
20 ... i.xe3 21 fхеЗ ..,g6. Е32: 12 d5 55

ЕЗ) ЕЗ1 )
10... h6 (D) 12 ltJa3 exd4
а) 12 ... ltJa7 13 d5 liJd7 14 i.c2 Ьха4
15 i.xa4 liJb5 1 6 ltJc4 J.a7?? ( 16 ...f5 ;\;)
w 17 ltJa5 +- Bennis-Abdulghafour, Doha
1 993.
Ь) 1 2 .. .'ii'e7 13 d5 liJb8 ;\; A!Ьert­
Letay, Hungarian Cht 1 997.
с) 12 ... .1:.е8 13 d5 ltJe7 1 4 ахЬ5 ахЬ5
15 .ie3 i.хеЗ 1 6 .l:.xe3 с6 ( 1 6 .. .'iWd7) 1 7
dxc6 i.xc6 1 8 'i+'d3 "iid 7 1 9 .l:.d 1 .l:.ad8
20 ltJc2 (20 с4!?) 20 ... "i!VЬ7 21 .l:.de1 ltJg6
with equa1ity, B .Donner-Lane, Germany
1 997/8.
11 а4 d) 12 . . . ltJe7 13 i.c2 ltJg6 14 i.e3
Others: ltJxe4 15 dxe5 i.хеЗ 16 .l:.xe3 ltJg5 1ed to
а) 1 1 i.еЗ transposes to 13. a draw in Srnirin-Malaniuk, Formia 1 995.
Ь) 1 1 d5 ltJe7 and now White can 13 cxd4 ltJa5
р1ау: After 1 3 . . ..1:.е8 White has difficulty
Ь l ) 12 i.еЗ i.хеЗ 13 .l:.xe3 liJd7 1 4 obtaining an equal position.
liJbd2 ( 1 4 а4 ! ?) 14 . . . 0-0 1 5 liJ f l f5 1 6 14 .1с2 Ь4
exf5 liJxf5 17 .l:.e2 liJf6 1 8 ltJeЗ liJh5 1 9 Or 14 . . . Ьха4 1 5 liJЫ liJЬЗ 1 6 .l:.xa4
liJxf5 .l:.xf5 2 0 .l:.e3 tt:lf4 with good king­ ltJxc 1 17 'ii'xc 1 с5 1 8 d5 liJd7 19 ltJc3
side counterp1ay for B1ack, Кanengoni­ "iif6 with good counterplay for Black,
Cao Sang, Mani1a OL 1 992. Mora Manez-Co1as, Saragossa 1 996.
Ы) 12 liJbd2 0-0 13 liJfl ( 1 3 а4 ! ?) 15 liJЬl с5 16 Ь3 fr.e8 17 d5 с4 18
1 3 ... liJd7 14 ltJg3 f5 15 exf5 liJxf5 1 6 Ьхс4 ltJxc4 19 liJbd2 liJxd2 20 J.xd2 а5
liJxf5 .l:.xf5 1 7 i.c2 .l:.f7 1 8 Ь 3 ..,f6 1 9 21 .1с1 i.c5 22 J.b2 liJd7 23 liJd4 "iif6
'i*'d3 g 5 2 0 Ь4 'i+'g7 2 1 i.b3 .l:.af8 with а 24 'i+'d2 ltJe5
better game for B1ack, Garcia Ruido-Jep­ Black has а good game, Morgado­
son, Mondariz 1 994. Brilla Banfalvi, corr. 1984.
Ь3) 1 2 а4 Ьха4 (an interesting idea al­
though more solid looks 12 . . . 0-0 trans­ ЕЗ2)
posing to Line Е32) 1 3 .1ха4+ liJd7 1 4 12 d5 liJe7 (D)
liJa3 ( 1 4 Ь4 ! ? 0-0 1 5 с4) 14 ... 0-0 1 5 liJc4 13 ахЬ5
f5 with good counterplay for B1ack, Others:
Кronig-Kolar, Finkenstein 1 995. а) 13 с4 Ьхс4 14 ..i.xc4 с6 (14 ... ttJd7!?)
1 1 0-0
•.. 15 dxc6 ltJxc6 and B1ack stands well.
56 Archangel and New Archangel

According to Onishchuk after 19 'ii'e 2

li:Jh5 20 i.xb5 li:Jgf4 21 i.xf4 li:Jxf4 22
'itfl i.xb5 23 'i!i'xb5 (or 23 li:Jxb5 fS)
23 .. .'�а7 24 'ii'f l f5 Black has an attack
for the pawn.

10 аЗ (D)

Ь) 1 3 i.c2 'itd7 ( 1 3 . . . li:Jd7 with the
idea .. .f5) 14 а5 i.a7 15 ЬЗ сб 16 с4 cxd5
17 cxd5 li:Jgб 1 8 i.dЗ li:Jh5 19 li:Jh4 li:Jhf4
with а good position for Black, Meetei­
Babu, Calcutta 1 994.
с) 13 li:Jbd2 and now:
с 1 ) 1 3 .. .'�d7 and l З . . . li:Jgб deserve
с2) 1 3 14 li:Jfl f5 15 exfS li:Jxf5
( 1 5 . . . Ьха4; 15 . . .li:Jfб) 1 6 i.c2 li:Jh4 1 7 This move estaЬlishes control over the
li:J l h2 'fi'fб ( 1 7 ... li:Jxf3+ ! ? 1 8 li:JxfЗ li:Jfб Ь4-square and in some lines supports а
=) and Black's position is рlауаЬ!е, queenside space-grab Ьу Ь4. Now:
Gaida-Кaczmarek, соп. 1992. F1: 10...h6 56
сЗ) lЗ ... сб 14 dхсб i.хсб 15 i.c2 F2: 10...'ite7 57
'fi'c7 16 li:Jfl .l:.fe8 17 li:JgЗ .l:.ad8 18 ахЬ5 FЗ: 10...0-0 57
ахЬ5 1 9 li:Jh4 d5 with а good game for
Black, Bressanelli-Messa, Verona 1 997. Matsukevich recommends 1 O. . .'�'d7
d) 13 i.еЗ i.хеЗ 1 4 .l:.хеЗ сб 15 dхсб followed Ьу ... 0-0-0.
i.хсб 1 6 ахЬ5 (or 1 6 li:Jbd2 li:Jgб 17 gЗ
'ii'd7 Moncher-Godena, Catania 1995)
= F1 }
1 б ... ахЬ5 17 .l:.xa8 i.xa8 18 'ii'dЗ ( 1 8 10... h6 1 l ..ltc2
li:Jbd2 Onishchuk/Malaniuk) 1 8 . . .'i!W'Ь8
= Altematives:
= Kovarik-Sykora, соп. 1 989. а) 1 1 'i'd3 0-0 12 li:Jbd2 J:.e8 13 i.c2
13. ..ахЬ5 14 Пха8 i.xa8 15 li:JaЗ d5 ! 14 exd5 'ii'xd5 15 li:Je4 li:Jxe4 16 J:.xe4
1 5 i.еЗ i.хеЗ 16 J:.хеЗ сб 1 7 dхсб f5 favours B lack, Gulich-Rathmann, соп.
i.хсб should Ье compared with note 'd' 1973.
to White's 1 3th move. Ь) 1 1 i.a2 О-О 12 h3 and now opening
1S ... c6 16 dxc6 i.xc6 17 i.c2 li:Jg6 18 the centre Ьу 1 2. . . exd4 (or 1 2. . . li:Je7)
i.d3 'ii'd7 gives Black а good game.
This is the key position of this varia­ 1 1 ...0-0
tion. Adams-Onishchuk, Wijk aan Zee 1 1 .. .'i'e7 transposes to the note to
1995 continued 1 9 Ь4 ? ! .l:.a8 20 с4? J:.хаЗ Black's 1 1 th move in Line F2.
2 1 i.хаЗ Ьхс4 22 i.xc4 li:Jxe4 23 J:.xe4 12 Ь4
(23 J:.e2? 'ita7 Onishchuk) 23 ...i.xe4 -+. Also:
Archangel with 7 �el: Minor Lines 57

а) 12 h3 J:l.e8 13 dxe5 ltJxe5 14 ltJxe5 18...liJf6 19 liJcЗ

J:l.xe5 15 ltJd2 �d7 ( 1 5 . . . �е7 ! ?) 1 6 а4 1 9 ltJh4 ltJxe5 leads to an advantage
J:.ae8 17 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 18 ltJf3 J:.5e7 19 j.e3 for Black; e.g., 20 'i'd2 ltJd5.
j.xe3 20 J:.xe3 (Zagorovsky-Breazu, соп. 19...dxe5
1 99 1 ) 20 . . _j.xe4 leaves Black а pawn up. 19 . . . liJxe5 20 ltJxe5 dxe5 (Moiseev-
Ь) 1 2 �d3 ltJe7 ( 1 2 . . .J:I.e8 13 liJbd2 Lisenkov, 1969) 21 'i'f5 with the unpleas­
liJb8 14 Ь4, Hepworth-Stanciu, Dubai ant threat i.h4.
wom OL 1 986, 14 . . . exd4 ! ? 15 cxd4 с5 20 ltJxe5 J:.ad8 21 'i!r'n
with а good position for Black) 13 h3 Now after 2 1 'jff5 Black has 2 1 ... ltJd4 !.
ltJgб 14 Ь4?! ltJxe4 15 J:l.xe4 f5 16 J:.e 1 е4 21 ...'iff8
1 7 �е2 exf3 18 ...,.еб+ ( 1 8 gxfЗ ltJh4 1 9 White does not have sufficient com­
j.Ь3+ Фh8 2 0 d5 f4 -+) 1 8 . . .Фh7 1 9 pensation for the pawn.
j.xf5 J:l.fб 2 0 j.xgб+ J:l.xgб - + Zieher­
Kahlert, Germany 1 99617. FЗ)
12 ...Пе8 13 j.Ы d5 14 liJbd2 exd4 10...0-0 (D)
15 cxd4 dxe4 16 ltJxe4 liJxd4 17 ltJxf6+
'ii'xf6 18 .I:.xe8+ .l:!.xe8 19 ltJxd4 .:ld8 20
'i'dЗ i.xd4 21 i.xd4 'i'xd4
А draw soon resulted in Kosten­ w
Mikhalchishin, Minsk 1 986.

10...�е7 11 j.c2
1 1 'ii'd3 liJaS 12 j.c2 с5 13 liJbd2 liJcб
14 d5 с4 1 5 �е2 ltJa5 16 а4 0-0 Suetin­
Nezhmetdinov, Yalta 1 964.
1 1 ...0-0
1 1 . . . h6 1 2 Ь4 0-0 ( 1 2 . . . liJd7 1 3 j.e3
'i'fб 14 'i'd3 0-0 15 liJbd2 .l:tfd8 16 d5 11 .ltc2
ltJe7 17 а4 сб 1/2- lf2 Wanke-Widenmann, Altematives:
W.German Ch 1968) 13 i.Ы а5 14 'itd3?! а) 1 1 �d3 d5 ( 1 1 ...ltJe7 1 2 j.g5 liJgб
(14 d5 ) 1 4 . . . ахЬ4 1 5 схЬ4 ltJxd4 1 6
= 13 ltJh4 ltJxh4 14 j.xh4 с5 15 dxe5 dxe5
i.xd4 j.xd4 1 7 liJxd4 exd4 + Ladisic­ 16 �f3 с4 17 j.c2 �dб 18 J:.d l 'i'еб,
Parmentier, Montpellier 1 99 1 . Bobolovich-Makarov, USSR 1 966, 1 9
1 2 i.g5 h6 1 3 j.b4 Пfе8 1 4 'i'dЗ exd4 i.xfб ! ?) i s good for Black after 1 2 dxe5
15 cxd4 g5 16 .ltgЗ liJxe4 l 3 j.e3 ltJa5 14 i.c2 с5 or 12 exd5
1 6 d5 ltJe5 1 7 ltJxe5 'i'xe5 1 8 .\tg3 е4 13 J:.xe4 ltJxe4 14 'i'xe4 J:l.e8.
'i'xd5. Ь) 1 1 j.g5 hб 1 2 i.h4 transposes to
16...g4 17 d5 liJxd5 note 'с' to White's 1 2th move in Line С
Matsukevich recommends 17 . . . gxf3 of Chapter б, which is less critical than
1 8 dхсб j.хсб 19 gxf3 ltJd7 with suffi­ Line С3 of that chapter, where White
cient counterplay. plays а4 instead of аЗ.
18 е5 1 1...ltJe7
White cannot play 18 'i'xd5 gxfЗ 19 1 1 ... hб transposes to F 1 ; 1 1 . . . 'jt'e7
gxf3? because of 19 ... ltJd4 20 'i'xb7 transposes to F2. 1 1 . . . liJd7 12 'i'd3 Пе8
liJxc2 2 1 ltJc3 'i'fб. 13 liJbd2 liJf8 14 Ь4 ltJgб 1 5 liJfl d5 1 6
58 Archangel and New Archangel

exd5 'ifxd5 1 7 'iff5 ;!; Suetin-Malich, Ь) 1 3 ll:\xg6 J:tg8 14 е5 J:txg6 15 exd6+

Berlin tt 1 965. ( 1 5 exf6+ ll:\e5 16 J:txe5+ dxe5 17 'ifxe5+
12 ll:lbd2 ll:lg6 13 ll:\fi exd4 14 cxd4 Фf8 -+) 1 5 . . .Фd7 16 'ii'h 3+ ( 1 6 ..te6+
1:te8 15 ll:\gЗ cS 16 dS с4 17 ..\tеЗ ..ltxe3 fxe6 17 'ifxg6 cxd6 +) 16 ... ll:\g4 1 7 ..txf7
18 J:txe3 ll:\g4 19 J:te1 'iff6 20 'it'd4 ll:\4e5 'iWf6 18 ..te6+ Фхd6 19 ..txg4 ll:\e5 and
21 ll:\xeS ll:lxeS Black wins.
Black has а very good position, Su­
etin-Smejkal, Sochi 1973. G2)
10...ll:\e7 11 'it'f3 exd4
G) Another plan is to exchange queens Ьу
10 ll:\h4 (D) ...'ir'd7-g4:
а) 1 l ... h6 1 2 ll:\d2 'ii'd7 1 3 ll:lfl 'ii'g4
14 'ii'xg4 ll:\xg4 15 f3 ll:lf6 16 ..te3 exd4
( 1 6 ... ll:ld7 ! ? 17 J:tad1 { 17 ll:lg3 ! ? } 17 ... g5
в 18 ll:lf5 ll:\xf5 19 exf5 f6 1ed graduall у to
equality in Кujawski-Bielecki, соп. 1983)
1 7 ..txd4 ..txd4+ 18 cxd4 g5 19 ll:lf5 ll:lxf5
20 exf5+ Фf8 2 1 J:tac 1 J:tc8 22 ll:\g3 с5
23 ll:\e4 ± Kapengut-Kupreichik, Minsk
1 973.
Ь) 1 1 ... 'ifd7 ! ? 1 2 ..tg5 (after the illog­
ical 1 2 ll:ld2 Чi'g4 Black should not have
any proЬ!ems) 12 .. .'ilt'g4 and now:
Ь l ) 1 3 'ii'x g4 ll:\xg4 (Кramer-Pares
Now: Vives, соп. 1 983) and now White should
G1: 10...g6 58 play 14 h3 or 14 ..txe7 Фхе7 1 5 ..td5 !?.
G2: 10...ll:\e7 58 Ь2) 1 3 ..txf6 'ii'xf3 1 4 ll:\xf3 gxf6, fol­
GЗ: 10...0-0 58 lowed Ьу ... J:tg8, gives Black а playaЬie
G4: 10 exd4
•.. 59 game.
GS: 10...'ii'd7 60 12 ll:lrs о-о
Naturally not 1 2. . .ll:\xf5? 13 exf5+
G1) ll:\e4 14 J:txe4+ ..txe4 1 5 'itxe4+ Фf8 1 6
1 0...g6 1 1 'ikf3 f6 ± Rowson-J.Rogers, British C h 1 992.
Interesting is 1 1 ll:lfЗ - in spite of the · After the text-move Black has а very
fact that Black has won two tempi, it may good position; e.g., 1 3 ll:\h6+ gxh6 14
Ье profitaЬle for White. 'ir'xf6 ll:lg6 15 ...xd8 J:tfxd8 1 6 ..txh6 ll:\e5
1 1 ... h6 12 �g3?! or l 3 ll:\xd4 с5 1 4 ll:lf5 ll:\xf5 1 5 'ii'xf5
12 d5 =. J:te8.
1 2 ... 'ikd7 1 3 dxe5? (13 d5) 1 3 ... ll:\xe5 GЗ)
-+ Maier-Probst, Switzerland 1 986. 10...0-0 1 1 ll:lf5 ll:le7
The text-move ( 1 2 . . .exd4) leads to 1 1 . . .exd4 12 cxd4 transposes to G4 1 .
complications that favour Black: 1 2 ..tgS ll:lxfS 1 3 exfS exd4
а) 1 3 ..txf7+ �xf7 14 'it'xg6+ Фе6 An altemative is 1 3 ... с5 1 4 d5 (or 1 4
15 'iff5+ �е7 1 6 ll:\g6+ Фf7 17 ll:\xh8+ dxe5 dxe5 1 5 J:txe5 с 4 1 6 ..tc2 'ii'x d 1 + 1 7
'ifxh8 +. ..txd l J:tfe8, when Black has more than
Archangel with 7 'йеl : Minor Lines 59

sufficieпt compeпsatioп for the раwп) 12...liJe7

14оо ос4 15 .ic2 :tc8 1 6 'ir'fЗ апd поw: Altematives:
а) 1 6оо ое4 17 'tll'g З .ixd5 1 8 liJd2 :f.e8 а) 12ooog6 1 3 liJh6+ Фg7 14 .tез
1 9 .ixe4 .ixe4 20 i.xf6 'it'xf6 21 liJxe4 liJa5 ! ? and поw:
'tll'e5 22 'i!r'xe5 :txe5 23 liJxd6 with а а 1 ) 1 5 .ic2? ! .ixe4 1 6 .ixe4 liJxe4
better eпdiпg for White, Wiersma-Кiip, апd White has по compeпsatioп for the
Dutch Cht 19950 раwпо
Ь) 1 6oooh6 1 7 .ih4 :f.c5 18 liJd2 апd а2) 15 liJxf7 %txf7 16 .ixf7 Фхf7 1 7
поw 1 8 oo o.ixd5 1 9 .ie4 gives Black seri­ d 5 .iхеЗ 1 8 %txe3 liJc4 with а good game
ous proЬiems, while 1 80 о .'it'a8 loses to 1 9 for Biacko
i.xf6 gxf6 2 0 liJe4o 1 8ooo:txd5 i s Ьesto аЗ) 15 i.g5 liJxb3 1 6 ахЬЗ (the com­
14 cxd4 с5 15 liJc3 с4 plicatioпs after 1 6 liJg4 liJxg4 1 7 .ixd8
Or 1 5 o o ocxd4 1 6 liJd5 .ixd5 1 7 .ixd5 liJxa1 are поt daпgerous for Black; eogo,
with compeпsatioп for the раwпо 18 .ih4 .l:tae8 1 9 liJd2 f5 ) 160 .'_.d7 1 7

16 .tc2 d5 17 .::tеЗ liJcЗ %tfe8 1 8 .ixf6+ Фхf6 with а good

Riskyo After 17 ..,d2 chaпces are equalo position for Blacko
17...'it'd6 18 .l:.h3 %tfe8 19 J:th4 Ь) 1 2 o o o.ic8 ! ? 13 d5 i.xf5 14 exf5
Now, rather thaп 1 9o o oliJe4?! (Brust­ liJd4 with а very good game for Blacko
man-Zietek, Роzпап 1 984), 19oo oh6 gives 13 liJxe7+ "i/xe7 14 liJc3
Black the better game; eogo, 20 .if4 "fie7 Ап altemative is 14 i.g5 h6 1 5 .ih4
2 1 i.e5 liJd7 stressiпg the artificial posi­ g5 16 i.gЗ liJxe4:
tioп of White's rooko а) 17 fЗ "ii'f6 1 8 fxe4 .ixd4+ 19 Фh 1
i.хЫ 20 liJd2 .ixa1 2 1 'tll'x a1 'ir'xa1 22
G4) :txa1 :f.ad8 (Konikowski) with ап advan­
10...exd4 1 1 liJf5 (D) tage for Blacko
Ь) 1 7 i.c2 d5 1 8 f3 'tii'Ь4 19 fxe4
'tll'x Ы 20 liJd2 .ixd4+ 2 1 .tf2 'tll'x a1 22
'tll'x a1 i.xa1 23 nxa1 :tfe8 -+о
в с) 1 7 liJd2 d5 denies White compeп­
d) 17 liJcЗ liJxcЗ 1 8 :txe7 liJxd 1 1 9
:txd 1 and White must prove that llis ini­
tiative is worth the sacrificed раwпо
14 h6 15 .if4 .l:.fe8

Black has а good gameo

1 1...dxc3 12 liJxcЗ
Now: 1 2 liJxg7+ Фf8 1 3 liJf5 схЫ 14 .iхЫ
G41 : 1 1 ...0-0 59 liJe5 1 5 liJcЗ liJeg4 16 :tfl :tg8 1 7 'tll'e 2
G42: 1 1 ...dxc3 59 liJxf2 18 1:.xf2 liJg4 + Timmennan-Dries,
СОПо 1 9 8 1 0
G41 ) 12.0.0-0
1 1 ...0-0 12 cxd4 After 1 2 o oog6? 1 3 liJh6 liJe5 14 i.g5 с6
1 2 i.g5 dхсЗ 1 3 liJxcЗ traпsposes to 15 'i'id2 Вlack has по way to uпpin him­
Liпe G42o se1f.
60 A rchangel and New Archangel

13 �g5 G51 )
Black has а good game after 13 �d5 11 liJrs о-о-о 12 dS
.tt b 8 14 �g5 liJe5 1 5 �хЬ7 .tt xb7 or 1 3 Altematives:
liJd5 liJxd5 1 4 �xd5 ( 1 4 'i'g4 g 6 1 5 а) 12 fЗ? d5 1 3 exd5 ( 1 3 �g5? dxe4
�xd5 liJ e 5 +) 14 . . . Фh8 1 5 ьз .ttb 8 1 6 14 l:Uxg7 liJxd4 1 5 cxd4 �xd4+ 1 6 Фfl
�Ы liJe5. ехfЗ -+) 13 ... liJxd5 14 liJxg7 exd4 +.
13 liJeS
.•. Ь) 12 �g5 (this move forces Black
Not bad looks 1 3 . . . h6 1 4 .ixh6 gxh6 iпto some radical measures) 1 2. . . liJxe4
1 5 liJxh6+ and поw 15 . . .Фh7 or 15 ... Фg7 13 �xd8 'i'xf5 14 .ih4 liJxd4 1 5 cxd4
16 liJfS+ Фh8 17 liJd5 �с8 1 8 liJxf6 �xd4 and поw:
with а perpetual check. Ь l ) 16 'i'e2 'i'g6 ( l 6 .. .'i!kf4 17 liJc3
14 �d2 h6 15 �xh6 l2Jxc3 18 Ьхс3 �хс3 19 .igЗ with chances
This sacrifice is probaЬly iпcorrect but for both sides in an unclear position) 1 7
апу withdrawal of the bishop 1eads to .ic2 .tхЫ 1 8 liJd2 ( 1 8 .i xe4 .ixe4 1 9
good р1ау for B1ack. 'i'xe4 'i'xe4 20 .tt xe4 .ixa1 + ) 1 8 ... liJc3
1S ... gxh6 16 'i'xh6 liJe8 17 .tte2 с6 ( 18 . . . .ixa1 19 liJxe4 .ic3 20 .ttc 1 'it>b8
After 17 .. .'i'f6 1 8 'i'h3 'i'g5 1 9 liJd5 with good chaпces for Black iп а very
�xd5 20 exd5 White has good chances. comp1icated positioп) 1 9 .ixg6 liJxe2+
18 1:d1 �f6 19 1:txd6 �xh6 20 .ttxh6 20 .tt xe2 .ixa1 21 .ixf7 апd B1ack is
�с8 better in the endiпg.
White does not have sufficient com­ Ы) 16 'ikfЗ 'iVxfЗ 17 gxfЗ .tхы 1 8
pensation for the piece. fxe4 .ixa1 1 9 .ixf7 Фd7 and Black's
chances in the eпdiпg are better.
GS) 12...l2Jxe4!
10... 'i'd7 (D) Other moves are weak; e.g . , l 2... liJa5
13 .ic2 g6 1 4 liJh6 liJg8 1 5 liJxg8 1:thxg8
16 а4 f5 17 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 8 liJa3 fxe4 19 Ь4
'i'f7 20 .ie3 .iхеЗ 21 fxe3 liJc4 22 liJxc4
w Ьхс4 23 .i xe4 1:tgf8 24 'i'g4+ -d7 25
-е2 +- Swic-Panczyk, Polish Ch 1 982.
13 Пхе4
а) 13 dxc6 .ixf2+ 14 Фfl ( 1 4 Фh l
.ixc6 1 5 .ttxe4 .ixe4 16 liJe3 .ixe3
{ 16 ... f5 !?} 17 .ixe3 'i'h3 1 8 fr'e2 .ixg2+
19 'i'xg2 'i'xe3 +) 14 ... .ixc6 апd поw:
а1) 1 5 l2Jxg7 .ixe1 1 6 Фxe1 .tt hg8 1 7
.ih6 .tt xg7 1 8 .ixg7 .ttg 8 -+.
The most radica1 move. Black wants to а2) 1 5 liJxd6+ 'i'xd6 16 'i'xdб 1:txd6
coпstruct ап attack оп the kiпgside, tak­ 17 1:txe4 .ixe4 1 8 Фхf2 1:thd8 +.
iпg advaпtage of the positioп of White's аЗ) 15 1:txe4 .ixe4 and now: 1 6 liJxg7
lrnight. On the other haпd, Black's kiпg .iЬб +; 16 liJxd6+ 'i'xdб 17 'i'xdб .ttxdб
positioп оп the queenside may Ье daп­ transposes to liпe 'а2' ; 1 6 liJe3 .ixe3 1 7
gerous as well. Now: .iхеЗ d 5 +.
G51: l l llJfS 60 Ь) 1 3 llJeЗ liJe7 14 а4 f5 with а better
G52: 11 �gS 61 game for Black.
Archangel with 7 '11.e l: Minor Lines 61

13 .. .'i'xf5 14 .1:1е2 and now 17 cxd4 f5 18 lЬсЗ fxe4 19 liJxe4

14 dxc6 'i!Vxf2+ 15 Фh 1 �хс6 16 1:1.g4 lЬf5 20 liJf6 'itd8 can Ье met Ьу 2 l liJd5
h5 17 .l:g5 е4 ! -+. l2Jxh6 22 li:Jxb6+ ±.
14 ...l2Je7 Ь) 13 ... lt:Ja5 1 4 d5 and White Ьlocks
14 ...l2Ja5 ! ? 1 5 �с2 �g4. the centre firmly.
15 а4 с) 13 . . . exd4 !? 14 cxd4 l2Ja5 (another
15 с4 Ьхс4 16 �хс4 'itg4 17 "*dЗ possibility is 14 . . . 1:hg8 '?) 1 5 lt:JcЗ ( 1 5
liJxd5 1 8 �xa6 liJЬ4 1 9 �xb7+ 'itxb7 20 �с2 ! ? .::t hg8 with the threat . . ..l:xg2 in
�d2 liJc6 +. some variations although after 16 gЗ the
15 ...е4 16 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 position may favour White) 1 5 . . .l2Jxb3
Now White shou1d play 17 liJaЗ ltJxd5 16 ахЬЗ 1:1.hg8 17 d5 %:tg5 with chances to
18 l2Jxb5 liJf4 1 9 �xf4 'ii'xf4 20 �а4 obtain counterplay.
with chances to equalize. Instead after 17 12...l2Je7 13 i.xf6 gxf6 14 'itf3 tthg8
с4?! Ьхс4 18 �xc4 l2Jxd5 19 liJcЗ ltJxcЗ 14. . .f5 (premature) 1 5 liJxf5 lt:Jxf5 1 6
20 ЬхсЗ (Seifert-Panczyk, Wroclaw 1982) exf5 %:tdg8 1 7 �с2 h 5 1 8 а4 ±.
20. . . d5 White does not have sufficient 15 g3
compensation for the two pawns. 1 5 �xf6 l2Jg6 1 6 liJf5 ( 1 6 lt:Jxg6? !
fxg6 ! +) 1 6 ...l2Jf4 17 gЗ (17 lЬе7+? ФЬ8
G52 ) 1 8 l2Jxg8 'ifg4 -+) 1 7 . . . ФЬ8 with strong
l l ..lii.g5 (D) counterplay for Black.
Not 1 5 ... f5 1 6 l2Jxf5 l2Jxf5 17 exf5
1:g5 18 �с2 с6 19 h4 .::tgg8 20 с4 cxd5
в (20 . . . Ьхс4 21 �а4 ±) 21 cxd5 'itb8 22
liJcЗ ±.
16 ФЫ
Or 1 6 'ifxf6, and now:
а) 16 ... �xf2+ 17 �xf2 �xh4 1 8 а4
( 1 8 'ifxf7? .::txgЗ+ !) 1 8 ... f5 19 ахЬ5 ахЬ5
20 exf5 .::tdf8 21 'iig2 'ifh5 with counter­
play for Black.
Ь) 16 ... 1:g4 17 liJf5 liJg6 1 8 �d1 liJf4
1 9 �fЗ .::tdg8 20 liJd2 1:xg3+ with а per­
11 . . 0-0-0
. petua1 check.
1 1 . . . 'itg4 ! ? 12 �xf6 'ii'x d l 13 .l:xd l 16... r5
gxf6 is similar to note 'Ы' to Black's 1 6 . . ..::t g4 17 liJd2 (Kapengut-Ma lan-
1 1 th move in Line G2. After 14 liJf5 ltJe7 iuk, Daugavpils 1978) 17 ... 1:.xh4 1 8 gxh4
1 5 l2Jg7+ Фf8 1 6 l2Jh5 f5 Black has iVxfЗ+ 19 liJxfЗ f5 gives Black some
counterplay. counterplay.
12 d5 17 exf5 е4
А very interesting idea is 12 �хfб Strzelecki-Panczyk, Bydgoszcz 1 985
gxf6 13 liJf5 ! ?: now ended in catastrophe for White: 1 8
а) 1 3 . . . lt:Je7 14 liJh6 1:df8 ( 1 4 ... 1:hf8 iVxe4? �xf2 1 9 f6 �хе1 20 �xe1 l2Jxd5
1 5 а4 d5 16 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 17 exd5 is better 2 1 'ii'f2 liJeЗ+ 22 'itg1 1:xg3+ 0- 1 . The
for White) 15 а4 exd4 (Sanz Alonso­ best move is 18 '11Vg 2, although Black's
Garcia, Saragossa 1992) 16 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 position is better.
62 Archangel and New Archangel

Н) Н З)
10 а4 10 'ikd7 1 1 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 2 .l:.xa8+

Тhis move is directed against Black's .i.xa8 13 ..tg5

plan with ... 0-0-0. Or:
Н1: 10 ... Ьха4 62 а) Closing the centre is convenient
Н2: 10.. .lt:'Ja5 62 for Black, viz. 13 d5 tiJe7 14 .i.c2 tiJg4
НЗ: 10..."ifd7 62 15 .l:.e2 f5 ! .
Н4: 10.. .'ir'e7 62 Ь) After 1 3 tiJa3 ! ? tlJe7 1 4 tiJg5 ! 0-0
Н5: 10... 0-0 63 1 5 dxe5 dxe5 ( 1 5 . . . tiJg4? 1 6 е6 fxe6 17
Н6: 10... h6! 65 .i.еЗ tiJxe3 1 8 'ikh5 +-) 1 6 'it'xd7 tiJxd7
17 tiJxb5 B1ack has no compensation for
Н1) the pawn.
1 0 Ьха4 11 .i.xa4 0-0 1 2 .i.g5 h6 13
..• 13..."ii'g4
.i.h4 'ike7 14 tiJaЗ 1 3 . . . 0-0 1 4 .i.xf6 gxf6 1 5 'i'd3 a1so
14 d5 ! ? gives White а small but lasting Jeads to an advantage for White (Matsu­
advantage. kevich).
14 ... g5 15 i.gЗ 14 ьз 'ikh5 15 'ikd3 О-О 16 . ..txf6 gxf6
15 tiJxg5 hxg5 16 .i.xg5 is insuffi­ 17 'ikxb5 f5 18 i.d5 ttJa7 19 'ikьз
ciently prepared: 16 ... exd4 1 7 'ikf3 ( 1 7 19 'i'd7 ! ? is probaЬly an even better
е5 tiJxe5 ! 1 8 cxd4 'ike6 1 9 dxe5 tiJg4 20 move.
.i.e3 'ikg6) 1 7 . . .Фg7 18 е5 tlJxe5 ! and 19... fxe4 20 i.xa8 .:l.xa8 21 'ikd5
Black wins. ± Matsukevich.
Or 15 ... exd4 16 .i.xc6 ( 1 6 cxd4 ttJxe4) Н 4)
16 ... .i.xc6 1 7 tiJxd4 and White has the 10 .'�е7 (D)

16 1:txe4
а) 16 ... f5 17 1:te1 f4 1 8 tlJc4 fxg3 1 9 w
hxg3 ±.
Ь) 1 6 ... tiJxd4 17 .l:.xd4 .i.xf3 18 'ikxf3
( 1 8 'ili'e1 .i.xd4 1 9 cxd4 .i.b7) 1 8 . . . exd4
1 9 .i.c6 .l:.ab8 20 hЗ ±.

10 ttJa5 11 i.c2 0-0 12 .i.g5 I:te8

1 2. . . h6 1 3 i.h4 transposes to Line

С3 1 of Chapter 6.
13 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 14 tiJaЗ exd4 15 tiJxd4 11 ахЬ5
J:te5 16 ttJrз Others :
1 6 f4 !?. а) 1 1 tiJaЗ Ьха4?! (1 1 ...exd4; 1 1 .. .0-0)
16 ....1:.е8 17 tiJxb5 h6 12 .i.xa4 0-0 1 3 ttJc4 tiJd7 14 tiJe3 g6 1 5
Dudek-Thiel, 2nd Bundesliga 1 99 1 . ttJd 5 'i'd8 1 6 .i.h6 ± Morgado-Mendoza,
Now White should try 1 8 .i.xf6 'it'xf6, corr. 1982.
when Black has some initiative for the Ь) 11 d5 tiJb8 12 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 13 .l:.xa8
sacrificed pawn. i.xa8 14 tiJa3 с6 15 .i.g5 0-0 16 dxc6
Archangel with .7 'f&el: Minor Lines 63

.ixc6 1 7 .ixf6 �xf6 18 .id5 .id7 1 9 1 1 .ig5 h6 12 .ih4 transposes to Line

�dЗ favours White, Parma-Gilb.Garcia, СЗ of Chapter 6.
Havana 1 969.
ll ...axbS 12 .l:.xa8+ .ixa8 13 llJa3 Н51)
1 3 llJh4 g6 1 4 liJfЗ h6 1 5 �dЗ ( 1 5 1 1 llJa3 h6
.id5 ! ?; 1 5 d5) 1 5. . .Фf8 1 6 llJaЗ llJa7 1 7 Others:
d 5 с 6 1 8 dxc6 ;\; Varga-Sivokho, Buda­ а) 1 1 . . .'ii'e7 1 2 d5 llJa5 1 3 .ia2 llJg4
pest 1994. 14 %1е2 f5 (Palkovi-Letay, Hungarian Cht
13...llJa7 14 .i gS 1 992) 15 exf5 !?.
14 �dЗ exd4 1 5 llJxd4 ( 1 5 cxd4 Ь) 1 1 ... 11е8 12 d5 llJa7 ( 1 2 ... llJe7 ! ?)
.ixe4) 1 5 . . . 0-0 16 .ig5 h6 1 7 .ih4 �е5 13 .iеЗ (Rosich-Titmas, Barcelona ЕСС
1 8 .ic2 %1е8 and Black has а good posi­ 1 993) 13 . . . .ixe3 =.

tion. с) 1 1 . . .exd4 ! ? (а very logical move)

14 ..h6
. 1 2 cxd4 llJa5 1 3 .ig5 ( 13 .ic2 Ь4 14 llJЬ1
This move is essentia1. After 14 ... 0-0 with excellent play for Black) 13 ... llJxb3
1 5 llJh4 Black has no way to defend suc­ 14 �хЬЗ Ьха4 15 �ха4 �е8 16 'itxe8
cessfully, Vukcevich-B isguier, Lincoln 11fxe8 17 .ixf6 gxf6 1 8 d5 f5 with а
1 969. better ending for Black, Liebert-Witkow­
15 .ih4 ski, Po1anica Zdroj 1 967.
Monensen-Schandorff, Danish Ch 12 d5
1991 continued 15 . . . g5 16 .igЗ llJd7 (or Others:
16 . . . llJxe4 17 dxe5 llJxgЗ 18 hxgЗ d5 1 9 а) 1 2 hЗ transposes to Line ЕЗ I .
llJd4 .ixd4 2 0 cxd4 с 5 ;\; ) 1 7 llJc2 h 5 1 8 Ь ) 1 2 %1Ь1 ? ! exd4 ( а very logical
h4 g4 1 9 llJg5 f6 20 llJe6 liJf8 2 1 llJxf8 move) 13 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 4 llJxb5 ( 1 4 cxd4
with better chances for White. Better does not help: 14 . . . llJa5 15 d5 llJg4 1 6
1ooks 15 ... 0-0 or 15 . . . с5 with good equa1- %1е2 %1е8 + ) 1 4 . . . dxc3 1 5 llJxc3 llJg4 1 6
izing chances. 11е2 .iаб 1 7 %1d2 .idЗ -+ Mrdja-Beliav­
sky, Bastia 1 998.
Н5) с) 1 2 .ta2 exd4 1 3 cxd4 llJb4 14 .i.Ьl
10...0·0 (D) 11е8 and White can maintain equality.
d) 1 2 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 3 d5 llJe7 trans­
poses to the note to White's 1 3th move.
е) 1 2 .ic2 exd4 13 cxd4 llJb4 14 .i.Ьl
w d5 ( 1 4 . . . %1е8 !?; 14 . . . с5) 15 е5 ( 1 5 .id2)
15 . . .llJe4 16 .id2 llJc6 17 .iеЗ (Ravi
Hegde-Bakliwal, Calcutta 1 996) 17 ... 'ii'd7
gives Black а good position.
The correct square for the Ьlack knight.
1 2. . . llJa5 is Ьest met Ьу 13 .ta2.
13 .ie3
1 3 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 14 .iеЗ .iхеЗ 1 5 %1хе3
с6 1 6 dxc6 .ixc6 17 'ifdЗ (or 17 .ic2
Now: llJg6 with equality, Zudov-Thorfinnsson,
Н51 : l l llJa3 63 Canaries U - 1 6 OL 1 995) 17 . . . �Ь8 1 8
Н52: 1 1 axbS 64 %1 d 1 11d8 with а good game for Вlack,
64 Archangel and New Archangel

Nokso-Koivisto - Fruteau, СарреНе 1а 1 5 .ic2 Ь4 1 6 lLJЬI J:f.e8 1 7 lLJbd2 .iЬ7

Grande 1 992. ( 1 7 .. .'ii'Ь8 ! ? 18 ЬЗ 'i'a7 19 i.Ь2 с5 gave
13... �хе3 B1ack а very good game in Rocko-Petek,
Also р1ауаЬ!е is 1 3 ... Ьха4 14 i.xa4 Plzen 1 995) 1 8 hЗ hб ( 1 8 ... с5 !?) 19 ЬЗ
ll:\g4 15 �хЬ6 схЬ6 16 h3 ll:lf6 17 с4 .1:.с8 'i'a8 with good counterplay for Black,
(17. . .ll:\g6!?) 18 .1:.c 1 ll:lh7 Jirovsky-Nish­ Nokso-Koivisto - Ranta, Helsinki 1 990.
imura, Prague 1 994. 15 ...Пе8 16 .td5
14 1:txe3 ll:lg4 16 .ic2 Ь4 1 7 lLJЬ I h6 1 8 i.h4 g5 1 9
Another plan is 14 ...с6 - compare the ll:lxg5 hxg5 20 .ixg5 (Podkriznik-Petek,
note to White's 1 3th move. B1ed 1 994) 20... Ь3 parries the attack and
15 J:l.e1 Ьха4 16 �а2 f5 17 ll:lh4 ll:lf6 gives B1ack an advantage.
18 ll:lxf5 ll:lxf5 19 exf5 'i!kd7 20 ll:\c2 The text-move ( 1 6 i.d5) occuпed in
After 20 g4 .:tab8 (or 20. . . Фh8) Вlack Fedorowicz-Gulko, Groningen 1990. Now
has good counterp1ay. 16 . . . сб 17 �а2 Ь4 1 8 lLJЬI hб gives B1ack
20 ...'i!kxf5 an excellent game.
B1ack has good chances, Кlovan­
Ma1aniuk, Riga 1 982. Н522)
12.. .'�ха8 (D)
Н 52)
11 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 12 .Uxa8
Н521: 12 ... i.xa8 64 w
Н522: 12 ... 'i!kxa8 64

Н52 1 )
12... �ха8 13 ll:\a3
а) 13 i.g5 h6 and now:
а 1 ) 14 ixf6 'i'xf6 15 d5 lLie7 16 lLJa3
.t:.b8 17 ll:lxb5 ( 17 'i'dЗ g5 ! 18 'i'e2 с6
{ 18 ... lLJg6!?} 19 dxc6 i.xc6 20 lZ:Ic2 .ic5
2 1 lLJe3 does not look worse for White) 13 i.g5
17 ... .ixf2+ 18 Фхf2 .:txb5 =. 1 3 d5 lLia5 ( 1 3 . . . lLJb8 is less 1ogical,
а2) 1 4 i.h4 g5 1 5 .igЗ exd4 16 'i'dЗ and shou1d Ье met Ьу 14 lLJa3 or 14 hЗ ! ?)
( 1 6 cxd4 .1:.е8 { 16 . . . g4 ! ? } 17 ll:lc3 lLia5 14 .ic2 (Struk-Gajsin, Kosza1in 1 999)
18 .ic2 Ь4 19 ll:\a4 .ixe4 20 ll:\xbб схЬ6 14 ... ll:\g4 15 .:te2 f5 with better chances
2 1 .ia4 i.c6 22 .:txe8+ 'i!kxe8 + Berelo­ for B1ack.
vich-Markus, Dieren 1999) 16 ... lLJa5 with 13 ... ltJxe4!
an advantage for Black, Reche1-Schwam­ This move has never been used in
berger, Germany Cup 1 99 1 . toumament practice, although it leads to
Ь ) 1 3 d5 lLJe7 1 4 .ig5 lLJg6 1 5 lLih4 profitaЬle comp1ications for B1ack. An
lLJxh4 1 6 .ixh4 h6 17 lLJaЗ g5 18 .igЗ altemative is 13 ... ll:ld7:
'i'd7 19 hЗ с6 20 �fЗ Фg7 21 dхсб i.xc6 а) 14 lLJa3 exd4 15 cxd4 lLJa5 16 .ic2
with chances for both sides, Bednarski­ Ь4 17 ttJь 1 .:te8 18 lLJbd2 lLJf8 19 i.еЗ d5
Lewi, Poland 1969. 20 е5 lLJc4 with active р1ау for B1ack,
13 ...exd4 14 cxd4 lLJa5 15 .tg5 Minic-Stein, Yugos1avia-USSR 1963.
Archangel with 7 :eJ : Minor Lines 65

Ь) 14 �h4 (а Jogical move, as Black Н61 1 )

has removed his pieces from the king­ 13 d5 �e7
side; nevenheless Black has good coun­ Тhе most logica1 move, supporting the
terplay) l 4 . . . exd4 1 5 �f5 gб l б �xd4 possiЬle pawn-break . . . f5. Another plan
�xd4 (interesting is l б . . . �с5 ; e.g. , 17 is 1З ...�а5 14 ..ic2:
�хЬ5 �е5 1 8 ..iеЗ �еdЗ 1 9 ..ixc5 �хс5 а) 14 . . . 0-0 1 5 �h4 is good for White.
20 �d2 �хе4 21 �хе4 ..ixe4 +) 17 cxd4 Ь) 14...�g4 !? 1 5 .:1.fl 'it'a7 1 б 1Ve2 0-0
..ixe4 1 8 ..ihб ( 1 8 �сЗ ..ixg2) 18 . . . .:1.е8 1 7 �h4 (Coudray-Cunetto, Paris 1 99З)
19 �сЗ ..ib7 +. 17 . . . �xf2 ! 18 .:l.xf2 f5 ! ао .
с) 1 4 ..id5 ! ? �сЬ8 ( 1 4 .. .'ita7 ;!;) 1 5 14 �а3
dxe5 �хе5 1 б �аЗ �bd7 ;!; Kettner­ Others:
Gschnitzer, Lauda 1 98б. а) 14 hЗ 0-0 15 �аЗ .:l.d8 1 б �h2 ( 1 б
14 .l:!.xe4 �xd4 15 Пхd4 �хЬ5 с б 1 7 dхсб ..iхсб 1 8 с4 �хе4 1 9
1 5 cxd4 ..i xe4 leads to а promising ..iеЗ ..ia5 2 0 .:l.e2 d 5 2 1 'it'c 1 d4 + Pop­
position for Black. escu) 1б ...сб l 7 �g4 �xg4 1 8 'il*'xg4 Фh8
15...exd4 16 cxd4 .txrз 17 gxfЗ 1Va1 19 dхсб ..iхсб 20 Фh2 .:l.f8 = Sarink­
18 �сЗ 'ii'x d1 + 19 ..ixd1 Bieluczyk, corr. 1 98б.
Black has an excellent ending after Ь) 14 ..iеЗ .i.хеЗ 15 .:l.хеЗ �g4 (or
both 1 9 ... .:1.а8 and 19 . . .Ь4. 1 5 . . . 0-0 1 б �аЗ transposing to note 'с'
after Black's 14th move) lб .:l.e l f5 17
Н6) exf5 (17 �fd2 �fб 18 f3 0-0 1 9 �аз
10...h6! 'ita7+ 20 Фh l "itьб with very good coun­
This makes 1 1 ..ig5 impossiЫe. Now: terplay for Black, Richter-Hamarat, corr.
Н61 : 1 1 axbS б5 1 980) 17 . . . �fб 1 8 �аЗ ..ixd5 1 9 ..ixd5
Н62: 1 1 �4 б7 �fxd5 20 �хЬ5 0-0 21 с4 'i!Vb7 Ped­ =

zich-Jepson, AaiЬorg U-20 Ech 1 99 1 .

1 1 'itdЗ transposes to Line D 1 , 1 1 14...0-0
�аЗ 0-0 to Н5 1 and 1 1 hЗ to ЕЗ. Now:
а) 15 �хЬ5 (this move is not as bad
Н61 ) as its reputation) 15 ... �g4 and now:
1 1 axbS axbS 12 1:1.ха8 'ii'xa8 а l ) 1 б ..iеЗ �хеЗ 17 fхеЗ 'il'e8 (after
After 1 2. . . ..ixa8 1З �аЗ 'ii'd7? ! 14 1 7 ... f5?! 18 �хе5 White gains an advan­
�хЬ5 О-О 1 5 �аЗ �е7 1 б ..ic2 Вlack has tage) 1 8 ..ia4 (otherwise l 8 . . . f5 with
no compensation for the pawn, Akesson­ counterplay for Black) 1 8 . . .'�а8 1 9 �d2
Jonasson, corr. 1 97б. ( 1 9 ..tьз ) l 9 .. .f5 20 �с4 �аб 21 �хЬб

Now: 'il*'xbб with compensation for the pawn.

Н611: 13 dS б5 а2) l б .:l.fl f5 17 exf5 ( 1 7 hЗ? �xf2
Н612: 13 �аз бб 18 .:l.xf2 ..ixf2+ 19 Фхf2 fxe4 20 �хс7
'itb8 2 1 �еб .:l.fб -+ Hodges) 17 ... ..ixd5
Other moves are weaker: ( 17 . . ..:l.xf5 18 с4 followed Ьу �сЗ-е4, hЗ
а) 1 3 �h4 �е7 14 d5 0-0 1 5 �аЗ сб and ..iеЗ gives White the better chances)
1 б dхсб .i.хсб 1 7 'it'xdб �хе4 1 8 �хе7 1 8 с4 ..tп 19 �fd4 ао.
.i.c5 19 �хе5 ..ixf2+ 20 ФП ..ixh4 2 1 Ь) 15 ..ic2 �g4 l б Пе2 f5 17 h3 �xf2
.:l.e2 �Ь7 22 �с2 .:l.a8 with excellent play 18 .U.xf2 fxe4 19 .i.xe4 ..ixd5 20 ..ixd5+
for Black, Berg1und-Hamarat, corr. 1978. 'it'xd5 21 'il'xd5+ �xd5 -+ Kachovich­
Ь) 13 dxe5 �хе5 =. Matsukevich, USSR 1 975.
66 Archangel and New Archangel

с) 15 .tеЗ .i.хеЗ 1 6 J:.хеЗ tt'a5 17 both 15 .ta2 and 1 5 .tc2 should Ье met
.tc2 ltJg4 18 J:.e1 (18 hЗ ; 1 8 'it'dЗ )
= = Ьу 15 ... ltJg4 followed Ьу . . . f5 with good
18 ... 'it'b6 1 9 J:.fl ? ! f5 20 ltJh4 ltJxf2 2 1 counterplay.
J:.xf2 fxe4 2 2 "iVe2 (Petrushin-Matsukev­ 14...exd4
ich, USSR 1970) 22 . . . g5 23 .txe4 gxh4 14 ... ltJa5 is also very good:
24 .tfЗ (24 'it'g4+ Фh8 25 .tfЗ tt'eз -+) а) 1 5 d5? ltJxbЗ .1 6 tt'xbЗ ltJxe4 ! and
24 ... .txd5 25 tt'xb5 with а better posi­ White cannot play 17 J:.xe4 because of
tion for Black after 25 ...е4 or 25 . . . .txf3. 1 7 ... .txd5 1 8 J:.c4 tt'a1 and Black is win­
d) 15 hЗ: ning.
d 1 ) 15 . . .tt'a7 1 6 .tеЗ .tхеЗ 17 J:.хеЗ Ь) 1 5 .ta2 exd4 16 ltJЬxd4 .i.xe4 17
'i!Vb6 1 8 .tc2 J:.d8 1 9 .i.dЗ с6 20 dxc6 .i.еЗ ltJc6 Ifz. Ifz Ernst-Fernandez Garcia,
.txc6 Kekov-Belozerov, Moscow Ch
= Debrecen Echt 1 992.
1 996. с) 15 .tc2 and now:
d2) l 5'a5 (Bienenstock-Hodges, с1) 15 ... .txe4 16 .i.xe4 ltJxe4 Arnlind­
corr. 1 994) 16 tt'e2 Ь4 17 ltJc4 .ta6 or 16 Popov, corr. 1 968 .
..WdЗ Ь4 17 ltJc4 .ta6 (Нodges).
= с2) After 1 5 . . .ltJxe4 (Hansson-Thor­
hallsson, lcelandic Ch 1 987) White can
Н61 2) fight for an advantage with 1 6 Ь4 ltJc4 1 7
13 ltJa3 (D) tt'e2.
сЗ) 15 ... exd4 16 cxd4 .txe4 1 7 .txe4
ltJxe4 1 8 'it'dЗ ltJf6 = Ladisic-Va1enti,
Paris Ch 1 988.
d) 1 5 dxe5 dxe5 and now:
d 1 ) 16 .tеЗ? J:.d8 ! gives B1ack the ad­
d2) 1 6 ltJxe5 ltJxbЗ 1 7 'it'xbЗ .txe4
with strong counterplay for Black.
dЗ) 1 6 .tc2 ltJg4 ( 1 6 ... .ta6 ! ? 1 7 .i.dЗ
J:.d8 1 8 'i*'e2 ltJg4 19 .tеЗ gives Black ex­
cellent play) 1 7 ltJfd4 ttJxf2 1 8 Фхf2 exd4
19 ltJxd4 ( 19 cxd4 'i*'d8 1eads to strong
counterp1ay for Black) 1 9 . . . ltJc6 with
13 . .. 0-0 good play for Black.
An alternative is 13 ...exd4: 15 cxd4
а) 14 ltJxb5 and now 14 . . . 0-0 trans­ 15 ltJЬxd4 ltJxd4 16 ltJxd4 .i.xe4 17 fЗ
poses to the main line. 14 ... dxc3 is an in­ .tg6 18 .tеЗ J:.e8 1 9 .ta4 J:.e5 20 .tf2
teresting alternative, giving Black chances J:.xe 1 + 21 .i.xe 1 ltJd5 with а good game
to fight for an advantage. for Black, Howell-Malaniuk, Amantea
·Ь) After 14 cxd4 0-0, 1 5 ltJxb5 trans­ 1995.
poses to the main line. Instead 1 5 .tc2?! 15 lLia5

ltJЬ4 1 6 d5 ltJxc2 17 ltJxc2 с6 gave Black After 1 5 ... J:.e8 1 6 llJc3 lLia5 1 7 .ta4
the better position in Hammar-Кaiszauri, J:.e7 1 8 d5 "ika7 19 .tеЗ .tхеЗ 20 J:.хеЗ
Swedish Ch 1 977. ltJc4 21 J:.e2 fi'a5 22 lLid4 Black has no
14 lЬхЬ5 compensation for the pawn, Stok1asa­
Or 14 d5 ltJa5 ( 1 4. . .ltJe7 1ooks more Hala, Czech Ch 1 994.
logical, transposing to Н6 1 1 ), and now 16 .i.c2
Archangel with 7 :ez: Minor Lines 67

Other moves: -..хе2 27 l2Jxe2 l2Jxb6 28 l2Jc3 ltJfd5 =

а) 1 6 d5? ! l2Jxb3 1 7 'i'xb3 l2Jxe4 ! 1 8 Pulkkinen-Furhoff, Helsinki-Stockholm

J:xe4 ( 1 8 .ie3 .ixd5 1eaves B1ack а 1 997) 23 'tiь5 'ikxb5 24 tiJxb5 ltJdЗ 25
pawn up, Tolnai-Yilmaz, Budapest 1 992) Ь3 l2Je4 Wachtel-Nickoloff, Toronto

18 . . . .ixd5 19 J:c4 and now: 1 975.

а 1) 19 ... J:e8 20 'i'd3 (20 -..с3 ! ? .ixc4 17 ltJc3 ltJf6 18 "ifdЗ Пе8 1 9 J:xe8+
2 1 'it'xc4 d5 22 -..п is equa1) 20 . . .'ir'a5 'tixe8 20 .iеЗ 'ika8 21 ltJh4 ltJc6 22 ,..d 1
(20 . . . .ixc4) 2 1 J:c3 .ixfЗ 22 gxfЗ J:e5 l2Jb4 23 i.Ы Фf8 24 'i'ЬЗ ltJbdS
(but not 22 ... с6? 23 J:xc6 .ixf2+ 24 'iii'g2 Black has an excellent game, Sznapi.k­
.ic5 25 l2Jxd6 .ixd6 26 J:xd6 +- Pan­ Mainka, Dortmund 1 989.
czyk-Wesolowski, Polish U-21 Ch 1 976)
23 l2Jxd6 (Вade-Gorbu1eva, corr. 1 977) Н62)
23 ...J:d5 24 ltJc4 J:xd3 25 l2Jxa5 =. l l ltJh4 (D)
а2) 19 .. JWe8 ! and now:
а2 1 ) 20 ,..с 3?! 'i'e2 2 1 J:d4 (Gulko­
B aikov, Moscow 1975) 21 ... J:e8 22 .ie3
'ifxb5 23 J:g4 g5 24 h4 (24 l2Jxg5 hxg5
25 J:xg5+ Фf8 -+) 24. . . .ixf3 25 gxfЗ
.ixe3 26 fxe3 ,..е2 27 е4 J:a8 -+.
а22) 20 'ifi'fl ,..е6 21 l2Ja3 .ic5 22
'iic 3 J:e8 23 .ie3 .ixa3 24 J:xc7 .ic5 +.
а23) 20 .ie3 .ixc4 2 1 ..,хс4 .ixe3 22
fxe3 -..хе3+ 23 Фh l -..п 24 h3 is 1i.kely
to end up in а queen ending with three
Ьlack pawns on the kingside against two
white ones; e.g., 24 ...-.-хЫ 25 ,..с6 J:b8
26 ltJfd4 followed Ьу -..хс7. l l l2Je7

Ь) 1 6 e5 dxe5 1 7 dxe5 J:d8 ( 1 7 ... l2Jg4 Or:

deserves attention; e.g., 1 8 ltJbd4 ltJxb3 а) An interesting idea is 1 1 ... exd4 1 2
19 ... хЬ3 l2Jxt2 20 Фхf2 .ixfЗ 21 gxfЗ l2Jf5 dxc3 ( 1 2 . . .0-0) 1 3 l2Jxg7+ Фf8 1 4
.ixd4+ 22 Фg2 ..,а5 and B1ack wins а l2Jf5 схЫ ( 1 4... l2Je7 !?) 1 5 .ixЬ2 ltJe5 1 6
pawn, or 1 8 ltJfd4 ltJx1;>3 19 'tixg4 l2Jxd4 .ixe5 dxe5 1 7 'iifЗ .id4 ( 1 7 . . .Ь4 ! ?) 1 8
20 l2Jxd4 .ixd4 2 1 ...xd4 .ixg2 with а l2Jc3 (V.Muller-Lang, Tallinn girls Ech
nicer position for B1ack) 1 8 exf6 J:xd 1 1 997) 18 . . .с5 ! ? 1 9 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 20 J:xa8
1 9 .ixd 1 g5 20 .id2 .id5 2 1 .iсЗ .ib3 .ixa8 2 1 l2Jxd4 exd4 22 l2Jxb5 J:g8 with
22 .ie2 .ic4 + M.Schlosser-Mainka, Vi­ good chances for Black.
enna 1 99 1 . Ь) 1 1 . . . 0-0 1 2 'i'fЗ l2Ja5 1 3 .id 1 ?
16 l2Jxe4
... (White should play 1 3 .ic2; if Black an­
А good altemative is 1 6 ... .ixe4 1 7 swers this in the same way, then White
.ixe4 l2Jxe4 1 8 'iid3 (or 1 8 ...c2 ltJf6 1 9 obtains compensation) 1 3 . . .exd4 1 4 l2Jf5
.if4 ltJd5 2 0 .id2 ..,с6 2 1 ltJc3 l2Jxc3 22 (Young-Schulien, Philade1phia 1 989) and
Ьхс3 J:e8 23 J:xe8+ 'tixe8 Saha-Sar­ = now 14 . . . .ixe4! 1 5 J:xe4 (or 1 5 ltJxh6+
itha, Calcutta 1 994) 1 8 . . . l2Jf6 ( 1 8 ... f5 ! ?) gxh6 16 J:xe4 l2Jxe4 17 -..хе4 J:e8 1 8
1 9 ltJc3 J:e8 20 J:xe8+ ,..хе8 21 h3 l2Jc6 'ikg4+ 'ii'g5 -+) 1 5 ...l2Jxe4 1 6 'i'xe4 J:e8
22 .ie3 ltJЬ4 (or 22 . . . l2Je7 23 ltJd2 'i'a8 17 l2Jxh6+ Фf8 wins for Black.
24 l2Jc4 'it'a6 25 'i'e2 l2Jed5 26 l2Jxb6 12 'ii'f3
68 Arclwngel and New Archangel

а) 12 d5 0-0 13 l2Jd2 с6 14 с4 ( 1 4
dxc6 !?) 1 4 . . . Ьхс4 15 dxc6 i.xc6 with а в
good game for Black, Taivainen-Tiihonen,
соп. 198 1
Ь) 12 ..-dз 'ii'd7 (B1ack shou1d castle
kingside here or on the next move) 13 h3
0-0-0 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 15 ltJaЗ ! g5 16 lDf5
lDxf5 ( 1 6. . .с6 does not help; after 17
ttJxe7+ •хе7 1 8 d5 White has а strong
queenside initiative whereas B1ack's king­
side counterplay is too late: 18 ...g4 19
dxc6 i.xc6 20 i.d5 ±) 1 7 exf5 'ii'c6? ! This move is not necessary and in
( 1 7 . . .с6 18 dxe5 dxe5 19 'i'xd7+ .l:txd7 some variations may Ье а 1oss of time.
20.1:txe5 g4 21 ФП ± Amason) 18 f3 exd4 The threat ...exd4 followed Ьу ...l2Jxe4 is
(W.Watson-Po1aczek, London 1 989) 19 illusory.
cxd4 and Black has no compensation for 1 1 а4
the pawn. Others:
12... с6 а) 1 1 ' dxe5 dxe5 12 i.xb6 схЬ6 1 3
Or: ltJbd2 h6 14 а4 Ьха4 1 5 .l:txa4 Ь 5 1 6 .l:ta1
а) 12...exd4? 13 l2Jf5 0-0? 14 lLixh6+ .l:td8 17 'ite2 0-0 Vasi1escu-Wie1and,

gxh6 1 5 1i'xf6 and, compared with the fi­ соп. 1980.

na1 note ( 1 3 ltJxd4) in Line G2, B lack has Ь) 1 1 h3 ltJa5 (after 1 1 ...exd4 12 cxd4
fatal1y weakened his kingside. B1ack cannot play 12 . . .ltJxe4? in view of
Ь) 12 ... 'ii'd7! ? 13 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 14 .1:txa8+ 13 i.g5 f6 14 i.d5 +-; 1 1 ... 0-0 1 2 l2Jbd2
i.xa8 1 5 'il'gЗ .l:tg8 1ooks very good for h6 transposes to Line I3 1) 12 i.c2 с5 (af­
B1ack. ter 1 2 . . . ltJc4 1 3 i.c 1 exd4 14 cxd4 the
13 dxeS dxeS 14 ltJd2 piece sacrifice 14 . . . ltJxe4 15 i.xe4 i.xe4
14 'itgЗ Фf8 15 i.e3 t. 1 6 liJfd2 ltJxd2 17 l2Jxd2 f5 1 8 f3 is in­
14.. .'i'c7 1 5 ltJП 0-0-0 coпect) 13 liJbd2 ( 1 3 d5 ! ?), Stefansson­
1 5 . . . с5 ! ?. Babu, Linares 1 996, and now 13 . . . exd4
16 lLigз Фьs 14 cxd4 ltJc6 deserves attention.
White has Ьetter chances in а comp1i­ с) 1 1 ltJbd2 0-0 12 i.c2 .l:tad8 1 3 аЗ
cated position, Eichhom-Hintikka, соп. h6 14 h3 .l:tfe8 15 ltJП ltJa5 1 6 ltJg3 ltJc4
1 99 1 . 17 i.c 1 and White had а slight advantage
in the game Gelfand-Akopian, Jurmala
1) 1 985.
10 i.еЗ (D) d) 11 d5 ! ?.
Now: 11 ...0-0 12 liJbd2 ltJaS 13 i.c2 ltJg4
11: 10.. .'Wie7?! 68 14 .IТi.gS f6 15 .1Тi.h4 с5 16 Ь4 схЬ4 17
12: 10 ...exd4 !? 69 схЬ4 ttJc6 18 axbS axbS 19 .l:txa8 i.xa8
13: 10...h6 69 20 'ife2 exd4
14: 10...0-0 76 20....1:tb8 !?.
21 'itxbS
11) White has the better chances, Gazik­
10...'�е7? ! Gross, Ceske Budejovice 1993.
Archangel with 7 'fiel: Minor Lines 69

12) с) l l ... g5 ! ? 12 ltJbd2 ( 1 2 а4 trans­

10...exd4!? 11 cxd4 ltJa5 12 d5 poses to the note to Black's 1 1 th move in
1 2 i.c2 0-0 13 ltJЬd2 1:e8 14 е5 dxe5 15 Line E3; 1 2 d5 ! ?) 1 2 . . . 'ii'd7 ( 1 2 . . . g4 ! ?) 13
dxe5 i.xe3 1 6 1:хе3 ltJg4 (16 ... ltJd5 !?)
= а4 g4 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 5 1:ха8+ i.xa8 16
Lederer-Ventura, corr. 1 970. dxe5 i.xe3 1 7 1:хе3 dxe5 with а good
12...i.xe3 game for Black, Ulfarsson-Thorfinnsson,
1 2 ... с6 13 ltJc3 ( 1 3 dxc6 ! ?) 13 ... i.xe3 Hafnarfjordur 1 995.
14 1:хе3 = Jok�ic-P1aninc, Yugoslavia 12 ltJbd2 (D)
1 975.
13 J:.xe3 0-0
13 ...ltJxb3 14 't't'xb3 ttJd7 15 ltJЬd2 0-0
1 6 1:с 1 J:c8 17 ltJd4 1:е8 18 ._.d 1 ltJe5 19 в
1:ес3 'i*'d7 20 f*'h5 (20 Ь4 ! ?) 20. . . с5 2 1
ltJf5 (2 1 dxc6! ?), Kuijf-Voorrnans, 198 1 ,
2 1 . . .g 6 gives Black а good position.
14 ltJbd2 ltJxb3 15 ..-хЬ3 с6
= Bu1jovCic-Planinc, Yugoslavia 1975.

10...h6 1 1 h3
а) 1 1 ltJbd2 0-0 1 2 ltJfl ( 1 2 dxe5 Now:
dxe5 13 i.xb6 схЬ6 14 'ii'e2 'ii'c7 15 ltJh4 131: 12.. .'ii'e7 69
ltJe7 1 6 J:ad 1 1:ad8 17 lDf5 Spassky­ 132: 12...ltJd7 70
Smejkal, Sochi 1 973, 1 7 . . . ltJxf5! ЕСО;
= 133: 12...'ii'd7 70
12 а4 exd4 13 ltJxd4 ltJxd4 1f2-lf2 Kuczyn­ 134: 12..J:te8 70
ski-Panczyk, Bydgoszcz 1 985) 12 . . . 1:е8 135: 12...'ilkb8 73
( 1 2 ...exd4 ! ? 1 3 cxd4 ltJa5 with good р1ау 136: 12...J:tb8 73
for B1ack) 1 3 d5 ltJe7 14 i.xb6 схЬ6 1 5 137: 12...exd4 73
i.c2 i.c8 1 6 ltJ3d2 ltJh7 17 ltJe3 1:f8 1 8
а4 Ьха4 1 9 1:ха4 (Solomunovic-Mainka, 131 )
B aden 1 993) 19 .. .f5 gives Black suffi­ 1 2 Ji'e7 13 ltJh4

cient counterplay. White tries to take advantage of the

Ь) 1 1 d5 ltJe7 1 2 i.xb6 схЬ6 13 ltJbd2 fact that Black's queen may Ье attacked
0-0 with р1ау like in line 'а' . with tempo. Less 1ogical is 13 ltJfl exd4 ! ?
1 1 ...0-0 1 4 cxd4 ltJa5, when Black has a n exce1-
Other ideas: lent position.
а) 1 1 .. .'iVd7 1 2 ltJbd2 0-0-0? 13 d5 в. . .'�'d7 14 ttJr5 ttJe7!?
ltJe7 14 i.xb6 схЬ6 15 с4 g5 16 схЬ5 ахЬ5 Or:
17 а4 ± Montecatine- Van der Griendt, а) 14 . . . �h7 ? ! 15 'it'fЗ ltJe7? 16 ltJxh6
corr. 1 988. gxh6 17 'ii'xf6 +- Djurhuus-Thorfinns­
Ь) l l ... �e7 12 ltJbd2 ltJd8 ( 12 ... lUd7?! son, Copenhagen 1 996.
1 3 i.d5 ! ? lDf6 14 dxe5 dxe5 15 а4 ±) 13 Ь) 14 ...exd4 1 5 cxd4 ltJe7 16 ltJg3 ( 1 6
d5 ( 1 3 а4 ! ?) 1 3 ... i.xe3 14 1:хе3 ltJh5 15 ltJxe7+ 'ii'xe7 ; 1 6 ltJxh6+ gxh6 1 7

g3 i.c8 1 6 �h2 g6 1 7 а4 � Scuderi­ i.xh6 1:fe8 { 1 7 . . . i.xd4? 1 8 lDf3 i s ex­

Oppici, 1 990. tremely good for White; 17 ...ltJg6 1 8 i.xf8
70 Archangel and New Archangel

1:txf8 1 9 d5 gives White the better pros­ а4 1:tfe8 20 d5 с4 2 1 �хЬ6 'ii'xb6 Lju­

pects } 1 8 'ii'rз �xd4 19 'ii'g З+ ltJg4 20 bojevic-Beliavsky, Reggio Emilia 1 99 1 .

hxg4 �хЬ2 2 1 .:taЬl .te5 ао) 1 6 ... с5 1 7 1 5 ltJf6 16 "ii'f3

'ii'rз gives White а kingside initiative; e.g., After 1 6 dxe5 dxe5 17 'i'fЗ с4 B1ack
17...cxd4 ( 1 7...ltJc6 1 8 ltJf5) 1 8 �xh6. can equalize more easi1y.
1S ltJxh6io 16...с4
Otherwise the position is equal. 16 ...cxd4 1 7 cxd4 .i.xd4 18 �xd4 exd4
15 ...gxh6 16 .txh6 ltJg6 19 ltJgf5 ltJxf5 20 ltJxf5 also gives White
1 6 . . . 1:tfe8? 1 7 dxe5 dxe5 1 8 'ii'rз +-. the better position.
17 'ii'f3 ltJh7 17 .tc2 ltJg6 18 ltJhf5 d5 19 1:tad1
1 7...'ii'e7?! 1 8 �g5 ! Фg7? ( 1 8 .. ЙJf4!?) dxe4 20 ltJxe4 ltJxe4 21 .txe4 �хе4 22
1 9 ltJfl �с8 20 ltJgЗ ltJf4 2 l liJf5+ �xf5 'iixe4 exd4 23 .txd4 .i.xd4 24 1:txd4
22 exf5 +-. 'ii'e8 25 'i'Ы 'ii'b8 26 h4
18 �xf8 White has the initiative. 26 ... h5? ! 27
1 8 dxe5 !? 1:tfe8 ( l 8 . . . dxe5 19 �xf8 'i'd 1 1:te8 28 1:txe8+ 'i'xe8 29 'ii'xh5 gave
1:txf8 20 1:tad1 with better chances for him an extra pawn in Dolmatov-Potapov,
White) 1 9 exd6 cxd6 is interesting, when Russian Ch 1 997.
White has three pawns and the initiative
for the piece. 133)
18...1:txf8 12... 'iid7 13 .tc2
The position is unclear. Or 1 З аЗ .:tae8 14 �с2 exd4 1 5 cxd4
ltJe7 1 6 ltJh2 ltJg6 and Black has active
132) play, Komeev-Piпot, Metz 1 997.
12...ltJd7 в ttJn 13.. J:tae8 14 dS
Other plans are: After 14 аЗ exd4 (or 1 4... ltJb8) 1 5
а) 13 d5 ltJe7 1 4 ltJfl f5 15 exf5 ltJxf5 cxd4 ltJe7 Black's position i s quite good.
16 �xb6 ltJxb6 17 ltJeЗ 'ii'd7 1 8 'ii'd2 а5 14 ... ltJe7 15 �хЬ6 схЬ6 16 �d3 ltJg6
with excellent play for Black, Ponnus­ 17 a4 ltJf4 18 �n Ьха4 19 'ii'xa4 ЬS
wamy-Bakliwal, Calcutta 1996. Black has good counterplay on the
Ь) 1З aЗ ltJe7 14 �а2 'ith8 15 Ь4 а5 kingside, Kuczynski-Polaczek, Saint John
1 6 'ii'c2 ахЬ4 1 7 ахЬ4 f5 1 8 dxe5 �хеЗ 1988.
19 .:tхеЗ ltJxe5 20 ltJxe5 dxe5 with good
counterp1ay for Black, Short-Kamsky,
Linares РСА Ct (6) 1994.
с) 1З .i.d5 !? 1:tb8 (l3 ... 1:te8 !? followed
Ьу . . .ltJf6) 14 а4 exd4 1 5 cxd4 ltJЬ4 1 6
�хЬ7 1:tхЬ7 (Кhalifman-Malaniuk, Tash­
kent 1 987) 1 7 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 8 'ii'bЗ с5 1 9
е5 ! gives White real chances to obtain an
13 ltJe7 14 ltJg3 cS 15 ltJЬ4

1 5 :C2 'ii'c7 1 6 1:td2 liJf6 17 �c2 .:tad8

(а sharper plan for Black is 17 ... exd4 1 8
cxd4 ltJg6 19 ltJh2 1:tfe8 20 d5 ltJe5 2 1
1:te2 с 4 with chances for both sides,
Oden-Dodderidge, 1996) 1 8 .:tc 1 ltJg6 19
Archangel with 7 1le 1 : Minor Lines 71

An advantage of this move is the in­ ..с7 Ermolinsky-Malaniuk, Sverd1ovsk


tensification of the pressure оп the е-file, 1 987.

but after the possiЬle response d5 Black's е) 13 ...llJh5 !? and now:
rook stands worse. Now: е 1 ) 14 'l!i'dЗ 'ii'fб 1 5 а4 exd4 16 cxd4
1341: 13 1i'Ы 71 (Kosten-KaaЬi, Cannes 1 992) 1 6. . . llJf4
1342: 1 3 dS 71 gives Black а very good position.
е2) 14 llJfl "itfб 1 5 llJ 1 h2 (ВесеlТа
А removal of the tension in the centre Rivero-Nguyen Anh Dung, Erevan OL
cannot give White any advantage: 1 3 dxe5 1 996) 15 ...exd4 16 cxd4 �gб gives Black
llJxe5 ( 1 3 . . . dxe5 is a1so good) 1 4 .iхЬб quite а promising position.
схЬб I 5 llJxe5 dxe5 16 :tеЗ 1r'd6 17 •е2 14 .ic2 cS
'ilkcб 1 8 :tel :tad8 1 9 llJfl :tdб 20 llJgЗ 14 . . . exd4! ? 15 cxd4 transposes to note
gб Oney-Arduman, Ankara 1 997.
= 'а' to Black's 1 3th move.
15 d5 с4
1341 ) 15 ... .ic8 16 ЬЗ llJb7 17 'ilkd1 ( 1 7 аЗ ! ?)
13 'i*'Ы llJaS 1 7 ... .ia5 1 8 llJЬl .id7 1 9 llJfd2 llJh7 20
Alternatives: аЗ ..-м 21 Ь4 схЬ4 22 схЬ4 Jtd8 23 llJfЗ
а) 13 ...exd4 14 cxd4 llJa5 (not good is 'jjj'h5 24 liJbd2 llJg5 and Black equalized
14 . . . d5 15 e5 llJe4? 1 6 llJxe4 dxe4, Вес­ in Sirias-Fernandez, Managua 1987.
еlТа Rivero-Coret Frasquet, Mislata 1996, 16 Ь4 схЬ3 17 ахЬ3 Jtc8 18 Ь4 llJb7
Ьecause of 17 •xe4 llJa5 18 •g4 llJxb3 19 с4 �d7 20 cxbS iLxbS 21 Jtd3 hd3
1 9 .ixhб gб 20 ахЬЗ JtxfЗ 21 •хfЗ 22 ..xd3 .ixe3 23 'ilkxe3 aS
.ixd4 22 :tad 1 с5 23 Ь4 �б 24 Ьхс5 Тhе position is equal, Rowson-Emms,
.ixc5 25 еб +- ВесеlТа Rivero and Mor­ British League (4NCL) 1 997/8.
eno) 15 .ic2 llJc4 ! ? l б llJxc4 Ьхс4 =.
Ь) 13 .....d7 14 аЗ (14 d5 ! ?) 14 ...llJa5 1342)
(now the manoeuvre 14 . . . exd4 1 5 cxd4 13 dS (D)
llJa5 1 6 .ic2 llJc4 17 llJxc4 Ьхс4 is even
better than on the 1 3th move) 15 Jtc2
llJc4 l б llJxc4 Ьхс4 17 dxe5 dxe5 1 8 -.а2
llJxe4 1 9 .ixbб liJd2 20 llJxd2 •xd2 2 1 в
Ь 4 (or 2 1 Jtxc7 'ilkxc2 2 2 .ixe5 :txe5 23
:txe5 'iWgб 24 gЗ •сб 25 Фfl •ь 1 + with
а perpetual check; risky is 2 1 .ta4 "itgS
22 g4 •f4 23 :tеЗ :ted8 ! with а very
strong attack for Black) 2 1 . . . 'ii'g5 22 .te4
.ixe4 23 :txe4 схЬб 24 '1i'xc4 Celis­ =

Escandell, Villa Ballester 1996.

с) 13 . . . :tc8 14 а4 exd4 15 cxd4 llJa5
16 .tc2 с5 ( l б ... Ь4 !?; 16 ...llJc4) 17 ахЬ5
ахЬ5 18 d5 с4 1 9 llJd4 Ь4 20 Jta4 (Kon­ Now:
guvel-Gokhale, Ubeda 1 999) 20. . . :te5 13421 : 13 llJa5 72

with excellent play for Black (2 1 f4? 13422: 13...llJe7 72

llJxd5 ! ).
d) 13 . . .llJb8 14 dxeS dxe5 1 5 Jtxbб 1 3 . . . llJb8 14 Jtxbб схЬб 1 5 llJfl liJbd7
схЬб 1 6 а4 Ьха4 17 .txa4 llJbd7 18 "ita2 16 .ic2 :tc8 1 7 llJe3 gб 1 8 llJg4? ! ( 1 8
72 Archangel and New Archangel

l2Jh2!?) 1 8 . . . l2Jxg4 19 hxg4 liJf6 20 g5 l2Ja5 19 .ic2 (Pierrot-Ginzburg, La Car­

hxg5 21 l2Jxg5 Фg7 22 �d2 1:1.h8 gives lota 1995) 19 . . . l2Jc4 20 l2Jxc4 Ьхс4 21
Black а good game, Vuckovic-Nurkie­ 1:1.ха8 'i'xa8 =.
wicz, Tallinn U-18 Ech 1 997. Ь) 14 l2Jh4 c6 15 .ixb6 �xb6 1 6 с4 (16
dxc6 ! ?), КоЬу Ianski -Shishkin, Ukrain­
1342 1 ) ian Cht 1 99 1 , 1 6. . . cxd5 17 cxd5 1:1.ас8
1 3...l2Ja5 14 �с2!? gives Black excellent play.
This very interesting move is probaЬiy 14 ... схЬ6
Ьest. White wants to play Ь4, which is no Now:
threat after 14 �хЬ6 схЬ6 1 5 �с2 ( 1 5 а4 а) 15 а4 Ьха4 1 6 .ixa4 Ь5 ( 1 6 . . .1:1.f8
l2Jxb3 16 �хЬ3 Ьха4 17 .,ха4 Ь5 18 'i'Ь4 17 �c2 l2Jd7 18 l2Jc4 �с7 19 liJe3 Ь5 20
'flc7 1 9 liJb3 1:1.ас8 20 liJfd2 lLJh5 21 l2Ja5 l2Jh4 g6 2 1 g3 Фg7 22 Фh2 1:1.ае8 23 f4
.ia8 22 lLJfl liJf4 and Black stands well, l2Jg8 24 f5 ;!; Dolmatov-Mainka, Polanica
Degro-Wadle, corr. 1 9 9 1 ), viz. 15 . . .l2Jc4 Zdroj 199 1) 17 .ic2 l2Jg6 (17...1:1.c8 18 .id3
1 6 1:1.Ы �с8 1 7 .id3 l2Jxd2 18 l2Jxd2 ( 18 ...Ь6 19 .ifl 1:1.с7 20 с4 Ь4 { 20 ... 1:1.ес8 ! ? }
'i!Vxd2 is well answered Ьу l8 . . . l2Jh5) 2 1 tlJb3 l2Jd7 2 2 liJfd2, Renet-Garcia,
18 . . .l2Jh7 19 �е2 1:1.f8 ( l 9 . . . g6 20 1:1.а1 Murcia 1990, 22 ...l2Jg6 ! ? =) 18 .id3 'i'b6
�d7 2 1 а4 Ьха4 22 .ixa6 tlJf6 23 .ib5 ;!; 19 .ifl .ic8 20 Ь4 �d7 2 1 liJb3 Smi­ =

Kapengut-Mikhalchishin, Cheliabinsk rin-Ibragimov, Leningrad 1 985.

1975; 19 ...liJf8 ! ?) 20 Ь4 (20 tlJfl !? f5 =) Ь) 1 5 l2Jh4 .ic8 (or 1 5 ...1:1.f8 1 6 �f3
20 . . . f5 21 exf5 �xf5 22 �xf5 1:1.xf5 23 Фh7 1 7 lLJfl l2Je8 1 8 Фh2 g6 1 9 l2Je3
�d3 1:1.f7 24 с4 Ьхс4 25 l2Jxc4 Ь5 26 l2Jd2 l2Jg7 with chances for both sides, Cela­
'i!Vb6 gives Black excellent play, Pin­ Sturua, Panormo Z 1 998) and now:
eault-Richardson, corr. 1 989. Ь l ) 16 а4 Ьха4 17 .ixa4 1:1.f8 18 Ь4
Now (after 14 �с2): l2Jg6 19 l2Jxg6 fxg6 20 с4 l2Jh5 21 1:1.а3
а) 14 . . . .ixe3 15 1:1.хе3 с5 16 Ь4 схЬ4 (B ecerra-Arencibia, Santa Clara 1 994)
17 схЬ4 l2Jc4 18 l2Jxc4 Ьхс4 19 1:1.с3 and 21 ...l2Jf4 ! ? with sufficient counterplay for
Black has proЫems with the c4-pawn. Black.
Ь) 14 ... с5 ! ? 15 �е2 (now 15 Ь4 схЬ4 Ы) 16 �f3 l2Jd7 ( 1 6...1:1.а7 17 а4 Ьха4
16 схЬ4 l2Jc4 17 l2Jxc4 Ьхс4 is not dan­ 18 .ixa4 .id7 1 9 .1xd7 �xd7 20 l2Jc4
gerous for B1ack) 15 . . .с4 16 liJfl and 'i!Vc7 21 lLJeЗ а5 22 liJef5 l2Jxf5 23 l2Jxf5
White's prospects look better. ± Holmsten-Maidla, Jyvaskyla 1 998) 17
с) 14...c6 1 5 Ь4 lLJc4 1 6 lLJxc4 bxc4 1 7 'i'g3 l2Jf8 1 8 .id 1 liJfg6 19 lLJxg6 lLJxg6
dxc6 .ixc6 1 8 �хЬб �хЬ6 1 9 .,xd6 ( 1 9 20 .ig4 l2Jf4 = Boersma-De Heer, Dieren
'i'e2 ! ? 1:1.ас8 20 liJd2 ± ) 1 9 . . . 1:1.ad8 20 1991 .
.,с5 �хс5 21 bxc5 l2Jd7 22 liJd2 lLJxc5 23 с) 1 5 l2Jfl and now:
l2Jxc4 (Vuckovic-Mussoni, Nova Gorica с 1 ) 15 . . . .ic8 16 .ic2 1:1.f8 1 7 l2Je3 gб
1 998) 23 . . . .ib5 gives Black some com­ 18 'ft'd2 Фh7 19 с4 Ьхс4 20 l2Jxc4 Ь5 21
pensation for the pawn. l2Ja5 with а minimal advantage for White,
Vuckovic-Kolar, Nova Gorica 1998.
13422) с2) 15 ...l2Jg6 16 .ic2 (after 16 lLJЗd2
13...l2Je7 14 i.xb6 l2Jf4 17 'i'f3 .ic8 18 .ic2 l2Jh7 19 l2Je3
Or: l2Jg5 20 '*'g3 .id7 Black stands well, Hri­
а) 14 а4 с6 (also good is 14 . . . .ixe3 15 bar-Кrustka1ns, ParduЬice 1996) 1 6 ... .ic8
1:1.xe3 l2Jgб ) 15 dxc6 l2Jxc6 (15 ... i.xc6!?)
= 17 �h2 liJf4 1 8 l2Jg1 ? �d7? ( 18 ...l2Jg4+!)
16 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 17 ..е2 .ixe3 18 'i'хе3 19 1:1.с 1 h5? (the wrong plan) 20 l2Je3 g5
Archangel with 7 'f:.el : Minor Lines 73

21 .tы g4 22 h4 �d8 2З gЗ lt:Jh7 (End­

ers-Lehmann, В udapest 1 995) 24 f3 ! +-.
сЗ) 15 ... lt:Jd7 16 lt:JeЗ lt:Jc5 17 .tc2 w
.:tc8 18 ltJh2 .:tc7 19 'itd2 .tc8 20 b4 tt:Jd7
(20 !? 2 1 c4 lt:Jb2) Herrera-Lugo,

Cuban Ch 1 99 1 .
d ) 1 5 .tc2 and now:
d 1 ) 15 . . .lt:Jh7 1 6 tt:Jп Фh8 17 tt:Jeз
.:tc8 18 .:te2 .:tc5 19 .:td2 .:tf8 20 lt:Je1 .:tc7
2 1 а4 ;!; Lau-Mainka, Lippstadt 199З.
d2) 15 ... lt:Jd7 ! ? 16 а4 Ьха4 17 .:txa4
Ь5 18 .:tаЗ �6 1 9 lt:Jfl а5 1ed to а draw
in Eh1vest-Kuzrnin, Tallinn 1 985. 14 аЗ t2Ja7
dЗ) 15 16 .tdЗ .:tc8 17 .:tc 1 An interesting idea is 14 ... exd4 1 5
lt:Jd7 1 8 Ь4 (Ljubojevic-Gu1ko, Reggio cxd4 lt:Ja5 16 i.f4 ( 1 6 d5 с6) 16. . .lt:Jc4.
Erni1ia 1 99 1 ) 1 8 ... f5 ! 1 9 exf5 lt:Jf4 20 t S а4
lt:Je4 lt:Jf6 2 1 ltJxf6+ 'itxf6 22 .te4 'ikf7 = Others:
(Gulko). а) 1 5 dxe5 dxe5 1 6 i.xb6 схЬ6 1 7
lt:Jh2 lt:Jc8 led to а draw i n Kutuzovic­
135) Mikhalchishin, Nova Gorica 1 998.
12...'�Ь8 13 dS lt:Je7 14 �хЬ6 схЬ6 Ь) 1 5 fliЫ ! ? с5 ( 1 5 ... exd4 16 cxd4 с5
15 �c2 lt:Jd7 16 lt:Jh4 �d8 17 tlJfl 1 7 d5 ;!;) 16 d5 с4 17 а4 i.хеЗ 1 8 .:tхеЗ
Now: 'ii'Ь6 ( 1 8 ....:ta8 ! ?; 18 19 ахЬ5 ахЬ5
а) 17 ... g5 1 8 lt:Jf3 f5 19 exfS ltJxfS 20 20 ЬЗ схЬЗ 2 1 'ikxbЗ lt:Jc8 (21 ... .:ta8 ! ?) 22
ltJЗh2 'ikf6 2 1 lt:Jg4 flig7 22 ltJgeЗ lt:JxeЗ i.dЗ i.a6 2З 'ikaЗ .:ta8 24 �Ь4 :tb8 25
2З lt:JxeЗ .:tf4 24 а4 ! ± Anand-Кamsky, tlJbЗ ± Sax-Godena, Catania 1 995.
Las Palmas РСА Ct (З) 1 995.
Ь) 17 . . . lt:Jxd5 18 t2Jf5 lt:Je7 19 t2Jxd6 More logical looks 1 5 ... exd4 1 6 cxd4
i.c6 ;!; (Anand). ( 1 6 i.xd4 can Ье met Ьу 16 . . .lt:Jd7 or
с) 17 ...Ь4! ? 18 схЬ4 ( 1 8 с4) 18 ...t2Jxd5 16 ... с5) 16 . . . Ьха4 1 7 :txa4 lt:Jb5 with
19 lt:Jg6 ( 1 9 lt:Jf5 lt:JxЬ4 20 t2Jxd6 t2Jc5 good play for Black.
with active р1ау for B1ack) 1 9 ... fxg6 20 16 axbS axbS
.tьз lt:Jf6 and Black should equalize. Кi.Georgiev-Beliavsky, Yugoslav Cht
1996. Now 17 d5 i.хеЗ 18 :tхеЗ lt:Je7 1 9
136) :te1 с 6 20 dxc6 i.xc6 gives White pros­
12 ...:.ьs (DJ
. pects of obtaining а small advantage.
А so1id, non-forcing move.
13 i.c2 137)
1 З d5 i.хеЗ (this exchange is possiЬle 12...exd4 13 cxd4 ltJЬ4 14 'i'Ьl
now that ....:tb8 has Ьееn played) 14 .:tхеЗ An alternative is 14 d5 tlJdЗ 15 J:.e2:
lt:Je7 1 5 a4 lt:Jd7 1 6 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 followed а) 15 ... с5 16 i.c2 (Ьetter is 16 'i'Ь1 , as
Ьу ... fS gives Black counterplay. recommended Ьу ЕСО; now not 1 6 . . . с4
13....:te8 17 i.xc4, when White wins а pawn, but
But not 1 3 ...exd4 14 cxd4 lt:JЬ4 15 i.Ьl 1 6 ... lt:Je5 1 7 lt:Jxe5 dxe5 ;!;) 1 6 ... lt:JЬ4 1 7
с5 16 аЗ lt:Jc6 17 dxc5 and White wins а i. Ь l (Aseev-Ivanov, Russian C h 1 994)
pawn. 17 ... а5 18 a3 lt:Ja6 is рlауаЬ\е for Black.
74 Archangel and New Archangel

Ь) 15 ... с6 gives Black counterp1ay, Ь) 20... a5 21 f*'c l Ь4 (21....1:1.аd8!?) 22

Кharlamov-Ivanov, Lipetsk 1994. ltJf6+ ltJxf6 23 exf6 ltJd4 24 ltJxd4 'i*'xd4
с) 15 ...ltJc5 16 �с2 .l:l.e8 and Black is 25 fxg7 with better р1ау for White, De
not doing badly. Souza- Giaccio, Buenos Aires 1995.
d) 15...ltJxЬ2 16 f*'c2 ltJa4 17 �ха4 с) 20....1:1.fe8 2 1 ltJd6 ltJxe5? (this sac­
Ьха4 1 8 'i'xa4 .l:l.e8 1eaves Black active. rifice is incorrect; after 21....1:1.е7 22.ih7+
14 с5
.•. Фh8 23 еб fxe6 neither 24 .l:l.xe6 .l:l.f8 nor
Less accurate is 14 ...d5 15 e5 ltJe4 16 24 llJh4 liJf4 gives White much) 22 ltJxe8
.l:l.d 1 'iid7 17 a3 ltJc6 18 ltJxe4 dxe4 19 е6 liJxf3+ 23 gxf3 ltJf4 24 .if5 ft'd8 (Xie
± Кapengut-Lepeshkin, USSR 1975. Jun- Shirov, Monaco rpd 1996) 25 .ig4
15 аЗ and White parries the attack.
15 d5 с4 1 6 �c2 ltJd7 17 аЗ ltJxc2 18 d) 20...ltJce7 21 liJd6.ic6 (2 1 ....ic8
'i'xc2 f5 with excellent counterp1ay for 22 .ie4.ie6 23 'ii'd 1 .l:l.ad8 24 'i'd2 ltJc7
Black, Renet-Shirov, Correze (6) 1 99 1 . 25 liJd4 f6 gives Black а very good posi­
15...ltJc6 (D) tion; e.g., 26 'i'еЗ { threatening ltJc6}
After 1 5 ... cxd4 the critical line is 16 26...liJed5 or 2 6 llJxe6 llJxe6 2 7 .id5
�xh6!: 1 6...gxh6 17 ахЬ4 .l:l.e8 18 'i'd3 ± ltJxd5 28 'i'xd5 fxe5 29 'iixe6+ �h7) 2 2
or 16... ltJc6 17 е5 ! gxh6 18 'i'g6+ �h8 е6 fxe6 23.ih7+ �h8 24 .l:l.xe6 .l:l.xfЗ 2 5
19 "ii'xh6+ ltJh7 20 �с2 with а very gxfЗ .l:l.f8 26 'ili'c2 �с7 gives Black а very
strong attack for White. strong initiative for the sacrificed ex­
change, KuЬis-Ptacnik, corr. 1993.
е) 20....1:1.ad8!?.

w 1372)
16 е5 dxe5
16 ...cxd4 17.ixh6! transposes to the
note to Black's 1 5th move in Line !37.
17 dxc5
17 dxe5 transposes to Line I37 1 .
17 .ic7

l 7 ....ia7? (neglecting the d6-square)

18.ixh6 gxh6 19 'i*'g6+ Фh8 20 'i'xh6+
liJh7 2 1 llJe4 liJd4 22 liJxd4 exd4 (Mikh­
Now: alchishin-Ma1aniuk, Lvov 1984) 23 с6
1371: 16 dxc5 74 .ic8 24 ltJd6 +-.
1372: 16 е5 74 18 Пd1 !?
1373: 16 d5 75 Тhis move gives White extra possibil­
ities compared with 18 �с2 and 18.ic2
137 1 ) because of the pin on the d-file and his
16 dxc5 dxc5 1 7 e5 ltJd5 18 ltJe4 с4 activity. B1ack must р1ау very accurate1y
18 ...ltJxeЗ? loses to 19 ltJf6+!. and energetically. Other moves:
19 .I!Lxb6 'iixb6 20 .ic2 а) 18.ixh6?! is the most forcing, but
Now: B1ack сап parry the attack. l8 ...gxh6
а) 20...ltJd4?! 21 ltJxd4 'iixd4 22 ltJd6 ( l 8...e4 19 ltJxe4 gxh6 20 ltJd6.ixd6 21
.ic6 23 .l:l.e4 and White has а dangerous 'i'g6+ Фh8 22 �xh6+ liJh7 23 cxd6�f6
initiative on the kingside. 24 �xf6+ ltJxf6 2 5 .l:l.eЗ Ma1aniuk and
Archangel with 7 'D..e l: Minor Lines 75

Kozlov) 19 'i'g6+ Фh8 20 'if'xh6+ ltJh7 Or 21 .tc2 ! ? i.b8 22 Ь4 'i'c7 and

2 1 ltJe4 ltJd4 22 liJxd4 exd4 is the critical White cannot play 23 'i'xd4? because of
position: 23 ....1:!.fd8 followed Ьу ... .l:!.xd2. Neverthe­
а 1 ) 23 1 (Кhalifman-Malaniuk, less 23 .l:.e1 may give White some chances
Minsk 1 985) 23 ... .l:.c8 ! 24 f4 i.xe4 25 of а small advantage .
.l:.xe4 'if'f6 26 'i'xf6+ ltJxf6 27 .l:.exd4 21 i.f4 22 liJxd4 Пс7 23 'i'сЗ .1е5

i.b8 i= (Malaniuk and Kozlov). 24 ltJfi J:d7

а2) 23 с6! i.c8 and now 24 h4 f6 ! 25 Black has very strong pressure for the 1 d3 26 .l:.c5 'i'e7 27 .l:.e3 .l:.a7 28 .l:.h5 pawn, Lehmann-May, corr. 1 99 1 . 25 с6
i.e5 gives Black the better chances, i.xd4 26 с7 i.xc3 27 cxd8'if' .l:.fxd8 28
while after 24 .1:ad 1 i.f5 25 ltJc3 (or 25 .l:.xd7 .l:!.xd7 29 .l:!.xc3

ltJc5) White has two pawns and an initia­

tive for the sacrificed piece. 1373)
Ь) 18 'i'c2 е4 19 ltJxe4 ltJxe4 20 'i!t'xe4 16 dS (D)
ltJa5 2 1 'i'c2 i.xfЗ 22 gxfЗ ltJxb3 23
'Wil'xb3 'if'f6 gives Black full compensa­
tion for the pawn, Ljubojevic-Izeta, Pam­
plona 1 996. в
с) 18 i.c2 ltJe7 ( 1 8 ...'i'e7 19 ltJe4
.l:.fd8 : 1 8 . . . ltJd5 1 9 Ь4 'i'd7 20 .th7+

Фh8 21 i.f5 'i'e7 with а complicated po­

sition) 19 Ь4 liJfd5 20 -.ъ2 'i'b8 2 1 i.b3
ltJg6?! (2 1 . . . liJf5 looks better) 22 1
liJdf4 23 'if'c2 i.c6 24 ltJe4 'i'b7 25 i.xf4
ltJxf4 26 g3 ± Psakhis-Volzhin, Metz
1 994.
А forcing move. Altematives: 16...ltJe7
а) 18 ... 'i'e7 1 9 liJh4 liJd4 ! ? 20 i.xd4 Other moves lead to some deteriora­
exd4 21 ltJg6 (interesting is 21 'ii'g6 ltJd5 tion of Black's pawn structure:
22 'i'e4 { after 22 liJf5 'i'e5 ! White cannot а) 1 6... ltJe5 17 ltJxe5 dxe5 (Sobura­
contemplate 23 ltJxh6+ Фh8 24 ltJxf7+ Pioch, Gdynia 1 989) and now 18 i.c2 or
.l:.xf7 25 'ii'xf7 'ii'h2+ 26 Фfl liJf4 27 18 i.d 1 ;;!;,
Фе1 i.a5 -+ } 22... 'i!t'xe4 23 ltJxe4 ltJf4 Ь) 16 ...ltJd4 17 ltJxd4 cxd4 18 i.f4
= ) 2 1 ... 'i'xc5 22 liJxf8 .l:.xf8 23 'i'd3 'ii'e5 .l:!.e8 ( 1 8 . . . ltJh5 1 9 i.h2 'i'f6 20 е5 dxe5
24 liJfl .l:.d8 gives Black active play for 2 1 i.xe5 'i'd8, Ionov-Volzhin, Novgorod
the exchange. 1 995, 22 'i'f5 g6 23 'i'e4 and there is no
Ь) 1 8 ...'i'e8 and if 1 9 i.xh6 then clear way for Black to equalize), Le
19 ... е4 20 i.g5 ехfЗ 21 i.xf6 liJe5 ! with Quang-Kogan, Oakham 1 992, 19 'i!t'd3 ;!;,
unclear play. 17 i.c2 liJd7
19 i.xd4 Another plan is 17 . . . ltJg6 1 8 Ь4 ( 1 8 Ь3
1 9 liJxd4 exd4 20 liJfl dxe3 21 .l:!.xd8 with the plan 'Ш'Ь2, .l:!.e2, J:ae 1 or .l:!.fl ,
exf2+ 22 Фхf2 .l:.axd8 followed Ьу ...i.e5 possiЬly followed Ьу а4, deserves atten­
gives Black good compensation for the tion - Kapengut) 1 8 ... с4 19 'i'b2 .l:!.e8
sacrificed queen. (19 ... liJd7 !?), Gelfand-Shirov, Riga 1 987,
19 ... exd4 20 'ii'd3 .l:.c8 21 J::r.a c1 20 а4 gives White some advantage.
76 Archangel and New Archangel

18 i.f4
This is much stronger than 1 8 Ь4 f5 1 9
Ьхс5 dxc5 ( 1 9 . . .ttJxc5 i s also very good) w
20 d6 f4 2 1 �а2+ Фh8 22 .ixc5 ttJxc5 23
dxe7 'flixe7 gives Black excellent pl ay,
Voitsekhovsky-Potapov, Ceske Budejo­
vice 1 995.
18... с4
18 . . . .ic7 (less active) 1 9 .ig3 f5 20
exf5 .ixd5 2 1 .ih4 tiJf6 22 tLih2 Фh8 23
.ixf6 1:xf6 24 ltJg4 .:п 25 f6 gxf6 26
ltJxh6 1:g7 27 .ie4 .ixe4 (Smirin-Shirov,
Riga 1 987) 28 'iixe4 gives White an ad­ 141 )
vantage. 11 dxe5 dxe5 12 .ixb6 схЬб 13 tiJbd2
19 гun 'jie7 14 'ite2 .l:tac8
Altematives: 14 . . . .ic8 1 5 .id5 .id7 16 1:ad 1 1:fe8
а) 19 .ixd6 .ixf2+ 20 Фхf2 'iib6+ 17 'it'e3 t Marinsek-Kolar, LjuЬ\j ana
2 1 Фg3 (or 2 1 Фfl 'iixd6 22 е5 'iib6 23 1 993.
d6 tiJd5 with а good game for Black) 15 'ite3 �с5 16 'flig5 h6
2l .. .'it'xd6+ 22 е5 ttJxe5 (22 .. .'it'b6 !? may = Elseth-Verspecht, Aalborg 1987.
Ье better still; e.g., 23 d6 ltJc6 threaten­
ing . . .ttJxe5) 23 1:хе5 f6 24 ltJe4 'ikb8 25 142)
d6 fxe5 26 dxe7 1:е8 27 'iie 1 'flic7 is not 11 h3
dangerous for Black. Now:
Ь) 1 9 1:е2 tLic5 20 ttJfl (Lau-V.Ba�a­ 1421: 11 ...ltJa5 76
gic, Osijek 1 993) 20...f5 gives Black ex­ 1422: 11 ...exd4 77
cellent counterplay.
с) 19 Ь3 с3 20 tiJП (Luther-Macieja, 142 1 )
Koszalin 1 997) 20... f5 ! and again Black 1 1 ... ttJa5 12 .ic2
has good counterchances. 12 dxe5 !? =.

19... f5 20 exf5 ttJxd5 21 .Ш.g3 ti:Jsr6 12...ttJc4

Another plan is 21 . . .tLic5 ! ? 22 tLI1 d2 Another line is 12 . . . .ixe4 13 .ixe4
�d7, with very good chances for B\ack. ltJxe4 14 dxe5 .ixe3 15 1:хе3 d5 1 6
22 'flid1 .ixf3 23 'flixrз d5 tiJbd2 ttJxd2 1 7 ttJxd2 1:е8 1 8 Ь4 ttJc4
In this unclear position Black has ( 1 8 ...ltJc6 ! ? 19 tiJfЗ а5) 19 ttJxc4 Ьхс4 20
excellent chances, Кruszynski-Кishnev, 'itd4 с6 2 1 f4 а5 with chances for both
Germany 1 99213. sides, Sion Castro-Izeta, Elgoibar 1995.
13 ..ic1 d5 14 Ь3
14) Better is 14 exd5 exd4 15 Ь3 tiJd6 1 6
10... 0-0 (D) ttJxd4 ltJxd5 Black does not have t o Ье

Here we shal1 consider only those lines afraid of 1 7 'iid3 f5 as after 1 8 ltJe6 'it'h4
in which B\ack avoids ...h6: 19 1:е2 ltJe4 B\ack obtains а winning at­
141: 1 1 dxe5 76 tack.
142: 1 1 h3 76 14... dxe4
143: 1 1 d5 77 1 4. . . ttJd6 is a1so possiЬ\e.
144: 1 1 ttJbd2 78 15 ti:Jxe5
Archangel with 7 'f:.el: Minor Lines 77

1 5 �g5 exd4 1 6 Ьхс4 dЗ 17 i.ЬЗ hб 1 3 а4 Ьха4 14 i.xa4 �gб 15 с4 �f4

leads to а better position for B1ack. 16 �аЗ �g4 17 �с2 Ь5 and B1ack seized
15 ...�хе5 16 dxe5 �d7 the initiative in Vajda-01arasu, Romanian
Morovic-Adams, Santiago (б) 1 997 Cht 1 998.
continued 17 i.f4 'ii'h4 18 gЗ ( 1 8 i.еЗ 13...�d7
i.хеЗ 19 .:tхеЗ �хе5 20 'ii'd4 { 20 i.xe4 Altematives:
i.xe4 2 1 'i!Vd4 �g4 ! 22 hxg4 f5 and а) I З . . . �gб 14 �fl i.c8 1 5 а4 ( 1 5
B1ack is better} 20... .:tfe8 and Black is а �gЗ !?; 1 5 i.c2) 1 5 ... i.d7 1 6 ахЬ5 i.xb5
pawn up) 18 .. .'.-хhЗ 19 i.xe4 i.xe4 20 17 с4 i.d7 18 i.c2 Ь5 1 9 �еЗ 'i!Vbб 20
.:txe4 �с5 2 1 .:te2 .:tad8 0- 1 . Тhе best схЬ5 ахЬ5 = Southam-Schulien, Phi1a­
line is 17 i.xe4 i.xe4 18 .:txe4 �хе5, al­ de1phia 1989.
though in this case Black has а small ad­ Ь) 13 . . . i.c8 14 �h4 �gб 15 �хgб
vantage as well. fxgб 16 а4 Ьха4 17 ..11L xa4 Ь5 18 i.xb5
�g4 19 .:tfl �xf2 20 'i1Ve2 i.g4 21 'ii'eз
1422) ахЬ5 22 .:txa8 '11Vx a8 23 .:txf2 'i!Va1 + 24
ll . .exd4 1 2 cxd4 �а5 13 d5 �хЬЗ
. �fl :l.xf2 25 'ii'xf2 'i'd 1 ;!; Garma-A1zate,
Less logical, but possiЬie, is 13 ... i.xe3 Novi Sad OL 1990.
1 4 .:tхеЗ .:te8. However, the subsequent 14 ..11Lc2
avoidance of ... сб led to а rout in Y.Gon­ 14 �fl hб 15 �еЗ f5 16 exf5 �xf5 17
za1ez-H.Diaz, Gtiines 1998: 1 5 �bd2 �xf5 .:txf5 1 8 �d2 'Wie7 1 9 �е4 �с5 20
'ii'd7 16 'ii'c 2 .:te7 17 .:tc 1 .:tae8 18 �d4 i.c2 �хе4 2 1 i.xe4 .:tfб 22 �d2 .:taf8 23
'ir'c8?? 1 9 �f5 .:td7 20 .:tgЗ gб 2 1 'ii'c З fЗ �с7 24 �еЗ i.c8 de Firmian-Bel­

1 -0. iavsky, Moscow GMA qua1 1990.

14 ахЬЗ с6 15 dxc6 i.xc6 16 �bd2 14...h6 15 �h4 �xd5
After 1 6 i.хЬб 'ii'xbб 17 'itxdб �хе4 Interesting is 15 . . . Ь4 16 схЬ4 ( 1 6 с4
18 1:txe4 .:tad8 B1ack is better. Ь5 !?) 16 . . . �xd5 17 �f5 �хЬ4 with а
16....:te8 good game for Black.
Black has an excellent game, Lautier­ 16 �f5 �е7
Shirov, Monte Carlo rpd 1 997. Another line is 16 ... �f4!?; e.g., 17 �fЗ
( 1 7 �хdб i.сб) 1 7 ... d5 1 8 exd5 i.xd5 19
143) �хе5 'ii'g 5 20 gЗ �хе5 21 .:txe5 �hЗ+
1 1 d5 (D) 22 Фп i.c4+ 23 Фg2 �f4+ 24 Фh l
�hЗ and White has nothing better than
forcing а draw.
17 �xd6 ..11Lc6 18 �rs
в 1 8 �fЗ !? 'ii'c7 1 9 .:te2.
18 ... �xf5 !? 1 9 exf5 'ii'g5 20 �f3 '11Vg4.
19 tLJrз �g6 20 �Зh4 �xh4 21
'i!Vxd8 1:tfxd8
In Velimirovic-Malaniuk, Vmja�ka
B anja 1991 Black obtained an excellent
ending after 22 �xh4? .:td2. According
to Malaniuk White should have played
22 �е7+ Фf8 23 �хсб .:td2 24 .:tac l ;!;,
ll �e7 12 ..11LхЬ6 схЬ6 13 �bd2
... when Black has to seek counterplay Ьу
78 Archangel and New Archangel

24...J:tc8 25 lt:Jxe5 l:tc5 26 lt:Jf3 (26 g3 ' ?) 'i!Vh7+ Фf8 27 f4 and White has а win­
26 ... lt:Jxf3+ 27 gxfЗ Ь4. ning attack.
In my opinion Black should choose Ь) 20. . . g6 2 1 liJxe7 'i!Vxe7 and White
15 ...Ь4 or 16 ... lt:Jf4. can only count on а small advantage, as
22 'i'xg6 'i'xe6 ! 23 dxe6 hxg6 24 lt:Jxg6+
144) Фg7 25 lt:Jxf8 Фхf8 leads to а better po­
l l lt:Jbd2 sition for Black.
Now: 21 dxe6 J:tg8
1441 : ll ... lt:Jd7 78 Black has no good defence. 2 l . . .g6 22
1442: 1 1 ... 'i!Vd7 78 i.h6 f5 23 '*'g5 fxe4 24 i.g7+ Фg8 25
1443: ll ...exd4 78 i.f6 does not help.
1444: 1 1 ...J:te8 79 22 i.xb6 '*'хЬ6 23 l:te3 J:taf8 24 lt:Jf5
Now, instead of24 ...'i'c7? 25 .:.ь3 +-,
l l .. .'�e7 transposes to note 'с' to as in Кhalifman-Mikhalchishin, Kuiby­
White's 1 1th move in 1 1 and l l ... h6 to shev 1 986, Black should try 24 . . .'i'd8,
note 'а' to White's 1 1 th move in 13. though he remains under heavy pressure.
In Solozhenkin-Кniest, Meisdorf 1996
Black tried 1 1 ... lt:Je7 ? ! , and oЬtained а 1442)
рJауаЬ!е position after 12 lt:Jfl lt:Jd7 13 l l 'i!Vd7

lt:Jg3 с5 14 i.g5 с4 1 5 i.c2 h6 1 6 i.e3 This plan resemЬles Line 133.

"ikc7. Neverthe1ess, it is hard to see any 12 h3 l:tae8 13 d5 lt:Je7 14 а4 i.xe3 15
play for the pawn after the simple 1 2 .l:txe3 с6 16 с4 cxd5 17 cxd5 .l:ta8 18
dxe5. In fact, this may Ь е а data error. Фb2 1:tfc8
Black has а good position, Pachow­
1441 ) Bode, 2nd Bundesliga 1 995.
ll . lt:Jd7 12 i.g5
. .

Very good are 12 lt:Jfl and 12 i.d5 1443)

with similar play to Line 132. In Sturc­ ll exd4 12 cxd4 (D)

Sykora, corr. 1 989 White gained an ad­

vantage after 1 2 lt:Jfl h6 13 lt:Jg3 lt:Je7 14
"ikd2 exd4 1 5 i.xh6. 13 lt:Jn Фьs в
13 ...h6 ! ?.
14 lt:Jg3 f6 15 .te3 с5
15 ... f5 1 6 lt:Jg5 f4 17 liJxh7 ! lt:Jf6 1 8
liJxf8 leads to a n advantage for White.
16 .te6 .tc6 17 d5 i.b7 18 lZJh4
Кhalifman and Nesis recommend 18
с4, although after 1 8 ...i.a5 followed Ьу
... lt:Jb6 Black's position is not bad.
18 ... с4 19 "ikg4 lt:Jc5 20 lt:Jh5
Another plan is 20 lt:Jgf5:
а) 20. . .lt:Jxf5?! 21 i.xfS with very An interesting idea was seen in the
dangerous threats for White; for exam­ game Garbisu-Petek, Holon U-20 Web
ple, 2 l ... i.c8? 22 lt:Jg6+ hxg6 23 �h4+ 1 995: 12 ... lt:Ja5 1 3 i.c2 .:.e8 14 'i!Vы h6
Фg8 24 i.xg6 l:tf7 25 i.xc5 dxc5 26 with а good game for Black.
Archangel with 7 :eJ: Minor Lines 79

13 'i!VЫ cS 14 a3 lL'Ic6 15 dxcS 15 ... h6) 16 e5 lL'Ie4 17 lL'Ixe4 dxe4 1 8 lL'Ig5

1 5 d5 (Eпders-Mainka, Gerrnaп Ch ± Psakhis-Bode, Paris Ch 1 990.
1994) 15 ...lL'Ie7 апd поw after 16 i.c2 li:)g4
1 7 i.f4 f5 Black has good couпterplay
апd 1 6 hЗ h6 (Black сап try to improve
here) traпsposes to 1373. в
1S...dxc5 16 eS l2Jg4
This possibility is the key differeпce
compared with Liпe 137 1 . Everythiпg
hiпges оп whether White сап make апу
serious threat of lL'Ig5.
Not bad looks 16 ...lL'Id5, wheп 17 lL'Ig5
(iп coпtradistiпctioп to 137 1 after 1 7 lL'Ie4
Black сап peacefully exchaпge the Ьishop
оп еЗ) 1 7 ... g6 gives White по advaпtage.
The best so1utioп may Ье 17 е6, wheп 12...lL'Ie7
17 ...lL'Ixe3 traпsposes to поtе 'Ь' to White's Or 1 2...lL'Ia5 1 3 i.xb6 схЬ6 14 i.c2
1 7th move. lL'Ic4 15 .U.ЬI i.c8 ( 1 5 ... lL'Ixd2 1 6 lL'Ixd2
17 i.gS g6 17 lL'Ifl lL'Ih5 18 'ii'd2 i.c8 19 'ii'h6 �f6
Altematives: 20 gЗ ..,g7 2 1 �xg7+ Фхg7 22 lL'Ie3 i.d7
а) 1 7 lL'Ig5 g6 апd White has по prof­ 23 i.dЗ .U.ac8 = Haпseп-Furhoff, Сореп­
itaЬle forciпg variatioп whereas B1ack hаgеп 1 998) 1 6 h3 lL'Ih5 ( 1 6 . . . h6 traпs­
waпts to р1ау ... lL'Ixe3. poses to the поtе to White's 14th move iп
Ь) 17 e6 lL'Ixe3 18 exf7+ Фh8 19 fхеЗ Liпe 13421 ) 1 7 lL'Ixc4 Ьхс4 18 .U.e3 lL'If4 =

с4 20 i.c2 h6 ""· Laпg1ois-Pattersoп, corr. 1 984.

17 ...'.-с7 18 i.dS с4 19 i.h4 .U.ad8 13 i.xb6 схЬ6
Black has ап excelleпt game, BaЬel­ А sirnilar positioп arises iп Liпe
Sapa, corr. 1 992 13422. White сап coпtiпue:
а) 14 i.c2 lL'Id7 1 5 lL'Ifl .U.f8 1 6 lL'Ie3
1444) .U.c8 17 .U.c 1 .U.c7 1 8 h4 h6 19 g3 -..а8 20
l l ....U.e8 12 dS (D) 'i'd2 f5 with couпterp1ay for B1ack, Poп­
Or: пuswamy-Gokha1e, lndiaп Ch 1 996.
а) 12 lL'Ig5 .U.e7 13 dxe5 dxe5 14 i.xb6 Ь) 14 а4 Ьха4 15 i.xa4 Ь5 16 i.c2
схЬ6 15 'ite2 Чli'c7 16 lL'Ifl lL'Ia5 17 li:)gЗ 'ii'b6 17 lL'Ifl .U.ec8 Reпet-Castro, St

h6 1 8 lL'IfЗ .U.d8 19 1 .U.ed7 20 .U.xd7 Martiп 1 99 1 .

.U.xd7 Koппer-Illпer, Germaпy 1988.
= с ) 14 lL'Ih4 i.c8 1 5 а4 i.g4 1 6 'i'*'ЬI
Ь) 12 dxe5 i.хеЗ ( 1 2 ... dxe5 ) 13 = Ьха4 17 i.xa4 .U.f8 18 lL'Ifl ( 18 hЗ ! ?)
exf6 i.xd2 14 'i!Vxd2 'i'xf6 1 5 i.d5 .U.ab8 1 8 ... lL'Ih5 ( 1 8 ... g5!?) 19 i.d l i.xdl 20
= Morgaп-Acker1ey, corr. 1 986. 'itxd l lL'If4 21 lL'IeЗ 'ii'd 7 22 gЗ lL'Ifg6 23
с) 12 'i'ьl 'itd7 ( 1 2 ... h6! ? 13 hЗ traпs­ l2Jhf5 lL'Ixf5 24 lL'Ixf5 lL'Ie7 25 lL'Ixe7+
poses to 134 1 ) 1 3 h3 Фh8 14 аЗ exd4 15 fixe7 26 'ii'd3 ;!; Li Ruofaп-Laпg, Guara­
cxd4 d5? ! (15 ...lL'Ia5 ! ? 16 i.c2 li:)c4; puava U- 1 8 gir1s Web 1 995.
6 Archangel with 7 z:te 1 :
Main Line ( 1 0 ..tg5)

1 е4 е5 2 ltJf3 ltJc6 3 �ЬS аб 4 �a4 ltJf6 Now (after 1 1 .ih4):

s о-о ьs 6 .tьз �Ь7 7 :е 1 ..tcs 8 сЗ dб А: l l ...•d7 80
9 d4 i.Ьб 10 i.g5 (D) В: l l ...•e7 89
С: 1 1... 0-0 98
D: 11 g5
... 1 09

в А)
l l �d7

This move usually leads to very sharp

play. Black wants to cast1e queenside and
in doing so bums his boats. Both sides
will now prepare an attack on the oppo­
nent's king.
12 а4
а) Less energetic is 12 ltJbd2 0-0-0
The main line of the system. White ( 1 2 ... exd4 !? 13 cxd4 �xd4) and now:
wants to build а solid centre and pins а 1 ) 13 dxe5 lt:\xe5 1 4 lt:\xe5 dxe5 1 5
Вlack's king's knight, taking advantage �xfб gxfб ( l 5 . . .'�xd2 1 б ji'g4+ �b8 1 7
of the fact that Black's dark-squared 1:te2 gxfб 18 .:txd2 .:txd2 19 �h 1 ;i; ) 1 б
bishop is on the queenside. ltJf1 jfxd 1 17 .:taxd 1 .:txd1 18 .ixd 1 .:td8
10...h6 ( 1 8 ...Фd7 followed Ьу . . . �е7 deserves
10 . . .0-0 usually transposes to Line С. attention), Petrushin-Matsukevich, 1970.
ll � h4 Matsukevich evaluates this ending as
Naturally after 1 1 .ixfб ji'xfб 12 .id5 better (or Black, although after 1 9 �h5
0-0 (altematively, 12 ...%:tb8 13 lt:\bd2 0-0 Black has proЬiems with the f7-pawn.
14 ltJbЗ lt:\e7 15 �хЬ7 .l:.xb7 ! б а4 '*еб а2) 13 а4 g5 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 5 �g3
17 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 18 %:te2 %:tbb8 1 9 h3 tiJgб exd4 1 б cxd4 tiJxd4 17 lt:\xd4 �xd4 1 8
with а good game for B1ack, Kuksov­ ltJc4 (Seemann-Reinhardt, corr. 1 988) and
Koz1ov, Niko1aev 1 978) White cannot now 18 . . .�c5 1 9 lt:\a5 �a8 and 18 . . .Ьхс4
count on any opening advantage; for ex­ 1 9 '*xd4 схЬ3 20 jVxfб are both unclear.
ample, 13 lt:\a3 %:tab8 14 lt:\c2 %:tfe8 1 5 Ь) 1 2 dxe5 ttJxe5 (this is better than
Чi*'d3 lt:\e7 1 6 �хЬ7 %:txb7 17 а4 с б 18 12 . . . dxe5 13 �хfб 'ir'xd 1 14 :txd 1 gxfб
ахЬ5 ахЬ5 19 J:taб ltJgб with а good posi­ 1 5 �d5 tiJd8 1б ltJa3 { 1 б �xb7 ! ? ltJxb7
tion for B1ack, Laketic-Malaniuk, Aman­ 17 а4} 1б . . . сб 1 7 �Ь3 ltJeб 1 8 �fl ;i;
tea 1992. Nikolic-Bohak, corr. 1 982) 13 lt:\xe5 dxe5
Archangel with 7 ':el : Main Line ( 10 Jf..g5) 81

14 i.xfб 'ikxd1 1 5 i.xd1 gxfб 16 tiJd2 i.xh4 tlJg4 1 9 tlJcЗ J:.dg8 2 0 схЬ5? (the
0-0-0 17 tiJfl J:.dб 18 J:.e2 J:l.hd8 19 i.ЬЗ only defence is 20 J:tfl in order to have
J:.8d7 = Zulfugarli-Belozerov, Siofok the counter J:txf2 after . . . ttJxf2, but after
U-20 Ech 1996. 20...tlJgб White' s position is lost in any
с) 12 i.xfб gxfб and now: case) 20... tlJxf2 ! 2 1 i.xf2 'i'hЗ 22 tlJh4
с 1 ) 13 i.d5 0-0-0 14 'i'dЗ ( 1 4 а4 is J:.xg2+ 23 tlJxg2 . J:tg8 0- 1 Kagramani­
like1y to transpose to Line А2) 14 ... J:.dg8 ants-Tsyplakov, corr. 1 99 1 .
1 5 Фh l ttJct8 16 i.xb7+ ФхЬ7 17 tiJbd2 1 5...g5 1 6 i.gЗ h5
tlJeб led to а draw in Wedberg-Furhoff, As aii 'ordinary' continuations lead to
Stockho1m 1 994/5. very inconvenient positions for White
с2) 1 3 tiJh4 0-0-0 14 'ikh5 exd4 1 5 compared with variations without 14 d5
tlJf5 J:.de8 1 б i.xf7 J:.e5 (Matsukevich) tlJe7 (open a7-g1 diagona1), White has to
with very strong counterplay for Black. make up something extraordinary.
12 ...0-0-0 13 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 17 ..Ь:е5
Now: If 17 �dЗ, with the idea of saving а
А1: 14 d5?! 81 tempo via 17 ... h4 18 i.xe5 !, then 17 ...tlJg4
А2: 1 4 i.xf6 81 followed Ьу ... h4 with very strong coun-
АЗ: 14 tlJaЗ 84 terplay.
17 ... dxe5 18 tlJxe5
А1) Morenz-Panczyk, Graz U-26 Wcht
1 4 d5?! ttJe7 15 tlJaЗ 198 1 . Now the so1id 1 8 ... 'i'e8 1 9 'ikfЗ
Or: tlJd7! gives Black good chances.
а) 15 i.xfб? is quite illogical. With the
centre c\osed, White cannot play i.d5 or А2)
execute the manoeuvre tlJh4-f5 in time. 14 i.xf6 gxf6 (D)
1 5 . . . gxfб 16 tlJh4 f5 17 с4 fxe4 18 J:.xe4
f5 1 9 J:.e2 J:.dg8 20 схЬ5 J:.g4 21 tiJfЗ
J:.hg8 + Nezlobin-Matsukevich, 1 977.
Ь) 1 5 с4 g5 16 i.gЗ h5 17 h4 ( 1 7 w
tlJxe5 dxe5 1 8 i.xe5 i.xf2+ - + Doman­
kusic-Szklarczyk, corr. 1985; 17 i.xe5 ! ?
dxe5 1 8 tlJxe5 with play sirnilar t o the
main 1ine) and now Black has three ways
to continue the attack:
Ь l ) 17 ... J:.dg8 1 8 tlJxg5 ( 1 8 hxg5 h4
{ the simple 1 8 . . . 'ikg4 !? is also very
good } 19 tlJxh4 'ikg4 gives Black а deci­
sive attack) 1 8 . . . tlJg4 19 J:.fl f5 20 tlJcЗ
f4 2 1 i.h2 tlJgб 22 gЗ tlJxf2 23 l:!.xf2 fxgЗ 15 jt,d5
24 i.xgЗ tlJxh4 -+ Semenkin-Matsukev­ Karpov's move. White reinforces his
ich, 1 97 1 . centre and restricts the activity of B1ack's
Ы) 1 7. ..'it'g4!? 18 Фh2 gxh4 19 tlJxh4 light-squared Ьishop. However, in some
tlJxe4 20 'it'xg4+ hxg4 2 1 J:txe4 f5 22 1ines the Ьishop may Ье en prise after
J:te1 f4 gives Black а won ending. ...exd4 followed Ьу .. . f5 and .. .fxe4. With
ЬЗ) 17 ... gxh4 (this simple move Ieads this in mind, 1 5 tlJaЗ, airning to avoid
to an attack that is difficult to parry) 1 8 losing а tempo, is interesting:
82 Archangel and New Archangel

а) l 5 .. J:lhg8 l б lLixb5 !? makes it hard White is а pawn up, Rogers-Fiear,

for Black to obtain counterplay; e.g., Szirak 1 986.
Iб ... ltJa5 17 �а4 �h3 ( 1 7 ... 'i!i'g4 1 8 g3 f5
1 9 liJd2) 1 8 g3 f5 1 9 .ic2 fxe4 20 �хе4 А22)
ds 21 �d3 е4 22 .tп ..-f5 23 ltJe5. 15... .1:ldg8 16 Фьt
Ь) 15 .. .f5!? (Sonski-Кnezo, соп. 1985) Alternatives:
16 exfS ! ? seems very logical, with simi­ а) 16 ._,d3 ltJe7 17 �хЬ7+ ФхЬ7 1 8
lar play to Line А 2 1 . After 1 6.....-xf5 17 Фh l ltJgб 1 9 g 3 liJf4 20 ..-п ..-ь3 2 1
�с2 Black loses а pawn as 1 7 . ..'ir'h5 1 8 'ii'xh3 lLixh3 22 Фg2 liJf4+ 23 Фfl liJd3
ltJxe5 ! ._,xd 1 1 9 �f5+ ФЬ8 20 ltJxcб+ and Black held the ending in Hofmann­
�хсб 2 1 .:taxd l leads to an ending with а Keller, соп. 1 988.
pure extra pawn for White. 1 6 . . . exd4 1 7 Ь) 16 g3 ..-ь3 ( 1 6 ... ltJe7 1 7 .txb7+
ltJxb5 dxc3 l 8 lLixc3 _.xf5 I9 liJd5 does ФхЬ7 is probaЬiy Ьetter with simi1ar р1ау
not look promising for Black either. to lines 'а' and ' с ' ) 1 7 Фh l ( 1 7 -..ь 3 ! ?)
Now (after 1 5 �dS): 1 7 . . . hS (Somlai-Letay, Hungarian Cht
А21: 15 ...f5 82 1 992) 18 �Ь3 and White has the advan­
А22: 15 ....:tdg8 82 tage.
А23: 15 .:thg8 83
..• с) 16 liJa3 ltJe7 17 �хЬ7+ ФхЬ7 1 8
._,е2 ( an interesting idea is 1 8 g3 or 1 8
1S ... .:th7?! 16 _.d3 .:tg7 17 liJbd2 liJe7 lLic2 followed Ьу ltJe3 defending the g2-
l8 �xb7+ Фxb7 1 9 Фh l (maybe 1 9 с4!?) square and controlling important squares
19 ....:tdg8 20 g3 f5 21 exf5 liJxf5 22 lLie4 in the centre) 1 8 . . .сб (Кosenkov-Malan­
+- Ernst-Furhoff, Stockholm 1 990. iuk, USSR) and now the prophylactic
move 19 Фh l gives White good chances.
А21 ) 16 .1:lh7

15 ... (5 16 ...d.З Alternatives:

Another line is 1 6 exfS ! ? ФЬ8 (the a1- а) 16 ...ltJe7 17 �хЬ7+ ФхЬ7 1 8 lLia3
ternative 1 6.....-xfS 17 _.е2 is in my opin­ ltJgб 19 ltJc2 сб 20 ltJe3 .:ta8 21 ._,d2
ion much better for White) 1 7 ._,d3 е4 .:thd8 22 с4 ± Kondali-Kuuskmaa, соп.
( l 7 ...exd4 1 8 ..-хьs .:thg8 1 9 liJbd2 ±) 1 8 1 985 .
._,хе4 (after 1 8 .:txe4 _.xfS 19 ._,хЬ5 .:tdg8 Ь) l б ...liJd8 1 7 �xЬ7+ ФxЬ7 1 8 lLih4
Black has some counterplay) 1 8 . . ..:the8 ( 1 8 liJa3 with а similar plan as in line 'а'
19 _.f4 .:txe 1 + 20 ltJxe 1 liJxd4 21 cxd4 is also quite reasonaЬie) l8 ... ltJe6 1 9 liJf5
�xd5 22 ltJc3 �Ь7 23 d5 ±. exd4 20 cxd4 dS 2 1 ltJc3 ltJg5 22 ._,d3
16 exd4
••. .:te8 (Sanden-Furhoff, Swedish Cht 1 996)
Alternatives: and now 23 exdS or 23 f3 gives White а
а) 1 6. . . fxe4 17 .txe4 ФЬ8 18 liJbd2 big advantage.
(Rogers recommends 1 8 ltJa3 ! ?) 1 8 ... fS 17 lLia3 Пhg7 18 .l:tg1 lLie7
1 9 �xf5 'ii'g7 20 d5 ltJe7 2 1 �е4 .:tdg8 а) 1 8 ... ltJa7 1 9 �хЬ7+ ФхЬ7 20 lLic2
22 g3 and White easily parries the attack, (20 с4 is interesting; e.g., 20 .. .fS 21 liJxbS
Petrzelka-Кnezo, соп. 1 983. fxe4 { 2 1 . . . liJxb5 22 _.а4 +- } 22 lLixa7
Ь) lб ...ФЬ8 1 7 exfS transposes to the .l:la8 23 cS .txa7 24 ._,Ь3+ Фс8 25 �dS
note to White's 1 6th move. +-) 20.....-g4? ! (20. . .fS !?) 2 1 •d3 f5 22
17 -..хь5 fxe4 18 ltJxd4 lLIЬ8 19 liJd2 fxe4 23 ltJxe4 -.еб 24 lLie3 exd4 25
�хЬ7+ ФхЬ7 20 .:txe4 �хЬ5 21 lLixb5 cxd4 .:te8 26 liJc3 ± Кlovan-Kozlov, Riga
.I:.he8 22 liJd2 1 982.
А rchangel with 7 ':е 1: Main Line ( 10 it..g 5) 83

Ь) 1 8 .. .lt::Jd8 (this knight may Ье ac­ Altematives:

tive оп the kiпgside but the Ь5-раwп re­ а) 16 ...ltJe7 17 i..xb7+ ФхЬ7 1 8 ltJЬd2
maiпs very weak) 19 i.. xb7+ ФхЬ7 20 ltJgб 1 9 ltJf l ltJf4 20 ltJe3 ± Кlovan-Mal­
'ii'd3 сб (Siewert-Szklarczyk, corr. 1 985) aпiuk, USSR 1 984.
21 d5 ! i.. xf2 22 dхсб+ 'ir'xcб (22. . . ltJxc6 Ь) 16 ... f5 and поw:
23 .:tgd1 i..Ь б { 23 ....:txg2 ! ? } 24 ltJh4 +-) Ь 1 ) 17 ltJaЗ fxe4 18 .:txe4 'ii'f5 1 9
23 .:tgd 1 .:txg2 24 ltJxb5 is very good for ltJxb5 exd4 20 с4 'il'gб 2 1 ltJh4 (2 1 g З ! ?
White. also with better chances for White - Кlo­
19 i..xb7+ ФхЬ7 20 'ii'e2 с6 21 dS van) 21 .. .'ir'fб (Кlovaп-Malaniuk, USSR
cxdS 1 983) 22 'ii'f3 ±.
Or 2 1 ... f5 22 dхсб+ 'ii'xcб 23 ltJxb5 Ы) 1 7 'ii'dЗ fxe4 18 ..txe4 ФЬ8 1 9
fxe4 24 'ii'xe4 and White сап claim an ad­ i..f5 followed Ьу 'ii'x b5.
vantage. 17 .1:.g1 exd4 18 cxd4
22 ltJxb5 dxe4 23 'ir'xe4+ dS 24 'ii'a4 lпterestiпg is 1 8 'ii'dЗ !? dхсЗ 1 9 ltJxc3
'ii'c6 25 ltJfd4! exd4 26 cxd4 ФЬ8 27 i.. xf2 20 'i!r'xb5 i.. x g1 (20...'ir'd7 21 .:tgfl
.1:.gc1 i..Ь б 22 ltJa4 +-) 21 .:txg1 f5 22 i.. хсб
1 -0 Mallee-Szewczyk, corr. 1 990. i..хсб 23 'ifxcб 'ii'g7 24 ltJd5 fб 25 ltJbб+
l -0 Warzecha·Zdziarski, corr. 1992. There
А2З) is по clear way to improve Black's play.
15 ....:thg8 (D) 18 f5 19 ltJc3

After 19 hЗ !?, both 19 ... 'ii'h5 20 ltJcЗ

fxe4 21 i.. xe4 .:tde8 22 .:te1 апd 19 ... •g7
20 i..хсб i..хсб 21 exf5 give White pros­
w pects of obtainiпg ап advaпtage.
19... fxe4 20 i..xe4
Or 20 ltJxe4 'ii'f5 2 1 ltJc3 ltJb4 22
i..xb7+ ФхЬ7 23 .:аз .:tde8 24 .:r.ьз ltJct3
25 ltJe4 'ii'xe4 26 .:txdЗ •d5 with а good
game for Black, Кlovaп-Shirov, Riga
1 987.
The key positioп of this variation
arises after 2 1 i..d5 (2 1 h3 ! ?), UlyЬiп­
16 Фhl Shirov, Kapsukas 1 986, 21 ...ltJЬ4 22
Also: ..tхЬ7+ ФхЬ7 23 ltJxb5 ,..f5 24 'ii'a4 ltJd3
а) Iпcoпsequeпt is 16 i..хсб ..tхсб 17 (Shirov). Now:
d5 i..b7 18 с4?? 'ir'h3 19 g3 .:txg3+ 20 а) 25 ltJxdб+ схdб 26 'ii'aб+ Фс7 27
hxg3 .:tg8 0- 1 Dutreeuw-Malaniuk, Forli .:tgc 1 + i..c5 апd White has nothiпg more
1 99 1 . than а draw.
Ь ) 1 6 ltJa3 i s best aпswered Ь у either Ь) 25 •аб+ Фсб 26 ltJa7+ Фсt7 27
1 6... ltJa7 or 16 ...ltJe7 !?, with play resem­ 'i!r'a4+ Фе7 28 .:tge 1 + (28 ltJc6+ Фf8 29
Ьliпg поtе 'с' to White's 16th move iп 'iic 2 'i'e4 with very stroпg pressure for
Liпe А22. Black) 28 ...Фfб 29 .:txe8 ltJxf2+ 30 Фg1
, с) 1 6 'ii'd3 ! ? is а suggestioп of Rog­ ltJhЗ+ 31 Фh 1 (3 1 ФП 'ii'd3+ 32 .:te2 { 32
ers. Фе1 i..a5+ -+ } 32....xf3+ +) 3l ...ltJf2+
16...'ii'g4 with а perpetual check.
84 Archangel and New Archangel

14 l2Ja3 g5 15 дi.g3
Now: w
А31: 15...exd4 84
А32: 15 h5 ..• 84

Not good is 1 5 . . . li:Ja5 16 dxe5 liJxe4

17 i.d5 liJxg3 1 8 е6 with а decisive ad­
vantage for White, Pokojowczyk-Pioch,
Po1ish Ch 1974.

АЗ 1 )
15 exd4 16 liJxb5
.•• 16 d5 liJe7 transposes to Line А 1 ,
16 cxd4 !? l2Ja5 ( 1 6 ... g4 17 d5 gxfЗ 1 8 while 16 liJxg5 h4 1 7 .1i.xe5 dxe5 1 8 liJxf7
dxc6 ЧWхс6 19 .l:. c 1 with better chances .l:.hf8 19 liJxd8 liJxd8 is untested.
for White; 16 ... .1:.he8 1ooks natura1, as
Black is prepared for action in the centre) АЗ2 1 )
17 i.c2 Ь4 18 l2JЬ 1 .l:.hg8? ! (the wrong 1 6 dxeS h4
plan, but after 1 8 ... li:Jh5 19 l2Jbd2 White's Others:
position is much better) 19 �d2 h5 20 а) 16 . . . dxe5? 17 'ii'xd7+ .l:.xd7 18 h4
liJxg5 h4 21 i.xh4 'i!t'g4 22 g3 liJc6 23 l2Ja5 1 9 i.c2 g4 20 liJxe5 .l:.e7 2 1 l2Jxb5
i.d1 'i!t'd7 24 liJf3 +- Marinsek-Kolar, liJd7 22 .l:.xa5 +- Кlovan-Kozlov, 1973.
LjuЬ!jana 1996. Ь) 1 6 ...l2Jxe5 1 7 l2Jxg5 .l:.hg8 18 h4
16..J1de8 liJxe4 19 .l:.xe4 .l:.xg5 20 hxg5 i.xe4 (Кoz-
16 ... .1:.he8 is interest:ing, whi1e 16 ...dxc3 1ov-Berkovich, Moscow 1 990) and now
17 l2Jxc3 liJh5 should Ье met Ьу 18 l2Je5 21 �xh5 or 21 i.c2 assures better pros­
or 1 8 liJd5 i.c5 19 i.a4 threatening Ь4 ±. pects for White.
17 l2Jbxd4 с) 16 . . . l2Jg4?! (Stepien-Kaczmarek,
17 liJfxd4 l2Jxd4 18 li:Jxd4 just trans­ corr. 1990) 17 е6 ! fxe6 1 8 l2Jxg5 ±.
poses to the main 1ine, but 17 li:Jd2! is 17 exf6
very strong, as it gives White good at­ Weak is 1 7 i.xh4 gxh4 1 8 exf6 .l:.dg8
tacking chances оп the kingside. with а strong initiative on the kingside
17...l2Jxd4 18 l2Jxd4 liJxe4 for B1ack.
1 8 . . . .1:.хе4 1 9 дi.а4 J:.xe 1+ 20 �хе1 17...hxg3 18 hxg3 J:.h6 (D)
�g4 21 .l:.d1 h5 22 f3 i.xd4+ 23 J:txd4 А very good alternative is 18 ... g4 1 9
�е6 24 h4 ± Tukmakov-Tseshkovsky, l2Jd4 ( 1 9 l2Jh4 .l:.xh4 2 0 gxh4 g 3 gives
USSR 1 974. Black strong threats). Now:
19 дi.а4 с6 а) 19 . . . l2Je5 20 l2Jac2 (20 l2Jaxb5; 20
Кarpov-Tseshkovsky, USSR Ch 1976. .1i.d5), Velikhanli-Struchkova, A1ushta
Now 20 �f3 ± is very strong. 1992, and now 20... .I:.h7 or 20... .I:.h5 with
similar play to lines 'Ь' and 'с' respec­
АЗ2) tively.
15 ...h5 (D) Ь) 19 ... .1:.h7 20 liJxc6 (20 liJaxb5 .l:.dh8
Now: 2 1 'it>fl .l:.h l + 22 Фе2 .l:.xe 1 + 23 �хе1
А321: 16 dxeS 84 l2Jxd4+ 24 l2Jxd4 i.xd4 25 i.a4 �е6 26
А322: 16 h4 86 cxd4 �хе4+ 27 Фсt2 'i!t'xd4+ leads to an
Archangel with 7 :eJ : Main Line (10 .iLg5) 85

advantage for Black) 20... i.xc6 2 1 jt'd2 lЬfd4 (Sziva-Vujo§evic, Budapest 199 1 )
l:tdh8 22 Фfl l:te8 (22 ... i.xe4 23 l:txe4 2 2. . . lЬxd4 2 3 cxd4 (23 lЬxd4 i.xe4 +)
l:th 1 + 24 Фе2 l:txa1 25 �d5 с6 26 'i'xf7 23 . . .1:th l + 24 Фе2 l:txe l + 25 l:txe l i.xe4
'ii'xf7 27 i.xf7 leads to an unclear ending; with an excellent position for B1ack.
interesting is 22 ... 1:th l + 23 Фе2 l:txe 1 + Ь) 19 Фfl l:txf6 ( 19 . . . g4 20 lЬМ lЬе5
2 4 J:txe1 i.xe4 o r 2 2. . . 1:th6), Cuijpers­ "" Sek) 20 i.d5 and now 20 ... g4 2 1 lЬd4
Van de Oudeweetering, Dutch Cht 1992, lЬxd4 (2 l . . . lЬe5 22 i.xb7+ ФхЬ7 23
23 Фg 1 ! and Black has to choose be­ lЬахЬ5 ±) 22 i.xb7+ ФхЬ7 23 cxd4 l:thб
tween 23 ... 1:teh8, with а possiЬle draw, or may Ье рlауаЬ!е, whi1e 20 ... 1:th8 trans­
23 . . . i.xe4 24 l:txe4 l:teh8 (24 ...1:txe4?? poses to note 'Ь' to Black's 20th move.
25 'i'd5 and White wins) 25 Фfl trans­ с) 19 lЬхЬ5 and now:
posing to 22... i.xe4 in this note. с 1 ) 1 9 ... l:tdh8 20 Фfl lЬа5 2 1 lЬbd4
с) 19 . . . 1:th5 (after this move the play (2 1 i.a4 ! ? �е6 22 i.c2 l:th l + 23 lЬg 1
should Ье sirnilar to line 'Ь') 20 lЬахЬ5? 'i'xf6 24 lЬd4 and B1ack has an initiative
(now White loses а piece; also bad is 20 for the two sacrificed pawns) 2 1 . . . i.a6+
lЬf5 lЬе5 21 i.d5? 'i*'xf5 ! 22 i.xb7+ 22 с4 l:txf6 (threatening 23 . . . g4), Cher­
ФЬ8 23 exf5 l:thl +' 24 Wxh l i.xf2, mat­ vonov-Malaniuk, Ukraine 1 980, and now
ing) 20 ... 1:tdh8 2 1 Фfl i.xd4 22 lЬxd4 23 lUf5 gives White good chances of ob­
l:th l + 23 Фе2 l:txe1 + 24 'i*'xe1 lЬxd4+ 25 taining an advantage.
cxd4 'i*'b5+ To§ic-Khuzman, Vrnja�ka с2) 19 . . . lЬе5 ! (Ьest according to Кlo­
Banja 199 1 . van) and now: 20 lЬbd4 lЬхfЗ+ 2 1 lUxfЗ
d) 19 . . . lЬxd4 !? 20 cxd4 l:th6 2 1 'i'd3 l:tdh8 22 Фfl 'iYb5+ 23 с4 'i'c5 24 l:te3
l:tdh8 22 Фп (22 f4 gxf3 23 gxf3 J:tg6 l:txf6 with а decisive attack for Black
with an attack for Black) and now both (Кlovan); 20 i.a4 lЬхfЗ+ 21 jt'xf3 l:tdh8
22. . . 1:th l + 23 We2 i.xe4 and 22 ... i.xe4 22 Фfl с6 23 lЬа3 'Ш'е6 24 _.d3 J:txf6
23 l:txe4 l:th l + 24 Фе2 l:txa1 lead to with а very strong attack as 25 f3 loses to
good positions for Black. 25 . . . 1:txf3+ 26 gxfЗ (26 'i'xfЗ i.a6+ with
mate) 26... 1:th2; 20 lЬхе5 l:tdh8 2 1 lЬа7+
i.xa7 22 Фfl l:t h l + 23 Фе2 l:txe1 + 24
'iYxe 1 dxe5 25 l:txa7 �Ь5+ -+; 20 lЬа7+
w i.xa7 21 J:txa7 l:tdh8 22 Wfl 'Ш'Ь5+ 23 с4
'Ш'с5 with strong counterplay for Black.
t9 1:!.dh8 20 Фп g4

а) 20...ФЬ8?! 21 lЬхЬ5 lЬе5 22 lЬbd4
(22 'i*'b3 ttJxfЗ 23 gxfЗ i.xd5 24 'i'xd5
с6 25 �xd6+ 'i'xd6 26 lЬxd6 l:th2 with
some counterchances) 22 . . . с6 23 i.b3
lЬg4 24 i.c4 l:txf6 25 i.a6 i.a8 26 'ii'a4
± Кlovan-Ma1aniuk, USSR 198 1 .
19 i.dS Ь) 20. . .1:.xf6 2 1 lЬхЬ5 g4 (2 I ... jt'g4 is
Others: best met Ьу 22 We2) 22 lUfd4 l:th l + (or
а) 19 lЬс2 (not energetic enough) 22 . . .lЬxd4 23 i.xb7+ ФхЬ7 24 lЬxd4 с5
19 ... l:tdh8 20 Фfl l:txf6 21 jt'd2 (2 1 i.d5 25 lЬf5 l:. h l + 26 Фе2 'ii' b 5+ 27 Wd2
'i'e8 22 g4 lЬе5 23 i.xb7+ ФхЬ7 with 'i'xb2+ 28 �с2 'ii'xc2+ 29 Фхс2 ± Pioch­
strong counterplay for Black) 21 . . . g4 22 Silva Pereira, corr. 1982) 23 Фе2 lЬxd4+
86 Archangel and New Archangel

24 tl:Jxd4 :txe 1+ 25 Фхе 1 с6 26 .ic4 ± с) 17 hxg5 h4 18 .ixh4 exd4 19 tl:Jxb5

Zabczyk-Stojke, corr. 1 990. dxc3 (Кholmov-Мatsukevich, USSR 1 976)
21 tl:Jh4 20 Ьхс3 ! ±.
Others: d) 17 tl:Jxg5 exd4 ( 17 ... :txg5 1 8 hxg5
а) 2 1 tl:Jd4?? :t h l + 22 Фе2 tl:Jxd4+ h4, Antoszkiewicz-Кraetke, corr. 1 982,
23 cxd4 :txe l + 24 '*'xe1 .ixd5 and Black is Ьest met Ьу 19 .ih2) and now:
is а piece up, Shvidun-Mudrik, corr. 1990. d1) 18 tl:Jxb5 ! ? dxc3 19 Ьхс3 tl:Jg4 20
Ь) 2 1 tl:Jgl :txf6 22 :te2 tl:Je5 23 tl:Jxf7 tl:Jxf2 21 .ixf2 'iih3 (Kruszynski­
.iхЬ7+ ФхЬ7 24 tt::Jc2 :th 1 gives Black а Panczyk, Polish Cht 198 1 ) 22 .ie6+
strong initiative for the pawn. 'iVxe6 23 tl:Jbxd6+ cxd6 24 tl:Jxd6+ ФЬ8
21 ... :txf6 22 :te2 tl:Je5 23 .ixb7+ 25 .ixb6 +-.
ФхЬ7 d2) 18 •в ..,е7 19 tl:Jxb5 dxc3 20
Вlack has strong pressure for the pawn, ..,хсЗ +- Rantaneri-Kaiszauri, Gausdal
Arseniev-ZaruЬin, Arkhangelsk 1980. 1 977.
17 .ixh4
АЗ22) Less 1ogical is 17 tl:Jxh4 exd4 1 8
16 h4 gxh4 tl:Jxb5 dxc3 1 9 Ьхс3 tl:Ja5 ( 1 9. . .tl:Je5 ! ?
Another p1an is 16 ...1:dg8: looks very prornising) 2 0 :txa5 ? ! (this
а) 17 '*'d3 gxh4 18 tl:Jxh4? ( 1 8 .ixh4 sacrifice is incorrect but 20 .ia4 'ilfg4
is much better) 1 8 . . . exd4 19 tl:Jxb5 tl:Je5 1eads to а very good position for Black)
20 .ixe5 dxe5 with an excellent position 20... .ixa5 21 tl:Ja7+ ФЬ8 22 .ia4 'ilfe6 23
for Black, Bondarchuk-Bezman, Ukrai­ tl:Jc6+ .ixc6 24 .ixc6 'ilfc4 =J: Brk1jaca­
nian Cht 199 1 . Vujo�evic, Yugoslav Cht 1 995.
Ь) 1 7 tl:Jxb5 gxh4 18 tl:Jxh4 (also pos­ 17 :th6 (D)

siЬ!e is 18 .ixh4 ! ?) and now:

Ь l ) 18 . . . :tg4?! 1 9 '*'fЗ tl:Jxe4 (this
idea of Bezman's is not correct) 20 :txe4
tl:Jxd4 2 1 'ii'f6 and Black is in deep trou­ w
Ьle, Khmelnitsky-Bezman, St Petersburg
1 994 and Sinkevich-Bezman, St Peters­
burg 1 997.
Ь2) 18 ... exd4 19 cxd4 :tg4 20 '*'fЗ with
sirnilar play to line 'Ьl ' ; e.g., 20 .. Л:\хе4
21 :txe4 tl:Jxd4 22 tl:Jxd4 and Black loses
after 22... .ixe4 23 .id5, 22 . . . .ixd4 23
:ta8+ .ixa8 24 :te8+ '*'хе8 25 'iixa8+
Wd7 26 .ia4+ Фе7 27 tt::Jf5+ or 22...:txe4
23 .ic2 :te1 + (23 ... :the8 24 tl:Je2) 24 Now:
:txe1 .ixfЗ 25 .if5. А3221: 18 dxe5 86
Ь3) 18 ... tl:Jxd4 (P.Wells-Jacobs, Chich­ А3322: 18 'i!fdЗ 87
ester 1 9 8 1 ) 19 cxd4! 'ilfxb5 20 '*'fЗ .ixd4 А3323: 18 tl:Jxb5 87
( 2 1 .J:I.xe4 .ixe4 22 'it'xe4 'iVxbЗ А3324: 18 tlJg5 87
23 'it'c6 +-) 2 1 .ixf7 and White obtains А3325: 18 tL'Jc2 88
an advantage after both 2 1 ... tl:Jxe4 22
'i'f5+ ФЬ8 23 .ixg8 :txg8 24 :txe4 and АЗ221 )
21 ... tl:Jg4 22 .ixg8 :txg8 23 tl:Jf5. 18 dxe5
Archangel with 7 :eJ: Main Line ( 10 .iLg5) 87

White tries to avoid any danger on the strong attack) 2 1 ... ltJxe4 22 'ii'xf7 'ir'xf7
kingside Ьу exchanging queens. How­ 23 .ixf7 and now:
ever, this move does not promise much. c l ) 23 ... .1:.g7 24 d5 .l:.xf7 25 .l:.xe4
18...ltJxe5 19 liJxe5 dxeS 20 'ifxd7+ liJxd5 26 .l:.e8+ Фd7 27 .l:.d8+ Фс6 28
20 'iH3 ._.g4. liJЬd4+ (28 liJaз liJf4 29 Ь4 .ia6 30 .l:.c 1 +
20 ... Пхd7 21 Паd1 ltJxe4 22 Пхd7 Фd5 3 1 .l:.d l + with а draw) 28 ... .ixd4 29
Фхd7 23 J:.d1+ liJxd4+ ФЬб = Marjanovic-Chandler,
Also: Minsk 1 982.
а) 23 liJxb5 f6 (23 . .. f5 !? + Razuvaev, с2) 23 ....1:.g4 24 .l:.e2 (24 .l:.ed1 !?; e.g.,
Nesis) 24 .ic2 1/2- lf2 Gufeld-Kozlov, 24...liJc2 25 .l:.a4 ltJc3 26 liJxc3 .ixfЗ 27
Vladivostok 1 978. .id5 ! .ixd5 28 liJxd5 .ixd4 ) 24... liJd3

Ь) 23 .ixf7 liJxf2 24 .ie8+ (24 .ixf2 25 d5 ltJe5 26 ltJxe5 dxe5 27 g3 ltJxg3

.ixf2+ 25 Фхf2 1Н6+ 26 Фg3 .l:.xf7 27 with very strong counterplay for Black,
.l:.xe5 .l:.g7+ 28 Фh4 .ixg2 29 .l:.xh5 ) = Norrelykke-Кeller, corr. 1 986.
24. . .Фхе8 25 .l:.xe5+ Фd7 26 .ixf2 .l:.g6 d) 1 9 liJg5 .l:.g7 ( 1 9 ...J:I.hg6 transposes
27 .ixb6 .l:.xg2+ 28 Фfl схЬ6 29 .l:.xb5 to А3224) 20 ..WfЗ (interesting is 20 dxe5
Фс7 and а draw was soon agreed in ltJxe5 2 1 liJd4 .l:.hg6 22 f4; 20 g3 ! ?)
Rogulj-Yakovich, Belgrade GMA 1 988. 20...exd4 2 1 cxd4 .l:.hg6 22 е5 (22 .ia4 !?)
This line is probaЬly the best for White. 22...ltJa5 23 liJxd6+ cxd6 24 'ifc3+ 'ifc6
23 ... liJd6 24 .ixf7 .l:.h7! 25 .ig6 25 1 (25 exf6 ! ?) 25 . . .'ii'xc3 26 .l:.xc3+
Or 25 .id5 .ixd5 26 .l:.xd5 Фе6 27 ФЬ8 27 exf6 .l:.xf6 28 .ic2 .l:.f4 and Black
.l:.d3 .l:.f7 with а better ending for Black. obtains sufficient counterplay, Tatar­
25....1:.g7 26 .ifS+ 'ite8 27 .ihЗ 'itf7 czuk-Kaczmarek, corr. 1 99 1 .
Black has а good ending, Kanatov­
Be1ozerov, Tomsk 1 998. АЗ224)
18 liJg5 .l:.g6 (D)
18 'ir'd3 Пg8 19 gЗ
After 19 liJxb5 .l:.hg6 20 .ig3 exd4 21
cxd4 liJe5 ! Black has strong counterplay. w
19 ...exd4 20 cxd4 Пhg6
Gibney-Кitchev, corr. 1 988. Now 2 1
li:'Jxb5 ! gives White the advantage.

18 liJxb5 .l:.g8
а) 19 g3 .l:.hg6 20 ltJa3 followed Ьу
ltJc4 gives White an advantage.
Ь) 1 9 .ic4 �g4 20 g3 liJxe4 2 1 .id5 19 liJxb5
liJf6 22 .ixf7 liJd8 23 .ixg8 1/2- lf2 Ro­ Also:
man-Bonatti, corr. 1 990. White's chances а) I 9 liJc2 .l:.dg8 transposes to А3225.
look better. Ь) 19 liJxf7 .l:.dg8 ( 1 9 ... .1:.f8 20 liJg5
с) 1 9 'ikd3 exd4 20 cxd4 liJb4 21 �с4 liJd8 is interesting; e.g., 2 1 liJc2? 'ikg7 22
(2 1 �d2 .l:.hg6 22 'ilkxЬ4 .l:.xg2+ 23 Фfl 'ir'd2 liJh7 with strong counterplay) 20
ltJxe4 24 l ltJc5 gives Black а very li:'Jxd6+ cxd6 21 .ixg8 .:txg8 22 'ir'f3 (22
88 Archangel and New Archangel

�xf6 �З 2З gЗ l2Jxd4 24 cxd4 .l:.xgЗ+ а) 24 �g7 .l:.f7 25 �h8 (risky is 25

25 fxgЗ �xd4+ 26 �xd4 �хgЗ+ 27 ФП �h6 exd4 26 l2Jxd4 l2Je5 27 �f4, when
exd4 with а very good game for Black) B1ack can choose between 27 ... .1:.xf4 28
22 ... l2Jg4 2З l2Jxb5 exd4 24 cxd4 l2Jxd4 gxf4 �xd4 29 fxe5 'jkgЗ+ with а draw
25 �сЗ+ l2Jc6 and now 26 .l:.ed 1 (Lor­ and 27 . . . �xd4 ! 28 cx,d4 .l:.xf4 29 dxe5
ente-Perez, соп. 1 986) 26 . . . llJeЗ ! gi ves .l:.xe4 ЗО .l:.xe4 �хе4 З 1 fЗ 'i'xgЗ+ З2
Black exce\\ent counterp\ay; e.g., 27 Фfl �хfЗ ЗЗ 'i'd2 dxe5 with winning
l2Jxd6+ ФЬ8 28 fхеЗ (28 �gЗ %:txgЗ) chances) 25 ...Ilf8 26 �g7 with а draw Ьу
28 ...'�ihЗ. 26 .!:.ее 1 is probaЬly strongest. repetition.
с) 1 9 'jkfЗ and now: Ь) 24 �h4 exd4 25 cxd4 l2Je5 26 f4
с 1 ) 19 ... exd4 20 �xf7 l2Je5 21 'jkf5 (26 llJxdб+? ФЬ8 ! 27 l2JxЬ7 ФхЬ7 -+)
'jf'xf5 22 exf5 .l:.g7 2З �еб+ ФЬ8 24 cxd4 and now:
�xd4 25 l2Jxb5 �Ь6 26 .l:.ad1 (more ac­ Ь1 ) 26. . . 1:.xf4 27 gxf4 llJfЗ+ 28 Фf2
curate is 26 .!:.аЗ possiЬly followed Ьу and Black managed to draw this position
.l:.gЗ) 26. . ..1:.h8 and Black obtained good in Van der Steпen-Femandez Garcia,
counterplay Ьу . . . l2Jh7 in Van der Heij­ Luceme OL 1 982.
den-Van de Oudeweetering, Dieren 1 986. Ы) 26 . . . l2Jg6 !? 27 'ti'xh5 (27 'i'c2
с2) 1 9 ... .1:.f8 20 l2Jxb5 exd4 21 cxd4 l2Jxh4 28 :.аз .l:.g8 29 ifh2 'jkg4 with very
and now: strong counterplay for Black, Fome
с2 1 ) 21 . . . �xd4 22 е5 (22 �а4 ! ?) Pedro-Martinez, соп. 1 987) 27 . . . l2Jxf4
22 ... l2Jb8 (22 ...l2Ja5 ! ?) 2З l2Jxd4 (2З 'jf'dЗ, 28 'jf'fЗ tt:lgб 29 'jkg2 'i'd7 ЗО '*'e2 l2Jxh4
with the idea 2З . . .dхе5 24 'jkx,g6 fxg6 25 З 1 gxh4 с6 and unexpected1y B1ack ob­
�е6, shou\d Ье met Ьу 2З .. .'i'g4; e.g. , 24 tains an advantage.
gЗ Ilxg5 25 �xg5? 'ji'ЬЗ) 2З . . . �хf3 24
е6 fxe6 25 �хе6 �d5 26 �xd7+ l2Jfxd7 АЗ225)
27 .l:.a7 l2Jc6 28 Ila8+ ФЬ7 29 .l:.xf8 tt:lxf8 18 l2Jc2
and а draw was soon agreed in Penrose­ White first strengthens his centre and
Pereira, соп. 1 985. only then starts some action on the king­
с22) 2 1 . . .l2Jxd4 22 l2Jxd4 �xd4 2З side.
.l:.a4 �Ь6 24 .l:.ea1 ФЬ8 25 �с2 .l:.fg8 with 18 ... П.g8 19 llJgS
good р1ау for B1ack, Oppici-B ertino, White shou1d not avoid complica­
соп. 1987. tions. 19 Фfl exd4 20 cxd4 l2Ja5 21 �а2
19 %:tdg8
... l2Jxe4 22 l2JeЗ Ь4 2З 'jf'ctз ЬЗ gives Black
Another plan is 19 ... d5? ! 20 exd5 l2Ja5 an excellent position, Pitskaar-Tsaturian,
(after 20... .I:.dg8, both 2 1 dxe5 and 2 1 соп. 198З.
dxc6 'i'xc6 22 l2Ja7+ �ха7 2 З f3 1ead to 19 .!:f.hg6

comp1ications that favour White; also Others:

bad is 20 . . . exd4 2 1 'jf'fЗ ± Hawelko­ а) 19 . . .li:ld8 is playaЬle; e.g., 20 'ii'fЗ
Panczyk, Lodz 1 985) 2 1 Ilxa5 l2Jxd5 22 .l:.hgб with chances for both sides, 20
�а4 с6 and now both 2З l2Ja7+ ФЬ8 24 llJeЗ? .l:.hg6 21 dxe5 l2Jxe4 22 l2Jxe4? (22
Ilxd5 '*'xd5 25 �ЬЗ, Horvath-Malaniuk, еб) 22 . . ..1:.xg2+! -+, or 20 dxe5 dxe5 2 1
Lvov 1 984, and 2З l2Jd6+ \ead to an ad­ 'jf'x,d7+ l2Jxd7 =.

vantage for White. Ь ) 19. . ..1:.g7 i s а very good move:

20 �xf7 :xgS 21 .txg8 .l:.xg8 22 Ь 1 ) 20 llJeЗ 1:.hg6 21 l2Jf5 l2Jxe4 22
�xf6 'i'ьз 23 gЗ :rs l2Jxg7 tt:lxg5 2З 'i'xh5 l2Jh3+ 24 Фfl l2Jf4
Now: 25 'ii'h8+ l2Jd8 +.
Archangel with 7 '!:.е 1 : Main Line ( 10 iLg5) 89

Ь2) Kasparov gives 20 dxe5 liJxe5 2 1 .th4 exd4 25 cxd4 liJe5 26 f4 B 1ack has
liJd4 a s ;!; , but B1ack can play 2 1 . . . 1:1.hg6 26 . . . J:g8 ! with а very strong attack (no
with very strong counterplay: move 27 �ЬЗ); e.g., 27 fxe5 'ir'xh4 28
Ь2 1 ) 22 f4? lLixe4 ! 2З ,..xh5 (2З .tc2 J:аЗ J:xgЗ+ 29 J:xgЗ ifxgЗ+ ЗО Фfl
liJxg5 24 .txg5 J:xg5 25 fxg5 J:xg5 26 �f4+ З l Фg 1 .txe4 -+.
.te4 .txe4 27 J:xe4 �hЗ gives B1ack а 24..J:tr7 25 i.h8
winning attack) 2З . . . liJxg5 0- 1 Mus­ Not good is 25 .th6 exd4 26 i.f4 dхсЗ
Kaczmarek, соп. 1990. 27 'ii'fЗ liJe5 (27 . . . схЬ2!?) 28 'iig2 (Ore­
Ь22) 22 liJdfЗ �g4 2З lLixe5 'ii'xh4 nes-Frasquet, соп. 1 986) 28 ... 'ir'xg2+ 29
and B1ack wins. Фхg2 схЫ -+.
Ь2З) 22 Фfl J:xg5 2З .txg5 J:xg5 24 2s...:rs 26 .tg7 J:r7 21 .tьs п.rs
f4 J:g4 25 fxe5 liJxe4 with strong threats lf2- lf2 Fiensch-Auerswald, соп. 1 98З.
for Black.
Ь24) 22 liJf5 liJxe4 (22 . . . J:g8 is very В)
good as well) with а very strong attack; l l ...'ii'e7 (D)
e.g. , 2З liJxg7 liJxg5 24 .txg5 J:xg5 25
.id5 .txf2+ 26 Фхf2 .txd5.
20 .txf7 l:txgS 21 i.xg8 11xg8 22
i.xf6 'ii'ЬЗ 23 g3 .l:.f8 w
а) 2З ... liJb8 (the idea is to trap White' s
Ьishop Ьу ... liJd7) and now 24 'ii'fЗ J:f8
and 24 �dЗ liJd7 (24... h4 !?) 25 .te7 ..е6
(25 . . . h4) 26 .th4 ..WhЗ both give Black
good chances, while the a1temative 24
liJaЗ liJd7 (24 ... J:g4!?) 25 .te7 exd4 26
cxd4 liJe5 27 liJxb5 (not 27 ifbЗ? J:xgЗ+
28 'ii'xgЗ liJfЗ+ -+) 27 ... J:xgЗ+ 28 fxgЗ
'ii'xgЗ+ 29 Фп 'iih З+ ЗО Фе2 ..-h2+ А very flexiЬle move. Black can fol­
leads to perpetua1 check. low up Ьу castling on either side, or the
Ь) 2З ... ехd4?! (this move was the immediate ... g5 followed Ьу ... h5.
main line in this variation for а long time) 12 а4
24 .txd4 (after 24 cxd4 liJe5 25 .txe5 The most logical move. Others:
dxe5 26 'ii'fЗ { 26 J:аЗ ! ? } 26 ... exd4 27 а) 1 2 dxe5 (this move on1y activates
�f5+ 'ikxf5 28 exf5 h4 B1ack has com­ B1ack's bishops) 1 2... liJxe5 (a1so good is
pensation - Kasparov and Tsaturian) 1 2. . .dxe5 1 З 'ir'e2 g5 14 .tgЗ lLih5 with а
24 ... liJe5 25 .txb6 J:f8 26 liJd4 liJg4 27 good game for Black, Sieberg-A.Geller,
liJfЗ h4 28 'ir'ьз d5 29 'iixb5 hxgЗ зо Dortmund 1 99 1 ) 1 З lLixe5 dxe5 1 4 liJd2
exd5 gxf2+ З 1 .txf2 liJf6 З2 lLig5 'iig4+ 0-0-0 1 5 'ii'e2 g5 1 б .tgЗ J:xd2 (interest­
ЗЗ Фfl 11h8 (Chepumoi-Tsaturian, соп. ing is 1 6... h5 1 7 h4 J:.xd2) 1 7 'itxd2 liJxe4
1 984) and White can win Ьу З4 lLih7 1 8 'ii'e2 f5 (Mukhamedzianov-Zavemaev,
�hЗ+ З5 Фе2 followed Ьу evacuating Gorky 1 973) 1 9 .tc2 ! with an unclear
the king to the queenside. position.
24 .tg7 Ь) 1 2 d5 usual1y leads to positions
А comparison of Lines АЗ224 and similar to В2; e.g., 1 2 ... liJd8 1З liJbd2 g5
АЗ225 may Ье very interesting. After 24 1 4 .tgЗ h5 1 5 h4 g4 1 6 liJg5 0-0 17 liJfl
90 Archangel and New Archangel

lt.Je8 1 8 lt.Je3 .i.xe3 1 9 .:txe3 f6 20 lt.Je6 Now:

lt.Jxe6 2 1 dxe6 lt.Jg7 22 .:te1 .i.c8 23 f3 81: 12 0-0-0? !
... 90
gxfЗ 24 'ifxfЗ .i.xe6 with ап extra pawn 82: 12 g5 ... 92
for Black, Kisova-Detko, Brno wom Z 83: 12...0-0 96
с) 12 li.Jbd2 g5 13 ..ig3 0-0-0 (or Other moves are weaker:
1 3 ... h5 ! ? 14 h3 h4 1 5 ..ih2 g4 ! , with simi­ а) 1 2 . . . Ьха4 1 3 ..ixa4 0-0 transposes
lar play to Line В22) апd now: to note 'Ь' to Black's 12th move in Line
c l ) 14 d5 lt.Jb8 15 а4 .:tdg8 16 ахЬ5 С3.
ахЬ5 17 'ife2 'i'd7 1 8 ..ic2 h5 19 ..id3 ( 1 9 Ь) 12 ... lt.Jas 13 ..ic2 с5 (perhaps Ьetter
h4 i s risky due to 1 9. . .gxh4 20 ..ixh4 'ifh3 is 1 3 ... g5 1 4 ..ig3 lt.Jd7 1 5 ахЬ5 ахЬ5,
21 'iffl lt.Jh7 followed Ьу ... .:tg4) 19 ... h4 Cording-Madler, corr.) 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 5
20 .i.xe5 dxe5 2 1 ..ixb5 "ike7 22 lt.Jc4 lt.Ja3 and Black experiences proЬiems
li.Jfd7 23 li.Jfd2 g4 with good chaпces for with the b5-pawn, Borodiaпsky-К.Gri­
Black in а very unclear position, Leyva­ goriaп, USSR 1965.
Lugo, Cienfuegos 1 99 1 .
с2) 14 lt.Jfl exd4 1 5 lt.Jxd4 lt.Jxd4 1 6 81 )
cxd4 .:the8 ( 1 6. . ..:tde8 ! ? Matsukevich) 17 12 0-0-0? !

f3 g4 18 lt.Je3 gxfЗ 1 9 gxfЗ .:tg8 20 lt.JfS Black's queen now stands а little awk­
'ifd7 21 "ikc 1 .:tg5 22 "ikf4 lt.Jh5 23 "ikh4 wardly. It is exposed on the h4-d8 diago­
.:tdg8 24 ..ic2 d5 with an advantage for nal and in some variations White's knight
Black, Shamkovich-Tseshkovsky, Kiev сап go to f5 with tempo.
1969. 13 axbS axbS 14 lt.Ja3!
d) 12 'ifd3?! (this leads to similar play Other moves:
to Line В233 but Black may win а tempo а) 14 d5 lt.Ja7 15 ..ixf6 !?.
as White has no time to exchaпge pawns Ь) 14 ..ic2 g5 15 ..ig3 h5 16 h4 exd4
оп the b5-square) 1 2 ... g5 ( 1 2 ...0-0 trans­ ( 1 6 ... g4), Кostro-Radulov, 1966, апd now
poses to Line С23) 13 .i.g3 h5 14 h4 ( 14 White сап try 17 lt.Jxg5 !?.
dxe5 lt.Jxe5 ! 1 5 ..ixe5 dxe5 1 6 lt.Jxg5 с) 14 "ike2 g5 15 ..ig3 h5 (Matsukev­
..ixf2+ 1 7 Фxf2 lt.Jg4+ 18 Фg1 'ifc5+ -+ ich gives 15 . . . lt.Jxe4 16 'ifxe4 lt.Jxd4 1 7
Kuiper-Ciarke, corr. 1 993) 1 4 . . . g4 1 5 ..id5 ..ixd5 1 8 ...xd5 с 6 1 9 'ifa2 lt.Jxf3+
lt.Jg5 lt.Jd8 1 6 a4 lt.Jd7 1 7 d5 lt.Jc5 18 "ikd l 20 gxfЗ ..-ь7), Lepeshkin-Kostrin, 1 963,
f6 + Hartman-Livshits, Toronto 1 992. and now Matsukevich recommends 16
We retum to 12 а4 (D): h4 g4 17 li.Jfd2 exd4 1 8 "ikxb5 (or 1 8
d) 14 ..id5 g5 15 ..ig3 h5 16 h4 g4
and now:
в d 1) 17 lt.Jg5 lt.Jxd5 18 exd5 lt.Ja7 1 9
dxe5 dxe5 20 .:txe5 "ikd7 21 lt.Je4 f5 22
lt.Jg5 lt.Jcб 23 J:te2 �xd5 24 "ikxd5 .:txd5
with chaпces for Ьoth sides, Kem-Woizan,
corr. 1970.
d2) 17 li.Jfd2 exd4 1 8 lt.Ja3 dxc3 1 9
Ьхс3 (Fomin-Кhuseinov, USSR Cht 1972)
19 ... .:the8 ! 20 'ii'Ь3 lt.Jxd5 2 1 exd5 'ifxe1 +
22 .:txe1 .:txe 1 + 23 Фh2 lt.Ja7 24 lt.Jxb5
Archangel with 7 'f:..e l: Main Line (10 if..g5) 91

lЬхЬ5 2 5 'itxb5 .1:tde8 with sufficient 16 'itd3! (D)

counterplay for Black (Matsukevich). Other possiЬilities for White are less
е) 14 .i.xf6 (Вlack can avoid this plan active:
Ьу 1 2 ... g5 1 3 .i.gЗ 0-0-0) 14 ... 'ilr"xf6 1 5 а) 16 d5 and now:
.i.d5 ! lЬа7 (Black should play 1 5. . .g5) 1 6 al) 16 ... ltJh5 1 7 c4 lЬxg3 1 8 hxgЗ 'iWf6
.i.хЬ7+ ФхЬ7 1 7 l!Jaз g 5 1 8 'itьз с6 1 9 1 9 ...d2 h5 (Gouder-Hamarat, corr. 1 978)
с4 ! ± Buscher-Heemsoth, corr. 1 989. 20 схЬ5 h4 2 1 lЬс4 .i.c5 22 g4 with Ьetter
f) 14 ...dЗ g5 15 .i.gЗ exd4 ! ? (15 ...lЬа7 chances for White.
1 6 lЬаЗ transposes to the main line) 1 6 а2) 1 6. . . lЬхе4 17 .:txe4 f5 (Ushakov­
'itxb5 and now: Bielokurov, 1 97 1 ) and now 1 8 .:te2 is
f l ) 16 ... lЬа7?! 17 'iWf5+ ФЬ8 18 е5 best.
lЬh5 (Sax-Harandi, Rio de Janeiro IZ аЗ) 16 . . h5 17 h4 gxh4 1 8 .i.xh4 .:tdg8

1 979) 19 exd6 ±. 1 9 ...d3 .:tg6 20 g3 .:thg8 21 Фg2 ...d7

f2) 16 ......d7 17 lЬbd2 dxc3 (Sawas­ and Black manages to unpin.
kuhi-Mathe, Кecskemet 1 986) 1 8 Ьхс3 ±. Ь) 16 .i.c2 h5 17 h4 with а further
fЗ) 16 .. .'�Ь8 17 .i.d5 ..,d7 (Krivic­ branch:
Кolar, corr. 1 980) and now 1 8 lЬbd2 is Ьl) 17 ...gxh4 18 .i.xh4 ( 1 8 lЬxh4 exd4
Ьest. 1 9 lЬf5 'ite6 attacks the e4-pawn, with
14 g5 15 .i.g3 lЬa7
... some counterchances) 1 8 ... .:tdg8 19 'ii'e2
Others: ( 1 9 .i.dЗ 'ti'e6, Smirnov-Baikov, Moscow
а) 15 ... lЬа5 1 6 .i.c2 h5 17 h4 g4 1 8 1 979, 20 g3 with good chances for White)
lЬd2 exd4 1 9 lЬхЬ5 dxc3 2 0 lЬхс3 fol­ 1 9 ......е6 20 gЗ .:tg4 (20... .:th6 2 1 Фg2 d5
lowed Ьу Ь4 ± (Matsukevich). 22 exd5 'ti'xd5 23 dxe5 lЬg4 24 .i.e4
Ь) 15 ... exd4 16 lЬхЬ5 lЬхе4 1 7 .i.d5 'iixe4 25 ...хе4 .i.xe4 26 .:txe4 lЬxf2 27
f5 1 8 .i.xc6 ( 1 8 lЬfxd4 lЬxd4 19 .i.xb7+ .:tf4 favours White, Kapic-Vuk�evic, corr.
ФхЬ7 20 lЬxd4 'itd7 21 •ь3 d5 { Matsu­ 1 979), Vogt-Honfi, Kecskemet 1 977, 2 1
kevich} is not quite clear; 18 'ita4 ! ? gives d 5 ? ! (2 1 lЬg5 ! ?) 2 1 . . ..:txg3 + ! 2 2 .i.xg3
White attacking chances) 1 8 ... .i.xc6 1 9 'ilr"h3 +.
lЬfxd4 ± Matsukevich. Ы) 17 ... g4 ! ? 1 8 lЬg5 .:tdg8 19 'itd3
с) 15 ... h5 1 6 h4 gxh4 and now: lЬd7 20 .i.b3 .:txg5 2 1 hxg5 h4 22 .i.h2
с 1 ) 1 7 lЬxh4 exd4 1 8 lЬхЬ5 (Нardi­ gЗ 23 fxg3 exd4 with compensation for
csay-Besztercsenyi, Hungarian Cht 1 992) the exchange (Matsukevich).
1 8 ... lЬхе4 1 9 cxd4 d5 20 lЬс3 'itg5 2 1
lЬfЗ 'itg4 2 2 lЬxd5 lЬxg3 2 3 lЬхЬ6+
схЬ6 24 fxg3 lЬxd4 and Black should
equalize. в
с2) 17 .i.xh4 .:tdg8 1 8 lЬхЬ5 .:tg4
( 1 8 ... .:tg6 1 9 .i.d5 .:thg8, Sziebert-Gross,
Budapest 1 993, 20 g3 ._.d7 21 .i.xf6
.:txf6 22 Фg2 gives White an extra pawn
in а safe position) 1 9 gЗ .:thg8 20 'itd3
(now the Ь5-, f5- and gЗ-squares are de­
fended; Sek gives 20 .i.d5 .:txh4 with
compensation) 20. . . exd4 2 1 cxd4 .:t8g6
22 .i.d5 'itd7 23 'it'c4 lЬxd5 24 exd5 +­
Radecki-Bonarek, theme corr. 1 994. 16 ...е8
92 Archangel and New Archangel

Or: а) 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 5 .:txa8 .:txa8 (or

а) 16 . . . с6? 17 с4 Ь4 1 8 с5 ЬхаЗ 19 1 5 . . . .ixa8 16 ltJa3 ltJa5 17 .ic2 exd4 1 8
схЬ6 ltJb5 20 Ьха3 exd4 2 1 .:tac 1 1 -0 ltJxd4 .ixd4 1 9 cxd4 Ь4 20 е5 Ьха3 2 1
Hotting-Schneider, corr. 1983. exf6 'i*'xf6 22 'i'd3 'i*'g7 23 Ьха3 ± Rjeg­
Ь) 16 ...h5 1 7 h4 gxh4 18 .ixh4 с6 19 ler-Kobe, Slovenian jr Ch 1992) 1 б ltJa3
с4 Ь4 20 с5 .ic7 2 1 ltJc4 +- Arseniev­ Ь4 ( 16 . . . exd4! ?) 17 ltJc4 ltJd7 18 ltJe3
Baikov, Yaroslav1 1979. Ьхс3 19 l0d5 ± Valiente-Vergara, Mos­
с) 16 ... ltJxe4 17 .:txe4 f5 18 .:txe5 cow OL 1994.
dxe5 19 'ilr'xf5+ ФЬ8 20 .ixe5 ± Wins­ Ь) 14 ltJaЗ Фg7 (or 14 ... Ьха4 15 .ixa4
\ow-Shirazi, Palo Alto 198 1 . exd4 16 ltJc4 ltJxe4 17 .ixd6, Wedberg­
1 7 с4! Omstein, He1sinki 1990) 15 ахЬ5 ахЬ5
The most energetic and logical move, i 6 ltJxb5 .:txa 1 17 'i*'xa1 ltJh5 1 8 .id5 ±
though 17 ltJc2 ltJh5 18 ltJЬ4 ltJxg3 19 Young-Brooks, New York 1 989.
hxg3, threatening ltJd5, is also good. 14 ахЬ5
17 ... g4 1 4 ltJxg5? h4 15 ltJxf7 .:th5 is conve­
Or: nient for Black.
а) 17 . . . exd4? 18 е5 ! lt:Je4 ( 1 8 ... dxe5 14 ... ахЬ5 15 I:.xa8+ .ixa8
19 .ixe5 +-) 19 .:txe4 f5 20 .:tee 1 f4 21 Now:
exd6 'i!t'f8 22 dxc7 +- C1emance-Sarapu, В21 : 16 dxe5 92
New Zealand Ch 1984. В22: 16 h3 92
Ь) 1 7 ...Ь4 1 8 ltJc2 ( 1 8 c5 ! ?) l 8 . . . c5 1 9 В23: 16 h4 93
d 5 ФЬ8 20 .:ta2 .ic8 2 1 .:teal ± Van der
Veen-Markus, corr. 1986. 82 1 )
18 ltJh4 16 dxe5 dxe5 17 .id5
Or: 17 h4 g4 18 ltJg5 ltJd8 transposes to
а) After 18 .ih4 ltJh5, 19 .ixd8 ltJf4 В23 1 .
20 'i!r'eЗ (20 'i'c3 ! ?) 20 ... gxf3 (Matsukev­ 17 ...Ь4 18 .ixc6+
ich) gives Black good counterplay, but 1 9 1 8 .ixe5 ltJxe5 1 9 .ixa8 ( 19 ltJxe5
ltJd2 or 19 с5 i s interesting. 'ii'xe5 20 .ixa8 Фе7) 19 . . .0-0 ( 1 9 . . . g4!?)
Ь) 18 ltJd2!? .ixd4 1 9 l0c2 or 19 .ih4. 20 ltJxe5 'i'xe5 21 .id5 с6 with an excel­
18 ... .ixd4? lent position for Black.
1 8 . . . Ь4 is hopeless too; e.g., 1 9 ltJc2 18 ... .ixc6 19 .ixe5 .ixf2+ 20 'it>xf2
с5 20 d5 Фь8 21 .:ta2 ltJh5 22 .:tea1 .ic8 ltJg4+ 21 Фg1 ltJxe5 22 ltJxe5 'i'xe5 23
23 'i'e3 1-0 1\llfer-Zaitsev, corr. 1 984. 'tid4 fixd4+ 24 cxd4 Фе7
19 ltJxb5 ltJxb5 20 схЬ5 ltJd7 21 The ending is equal.
�е2! 'i'g8 22 ltJf5 %te8 23 'i'c2 .ic5 24
.id5 .ixd5 25 exd5 'ii'g6 26 Ь4! 822)
White has а winning attack, Quakke­ 16 h3 Ь4 17 .ih2 g4 18 hxg4
laar-Meleghegyi, corr. 1 972. 1 8 ltJg5 gives Black а pleasant choice:
а) 18 ...ltJd8 19 hxg4 .:tg8 20 ltJf3 (af-
82 ) ter 20 f4 both 20 ... с5 and 20. . . .ic6, fol-
12 ... g5 13 .ig3 h5 lowed Ьу . . . .id7, are good) 20. . . .:txg4 2 1
The fusion of . . . g5, ...fie7 and ... 0-0 is dxe5 ltJxe4 2 2 Ф f l (22 exd6 i s met Ьу
not particularly successful, viz. 13 ... 0-0 22 . . . h3 !) 22 . . . .ixf2 23 .:txe4 .ixe4 24
( 1 3 . . .0-0-0 is mentioned in note 'е' to Фхf2 dxe5 with an initiative for Black.
White' s 1 4th move in Line В 1) and now: Ь) 18 ... gxh3 19 .ixf7+ Фd8:
Archangel with 7 'l:.el: Main Line ( 10 �g5) 93

Ы ) 20 i.еб .l:l.h5 21 tt:\xh3 (21 tt:\f7+ (both 19 i.c2 tt:\d7 20 �d2 �fб and 1 9
Фе8 22 d5 hxg2 23 Фхg2 tt:\d8 24 tl:Jxd8 i.d5 .l:l.e8 favour Black) 1 9... tt:\xe4 (quite
Фхd8 25 �fЗ сб) 21 . . . 'ii'xeб 22 d5 �f7 good is 1 9 ... .1:1.е8 or 19\d8 followed Ьу
23 dхсб i.хсб +. . .. гt:\еб) 20 tt:\g3 tt:\xf2 2 1 Фхf2 'i'fб 22
Ь2) 20 i.b3 ! Фс8 2 1 tt:\xh3 exd4 22 tt:\xh5 �xh4+ 23 tt:\g3 (Emst-Shirov,
tt:\a3 dxc3 23 Ьхс3 tt:\a7 with an unclear Gausdal 199 1 ) 23 ... dxc3+ 24 i.e3 i.xe3+
position. 25 .l:l.xe3 схЬ2 + .
18 ...ltJxg4 19 i.d5 Ь) 17 dxe5 dxe5 18 tt:\fd2 ( 1 8 tt:\g5
19 tt:\a3 exd4 ( 19 ... tt:\xh2! ?) 20 tt:\xd4 shou1d Ье compared with the main Iine)
(20 cxd4 tt:\xh2 21 Фхh2 tt:\xd4 22 tt:\xd4 18 ... 0-0 ( l 8 ... tt:\d8 1 9 tt:\a3 сб may Ье
�е5+) 20. . . tt:\xh2 2 1 i.d5 (2 1 Фхh2 quite good) 19 tt:\a3 tt:\a7 20 �е2 сб 2 1
�е5+) 2 1 .. .'ii'fб 22 tt:\f5 h3 23 i.хсб+ Фh2 tt:\c8 22 fЗ tt:\dб 2 3 tt:\fl i.b7 =

i.хсб 24 g3 (Emst-Jepson, Swedish Ch Tatarczuk-Jackowski, corr. 1 99 1 .

1 997) 24 ... tt:\fl ! with the threat ... h2+\d8!
and ... �xf5 wins immediate1y for Black. This is а system of the Polish СС lM
19...h3 Witold Bielecki. Black defends all his
White's dark-squared bishop may pJay weaknesses and wants to play ... tt:\d7 and
an important ro1e in the future protect­ ...fб, trapping White's knight. Besides, in
ing the king. Therefore 19 ... tt:\xh2!, pos­ some variations White's dark-squared
siЬiy to Ье followed Ьу ... h3, Iooks very Ьishop remains out of play. After 17 . . .0-0
promising. White сап take advantage of Black's
20 i.gЗ weak points (Ь5 and f5) Ьу 18 �d3 ! Фg7
Dutreeuw-Donev, Liechtenstein 1995. ( 1 8 ... exd4 1 9 е5 ! +-; 18 ... Ь4 1 9 tt:\d2
20 ... tt:\fб 2 1 dxe5 dxe5 22 gxh3 .l:l.xh3 23 tt:\a5 20 i.a2 ± Prokofiev-Zavernaev, corr.
Фg2 .1:1.h5 =. 197 1 ) 19 d5 tl:Ja7 20 гt:\аЗ �d7 2 1 с4 Ьхс4
22 tt:\xc4 i.d4 23 tt:\e3 i.xe3 24 �хе3 ±
823} Weegenaar-Mackie, corr. 1 995.
16 h4 g4 (D) Now:
В23 1 : 18 dxe5?! 93
В232: 18 гt:\аз 94
В233: 18 'ii'd3 94
w В234: 18 f4 94
В235: 18 гt:\аЗ 95

Not good is 1 8 tt:\d2? tt:\d7 1 9 d5 fб 20

гt:\еб гt:\хеб 21 dхеб tt:\c5 and White loses
а pawn, Blumenfeld-Henley, 1992.
18 d5 is liaЬie to transpose to В232 or

823 1 }
17 tt:\g5 1 8 dxe5?!
A1so: This exchange is premature.
а) 1 7 tt:\h2 exd4 18 tt:\fl ( 1 8 i.d5 Фd7 18... dxe5 19 i.a2
19 i.хсб+ i.хсб 20 cxd4 .l:l.e8 with а 19 i.xe5? 'ii'xe5 20 �xd8+ Фхd8 2 1
good game for Black) 1 8 ... 0-0 19 i.f4 tt:\xf7+ Фс8 2 2 tt:\xe5 g 3 -+.
94 Archangel and New Archangel

19...�d7 20 �ьз �с6 2З Ь4 �хеб 24 ..i.ЬЗ ..i.b7 25 �с2 0-0

Also very good is 20... fб 21 �б �хеб 26 �еЗ ..i.хеЗ is similar to the main line,
22 fjxeб �хеб 2З ..i.хеб �с5 24 ..i.f5 Graf-Middelhoff, Bavaria 1 994.
Фf7 25 �аЗ ..i.сб + Salceanu-Bielicki, 2З...�хе6 24 �с2 0-0 25 'ir'd2 Фg7
corr. 1 980. 26 �е3 �хеЗ
21 .1:.d1 f6 White does not have compensation for
2 1 . . . .1:.f8 is very strong, threatening the pawn, Kanatov-lbragimov, Tomsk
. . .�с5 and ...fб. 1997.
22 �e6 ltJxe6 23 'iixe6 'ir'xe6 24 ..i.xe6
�с5 25 ..i.dS ..i.xd5 26 exdS �е4 27 Фn 8233)
<itd7 18 �dЗ �d7 19 d5 0-0
B1ack won the ending in Fernandez 19 .. .fб 20 �еб �хеб 2 1 dхеб �5 22
Garcia-Chiburdanidze, Salamanca 1 990. ._хЬ5+ Фf8 2З i.d5 Фg7 led shortly to а
draw in Stilling-Valeriani, corr. 1 994.
8232) 20 �хЬ5 �с5
18 �аЗ (D) Now:
а) 21 �аЗ fб 22 �еб �dхеб 23 dхеб
�хе4 24 �с4 ..i.c5 25 �еЗ (Chepur­
noy-Bielecki, corr.) 25 ... ..i.xe3 +.
в Ь) 2 1 �d2 ib7 22 ..i.c4 f6 23 �еб
�dхеб 24 dхеб ..i.c8 25 Ь4 �хе6 26 ..i.d5
..i.d7 27 'i'c4 Фg7 with good play for
Black, Ozimek-Bielecki, corr.
с) 2 1 ic2 ib7 22 'ii'e2 fб 2З �еб
�схеб 24 dхеб �хе6 25 'i'd2 Фg7 =

Kotzem-Bieleck.i, corr. 1 986.

18 f4 gxfЗ
18 ... �d7 19 dS f6 20 �е6 �хе6 21 Other possibilities:
dxe6 �cS 22 ..i.d5 а) 18 ... exf4 19 ixf4 �d7 tries to trap
Others: White's knight:
а) 22 ic2 сб 2З Фh2 �хеб 24 ..i.Ы а 1 ) 20 'i'dЗ fб 2 1 е5 dxe5 22 Фh l
..i.b7 25 �с2 0-0 26 �3 ..i.хеЗ and Black ._g7 2З 'i'xb5 and White's initiative may
is а pawn up, Mamitsch-Noskowicz, corr. Ье very dangerous.
1988. а2) 20 �аЗ fб (Donev) 21 ..i.d5 ! сб
Ь) 22 �хЬ5 ? ! �хе4 2З Фh2 f5 24 (21 . . . ..i.b7 22 �f7) 22 �хЬ5 схЬ5 (or
..i.d5 ..i.xd5 25 ._xd5 0-0 26 .1:.хе4 fxe4 22...�е5 2З 'i'a4 ..i.b7 24 �4 with com-
27 'ii'xe4 Фg7 ! 28 'ii'e2 'ir'xeб -+ Iacob­ plications that favour White) 2З ..i.xa8
TelЬis, corr. 1 99 1 . with а very strong attack for the piece.
22 с6
•.. Ь) 1 8 . . .�d7 1 9 f5 fб (or 1 9 ... �f8 20
22 . . . ..i.xd5 23 �xd5 0-0 24 Ь4 �хеб fб ! 'i'xfб 2 1 �xf7 �xf7 22 .:.п 'i'hб 2З
25 �хЬ5 'ir'f7 26 �аЗ (26 с4!?) 26 .. .f5 + ..i.xf7+ Фе7 24 Фh2 �d7 25 �аЗ .1:.f8 26
Rezan-Pereyra Arcija, Zagan U-20 Wch ..i.d5 .1:.xfl 27 'i'xfl ..i.xd5 28 exd5 with
1997. some initiative for White, Vasiukov-Kuz­
23 ..i.a2 min, Leningrad 199 1 ) 20 �еб �хеб 2 1
Archangel with 7 'Ael : Main Line ( 10 .it..g5) 95

.ixe6 tiJf8 22 .ib3 .l:th7 23 Фh l с6 24 After 22 ...'iVxg5 23 .ih4 'iVg6 24 'ir'd3 !

tiJa3 'ika7 25 'it'd2 ;!; Rezaei-Vasiukov, с6 (24... .ic6?! 25 tiJe7) 25 .l:td1 (Shirov)
Teheran 199 1 . White has а strong attack.
1 9 gxfЗ 23 'ii'd3
1 9 ._.хfЗ exd4 20 .if2 tlJg4 21 .ixd4 lnteresting is 23 ._.d2 with play simi­
'ife5 22 .iхЬб 'ikh2+ 23 Фfl ._.xh4 +. lar to the next note.
19...tiJh7 23...1:1.f8
Also good is 19 ... с5 20 dxc5 dxc5 =. 23 ... .ic6 24 'i:td2 tiJf7?! (24. . ..1:tf8 and
20 tiJxЬ7 24 . . . .ixe4 offer better chances) 25 tiJh4
Others: ...g7 26 g6 tiJh6 27 'i*'g5 tiJg8?? 28 .if7+
а) 20 tiJh3 tiJf8 21 Фh2 tiJde6 22 dxe5 1 -0 Perdek-Horbanowicz, corr. 1 99 1 .
dxe5 23 .ixe5 'ifxh4 24 .ig3 'ikf6 25 Фhl 24 dxeS
.l:tg8 26 .tь2 -..м 21 tiJg t tiJf4 28 -..d2 24 'i'xb5 .ixe4 25 tiJh4 seems to Ье
tiJd3 0- 1 Kulczewski-Bieleck:i, corr. 1980. critical.
Ь) 20 f4 tiJxg5 cannot Ье dangerous 24...tiJc5 !
for Black either. Weaker is 24. . .dxe5 ?! 25 .l:td 1 .ic6 26
20 ... .I:txh7 21 ФЬ2 .l:tg7 22 tiJaЗ ii.c6 .ixe5 with compensation, Malar-Hodges,
The position is equal. corr. 1993. Now, according to Hodges,
Black has an advantage.
18 tiJa3 (D) 82352)
21 ......Ь7 22 'ifd3
22 dxe5? (Vitomsk:is-Bieleck:i, corr.
1 986) allows Black to save а price1ess
в tempo Ьу 22... gxh4 ! 23 tiJxh4 (23 .ixh4
tiJxe5 !) 23 ... tiJxe5 24 .ixe5 dxe5 25 tiJf5
(25 'ifd3 ._.d7 -+) 25 . . . g3 ! 26 tiJxg3 h4
and 27... h3 -+.
22. . ..1:tf8
In Dondelinger-Bielecki, corr. 1 996
Black played 22 ... gxh4 ! ? and White did
not obtain any compensation for the
piece after 23 .ixh4 .ic6 24 tlJe7 .ib7 25
dxe5 tlJxe5 26 'ii'xb5+ Фf8 27 tiJf5 .ic6
The most ambitious Iine. White plays 28 'ike2 Фе8 29 'ifd2 .l:tf8 30 'i'g5 Фd7
for the attack, and makes the piece sacri­ 0- 1 .
fice real. 23 hxgS .ixe4
18 ... tiJd7 19 tiJc2 Some annotators think that 2 l . . . 'ifh7
19 d5 transposes to В232. is weaker than 21 . . .'i'f6. However, Ьу
19 ... f6 20 tiJe3 fxgS 21 ttJrs playing 23 ... 'ifg6 !? Black can transpose
Now: to Line В235 1.
В2351 : 21 ......f6 95 24 tiJxd6+ cxd6 25 Пхе4 f*'rs 26 g6!
В2352: 21 ......h7 95 26 .id5 'ikxg5 27 'i'xb5 .l:tf5 ! 28 dxe5
dxe5 29 .ic6 tiJxc6 30 'i'xc6 'ii'f6 ! +
8235 1 ) (Shirov).
2 1...-..rб 22 hxgS ._.g6! 26...'ifxg6 27 dxeS d5 28 ii.xd5 tiJe6
96 Archangel and New Archangel

Ernst-Shirov, Gausdal 1990. According (Kudinov-Doehner, Bad Liebenzell 1 99б)

to Shirov, White shou1d р1ау 29 'ii' xb5 ! 19 ..txfб 'itxfб 20 l2Jc4 l2Jxc4 21 'iixb7
_.fS 30 1:е2 h4 3 1 ..tхеб! 'ii'xeб 32 ..txh4 lLJbб 22 :.аы +-.
1:h8 33 g3 ФП (33 ... J:.xh4 1ooks 1ike an 14 ..tg3 exd4 15 е5
improvement) 34 1:е4 ! with slightly Ьetter A1so:
chances in а very complicated position. а) 15 cxd4 l2Ja5 ! ( 1 5 .. .'i'd7 1 б ахЬ5
ахЬ5 17 е5 ! ±) 1б е5 dxe5 17 1:хе5 ...d7
83) 18 ахЬ5 with counterp1ay for B1ack.
12...0-0 (D) Ь) 1 5 l2Jxd4 l2Jxd4 1б cxd4 'itd7 (the
altemative 1 б . . . l2Jxe4 17 f3 'iifб 18 fxe4
..txd4+ 1 9 Фh 1 ..tхЫ 20 J:.a2 1ooks fa­
vouraЫe for White) 1 7 ...d3 Фg7 18 ..tc2
w 1:h8 (Nokso-Koivisto - Fi1en, corr. 1 98б)
19 е5 !? l2Jd5 20 еб ""·
15...dxe5 16 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 17 l2Jxe5
l2Jxe5 18 ..txe5 dxc3 19 'i!Vc2 Фg7 20
J:.ad1 J:tae8 21 l2Jxb5 'ii'c5 22 ..txf6+
Фхf6 23 .!:txe8 1:txe8 24 l2Jxc3 'i'e5 25 h3
The storm has Ь\own itse1f out. Gus­
einov-Gabdrakhmanov, Кrasnodar 1 978
was soon agreed drawn.

Now: 832)
ВЗl : 13 l2Ja3 9б 13 ...d3 l2Ja5
В32: 13 ...d3 9б 13 . . . g5 is risky due to 1 4 l2Jxg5 hxg5
В33: 13 d5 97 15 ..txg5.
В34: 13 ахЬ5 97 1З . . . Фh8 14 l2Jbd2 1:g8 15 ахЬ5 ахЬ5
1 б 1:ха8 ..txa8 17 dxe5 l2Jxe5 18 l2Jxe5
Or: 'itxe5 19 ..txf7 1:f8 20 lLJfЗ 'ii'f4 2 1 ..txfб
а) 13 dxe5 dxe5 1 4 l2Jbd2 J:tfd8 1 5 'i'xfб 22 ..id5 and B1ack does not have
_.е2 g 5 1 б ..tg3 l2Jh5 1 7 tLi f l l2Jf4 1 8 full compensation for the pawn, Penrose­
..txf4 exf4 1 9 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 20 'ii'xb5 g4 J .Littlewood, British Ch 1 9б9.
gives Black good counterp1ay, Martino­ 14 ..tc2
vic-Messing, Be1grade 1 9б8. 14 ..ta2 is interesting. 14 ... с5 15 ахЬ5
Ь) 13 ..td5 and now rather than the c4 l б 'i�Vd1 axb5 17 l2Ja3 ..tcб 18 l2Jc2 g5
passive I З ... J:.ab8?! 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 15 l2Ja3 1 9 l2Jxg5 l2Jxe4 (after 19 . . .hxg5 20 ..txg5
l2Ja7 1 б ..txb7 1:хЬ7 17 l2Jc2 сб 1 8 l2Je3 followed Ьу 'i'fЗ and lLJeЗ White has а
± Minakov-Ze1itsky, corr. 1988, Black violent attack) 20 l2Jf3 l2Jg5 21 ..txg5
shou1d try 13 ...J:.fЬ8 or 13 ... J:.fe8 14 l2Jbd2 hxg5 22 dxe5 ± Penrose-Pritchard, Brit­
exd4 1 5 cxd4 ( 1 5 l2Jxd4 ..txd4 1 б cxd4 ish Ch 197 1 . Тherefore Black should play
g5) 15 . . . g5 16 ..tg3 g4. 14 ... Ьха4, taking advantage of the tem­
porary covering of the a-file, with а good
831 ) game.
13 l2Ja3 g5 14 ... с5 15 ахЬ5 с4 16 'i!Vd1
1 3 ... l2Ja5 ? ! 14 ..id5 сб 1 5 ..ta2 Ьха4 1 б 'i!Ve2 ахЬ5 17 l2Ja3 is similar to Line
1б _.ха4 с5 1 7 Ь4 схЬ4 18 'ii'xb4 ..id8 В34. In Glaser-Schuh, corr. 1 970 White
Arclшngel with 7 :ez: Main Line (10 i&.g5) 97

obtained а strong attack after 17 . . . .ta6 14 .txf6

18 h3 g5 19 l2Jxg5 hxg5 20 .txg5 Фg7 21 Otherwise Black сап play ... g5:
�е3. The best move is 1 7 . . ..tc6 with а) 14 l2Ja3 (Van Mit-Frosch, Velden
good equalizing chaпces for Black. 1 995) 14 . . .g5 15 .tgЗ l2Jxb3 16 •хьз
16 ... ахЬ5 17 l2Jbd2 Ьха4 17 'i'xa4 l2Jh5 gives Black а good
Now: game.
а) 17 . . .l2Jc6 18 .l:l.xa8 .l:l.xa8 19 liJfl Ь) 14 ахЬ5 g5 15 .tg3 ахЬ5 1 6 lDbd2
.td8 (perhaps better is 19 . . . g5 20 .tg3 апd now Btack сап choose 16 ...l2Jxe4 with
exd4 2 1 lDxd4 lLJxd4 22 cxd4 'i'd7 { aп­ major complications (Dziedzic-Drazkow­
other idea is 22 ... .1:1.е8 ! ? } 23 h3 1:te8, Voit­ ski, corr. 1 992) or 1 6. . . l2Jh5 with а good
sekh-Saviemaiev, 1975) 20 lDe3 �f8 21 position.
lDd5 lDd7 22 .tg3 .ta5 23 h3 Ь4 24 .ta4 14 ...�xf6 15 .ia2 cS!?
Ьхс3 25 Ьхс3 exd4 26 l2Jxd4 l2Jxd4 27 The variation 1 5 . . . с6 1 6 Ь4 l2Jc4 17
'i'xd4 lDc5 28 .tb5 .txd5 29 �xd5 ± .txc4 Ьхс4 18 dxc6 .txc6 1 9 l2Jbd2 is
К1оvап-Dzharkinbaev, Dnepropetrovsk convenient for White (Matsukevich).
1970. 16 dxc6 .ixc6 17 .tdS
Ь) Matsukevich recommends 17 .. .'�е6; White has а minimal advantage.
e.g., 1 8 d5 �g4 1 9 .ixf6 gxf6 20 lDfl
.tc8 with а playaЬle position. 834)
13 axbS axbS 14 %:txa8 .l:l.xa8
В ЗЗ) Or 14 ....txa8:
13 dS (D) а) 15 d5 l2Ja5 16 .txf6 �xf6 17 .ta2
g5 18 .l:l.fl g4 1 9 lDe1 Чlt'g6 20 'i'd3 f5 with
counterplay for Black, Stabbauer-Wind­
heuser, corr. 1985.
в Ь) 1 5 l2Ja3 Ь4 ( 1 5 ... l2Ja5 ! ?) 1 6 l2Jc4
Ьхс3 17 ЬхсЗ .l:tb8 1 8 l2Je3 l2Ja5 19 l2Jf5
Чlt'd8 20 .ta2 .tc6 2 1 �c l and White
wins, Sigurjonsson-Tompa, Harrachov
U-26 Wcht 1 967.
15 l2Ja3
After 1 5 d5 l2Ja5 1 6 .ixf6 Чixf6 1 7
.ta2 .tc8 ! ? 1 8 h 3 lDb7 B1ack staпds very
lS ... lLJaS 16 .ixf6
lЗ ... lLJaS Or:
Or: а) 16 .!Z'Jxb5 g5 17 dxe5 dxe5 18 .ig3
а) 1 3 . . . l2Jb8 14 .ixf6 "it'xf6 1 5 ахЬ5 .!Z'Jxb3 (a1so good is 18 . . .l2Jxe4 19 .!Z'Jxe5
ахЬ5 16 .:l.xa8 .txa8 17 l2Ja3 с6 1 8 dxc6 .txf2+ 20 .txf2 'i'xe5) 19 'i'xb3 l2Jxe4
.txc6 1 9 .td5 .td7 20 'i'e2 ± Tringov­ 20 l2Jxe5 ttJxf2 ! 2 1 lDd4 (21 .txf2 �хе5)
Liebert, Bucharest 1 968. 2 1 . . .l2Je4 with rich tactical chances for
Ь) l 3 . . . l2Jd8 (Matsukevich's idea) 14 B1ack (Matsukevich).
ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 5 nxa8 .txa8 16 .txf6 �xf6 Ь) 16 .tc2 l2Jc4 17 l2Jxc4 Ьхс4 1 8
17 lDa3 сб апd now 18 'i'd3 ! ± looks Ьest, dxe5 dxe5 19 .txf6 'i'xf6 20 'i'e2 �еб 2 1
strengthening the pressure оп the b5- '*d1 lfz- lf2 Smederevac-Bagirov, Bever­
pawn. wijk 1965.
98 Archangel and New Archangel

16 ... 'ii'xf6 17 lLixbS lLixb3 18 ._хЬ3 с) 12 аЗ %:te8 1 3 i.c2 'ii'e7 ( 1 3 ... g5 !?;
J:tb8 1 3 ...exd4 ! ?) 14 Ь4 (14 'ir'dЗ ltJa5 1 5 lLibd2
Now: с5 1 б d5 с4 1 7 �е2 i.c8 and Black stands
а) 1 9 dxe5 dxe5 20 fr'c2 g5 2 1 'tte2 we\1, Silva-Rodriguez Vargas, Havana
%:td8 gives Black sufficient compensation 1 970) 1 4 . . . a5 1 5 d5 ltJa7 1 6 lLibd2 c5 17
for the pawn. lLifl i.c8 18 ltJeЗ i.d7 1 9 ltJf5 i.xf5 20
Ь) 19 ._с4 is critical: exf5 %:tec8 ;t Lepeshkin-Vasiukov, USSR
Ь l ) 19 . . ....е7 ! ? (the right idea: Black 1 965.
wants to pin the knight) 20 d5?? .i.a6 21
Фh 1 ._d7 0- 1 Woda-Panczyk, Poznan С1)
1 985. 1 2 d5 ltJaS
Ы) 19 . . ....d8! has the same idea but 12 ... lLib8 !? 13 а4 ( 1 3 lLibd2 Фh8 14
the rook is defended, which may Ье im­ lLifl %:tg8 1 5 ._d2 lLibd7 1 б i.xf6 'ir'xf6
portant in some lines. Then 20 ._d3 i.a6 1 7 ltJgЗ i.c8 1 8 h3 lLif8 1 9 ltJh2 ltJh7 and
21 с4 i.xb5 22 схЬ5 i.xd4 23 ltJxd4 Black stands well, Sharif-Panczyk, Graz
exd4 24 ._xd4 %:txb5 gives Black at 1east 198 1 ), P.Roos-Кranzl, соп. 1 984, and
an equal position. now 1 3 . . .g5 1 4 i.gЗ lLih5 doesn't look
bad; for example, 15 lLixe5 lLixgЗ 16 ltJdЗ
С) ltJxe4 1 7 %:txe4 lL\d7 with а good pos.ition
11 ...0-0 (D) for Black.
13 i.c2
After 13 li:Jbd2 lLixbЗ ( 1 З . . .с 6 ! ?) 14
ахЬЗ (Jonasson-Castra, соп. 1 977) 14...g5
w Black shouldn't have any proЬlems.
13 с6

Or 1 3. . . g5 (sooner or later Black must

play this) 14 .tgЗ сб 15 dхсб ltJxcб and
а) 1 б lLibd2 %:tc8 1 7 а4 lLie7 ( 1 7 . . .Ь4;
17 . . . Ьха4 !?) 1 8 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 9 i.dЗ ._d7
20 ...е2 i.сб 2 1 Ь4 lLigб 22 с4 ± Azaric-
Popadic, Yugoslavia 1 993.
Ь) А very interesting plan was played
Now: in Schirzak-Terlecki, соп. 1 980: 1 6 'ir'e2
Cl: 12 d5 98 "fie7 17 lLibd2 Фh7 1 8 lLifl %:tfc8 19 ltJe3
С2: 12 'i!Vd3 98 ( 1 9 %:tad1 !?) 1 9 ... .i.xe3 20 'ti'xeЗ ltJd8 2 1
СЗ: 12 а4 102 lLid2 Ь 4 22 с 4 lLie6 with a n excellent po­
sition for Black.
Or: 14 dxc6 i.xc6 15 lLibd2 ._е7 16 'ir'e2
а) 12 dxe5 ltJxe5 1 3 а4 g5 14 i.g3 g5 17 i.g3 J:l.fc8 18 %:tad1 i.d7 19 гьn
Ьха4 Nurmi-Myry, соп. 1 99 1 .
= i.e6 20 'i*'d2 ltJe8 21 h4 f6 22 i.Ьl ltJc4
Ь ) 1 2 .i.d5 %:te8 1 3 lLibd2 exd4 1 4 Black has а solid position, Ujtumen­
lLixd4 i.xd4 1 5 cxd4 g 5 16 i.xc6 i.xc6 Ma1ich, Moscow 1 96 1 .
17 'ili'c2 i.xe4 1 8 lLixe4 lLixe4 19 J:l.xe4
%:txe4 20 ._хе4 gxh4 2 1 %:te1 с5 and Black С2)
has а good game, Putzbach-Nogly, 1 992. 12 �d3
Archangel with 7 ':el: Main Line ( 10 if..g5) 99

Now: lЬh5 lfJcd7 22 g4 with an initiative on the

С21 : 12 Пе8
.•• 99 kingside for White, Pop-Halek, corr.
С22: 12...lfJa5 99 1 989) 1 8 "ikd2 (this move-order restricts
С23: 12...'ike7 100 Black's play most; otherwise he сап play
С24: 12...g5 101 ... g5, though after 1 8 lЬеЗ g5 { 18 . . .:tg8
will come to the same thing } 19 lЬxg5+
С21 ) hxg5 20 .ixg5 .:r.g8 2 1 h4 White has а
1 2 Пе8 13 lЬbd2 lfJa5 14 .ic2 с5
••• strong initiative, Walthemate-Mayer, corr.
Weak is 14 ...exd4? 1 5 cxd4 lЬс4? 1976) 1 8 ... .:r.g8 1 9 tt:Jeз g5 20 .igз lЬh5
( 1 5 ... g5 1 6 lЬxg5 also leads to an attack 2 1 lfJf5 'it'f6 (21 ...f6 22 .id 1 lЬg7 23
for White) 1 6 е5 dxe5 17 -iXf6 ..,xf6 1 8 lfJЗh4 lfJxf5 24 iDxf5 :tc7 25 Ь4 схЬЗ 26
"ikh7+ Фf8 1 9 lЬхс4 Ьхс4 2 0 lfJxe5 +­ ахЬЗ ± Beliavsky-Vasiukov, Leningrad
Ei.Pedersen-Lewi, Athens Z 1 969. 1 977) 22 lЬxd6 !? (the simple 22 Ь4 схЬЗ
15 d5 23 ахЬЗ lЬхgЗ 24 hxgЗ gives White the
Or 1 5 dxe5 dxe5 1 6 "ike2 :te6 17 .igЗ Ьetter game because of Black ' s poorly
..,е8 = Gutierrez-Am.Rodriguez, Colom­ placed queen' s knight) 22......xd6 23
Ьia 1 983. .ixe5 "ikd8 24 lЬd4 f6? (after 24... :tg6 25
15...с4 16 ..,е2 g5 lfJf5 White has very strong play for the
Or: piece) 25 .id6 lfJg7 26 Ь4 схЬЗ 27 ахЬЗ
а) 16 ... .ic8 17 Ь4 (after 17 lЬfl Фh7 Фh8 28 .ib4 :te8 29 'itdЗ f5 30 g4 ±
1 8 lЬеЗ .id7 1 9 lfJd2 :tc8 ! Black parries Kussin-Polzin, corr. 1 980.
the threat of Ь4 and obtains а good game, 17 .ig3
Кlovan-Malaniuk, Thilisi 1 985) 17 ... схЬЗ The ultimate evaluation of this line
1 8 ахЬЗ lfJЬ7? ! 19 Ь4 g5 favours White: may well depend on the variation 1 7
а 1 ) 20 lЬxg5 hxg5 2 1 .ixg5 Фg7 22 lЬxg5 hxg5 1 8 .ixg5.
с4 ..,d7 23 .iеЗ ..,с7 24 •rз .iхеЗ 25 17...lfJh5 18 lfJfi �с8 19 lЬе3
"ikxeЗ Фf8 26 ПаЗ (Lank:a-Kosenkov, Now 1 9 ... -iхеЗ 20 ..,хеЗ gave White
Sevastopo1 1 982) and according to Lanka the Ьetter position in Angantysson-Sharif,
White has an advantage (though this line Siegen OL 1 970, but this is the wrong
needs thorough analysis). plan. After 1 9 ... lfJxg3 Black has good
а2) 20 .igЗ and White's position equalizing chances.
looks Ьetter.
Ь) 1 6...Фh8 17 Ь4 ( 1 7 lЬП g5 { the al­ С22)
temative 1 7 ... .ic8 1 8 Ь4 is very promis­ 12...lfJa5 13 .ic2 с5 (D)
ing for White } 18 .igЗ .ic8 1 9 Ь4 { 1 9
'it'd2 !? lЬh5 2 0 Ь4 схЬЗ 21 ахЬЗ lfJf4 22
lЬеЗ lfJЬ7?! 23 Ь4 :tg8 24 с4 .id7? 25 с5
and wins, Buczinski-Chmiel, corr. 1990} w
1 9... схЬ3 20 ахЬЗ ...с7 2 1 "ikd2 lfJh7 22
tlJeЗ .id7 t) 17 ... схЬЗ 18 ахЬЗ g5 1 9
.igЗ .ic8 2 0 Ь4 lЬЬ7 2 1 с4 ! Ьхс4 22
lfJxc4 а5 23 :tеЫ .ig4 24 .ia4 .:r.e7 25
lЬхЬ6 ..,хЬ6 26 .ic6 ± Koroliov-Кiaic,
corr. 1 988.
с) 16...:tc8 1 7 lЬfl Фh7 (17 ....1:!.с7 18
"ikd2 .ic8 19 hЗ lЬЬ7 20 lfJgЗ lfJc5 21
100 Archangel and New Archangel

14 dS а) 1 3 ... lZJd8 14 d5 �с8 1 5 i.c2 Фh8

Not dangerous for B1ack is 14 dxe5 16 a4 :Z.b8 17 axb5 axb5 1 8 Ь4 g5 1 9 �g3
dxc5 15 ltJxe5 'ir'xd3 16 �xd3 g5 17 i.g3 �d7 20 с4 with the better game for White,
.J:I.ad8 1 8 ltJa3 .l:l.fe8 Buczinski-Mokwa,
= Ravinsky-Golenishev, Moscow 1 964.
corr. 1 990. Ь) 13 ... J:Z.ad8 14 d5 gives White the
14... с4 15 'ir'e2 better chances.
Or 15 'ir'd 1 g6 16 ltJbd2 Фg7 17 lZJfl с) 1 3 . . .Фh8 14 �с2 (or 14 ct5 ltJa5 1 5
fic7 1 8 lZJe3 i.c8 19 i.g3 l2Jg4 20 l2Jxg4 �с2 .Ug8 { 15 . . . �с8 1 6 Ь4 ltJЬ7 1 7 а4 is
.ii. xg4 2 1 h3 i.h5 with а good game for not very promising for B1ack either} 16
B1ack, Voitsekhovsky-Grechikhin, Voro­ Ь4 ltJc4 17 ltJxc4 Ьхс4 1 8 'ir'xc4 ± Szcze­
nezh 199 1 . pankiewicz-Radecki, соп. 1990) 14 ... .1:1.g8
15...g6 15 ltJfl g5 16 �g3 ltJd7 17 ltJe3 'ir'f6 1 8
Others: ltJd5 ± Chladek-Нladky, соп. 1 987.
а) 1 5 . . . g5? ! and now: 14 �с2 с5 15 d5
а 1) 1 6 �g3 lZJh5 1 7 lZJbd2 (Вe1iavsky Another p1an is 15 ltJfl cxd4 16 cxd4
recommends 17 Ь4) 17 ...lZJf4 (17 ... �с8 !? ltJc6 (interesting is 16 ...ltJc4 1 7 ltJg3 �с8
transposes to 1ine 'Ь' ) 1 8 �xf4 gxf4 19 preventing ltJf5) 1 7 ltJe3 ltJЬ4 18 fid2
Фh1 Фh8 20 g3 fif6 21 l2Jh4 ± Oll-Yako­ ltJxc2 1 9 'i'xc2 with some advantage for
vich, Minsk 1986. White, Sorri-Morozov.
а2) 16 lZJxg5 ! ? hxg5 17 i.xg5 Фg7 18 15...с4 16 �е2
fif3 .::tb 8 1 9 lZJd2 �с8 (Hiibner-Be1iav­ Now:
sky, Munich 1990) 20 Ь4 схЬ3 21 ахЬ3 С231: 16...�с8 100
lZJЬ7 22 Ь4 with an advantage for White С232: 16 ... 1:!.1Ъ8 1 0 1
Ь) 1 5 ... �с8 1 6 lZJbd2 g5 17 �g3 ( 1 7 С23 1 )
lZJxg5 ! ?) 1 7. . .lZJh5 1 8 lZJf! ( 1 8 Ь4 ! ?) 1 6...i.c8 1 7 ЬЗ!?
18 ... f5 19 exf5 �xf5 20 lZJe3?! (20 �xf5) 1 7 ltJfl ! ? �d8 1 8 ltJ3d2 'i!t'c7 1 9 Фh l
20...lZJxg3 21 hxg3 �хеЗ 22 fxe3 �g4 23 .U.b8 20 аЗ (Morozov-Kosenkov, corr.
i.e4 .::ta7 with а better game for Black, 1985) and now, according to Lanka, Black
Chomicki-Drazkowski, corr. 1992. can obtain counterp1ay Ьу 20 . . . ltJЬ7 ! ?
16 lZJЬd2 .::tc8 17 l2JП followed Ь у . . .lZJc5, . . .�d7 and . . . а5.
Or 17 .::tac 1 Фg7 1 8 Ь4 схЬ3 19 ахЬ3 17...схЬ3 18 ахЬ3 �g4
fic7 20 с4 (20 Ь4 ! ? ltJc4 21 l2Jxc4 'it'xc4 Others:
22 i.d3) 20... Ь4 21 �xf6+ Фхf6 22 1:!.а1 а) 18 ... g5?! 19 ltJxg5 '? hxg5 20 �xg5
.::ta8 23 1:tfl �с8 with а very good posi­ with а dangerous attack for White.
tion for Black, Mecking-Planinc, Mar del Ь) 18 ... �d7 !? 19 �d3 (19 Ь4!?) 19 ... g5
Plata 197 1 . should probaЬly Ье met Ьу 20 l2Jxg5 ! ?
1 7...'iti>g7 1 8 ltJe3 'i'd7 1 9 J:!.ad1 l2Jh5 hxg5 2 1 �xg5.
20 i.g3 19 h3 �xf3 20 fixf3 g5 21 �g3 nrcs
1/2- lf2 Gudiev-Pioch, соп. 1985. 22 .U.ec1 Фg7 23 i.d3 'i'd7 24 'i'e2 ltJЬ7
White has an advantage after both 25
С2З) .::txa6 :Z.xa6 26 i.xb5 1:!.хс3 27 .::txc3 :Z.a1 +
12...'it'e7 13 ltJbd2 28 Фh2 'i'd8 (Lanka-Hermlin, corr.
1 3 а4 transposes to Line В32. 1 986) 29 Ь4 h5 30 ltJb3 and 25 Ь4 ! h5 26
13...ltJa5 ltJfl !? (26 Фh l !) 26 . . . h4 27 �h2 g4 28
A1so: ltJe3 ! gxh3 29 ltJf5+.
Archangel with 7 '!J..e l: Main Line ( 10 �g5) 101

С232) 15 'it'gЗ li:Jh5 16 'ir'eз ( 1 6 'ir'g4 li:Jf6; 16

16....С.fЬ8 'it'h4 f6) 16 . . . exd4 with good chances for
The best way of placing Black's pieces. Black.
Now: 15 ...exd4 16 ]:[g3
а) 17 hЗ .ic8 18 li:Jh2 g6 19 li:Jdfl White can draw Ьу 16 .С.hЗ .C.h8 1 7
Фg7 20 аЗ 'ii'e8 2 1 .ixf6+ Фхf6 22 li:Je3 'iigЗ (or 1 7 .C.xh8 'ir'xh8 1 8 'ii'fЗ 'ir'd8 1 9
Фg7 23 .C.fl .С.а7 24 Фh 1 f6 25 f4 J:l.f7 = 'ir'hЗ 'ir'h8 20 'ir'fЗ with а draw Ь у repeti­
Morozov-Vukcevic, соп. 1979. tion) 17 . . . .C.xh3 18 'ir'xhЗ �h8 19 'ir'f5
Ь) 17 li:Jfl .ic8 18 hЗ g6 19 'ir'd2 Фg7 'ir'd8 20 'i'hЗ =.

20 li:JЗh2 (or 20 li:J 1 h2 li:JЬ? 2 1 tlJg4?! 16 ... li:Je5 17 �d2 li:Jg6 18 .ih6+ Фh7
.ixg4 22 hxg4 li:Jc5 23 g5?! hxg5 24 19 �xf8
.ixg5 .C.h8 25 ФП а5 ! 26 Фе2 J:.h5 27 19 .С.hЗ Фg8 20 'i'g5 .ixe4 2 1 .ixf8
.C.hl .C.ah8 28 .С.хЬ5 .C.xh5 with an excel­ Фхf8 22 cxd4 .ixd4 23 li:JcЗ d5 24 .С.е1
lent position for Black, Matic-Kapic, +.
соп. 1 980) 20 . . . li:JЬ7 21 Ь4 схЬЗ 1/2-lf2 19...'ii'xf8 20 'it'gS Фg7 21 J:.h3 dS
Iveges-Kapic, соп. 1980. The position is unclear.
с) 17 Ь4 схЬЗ 18 ахЬЗ .ic8 19 Ь4
li:JЬ? 20 :аз .С.а7 21 li:Jfl g6 22 ьз Фg7 С242)
(H.Serensen-Vukcevic, соп. 1 984) and 13 �g3 li:Jh5!?
now 23 li:JeЗ ;j; or 23 .С.еа1 :t. Also:
а) 13 ... 'ir'e8 14 li:Jbd2 ( 14 a4 !? reserves
С24) the possiЬility of li:JaЗ) 14... li:Jh5 1 5 а4
12...g5 (D) J:d8 1 6 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 7 'ii' xb5 li:Jxd4 with
counterplay for Black, Hurley-Cheah,
Canada 1 992.
Ь) 13 . . . li:Ja5 14 .ic2 li:Jh5 1 5 li:Jbd2
w li:JxgЗ 16 hxgЗ 'ilff6 17 а4 Ь4 1 8 1
ЬхсЗ 19 ЬхсЗ .C.fe8 20 llJf1 с5 21 .С.Ьl .ia7
22 d5 с4 23 'i*'e2 with complicated play,
Daurelle-Onishchuk, Hamburg 1 993.
с) 1 3 and now:
с 1 ) 14 dxe5 dxe5 15 'i'c2 li:Jg6 1 6
li:Jxe5 ( 1 6 .ixe5 .С.е8 1 7 .ixf6 'i*'xf6 1 8
hЗ li:Jf4) 16...lЬхе5 1 7 .ixe5 J:e8 18 .ixf6
'i'xf6 19 li:JaЗ .С.е5 (Valdes) with strong
compensation for the pawn.
Now: с2) 14 h4 li:Jh5 ( 1 4 ... g4 15 li:Jh2 :t VaJ­
С241: 13 li:Jxg5 101 des) 15 hxg5 hxg5 ( 1 5 16 fxgЗ
С242: 13 .ig3 101 hxg5! 17 li:Jxg5 li:Jg6 1 8 li:JfЗ is worth
considering) 16 li:Jxg5 li:Jg6 1 7 li:JfЗ ( 1 7
С241 ) llJhЗ ! ? exd4 1 8 cxd4 'ir'f6) 1 7 1 8
13 li:Jxg5 hxgS 14 �xgS <Jitg7 .ixf4 li:Jxf4 1 9 �d 1 'ir'f6 2 0 li:Jbd2 Фg7
Not 14 . . . exd4? 15 е5 ! li:Jxe5 16 .С.хе5 21 tlJП J:g8 22 li:JgЗ Фf8 with some
Фg7 17 .ixf6+ Фхf6 18 'ii'f5+ Фg7 1 9 pressure for the pawn, Кislova-Domkute,
'i'g4+ 1 -0 Diaz Perez-Valdes, Cuba 1988. USSR 1989.
15 1:te3 14 li:Jbd2
102 Archangel and New A rchangel .

14 i.d5 'i*'f6 (simplest is 14 ... liJxg3) 27 liJc6 �хс3 28 Ьхс3 J:td3 with а better
15 dxe5 dxe5 16 i.xc6 i.xc6 17 i.xe5 ending for B lack, Bessenyei-Biasovszky,
�е6 18 liJd4 ( 1 8 h3 ! ?) 18 ... �хе5 1 9 corr. 1 99 1.
liJxc6 'i'f6 20 liJd4 J:tad8 2 1 е5 'i*'f4 22 21 ... Ь4 22 liJc4 i.xd4 23 cxd4 .tb5
'i'e2 i.xd4 23 cxd4 liJg7 with an equal 24 J:ta5 с6 25 ьз J:tb8 26 d5 J:tfc8
position, Zagrebelny-Blasovszky, Kob­ = De Vries-Markus, corr. 1 992.
anya 199 1 .
14...'i'f6 СЗ)
Or 14 . . .liJxg3 1 5 hxg3 'i'f6 1 6 i.d5: 12 а4 (D)
а) 16 . . .exd4 1 7 i.xc6 i.xc6 1 8 liJxd4
i.d7 1 9 liJfl с5 20 liJf5 i.xf5 21 exf5 с4
22 'i'fЗ Ь4 23 liJd2 ;!; Moiseev-Hauchard,
Kecskemet 1 990. в
Ь) 16 . . . J:tab8 1 7 liJb3 g4 1 8 liJh2 h5
19 J:tad 1 exd4 20 i.хсб i.xc6 21 liJxd4
i.b7 with chances for Ьoth sides, TelЬis­
Breazu, corr. 1992.
с) 1 6 ... J:tae8 1 7 liJb3 exd4 18 i.xc6
i.xc6 19 cxd4?! ( 1 9 liJbxd4) 19 . . . J:te7 20
J:tac 1 i.d7 2 1 liJfd2 J:tfe8 and B1ack seizes
the initiative, Kovaliov-A.Kuzmin, Ostend
1 99 1 .
d) 1 6... g4 17 liJh2 (after 17 liJh4 J:tae8 Now:
Black has а good position, C1adouras­ С31: 12 ...liJa5 102
Mikhalchishin, Budapest 1 990) 17 . . . h5 С32: 12...1:f.e8 103
18 liJb3 exd4 19 i.xc6 i.хсб 20 cxd4 СЗЗ: 12...exd4 1 05
J:tad8 21 'i'c2 i.d7 with chances for both С34: 12 ... g5 1 08
sides, Salai-Michalek, Bmo 1 99 1 .
1 5 i.d5 J:tae8 1 6 а4 liJxgЗ 17 hxgЗ 12 ...'i'e7 transposes to Line ВЗ. Other
exd4 18 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 19 �хс6 i.xc6 20 moves are weak:
liJxd4 �d7 21 J:te2 а) 12 ...Ь4 1 3 d5 liJa5 14 cxЬ4 liJxb3 15
Also: 'i'xb3 Фh8 1 6 liJbd2 J:tg8 17 liJc4 gives
а) 21 liJ2fЗ ? ! Ь4 22 liJf5 (22 liJd2 ! ? Black no compensation for the pawn,
intending liJc4-e3 - Anikaev) 2 2... i.xf5 Hannebauer-Rittmueller, corr. 1988.
23 exf5 Ьхс3 24 ЬхсЗ J:txe1 + 25 J:txe1 Ь) 1 2 ... Ьха4?! 13 .ixa4 'i'e7 14 d5
Фg7 26 liJh2 h5 27 g4 h4 28 liJfЗ J:ta8 29 liJb8 15 liJbd2 .ic8 1 6 liJc4 i.d7 17 liJe3
'ilr'd2 J:ta4 + Do1matov-Beliavsky, Mos­ i.xe3 1 8 J:txeЗ i.g4 1 9 i.xf6 'i'xf6 20
cow 1 990. 'i'd3 'i'd8 2 1 Ь4 and Black has no chances
Ь) 2 1 liJfl and now: of obtaining counterplay, Abramowicz­
Ьl) 2 1 ...J:te5 22 liJe3 'i'g6 23 liJef5 g4 Kukawski, corr. 1990.
24 'i'd2 Фh7 25 liJh4 'ilt'g5 26 'jj'ctз J:tfe8
1/2- 1f2 Kamovich-Koroliov, corr. 1 99 1 . СЗ1 )
Ь2) 2 1 . . .Ь4 2 2 liJfЗ ? ! (Ьetter is 22 12 liJa5

liJe3 ! ? with similar play to line ' Ь l ' ) Тhis line has not yet been sufficiently
2 2... Ьхс3 2 3 е 5 ? .tf5 (23 . . . J:txe5 !) 24 tested.
'ir'xc3 dxe5 25 liJeЗ i.e6 26 liJxe5 J:td8 13 i.c2 1:.e8
Archangel with 7 :.eJ: Main Line (10 j_g5) 103

Or 13 .. .'ii'e7 ! ?, and now:

а) 14 liJЬd2 с5 15 d5 с4 16 'i*'e2 :tь8
1 7 liJfl i.c8 1 8 ltJe3 resemЬles Line w
С232, but here White has а tempo more,
but does not have the move Ь2-Ь4, Vas­
iukov-Kuzmin, USSR Ch 1 972.
Ь) 14 ахЬ5 !? ахЬ5 1 5 liJa3 (this posi­
tion is simi1ar to В34 but without the
exchange of rooks) 15 ... ltJc4 ( 1 5 ... Ь4 ! ?
1 6 cxЬ4 ltJc6) 1 6 ltJxc4 Ьхс4 1 7 'i*'d2 �
Cavajda-Ellison, corr. 1 99 1 .
14 liJbd2 с5 1 5 d5 с4
1 5 ... Ь4 1 6 h3 i.c8 1 7 '*'е2 'ike7 1 8 Or:
liJfl liJb7 1 9 l!Je3 �h8 2 0 liJfS i.xf5 2 1 а) 15 dxe5 (this move usually only
exf5 i.a5 (Hawley-Suster, corr. 1 978) 22 activates Black's Ьishops) 15 ... ltJxe5 1 6
'i'c4, with the threat liJh2-g4, gives White ltJxe5 1:txe5 1 7 liJd2 :е8 1 8 'i'fЗ 'i!r'e7
an advantage. and now White's best is perhaps 1 9 i.xf6
16 ltJn �h7 17 ltJeз J::.gS 18 ltJg4 g5 fiixf6 20 'ilr'xf6 gxf6 2 1 �fl f5 22 i.c2
19 liJxf6+ 'i*'xf6 i.c6, Amos-Harandi, Siegen OL 1 970.
� Luhrig-Thon, corr. 1990. Ь) 1 5 ltJa3 and now:
Ы ) 15 ... g5 1 6 i.xg5 !? hxg5 17 ltJxg5
СЗ2) d5 (Deretic-Kapic, corr. 1 973) 1 8 i.xd5
12...:es 13 ахЬ5 l!Jxd5 19 'jf'h5 '1i'f6 20 exd5 l!Je7 21 .:Хе5
Тhе main and most logica1 1ine. Other i.xd5 22 liJxb5 ±.
moves are seldom used: Ь2) 1 5 . . . exd4 1 6 cxd4 l!Ja5 1 7 i.c2
а) 13 d5 and now: Ь4 gives B1ack an excellent position,
а1) l З ...ltJb8 14 liJaЗ g5 15 .tg3 с6 16 Pav1ov-GraЬczewski, Romania 1 967.
ахЬ5? ! схЬ5 17 l!Jc2 liJЬd7 with а good
game for Black, Minic-Radu1ov, Vama СЗ2 1 )
1 967. 15 'ikdЗ ltJa5
а2) lЗ ...ltJaS 14 i.c2 с6 15 dxc6 i.xc6 Or:
1 6 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 17 ltJa3 ltJc4 1 8 ltJxc4 Ьхс4 а) 1 5 ...g5? 1 6 ltJxg5 hxg5 1 7 i.xg5
1 9 1:txa8 i.xa8 20 'i'e2 g5 2 1 i.g3 fiic 7 Фg7 1 8 'i'g3 exd4 1 9 i.h4+ Фh7 20 '*'f4
22 liJd2 1:tc8 with counterp1ay for Black. ltJe5 2 1 i.xf6 1 -0 Jansa-Grabczewski,
Ь) 13 ltJa3 exd4 14 cxd4 ltJa5 15 i.c2 Po1anica Zdroj 1 968.
Ь4 1 6 liJЬI с5 17 dxc5 i.xc5 1 8 liJbd2 Ь) 15 . . .'i!r'e7 16 ltJЬd2? ! ( 1 6 i.xf6 ! ?
1:te6 1 9 1:te2 'ikb6 with active play for jt'xf6 1 7 *'хЬ5) 16. . .ltJa7 1 7 с4 Ьхс4 1 8
Black, Matison-Sakovich, Riga 1970. ltJxc4 i.xd4 1 9 liJxd4 exd4 2 0 'ikxd4 ltJc6
с) 13 'i'd3 ltJa5 ( I З ...exd4 should Ье with an excellent position for B1ack, Va1-
compared with Line С33 1) 14 .tc2 с5 1 5 enti-Harandi, Graz 1 972.
d 5 с 4 1 6 'ilr'e2 i.c8 17 liJbd2 i.d7 1/2- lf2 с) 15 . . .Фf8 1 6 'i!Vxb5 ( 1 6 d5 ! ? liJa7 1 7
Schekachev-Rausis, Moscow 1 992. i.xf6 is а convenient version o f Line
1З...ахЬ5 14 �а8 .txa8 (D) С322 for White) 1 6... exd4 1 7 cxd4 l!Jxd4
Now: 18 liJxd4 g5 !; for examp1e, 19 i.gЗ i.xd4
СЗ21: 15 'i'dЗ 1 03 20 jt'c4 i.d5 ! 21 'jf'xd4 i.хЬЗ with equa1-
СЗ22: 15 d5 104 ity.
104 Archangel and New Archangel

d) Suetin recommends 15 . . .Ь4 but the

position after 1 6 d5 1ooks favouraЬle for
White. В
е) 15 ... exd4 1 6 cxd4 transposes to
С33 1 .
16 i.c2!
Other withdrawa1s of the bishop are
а) 16 i.d5 i.xd5 1 7 i.xf6 i.c4 1 8
�xc4 ltJxc4 1 9 i.xd8 J:txd8 20 ЬЗ ltJa5
with а very favouraЬJe ending for B1ack,
Bednarski-Grabczewski, Po1anica Zdroj
1 968. J:te2, Aldridge-B.Martin, New Zealand
Ь) 1 6 i.a2 exd4 ( 1 6... Ь4 17 cxЬ4 ltJc6 Ch 1987) 19 . . . i.d7 20 _.d3 g5 (Pyte1-
1 8 dxe5 ltJxe5 19 ltJxe5 dxe5 20 �с4 Levi, LjuЬijana 1969) 21 J:tfl ±.
'fie7 21 ltJc3 g5 22 i.gЗ J:td8 23 h4 and Ь) 15 ...ltJa5 16 .txf6 'i'xf6 17 i.a2 с5
Black does not manage to equa\ize) 17 18 Ь4 (probaЬiy the simplest) 18 ... ltJc4
cxd4 transposes to note 'Ь' to White's ( 1 8 ...ltJЬ7 1 9 ltJa3 and 1 8 ... схЬ4 1 9 схЬ4
17th move in Line С33 1 . ltJc4 20 ltJc3 1ook hopeless) 1 9 · i.xc4
16... exd4 Ьхс4 20 ltJbd2 and White is а pure pawn
Other moves are weaker: up.
а) Тоо passive is 16 . . . с6 17 ltJbd2 16 ..txf6
�е7 18 Ь4 ltJb7 19 ltJfl g5 20 i.g3 ltJd7 Others:
2 1 ltJe3 ± Kostro-Witkowski, Wijk aan а) 16 ltJbd2 .tЬ7 17 ltJfl i.c8 1 8
Zee 197 1 . 'i'd2 Фh7 19 h3 J:tg8 Kosenkov-Pioch,

Ь) 1 6. . .g5 1 7 dxe5 and now: 1 7 ... dxe5 1 985.

18 i.g3 ltJc4 19 �xd8 J:txd8 20 Ь3 ltJd6 21 Ь) 16 ltJa3 g5 17 i.g3 с6 18 dxc6
ltJbd2 g4 22 ltJxe5 ltJfxe4 23 ltJxe4 ltJxe4 i.xc6 19 ltJd2 ltJc8 20 'tifЗ Фg7 21 ltJc2
24 i.xe4 i.xe4 25 ltJxg4; 1 7. . .gxh4 18 ltJe7 22 ltJЬ4 i.d7 23 'i'd3 i.c5 24 ltJa6
exf6 �xf6 1 9 'ir'xb5 i.c6 20 'i'h5 ltJc4 ltJg6 Ehlvest-Yakovich, Tallinn 1 986.

2 1 'i'xh4 'ir'xh4 22 ltJxh4 ltJxЫ 23 ltJf5; с) 16 с4 !? (stressing the bad position

17 ...ltJxe4 18 J:txe4 i.xe4 1 9 _.хе4 gxh4 of the knight on а7) 16 . . . Ь4 (after 1 6. . .g5
20 'i'h7+ Фf8 21 'i'xh6+ Фе7 22 \'i'xh4+ 17 ltJxg5 hxg5 \8 i.xg5, although White's
± (Kostro). attacking potentia1 is reduced, Black has
17 cxd4 g5 18 ltJxg5 hxg5 19 ..txg5 no clear way to unpin and his pieces on
J:te6 20 .U.e2 �rs the queenside stand awkwardly) 17 ltJЬd2
Now White can choose between 2 1 Фh7 ( 1 7 ... с6 1 8 ltJfl cxd5 1 9 exd5 ±) 1 8
ltJc3 ! ? and 2 1 ltJd2 оо Toothill-Кosenkov, h3 J:tg8 19 ltJh2 g5 2 0 i.g3 i.Ь7 2 1 ltJg4
соп. 1977. ltJh5 22 ltJfl i.c8 23 ltJge3 gives White а
small but 1ong-term advantage, Kelstrup­
СЗ22) Chmiel, соп. 1 986.
15 d5 (D) 16.. .'i'xf6 17 ltJa3 g5
15 ... ltJa7 ЕСО recommends l 7 . . . c6. After 1 8
Altematives: 'ir'd3 i.c5 l 9 ltJc2 J:tb8 2 0 dxc6 followed
а) 15 ...ltJb8 1 6 i.xf6 'i'xf6 17 ltJa3 с6 Ьу i.d5 White chances seem s\ightly
1 8 dxc6 i.xc6 1 9 i.d5 (or 19 'fid3 g5 20 better.
Archangel with 7 ':.el : Main Line ( 10 �g5) 1 05

18 .,е2 Ь) 16 . . . -..е7 17 е5 li:Jxd4? ! 18 li:Jxd4

1 8 З:fl .ltb7 1 9 'i!t'd3 �h8 20 li:Jxb5 dxe5 (Vayrynen-Alho, corr.) 1 9 li:Jc2 and
li:Jxb5 21 'ir'xb5 З:g8 with some compen­ White parries the attack.
sation for the pawn, Adшjan-Westerinen, с) 16 . . . <J;f8 1 7 -.. хЬ5 g5? 18 lt::Jx g5
Amsterdam 1 970. li:Jxd4 1 9 li:Jh7+ ! li:Jxh7 20 ,.-h5 it'd7 2 1
18... .\tb7 19 li:Jc2 .ltc8 20 li:JeЗ .\td7 �хhб+ Фg8 2 2 'it'gб+ <J;h8 2 3 .ltxf7 1-0
2l .ltc2 Liberzon-Radulov, Debrecen 1 969.
± Timmerman-Pioch, corr. 1994. Black 17 .ltxf6
has some weak points on both the king­ Alternatives:
side and the queenside, and his queen's а) 17 .ltc2 transposes to note 'Ь' to
knight is poorly placed. Black's 16th move in Line С32 1 .
Ь) 17 .lta2 ! ? g 5 1 8 lt::J xg5 ! hxg5 1 9
СЗЗ) .ltxg5 З:хе4 20 З:хе4 .ltxe4 (otherwise
12...exd4 13 cxd4 White has а violent attack) 21 �хе4 (2 1
1 3 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 14 З:ха8 .ltxa8 1 5 cxd4 'ikg3 .ltgб 22 ... h4 'iWe7 !) 2 1 ... lt::Jxe4 22
З:е8 is equivalent. .ltxd8 .ltxd4 23 .ltxc7 li:Jc4 24 <J;fl li:Jxf2
13...З:е8 14 axbS 25 Ь3 li:Je3+ 26 <J;e2 ;!; Volchok-Vukce­
14 li:Jc3 should Ье compared with Line vic, corr. 1978.
С332. 17...�xf6 18 .ltc2 (D)
14 ахЬ5 15 З:ха8 .ltxa8

С331: 16 _.dЗ 105
С332: 16 li:Jc3 107 в

1 6 d5 lt::Je5 ( 16 . . . lt::Ja5 17 .ltc2 сб 1 8

dхсб .ltxc6 l 9 l2Jc3 g 5 20 .ltg3 Ь4 21 li:Jd5
Ь3 22 .ltxb3 З:хе4 1l2 - lf2 Minic-Planinc,
Umag 1 972) 1 7 li:Jxe5 ( 1 7 li:Ja3 li:Jgб 1 8
.ltxfб 'ir'xf6 1 9 li:Jxb5 -..хы i s slight1y
better for Вlack, Knoii-Papudrinski, corr.
1 980) and now 1 7 ... dxe5 1 8 'i!t'e2 g5 19
.ltg3 сб 20 dxc6 .ltxc6 2 1 li:Jd2 �d4,
ТUkmakov-Kupreichik, USSR 1 974, or 18 ...g5
17 ... З:хе5 1 8 .ltc2 сб 19 .ltg3 .:te8 20 Others:
dхсб .ltxcб 2 1 li:Jc3 Ь4, Kuzmin-Planinc, а) 1 8 . . . lt::Jc4? ! 19 Ь3 lt::Ja5 20 е5 'it'gб
Zagreb 1975, with better chances for (Cibin-Clarizza, corr. 1990) 2 1 'ikxb5 ±.
Black in Ьoth cases. Ь) 1 8 . . . li:Jcб 19 е5 ( 1 9 ...хЬ5 .ltxd4
1l2- 1l2 Byrne-Bisguier, USA Ch 1 975)
СЗЗ 1 ) 19 ... dxe5 and now:
1 6 ..Wd3 li:Ja5 Ь l } 20 dxe5? ! 'i'f4 2 1 'i'xb5 �f8 22
Other moves are weak: 'i!t'a4 li:Jd4 and Black seizes the initiative,
а) 16 ... g5? 17 е5! �f8 1 8 li:Jxg5 hxg5 Kostro-Lewi, Polanica Zdroj 1 969.
1 9 .ltxg5 dxe5 20 ,.-h3 Ч!Vсtб 2 1 'it'hб+ Ь2) 20 li:Jc3 and now:
<J;e7 22 'ikg7 results in а winning attack Ы l ) 20 ... 1:d8 21 ...h7+ 'it>f8 22 dxe5
for White, Olafsson-Vasiukov, Reykjavik 'ir'f4 23 li:Je2 'ti'Ь4 24 'ir'h8+ Фе7 25 'it'xg7
1 968. ± Bednarslci-Sznapik, Poland 1 970.
106 Archangel and New Archangel

Ь22) 20... g6 ! ? 21 �d5 (2 1 'ii'xb5 1 ?) Ь l ) 19 ... �6 20 е5 dxe5 2 1 �е4 'i'f5

2 1 ...•d8 22 'ii'xb5 е4 23 �хе4 f5 24 22 'i'xb5 J:b8 23 J:a1 �а7 (23 . . .'i'f4 ! ?)
�хЬ6 fxe4 25 'it'd5+ Фg7 26 'ii'xd8 J:xd8 24 'i'c4 �xd4 oo Wind-Dries, соп. 1 98 1 .
27 �ха8 J:xa8 28 J:xe4 �xd4 29 �е 1 Ы) 1 9... g4 20 e5 'ii'g6 2 l 'i'xg6+ fxg6
J:a1 30 f3 с5 3 1 Фf2 J:d 1 32 J:e7+ 112- lf2 22 �xg6 J:f8 23 е6 �с6 24 �h4 �е7 25
Hazai-Davidovic, Nice 1985. �f7+ Фg7 26 �fl �xd4 27 �g3 Фf6 28
с) 1 8 ...Фf8 and now: �hf5 �xf5 29 �xf5 Фхf5 30 е7 J:h8 3 1
с 1 ) 19 �bd2 �с6 20 е5 dxe5 21 dxe5 e8'fl' J:xe8 3 2 J:xe8 �с6 33 J:c8 �хЫ
'i'f4 gives Black а very active position. and Black managed to draw the ending in
с2) 19 �с3 ! Ь4 20 �а4 �а7 21 'i'a6 Sauermann-Hermlin, соп. 198 1 .
�с6 22 d5 �d4 23 'it'xa7 �хс2 24 J:c 1 Ь3) 1 9. . .�с4! 20 е5 dxe5 2 1 'i'h7+
Ь3 25 'i'xc7 'it'f4 26 J:d 1 J:xe4 27 �Ь6 Фf8 22 �хс4 Ьхс4 23 dxe5 �хfЗ 24 gxfЗ
J:e8 28 'it'a7 and White won in Majstoro­ J:xe5 25 J:xe5 'ii' xe5 26 'ii'xh6+ Фе7 and
vic-Pioch, соп. White drew the ending in Sauermann­
d) 1 8 ... �с6: Vukcevic, соп. 1 986.
d 1 ) 19 е5 dxe5 20 �хе5 g6 2 1 �d2 с) 19 h3 �с6 and then:
'i'g5 22 �е4 �хе4 23 'i'xe4 (Collado­ с 1 ) 20 J:e2 �xd4 2 1 �xd4 'i'xd4 22
Crespo, San Cristobal 1989) 23 . . . �xd4! 'fl'xb5 J:e5 23 'i'd3 'i!i'xЫ 24 �2 �с6 25
24 'i'xd4 �с6 and Black wins а pawn. �с4 'fl'c 1 + 26 Фh2 �хе4 27 'j;'b3 �xg2
d2) 19 �с3 Ь4 20 е5 dxe5 21 'fl'h7+ 0- 1 Valtera-Sykora, соп. 1 982.
Фf8 22 �хе5 g5 23 �е4 (23 �d5 'ii'g7 с2) 20 'i'xb5 J:b8 21 'it'd3 (21 е5 dxe5
24 �хЬ6 'it'xh7 25 �xh7 схЬ6 Keg1e­ = transposes to line 'с3 ' ) 2 1 . . . �xd4 22
vic-Kapic, соп. 1 977) 23 ... 'it'g7 24 'i'f5 �Ьd2 �хс2 with а better position for
J:e6 25 J:e2 �е8 26 �g3 �xd4 27 �xf7 ! Black, Jovcic-Kapic, соп. 1 985.
(forced; not 27 �h5 'ii'xe5 0- 1 Vukcevic­ с3) 20 е5 dxe5 21 'itxb5 J:b8 22 dxe5
Kapic, с оп. 1 978) 27 . ._.J:xe2 28 �xg5+ 'i'xfЗ 23 'ifxb6 (this is а little better than
'ii'f 7 29 �xf7 J:xf2 30 •xf2 �xf2+ 3 1 23 gxfЗ �xf2+ 24 Фхf2 J:xb5, ТUkma­
Фхf2 �xf7. kov-Dorfman, USSR 1 975) 23 ... J:xb6 24
d3) 19 �Ьd2 ! ? (here the knight is not gxfЗ �d4 25 �е4 �хе4 26 J:xe4 �хfЗ+
exposed to attack Ьу ...Ь4) l 9... g5 ( 1 9...g6 27 Фg2 �h4+ 28 Фg3 J:хЫ and Black is
20 Ь4 �Ь7 2 1 е5 'i'e6 22 �Ь3 d5 23 'ii'e3 а pawn up, Savic-Kapic, соп. 1 979.
Фg7 24 �е4 ± Nielsen-Corrigan, соп. с4) 20 J:d 1 Фf8 21 'ifd2 �d8 (inter­
1 989; 19 ... Фf8 !?) 20 е5 (also good is 20 esting is 2 1 ... �а5 22 �с3 �d8) 22 �с3
Ь4 �Ь7 2 1 е5 !) 20... dxe5 2 1 dxe5 'i'g7 �е6 23 �е2 (23 �хЬ5 ! ?) 23 ...�f4 24
22 � �хе4 23 J:xe4 с6 24 h4 with an �xf4 'i'xf4 25 d5 �Ь7 26 �d4 'j;'xd2 27
advantage for White as Black's queen­ J:xd2 �xd4 28 J:xd4 f5 29 f3 f4 30 �d3
side is weakened, Voormans-Brilla Ban­ �а6 3 1 J:Ь4 led to а draw in Dameski­
falvi, соп. 1972. Drazeta, соп. 1 988.
19 е5 19 �xf3

Others: 19 ... dxe5 20 �хе5 J:d8 (20... 'ifg6 ! ?)

а) 19 'i'xb5 �с6 20 'ii'e2 g4 (but not 2 1 �d7 ! ;!;;,
20... �xd4? 21 Ь4 �Ь7 22 'fl'c4) 21 �fd2 20 gxfЗ
�xd4 22 Ь4 h5 23 J:fl �Ь7 24 Фh 1 d5 Or 20 �d2 ! ? dxe5 2 1 �хfЗ �с6 22
and Black is very active in а complicated 'j;'xb5 g4! 23 �е4 gxf3 24 �хс6 J:e6 =

position, Rittner-Kosenkov, соп. 1 979. (Heemsoth).

Ь) 19 �Ьd2 and here: 20 dxe5 21 �сЗ!
Archangel with 7 'йеl : Main Line (10 .tg5) 1 07

2 1 �хЬ5 leads to an advantage for 16 . . . g5? was reckoned to Ье а main

B1ack after both 2 1 . . Jid8 22 dxe5 'i/xfЗ line, but it simply loses.
and 2 1 . . ..:е6 22 tiJd2 tlJc6 23 tiJe4 �хfЗ а) 17 '1i'd2 ! ? and now:
24 d5 tlJd4 25 .id 1 tlJxb5 26 .ixfЗ .:е?, а ! ) 17 . . . gxh4? 18 'ti'xh6 tlJh7 (after
Mallee-Vuk�evic, corr. 1 986. 1 8 ... tt:Jxd4 19 .ixf7+! Фхf7 20 tiJg5+
21 ...с6 White forces mate) 19 .ixf7+ Фхf7 20
Weaker is 2l . . .tlJc4 22 tiJd5 'i/g7 23 'ifxh7+ Фf8 21 tiJd5 and White has а
'ltf5 .:е6? ! 24 .:а1 .ia5 25 tlJxc7 and winning attack (GoldenЬerg).
White seizes the initiative, Heemsoth­ а2) 17 . . . tiJxd4 18 tlJxd4 .ixd4 1 9
Vuk�evic, corr. 1 987. '1i'xd4 gxh4 2 0 е 5 dxe5 21 'ti'xh4 'iVd2 22
Now (after 21 . . . с6) Black has а very .:ез (22 .:а1 Фg7 23 'iVgЗ+ iVg5 24
good game: 'ltxg5+ hxg5 25 tlJxb5 .:ь8 Penrose­=

а) 22 d5 .:ct8 23 'lth7+ Фf8 24 tlJe4 Кosenkov, corr. 1 985) 22 ... 'ii'c 1 + 23 i..d 1
'i/g7 25 'ii'f5 cxd5 26 ttJf6 tiJc6 (26 ... .id4!) .:ct8 24 .:е1 'ifd2 25 .:п .:ct6 26 tiJxb5
27 tiJd7+ Фg8 28 tiJxb6 tiJd4 29 'ltdЗ '1txd 1 27 f3 �dЗ 28 tiJxd6 'ltxd6 29 'ii'xh6
'iVf6 with а better game for Black, Stem­ 112- 1/2 Mohrlok-Kosenkov, corr. 1 985.
Kosenkov, corr. 1 985. аЗ) 17 ... tiJa5 18 .ic2 and now:
Ь) 22 tlJe4 'ltf5 23 dxe5 (after 23 tiJd6 а3 1) 1 8 ... Ь4? ! 19 tlJxg5 ЬхсЗ 20 'ltf4
'iixdЗ 24 .txdЗ .:ct8 25 dxe5 .id4 Black .ixd4 2 1 tlJh7 ! .ie5 22 'ii'xh6 .:е6 23
has the better ending) 2З . . . .:хе5 24 'i'сЗ tiJxf6+ .:xf6 24 .ixf6 .ixf6 25 .:ез and
.:е6 + Abramowicz-Chmiel, corr. 1 990. White won in Penrose-Vuk�evic, corr.
с) 22 �h7+ Фf8 23 dxe5 'ltg7 24 1977.
'iie4 (Kondali-Кlaic, corr. 1987) 24....tc7 а32) 18 ... tiJh7 1 9 .igЗ transposes to
gives B1ack the better chances. line 'а4'.
d) 22 dxe5 .:хе5 23 .:хе5 �хе5 24 аЗЗ) 1 8 ... tlJc4 19 iVc 1 tlJh7 (19 ... gxh4
'ii'h7+ Фf8 25 �xh6+ Фе8 26 tlJe4 + 20 iYxh6 .:е6 2 1 tlJg5 is still dangerous
Kondali-Morozov, corr. 1 975. for Black) 20 i..gЗ transposes to line 'а4' .
The conclusion is that White should а4) 17 ... tiJh7 ! 18 .igЗ tiJa5 1 9 .ic2
play Heemsoth's 20 tiJd2. tlJc4 and now:
а4 1 ) 20 'i'dЗ 'ltd7 2 1 е5 tiJf8 22 ЬЗ
СЗЗ2) tiJaЗ 23 d5 tlJxc2 24 'ltxc2 dxe5 25 .:хе5
16 tiJcЗ (D) Ь4 26 tlJe4 tlJh7 27 .:хе8+ 'i'xe8 28 'ti'c4
...d8 29 d6 .ixe4 30 'i'xe4 cxd6 3 1 'i'хЬ4
= Timmerman-Brilla, corr. 1 986.
а42) 20 'ifc 1 !? .ic6 21 ЬЗ tiJa5 22 h4
в f6 23 Ь4 tlJc4 24 .idЗ with better chances
for White, Glaser-Martinovsky, corr.
1 987.
Ь) 17 .ixg5 ! hxg5 18 tlJxg5 and now:
Ь l ) 18 ... Фg7 19 tiJxf7 'ii'd7 20 Чlid2
tlJg4 2 1 'i/g5+ Фf8 22 tiJh8 1 -0 Кotov­
Keres, USSR 1 950.
Ы) 1 8 ... d5 19 tiJxd5 tiJxd5 20 'ii' h5
'iff6 2 1 .ixd5 tLie5 (Janocha-Кrosny,
corr. 1984) 22 ii'h7+ Фf8 23 iVh4 and
16 ..tiJa5
. White wins.
108 Archangel and New Archangel

Ь3) 18 ... Фf8 19 tt:'lxf7 'i'd7 20 'i'c 1

tt:'lxd4 (20... 'i'g4 ! ?) 21 'iih6+ Фе7 22 eS
+- (Hammar). w
Ь4) 18 ... tt:'lxd4 19 tt:'lxf7 gives White
the advantage.
bS) 18 ... П.f8 19 П.е3 ! (recommended
Ьу Hammar; 19 'ti'fЗ tt:'lxd4 20 'iig3 tt:'lhS
21 'i'h4 tt:'lf6 22 П.е3 is met Ьу 22 ... ttJfS I)
with а vio1ent attack.
Ь6) 18 ...П.е7 19 ttJd5 .ixd4 ( 19 ...tL'Ixd5
20 'ti'h5 .ixd4, Brynell-Rantanen, Swe­
den-Finland 1 989, 21 eS ! +-) 20 tUxe7+
'ti'xe7 21 .ixf7+! Фh8 22 .id5 +- Vit­ СЗ4 1 )
omskis-Кiaic, соп. 199 1 . 13 tt:'lxg5?! hxg5 14 .ixg5 exd4 15
1 7 .ixf6 'ti'r3 Фg7 16 'i'g3 'i!t'd7!?
17 .ic2 Ь4 ( 1 7... gS ! ?) 18 tt:'la4 .ia7 19 Or:
'i'd2 с5 20 dxc5 dxc5 21 "it'f4 Ь3 22 .iЬI а) 16 ... tt:'leS?? 17 cxd4 ! .ixd4 18 .ie3+
'ii'b 8 with equality, Jansa-Mohring, Zin­ tt:'lgб 1 9 .ixd4 +-.
nowitz 1964. Ь) 16 ... П.h8 17 .ixf6++ Wxf6 18 'ilff4+
17...'i!fxf6 18 .ic2 with а perpetual check.
Or 18 tt:'ld5 .ixd5 19 .ixdS с6 20 .ia2 с) 16 ... dxc3 !? followed Ьу ... tt:'le5.
cS 21 dxc5 .ixc5 22 'ti'dS 'ilfe6 23 Ь4 17 ахЬ5
'ilfxd5 24 .ixd5 .iхЬ4 25 П.Ь\ П.с8 26 White сап play 17 .ixf6++ Фхf6 1 8
Фfl .ic5 1/2- 1f2 1ov�ic-Kapic, coп. 1985. 'i'h4+ Фg6 1 9 'i'g3+ with а draw.
18...Ь4 19 tt:'la4 .ia7 20 'i!t'dЗ tt:'lc6 21 17...ахЬ5 18 .ih4+ tt:'lg4 19 %ha8 .ixa8
е5 dxe5 22 dxe5 'ti'f4 20 h3 dxc3 21 hxg4 схЬ2 22 .if6+!
Black must continue active1y. After 22 'ilff4 f6 is convenient for Black.
22 . . .'ilfg6 23 'itxg6 fxg6 24 .ixg6 П.е6 22...Фхf6 23 �4+
25 .ie4 tt:'lxeS 26 tt:'lxe5 П.хе5 27 .ih7+ With а draw Ьу perpetual check.
Wxh7 28 П.хе5 .iсб 29 Ь3 .id4 30 П.е7
.id5 (ZleЬcik-Sykora, соп.) 3 1 J:txc7 СЗ42)
.ixb3 32 П.Ь7 .ixa4 33 П.хЬ4 .ixf2+ 34 13 .ig3 П.е8
Фхf2 White wins the ending (the posi­ Others:
tion is similar to а 194 1 study Ьу Fine). а) 13 . . .tt:'la5 ? ! 14 .ic2 tt:'lh5 1 5 dxe5
23 "it'h7+ Фf8 24 "it'h8+ Фе7 25 (Cvetkovic recommends 15 ахЬ5 ахЬ5
'ilfxg7 tt:'ld4 26 'i!ff6+ 'ii'xf6 27 exf6+ Фf8 16 dxeS) 15 . . . tt:'lxg3 1 6 hxg3 g4 17 tt:'lh2
28 J:!.xe8+ ± Thimognier-Descroix, соп. 1 99 1 .
Or 28 tt:'les .ic6 29 .id 1 fr.e6. Ь) l 3 . . . tt:'le7 1 4 'i'd3 c S 1 5 axbS cxd4
28...Wxe8 16 cxd4 ахЬ5 17 П.ха8 .ixa8 1 8 dxeS
Black has а good ending. dxeS 19 'i'xb5 tt:'lxe4 20 tt:'lxeS tt:'lxg3 2 1
hxg3 'i!r'd4 2 2 1:te2 .id5 2 3 tt:'lc3 .ixb3 24
СЗ4) 'ti'xb3 and White has an extra pawn, Rep­
12 ...g5 (D) kova-Кrupkova, Lazne Bohdanec 1995.
The most topical line. Now: с) 1 3 ...exd4 14 cxd4 .l:.e8 15 е5? ! dxeS
СЗ41: 13 tt:'lxg5?! 108 1 6 tt:'lxe5 (Кishnev recommends 16 dxeS
СЗ42: 13 .ig3 108 'i'xd l 17 :txdl tt:'le4 +) 16 ... tt:'lxeS 17 dxe5
Archangel with 7 'P..e l: Main Line ( 10 i..g5) 1 09

( 1 7 .ixe5? .ixd4 ! ) 1 7 . . .'�xd 1 1 8 .::l.x d1 D)

lt'Je4 gives Black an excellent game. ll ...gS 12 .tgЗ 0-0 (D)
14 axbS 12 . . ."i!Ve7 should Ье compared with
Others: Line В.
а) 14 �d3 (Tatai-Costa, Manila OL
1 992) 1 4'Ja5 ! .
Ь ) 1 4 d5 lt'Ja5 ( 1 4. . . lt'Je7 1 5 ахЬ5 ахЬ5
1 6 .::l.xa8 .ixa8 transposes to the main w
line) 15 .ic2 ( 1 5 .ia2 с6 16 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 17
lt'Ja3 lt'Jc4 1 8 lt'Jxc4 Ьхс4 19 dxc6 .ixc6
20 lt'Jd2 d5 21 exd5 'ii' xd5 with active
р1ау for B1ack, Caumes-Pouplard, corr.
1 982) 1 5 ... с6 1 6 dxc6 .ixc6 1 7 lt'Jbd2
'i'c7 1 8 Ь4 lt'Jb7 1 9 а5 ( 1 9 с4 !?) 19 ... .ia7
20 �с 1 lt'Jd8 2 1 lt'Jfl lt'Je6 оо Weijers­
Rausis, Haarlem 1 996.
с) 14 h4 lt'Ja5 15 hxg5 ( 1 5 .ic2 exd4
1 6 hxg5 lt'Jxe4 with Ьig complications ­ Now:
Bykhovsky) 15'Jxb3 ( 1 5 . . . lt'Jxe4 16 g6 Dl: 13 dS 1 10
lt'JxbЗ 17 gxf7+ Фхf7 18 �хЬЗ+ Фg7 19 D2: 13 dxeS 1 10
.ih4 ± Bykhovsky) 1 6 gxf6 lt'Jxa 1 1 7
.ih4 exd4 1 8 'ii'd2 Фh7 ( l 8 . . . .::1. xe4 19 Or:
�xh6 ) 19 lt'Jg5+ Фg8 ( l 9 ... Фg6 20 е5
= а) 13 �d3 transposes to С242.
with а strong attack for White - Bykhov­ Ь) 13 а4 transposes to СЗ42.
sky) 20 lt'JfЗ Фh7 2 1 lt'Jg5+ Фg8 22 lt'Je6 с) 13 hЗ J:te8 ( I З .. ."iVe7 14 d5 lt'Ja5 15
.::l. xe6 23 "ifxh6 "iff8 24 "i!Vg5+ Фh8 25 .ic2 с6 1 6 dxc6 .ixc6 1 7 ЬЗ lt'Jh5 =

�h5+ Фg8 1/2- 1f2 Mestei-Beliavsky, Mex­ Sedonja-Markun, Slovenian Cht 1 995)
ico 1978. 14 i.c2 "i!Ve7 1 5 аЗ .::l.ad8 16 'iVdЗ lt'Jh5 17
14...ахЬ5 15 .::l.xa8 .ixa8 i.h2 �f6 Grachev-Cherkasova, Mos­

1 5 .. .'�ха8 is an altemative: cow 1997.

а) 16 d5 lt'Je7 1 7 lt'Jaз .ta6 1 8 .ic2 d) 13 lt'JaЗ ? ! exd4 1 4 cxd4 lt'Ja5 1 5
lt'Jg6 1 9 .idЗ с6 led to а draw in Gola­ i.c2 Ь4 1 6 lt'JЫ (Lovejoy-Ciarke, corr.
Rause, Nimes 1 99 1 . 1 993) 1 6 . . . .::1.е8 ! ? gives Black excellent
Ь ) 1 6 h4 exd4 ( 1 6. . . lt'Ja5 ! ) 17 hxg5 play.
lt'Jxe4 18 g6 lt'Jd8 (Tallova-Lang, Zagan е) 13 �d2 lt'Jh5 14 a4 lt'Jxg3 15 hxgЗ
girls U - 1 8 Ech 1 995) 19 lt'Jxd4 ±. �f6 ( 1 5 ... lt'Ja5 1 6 i.c2 lt'Jc4 { or 1 6 ...exd4
16 dS 17 cxd4 "iff6 } 17 'i'e2 exd4 is also good)
1 6 lZ'1a3 ( 1 6 h4 !? Bykhovsky) 16 ...exd4 16 i.d5 exd4 17 .ixc6 i.xc6 1 8 а5 i.a7
1 7 е5 dxe5 1 8 lt'Jxe5 lt'Jxe5 19 %:t.xe5 ( 1 9 1 9 lt'Jxd4 i.d7 ( 1 9 . . . i.xd4 20 cxd4 .:l.fe8
i.xe5) 19 ... dxc3 20 "i!Vxd8 .::l.xd8 2 1 ЬхсЗ is logical, exchanging off а potentially
Ь4 and Black won in Schlosser-Miagkov, bad Ьishop) 20 lt'JaЗ :tfe8 21 lt'Jac2 'iig6
corr. 1 982. (21 . . . с5 22 lt'Jf5 .ixf5 23 exf5 'i'xf5 24'Je7 17 lt'Ja3 lt'Jg6 18 lt'Jxb5 hS 19 lt'JeЗ �d7 25 lt'Jd5 Фg7 26 с4 gives White
h4 g4 20 lt'JgS lt'Jh7 21 lt'Jxh7 Фхh7 22 good compensation for the pawn) 22 lt'Jf5
lt'Ja3 lt'Jxh4 23 lt'Jc4 lt'Jg6 24 lt'Jxb6 схЬ6 (Dolmatov-Emms, Philadelphia 1 99 1 )
оо Zigo-Zvara, Czech Cht 1997. 22. . .-ixfS 23 exf5 'ii'xf5 24 lt'JЬ4 %:t.e6 оо.
1 10 Archangel and New Archangel

f) 13 h4 g4 14 lLJh2 h5 and now: 14...dxe5 (D)

f l ) 15 'iWc 1 Фh7 1 б 'iWg5 J:tg8 1 7
'i'f5+? Фh8 1 8 dxe5 ( 1 8 ..txf7 i.c8 1 9
..tеб ..tхеб 20 'i'хеб exd4 21 lLJaЗ dxc3 22
Ьхс3 'ir'f8 23 lLJc2 J:te8 + Mikhalchishin)
18 ... lLJxe5 19 ..txe5? ( 1 9 i.d5) 19 ... dxe5
20 iVxe5 �dб ! 21 �хdб схdб 22 g3
lLJxe4 -+ Prandstetter-Mikhalchishin,
Dortmund 1990.
f2) Beliavsky recommends 15 'i*'d2
Фh7 1 б lLJa3 iVe7 ""·

D1 )
13 d5 lLJe7 14 с4
Also: Now:
а) 14 lDbd2 and now: 021 : 15 lLJd2 1 10
a l ) 14 ... lLJgб 15 lDfl h5 1б h4 ( l б о22: 15 'i'rз 111
h3 ! ?) 1 б . . . g4 1 7 lLJg5? lDh7 1 8 lLJxh7
Фхh7 1 9 lLJe3 lLJxh4 and Black wins а D21 )
pawn, Hartikainen-Sepp, Espoo 1 993. 1 5 lLJd2 'ir'e7 (D)
а2) 14 ... lLJh5 15 lLJП Фg7 ( 1 5 ... Фh8 1 5 ... J:te8 1 б 'ilr'e2 ( 1 б 'i*'fЗ transposes
1б h4? g4 1 7 lD3h2?! f5 18 exf5 lDxf5 19 to the note to Black's 1 5th move in Line
Фh 1 lDfxg3+ 20 fxg3 J:txfl + 0- 1 Shovu­ D22) 16 ...'i!Ve7 17 ..tc2 J:tad8 Щ lDfl
nov-Мacieja, St Petersburg 1 99б) 1б lLJe3 i.c8 19 lLJe3 ..txe3 20 �хе3 lLJli-5 2 1 а4
lLJxg3 17 hxg3 f5 18 exf5 lDxf5 19 lDxf5+ сб Roselli Mailhe-Bravo, Miraflores

J:txf5 20 ..tc2 J:tfб 2 1 J:te2 'ir'g8 22 i.e4 1 993.

J:taf8 + Kuznetsova-Trufanova, Moscow
Ь) 1 4 а4 lLJgб 15 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 б J:txa8
i.xa8 17 lLJa3 сб 18 dхсб ..tхсб 19 'i'd3 w
'ii'd7 20 lLJc2 Фg7 Belotti-Costa, Chi­

asso 199 1 .
14...b4 15 lLJbd2 lLJg6 16 lDfi i.c8 17
..tc2 lDh5 18 lLJ3d2 g4 19 lLJeЗ iVg5
Black has good counterplay on the
kingside, Misek-Vrana, corr. 1 990.

13 dxe5 lLJxe5 14 lLJxe5
14 lLJbd2 lLJd3 1 5 J:te2 lLJh5 1 б lLJfl (or 16 'ii'e2
1 б 'i*'c2 lLJhf4 1 7 i.xf4 lLJxf4, Nosek­ Others:
Petek, Litomysl 1994) 1 б...lLJxg3 17 lLJxg3 а) 1б �f3 J:tad8 17 J:tad 1 ( 1 7 lDfl
lDf4 1 8 J:td2 'ii'fб 19 lLJd4 J:tae8 20 'i'f3 .l:.fe8 18 h3 J:tdб with а very good posi­
J:te5 2 1 h3 J:tfe8 gives Black excellent tion for Black, Bargel-Petek, Stockerau
play, McDonald-Collinson, British Ch 1 993) 17 . . . ..tc8 1 8 'ir'e2 ( 1 8 h3? ! g4 1 9
1 99 1 . 'iie2 lDh5 20 Фh2, Tejero-Braga, Andorra
Archangel with 7 ':el: Main Line ( 10 il.g5) 111

1 99 1 , 20...'ilfg5 gives Black the initiative) 24 'ii'f5 d5 25 i.xd5 i.xd5 26 'iWxd5 with
18 . . ...ig4 1 9 lЬf3 .l:txd1 20 .l:txd1 ltJh5 2 1 an equa1 position, Gild.Garcia-A1zate,
'ilfd3 lЬxg3 2 2 hxg3 Фg7 Escobar For­
= Pereira 199 1) 16 .. .'ii'e7 1 7 h3 lЬd7 1 8 lЬfl
ero-Forster, Parana 1 99 1 . 'ii'fб 19 lZJh2 'it'xfЗ 20 lЬхfЗ Фf8 (the
Ь ) 1 6 'ilfc2 .l:tad8 1 7 Фh 1 lЬh5 1 8 lЬf l most accurate; 20. . .Фg7 2 1 .l:tad 1 .l:te7,
.l:td6 1 9 .l:tad 1 .l:tfd8 20 .l:txd6 .l:txd6 with а Van der Wiel-Beliavsky, Amsterdam
very good position for Black, Dutreeuw­ 1 990, 22 i.c2 ;!; V an der Wiel) 2 1 .l:tad 1
Mikhalchishin, Eeklo 1 99 1 . .l:tad8 22 i.c2 fб 23 Ь4 Фе7 24 a4 lZJf8
с ) 1 6 i.c2 .l:tad8 1 7 'ilfe2 с 5 1 8 lZJfl 1/2- lf2 Escuin-de Rivera, corr. 1 992 .
...е6 19 а4 с4 20 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 21 Фh l lЬd7 16 'l!i'rs Фg7 17 i.xeS .l:tad8 (D)
22 lЬе3 lЬс5 Miu1escu-Fruteau, Paris
= 1 7 . . ..1:tfe8 1 8 i.xfб+ 'ilfxf6 1 9 'ii'xf6+
1 993 . Фхfб 20 lЬd2 .l:te5 (20. . ..1:tad8 is similar to
16... .1:tad8 (D) the main line) 2 1 .l:te2 .l:tae8 gives Black
compensation for the pawn, Gi1d. Gar­
cia-Diaz, Cienfuegos 1 99 1 .

B1ack has а very active game:

а) 1 7 а4 .l:td6 1 8 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 9 lЬfl
i.c6 20 i.c2 .l:tfd8 21 .l:tac1 h5 22 h3 h4 18 1:е2
23 i.h2 ,..е6 + Gi1d.Garcia-Beliavsky, Others:
Novi Sad OL 1 990. а) 1 8 с4? ! .l:tfe8 1 9 i.xfб+ 'ilfxfб 20
Ь) 1 7 .l:tad 1 .l:td6 1 8 Фh l .l:tfd8 1 9 f3 'ii'xfб+ Фхf6 2 1 схЬ5 ахЬ5 22 а4 Ь4 +
lЬh5 20 lЬf1 lЬf4 2 1 i.xf4 gxf4 22 .l:txd6 Ovenon-Revell, corr. 1994 .
.l:txd6 23 а4 .l:tg6 24 ахЬ5 'ilfc5 25 lЬd2 Ь) 1 8 i.d5 i.xd5 1 9 exd5 .l:txd5 20 с4
ахЬ5 26 lЬЫ i.c8 + Spie1-Petek, Bled 'l!i'xe5 2 1 'ilfxe5 i.xf2+ 22 ФП .l:txe5 23
1 995. .l:txe5 i.d4 24 .l:te2 lЬg4 25 схЬ5 ахЬ5 26
lЬс3 lЬxh2+ 27 Фе1 .l:tb8 1/2- lf2 Lind­
D22) Jepson, Helsingborg 1 99 1 .
15 'l!i'rз 'it'e7 1 8... .1:tfe8 1 9 i.xf6+ 'ii'xf6 20 'i'xf6+
1 5 .. J:te8 16 lЬd2 ( 1 б lЬаЗ 'it'e7 1 7 .l:tad l Фхfб
.l:tad8 18 .l:txd8 'it'xd8 1 9 lЬс2 'ii'e7 20 lЬЬ4 Black has compensation for the pawn,
а5 2 1 ltJd5 lЬxd5 22 exd5 е4 23 dб схdб Franzen-Timmerman, corr. 1 99 1 .
7 Arc hangel with 7 dЗ

1 е4 eS 2 tfJf3 tfJc6 3 i.bS а6 4 .i.a4 tfJf6 Ь3) 9 tfJc3 ! ? tfJd4 1 0 tfJxd5 tfJxd5 1 1
5 0-0 bS 6 .i.b3 .i.b7 7 d3 (D) i.xd5 i.xd5 1 2 exd5 �xd5 1 3 f4 :t.
8 i.g7

After 8 ...Ьхс4 9 i.xc4 White threatens

1 0 �Ь3.
в 9 cxbS
9 ttJc3 Ьхс4 10 i.xc4 0-0 1 1 Ь4 dб is
not dangerous for Black, Arencibia-Lugo,
Havana 1 99З.
9 ахЬ5 10 ttJc3 Ь4 1 1 tfJdS ttJxd5 12

а) 12 . . . ttJa5 13 i.хЬ7 tfJxЬ7 14 'ir'b3
ttJc5 (or 14 . . . с5 15 аЗ with the idea i.e3)
15 'Wi'c4 ! dб ( 15.,.tfJaб l б аЗ +- ЕСО) 1 б
Now: 'Wi'xb4 0-0 17 'Wi'c4 and White has the ad­
А: 7...g6?! 1 12 vantage, Sax-Martin Gonza1ez, Biel IZ
В: 7 h6?!
... 1 12 1 985.
С: 7...i.d6 1 1З Ь) 12...0-0 1 3 i.g5 'ii'ь8 14 'li'd2 gives
D: 7...i.c5 1 17 White some advantage (Sax).

7 . . . i.e7 leads to another variation of В)

Ruy Lopez (ЕСО code С84). 7. . h6?! 8 ttJc3

Only in this way (the plan tfJcЗ and

А) а4) сап White prove that . . . hб is а \oss of
7 g6?! 8 с4
... time. After other moves Black usually
Others: manages to transpose to different sys­
а) 8 ttJcЗ i.g7 9 а4 Ь4 10 ttJd5 lt:'Jxd5 tems of Ruy Lopez; e.g.:
1 1 .i.xd5 with equalizing chances for а) 8 J:.e1 dб (8 ... gб is quite possiЬle in
Black, Praznik-Semrl, LjuЬijana 1 99б. order to keep the e-fi1e clear for а Ьlack
Ь) 8 tfJg5 !? d5 and now: rook: 9 а4 i.g7 1 О tfJcЗ Ь4 1 1 tfJd5 О-О 1 2
Ь l ) 9 f4 (Zapata-Lugo, Havana 1994) а 5 J:.b8 1 3 i.d2 ttJxd5 1 4 i.xd5 tfJe7 15
9 . . . hб! 10 exd5 ( 1 0 tfJxf7 Фхf7 1 1 fxe5 i.ЬЗ с5 1 б i.еЗ 'ir'c7, Matanovic-Wes­
ttJxe5 12 d4 Фg7 1 3 dxe5 i.c5+ 14 Фh l terinen, Raach 1969) 9 с3 i.e7 1 0 ttJbd2
ttJxe4 +) lO ... ttJxd5 ( 1 0 ...hxg5 !?) 1 1 tfJhЗ 0-0 1 1 tfJfl .l:.e8 is sirni1ar to the Smyslov
i.g7 12 fxe5 ttJxe5 =. Variation of the Closed Lopez.
Ы) 9 exd5 tfJd4 1 О J:.e 1 tfJxbЗ 1 1 Ь) 8 с3 gб (8 ... i.c5 ! ?) 9 ttJbd2 i.g7
J:.xe5+ i.e7 with а position similar to 1 О 'ii'e2 0-0 1 1 J:.d 1 d5 12 ttJfl J:.e8 1 3
Chapter 8, Line В 1 . tfJgЗ tfJa5 14 i.c2 с 5 1 5 Ь4 схЬ4 1 б схЬ4
Archangel with 7 dЗ 1 13

ltlc6 17 i.d2 112- 1/2 Dvoretsky-Pytel, Pol­

anica Zdroj 197З.
8 g6
... w
Or 8 ... d6 9 а4 Ь4 10 ltle2 l2Ja5 1 1 i.a2
с5 1 2 сЗ ЬхсЗ 1З ЬхсЗ 'VJ/ic7 14 l2JgЗ g6 15
.I:.Ьl i.g7 1 6 ltlh4 с4 1 7 i.еЗ l2Jd7 1 8 d4
± Fuchs-Witkowski, LuЬ\in 1 969.
9 а4!
Other continuations gives Black better
prospects of equa1ity.
9 ... Ь4 10 ltJd5 il..g7
а) 10 ...ltJa5 l l ltJxe5 l2JxbЗ 12 ltlxf6+ �g4+ 16 Фhl 'ilr'fЗ+ 0- 1 Lupu-Adda,
\\1Vxf6 1 З ltJg4 \\1Ve6 14 схЬЗ i.g7 15 ltJeЗ Paris 1 990.
0-0 1 6 'VJ/ic2 'VJ/ic6 1 7 ..-с4 а5 1 8 l2Jd5 ± Ь) 8 'i!t'e1 ?! 0-0 9 сЗ h6 10 а4 J:le8 ! 1 1
Jansa-Westerinen, Sochi 1 974. ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 2 J:lxa8 i.xa8 1 З i.c2 i.f8
Ь) 10 ... а5 1 1 hЗ i.g7 12 i.еЗ 0-0 1З 14 Ь4 d5 1 5 ltJaЗ ( 15 liJbd2 d4 ), Polan­
�d2 Фh7 14 сЗ ltJxd5 1 5 i.xd5 ЬхсЗ 16 ski-Bielak, соп. 1 992, 1 5 ... d4 !? 16 ltlxb5
ЬхсЗ with а slight advantage for White, \\IVЬ8 17 с4 ltJxЬ4 1 8 i.Ы с6 19 liJaЗ +
Juhasz-Letay, Pecs-Vasa 1 992. Po1anski.
11 i.d2 а5 12 \\IVc1 ltJd4 с) 8 с4 0-0 9 ltJcЗ Ьхс4 10 dxc4 ltla5
1 2... g5 1 3 liJeЗ g4 14 liJf5 i.f8 1 5
ltJЗh4 d 5 1 6 exd5 ltJxd5 (Fata1ibekova­ d) 8 il..g 5 h6 9 i.h4 ltJa5 1 О liJbd2 0-0
Stupina, Thilisi 1 979) 17 f4 or 17 J:le1 is 1 1 J:le1 J:le8 Canina-Moreno, Heпnanos

good for White. Saiz 1 992.

13 ltJxd4 exd4 е) 8 il..d 2 0-0 (8 ... h6 9 с4 0-0 10 аЗ
Following 1З ... l2Jxd5 White has an ad­ Ьхс4 1 1 i.xc4 i.c5 12 liJcЗ d6 1 З J:lc 1
vantage after both 14 ltlf5 gxf5 1 5 exd5 ltld4 14 i.еЗ i.a7 = Adams-Wells, Lon­
and 14 ltJe2 ! ? ltJf6 1 5 f4 (Tal). don 1 990) 9 с4 (9 а4 J:le8 1 О liJaЗ Ь4 1 1
14 ltlf4!? ltlc4 i.f8 = Praznik-Gosti§a, Bled 1 996)
White intends е5, Tal-Pytel, Hastings 9 ... Ь4 10 аЗ а5 1 1 il..eЗ ltlg4 ( 1 1 . . . J:le8 1 2
1 97З/4. 14 . . . d5 ! 1 5 l2Jxd5 l2Jxd5 1 6 exd5 с5 ! ? i.f8 1 З ltJg5 J:le7 14 ахЬ4 ахЬ4 1 5
i.xd5 17 J:le1+ Фf8 18 il.. f4 с6 19 i.xd5 J:lxa8 i.xa8 16 f4 d6 1 7 cxd6 cxd6 1 8
�xd5 20 i.c7 ! ;\; Tal. ltld2 h6 19 liJhЗ Nijboer) 1 2 i.c1 i.c5

1З hЗ liJf6 14 i.a4 d6 1 5 ltJbd2 ltJd7 ! 16

С) liJЬЗ i.b6 17 i.d2 ltlc5 1 8 i.xc6 i.xc6
7...i. d6 (D) 19 ахЬ4 ахЬ4 20 i.хЬ4 J:lxa1 2 1 ltlxa 1 f5
Now: 22 il.. xc5 i.xc5 2З liJd2 NijЬoer.

С1: 8 аЗ 1 14 f) 8 lLJcЗ 0-0 (very logical 1ooks

С2: 8 с3 1 14 8 . . . l2Ja5 9 ltle2 0-0 10 liJgЗ J:le8 1 1 il..d2
СЗ: 8 а4 1 15 ltJxbЗ 12 ахЬЗ il.. f8 1З с4 g6 14 �с 1 d6
with an equal position, Kocovski-Bog­
Others: danovski, Struga 1991) 9 i.g5 (9 ltJd5 h6
а) 8 ltJh4?! liJd4 9 i.еЗ? ltJxe4 10 �g4 1 О liJeЗ J:le8 1 1 ltJh4 ltJa5 12 ltlhf5 i.f8
ltJxbЗ 1 1 �xg7 �xh4 1 2 dxe4 0-0-0 1 З 1 З f4 ltJxbЗ 14 ахЬЗ exf4 1 5 ltJg4 d5 with
ахЬЗ .:l.hg8 14 �h6 J:lxg2+ 1 5 Фхg2 good chances for Black in а complicated
1 14 Archangel and New Archangel

position, Seeman-Volzhin, Jyvasky!З

1994) 9 ...l2Ja5 10 l2Jd5 i.xd5 1 1 i.xd5 с6
1 2 i.b3 .l:.e8 1 3 l2Jh4 h6 14 l2Jf5 i.f8 1 5 в
i.e3 d5 16 �fЗ Фh7 17 1 g6 1 8 l2Jg3
i.g7 1 9 с3 l2Jxb3 20 ахЬ3 =Kamsky­
Henley, 1 992.

С1 )
8 а3!?
The idea of this move is to keep con­
trol of the d5-square, and thus to saddle
Black with а bad dark-squared bishop.
8...l2Ja5 Фh7 ;!;; 8 ...l2Je7 9 l2Jxe5 .ixe5 lO f4 i.d6
Beliavsky's recommendation. An a1- 1 1 е5 lЬf5 ао Grtinfeld-Manor, Те! А viv
ternative is 8 ...0-0: 1 99 1 .
а) 9 lL\c3 h6 10 i.a2 ( 10 h3 .l:.e8 1 1 9 l2Jbd2
.iеЗ .if8 1 2 l2Jh2 l2Jd4 13 .ia2 d5 Bol­ = Also:
ogan-Potapov, Moscow 1 998) 1 O . . . .l:.e8 а) 9 .ig5 .ie7 !? 10 а4 d6 1 1 l2Ja3 Ь4
1 1 h3 l2Jd4 1 2 l2Jxd4 exd4 1 3 l2Je2 .ic5 12 l2Jc4 а5 13 l2Je3 l2Jd7 14 i.xe7 l2Jxe7 =

14 с3 dxc3 15 Ьхс3 .ib6 with а good po­ Abramovic-Мikhalchishin, Postojna 199 1 .

sition for Black, Lanka-Navrotescu, Cali­ Ь ) 9 .l:.e1 and now:
manesti 1992. Ь l ) 9 ... l2Ja5 10 .ic2 J:r.e8 1 1 Ь4 l2Jc6
Ь) 9 .l:.e1 h6 10 l2Jbd2 .l:.e8 1 1 lЬfl .if8 12 а4 .if8 13 i.b3 ! ? (other moves allow
1 2 l2Jg3 d5 1 3 с3 dxe4 14 dxe4 l2Ja5 1 5 Black to regroup his pieces; e.g., 1 3 ахЬ5
.ic2 ...xd 1 1 6 .l:.xd 1 с 5 1 7 Ь4 схЬ4 1 8 ахЬ5 14 .l:.xa8 �ха8 1 5 .tьз l2Jd8 1 6
ахЬ4 l2Jc4 =F A.Sokolov-Beliavsky, Mos­ lЬаЗ .ic6 1 7 i.Ь2 d6 1 8 l2Jc2 g 6 1 9 l2Je3
cow GMA 1990. .ig7 20 �а1 l2Je6 2 1 �ха8 .l:.xa8 22 g3
с) 9 с4! ? l2Ja5?! (9 ... Ь4 !? 10 .ig5 а5) Фf8 23 lL\d5 l2Jd7 24 .l:.a1 1/2- lf2 Sax-Kor­
10 схЬ5 ахЬ5 1 1 .ia2 с5 12 .ig5 h6 1 3 chnoi, Wijk aan Zee 1 99 1 ) 1 3 ...h6 14 ахЬ5
.ixf6 ! �xf6 14 lL\c3 Ь 4 ( 1 4 . . . .ic6 !?) 1 5 ахЬ5 1 5 J:r.xa8 'fixa8 1 6 l2Ja3 'tia6 (Gosz­
lЬd5 ,..d8 16 l2Je3 and White has the ad­ to1a-B1asovszky, corr. 1 99 1 ) 1 7 l2Jxb5 !
vantage, Romanishin-Beliavsky, Reggio 'tixb5 18 .ic4 'i'Ьб 19 .ie3 l2Jd4 20 cxd4
Emi1ia 1 99 1 . exd4 2 1 .ixd4 'itxЬ4 22 .ixf6 gxf6 23
9 .ia2 с5 'i'c2 ±.
Beliavsky eva1uates this position as Ь2) 9 ...l2Je7 l 0 l2Jbd2 l2Jg6 1 1 ttJfl h6
unc1ear. 12 d4 .l:.e8 13 dxe5 .ixe5 14 l2Jxe5 J:r.xe5
10 .ig5 h6 1 1 bf6 'i'xf6 12 l2Jc3 g5 1 5 f3 d5 1 6 exd5 l2Jxd5 17 J:r.xe5 l2Jxe5 1 8
13 .td5 l2Jc6 14 а4 Ь4 15 l2Je2 :ь8 ,..d4 'i'd6 Pupo-Lugo, Havana 1 990.

;!; Korneev-Nogly, Hamburg 1 992. Ь3) 9 ... J:r.e8 1 0 l2Jg5 J:r.e7 1 1 t2Jd2 h6
1 2 l2Jgf3 ( 1 2 l2Jxf7 ! ?) 1 2 ... J:r.e8 1 3 ttJfl
С2) .if8 14 lL\g3 d5 lf2- lf2 Reyes-Braga, Span­
8 с3 (D) ish Cht 1 990.
8 . 0-0
. . с) 9 а4 l2Ja5 10 .ia2 с5 1 1 .ig5 .l:.e8 1 2
Others: 8 ... l2Ja5 9 .ic2 с5 10 J:r.e1 0-0 t2Jbd2 h6 1 3 .ih4 .if8 14 .l:.e 1 d 6 1 5 lЬfl
1 1 .ig5 l2Jc6 1 2 l2Jbd2 .ie7 1 3 tlJfl ;!;; g5 16 .ig3 с4 with counterplay for Black,
8 ... h6 9 l2Jh4 !? 0-0 10 l2Jf5 .ic5 1 1 �f3 Doncevic-Stern, Bundesliga 1 99 1/2.
Archangel with 7 dЗ 1 15 а) 12 ... d5?! 13 lt:Jxe5 dxe4 14 Ь4 li:Jc6

Altematives: 1 5 li:Jxf7 ! ФхП 1 6 lt:Jxe4 .l:txe4 ! ( 1 6 ... h6 !?
а) 9 ... li:Jh5 10 .l:te1 li:Jf4 1 1 li:Jfl Фh8 1 7 .tg5 ! ? gives White а strong attack -
12 li:JgЗ 'ii'f6 13 li:Jf5 ;!;, Watson) 17 .ixe4 lt:Jxe4 ! ? 1 8 'ii'Ь З+ Фg6
Ь) 9 ... h6 10 аЗ ! ? .l:te8 1 1 li:Jh4 ! .tf8 12 19 .l:txe4 h6 20 'ii'g8 ! .tc8? 2 1 h4 ! .tf5 22
'ii'fЗ ! d5 1 3 .l:te1 li:Jb8 14 exd5 .txd5 1 5 h5+ +- W.Watson-Hellers, Oslo 1 99 1 .
.txd5 �xd5 16 li:Je4 li:Jxe4 17 .l:txe4 .l:te6 Ь) 12 ... d6 1 3 d5 ! с6 ( 1 3 ... с5?! 14 Ь4
1 8 li:Jf5 ;!; Balashov-Morozevich, Mos­ схЬ4 15 cxЬ4 lt:Jc4 16 lt:Jxc4 Ьхс4 17 .td2
cow 1 99 1 . .l:tc8 1 8 .l:tc 1 li:Jd7 19 .tы ± Watson) 1 4
с ) 9 . . ..1:te8 and now: Ь4 lt:Jc4 1 5 lt:Jxc4 Ьхс4 (Bevia-Garcia
с 1 ) 10 lt:Jg5 .l:te7 1 1 f4 h6 1 2 li:Jgf3 Femandez, Javea 1 992) 1 6 dxc6 .txc6
exf4 1 3 li:Jh4 with major complications, 17 .tg5 ;!; Watson.
McShane-Furhoff, Stockholm 1 998/9. с) 1 2... exd4 ! ? 1 3 cxd4 d6 14 d5 с6 1 5
с2) 1 0 .1:te1 .tc5 ( 1 0... .tf8 ! ?) 1 1 li:Jfl Ь4 li:Jc4 1 6 lt:Jxc4 Ьхс4 gives Black а
h6 ( 1 1 ... d6 1 2 li:Jg3 .tь6 1з .tg5 h6 14 good position, Riego-Ramirez, ТUcuman
.th4 ! is an unpleasant pin, Grischuk­ 1 97 1 .
Potapov, St Petersburg 1 998; l l ... d5? 1 2
exd5 li:Jxd5 13 d4 and White wins а pawn, СЭ)
Brodsky-Grechikhin, Smolensk 199 1 ) 8 а4 (D)
1 2 li:Jg3 li:Jh7 1 3 d 4 .tb6 14 .te3 d6 1 5 d5
lt:Je7 1 6 .txb6 схЬ6 1 7 li:Jd2 .tc8 1 8 а4
Ьха4 1 9 .txa4 .l:tf8 ::: Lederman-Ater,
Beersheba 1 99 1 . в
1 0 .t c2 .l:te8 1 1 .l:tel
а) 1 1 Ь4 li:Jc6 1 2 .1:te1 .if8 1 3 .iЫ ( 1 3
а4! ? Garcia) 1 3. . .h 6 14 а З d 6 1 5 .tь3 g6
16 с4?! (ЕСО recommends 16 d4 ао)
16 ... .tg7 with а promising position for
Вlack, Zapata-Gild.Garcia, Medellin (4)
1 992.
Ь) 1 1 'iie2 .tf8 12 .l:td 1 d5 1 3 li:Jfl с5
14 .tg5 h6 15 .th4 'ii b6 16 h3 li:Jh5 with 8... 0-0
very good chances for Black, Szalkol­ Also:
czai-Petek, Stockerau 1 993. а) 8 . . . Ь4 9 а5 0-0 10 li:Jbd2 .l:te8 1 1
н ....tr8 li:Jc4 h6 1 2 сЗ .tf8 1 3 .l:te1 g6? ! 14 .ta4
1 1 ...с5 ! ? 1 2 d4 cxd4 1 3 cxd4 li:Jc6 14 ЬхсЗ 15 Ьхс3 d6 1 6 .I:Ы �с8 17 .l:te2
d5 ! ? lt:Je7 1 5 tt:Jьз li:Jg6 1 6 а4 .tы 1 7 .l:te7? 18 .l:txb7 'ii'xb7 19 .I:Ы 'iia7 20
.td2 .txd2 1 8 'ii'xd2 .-ь6 1 9 'ii'a5 'ilfxa5 .txc6 1 -0 Кindermann-Tsihlis, Katerini
20 lt:Jxa5 .l:tab8 2 1 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 22 gЗ .ta8 1 992.
23 li:Jd2 ;!; Howell-Collinson, British Ch Ь) 8 ... lt:Ja5 9 .ta2 Ь4 (9 ... h6? ! 10 d4
1 992. lt:Jxe4 1 1 dxe5 .te7 12 .id5 lt:Jg5 1 3
12 d4 lt:Jxg5 hxg5 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 5 .txb7 li:Jxb7
W.Watson evaJuates this position as а 16 .l:txa8 'it'xa8 17 li:Jc3 ± Ghinda-Pan­
Iittle Ьetter for White. Black has the fol­ delidis, Athens 1 993; 9 ...с5 1 0 li:JcЗ Ь4
\owing ideas: 1 1 li:Je2 h6 1 2 li:Jg3 g6 13 li:Jd2 'ii'e7 1 4
1 16 Archangel and New Archangel

l2Jc4 l2Jxc4 15 .i.xc4 0-0-0?! 16 с3 ФЬ8 22 .. .".-а4 23 .i.Ьl J:.e6 with an excellent
17 �3 with better chances for White, position for Black) 22... �хЬ2 23 .i.xf7+
Kovaliov-Deppe, Eupen 1 996) 10 l2Jbd2 J:l.xf7 24 .i.xa5 d6 25 'Ш'g4 .i.c6 + Matulo­
0-0 1 1 l2Jc4 l2Jxc4 1 2 �хс4 h6 and Black vic-Malaniuk, Vrnjacka Banja 1 99 1 .
should equalize. с2) 1 7 l2Jc4 l2Jxc4 1 8 .i.xc4 d 5 ! 1 9
9 l2Jc3 exd5 .i.xd5 20 .i.xd5 'ti'xd5 =.
Or: 9...Ь4 10 l2Je2 l2Ja5!
а) 9 �g5 h6 (9 ... ltJa5 10 �а2 h6 10 . . . h6 1 1 а5 ! J:.e8 1 2 .i.d2 .i.f8 1 3
{ 10...Ь4 1 1 lЬЬd2 J:l.e8 12 h3 .tf8 13 l2Jh2 '*'Ы ! d 5 14 -..a2 l2Ja7 1 5 l2Jg3 'ii'd7 1 6
h6 14 �xf6 'ti'xf6 = L.Bronstein-Rosito, J:.fe 1 dxe4 ( 1 6 ... d4 1 7 lЬh4 lЬb5 1 8 l2Jg6
Argentine Ch 1991 } 1 1 �h4 с5 12 ахЬ5 .i.c5 1 9 f4 ± Кruszynski-Panczyk, Lub­
ахЬ5 1 3 l2Jc3 Ь4 1 4 l2Jd5 g5 15 l2Jxf6+ niewice 1994) 17 dxe4 с5 (Leyva-Valdes,
'ir'xf6 1 6 �g3 J:l.fe8 and Black stands Cuban Ch 1 993) 1 8 J:l.ad1 ;t.
well, Kaminski -Schoof, Hamburg 1 992) l l .i.a2 h6
lO �h4 �е7 1 1 ахЬ5 ( 1 1 l2Jbd2 d6 12 с3 1 1 . . . Ь3 12 схЬ3 с5 1 3 l2Jg3 J:.e8 was
l2Jh5? ! 13 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 14 J:.xa8 �ха8 1 5 played in Young-Henley, 1 992, and now
l2Jxe5 dxe5 1 6 �хе7 l2Jxe7 17 �xh5 14 l2Jg5 ! J:l.f8 15 l2Jf5 would have fa­
�xd3 1 8 J:l.d 1 l2Jc6 19 �fЗ 'i:Vd6 20 lЬfl voured White.
± Кholmov-V.Ivanov, Russian Ch 1 997; 12 l2Jg3 J:l.e8 13 l2Jh4
1 1 l2Jc3 Ь4 1 2 �xf6 .i.xf6 13 l2Jd5 and Others:
Black should gradually equalize, Кin­ а) 1 3 .i.d2 .i.f8 14 J:l.e1 с5 15 h3 J:l.b8
dermann-Sepp, Gausdal 1 994) 1 1 ... ахЬ5 16 .i.c4 -..с 7 17 l2Jh2 d5 1 8 exd5 l2Jxd5
12 J:.xa8 .i.xa8 13 .i.g3 d6 14 l2Jc3 l2Ja5 19 b3 l2Jxc4 20 bxc4 l2Jf4 2 1 l2Jf3 g6 with
15 .ta2 Ь4 1 6 l2Je2 lЬh5 gives Black а а good game for Black, Danailov-Topa-
good game, Southali-Panczyk, Paignton 1ov, St Cugat 1 992.
1 997. Ь) 13 h3 .i.f8 1 4 l2Jh2 d5 15 �fЗ с5
Ь) 9 J:l.e l h6 10 l2Jbd2 J:.e8 1 1 с3 �f8 1 6 l2Jg4 J:.e6 17 l2Je3 Ь3 18 схЬ3 l2Jc6
12 �а2 Ь4 1 3 l2Jc4 Ьхс3 (interesting is ( 1 8 ... J:.b6 19 Ь4 схЬ4 20 .i.xd5 l2Jxd5 21
1 3 ... а5 14 "ir'b3 J:.b8) 14 Ьхс3 d6 15 .i.d2 l2Jxd5 .i.xd5 22 exd5 l2Jb3 + Adams­
.i.c8 16 h3 .i.e6 17 "*'с2 ;t Dimitrov­ Ma1aniuk, Pa1ma de Ma11orca 1 989) 1 9
Lobron, Moscow OL 1994. Ь4 l2Jxb4 20 .t ы а 5 21 l2Jgf5 g 6 22 l2Jg3
с) 9 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 10 J:.xa8 �ха8 (alter­ h5 and Black seized the initiative in Los­
natively, 1 0... "*'ха8 1 1 .i.g5 l2Je8 1 2 Malaniuk, Groningen 1 990.
l2Jbd2 { 1 2 lЬс3 ! ? } 1 2 ... l2Ja5 1 3 .ta2 h6 с) 13 l2Jd2 ! ? .i.f8 14 l2Jh5 d5 (another
14 .i.h4 с5 15 .i.g3 l2Jc6 16 �d5 �Ь8 17 idea is 14 . . . g6!?) 15 l2Jxf6+ 't'*'xf6 16
l2Jh4 l2Je7 1 8 .i.xb7 �хЬ7 1 9 l2Jf5 { 19 .i.xd5 .i.xd5 17 exd5 J:l.ad8 1 8 l2Je4 ._.g6
'ti'fЗ ! ? } 1 9 . . .l2Jxf5 20 exf5 ;t Kuzmin­ 1 9 'ii'f3 с6 with compensation for the
Sepp, Rostov 1993) 1 1 ltJc3 ( 1 1 l2Ja3 pawn, A. Sokolov-Mainka, Bad Woris­
.i.xa3 12 bxa3 d5 =) 1 1 . . . Ь4 12 lЬе2 h6 hofen 1 992.
1 3 l2Jg3 J:.e8 14 J:.e 1 l2Ja5 (14... .i.f8 !? 1 5 tз .trs

d4 exd4 16 е 5 l2Jg4 1 7 .i.f4, Jacoby­ Now:

Nog1y, Hamburg 1992, 17 ... l2Ja5) 15 .ta2 а) 14 l2Jhf5 d5 15 'ti'f3 Ь3 16 схЬ3
с5 1 6 l2Jd2 �f8 gives Black а good game: l2Jc6 17 .i.d2 J:l.b8 18 Ь4 l2Jxb4 19 .i.хЬ4
с 1 ) 1 7 l2Jh5 l2Jxh5 18 'ti'xh5 J:l.e7 19 .i.xb4 20 exd5 .i.xd5 led to а draw in the
lЬf3 Ь3 ! 20 схЬ3 '*'Ь6 21 Ь4 �хЬ4 22 game Romanishin-Malaniuk, Simferopo1
.i.d2 (Ma1aniuk's 22 "ir'g4 is answered Ьу 1988.
Archangel with 7 dЗ 1 17

Ь) 14 ltJg6 ! ? ЬЗ 15 схЬЗ (Am.Rodri­ а) 9 d4 ..tb6 transposes to the main

guez-Garcia Femandez, Burriana 1990) variation, with White а tempo down.
15 ... ..tЬ4 16 ..td2 с5 17 ltJh4 ltJxe4 "" Ro­ Ь) 9 ..tg5 h6 10 ..th4 g5 1 1 ..tgЗ �е7
driguez. with good kingside chances for Black,
Ruiz-Deunette, France 1 989.
D) с) 9 ltJbd2 0-0 1 0 .l%e l ..tb6 1 1 ltJfl
7 ..tcs (D)
... d5 1 2 .ig5 d4 1 3 с4 h6 14 ..th4 'ilfd6 15
.l%c 1 ltJd7 1 6 ..tgЗ ltJa5 1/2- lf2 Martin del
Campo-Geenen, Elista OL 1998.
d) 9 ..tеЗ ..tхеЗ 1 О fхеЗ О-О 1 1 ltJЬd2
ltJe7 12 �е1 ltJg6 13 'i!r'gЗ 1/z - lf2 Roman­
ishin-Godena, Ischia 1996.
9 h6 10 ltJaЗ

а) 1 О ахЬ5 ахЬ5 11 .l%xa8 ..txa8 1 2
.iеЗ 1/z- lfz Rigo-Gross, Budapest 1995.
Ь) 1 О ltJh4 ltJe7 1 1 'i!i'fЗ ..tc8 12 ltJf5
ltJxf5 1 3 exf5 .i%b8 14 .l%e1 0-0 1 5 ахЬ5
ахЬ5 16 ltJd2 ..tЬб 17 ltJe4 Фh8 Praz­ =

nik-To1stikh, Mlada Bo1eslav 1 995 .

Now: 10...0-0 11 ..td2
D1: 8 с3 1 17 Or 1 1 ltJc2 ltJa5 12 ..ta2 Ьха4 1 3 ltJeЗ
D2: 8 .ie3 1 17 ..tc6 +.
DЗ: 8 а4 1 18 1 1 Ь4

D4: 8 ltJ cЗ 1 19 1 1 . . . ..tхаЗ 12 .\%хаЗ d5 l 3 ..tc2 .l%e8 14

'i!fe2 d4 15 .i%fa1 'i!r'd6 16 ltJh4 ltJe7 17 с4
Or 8 с4 Ь4 (8 ...Ьхс4 !?) 9 ..ta4 �е7 1 0 g5 18 ltJfЗ Ьхс4 19 dxc4 with compli­
..tg5 ( 1 0 ..txc6 ..txc6 1 1 ltJbd2 0-0 1 2 cated play, De Jong-Markus, Hoogeveen
: е1 d6 1 3 ltJf 1 ltJg4 1 4 ltJeЗ f5 and Black 1999.
seizes the initiative, Tij an-Geenen, Bel­ 12 ltJc4 Ьхс3 13 Ьхс3 ..ta7 14 aS ..tc8
gium 1 997) 1 0 . . . h6 11 ..th4 ltJd4 gives 15 hЗ ..te6 16 'ilr'c2 ltJhS 17 ..te3 'ilr'f6 18
Black а good game, Prandstetter-Gross, ..txa7 .l:.xa7 19 ttJh2 li:Jf4
Czech Cht 1994. B1ack has а very good game, Кho1-
mov-Lin Weiguo, Frunze 1989.
8 c3 d6 D2)
8 ... 0-0 is good but а little less flexiЬ!e: 8 .ie3 d6
а) 9 ..tg5 h6 10 ..th4 ..tЬб (10....ie7 !?) Others:
1 1 а4 d6, Do1gener-Jell, 2nd Bundes\iga а) 8 ... 'i!r'e7 9 .ixc5 11Vxc5 10 сЗ 0-0 1 1
1 990/ l . li:Jbd2 d6 ( 1 1 ... 'i!i'e7 ! ?) 1 2 J:te 1 'i'Ьб 1 3
Ь ) 9 d4 ..tьб 1 0 dxe5 ltJxe4 1 1 ..td5 ltJfl ttJa5 1 4 ..t c 2 с 5 15 ltJgЗ ;!; Robovic­
ltJc5 12 ..tg5 \te8 13 ..tез ltJa4 is not Lied1, Aschach 1992.
dangerous for Black, Burovic-Obralic, Ь) 8 . . . ..te7 9 li:Jc3 d6 1 О а4 Ь4 1 1 li:Jd5
Banja Vrucica 199 1 . li:Jxd5 12 ..ixd5 with а slight advantage
9 а4 for White, Runions-Haziprodromu, To­
Also: ronto 1995.
1 18 Archangel and New Archangel

с) 8 . . . .1хе3 9 fxe3 0-0 10 liJbd2 d5

( 1 0. . . d6 ! ?) 1 1 exd5 l2Jxd5 12 'i'e1 liJf6 13
l2Jg5 l2Ja5 14 l2Jxf7 .l:.xf7 15 .1xf7+ Фхf7 в
1 6 'ilt'h4 Фg8 17 .l:.f5 'ifd6 18 and
White has the initiative, SkuЬis-Kaczma­
rek, corr. 1 992.
9 l2Jc3
9 а4 is an a1temative:
а) 9 . . . .1хе3 10 fxe3 l2Je7 1 1 l2Jc3 Ь4
1 2 lЬe2 liJg6 1 3 l2Jg3 0-0 14 'i'd2 а5 15 h3
d5 1 6 exd5 .1xd5 17 .1xd5 'itxd5 18 е4
'i'c5+ 19 .l:.f2 liJd7 20 l2Jf5 f6 ;!; Welin­
Moberg, Gothenburg 1997. Ь) 8 . . . Ь4 9 с3 (9 .1g5 h6 1 0 .1h4 d6
Ь) 9 ... 0-0 10 l2Jc3 Ь4 1 1 l2Jd5 and 1 1 liJbd2 'i'e7 1 2 Фh l g5 13 .1g3 0-0-0
B1ack shou1d equa1ize after 1 1 . . . .1хе3 or 14 l2Jg1 h5 gives B1ack good kingside
1 1 ... l2Ja5. counterplay, Cehajic-Berar, corr. 1 992)
9.....txe3 9 . . .d6 10 d4 exd4 1 1 cxd4 .1а7 1 2 .l:.e1
9 . . . 'ilt'd7 1 0 а4 Ь4 1 1 l2Jd5 l2Jd4 1 2 0-0 with chances for both sides, Mo1ar­
l2Jxf6+ gxf6 1 3 l2Jxd4 exd4 1 4 .1d2 fa­ ius-JaЬlonski, corr. 1 992.
vours White, Petschar-Roth, Austrian Ch с) 8 . . . h6 9 l2Jc3 Ь4 10 l2Jd5 d6 (or
1 987. 9 ... 0-0 ! ? 10 .1g5 l2Ja5. 10 ... l2Ja5 1 1 .1а2 d6 12 .1d2 liJc6 13 а5
10 fxe3 l2Ja5 1 1 ..td5 0-0 0-0 14 �е1 .l:.b8 1 5 .1е3 liJd7 16 .1с4
1 1 ... с6 ! ? 1 2 .1xf7+ Фхf7 1 3 Ь4 .l:.f8 ..txe3 17 fxe3 l2Jxa5 18 .l:.xa5 c6 1 9 l2Je7+
14 l2Jg5+ Фе7. 'i/xe7 20 'itxЬ4 ;!; Kupreichik-Obukhov,
12 .1хЬ7 Kurgan 1 995) and now:
12 Ь4 l2Jc6 13 a4 l2Jxd5 1 4 liJxd5 lЬe7 с 1 ) 1 1 а5 0-0 1 2 с3 .l:.b8 1 3 .1d2 ( 1 3
оо Be1iavsky. .1е3 l2Jxd5 1 4 .1xd5 .1хе3 1 5 fxe3 Ьхс3
12...l2Jxb7 13 'it'e1 l2Jc5 14 l2Jh4 с6 15 16 Ьхс3 l2Jxa5 ! ? 17 .l:.xa5 с6 18 .1xf7+
liJfS g6 16 'i'gЗ .l:.xf7 оо Кindermann) 13 ... Ьхс3 14 Ьхс3
Murrey-Be1iavsky, Graz 1 996. Now .1а7 15 .1е3 ( 1 5 'ife2 l2Jxd5 16 .1xd5
16 . . . Ь4 ! (Beliavsky) gives B1ack an ex­ l2Jxa5 17 .1xb7 liJxb7 18 .l:.xa6 .1Ь6 1 9
cellent position. .1е3 1/2-lf2 Lalic-Emms, British C h 1999),
Timman-Bareev, Wij k aan Zee 1 995,
DЗ) 1 5 ... .1хе3 16 fxe3 l2Jxd5 17 .1xd5 l2Je7
8 а4 (D) with equality.
8 .0-0
.. с2) 1 1 lЬxf6+ �xf6 1 2 с3 0-0 1 3 а5
Others: l2Je7 14 .1е3 .1хе3 15 fxe3 Ьхс3 16 Ьхс3
а) 8 ... d6 9 ахЬ5 ! ? (9 ..tg5 h6 10 ..th4 П.аЬ8 17 'ii'e2 с5 18 'ifa2 Фh8 19 .l:.f2 'it'g6
liJd4 1 1 liJxd4 .1xd4 1 2 с3 .1Ь6 13 ахЬ5 20 f6 2 1 .1с4 with better chances
ахЬ5 14 .l:.xa8 .1ха8 1 5 l2Ja3 g5 16 .1g3 for White, As1anian-Seku1ovska, Erevan
..tc6 1 7 lЬс2 .1d7 18 d4 ;!; Rasic-Liwak, wom OL 1996.
Litohoto 1 999) 9 . . . ахЬ5 10 .l:.xa8 .1ха8 9 ..tgS
1 1 lЬс3 l2Ja5 1 2 lЬxb5 liJxb3 13 схЬ3 'it'd7 Also:
1 4 liJc3 0-0 1 5 .1g5 l2Je8 1 6 '6'а1 ..tc6 17 а) 9 l2Jc3 transposes to Line D42.
'ilt'a6 and B1ack has some difficu1ties, Ь) 9 'ilt'e 1 .1:.e8 1 0 axb5 ахЬ5 1 1 .1:.ха8
Lechtynsky-Beliavsky, Vi1nius 1 978. .1ха8 1 2 liJc3 l2Ja5 1 3 .1а2 Ь4 1 4 l2Je2 d5
Archangel with 7 dЗ 1 19

1 5 ltJg3 h6 = Nicevski-Lewi, Athens

1 969.
с) 9 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 10 .l:xa8 i.xa8 1 1 ltJc3 в
ltJa5 12 i.a2 (Dvoirys-IЬragimov, Omsk
1 996) 1 2 . . .Ь4 (Wedberg) gives Black
quite а good position.
d) 9 i.e3 i.xe3 10 fxe3 d6 1 1 ltJc3 Ь4
1 2 ltJe2 tt:Ja5 1 3 .ia2 с5 14 ltJd2 i.c8 1 5
ltJg3 i.e6 1 6 ltJc4 ltJc6 1 7 ltJf5 tt:Je8 with
an equal position, Welin-Hector, Stock­
holm 1 999.
9 h6 10 i.h4

Or 10 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 1 .l:xa8 i.xa8 1 2 D41 )

i.xf6 'YJkxf6 1 3 ltJc3 ltJa5 1 4 i.a2 Ь4 1 5 8...d6 9 а4
tt:Je2 tt:Jc6 1 6 с 3 Ьхс3 1 7 Ьхс3 i.b6 1 8 Other moves:
ltJd2 tt:Ja5 1 9 tt:Jg3 g 6 2 0 'i!Vg4 .ic6 is а) 9 a3 ltJe7 10 .ig5 ltJg6 1 1 а4 сб 1 2
again equal, Patrat-Polaczek, Val Mau­ ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 3 .l:xa8 i.xa8 1 4 ltJh4 ltJxh4
buee 1 988. 15 .ixh4 h6 1 6 'ii'f3 g5 17 i.g3 i.b7 1 8
10...d6 tt:Jd 1 i.c8 1 9 'i'e2 h5 20 h3 h4 2 1 .ih2 g4
Altematives: with а Ьener game for Black, S.B.Hansen­
а) 10 ... Ь4 l 1 ltJbd2 d6 l 2 ltJc4 'i'd7? Hector, Gentofte 1999.
13 .ixf6 gxf6 14 ltje3 Фh7 1 5 ltJd5 'i'd8 Ь) 9 ltJd5 ltJa5 1 О .ig5 ltJxЬЗ 1 1 i.xf6
1 6 с3 Ьхс3 17 Ьхс3 ltJb8 1 8 ltJh4 .l:g8 19 gxfб 12 ахЬЗ f5 1 3 'i'd2 fxe4 14 dxe4 с6
'YJkh5 1 -0 Sznapik-Cao Sang, Manila OL with chances for both sides, Novak­
1 992. Teschner, Bad Godesberg tt 1 969.
Ь) IO . . . g5 1 1 i.g3 d6 1 2 ltJc3 Ь4 1 3 с) 9 i.g5 h6 10 i.xfб ..-xf6 1 1 ltJd5
ltJd5 ltJa5 ( 1 3 ... ltJd4 1 4 ltJxd4 i.xd4 1 5 ,..d 8 12 с3 i.a7 13 d4 0-0 1 4 dxe5 dxe5
ltJxf6+ 'i'xf6 = Kindermann-Lobron, ( 1 4...ltJxe5 1 5 ltJxe5 dxe5 16 'YJkh5 с6 1 7
Garmisch 1 994) 14 ltJxf6+ 'YJkxf6 1 5 i.a2 ltJe3, Lobron-Jell, Bundesliga 1 98617,
(Dorfman recommends 1 5 ltJd2 with the 17 ......е7 =) 15 'i'e2 ltJa5 16 .l:fd l ltJxЬЗ
idea Фh 1 , f3 and i.f2) 15 ...ЬЗ ! 16 i.хЬЗ 17 ахЬЗ с6 1 8 ltJe3 'YJkc7 gives Black а
ltJxЬЗ 17 схЬЗ 'YJke6 with compensation good position.
for the pawn, Anand-Kamsky, Sanghi 9... Ь4
Nagar FIDE Ct (7) 1 994. A1so:
11 ахЬ5 а) 9 . . . tt:Jd4 1 0 ltJxd4 exd4 1 1 ltJd5
1 1 ltJc3 g5 ! 1 2 i.g3 transposes to note ltJxd5 1 2 i.xd5 i.xd5 1 3 exd5 0-0 1 4
'Ь' to Black's 10th move. i.d2 .l:e8 1 5 Ь4 i.Ьб 1 6 а 5 i.a7 17 .-о ±
l l ... axb5 12 .l:xa8 i.xa8 13 i.xf6 Steiner-Boren, соп. 1 990.
'i'xf6 14 ltJcз ltJaS!? Ь) 9 . . . tt:Ja5 1 0 i.a2 ( 1 0 axb5 ltJxЬЗ 1 1
оо UЬilava. схЬЗ ахЬ5 1 2 .l:xa8 'i'xa8 1 3 ltJxb5 'i'a5
l 4 ltJa3 0-0 1 5 ltJc4 'i!Va2 1 6 i.g5 ltJd7 1 7
D4) .ie3 f5 with good counterp1ay for Вlack,
S ltJcЗ (D) Hegde-Gokhale, Kasaragod 1996) 1 О ...Ь4
Now: I l ltJe2 transposes to the note to White's
D41 : 8...d6 1 19 1 0th move.
D42: 8...0-0 1 20 10 tt:Jd5
1 20 Archangel and New Archangel

1 о �2 0-0 ( 1 o... li\a5 1 1 i.a2 .:.ьs 1 2 ь) 12 ....tc8 13 .tg5 'i'g6 14 .te3 .tg4
li\g :3 .tc8 13 d 4 exd4 14 lL\xd4 0-0 1 5 15 .txc5 .i.xf3 1 б 'i'xf3 dxc5 17 �е3
i.gS h6 1 6 i..f4 i.xd4 1 7 �xd4 Ь 3 1 8 'iit'd6 1 8 f4 0-0 19 fxe5 'iit'xe5 (Adams-Lin
i.хЬЗ li\xb3 19 схЬ3 1:.хЬ3 20 1:.ас 1 1/2- 1/2 Weiguo, Ade1aide U-20 Wch 1 988) 20
Am.Rodriguez-Diaz, Mexico City 1 99 1 ) 'i'f4 ;!;,
1 1 li\g3 1:.Ь8 12 i.e3 i.xe3 13 fxe3 li\a5 с) 12 ... li\cб 1 3 .tg5 'iit'g6 14 i.d5 1:.Ь8
14 j.a2 с5 15 lZJd2 i.c8 Lemer-Moro­
= 15 'i'd2 0-0?! ( 1 5 . . .hб!) 1 б .txc6 .tхсб
zevich, Podolsk 1 993. 17 .te7 f5 ( 1 7 ... 1:.fe8 1 8 li\xe5) 18 li\h4
1\aS ± Lasota-Kaczmarek, corr. 1 99 1 .
Others: d) 12 . . . .ta7 1 3 �g5 'ifg6 1 4 'ttd2 h6
а ) 10 ... hб transposes to note 'с' to 15 .te3 с5 1б liJh4? ! 'i'f6 1 7 li\f5 g5 1 8
B1ack's 8th move in Line D3. с 3 Ь 3 19 .tы .tc8 2 0 li\g3 .te6 favours
Ь) 10 ... li\xd5 1 1 i.xd5 0-0 and now: Black, Draskovic-Djuric, corr. 1980.
ь 1) 12 .te3 i.xe3 1 3 fxe3 'i'e7 (B1ack 13 с3
сап also try 13 ... li\a5 !?) 14 'i'e1 а5 15 'i'g3 1 3 .te3 0-0 14 liJd2 .ta7 ( 1 4 ... 1:.ad8
li\ctS 1 6 liJh4 с6 17 li\f5 'i'f6 1 8 .tь3 ;!; 15 с3 Ьхс3 16 Ьхс3 .i.c8 1 7 li\c4 li\cб 1 8
FaiЬisovich-Kaminsky, Leningrad 1978. .:. ь 1 Фh8 1 9 Ф h 1 .te6 20 'i'e2 'i'g 6 2 1
Ь2) 12 а5 1:.Ь8 1 3 i.еЗ ( 1 3 с3, as f4 exf4 2 2 .i.xf4 ;!; S1avina-Kosintseva,
p1ayed in Karninski-Czerwonski, Po1ish Ko1ontaevo wom 1997) 15 с3 Ьхс3 1 б
Ch J 996, shou1d be met by 1 3 ... Ьхс3 ! 14 Ьхс3 .tc8 1 7 li\c4 li\xc4 1 8 .txc4 .te6
Ьхс 3 transposing to line 'Ь3 ' ) 1 3 ... .txe3 19 .txe6 'i'xe6 20 .txa7 1/2 - lf2 Galk:in­
14 fxe3 (Adams-Emms, British Ch 1997) Hector, Stockho1m 1 999.
14 . . .li\xa5 ! 15 i.xb7 lZJxb7 16 1:.xa6 li\c5 13 ...Ьхс3 14 ЬхсЗ 0-0 15 �е3
gives Black а very good game. 15 1:.Ы ;!; 1/2- lf2 UlyЬin-Liang Chong,
Ь3) 12 с3 Ьхс3 (weaker is 1 2. . . а5 1 3 Beijing 1 996.
d 4 exd4 1 4 li\xd4 'i'd7 1 5 i.еЗ .txd4?! 15 ... 1:.ad8 16 J:.Ьl �с8 17 'i'e2 .i.e6?!
1 б cxd4 liJd8 1 7 i.xb7 liJxb7 1 8 1:.с 1 сб 1 7 . . ..tg4.
19 'i'd3 li\d8 ± Plachetka-Grabczewski, 18 h3!
KecSkemet 1975) 13 Ьхс3 1tb8 14 a5 li\e7 In Kasparov-Anand, New York РСА
15 j.c4 (Pa1ac-Godena, Formia 1995) and Wch ( 1 2) 1 995 White obtained а better
now 1 5 ....ta7 is equal - Shon. ending after 1 8 . . . .txa2 ( 1 8 . . . 1:.fe8 ! ?) 1 9
11 li\xf6+ 'i'xa2 .tхеЗ 20 fxe3 'i'e6 2 1 'i'xe6 fxe6
1 1 i.g5 li\xb3 12 i.xfб gxf6 1 3 схЬ3 22 1:.Ь4. 1 8 .tхеб 'i'хеб 19 d4 exd4 20
f5 is recommended Ьу Uh1mann, but Kas­ cxd4 .tb6 21 li\d2 d5 22 e5 li\c4 23 f4 f5
parov considered this position better for 24 1tfc 1 (Fta�nik) is а prornising a1tema­
Black. tive.
1 1...'i'xf6 12 �а2
1 2 .tg5 'i*'gб 1 3 .ta2 0-0? ! ( 1 3 . . . h6 042)
and 13 .. .f5 ! ? are quite good for Black) 1 4 8... 0-0 9 а4 (D)
.te1 Ь 3 ( 14 . . .1:.fe8? 1 5 li\xe5 !) 15 схЬ3 9 .te3 d6 10 .txc5 dxc5 1 1 а4 Ь4 1 2
1:.fe8 16 li\h4 'tte6 17 Ь4 with а better liJd5 ( 1 2 liJ Ь I li\d7 1 3 liJbd2 li\a5 1 4
gante for White, Emelin-Driamin, St Pe­ .ta2 'ike7 15 'i'e l Фh8 l б 'i'e3 .tc6 1 7
tersburg 1998. li\c4 li\xc4 18 .txc4 li\b6 Vogt-Gabrie1,

}2 h6
••• Altensteig 1 995) 12 . . .li\as 1 3 li\xf6+ 'i'xf6
Others: 14 liJd2 (lvanov-Benjamin, Las Vegas
з) 12 ...Ь3?! l 3 'i'e1 ! .tЬб 14 i.d2 ±. 1 998) 14 ... 1:.ad8 15 �е2 .tc8 ! ? 1б 'i'еЗ
Archangel with 7 dЗ 121

'ildб followed Ьу . . .i.еб gives Black а 1 8 �h1 'i'gб 1 9 i.d2 .ta8 with а good
good game. game for B lack, Kokki1a-Norri, Helsinki
1 99б.
Ь3) 1 1 .ta2 l2Jxd5 1 2 exd5 ( 1 2 i.xd5
i.xd5 13 exd5 'i'fб 14 Ь3 .i1fe8 15 i.b2
в 'itf5 1 б .i1el dб 17 'ir'd2 сб 18 dхсб llJxcб
with а very good game for Вlack,
Boudre-Kazhgaleev, Paris 1 99б) 12 . . . dб
( 1 2...'itfб ! ) 13 с3 сб 14 .id2 'i'Ьб 15 'i'el
Ь3 lб .tЬI (Van de Oudeweetering-Кlip,
Enschede 1 995) l б .. .'it'c7 17 с4 i.Ьб 1 8
с 5 dxc5 1 9 d б 'i'd8 2 0 'itxe5 .:te8 2 1 'iWf4
gives White the better chances.
Ь4) 1 1 .ig5 ! l2Jxb3 ( l l . . . i.xd5 1 2
i.xd5 сб 13 i.a2 ;!; Mokry) 1 2 i.xfб gxfб
Now: 13 схЬ3 i.xd5 14 exd5 �h8 15 d4 with
0421: 9... Ь4 121 better play for White, Brodsky-Sivokho,
0422: 9 l2Jd4 ••. 121 St Petersburg 1 993.
0423: 9 l2Ja5 ••• 1 22 1 1 i.xdS d6
We have transposed to note 'Ь' to
D421 ) Black's 10th move in Line D4 1 .
9 Ь4 1 0 llJdS

An a1ternative is 1 О l2Je2 d5 (ЕСО rec­ D422)

ommends 10 . . . l2Ja5 ! ?) 1 1 exd5 l2Jxd5 1 2 9...l2Jd4 10 llJxeS
а5 ! �h8 ( 1 2 .. Ji'd7 ! ;!; Adams) 1 3 с 3 i.e7 Or:
1 4 .ic4 'itd7 15 .:te1 .:tfd8 ( 1 5 ...fб 1 б а) 1 О axb5 l2Jxb3 transposes to D423 .
i.d2 l2Jd8 1 7 l2Jg3 llJeб with а playaЬie Ь) 10 l2Jxd4 ! ? exd4 1 1 l2Je2 d5 1 2 е5
position for Black - Hazai/Rogers) 1 б l2Jg4 13 i.f4 .i1e8 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 5 .:txa8
i.d2 .i1ab8 1 7 l2Jg3 fб 1 8 h 4 .tf8 1 9 h5 .txa8 1 б с3 dxc3 1 7 d4 and White ob­
l2Jce7 ( 1 9 ... l2Ja7 ! ? 20 l2Je4 Ьхс3 2 1 Ьхс3 tained some advantage in B ritton-Ber­
l2Jb5 22 'ir'e2 i.e7 23 .:taЬI Adams) 20 soult, Hastings 1 995.
d4 ! l2Jf5 2 1 l2Jxf5 'ir'xf5 22 l2Jh4 ± Ad­ 10...l2Jxb3 11 схЬЗ Ь4
ams-Тumurhuyag, Moscow OL 1 994. An alternative is l l . . .d5 12 i.g5 ! :
10. .l2Jxd5
. а) 1 2. . ..11е8? ! 1 3 i.xfб ± (Mokry).
Also: Ь) 12 ... dxe4 13 dxe4 ! :
а) IO . . . hб 1 1 i.e3 i.dб 12 llJxfб+ Ьl) 1 З ...Ь4? ! 14 l2Jd5 l2Jxe4 (14... .txd5
'i'хfб 13 i.d5 I:.ab8 14 l2Jd2 l2Ja5 1 5 1 5 exd5 .i1e8 1б .i1e1 ± Mokry) 1 5 i.xd8
i.xb7 .i1xb7 l б 'i'h5 'i'еб 1 7 f4 exf4 18 .U.axd8 l б 'i'c2 .ixd5 1 7 .:tae 1 .:tfe8 1 8
.txf4 llJcб 1 9 l2Jb3 J:.bb8 ;!; David-Tka­ .U.xe4 i.xe4 1 9 'i'xe4 i.d4 2 0 'i'Ь7 i.xe5
chev, Cannes 1 999. 2 1 'i'хаб and White won in Kramnik­
Ь) IO. . .l2Ja5 and now: Shirov, Frankfurt rpd 1 99б.
Ь l ) 1 1 l2Jxe5? l2Jxb3 1 2 l2Jxfб+ 'itxfб Ь2) 1 3 . . . .U.e8 14 .txfб 'i'xfб 15 l2Jd7
1 3 l2Jg4 'i'gб 14 схЬ3 f5. "flie7 1 б l2Jxc5 'i'xc5 1 7 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 8
Ь2) 1 1 l2Jxf6+ 'ifxfб 12 i.a2 .i1ab8 13 J:.xa8 J:.xa8 19 .U.el hб 2 0 h3 Ь4 2 1 l2Ja4 ;!;
.ig5 'tidб 1 4 l2Jh4 Ь3 1 5 l2Jf5 'i'Ьб 1 б A.Sokolov-Short, Groningen FIDE КО
схЬ3 Фh8 17 Ь4 ( 1 7 �g4 ! ?) 17 . . . i.хЬ4 1 997.
1 22 Archangel and New Archangel

с) 12 . . . .te7 13 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 14 J::t xa8 .i.еб 17 .tхеб .:l.хеб = Hra�ek-Emms,

.txa8 (a1tematively, 14 ... ..Wxa8 15 ltJg4 ! Bundes1iga 1 995/б.
dxe4? ( l 5 . . . ..Wd8 ± } 1 6 ltJxf6+ .i.xf6 17 10...ltJxb3 11 схЬ3 ахЬ5
.i.xf6 gxf6 1 8 "iWg4+ Фh8 1 9 ltJxe4 +­ A1tematives are:
Mokry) 15 tt:Jxb5 dxe4 ! ? 16 dxe4 .txe4 17 а) 1 1 ... J::te8? ! 12 ltJxe5 ! ltJxe4 1 3 dxe4
J::te 1 ! ..Wxd1 18 J:txd 1 and now: 1 8 ... .i.c2 J::txe5 14 .i.f4 J::teб 1 5 Ьха6 J::taxa6 16
19 J:tc 1 .tхьз 20 tt:Jc6! .td6 21 tt:Jxd6 J::txaб .tхаб 1 7 J::te 1 dб 1 8 .i.e3 .tЬ4 1 9 f3
cxd6 22 .txf6 gxf6 ±; 18 ... J::tb8 19 ltJcЗ h6 20 'iia 1 .i.Ь7 2 1 J::td 1 with the better
.tc2 20 J:td2 ! .txb3 21 tt:Jc6 J:ta8 22 chances for White, UJyЬin-Zviagintsev,
ltJxe7+ Фf8 23 .i.xf6 gxf6 24 ltJfS J::ta 1 + Kazan 1 995.
25 li:Jd 1 J:txd 1 + 26 J:txd 1 .txd 1 27 Фfl Ь) l l . .. 'ir'e7 ! ? 1 2 Ьха6 J::txaб l3 J::txaб
favours White; 18 . . . J::td8 !? 19 J:txd8+ .tхаб 14 .i.g5 с6 (ЕСО) 1 5 J::te 1 ! and
.txd8 20 ltJc3 .i.Ь7 21 Ь4 ;!; (Mokry). B1ack has some proЬlems; e.g., 15 ... h6 16
12 tt:Je2 d5 13 d4 .i.d6 .th4 dб 1 7 d4 .i.Ь4 1 8 'iVa1 .i.Ь7 1 9 .txf6
Or: 13 . . ..te7 1 4 exd5 tt:Jxd5 1 5 ltJg3 'ir'xfб 20 'ir'a7 'ir'e7 2 1 'ir'ьб with advan­
f6 16 tt:Jc4 (Marjanovic-Petronic, Nik�ic tage to White.
1 997) and now B1ack should try 1 б . . . f5 ; 12 .l:txa8 i.xa8 13 ltJxe5 d5 14 .tg5!
1 3 ... .i.a7 ! ? 14 .i.g5 dxe4 1 5 ltJg4 i.c8 1 б A1so:
ltJxf6+ gxfб is unc1ear - Psakhis. а) 14 d4 .te7 ? ! ( 14 . . . .i.Ь6 15 .i.g5
14 exd5 dxe4 1 б tt:Jxb5 сб 17 ltJc3 .txd4 18 .txfб
Or 14 ltJxf7 ! ? J::txf7 1 5 е5 ltJg4 ! 1 б gxfб 19 ltJc4 с5 ) 1 5 tt:Jxb5 dxe4 1 б tt:Jc3

ехdб 'fi'xdб 1 7 ltJg3 ( 1 7 g 3 J::te8 ! ? 1 8 ltJf4 'ir'b 8 17 .i.g5 .:td8 18 ltJg4 'iib6 (Tisch­
ltJfб 19 'fi'c2 J:tfe7 20 f3 а5) 17 . . . h5 ! 1 8 Ьierek-G.Georgadze, Hamburg 1 995) 1 9
.tg5 ( 1 8 f4 gб 19 �с2 J::te 8) 1 8 . . . J::taf8 1 9 d 5 ±.
'fi'e 1 ! ? h4 ! 20 .i.xh4 ...hб and Black has Ь ) 14 ltJg4 dxe4 (or 1 4 . . . ltJxg4 1 5
compensation for the pawn (Psakhis). 'jfxg4 dxe4 1 6 dxe4 Ь4 17 ltJe2 J::te8 1 8 15 ltJgЗ .l:te8 ltJg3 g б 1 9 .:t e 1 'iid3 2 0 'iVf3 'iVc2 Bar­
B1ack has compensation for the pawn. sky-Feoktistov, Moscow 199б) 1 5 tt:Jxfб+
J.Polgar-Adams, Linares 1 997 ended in а 'ir'xfб 1б dxe4 .:td8 1 7 'ir'c2 ( 1 7 'ir'h5 'jfe7
draw after 1б ltJc4 'ir'h4 17 'iVd3 ! ? .i.f4 1 8 ...fЗ 'jfeб 1 9 'iVh5 'ir'e7 20 'ir'f3 'ir'eб
1 8 i.d2 .i.xd2 19 'ir'xd2 ltJf4 20 fЗ ! .:tеб 2 1 'iVh5 1/2- lf2 Emms-Malaniuk, Hastings
21 J::tfe1 (21 ltJe5 ! ? J:td8 22 ltJg4 ..Wg5 23 1 995) 17 . . .'ir'g6 1 8 .te3 .txe3 19 fxe3
J:tad1 h5 24 h4 'jkxh4 25 ..Wxf4 hxg4 2б (lvanchuk-Anand, Monte Car1o rpd 1995)
fxg4 J:thб 27 ttJh5 .i.d5 28 'ir'xc7 J:tddб 29 1 9 ...h6 ""·
J:td3 ! 'ir'xg4 30 ltJf4 "" Psakhis) 2 1 ... J:thб 14...dxe4 15 dxe4 'fi'xd1 16 .l:.xd1 Ь4
22 Фf1 ! J:tfб 23 Фg1 J:thб 24 Фп J:tfб 25 17 tt:Jd5
Фg1 J:th6. lnteresting is 1 7 .txf6 ЬхсЗ 1 8 Ьхс3
gxf6 19 ltJd7 .i.dб 20 ltJxf8 Фхf8 21 f3
0423) .tсб 22 Фf2 Фе7 23 J::ta 1 .te5 ! 24 Фе3
9...lDas 10 ахЬ5 .i.d7 25 .l:.c 1 .i.xh2 ! Kupreichik-Ma1-

Others: aniuk, Mtinster 1 995.

'а) 10 tt:Jxe5 ltJxbЗ transposes to Line 17...i.xf2+ 18 Фхf2 ltJxe4+ 19 'it>g1
D422. ltJxg5 20 ltJd7 .l:td8 21 ltJxc7 �h8 22
Ь) 10 .ta2 Ь4 1 1 ltJe2 J::te8 12 .te3 ltJxaS .l:txa8 23 .l:td4 .:.а1+ 24 �f2 1:r.Ьl
i.f8 13 ltJg3 d5 14 ltJd2 dxe4 ( 1 4 . . . d4? The ending is drawn, Topalov-Shirov,
15 .i.g5 hб 1б f4 ! +) 15 dxe4 i.c8 1б f3 Monte Car1o blindfold 1 997.
8 Arc h a n g e l : R a re 7th M oves
fo r Wh ite

1 е4 е5 2 ltJf3 ltJc6 3 .tь5 а6 4 .ta4 ltJf6 1 2 . . . ..iеб?! 13 f4 and Black has prob­
5 о-о Ь5 6 .tь3 .tь7 lems with the bishop, Sisniega-Nogueiras,
Now: Havana 1 982.
А: 7 ltJc3 1 23 13 J:te1 ..ie7 14 i.f4
В: 7 ltJg5 1 23 Still better is 1 4 'itg4 ! ..ifб 1 5 lDd3 ±
А) 14 ... .td6 15 'i*'g4 0-0 16 ltJc4 ..ixf4
7 ltJc3 (D) 17 'itxf4
White has better chances, Matanovic­
Planinc, Belgrade 1 978.

в А2)
7.....ie7 8 ltJd5 ltJxe4!?
8 ... dб ! ? 9 ltJxe7 (or 9 lDxf6+) trans-
poses to another variation of the Ruy
Lopez (ЕСО code С84).
9 d4 d6 10 'i!i'e2
Incorrect is 1О 'ifd3 ltJfб 1 1 lDg5 ltJxd5
1 2 ltJxf7 Фхf7 1 3 .txd5+ Фе8 14 'ife4
'ifd7 1 5 dxe5 dxe5 1 6 .te31:[ d 8 1 7 J:tad1
ltJd4 18 .txb7 lDe2+ 19 Фh l 'ifxd1 20
This often transposes, via 7 . . ..tc5 8 ..iсб+ Фf7 2 1 'ii'f5+ ..ifб 0- 1 Franzen­
d3, to Line D4 of Chapter 7. Here we dis­ Cvetkovic, Stary Smokovec 1 98 1 .
cuss independent lines: 1 0...lDf6 1 1 dxe5 ltJxe5 12 ltJxeS
А1: 7 ...ltJa5?! 1 23 dxeS 13 lDxe7 \i'xe7 14 а4
А2: 7....te7 123 White has an initiative for the pawn,
Kutianin-Matsukevich, 1 970.
7...ltJa5?! 8 lDxe5 В)
After 8 d4 ltJxb3 9 ахЬ3 exd4 Black 7 ltJg5
obtains а good game. White Wants to refute the whole sys­
8...ltJxb3 9 ахЬ3 Ь4 10 ltJd5 ltJxe4 tem in а very direct way. However, Black
Or 1 0 ... ltJxd5 1 1 exd5 ..ixd5 12 'ife2 has more than sufficient counterplay.
..ie7 1 3 J:txaб with а slight advantage for 7 ... dS 8 exd5 ltJd4
White (Matanovic). а) Not 8 . . . ltJxd5? 9 'i'h5 �d7 (9 . . . gб
11 d3 hd5 12 dxe4 .tb7 1 0 'itf3 'i!i'xg5 1 I ..ixd5) 1 0 �xf7+ 'ii'xf7
124 Archangel and New Archangel

1 1 liJxf7 Фхf7 12 Sii.xd5+ and Wrute wins Or 10 ахЬ3 'i!Vxd5 and now:
а pawn. а) 1 1 liJf3 е4 1 2 d4 О-О-О 13 liJc3 'ii'f5
Ь) 8 . . . ltJa5 may 1ead to simi1ar posi- 14 ltJe5 J.c5 ( 1 4 . . .liJd7 ! ?) 1 5 J.еЗ (Pep­
tions to the main line but it is 1ess active. tan-Seku1ovska, Erevan wom OL 1 996)
9 1:te1 1 5 ... 1:.hf8 «>.
Others: Ь) 1 1 'i'f3 'it'xf3 1 2 1:.хе5+ Фd7 1 3
а) 9 d6 liJxb3 1 0 ахЬ3 J.xd6 1 1 liJc3 liJxf3 .id6 14 1:. e l 1:.ае8 1 5 1:. f l (Dergat­
h6 1 2 liJf3 е4 13 liJe1 'i!*'d7 14 d3 0-0-0 schova Daus-Wolowiec, W1Sla wom 1 994)
1 5 .id2 'iff5 + Panko-Konikowski, Byd­ 1 5 ...liJg4 ! +.
goszcz 1 968. 10...i.e7 11 ахЬЗ 0-0 12 d4
Ь) 9 с3 liJxb3 10 'i!*'хЬЗ ( 1 0 ахЬ3 A1so:
'ir'xd5 1 1 liJf3 е4 1 2 ltJe 1 О-О-О 1 3 liJa3 а) 12 d3?! liJd7 1 3 1:.хе7 'i'xe7 14 с4
'i!Ve5 14 'ir'e2 J.d6 1 5 g3 h5 + Graben­ 1:.fe8 1 5 J.e3 'itf6 with excellent play for
woeger-Kotek, соп. 1 967) 1 О . . . J.xd5 1 1 Black, Butt-Castillo, Sharjah jr Wch
'i1Vd 1 .id6 1 2 d3 0-0 + Zedek-Vanek, 1 985.
Svetla nad Sazavou 1 994. Ь) 1 2 liJfЗ liJxd5 1 3 d3 .id6 1 4 1:.е 1
с) 9 dЗ liJxb3 10 ахЬ3 'i!Vxd5 (or .:!.е8 1 5 1:.хе8+ �хе8 16 liJbd2 f5 1 7 liJfl
I O. . . liJxd5 1 1 'i!*'rз 'ir'f6 Ruiz-Garces,
= f4 18 .id2 'i'g6 and B1ack has some com­
Valencia 1 992) 1 1 liJfЗ J.c5 12 ti:Jc3 �с6 pensation for the pawn, Berndt-Piпot,
13 1:.е1 0-0-0 14 1:.хе5 J.xf2+ 1 5 Фh 1 Bundesliga 1 997/8 .
.id4 16 1:.g5 J.xc3 17 Ьхс3 liJe4 + Ciem­ 12 ... h6 13 ltJe4 i.xdS
niak-Konikowski, В ydgoszcz 1 968. Black has some compensation for the
d) 9 liJc3 h6 10 ltJge4 liJxb3 (or pawn.
l O...ltJxe4 1 1 ltJxe4 liJxb3 12 ахЬ3 'ifxd5
1 3 d3) 1 1 liJxf6+ gxf6 1 2 ахЬ3 1:.g8 1 3 f3 82)
Ь4 1 4 ltJe4 f5 + Sarai-Rout, СаnЬепа 9 .td6 (D)

е) 9 с4 liJxb3 (9 ... Ьхс4 !?) 10 ахЬ3
liJxd5 1 1 liJxf7 ( 1 1 d4 !) 1 1 ... Фхf7 1 2
cxd5 'ir'xd5 1 3 f3 J.c5+ 14 Фh1 1:.he8 + w
S1eisz-Grenicz, Aggte1ek 1994.
f) 9 'ite1 liJxb3 (Ьetter is 9 ... J.d6 !) 10
'itxe5+ J.e7 11 ахЬ3 0-0 1 2 d4 ( 1 2 lЬсЗ??
liJd7 and White loses а piece, Salem-EI
Taher, Tanta 1 997), Ipavec-Feichter, Bled
1998, 12 ...liJxd5 13 1:.е1 �d7 gives Black
some compensation for the pawn.
В1: 9 liJxb3... 1 24
В2: 9...Sii.d6 1 24 10 f4
Also interesting are 9 ... J.c5 1 О 1:.хе5+ а) 1 О liJc3 is too passive.
Фf8 (Matsukevich) and 9 . . . J.e7. Ь) 10 с3 liJxb3 1 1 ахЬ3 0-0 12 d4 ( 1 2
с4 liJxd5 1 3 liJxh7 liJf4 1 4 'i'g4 <li>xh7 1 5
81 ) d4 f5 1 6 'i'g 3 ltJxg2 1 7 J:t d 1 exd4 1 8
9 liJxb3 10 1:txe5+
... 'ir'h3+ iVh4 0- 1 Franke-Bielecki, с оп.
Archangel: Rare 7th Moves for White 1 25

1 987) 1 2. . . exd4 13 �xd4 ( 1 3 с4 с5 { also llJe4 f5 1 7 exf6 llJxf6 1 8 llJxf6+ 1:txf6 1 9

not bad is 1 3 . . . с6 14 �xd4, Martinez­ llJcЗ 'i'f8 20 .tез �f7 2 1 llJe4 J:.g6 22
Kasansk.i, Lugano OL 1968, l 4... cxd5 1 5 �е2 .id6 23 .i:!.fl �е6 with some com­
с 5 :е8 } 1 4 'i'dЗ .l:.e8 15 1:txe8+ �хе8 1 6 pensation for Black, Hein-Ttirk, Germany
.id2 �е5 + Palacios-Nickoloff, Ontario 1 994/5.
1 993) 13 ... .txd5 14 Ь4 .:te8 15 .tеЗ с6 16
llJd2 а5 + Aranius-Karbasnikov, corr.
1 963.
с) 10 dЗ 0-0 ( l O ... llJxbЗ 1 1 axb3 llJxd5 w
12 d4 llJe7 1 3 dxe5 .txe5 14 �xd8+ .:Xd8
1 5 llJc3 .id6 1 6 llJge4 Фd7 =) and now:
с 1) 1 1 llJe4 ?! (too passive) 1 1 . . . llJxd5
1 2 llJbcЗ llJb4 1 3 .tеЗ ? ! ( 1 3 llJxd6)
13 . . . .ie7 14 ..txd4 exd4 1 5 llJe2 с5 16 аЗ
llJd5 1 7 llJ2g3 g6 18 �c 1 1:tc8 + Sideif­
Zade - Beliavsky, Tashkent 1 980.
с2) 1 1 с4 с6 1 2 dxc6 .txc6 13 .iеЗ
llJxbЗ 14 ахЬЗ gives Black compensation
for the pawn. 12 Фьt llJxbЗ
сЗ) 1 1 llJf3 transposes to line 'd' . Or 12 . . .llJxd5, and now:
d) 10 llJfЗ 0-0! 1 1 dЗ ( 1 1 llJxe5? 1:te8 а) 1 3 'i'h5 h6 ! 4 llJe4 was played in
1 2 llJc6 ..txc6 13 dxc6 1:txe 1 + 14 �хе1 Hofene-Schwarzkopf, Dortmund 1 988
.ixh2+ 1 5 Фfl �d6 16 сЗ .i:!.e8 17 �d 1 and now 14 ... llJf4 gives Black very strong
llJxbЗ 1 8 gЗ �d5 19 fЗ �d3+ 0- 1 Sten­ counterplay; e.g., 1 5 'i'g4 llJxb3 1 6 ахЬЗ
zel-Кichev, corr. 1 966) 1 1 . . . llJxd5 1 2 ..txe4 17 .l:.xe4 f5 1 8 exf6 �xf6 1 9 �fЗ
llJЬd2 ( 1 2 llJxe5 .:te8 1 3 llJg4 .:txel+ 1 4 llJe2 20 llJcЗ llJd4 2 1 �xf6 .l:.xf6.
�хе1 h 5 ! 1 5 llJeЗ { or 1 5 .ixd5 llJxc2 } Ь) 1 3 llJe4 llJxb3 14 ахЬЗ .id4 (Black
15 ... .txh2+! 1 6 Фхh2 -.ъ4+ 1 7 Фg l llJf4 сап try 14 ...llJe3 !?) with counterplay for
gives Black а strong attack) 12 ... llJxb3 Black.
13 ахЬЗ llJf4 14 llJe4 llJe6 1 5 ttJeg5 с) 1 3 dЗ ! transposes to the note to
llJxg5 16 llJxg5 h6 17 llJe4 f5 1 8 llJxd6 Black's 1 1 th move.
'i'xd6 + Wikner-Svensson, Swedish Cht 13 ахЬЗ
1 996. Or 13 exf6 �xd5 1 4 llJe4 llJxa1 1 5
10 ... 0-0 fxg7 Фхg7 1 6 llJbc3 't'*'c6 1 7 d4 (Shan­
1 O ... llJxd5 1 1 ..txd5 .txd5 1 2 сЗ llJe6 shaadorsh-Noskov, Moscow 1 99 1 ) and
1 3 d4 .te7 (Minakov-Koroliov, corr. now 17 ... ..tb6 parries the attack.
1 99 1 ) should Ье met Ьу 14 tt:Jxe6 ! . 13 ... �xd5 14 �rз .l:.ae8 15 �xdS
1 1 fxe5 ..tcs (D) llJxdS 16 llJfЗ llJЬ4 17 llJaЗ .1xf3 18
1 1 ... llJxd5 1 2 dЗ .ic5 1 3 Фh 1 .te7 gxf3 f6 19 е6 rs 20 d3 йf6 21 .1d2
( 1 3 . . . h6 14 llJf3 llJxfЗ 15 �хfЗ .l:.b8 1 6 Пfхе6 22 .l:.xe6 .l:.xe6 23 Пе1 Фf7
�gЗ Фh7 1 7 d4 ± Virtanen-Harjunpaa, Black has а better ending, Kova�evic­
corr. 1 993) 14 �g4 llJxb3 1 5 ахЬЗ h6 1 6 Kapic, corr. 1 973.
9 N ew Archa ngel

1 е4 eS 2 liJf3 ltJc6 3 �ЬS а6 4 �a4 ltJf6 А: 7 .l:.el? ! 1 26

s о-о ьs 6 �ьз �cs (D) В: 7 'ife2 1 27
С: 7 d3 1 29
D: 7 lL\xe5 1 30
Е: 7 с3 133
w F: 7 а4 144

Other moves are not very important:

а) 7 �d5? ! (this wastes too much
time) 7 .. .0-0 8 d3 .l:.e8 9 �g5 h6 1 О �h4
�Ь7 1 1 с3 g5 12 .ig3 d6 favours Black,
A.Hunt-Emms, Hastings 1995/6.
Ь) 7 ltJc3 d6 (7 . . . �Ь7 8 d3 transposes
to Line D4 of Chapter 7) 8 а4 and now
8 . . ..ig4 ! ? 9 axb5 lLJd4 10 Ьха6 'ii'c 8 1 1
The New Archangel (5 ... Ь5 6 �Ь3 �а4+ с6 1 2 ltJxd4! .ixd l 1 3 .ixc6+
�с5) represents an ambltious plan of Фf8 14 �Ь7 _.е8 1 5 liJdb5 was Ьetter for
development Ьу Black. 6 ... .ic5 is а logi­ White in А! Modiahki-Hasan, Calcutta
cal-looking move that is becoming in­ 1 996. Black may well have improve­
creasingly popular at the highest levels, ments in that line, but certainly а safer
so much so that it's even threatening to line is 8 ...Ь4 9 ltJd5, when 9 . . . i.Ь7 1 0 d3
become Black's main reply to the Lopez. transposes to Line D4 1 of Chapter 7,
When compared with the Archangel while 9 ... ltJa5 10 .ia2 0-0 1 1 d3 ltJxd5 1 2
(6... �Ь7), the difference is that in some .ixd5 c6 looks equal. GraЬЬing the pawn
variations the c8-Ьishop may play on the with 9 . . . ltJxe4 is also р!ауаЬ!е, although
c8-h3 diagonal. This can Ье particularly in that case White obtains reasonaЬle
useful when White builds а centre with compensation Ьу 10 d3 liJf6 1 1 .ig5.
с3 and d4, as Black can often pressurize
the centre with . . . .ig4, or else induce А)
White to use а tempo to prevent this with 7 Пеl?!
h3. Naturally there are many occasions Defending the e4-pawn in preparation
where the two Archangels transpose. for с3 and d4. However, this move is
Now we will study White's main re­ careless, as it allows Black to go onto the
sponses to 6 ... �с5. Of these, Line А is an counterattack immediately.
instructive епоr, Lines В and С are quiet 7 ltJg4!

and unassuming, while Lines D, Е and F Other moves tend to transpose into
are more direct and represent White's other variations. For example, for 7 ...i.Ь7
best chance of obtaining an advantage see Chapters 5 and 6 and for 7 . . . d6 8 с3
out of the opening. see Line Е 1 .
New Archangel 1 27

8 .l:te2!? B lack any real proЬlems. The resulting

Alternatively: middlegame positions are normally very
а) 8 d4? ltJxd4 9 ltJxd4 'ith4 ! 10 -.rз level, but full of possiЬilities for both
�xd4 1 1 'ifxf7+ Фd8 and White is in big sides. B lack now has two main options:
trouЬle. В1: 7... d6 1 27
Ь) In fact, White's Ьest move may Ье В2: 7 d5 ••. 128
to admit the error of the previous move
and play 8 J:.fl ( ! ). This is exactly what 81 )
happened in Liss- Emms, Copenhagen 7...d6 8 сЗ 0-0 9 .:ldl
1996. Given that it was а decisive last­ Seemingly preparing d4, although
round encounter, perhaps 1 tried too hard paradoxically White often prefers the re­
to find а ' refutation' of White's play, strained d3, even with the rook on d l .
when Black's Ьest response may well Ье One other thing to note is that the f l ­
8 . . . ltJfб ! (8 . . . d6 ! ? and 8 . . . 0-0 also Iook square i s now free for the usual liJbd2-fl
reasonaЬle). Instead 1 played the over­ manoeuvre. Naturally, the immediate 9
refined 8 ... iЬб? ! 9 d4 ! exd4 10 �g5 fб d3 is also playaЬle:
1 1 �f4 and White had good compensa­ а) 9 ... h6 1 0 �е3 ixe3 1 1 fxe3 �еб
tion for the pawn. 1 2 liJbd2 '*'е7 13 �el �хЬ3 14 ахЬ3 а5
8...ltJd4 9 ltJxd4 �xd4 10 hЗ 15 '*'g3 gб 16 J:.f2 ltJh5 1 7 �h3 'ii'eб 1 8
1 0 с3 '*'h4! -+; after 10 'ii'e 1 0-0 1 1 �h4 'i'f6 1 9 'if'h3 �еб 20 "i*'h4 �f6 2 1
h3 liJfб 1 2 с3 �Ьб White's pieces look '*'h3 lf2- lf2 WedЬerg-Olafsson, Neskaup­
rather silly. stad 1 984.
10 .. ltJxf2!?
. Ь) 9 . . . �e6 1 0 J:.d 1 �Ьб 1 1 �g5 h6 1 2
If Black is looking for а quieter Iife ie3 1Lxe3 1 3 '*'хе3 1/2- lf2 Efimov-A.Iva­
then lO ...ltJfб 1 1 с3 �Ьб 1 2 d4 '*'e7 looks nov, Philade1phia 1 990.
enough for equality. 9 . -.е7
. .

1 1 J:.xf2 �xf2+ 12 Фхf2 'ii'h4+ 13 Supporting the e5-pawn in prepara­

Фg1 tion for White's d4 advance. Another
Neither 1 3 ФfЗ? '*'h5 + ! nor 1 3 Фе3 prophylactic idea is 9 ... �Ь6:
'ii'g3+ 14 '*'fЗ '*'е1 + looks appetizing for а) 1 О d4 'i'e7 transposes to the note to
White. White' s 1 0th move.
13...-.хе4 14 l0c3 �d4+ 15 Фы �Ь7 Ь) 1 0 d3 �Ь7 ( 1 0 . . . h6 1 1 ie3 �хе3
This position could do with а practical 12 'it'xe3 ltJa5 13 ic2 с5 1 4 ltJЬd2 Stri­

test, but 1 don't think Black is any worse. kovic-S1utzkin, Geneva 1 99 1 ) 1 1 �g5 hб
12 �h4 �е7 1 3 liJЬd2 liJd8 14 ltJfl ltJe6
В) and Black is fine, Fomina-Zso.Po1gar,
7 "ir'e2 Moscow wom OL 1994.
This position can also arise from the 10 d3
Worrall Attack move-order 5 �е2 Ь5 б Alternatively:
�Ь3 �с5 7 0-0, and indeed it is classi­ а) 1 0 d4 �Ьб 1 1 �g5 hб 1 2 �h4 g5
fied Ьу ЕСО under С77 (as opposed to 1 3 �g3 �g4! and if anything, Black is
С78, like the rest of the Iines considered better.
in this Ьооk). White defends the e4-pawn Ь) 1 0 h3 �Ьб (or 1 0 ... �Ь7 1 1 d3 �Ьб
with the queen and prepares J:.d 1 . Of 12 liJЬd2 ltJh5 = Galdunts-Fishbein,
course this system is playaЬle for White, Moscow 1 989) 1 1 d4 �Ь7 12 d5 ltJa5 1 3
but it's probaЬly а Ьit too slow to cause �с2 с б 14 dxcб ltJxc6 and Black has no
128 Archangel and New Archangel

proЬ!ems, В о Gurgenidze-Nezhmetdinov, pressure on е4 and also preparing o o od5o

USSR Ch 19570 McShane-Adams, Kilkenny 1 997 con­
10....te6 11 .tc2 .tb6 12 h3 d5 tinued 9 а4 .:ь8 10 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 1 d3 hб
It's Black who achieves the central 1 2 .te3 ? ! ( 1 2 liJbd2 ) 12oo o.tf8 ! 13 d4?!

breako This equalizes comfortaЬlyo (13 liJbd2 d5 14 .:re 1 rninirnizes the dam­
13 exd5 �xd5 14 .tgS 1:!.ае8 15 age) 1 3 o o oexd4 14 cxd4 ltJxe4 15 d5 ltJЬ4
liJbd2 h6 16 .tез 1 6 liJc3 ltJc5 and Black was а pawn up
1/2- lf2 Pachman-Bisguier, Gothenburg with а better positiono
IZ 1 9550 9 exd5
Accepting the challengeo B lack has а
82) choice of ways to equalize after the tame
7 0-0 (D)
••• 9 d3:
а) 9ooodxe4 10 dxe4 h6 1 1 .:ct 1 'fle7
1 2 .te3 .txe3 1 3 ,..хе3 ltJa5 1 4 liJbd2 с5
1 5 .tc2 �g4 1 6 а4 .txf3 1 7 'flxfЗ .:rct8
w with equality, B oMartin-Morris, London
Ь) 9oood4 ! ? 10 .tg5 hб 1 1 .txfб ,.-хfб
1 2 .td5 dxc3 1 3 Ьхс3 .td7 14 liJbd2
.:act8 =F Velickovic-Petronic, Niksic 1 9960
9 ... е4!?
The main altemative is 9oooltJxd5 10
ltJxe5 liJf4:
а) 1 1 'ilr"e4 'ilr"h4 ( 1 1 o ooltJxe5 1 2 d4 ! is
good for White) and now 1 2 d3 liJh3+ 1 3
Тhis move, planning o o od5, is Black's gxh3 'ilr"xe4 1 4 dxe4 ltJxe5 1 5 Фg2 .tЬ7
most amЬitious tryo Often Black сап sac­ gave Black huge compensation for the
rifice а pawn as in the Marshall Attack. pawn in McShane-Slobodjan, Lippstadt
8 с3 1997 о However, McShane must have been
This move encourages Black to sacri­ ready to repeat this line as he played it
fice а pawno Quieter ideas include: against Adams later on in the yearo МауЬе
а) 8 а4 J:tb8 9 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 10 d3 dб 1 1 his idea was 12 'flxcб ! ?, which leads to а
.tg5 .tg4 1 2 с3 hб 1 3 .te3 lt'Jd7 14 h3 very unclear position after 1 2oooltJe2+ 1 3
.th5 15 g4 �gб =Strikovic-Campos Фh 1 .txf2 14 g4 ltJg3+ 15 Фg2 liJxfl 1 б
Moreno, Saragossa 1 9980 Фхf! о 12 .td5 ! ? also looks very interest­
Ь) 8 d3 and now 8оооdб 9 с3 leads us to ingo
Line В 1 , while Black could also consider Ь) 1 1 'fifЗ ltJxe5 12 'fixf4 ( 12 'flxa8
8ооо.:е8, planning Оооhб and later oood5o ,..d3 ! is very strong for Black) 12oooliJd3
8...d5 13 'fle4 .tеб! and Black has а strong ini­
lt's very tempting to play in Marshall tiative for the pawno
Attack fashion, especially with the bishop 10 d4!?
more actively placed on с5о However,
· 1 О dхсб exf3 1 1 'i'xfЗ �g4 12 �f4
Black also has other рlауаЬ!е moves: ,..d3 ! is obviously not what White wantso
а) For 8 о о оdб see Line В l o 10 ltJg5 ! ? �g4 1 1 ,..е 1 also won't Ье to
Ь) 8ооо.:е8 !? looks like а clever move, many peop1e's taste, but this line 1ooks
preventing the d4 advance due to the рlауаЬ!е: 1 1 oo oltJe5 1 2 d4! liJd3 1 3 �е3
New Archangel 1 29

or 1 1 0 lLJa5 12 i.c2 i.Ь6 1 3 lLJxe4 J:te8

оо d6 reaches а position sirnilar to Line D,
14 d3o except that Black has the extra move
lO exfЗ 1 1 iVxfЗ
... o o oh6, which could prove to Ье useful)
We are following the garne McShane­ 1 0oo od6 1 1 d4 i.b6 1 2 h3 i.b7 13 J:te1 0-0
Emms, Bundesliga 1 99617 Here I con­
о 14 i.e3 exd4 15 cxd4 lLJa5 1 6 d5 lLJxb3
tinued 1 1 oooi.g4?! 12 "f!id3 i.xd4 13 cxd4 17 'i!t'xb3 с6 Весепа Rivero-Godena,

lLJЬ4 14 '*'g3 i.e2 1 5 J:te1 i.c4 and now Havana 1 9990

White could have kept а significant ad­
vantage with 16 J:te5 ! ; eogo, 16ooolLJd7 17 С1)
i.h6 '*'f6 1 8 i.xg7 ! fixg7 1 9 J:tg5, or 7 d6 8 с3

160 o oi.xb3 17 i.h60 Black should opt for Altemative1y:

the simpler l l o oolLJxd4 1 2 cxd4 i.xd4; а) 8 а4 J:tb8 (8oo oi.b7 transposes to
eogo, 13 lLJc3 i.b7 14 i.g5 "ilid6 15 i.f4 note 'а' to Black's 8th move in Line D3
i.e5 1 6 i.xe5 "flixe5 1 7 J:tfe 1 'iifd6 with а of Chapter 7, while 8oo oi.g4 9 с3 gives us
fairly level positiono Line Е22) 9 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 10 i.e3 !? 0-0
( l 0oooi.xe3 1 1 fxe3 ;!;) 1 1 lLJbd2 ( 1 1 i.xc5
С) dxc5 gives Black а useful bind in the cen­
7 dЗ (D) tre, while 1 1 lLJc3 i.g4 ! is also fine for
Black) l l oooh6 1 2 �е2 tUd7 1 3 с3 'Wi'f6 ! ?
14 g3 ! tUe7 (Milos-Shirov, Groningen
FIDE КО 1997) 15 d4 i.b6 16 i.c2! lLJg6
в 17 Ь4 ;!; Mi1oso
Ь) 8 i.e3 i.xe3 (800 00-0 9 i.xc5 dxc5
1 О с3 'i!t'd6 1 1 'i'e2 lLJh5 12 g3 Jt.g4 1 3
'i'e3 J:tad8 Martinovic-Petronic, Nik�ic

1 997) 9 fxe3 lLJaS ! (elirninating the Lopez

Ьishop) 10 lЬсЗ с6 1 1 lLJe2 lLJxb3 1 2
ахЬ3 0-0 13 lLJg3 g6 14 'i'd2 "flie7 1 5 J:tael
i.b7 16 h3 lLJeS 17 d4 tUg7 and Black is
very comfortaЬ!e, Kovalevskaya-Skrip­
chenk.o, Ukrainian wom Ch 1 9960
This is а quiet and flexiЬle moveo 8 0-0

White can either continue slowly with 8 o ooi.b7 transposes to Line D 1 of

с3, or try for а2-а4 (or а rnixture of both)o Chapter 70
On the other hand Black comes under no 9 tUbd2
immediate pressure and thus retains quite Also possiЬle is 9 i.e3 h6 (note that
а few ways to reach а playaЬie positiono Black is loathe to give White а half-open
Black has two main options: f-file free of charge, but is quite willing to
Cl: 7 d6 ... 1 29 accept а half-open d-file) 10 lЬbd2 i.b7
С2: 7 0-0... 130 1 1 "flie 1 lLJd7 1 2 i.d5 J:tb8 13 Ь4 i.b6 14
а4 lLJe7 15 i.xb7 J:txb7 16 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 and
Also possiЬie is 7 o o oh6 (preventing а Black has just about equalized, Saltaev­
later i.g5) 8 а4 (8 Jt.e3 !? looks like а log­ Eh1vest, Elista OL 1 9980
ical move, especially now that i.g5 has After the text-move (9 lLJbd2) we have
been ruled out) 8ooo:tb8 9 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 10 reached а position similar to one in the
с3 ( 1 0 lLJxe5 lLJxe5 1 1 d4 i.xd4 12 �xd4 Giuoco Piano ( 1 е4 е5 2 tUf3 lLJc6 3 i.c4
1 30 Archangel and New Archangel

i.c5 4 с3 tiJfб 5 d3 dб б 0-0 0-0 7 i.b3 а6

8 tiJbd2) except that B lack has the extra
move . . . Ь5. In one sense this is usefu1 as it в
prevents White from p1aying ltJc4. On
the other hand, it gives White а 'hand1e'
to grasp hold of on the queenside, for а
later а4 attack.
9... i.e6
9 . . . Фh 8 ! ? 1ooks interesting; e.g., 10
h3 ltJg8 ! 11 .l:.e 1 f5 1 2 tiJfl fxe4 1 3 dxe4
'ife8 and B1ack was fine in Mazi-Mikh­
alchishin, В led 1 997.
10 i.c2 .l:.e8 11 hЗ h6 12 .l:.e1 ..tb6 13 Originally this was considered as а
а4 'refutation' of 6 ...i.c5, but more recent1y
Or 1 3 tiJП d5 14 exd5 'iit'x d5 1 5 а4 it has been shown that B1ack has many
.l:.ad8 Nunn-Tumer, Oxford 1998.
= counterchances in this 1ine.
13....1:tb8 14 tiJП dS 15 ..td2 'iit'd6 16 7... ltJxe5
tiJh4 'i'e7 17 axbS axbS Weak is 7 ... i.xf2+ 8 .l:.xf2 ltJxe5 9 d4
McShane-ТUmer, British Cht 1 998/9. ltJeg4 1 О .l:.fl d5 1 1 h3 tiJh6 1 2 i.xh6
B1ack has achieved the ...d5 advance and gxh6 13 'i'fЗ +- Beskow Froeken-Gus­
can c1aim equa1ity. tafsson, Gothenburg 1920.
8 d4 ..txd4
С2) Other moves are weaker:
7 0-0
... а) 8 . . . ltJxe4? 9 dxc5 is very strong for
Often this simp1y transposes into Line White.
С 1 , but there are а few independent lines. Ь) 8 ... 0-0?! 9 dxe5 ltJxe4 and now in­
8 а4 stead of 1 0 'Wit'd5? i.b7! 1 1 'iWxb7 с6! (in­
Or: tending . . . .l:.a7), White should р1ау 10
а) For 8 с3 d6 see Line С 1 . i.d5 with an advantage.
Ь) 8 ltJc3 ! ? h6 ! ? ( 8. . .i.b7 transposes с) 8 ... 'i'e7 9 dxc5 'iit'x c5 (9 . . . 0-0 1 0
to Line D42 of Chapter 7, whi1e 8... d6 ! ? i.g5 !) 1 о i.e3 'i'e7 1 1 liJc3 i.b7 1 2 f3
1ooks р1ауаЬ!е) 9 а4 Ь4 1 0 tiJd5 dб 1 1 с3 0-0 1 3 а4 ltJc4 ( 1 3 . . .Ь4!?) 14 i.xc4 Ьхс4
Ьхс3 12 Ьхс3 i.a7 1 3 liJxf6+ �xf6 14 15 'i'd4 d5 16 i.g5 favours White, Men­
i.d5 i.d7 15 i.e3 i.xe3 16 fxe3 and the cinger-Jeraj , Finkenstein 1 993.
ha1f-open f-file gives White an edge, 9 'i'xd4 d6
Asrian-Bacrot, Lausanne 1999. A1tematives:
8... .1:.Ь8 а) 9 . . . ltJc6 1 0 'Wit'd3 ( 1 0 'i'c5 ! ? i.Ь7
8 . . . i.b7 transposes to Line D3 of { 10 .. .'�е7 1 1 'i'xe7+ ltJxe7 12 i.f4 ;1;} 1 1
Chapter 7. е5 d6 { l l . . . ltJg4 ! ? } 1 2 exd6 схdб 1 3
9 tiJbd2 d6 10 с3 ..tЬ6 1 1 hЗ tiJh5 12 .l:.e1 + ltJe7 14 'i'd4 ± B ams1ey-Bryan,
axbS ахЬ5 13 .l:.e1 liJf4 corr. 1 967) 10 ... 0-0 1 1 ltJc3 h6 1 2 f4 d6
B1ack has his full share of the chances, 1 3 i.d2 i.Ь7 1 4 ttJd5 tiJd7 1 5 i.c3 with а
Adams-Shirov, Madrid 1 996. comfortaЬ!e p1us for White, Sze1ag-de1
Mundo, San Lorenzo U - 1 4 Wch 1 995.
D) Ь) 9 . . .'�е7 1 0 i.g5 с5 1 1 i.xfб gxfб
7 l2Jxe5 (D) 12 'iit'd5 .l:.b8 1 3 f4 i.Ь7 14 'i'd1 с4 with
New Archangel 131

the better chances for White in а cornplex f l ) 10 . . . Ьхс4 ! ? 1 1 i.a4+ ( 1 1 i.xc4?

position, N apier!Elwell-MarshalVГaЬer, с5 12 'i'сЗ { 1 2 �d 1 ? ltJxc4 13 'ii'a4+ i.d7
consultation garne, 1 896. 14 'i'xc4 i.b5 was а trap into which
Now White has two rnain options: White fell in the game Hellers-Adarns,
Dl: 10 с3 131 Arhus 1 997 } 1 2 . . . ltJxe4 ! with а better
D2: 1 0 f4 1 32 garne for Black) 1 1 . . . i.d7 1 2 i.xd7+
'ii'xd7 13 f4 с5 14 'i'c3 itJd3 15 �хс4
Others: 'ii'b 5! Adarns.

а) 10 i.g5 ?? loses а piece to the f2) 10 . . . с5 1 1 'i'd 1 ltJxc4 ( 1 1 . . . 0-0 1 2

'Noah's Ark' trick, viz. 10 ... с5 followed схЬ5 ахЬ5 1 3 i.g5 с4 14 i.c2 Ь4 1 5 ltJd2
Ьу . . .с4. 1 0 ltJc3?? would lose for the i.a6 16 Ile l ltJg6 1 7 ltJfl h6 1 8 i.d2 Ilb8
sarne reason. 19 tlJgЗ ;t Kruppa-Onishchuk, Nikolaev
Ь) 10 �еЗ с5 1 1 с3 transposes to Line 1 995; 1 1 ... Ьхс4 !? 1 2 i.a4+ { 1 2 i.xc4??
D1. transposes to Hellers-Adarns in 'fl ' }
с ) 1 0 i.d5 ltJxd5 (Black cannot have with sorne cornpensation for the pawn for
any proЬ!erns either after 1 0 . . . с6 1 1 f4 White) 12 i.xc4 Ьхс4 1 3 i.f4 jte6 1 4
cxd5 1 2 fxe5 dxe5 1 3 �хе5+ jte6 or ltJc3 d 5 1 5 exd5 l2Jxd5 1 6 ltJxd5 'i'xd5 1 7
1 О. . . с5) 1 1 exd5 0-0 1 2 i.f4 �f6 i 3 ltJd2 'i'xd5 i.xd5 1 8 i.d6 0-0-0 1 9 i.xc5 Ilhe8
Ile8 1 4 а4 i.f5 and Black has an excel- = Mitrovic-Petronic, Yugoslavia 1 996.
1ent garne, Burden-Jensson, Reykjavik
1 996. D1 )
d) 10 'iid 1 0-0 1 1 i.g5 h6 12 i.xf6 10 с3 (D)
( 1 2 i.h4 ltJg6 1 3 i.xf6 'iixf6 14 ltJc3
'iig 5 1 5 'iid5 �xd5 16 ltJxd5 Ila7 1 7
Ilad 1 Ile8 1 8 Ilfe1 i.e6 = Gornez-San
Claudio, Orense 1997) 1 2... 'iixf6 13 ltJc3 в
с6 14 ltJe2 а5 1 5 а4 Ьха4 16 Ilxa4 i.a6 17
Ile 1 i.b5 1 8 Ild4 а4 1 9 i.a2 (19 Ilxd6?
i.xe2! 20 Ilxe2 Ilfd8 21 Iled2 Ilxd6 22
Ilxd6 'i'xd6 ! 23 'iixd6 ахЬЗ -+) 19 ... а3
( 1 9 . . . ltJg4 !?) 20 b4 ltJg4 2 1 fЗ ltJeЗ 22
'iid2 ltJxc2 23 'iixc2 i.xe2 24 'ii'd2 i.b5
25 Ilxd6 'i!r'ь2 26 е5 'ir'xd2 27 Ilxd2 Ilfd8
= Adarns-Тkachev, Wijk aan Zee 1995.
е) 1 0 a4 c5 1 1 'iie3 ( l l 'i'd1 !?) 1 1 ...0-0
1 2 ахЬ5 (after 1 2 ltJc3 i.b7 13 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 This is а relatively safe line for White,
14 Ilxa8 �ха8 White has proЬierns with but it fails to present Black with any real
his bishop) 1 2 . . . с4 13 i.a2 ахЬ5 14 ЬЗ proЬ!erns.
Ь4 ! 1 5 Ьхс4 i.e6 1 6 'ti'd4 (or 16 i.b2 10 с5

i.xc4 17 i.xc4 ltJxc4 1 8 'iib З ltJxb2 1 9 This is an idea of Кholrnov's. Other

'i!r'xb2 Ilxa1 2 0 'iix a1 'iic7 with a n advan­ possibilities include:
tage for Black - Motwani) 1 6. . . Ilxa2 1 7 а) 10 ...0-0!? 1 1 i.g5 с5 12 'i!r'd 1 h6 1 3
Ilxa2 i.xc4 1 8 Ilb2 i. x f l 19 Фxfl ltJc6 i.h4 ltJg6 14 i.d5 Ila7 1 5 i.g3 ltJe7 1 6
20 �с4 'ii'd7 and Black has an advantage а4 ltJexd5 1 7 exd5 (Kundin-ShaЬtai, Те!
(ЕСО). Aviv 1 995) 1 7 . . . Ьха4 gives Black а very
t) 10 с4 and now: good position.
Archangel and New Archangel

Ь) ! O...i.b7 and now: Or 14 ..J:te8 15 ll'\d2 ll'\g6 1б .tf2 ll'\f4

Ь1) 11 i.f4 с5 12 �е3 "Viie7 13 ll'\d2 and now in Co1ovic-Godena, Montecatini
О-О 14 J:fe1 hб 15 h3 J:fe8 1б .:tad 1 J:ad8 Terrne 1997 the p1ayers repeated moves
17 f3 ll'\gб with а good game for Black, with 17 .th4 ll'\gб 18 .tf2 ll'\f4 19 .th4
Bras1avsky-Fedorchuk , Bydgoszcz 1999. ll'\gб.
Ы) 11 f3 с5! 12 'i!Ve3 (or 12 �dl 0-0 15 i.g3
13 а4 ! с4!? 14 .tc2 �Ьб+ 15 �d4 �xd4+ 15 .tf2!? and now instead of 15 ...�с7
1б cxd4 ll'\cб 17 d5 ll'\Ь4 18 ll'\a3 ll'\d7 19 1 б а4 .:act8 17 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 18 ll'\a3 ;t Lau­
.td2 ll'\xc2 20 ll'\xc2 f5 Dimitrov-Oni­
= M.Mtiller, Bundesliga 1996/7, perhaps
shchuk, Erevan OL !99б) 12 ...0-0 13 J:dl B!ack сап play 15 ...с4!? 16 .tc2 d5.
J:e8 Lau-Onishchuk, Vienna 199б.
= 15 ... d5 16 exd5 с4 17 .tc2 ll'\xd5 18
Ь3) 11 .tc2 с5 12 "Viid1 0-0 13 J:e1 �е1 �g5 19 i.xg6 �xg6 20 ll'\a3 �ad8
.:te8 14 f4 ll'\ed7 15 ll'\d2 с4 1б Ь4 'i!Vbб+ 21 �с2
17 Фf l .:te7 with а good game for Black, Black has а very comfortaЬie position,
Nijboer-M.Mtiller, Bundesliga 1997/8. Spisak-Kazhgaleev, СарреНе la Grande
Ь4) 11 .tg5 с5 12 "Viie3 О-О 13 f3! J:e8 1995.
14 liJd2 hб (ЕСО).

11 �dl ! ? D2}
Or 1 1 �е3 О-О 12 ll'\d2 ( 12 .tc2 .tь7 10 f4 (D)
13 f4 ll'\c4 14 �fЗ 1:te8 15 Ь3 liJbб !б
ll'\d2 �е7 with good play for Вlack, Кnez­
evic-Petronic, Тivat 1995) 12...1:te8 13 fЗ
.tЬ7 14 1:!.d1!? �Ьб (14 ..."Viic7 15 ll'\fl
with equality - Кholmov) 15 Фhl d5 with
counterplay for Вlack, Zobei-Oschetzki,
Mtinster 1997.
l l . .tb7
. .

After 11...с4?! 12 .tc2 .tЬ7 13 f3 hб

14 'i!Vd4 �с7 15 J:dl J:d8 1б .tf4 White
has an advantage, Wagner-Krueger, Bad
Oeynhausen 1922.
12 f3 0-0 13 .tg5
13 а4 .tсб 14 ll'\a3 J:e8 15 с4 Ьхс4 ! б After this direct move Black must play
ll'\xc4 ltJxc4 17 .txc4 d5 18 exd5 .txd5 very carefully.
19 Ь3 .txc4 20 Ьхс4 �с7 led quick1y to а 10... с5
draw in de Firmian-Tkachev, New York This is Black's most ambitious re­
1995. sponse, but 10 ...ll'\cб!? is probaЬly safer.
13... h6 White has not Ьееn аЬ!е to obtain an ad­
13...с4!? 14 .tc2 d5 15 exd5�bб+ ! б vantage here:
�d4 ll'\xd5 17 i.e4 't1r'xd4+ 1 8 cxd4 and а) 11 �d3 i.Ь7 12 J:e1 ll'\a5 13 е5
now 18 ...ll'\d7 19 ll'\c3 ll'\7bб 20 J:fe1 dxe5 14 11хе5+ Фf8 15 �xd8+ J:xd8 ! б
gave White а better ending in Linert­ .tct2 ll'\cб 1 7 J: e 1 h 5 1 8 .te3 ll'\d4 Tim­

Mtiller, corr 1975, but 18 ...ll'\d3 looks а man-Тkachev, Biel 1995.

much stronger move, after which Black Ь) 11 "flic3 .tЬ7 (11 ...ll'\e7!? 12 е5
may Ье better. ll'\e4 13 'it'fЗ .tЬ7 14 ll'\c3 ll'\c5 15 'ili'g4
14 i.h4 ll'\g6 ltJxbЗ 16 ахЬЗ �с8 was ОК for Black in
New Archangel 133

Wu Wenjin-Nisipeanu, Medellin U-20 fxg7 deserve а 1ook) 1 4 .. .'i'xf6 15 'i'xf6

Wch 1996) 12 е5 ll'le4 13 'i\fe3 (or 1 3 'Ш'е1 ll'lxf6 1 6 ll'ld2 схЬ3 1 7 ll'lxb3 i.Ь7 1 8
ll'ld4 14 ll'lc3 ll'lxb3 15 ахЬ3 ll'lxc3 1 6 i.d2 J:tac8 1 9 с3 J:tfe8 20 .l:.fe 1 ll'le4 =

Ьхс3 0-0 1 7 i.a3 GarЬisu-Onishchuk,

= Ma.Tseitlin-Godena, lschia 1 996.
Halle U-20 Wch 1995) 13 . . . ll'la5 14 ll'ld2 в ..-rз
ll'lxb3 1 5 схЬ3 ( 1 5 ахЬ3 ll'lxd2 1 6 i.xd2 1 3 'ilfe 1 i.Ь7 14 h3 c4 1 5 hxg4 dxe5 oo.
1f2- 1f2 Svid1er-Shirov, Groningen 1 996) Adams assesses 13 'ilfdЗ 'i'h4 14 hЗ ll'lgf2
15 ... ll'lxd2 16 i.xd2 0-0 17 i.c3 'ilfh4 1 8 as good for B1ack.
J:tae 1 J:fe8 1 9 'ilff2 'ilfxf2+ 20 J:txf2 dxe5 13 d5 14 с4 ll'lxh2!

'l2- lf2 Anand-Topalov, Linares 1 997. 14 . . .Ьхс4? 15 i.a4+ Фf8 16 i.c6 J:tb8
11 'ilfcЗ 17 ll'lcЗ ll'lxcЗ 1 8 Ьхс3 d4 (Sion Castro­
1 1 �d1 ! ? is an interesting a1temative: Adams, Leon 1 995) 1 9 h3 ! ll'lh6 20 g4
а) l l ... ll'leg4 12 i.d5 ll'lxd5 13 'ilfxd5 gives White an advantage.
J:ta7 14 е5 О-О 1 5 h3 ll'lh6 16 exd6 J:td7 1 7 15 Фхh2 'i'h4+ 16 'Ot>gl i.g4 17 'ilfeЗ
'ilfxc5 J:txd6 1 8 ll'lc3 .l:. e 8 1 9 i.e3 Ь 4 20 ll'lg3 18 J:te1 d4 19 'ilfd3 0-0
J:tad1 ll'lf5 21 J:txd6 'i'xd6 22 'ilfxd6 ll'lxd6 Adams stops at this point, assessing
23 i.c5 Ьхс3 24 i.xd6 схЬ2 25 J:tЫ i.f5 that B1ack has compensation for the piece.
'l2- lf2 Vokler-Mainka, Binz 1 995. In Aagaard-Emms, London 1 997, this
Ь) 1 1 ... с4 ! ? 12 fxe5 'ilfb6+ 13 Фh l position was put to the test: 20 ll'ld2 i.f5
dxe5 ( 1 3 . . .ll'lxe4 14 'ilff3 'i!fь7 1 5 exd6 2 1 ..-в i.g4 22 "'*'сtз i.f5 23 ll'le4 ! (23
ll'lxd6 16 'ilfg3 was good for White in 'ilffЗ i.g4 is just а repetition of moves)
Panczyk-Lugowski, Sied1ce 1 977) 14 and after 23 . . .i.xe4? 24 J:txe4 "'*'h l + 25
i.xc4 Ьхс4 15 ll'lc3 i.b7 1 6 J:tf5 0-0 with Фf2 ll'lxe4+ 26 'ilfxe4 White went оп to
chances for both sides. win. However, according to Aagaard,
с) 1 1 . . . ll'lg6 12 i.d5 ll'lxd5 13 'ilfxd5 B1ack shou1d continue with 23 . . .ll'lxe4 24
J:tb8 14 'ilfh5 i.b7 1 5 ll'lc3 Ь4 16 f5 Ьхс3 J:txe4 g 5 ! , intending . . . g4 and ... g3, when
17 fxg6 fxg6 1 8 'i!fh3 'ilfe7 19 е5 .l:.f8 20 things are still far from c1ear.
J:txf8+ 1ed to а draw in Ivanchuk-Anand,
Riga 1 995. Е)
ll ll'leg4
... 7 сЗ
1 1 . . . ll'lxe4?' 1 2 'i'e 1 ! i.b7 1 3 ll'lc3 ! Тhis is а very popular choice for White.
ll'lxc3 ( 1 3 . . . d5? 14 i.xd5 i.xd5 15 ll'lxe4 Не immediate1y aims to set up а pawn­
+-) 1 4 i.xf7+ ! Фхf7 15 fxe5+ Фg8 centre with d4.
(Akopian-Ma1aniuk, Moscow OL 1 994) 7... d6 (D)
1 6 'ilfxc3 dxe5 17 'i'xc5 'i!fd4+ 1 8 i.e3 ! B1ack has to support е5, so he сап keep
'i!Vxc5 19 i.xc5 .::td8 20 J:tad 1 is good for his share of the centre. Thus 7 . . . 0-0? ! 8
White according to Ma1aniuk and Oni­ d4 is no good for Black. Р1ауаЬ!е, how­
shchuk. ever, is the prophylactic 7 ... i.Ьб, when 8
12 eS d4 d6 transposes to Е3 and 8 а4 J:b8 9 d4
12 h3 ? ! с4! 1 3 hxg4 ll'lxg4 is very dб transposes to Е2.
good for B1ack; e.g., 14 'ilfxg7 'i'h4 ! ! (1 Now White has three main options:
1ike this move very much) 1 5 "'*'xh8+ Е1: 8 Пе1 1 34
Фе7, and B1ack has an enormous attack. Е2: 8 а4 1 34
12 ll'le4
... Е3: 8 d4 140
A1so interesting is 12 . . . с4 ! ? 1 3 exf6
0-0 14 'i!fd4 (the greedier 14 i.xc4 and 14 8 dЗ transposes to Line С 1 .
134 Archangel and New Archangel

Ь) 1 О d 3 ltJe7 1 1 tiJЬd2 ltJgб 1 2 tiJfl

0-0 13 l2Jg3 с5 14 h3 .l:.e8 1 5 ttJh2 d5 1 6
ахЬ5 with а good position for B1ack,
Smirin-Godena, Formia 1 995.
с) 1 0 tiJaЗ 0-0 1 1 d3 hб 12 .id2 l2Ja7
1 3 ltJc2 с5 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 with an equal
position, Van Mi1-Dutreeuw, Belgium
1 994.
10 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 l l liJa3 ltJa5
1 1 . . . 0-0?! 1 2 ltJxЬ5 .ixf2+ 1 3 Фхf2
.l:.xb5 favours White (La\ic).
12 .ia2 Ь4 13 cxb4 ltJc6 14 b5 liJd4
Е1 ) 15 h3 t2Jxf3+ 16 'i'xrз 0-0 17 d3
8 .l:.e1 White has the Ьetter chances. After
With this move White keeps his op­ Ьoth 1 7. . . h6 18 .ie3 .iеб 1 9 .ic4 .l:.e8 20
tions open over whether to play d4 or d3. .!:.ас 1 .ia5 2 1 .l:.ed 1 d5 22 exd5 l2Jxd5
8... ..1ib6 (McDonald-Lalic, London 1 997) 23 .ic5
Black fol lows suit Ьу refusing to com­ (Lalic ), and 1 7 ... i.еб 1 8 .ic4 .id4 1 9
mit himself. Other moves include: l2Jc2 ttJd7 Black has no compensation for
а) 8 . . . .ig4? ! (this move makes less the pawn.
sense when White has not committed
himself to either d4 or а4; Black has no Е2)
pressure on the centre and cannot obtain 8 а4 (D)
counterplay on the kingside; meanwhile
White can gain time for kingside opera­
tions Ьу attacking the Ьishop on g4) 9 d3
0-0 1 О tiJbd2 .l:.e8 1 1 ltJfl hб 1 2 h3 .ih5 в
( 1 2. . . .iеб 1 3 .iхеб fхеб 14 d4 with an
advantage for White) 1 3 ltJg3 .igб 14
ltJh4! ltJxe4 ( 1 4 ... .ih7 15 'i'fЗ) 15 .l:.xe4
.ixe4 1 6 ltJxe4 'ii'xh4 17 'ii'f3 .iЬб 1 8
.id5 .l:.f8 1 9 .iхсб .l:.ad8 (Уе Jiangchuan­
Yurtaev, Moscow OL 1 994) 20 'ii'g 3 !
'i'xg3 2 1 ltJxg3 is very strong for White
(Уе Jiangchuan).
Ь) 8 ... ..1ib7 transposes to Chapters 5
and б. This move has become very popular
с) 8 . . . 0-0 !? 9 d4 .iЬб transposes to recently and is а real test of the New
note 'Ь' to Black's 9th move in Line Е32. Archangel. Again White chooses an ac­
This may Ье Black's best bet in this line, tive waiting move on the same Iines as 8
if he doesn' t fancy the transpositional 1::te 1 . Here, however, White sometimes
possiЬility in the next note. does without .l:.e 1 .
9 а4! .l:.b8!? Black has three main options:
Also possiЬle is 9 . . . .ib7 and now: Е21 : 8 ... ..1ib7 135
а) 1 0 d4 transposes to Line Н of Е22: 8... i.g4 1 35
Chapter 5 . Е23: 8 ....1:.Ь8 1 37
New Archangel 1 35

Weaker is 8 . . . .id7 9 d4 .ib6 10 .ig5 Е22)

:.ь8 1 1 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 2 lЬа3 (less 1ogica1 is 8 .ig4

1 2 'ii'd 3 h6 13 .ih4 g5 14 .i.g3 liJh5 1 5 А very natural move, developing the

dxe5 l2Jxg3 1 6 hxg3 g 4 1 7 lЬh4 l2Jxe5 Ьishop, connecting queen апd rook апd
with а good game for B1ack, Кiss-Husari, preventing d4. Later on, Black сап often
Budapest 1 999) 1 2. . . h6 13 .ixf6 ._.xf6 try to exploit the slight weakness in the
1 4 lЬхЬ5 0-0 1 5 .ia4 and B1ack has no white camp due to the move а4. On the
compeпsation for the раwп, Ghiпda­ minus side, this Ьishop can a1so Ье at­
Vajda, Romaniaп Cht 1 997. tacked in the usual way (h3 and tiJbd2-
fl -g3) апd Black may have to Ье pre­
Е21 ) pared to exchange it for the knight.
8....ib7 9 d4 .ib6 1 0 .ig5!? 9 d3
1 О :. е1 transposes to Line Н o f Chap­ White сап also play the immediate 9
ter 5, but it's possiЬle for White to do h3, although this should traпspose to one
without this move. Iп particu1ar, the extra of the main lines Ьelow after either 9....ih5
tempo сап Ье used to start ап attack оп 10 d3 or 9 . . . .ixf3 10 'ii'xfЗ 0-0 1 1 d3.
the queeпside. 9 0-0

10...exd4 Black often plays 9 ... :.ь8, although

This is probaЬly the most accurate de­ once again this usually traпsposes into the
feпce. After 1 0... h6 1 1 .ixf6 'ii'xf6, 1 2 main line (Е222) following 10 h3 .i.h5,
.id5 0-0 1 3 lЬаЗ gives White the option of though there are some independent pos­
recapturiпg оп d4 with а knight. Wah1s­ siЬilities after 1 1 ахЬ5 ахЬ5:
Stern, Biпz 1995 coпtinued 13 . . . :.fЬ8 14 а) 12 .i.e3 .ixe3 13 fxe3 апd now
l2Jc2 Ьха4 1 5 :.ха4 а5 1 6 :.е 1 :.е8 17 13 . . . .ixf3 ? ! 14 'ii'xfЗ 0-0 1 5 lЬd2 Ь4 1 6
lЬе3 ;!;, Added to this, White сап a1so р1ау ]:.f2 was better for White in Leko-Shirov,
as in A.David-Magai, Elista OL 1 998, Tilburg 1 996. Shirov suggests 1 3 ...l2Jd7
with 12 d5 ! ? l2Je7 13 ахЬ5 0-0 14 .ic4 with equality.
ахЬ5 15 :.ха8 :.ха8 16 .ixb5, when B1ack Ь) 1 2 :.е1 h6 ! ? 13 liJbd2 g5? ! 14 g4 !
had insufficient compensation for the 'i'c8 15 lЬh2 .ig6 1 6 tiJdfl tiJd8 17 d4
pawn. .ib6 1 8 l1Jg3 lЬе6 19 tiJfЗ апd White has
1 1 cxd4 h6 12 .ixf6 'ii'xf6 13 .id5 the advaпtage, Almasi-Degraeve, Pula
0-0 14 lЬа3 Echt 1997.
1 4 lЬс3 Ь4 15 lЬе2 lЬа5 1 6 .i.xb7 10 h3 (D)
lЬхЬ7 was ОК for Black in Movsesian­ Also possiЬie is the refinement 1 О
Malaпiuk, Elista OL 1998. tiJЬd2 !?, preparing to recapture on f3 with
14 .:.rьs
.. the knight, ifBiack chooses to exchange.
14 ... Ь4 сап Ье aпswered with 15 lЬс4. Now Black has to make а Ьig decision
15 lЬс2 Ьха4 with his Ьishop; whether to exchaпge on
White is also better after 15 . . . :.е8 1 6 f3 or to retreat to h5.
'it'd3 Ьха4 1 7 :.ха4 а5 1 8 :.е1 :.аЬ8 1 9 h3 Е221: 10....ixf3 135
'iie7 20 'ii'd2, Acs-Fedorchuk, Oropesa Е222: 10....ih5 1 36
del Mar U- 1 8 Wch 1 998.
16 J:Lxa4 l1Je7 17 .ixb7 :.хЬ7 18 'ii'd3 Е22 1 )
Emms-Godena, Andorra Z 1998. The 1 0....ixf3 1 1 'ii'xf3 lЬa5
ceпtre and extra space give White а small Black must start his queenside coun­
plus. terp1ay.
136 Archangel and New Archangel

А very deep idea. If Black does not

play . . .Ь3 then White stops this with liJb3,
в exchanges knights and gains control of
the important a2-g8 diagonal with the
Lopez bishop.
Instead, 1 5 lLifl would allow 15 ... Ьхс3
1 б Ьхс3 liJb3.
15...Ь3 16 i.d1 'i'd7 17 Паl !
White has expended two tempi, but the
resu1t is that the queenside is sufficiently
Ьlocked, 1eaving White free to concen­
trate оп the other wing. Leko-Gi1d.Gar­
12 �с2 Ь4 cia, Уора1 1997 continued 17 . . . liJh7 ? ! 1 8
Black tries to exploit the negative side 'i'g3 Фh8 19 �g4! 'i'd8 2 0 liJfЗ liJcб 21
of White playing а4. In particular, the liJh4 ltJe7 22 1:d 1 liJfб 23 d4 �а7 24
Ь3-square may Ьесоmе vulneraЫe. 'iid3 а5 25 �е3 exd4 2б cxd4 lLixg4 27
13 liJd2 hxg4 'iid7 28 liJf5 lLixf5 29 gxf5 and
After 1 3 �g5 ! ? l:tb8 14 lLid2 Ьхс3 1 5 White converted his clear positional ad­
Ьхс3 l:t Ы 1 б l:tfc 1 h б 1 7 �h4 'iie7 Black vantage into victory. Naturally Black's
has enough queenside play. play cou1d have been improved upon, but
13 ... ПЬ8 14 .1:.е1 in any case White is better after 1 7 l:ta 1 .
а) 1 4 :.ы is an interesting alterna­ Е222)
tive, immediately putting the plan of 10... �h5
liJЬ3 into effect (see note to White's 1 5th This has been more popu1ar than
move). 1 0. . . �xf3.
Ь) After 14 'i'e2 l:te8 1 5 liJfЗ Ьхс3 1 б 11 Пе1 :.ьs
Ьхс3 lLIЬ3 17 �хЬ3 l:txb3 1 8 d4 (an at­ Tempting White to open the a-file;
tempt to improve Ьу 1 8 'i'c2 backfired in otherwise B1ack rnight р1ау . . .Ь4.
S. B.Hansen-Hector, Skrenninge 1 998: 12 axbS
1 8 .. .'ii'Ь8 19 d4 exd4 20 cxd4 �а7 21 е5 Or 1 2 tlJЬd2, and now:
dxe5 22 dxe5 liJd7 and Black was better) а) 1 2... :.е8 13 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 14 liJfl :.а8
18 ... exd4 19 cxd4 l:txfЗ! and now 20 'iixfЗ 15 l:txa8 'i'xa8 1 б liJgЗ �gб 17 liJh4
�xd4 gave Black dangerous compensa­ 'iia7 18 1:f1 ltJa5 19 �с2 Ь4 was рrоЬа­
tion for the exchange in Anand-Karpov, Ыу а little better for White in Nijboer­
Lausanne FIDE Wch (2) 1998. However, Ehlvest, Las Vegas FIDE КО 1 999.
Anand gives the improvement 20 dxc5 ! ? Ь) 12 . . . Ь4 (the most consistent fol-
l:tc3 2 1 'i'хаб, which may still Ье slightly 1ow-up) 13 .tc4 (McShane prefers to start
Ьetter for White. with 13 а5, preventing . . . ltJa5, and only
14 ... h6?! then .tc4) 13 ... lLia5 !? 14 �хаб сб (threat­
Black decides he сап play а waiting ening . . . 'iib б) 1 5 �с4 ( 1 5 d4? Ьхс3 1 б
game. However, he should prefer the more dxc5 cxd2 1 7 �xd2 liJЬ3 + Rowson­
active 1 4 . . . сб ! ? or 1 4 . . .'i'd7 ! ?, p1anning Adams, London (3) 1998) 1 5 . . .d5 1б �а2
to meet 1 5 l:tЫ ? with 15 . . . Ь3 1 б �d 1 'i'Ьб and Black has reasonaЬle compen­
'i'xa4. sation for the pawn, Bruzon-Godena, Ha­
15 ьt.Ьl! vana 1 999.
New Archangel 137

12. .. ахЬ5 13 liJbd2 Ь4

A1so possiЬ!e is 1 3 . . . J:ta8 ! ? and now
after 1 4 J:txa8 'ii' xa8 1 5 tiJfl 'i'a7 1 6 W
'tte2? ! ( 1 6 i.e3 ) 1 6 ... Ь4 1 7 g4 i.g6 1 8

ltJe3 J:tb8 1 9 i.c2 �а1 ! B1ack had taken

over the initiative in A.Кoval::evic-Anand,
Belgrade 1 997. Perhaps the paradoxica1
14 J:tЬ I ! ? is а better try for White. With
the rooks still on the board B1ack finds it
more difficult to arrange counterp1ay оп
the queenside. 1 4 . . .'ir'd7 1 5 lLifl lLia5 1 6
i.c2 Ь4 1 7 ltJg3 1ooks nice for White,
whi1e White may a1so keep an edge after Ь) 10 liJaЗ i.g4 (10 ...0-0 1 1 ахЬ5 ахЬ5
14 .. .'�i'b8 1 5 liJfl �Ь6 1 6 i.e3 i.xe3 1 7 transposes to Line Е232) 1 1 ахЬ5 ахЬ5
ltJxe3. transposes to note 'Ь' to B1ack's 1 1 th
14 i.a4 ЬхсЗ move in Line Е232.
1 4. . .ltJa5 !? 1 5 lLif1 Ьхс3 1 6 Ьхс3 i.xfЗ с) 10 h3 can transpose to Line Е23 1 .
1 7 �xf3 liJb3 18 i.xb3 J:txb3 19 1td2 One independent examp1e is S vidler­
ltJd7 20 J:teЫ J:txЫ 21 J:txЬl 'iia8 is equal, Piket, lnternet 1 999, which continued
Lutz-Adams, Frankfurt rpd 1 999. 1 0 . . . 0-0 1 1 i.e3 h6 12 liJbd2 exd4 1 3
15 ЬхсЗ ltJe 7 16 liJП liJd7 17 tlJgЗ cxd4 liJb4 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 5 'i'c 1 с 5 1 б
i.g6 dxc5 i.xc5 17 'i!r'c3 =.

Now 18 i.b3 hб 1 9 :tы Фh8 20 ltJh4 10...ахЬ5

i.h7 2 1 ..Wf3 liJd5 оо Almasi-Shirov, Dres­ Now White has two main options:
den rpd 1 997. 1 prefer 1 8 ltJh4, grabbing Е231: 11 hЗ 137
the Ьishop-pair. Е232: 1 1 liJa3 138

Е2З) Other moves don't cause B1ack any

8 ...J:tb8 proЬ!ems:
This has been а very popu1ar way of а) 1 1 dxe5 ltJxe5 1 2 ltJxe5 dxe5 1 3
responding to 8 а4. B1ack dea1s with the �е2 ( 1 3 ..-xd8+ Фхd8 1 4 i.g5 Фе7 1 5
threat of ахЬ5 in а noncommitta1 way. lLia3 с6 1 6 ltJc2 h б 1 7 i.h4 J:td8 1 8 i.g3
Thus the c8-bishop keeps its options ltJd7 1 9 ltJЬ4 i.b7 20 J:tfd1 f6 21 Фfl ltJc5
open on where it will Ье deve1oped. The = Mela-Godena, Geneva 1996) 1 3 ... 0-0
on1y proЬ!em for B1ack is that pressure 14 i.e3 fie7 1 5 i.xb6 J:txb6 1 6 liJd2 с5
on the queenside will generally induce 17 J:tfd 1 с4 Todor�evic-G.Georgadze,

him to sacrifice the Ь5-pawn. Assess­ Saragossa 1 99 5.

ments revo1ve around how much р1ау Ь) 1 1 �d3 О-О 1 2 'il'xb5 fie8 ! 1 3 'i*'d3
B1ack achieves in retum for the pawn. exd4 14 cxd4 liJxd4 ! ? 1 5 ltJxd4 i.xd4 1 6
9 d4 i.b6 (D) fixd4 J:txb3 1 7 ltJc3 i.e6 + Kupreichik­
10 axbS Shirov, Bundesliga 1 997/8.
A1so possiЬ!e are:
а) 1 0 d5 ltJe7 1 1 ..We2 0-0 1 2 tlJaЗ i.d7 Е231 )
1 3 ltJc2 hб 1 4 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 5 liJb4 tlJg6 11 hЗ
with equa1ity, Emelin-Sivokho, St Pe­ With this line White forgets about an
tersburg 1998. immediate attack on the b5-pawn and
138 Archangel and New Archangel

concentrates on preventing the annoying

. . . �g4.
11 ... 0-0 12 .I:.e1 �Ь7 в
Svid1er gives 12 . . . .1:е8 ! ? 13 ltJaЗ Ь4 !
14 ltJc4 ЬхсЗ 1 5 ЬхсЗ exd4 16 ltJxb6
.l:l.xb6 17 cxd4 ltJxe4 18 �xf7 +! Фхf7 19
.1:хе4 .l:l.xe4 20 ltJg5+ Фg8 21 ti:Jxe4 and
White is s1ightly Ьetter.
13 ll:\a3
Or 13 �g5 h6 14 �h4 g5 1 5 �gЗ .1:е8
1 6 d5 ll:\e7 1 7 ll:lh2 �с8 1 8 Фfl ti:Jg6 19
ltJg4 Фg7 with chances for both sides,
Asrian-Biehm, Erevan 1999. This is the critica1 test of 8 . . . .1:1.Ь8.
13...exd4 14 cxd4 ll:la5 15 .tc2 Ь4 16 White immediately puts pressure on the
ti:JЫ с5 17 �gS h6 18 �h4 cxd4! b5-pawn.
This is а major improvement over the 1 1 ...0-0
formerly played 18 ... g5? 19 ltJxg5 ! hxg5 Other moves include:
20 �xg5 ЬЗ 21 �хЬЗ ! (2 1 �dЗ с4 22 а) l l . . . �a6 ? ! (this defends the b5-
е5? ! { 22 �fЗ !? } 22 . . . dxe5 23 .l:l.xe5 �xd4 pawn, but the bishop is rnisp1aced on а6)
was good for Black in Topalov-Shirov, 12 .l:l.e 1 0-0 (or 1 2 ... h6 13 ltJc2 �Ь7 14
Madrid rpd 1997) 2 1 . . . cxd4 22 .:!.аЗ ! ltJc6 liJeЗ favours White, Z.A1masi-Lalic, Pula
23 .ta2 ltJe5 24 .l:l.gЗ Фh7 25 f4 ltJed7 26 1 995) 13 �g5 h6 14 �h4 Ь4? ! 1 5 ll:lc2
е5 dЗ+ 27 Фh l dxe5 28 fxe5 +- Hracek­ .tc8 16 �a4 ll:le7 17 dxe5 dxe5 1 8 ltJxЬ4
Shirov, Bundesliga 1997/8. and White is а c1ear pawn up, Z.Almasi­
19 �d3 Zviagintsev, Wijk aan Zee 1995.
Alternatively: Ь) 1 1 ... .tg4 (this is the main alterna­
а) 1 9 ltJxd4 ЬЗ 20 ltJxbЗ ltJxbЗ 2 1 tive to the text-move) 1 2 ltJxb5 0-0 and
�хЬЗ g 5 2 2 �gЗ ltJxe4 23 "iir'dЗ d 5 with now:
equality, Kanatov-Biehm, Oropesa de1 Ь l ) 13 �еЗ exd4 ( 1 3 . . . d5 14 exd5
Mar 1 998. ltJxd5 15 hЗ �h5 16 �g5 ! �хfЗ 17 �хfЗ
Ь) 1 9 ll:\Ьd2 .l:l.e8 20 .l:l.a4? and now af­ '*xg5 1 8 �xd5 ltJe7 1 9 dxe5 ... хе5 20
ter 20. . . �с6 ! White is forced to grovel �с4 favours White, Z.Aimasi-Arduman,
back with 21 .l:l.a1 (Anand-Shirov, Wijk aan Irak1ion ЕСС 1 997) 14 cxd4 ltJxe4! 1 5
Zee 1 998), as 21 .l:l.xЬ4? allows 2 1 ... d3. �d5 "iir'e8 1 6 h З �f5 1 7 .1:е 1 ltJЬ4 and
19...1:1.е8 20 liJЬd2 ll:lc6 21 ltJc4 B1ack was fine in Nijboer-Piket, Wijk
The game Hracek-Кi.Georgiev, Bun­ aan Zee 1 998.
desliga 1 998/9 continued 21 . . . ltJe5 22 Ь2) 1 3 �с2 �хfЗ ! ? (13 ... d5 ! ? 1 4
liJfxe5 dxe5 23 f4 �с7 24 fxe5 .l:l.xe5 ! ? exd5 ! ? '*xd5 1 5 dxe5 �хЬ5 1 6 �а4 !
(an enterprising move, although there �хfЗ 1 7 �хfЗ ! ltJxe5 1 8 �хЬ5 ltJxfЗ+
doesn't seem much wrong with the nor­ 19 gxfЗ �xf2+ 20 Фхf2 .1:хЬ5 is s1ightly
mal move 24 ... �хе5) 25 ll:lxe5 �хе5 and better for White - Shirov) 14 �хfЗ exd4
Black had reasonaЬle compensation for 1 5 �g5 h6 1 6 �h4 dхсЗ 17 ЬхсЗ ltJe5 1 8
the exchange. �e2 ltJg6 1 9 �gЗ .l:l.e8 2 0 l �d7 2 1
liJct4 �g4 2 2 rз �g5 2 з f4 "i!t'h5 24 :rз
Е232) ll:lh4 25 �xh4 1/2- 1/2 J.Polgar-Shirov,
1 1 ll:\a3 (D) Linares 1997.
New Archangel 1 39

ЬЗ) 13 :el .i.xfЗ 14 gxfЗ l!Jh5 1 5

Фh l and now:
ЬЗ l ) 15 .. .'i'f6 16 :tg1 ! l!Jf4 17 .iеЗ w
l!Je6 18 .i.xe6 fxe6 19 :tgЗ Фh8 ! 20 "i'dЗ
exd4 2 1 cxd4 е5 22 d5 l!Je7 23 .ixb6
1:txb6 24 l!Jxc7 1:txb2 25 l!Je6 with an ad­
vantage for White, Svidler-Sh.irov, Linares
1 998.
Ь32) 1 5 ... exd4 ! 1 6 l!Jxd4! ( 1 6 cxd4
"i'f6 17 .iеЗ .iaS ! 18 .id5 .ixe 1 19 .i.xc6
d5 20 1:tc 1 .ia5 21 е5 "i'fS + Anand-Piket,
Monaco rpd 1 998) 16 ...l!Jxd4 1 7 cxd4 с5
1 8 :tgl cxd4 19 .ig5 "i'e8 20 .id5 Фh8 15 . . . l!Je4 16 .iеЗ ( 1 6 :а4 ! ? with an ad­
21 �dЗ �е5 22 .id2 l!Jf4 23 .ixf4 �xf4 vantage for White - Anand), Moroze­
24 :g4 "i'h6 Lukin-Sivokho, St Peters­
= vich-Ki.Georgiev, Bundes1iga 1 998/9,
burg Ch 1 999. and now 16 . . . l!Jxe5 ! is good for B1ack
Ь4) 13 1:ta4 ! ? (playing а la Bo1ogan) (Anand).
1 3 .. .'1i'e8 ( 1 3 ... exd4 14 cxd4 transposes а2) 14 . . . :te8 15 hЗ .ixfЗ 16 gxfЗ
to note 'с' to White's 14th rnove) 14 .ic2 l!Jh5 1 7 f4 "i'h4 1 8 'i'g4 'itxg4+ 19 hxg4
.i.d7 ? ! ( 1 4 . . .exd4 ! ) 1 5 :al .ig4 1 6 d5 l!Jf6 20 .ia4 :е7 21 .iеЗ l!Jxe4 22 l!Jxd6
l!Je7 1 7 c4 l!Jg6 18 hЗ .id7 1 9 l!Jc3 l!Jh5 l!Jxd4 23 l!Jxe4 1:txe4 24 Фg2 g6 25 :fd 1
20 b4 l!Jhf4 2 1 .iеЗ "i'e7 22 l!Ja4 .iхеЗ l!Je6 26 ФfЗ 1:Ь4 27 ЬЗ 1/2- lf2 Conquest­
23 fхеЗ and White is а clear pawn up, Flear, French Cht 1 998.
Boudre-Bacrot, Bescanon 1999. Ь) 14 .ia4 ! ? d5 15 е5 l!Je4 1 6 :аз f6
Ь5) 13 d5 ! ? 1ooks strong: 1 7 hЗ .ih5 1 8 g4 .ig6 and Black has
Ь5 1 ) l З . . . ltJaS ? ! 14 .ic2 .ixf2+? 1 5 sorne cornpensation for the pawn, Kor­
1:txf2 :txb5 1 6 .idЗ +-. neev-Campos Moreno, Linares 2000.
Ь52) 13 ... l!Je7 14 .ic2 l!Jg6 15 hЗ с) 14 :а4 ! (this is the Iatest wrinkle
.id7 16 ltJaЗ "i'e7 17 :te 1 l!Jh5 1 8 l!Jc4 in this line; White defends d4 with the
l!Jhf4 1 9 l!Jxb6 ± Marnedov-Borisek, rook) 14 ... :te8 ( 14 . . .l!Jxe4 1 5 .i.d5 'i'i'e8
Oropesa del Mar 1 999. 16 "i'c2 l!Je7 17 .ixe4 "i'xb5 18 .ixh7+
Ь53) 13 ...ltJxe4 1 4 dxc6 ltJxf2 15 �c2 Фh8 19 .ie4 ±) 15 .ig5 ! ( 1 5 :tel 'i'i'd7 1 6
ltJdЗ+ 1 6 Фh l l!Jf2+ ( 1 6 . . . .ifS 1ooks .ic2 d 5 1 7 е 5 l!Je4 1 8 ltJcЗ l!Jxe5 ! was
better) 1 7 1:txf2 .ixf2 1 8 l!Jg5 ! g6 1 9 very messy in the garne Bo1ogan-Tka­
l!Jxf7 1:txf7 20 .ixf7+ Фхf7 2 1 �xf2+ chev, Enghien-1es-Bains 1 999) 15 . . . h6
+- (Anand). 16 .id5 ! l!Je7 17 .ixf6 gxf6 1 8 l!Jc3 and
12 l!Jxb5 exd4! White has the advantage, according to
12 . . . .ig4 transposes to note 'Ь' to Bologan.
Black's 1 1 th rnove. 14...d5
13 cxd4 .ig4 (D) After 14 . . . l!Jxd4 15 l!Jbxd4 .ixd4
14 .U.e1 (Rogic-Anic, Pula 1999) White doesn' t
A1tematives: recapture irnrnediately о п d4, but plays
а) 14 .ic2: the 'desperado' 16 .ixf7 + ! and follow­
а 1 ) 14 . . . d5 1 5 е5 (or 15 .ig5 .ixfЗ ing 16 . . . :xf7 17 'i'i'xd4 .ixfЗ 1 8 gxfЗ
1 6 'i'i'xfЗ .ixd4 1 7 exd5 �xd5 18 �xd5 l!Jd7 19 f4 keeps the extra pawn.
1/2-lf2 Z.Airnasi-Piket, Groningen 1 998) 15 exdS ltJxdS 16 h3 .ihS 17 g4
1 40 · Archangel and New Archangel

17 .i.c4 '6'd7 1 8 .i.g5 h6 1 9 .i.h4 Пfе8 This is more or 1ess forced. Giving up
20 Пхе8+ Пхе8 2 1 .i.gЗ liJf6 22 ПаЗ the centre with 8 . . . exd4?! doesn' t look
liJxd4 23 liJbxd4 .i.xfЗ 24 ПхfЗ .i.xd4 25 right after 9 cxd4 i.b6 1 О i.g5 0-0
Фh2 с5 26 �dЗ Пе7 27 ьз 'ii' b7 28 Пf5 ( 1 0. . . h6 1 1 .i.xf6 'i'xf6 12 i.d5 is very
'ii'e4 29 'ii'xe4 liJxe4 30 fЗ liJxgЗ 3 1 ФхgЗ good for White) 1 1 liJcЗ i.g4 1 2 liJd5
lf2- lf2 Shirov-Piket, Monaco Ьlindfold ( 1 2 i.d5 ! ?) 12 . . . .i.xd4 1 3 liJxd4 ! i.xd 1
1 999. 14 liJxc6 'i'd7 1 5 Пахd 1 with an advan­
17... i.g6 18 liJc3 liJdb4! 19 i.gS 'ii'd7 tage for White, Aristizabal7Rarnirez, Bo­
20 d5 liJa5! gota 1 992.
This was Oll's idea. Earlier 20 . . . 'ii'd6
was p1ayed:
· а) 2 1 Фg2 liJdЗ 22 Пе2! liJd4! 23
.i.e7 (23 liJxd4 i.xd4 24 i.e7 'ii'b6 25 w
i.xf8 liJf4+ is good for Black) 23 . . . 'ii'f4
24 liJxd4 'ii' xd4 25 i.xf8 liJf4+ with
compensation for the pawn (Anand).
Ь) 21 Фfl liJa5 ! 22 i.e7 'ii'f4 23
Пха5?! (23 Па4! liJxbЗ 24 ПхЬ4 'i'xfЗ 25
'i'xfЗ liJd2+ 26 Фg2 liJxf3 27 ФхfЗ 1:1.fe8
with an advantage for White - Anand)
2З . . . .i. ха5 24 ПеЗ i.b6 25 liJe2 "ith6 26
'it>g2 i.хеЗ 27 g5 (Anand-011, Be1grade
ЕСС 1999) 27 ... i.xg5 28 i.xg5 .i.c2 29 Now White has several options. Of
i.xc2 ..-ь6 gives Black excellent coun­ these, Line ЕЗ6 Iooks the most danger­
terplay - Anand. ous for Black.
21 i.a4 Е31 : 9 dxe5 140
2 1 liJe5 'i'd6 22 Пxa5 liJdЗ . Е32: 9 J:te1 141
21 ...'6'd6 22 'it>g2 f6 23 Пе6 ЕЗЗ: 9 i.e3 141
23 .i.d2 talз 24 Пеб 'i'c5 25 i.еЗ 'i'h4 Е34: 9 h3 1 42
26 .i.b5 liJxЫ 27 'i'e 1 i.хеЗ 28 ПхеЗ Е35: 9 i.gS 142
liJac4 29 i.xc4 '6'хс4 30 '6'd2 with an Е36: 9 а4 143
equal position, Nimzo-ChessТiger, Pader­
bom 1 999. ЕЗ1 )
23.. .'ifd8 24 i.c1 i.f7 25 1:1.e2 liJxd5 9 dxe5
26 1:1.d2 lЬxc3 27 ЬхсЗ "ifcS 28 i.a3 с5 This move tends to lead to lots of ex­
The position is level . changes and an early draw.
ЕЗ) This is the almost universal choice,
8 d4 but 9 . . . dxe5 ! ? also looks playaьte. After
On one hand this looks like White's 10 'ii'xd8+ liJxd8 1 1 liJxe5 i.b7 1 2 i.g5
most natural move, but at the moment liJxe4 ! 13 i.xd8 1:1.xd8 1 4 liJxf7 1:tf8 1 5
this line is not as popular as 8 а4. When liJxd8 Фхd8 Black has good compensa­
compared with the Archangel, White has tion for the exchange, Karaklajic-Rell­
more proЬiems maintaining the centre, as stab, Bled 1 956.
Black still has the option of . . . i.g4. 10 liJxeS dxe5 11 'i'xd8+ Wxd8 12
8...i.b6 (D) i.xf7
New Archangel 141

Other moves cause B1ack n o prob- ЕЗ2)

1ems: 9 .U.e1
а) 1 2 ltJd2 Фе7 1 3 ltJf3 liJd7 14 i.d5 With this move White tries to reach
АЬ8 15 Ь3 f6 16 i.аЗ+ i.c5 A.Soko1ov­
= the main lines of the Archange1, but Black
Zviagintsev, Tivat 1995. does not have to Ье so oЬliging.
Ь) 1 2 i.g5 Фе7 1 3 i.d5 .l:tb8 and 9 �g4!

again White has nothing. This move keeps а 'New Archangel'

12... J:tf8 flavour. A1temativeJy Black can try:
Altematively: а) 9 . . . .tb7 transposes to Chapters 5
а) 12 ... i.b7 l3 i.g5 Фе7 14 i.d5 (for and 6.
1 4 i.b3 .l:tad8 see note 'Ь') 14 . . . i.xd5 1 5 Ь) 9 . . . 0-0 (this position can also Ье
exd5 Фd6 1 6 i.xf6 gxf6 1 7 .l:td 1 .l:tad8 1 8 reached via Line Е 1 , viz. 6....tc5 7 сЗ d6 8
ltJa3 and B1ack has proЬ\ems regaining .l:te1 0-0 9 d4 .tЬ6) 10 .tез .l:tb8 (lO ... .tЬ7
the pawn. transposes to Line I4 of Chapter 5, but
Ь) 1 2... Фе7 ! ? (an interesting try for here Black plans to keep the bishop on
B1ack, ifhe wants to 'mix it' ) 1 3 i.ЬЗ ( 1 3 the c8-h3 diagona1) 1 1 ltJbd2 h6 1 2 hЗ
i.d5 ltJxd5 1 4 exd5 i.b7 1 5 i.g5+ was i.d7 ( 1 2. . . .U.e8 1 3 _.с 1 i.d7 14 аЗ ltJa5
p1ayed in Jirovsky-C.Fischer, Germany 15 i.a2 с5 1 6 Ь4 cxd4 1 7 cxd4 ltJc6 :!;
1 994/5 and now 15 . . .Фd6 wou1d have Kosten-F1ear, Montpellier 1 998) 13 d5
been equa1) 1 3 . . . i.b7 14 i.g5 (Rebel­ Ci:Je7 14 а4 с5 1 5 с4 i.a5 16 _.c2 ltJe8 1 7
Timman, The Hague 1997) 1 4 ... .1:tad8 1 5 схЬ5 ахЬ5 1 8 ахЬ5 i.xb5 1 9 .l:ta2 i.Ь4 20
liJd2 h 6 1 6 i.xf6+ gxf6 1 7 .l:tad 1 .l:td6 and .l:tea1 Фh8 Apice\la-Piket, French Cht

B1ack will regain the pawn with . . . .l:thd8. 1 998/9.

13 i.dS 10 d5 ltJe7 l l ltJbd2
1 3 i.b3 ? ! ltJxe4 14 i.еЗ i.хеЗ 1 5 fхеЗ It's stronger to begin the knight ma­
.l:txfl + 16 Фxfl i.b7 1 7 а4 Фd7 gave noeuvre before chasing the bishop away.
B1ack an edge in Z.Niko1in-M.Maric, After 1 1 hЗ i.d7 1 2 ltJbd2 сб 1 3 dхсб
Tivat 1 995. .tхсб White is forced to defend the e4-
13...ltJxd5 14 exdS i.b7 pawn before p1aying ltJfl . Following 1 4
Black wins the d5-pawn to 1eve1 the i.c2 0-0 1 5 ltJ f l ltJgб 1 б ltJgЗ J:te8 1 7
materia1, 1eaving а very drawish position. .tеЗ .txe3 1 8 .l:txeЗ d 5 1 9 exd5 ltJxd5
15 �е3 B\ack had taken over the initiative in
Or: Nurkic-Godena, Marostica 1 995.
а) 1 5 с4? ! Ьхс4 1 6 ltJcЗ i.d4 1 7 1 1 ...0-0 12 h3 i.d7 13 гun с6 14
i.g5+ Фd7 1 8 J:tad1 Фd6 19 i.еЗ i.хсЗ dxc6 .txc6
20 ЬхсЗ i.xd5 2 1 f4 е4 and White is =Wmiwarter-Martinovsky, Bad Wi1d­
fighting to draw, Grigorian-Makropou­ bad 1 997.
lou, Athens 1 996.
Ь) 15 а4 i.xd5 16 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 7 ЕЗЗ)
.l:txa8+ �ха8 1 8 �е3 .tхеЗ 1 9 fxe3 · 9 �e3 �g4!
.l:txfl+ 20 Фxfl Karninski-Ma1aniuk,
= A1temative1y:
Po1anica Zdroj 1 997. а) 9 ... .tЬ7 1 0 .l:tel transposes to Line
15...�хе3 16 fxe3 J:txfi+ 17 Фxfl I of Chapter 5.
i.xdS 18 ltJd2 Фе7 19 е4 i.e6 20 а4 Ь) 9 . . . 0-0 1 0 ti:Jbd2 .l:tb8 1 1 .l:te 1 is
J:tb8 21 Ь4 cS 22 axbS .l:txbS 23 .U.xa6 note 'Ь' to Вlack's 9th move in Line Е32.
1/2 - lf2 de Firrnian-Тkachev, Bie1 1 995. 10 dxeS
142 Archangel and New Archangel

Such is the pressure on d4, White has ЕЗ4)

to make а concession of some sort: 9 h3
а) 10 .id5? �xd5 1 1 exd5 exd4 1 2 This move norrnally transposes to the
.ixd4 �xd4 1 З cxd4 0-0 + Berezin-Bod­ main Archangel lines where White has
nar, Кiev 1 998. committed himself to an early hЗ.
Ь) 10 d5? ! .iхеЗ 1 1 fхеЗ �а5 1 2 9... i.b7
�bd2 �хЬЗ 1 З ахЬЗ с б 14 dхсб �Ьб It makes sense to put the Ьishop on Ь7
1ooks p1easant for Black, Berelovich­ now that . . . .tg4 is no longer а possiЬility.
Onishchuk, Meisdorf 1 996. Altematives:
с) 10 �dЗ !? .ixfЗ 1 1 gxfЗ 0-0 1 2 а) 9 . . . h6 10 .tез .ib7 1 1 �bd2 О-О
�d2 �е7 ( 1 2 .. .'�!Vd7 ! ?) 1 З dxe5 dxe5 1 4 12 а4 !? ( 1 2 J:.e 1 transposes to Line 13 of
-.xd8 J:.fxd8 1 5 .l:.fd 1 tiJgб and the Chapter 5) 12 ... exd4 1 З cxd4 �Ь4 14
bishop-pair just about compensates for ахЬ5 ахЬ5 Z.Almasi-J.Toth, Hungarian

White's weakened pawn-structure, Ro­ Cht 1 99З.

manishin-Onishchuk, Biel 1 996. Ь) 9 ... 0-0 and now:
10... dxe5 Ь l ) 10 .ig5 .ib7 1 1 d5 �а5 12 i.c2 hб
А more ambitious altemative to this 1З i.h4 сб S.Toth-Henriques, Szeged

solid move is 10 ... �хе5 1 ?; e.g., 1 1 .iхЬб 1 994.

.txfЗ 12 gxfЗ схЬб 1 З f4 �с4 14 е5 dxe5 Ы) 1 0 .tеЗ ! ? .ib7 1 1 �bd2 Iooks
15 .ixc4 Ьхс4 16 fxe5 tiJe4! 17 �g4 like а reasonaЬ!e way for White to con­
-.d5 1 8 J:.e1 �с5 19 �аЗ Ь5 20 �с2 h5 tinue. Now 1 1 . . . h6 12 J:.el gives us Line
21 'i1r'd4 (2 1 -.xg7? 0-0-0 -+) 21 ... 0-0-0 13 of Chapter 5, while 1 1 . . . J:.e8 can Ье
22 'i!ixd5 J:.xd5 and Black came out on answered Ьу 12 d5, with perhaps an edge
top in Wahls-Adams, Bundes1iga 1995/6. for White.
l l i.xb6 схЬ6 10 .tg5
Or 1 1 . . . �xd1 12 .ixd1 ( 1 2 .1:.xd1 схЬб 10 d5 �е7 1 1 �е2 0-0 1 2 .ig5 �gб
1З .l:.dб .ixfЗ 14 gxf3 ·J:.c8 ) 1 2. . . схЬб
== 1 З �h4 hб 14 .ixfб �хfб 1 5 �f5 �f4
1З �fd2 i.xd 1 14 J:.xd1 0-0-0 15 �аЗ 1 6 -.сз .ic8 1 7 .tc2 Фh7 1 8 �d2 gб 1 9
l:td7 1 б Фп J:.hd8 17 �е2 �g4 1 8 �аЬl �еЗ .id7 i s excellent for Black, Nego­
Ь4 19 f3 �fб 20 J:.c1 ФЬ7 21 �fl ЬхсЗ vich-Rosito, Buenos Aires 1 998.
22 ЬхсЗ J:.dЗ 2З tiJeЗ J:.Зd7 24 J:.c2 gб 1 О J:.e1 is the norrnal move here, trans­
lf2-lf2 Servat-Rosito, Villa Martelli 1997. posing to Line Е of Chapter 5.
12 �bd2 0-0 10...h6 11 .txfб -.хrб 12 i.dS .l:.b8
Despite the douЬ!ed b-pawns B1ack 13 dxeS? !
has no proЬ!ems in this position. 1 prefer 1З �dЗ.
13 h3 i.xf3 14 �xf3 'iic7 15 'iie2 13 ... �хе5 14 �xeS ...xeS 15 i.xb7
�а5 16 i.c2 J:lfd8 17 l:tfd1 tiJc4 ПхЬ7 16 'i!id3 о-о 17 �d2 с6 18 �f3
1 7... h6 1 8 a4 J:.xd 1+ 19 .ixd 1 Ьха4 20 'i!if4 19 J:.ad1 1:.d8
.txa4 Ь5 2 1 .ic2 �Ь7 22 -.ез tiJc5 == Korneev-Campos Moreno, Catalonia
Serra Olives-Fernandez Garcia, Toпe­ 1 996. Black's Ьishop gives him the edge
vieja 1 997. over White's knight.
18 i.d3 J:td7 19 а4 J:.ad8 20 ахЬ5 ахЬ5
21 Ь3 �Ь2! 22 'i!ixb2 Пхd3 23 Пхd3 ЕЗ5)
.!::.xd3 24 .l:a8+ Пd8 25 1:!.xd8+ 'i!ixd8 9 .igS h6 10 i.h4
Popovic-Onishchuk, Moscow OL White's major alternative here is 10
1 994. The game was soon drawn. .id5 .id7 ! (for 10 ... .tb7?! 1 1 .ixf6 'i!ixfб
New Archangel 143

12 а4 see Line Е2 1 ) 1 1 i.xf6 (1 1 i.h4?! ЕЗб )

g5 12 i.g3 exd4 is better for Black) 9 а4 (D)
l l . . . �xf6 12 гt:\а3 ? ! ( 1 2 а4 0-0 13 tt:Ja3
= ) 12 ... .:1.d8 13 tt:Jc2 0-0 14 'i'd3 tt:Je7 +
Mortensen-Adams, K0ge 1997.
10...g5 11 дi.gЗ в
1 1 dxe5 dxe5 12 �xd8+ гt:\xd8 13 i.g3
tZJxe4 14 i.xe5 0-0 1 5 tZJbd2 Spisak­=

M.Becker, Trier 1997.

1 1 ...0-0
1 1 . . . .tg4 !? 12 dxe5 tZJxe5 is also in-
а) 13 i.xe5 dxe5 ! ( 1 3 ... i.xf3? 14 i.xf6
i.xd 1 1 5 i.xd8 i.xb3 16 i.f6 +-) 1 4
tZJbd2 ( 1 4 �xd8+ .:l.xd8 1 5 tZJxe5 0-0
gives Black good compensation for the At the moment this move represents
pawn) 14 ...�е7 15 а4 0-0 1 6 h3 i.h5 17 White best chance of claiming an advan­
�е2 с6 1 8 g4 i.g6 19 c.t>g2 .:l.ad8 + San­ tage after 8 d4.
den-Moberg, Swedish Cht 1 995/6. 9...дi.g4
Ь) 13 tZJbd2 tZJfd7 14 i.d5 .:l.b8 (after This is the most consistent choice.
1 4 ... с6 1 5 i.xe5 tZJxe5 1 6 tZJxe5 ! i.xd1 9 . . . .1:.Ь8 transposes to Е23, while 9 ... i.b7
17 tZJxc6 �f6 18 .:l.axd 1 White has exce1- transposes to Е2 1 .
1ent compensation for the queen) 15 h3 1 0 axbS
i.h5 16 i.xe5 ? ! (Bologan suggests 1 6 Altematively:
i.h2 ! ао) 1 6 . . . tZJxe5 17 g4 i.g6 1 8 гt:\хе5 а) 10 i.g5 .:l.b8 ( 1 0... exd4? 1 1 i.d5 !)
dxe5 19 �fЗ h5 ! and Black is better, 1 1 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 2 d5 (12 i.d5 lZJe7 13
Bo1ogan-Tkachev, Tilburg 1994. i.xf6 gxf6 14 'jt'Ь3 0-0 is fine for B1ack)
12 dxeS 12 . . . tt:Je7 13 'i'd3 lZJd7 14 i.d1 0-0 15 h3
Or 12 tZJbd2 exd4 13 cxd4 tZJxd4 1 4 i.h5 16 Ь4 h6 17 .txe7 �хе7 1 8 tt:Jbd2
tZJxd4 i.xd4 1 5 tZJf3 i.b6 1 6 �с2 tZJh5 i.g6 A.Sokolov-Godena, Cannes 1997.

17 i.d5 tZJxg3 18 hxg3 .:l.b8 19 е5 Фg7 ь) 1 о d5 tZJe7 ( 1 o ... tZJa5 1 1 .tc2 О-О
and White has insufficient compensation 12 tt:Jbd2 'i'd7 13 h3 .tь5 14 Ь4 tZJЬ7 1 5
for the pawn, J.Polgar-Adams, Dos Her­ i. Ы с6 1 6 а5 i.a7 1 7 с4 cxd5 1 8 cxd5 h6
manas 1 995. 19 i.d3 gave White а space advantage in
12...tZJxeS 13 tZJxeS Unzicker-Emms, Bundesliga 1 995/6) 1 1
White сап grab а pawn here with 1 3 'i'e2 0-0 1 2 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 3 .:l.xa8 'fi'xa8 1 4
i.xe5 dxe5 1 4 �xd8 .:l.xd8 1 5 гt:\хе5, but tZJa3 с 6 1 5 dxc6 'i'xc6 1 6 'ii'xb5 'i'xb5 1 7
after 1 5 . . .Фg7 ! 1 6 tZJxf7 .:l.e8 17 е5 lZJg4 tt:Jxb5 tt:Jxe4 Lap1aza-Rosito, Mar del

White has proЬlems meeting the threat of P1ata 1 999.

... i.e6. 10...ахЬ5 1 1 1ha8 'fi'xa8 12 hЗ! .tьs
13... dxe5 14 i.xeS �xd1 15 .:l.xd1 12 ... i.xf3 13 'i'xfЗ exd4 14 е5! dxe5
tZJxe4 16 i.d4 дi.xd4 17 cxd4 i.b7 18 15 i.g5 е4 1 6 �f5 is very strong for
tZJd2 tZJxd2 19 .:l.xd2 .:l.ad8 20 .l:!.d7 White, according to Leko. Не carries on
21 rз %Hd8 22 Фf2 Ьу giving the 1ine 1 6. . . lZJe7 1 7 �хЬ5+
Hratek-Adams, Bundesliga 1 997/8.
= 'ii'c6 18 �хс6+ tZJxc6 19 i.a4 Фd7 20
The game soon ended in а draw. cxd4 .l:.a8 21 tZJc3.
144 Archangel and New Archangel

13 dS Тhis normally transposes to another

Bologan suggests 13 'ii'd 3. variation.
13...ltJe7 8 с3!?
Leko gives 1 3 . . . ltJa7 ! ? as а possiЬle 8 d3 transposes to Line 03 of Chapter
improvement. Certainly this gives the 7.
vu1neraЬle b5-pawn more protection. 8 с3 ! ? is а tricky transpositional move,
14 �с2 �g6 15 'ii'e2 с6 16 dxc6 �хс6 which has not been seen very much, but it
17 l:!.e1 0-0 18 ltJa3 nьs 19 i.d3 could Ье а very good idea. Now 8 . . . d6 9
Leko-Adams, Dortmund 1 998. The d4 1eads to Line Е2 1 . B1ack's only other
weakness of the b5-pawn gives White а way forward is Ьу trying to exploit the
slight advantage. move-order himself.
F) This is the critical test. Others:
7 а4 (D) а) 8 . . . �Ь6 9 d4 ltJxe4 10 dxe5 looks
good for White; e.g., 10 . . . ltJa5 1 1 �d5 ! ,
I O . ltJe7 1 1 ltJg5 and 1 0 . . 0-0 1 1 �d5 -
.. .

in each case White has the initiative.

в Ь) 8. . . 0-0 9 d4 �Ь6 1 О dxe5 ltJxe4 1 1
�d5 is the same as line 'а'.
9 �е2 dS
9\a5 10 �с2 ±; 9 .. .f5 10 d3 �xf2+
1 1 .:txf2 ltJxf2 12 �g5 +-.
10 d3 �xf2+
10 . . . tt:\f6 1 1 d4 �Ь6 12 dxe5 ±.
11 Фhl ltJgЗ+
Or 1 1 ...ltJc5 12 �xf2 ltJxb3 l 3 ltJd4 ! .
12 hxg3 �xg3
The 'disadvantage' of the New Arch­ Now Black has three pawns for the
ange1 over the M01ler Defence (5 ... �с5 - piece, but White can continue to attack
see Chapter 10) is that the former a\lows with 13 ltJg5 ! , ready to meet 1 3 ... h6 with
White the possibi1ity of this variation. 14 'iifh5 ! .
Black now has two main defences. Practical tests are needed, but it seems
Note that there are many transpositional that 7 а4 �Ь7 8 с3 is а very р1ауаЫе line
possiЬilities. for White.
F1: 7... �Ь7 144
F2: 7.. .:ьs
. 144 F2)
7...nьs (D)
Interesting is 7 . . . Ь4 8 ltJxe5 ltJxe5 9 d4 8 axbS
�xd4 1 0 �xd4. In Gdanski-Кislov, Кry­ Altematively, 8 с3 d6 transposes to
nica 1997 White did not manage to ob­ Line Е23, and 8 d3 0-0 to Line С2. Or 8
tain any advantage after 1 0. . . �е7 1 1 �f4 l2Jxe5 ltJxe5 9 d4 �xd4 1 0 �xd4 d6 1 1
ltJc6 12 -..d3 d6 1 3 ltJct2 0-0 14 .:tfe1 f4 с5 1 2 �d 1 ltJeg4 ! ? 13 е5 с4 ! 14 exf6
ltJe5 1 5 �хе5 dxe5 1 6 а5. ,..Ь6+ 1 5 Фh l ltJf2+ 1 6 .:txf2 �xf2 1 7
�а2 �Ь7 18 'ii'g 1 �xg2+ 19 'ti'xg2 'ii'e 1+
F1) with а draw Ьу perpetual check, Kolev­
7...i.b7 Berebora, Benasque 1995.
New Archangel 1 45

схЬ3 dxe5 and now White should р1ау 20

fxe5 'i'd4+ 2 1 Фh 1 ll'ld3 22 'i!VfЗ ll'lxe5
w 23 'i'f4 =, since 20 'i'xe5? ! .tЬ7 ! 21 J:.d 1
'i!Vc8 ! 22 'ir'e2 J:.e8 23 .te3 (Leko-Shirov,
Tilburg 1 997) 23 . . .'i!Vf5 ! 24 J:.d2 h5 gives
Black а strong initiative for the pawn.
13 ll'le7!?

1 3 . . . .tЬ7 1 4 e5 ll'le4 1 5 'i'e3 ll'le7 16

ll'lc3 ll'lc5 17 exd6 cxd6 18 .ta2 ;!; Hey­
14 J:.a7
Other moves:
8 ахЬ5 9 ll'lxe5!?
.•. а) 14 е5 !? ll'le4 ( 1 4 . . . dxe5 1 5 .txf7+
Once again 9 с3 d6 transposes to Е23. { 15 'ir'xe5 } 15 ...Фхf7 1 6 fxe5 ;!; Heymann)'lxe5 10 d4 �xd4 11 �xd4 d6 12 1 5 'i'e1 !? ( 1 5 'i'e3 ll'lc5 16 exd6 'i!Vxd6 1 7
f4 J:.e1 ll'lxb3 1 8 схЬ3 ..ie6 1 9 ll'lc3 0-0 led
12 с3 0-0 13 .tg5 h6 14 .th4 с5 15 to а draw in Illescas-Shirov, Madrid
.txf6 'i'xf6 16 'i'e3 J:.e8 17 ll'ld2 ..ib7 18 1 997) 15 . . .ll'lc5 16 .ta2 !? 0-0 17 Ь4 ll'la4
f4 ll'lg6 was fine for Black in Playa­ 1 8 ll'lc3 dxe5 1 9 ll'lxa4 Ьха4 20 fxe5 ll'lc6
Kazhga1eev, Roque Saenz Pena 1 997. 21 с3 (21 е6 ! ? Heymann) and White's
12. ll'lc6
.. bishop-pair gave him the advantage in
Others: Нjartarson-Stefansson, Reykjavik 1 997.
а) 1 2...с5 1 3 'i'ctl ll'leg4 ! ? ( 13 ...ll'lg6?! Ь) 14 ..-d3 0-0 15 lLic3 с5 16 ll'lxb5
14 е5 ! ll'lg4 15 ..ixf7+ ! Фхf7 16 е6+ ! ll'lxe4 17 ..-хе4 J:.xb5 18 J:.a7 с4 (another
.txe6 17 f5 ll'l6e5 18 fxe6++ Фхе6 1 9 idea is 18 . . . ..id7 ! ?) 1 9 ..ixc4 d5 20 'i'xe7
ll'lc3 lt'lf6 2 0 ..ig5 favours White, Bez­ dxc4 21 'i'xd8 J:.xd8 22 J:.a8 J:.f8 23 :.а4
godov-Potapov, Perm 1 997) 14 с3 ( 1 4 .te6 24 f5 ..id5 25 :.е1 h5 and Black
е5 transposes to line 'Ь') 1 4. . .ll'lxe4 15 managed to draw the ending in Kaspa­
.txf7+ �xf7 1 6 'it'd5+ Фf6 17 ._.хе4 rov-Topalov, Novgorod 1997 .
.tb7 1 8 .,e2 h5? ( 1 8 . . . 'i'd7 !) 1 9 h3 'ii'e8? 14... с5!
20 ii'd2 'i'c6 21 hxg4 hxg4 22 f5 J:.h4 23 14 ... ..iЬ7 !? 15 e5 ll'le4 "" Svidler.
J:.e1 �f7 24 'i'e2 g3 25 ..ig5 1 -0 Кinder­ 15 е5 �fd5 16 .txd5 ll'lxd5 17 'ir'g3
mann-Mtiller, Altenkirchen 1 999. Others:
Ь) 12 . . .ll'leg4 ! ? 13 е5 с5 14 'ijfct 1 с4 а) 17 'i'f3 'i'b6 1 8 J:.xf7 с4+ 19 Фh 1
( 1 4 . . . dxe5? ! 15 'it'xd8+ Фхd8 16 fxe5 Фхf7 20 'i!Vxd5+ ..ie6 21 'ir'd 1 �f5 ! 22
with an initiative for White - Lutz) 1 5 'ijfct5+ ..ie6 23 'i'd 1 112- 112 Anand-Shirov,
exf6 'ii'Ь6+ 1 6 Фh l ll'lf2+ 17 J:.xf2 'i'xf2 Belgrade 1997.
1 8 .ta2 ( 1 8 ll'lc3? ..ib7 ! 19 'i'g1 'i'xg1+ Ь) 17 'i'd2 !? 'it'h6 18 J:.a1 с4+ 19 Фh 1
20 Фхg 1 схЬ3 with an advantage for .tЬ7 (Heymann).
Black) 1 8 ... ..ib7 1 9 'i'g1 .txg2+ 20 it'xg2 17...0-0 18 ll'lc3
'i!Ve1 + 2 1 'i'g1 'i'e4+ with а draw Ьу per­ J.Polgar-Shirov, Tilburg 1997 contin­
petual check (Svidler). ued 18 . . . ll'le7? 19 exd6 lt'lf5 20 'i'f2 �Ъ6
13 'ijfcз 21 J:.c7 with an advantage for White. Af­
1 3 ._.d3 ! ? 0-0 14 ll'lc3 ll'IЬ4 ! 1 5 'il'g3 ter the superior 1 8 . . . ll'lxc3 1 9 'i'xc3 ( 1 9
c5 1 6 e5 ll'lh5 ! ( 1 6 . . . ll'le8 1 7 ll'la2 ll'lc6 = Ьхс3 ..if5 = ) 1 9. . ..tf5 (Shirov/Po\gar) or
Heymann) 17 .-в с4 1 8 'ir'xh5 схЬ3 1 9 l 9 .. .'�b6 (Heymann) chances are equa1.
1 0 Meller Defence

1 е4 е5 2 liJf3 liJc6 3 .tьs а6 4 ..ta4 liJf6 А: 6 .ixc6 14б

5 0-0 .icS (D) В: 6 d3 147
С: 6 fue5 148
D: 6 с3 151

w Other moves are not so important:

а) After б liJcЗ Black should proba­
Ьly play б...Ь5 7 .iЬЗ, transposing to note
'Ь' to White's 7th move in Chapter 9.
Ь) б .l:.el ? ! llJg4! (б ... Ь5 7 .tьз trans­
poses to Chapter 9, Line А) 7 .l:.e2 (7 d4?
llJxd4! 8 llJxd4 'iih4 ! is very good for
Black; e.g., 9 liJf3 'iixf2+ 10 Фh1 'iig 1 +
1 1 .l:.xg1 liJf2#; maybe White should
grovel back with 7 .l:.fl ) 7. . .llJd4 8 liJxd4
Perhaps dissatisfied Ьу some of the .ixd4 and Black is fine; e.g., 9 сЗ? 'ir'h4!
variations stemming from 5 . . .Ь5 б .iЬЗ or 9 hЗ llJxf2 ! ? 10 .l:.xf2 .ixf2+ 1 1 Фхf2
.ic5 7 а4 (see Line F in the previous 'ir'h4+ 12 Фg1 'ii'xe4 .
chapter), many players have been taking
а fresh 1ook at the M"'ller Defence, where Д)
B1ack delays the advance of the b-pawn. 6 .ixc6 dxc6
This rules out а very early а2-а4 attack This variation resemЬles the Delayed
Ьу White. Exchange Deferred (5 ... .ie7 б .iхсб
In many cases play transposes into the dхсб) except that Black's Ьishop is more
Archangel or the New Archangel, but active1y placed on с5. All in all, Black
this move-order allows extra possibilities shouldn't have many proЬiems equaliz­
for Ьoth sides. One of the most important ing in this line.
of these is that after White has played сЗ, 7 d3
the Lopez Ьishop may retreat to с2 rather 7 llJxe5 leads to nothing for White af­
than ЬЗ. On the other lщnd, in some lines ter 7. . .llJxe4 8 'ii'e2 'ii'd5 9 liJd3 (or 9 d4
Black finds that he can do without . . .Ь5 .ixd4 1 О liJfЗ .iеб 1 1 llJxd4 'ii'xd4 12
altogether. .l:.d1 \tc4 1 3 �хс4 .ixc4 14 .if4 liJdб 1 5
We now look at White's main re­ ЬЗ .iеб 1 б .ixdб 0-0-0! and Black ended
sponses to 5 ... .ic5. Of these variations, up а pawn to the good in Sherzer-Benja­
Lines А and В are known to Ье quite in­ min, Philade1phia 1 999) 9 . . .0-0 1 О llJxc5
nocuous, while Lines С and D are more llJxc5 1 1 liJcЗ \tf5 12 dЗ llJeб 13 ..tеЗ с5
complicated, but offer White more of а and B1ack had more than equa1ized in
chance to obtain а theoretical advantage Agrюs-Кristensen, Port Erin 1 999.
from the opening. 7..:fle7
Meller Defence 147

Aпother seпsiЬ!e optioп for Black is is а раwп up, but his pawn-structure is
7 .. .'ifd6; e.g., 8 tiJbd2 .te6 9 аЗ а5 10 ЬЗ поt а pretty sight.
ltJd7 1 1 ltJg5 0-0 1 2 .tы f6 1 3 ttJxe6 12...е4 13 dxe4 'i!Vxe4
'itxe6 14 Фh l J:tfd8 1 5 �h5 �f7 апd Adams suggests 13 . . . 0-0-0 ! ? as а pos­
Black had по proЬlems iп Кamsky-Ivaп­ siЬle altemative.
chuk, Мопасо rpd 1 996. 14 ltJg5
8 tiJbd2!? 14 �d4 .txfS 15 "ikxg7 0-0-0 guaraп­
8 .tеЗ .tхеЗ 9 fхеЗ ltJg4 1 О 'i'e2 .td7 tees Black attacking chances against the
1 1 tiJbd2 f6 12 ltJc4 с5 13 а4 Ь6 14 ЬЗ 0-0 white king.
1 5 hЗ ltJh6 Ma.Tseitliп-Salov, St Pe­
= 14....txd1
tersburg 1 997. Adams a1so meпtioпs 14 .. .'iVxf5 ! ? 1 5
8....tg4! J:txf5 .txd 1 , which looks ОК for Black
Black deve1ops the bishop before mov­ апd may well Ье ап improvement.
iпg the knight to d7 iп order to support 15 ltJxe4 .txc2 16 liJgЗ 0-0 17 Пf2
the е5-раwп. Delayiпg with 8 . . . 0-0 9 .td3 18 ьз
ltJc4 would place Black iп ап awkward We are followiпg the game Adams­
positioп. Shirov, Liпares 1 997. White's superior
9 ltJc4 ltJd7 10 ltJeЗ ! pawn-structure gives hirn а slight advaп­
Мuпdапе deve1opmeпt with 10 ЬЗ tage, Ьut, of course, B1ack has тапу other
0-0-0 1 1 .tы f6 leaves Black very com­ optioпs earlier on.
fortaЬly placed апd possessiпg а daпger­
ous pin on the fЗ-knight. В)
10....txe3!? 6 d3
Black сап also play more solidly with With this move White has no preteп­
1 o ... .te6 ! ? 1 1 ьз О-О-О 12 .tы f6, which sions about trying to c1aim а theoretical
looks rougbly 1evel to me. edge. Не is content sirnp1y to build up
1 1 fxe3! s1owly, with сЗ, .tеЗ or possiЬ!y both.
It looks straпge to Ьlock the с 1 -Ьishop This continuatioп was а particular fa­
like this, but White now has more coпtrol vourite of the Czech grandrnaster Old­
in the centre and сап hope to benefit from fich Duras.
the use of the semi-open f-file. As well as 6...d6 (D)
this, the Ьishop сап Ье deployed оп the 6 ... Ь5 7 .tьз leads to Chapter 9, Line
loпg a 1 -h8 diagonal. Black would Ье С, while 6 ... 0-0? 7 .txc6 dхсб 8 ltJxe5 is
more thaп coпtent after 1 1 .tхеЗ 0-0-0. just а free pawn for White.
ll. .. f5!?
B lack is advised to react quickly to the
new circumstances. 1 1 . . . 0-0-0 1 2 'i'e 1 ,
planпing 'i'gЗ, looks good for White, w
while White won quickly after 1 1 ... 0-0 in
Rowson-Law, British Ch 1 997: 1 2 �е1
( 1 2 ьз ;\;) 12 . . . с5 1 3 ьз ltJb8 ? ! 14 .tы
ltJc6? 15 ltJxe5 ! ltJxe5 1 6 �gЗ fб 1 7
.txe5 fxe5 1 8 �xg4 J:tad8 1 9 J::.f5 1 -0.
12 exf5
After 1 2 hЗ ? ! fxe4 1 3 hxg4 ехfЗ 1 4
'i!VxfЗ е4 ! 1 5 �хе4 �хе4 1 6 dxe4 White
148 Archangel and New Archangel

Now: Altematively:
Bl: 7 с3 148 а) 7 ... i.a7 ! ? 8 i.xa7 .l:l.xa7 9 i.xc6+
В2: 7 i.еЗ 148 Ьхс6 1 О d4 exd4 1 1 'i'xd4 с5 12 'fid3 0-0
13 lЬс3 i.b7 14 :tad 1 �а8 15 .:.re1 :te8
7 i.xc6+ Ьхс6 8 i.e3 i.xe3 9 fxe3 0-0 16 lЬd2 i.c6 17 f4 апd White is а shade
10 lЬbd2 'fie7 1 1 'i'e 1 lЬg4 12 Ь4 f5 1 3 better, Plaskett-J .Littlewood, British Ch
exf5 i.xf5 14 е4 i.d7 15 h 3 lЬh6 1 6 �е3 1977.
:tf6 1eft B1ack with по proЬ!ems iп Bog­ Ь) 7 ... Ь5 8 i.xc5 (for 8 i.b3 see Chap­
o1juЬow-Vidmar, Kar1sbad 1 929. ter 9, Liпe С 1 ) 8 ... dxc5 9 i.b3 i.g4 1 О h3
i.xfЗ 1 1 �хfЗ lЬd4 1 2 �е3 0-0 13 lЬd2
81) �d6 14 с3 lЬхЬ3 15 lЬхЬ3 lЬd7 16 :tad1
7 с3 :tfd8 17 f4 exf4 18 'fixf4 'fixf4 19 :txf4
This 1iпе shouldn't cause Black апу а5 Sioп Castro-Izeta, Elgoibar 1 996.

real proЬlems. 8 fхеЗ 0-0 9 �el

7. .0-0
. 9 lЬс3 ьs 10 i.b3 lЬа5 1 1 'fie1 с5 1 2
B1ack сап also uпрiп with 7 . . . i.d7. i.dS lЬxd5 1 3 exdS f5 14 а3 i.d7 15 'it>h l
Allan-Flear, Szirak IZ 1987 coпtinued 8 lЬЬ7 16 'fig3 �е7 was fine for Black iп
Ь4 i.a7 9 i.g5 h6 10 i.e3 0-0 1 1 i.xa7 Il lescas-Malaniuk, Erevaп OL 1 996.
:txa7 12 lЬbd2 'i'e7 =. The text-move has two purposes, to
8 lЬЬd2 preveпt ... lЬа5 and a1so to prepare а later
Or 8 h3 and поw: �g3 or �'h4.
а) 8 . . . lЬе7 9 d4 i.a7 10 :te 1 lUg6 1 1 9 lЬе7 10 lЬсЗ lЬg6 1 1 hЗ с6 12

i.b3 �е7 12 lЬbd2 i.e6 Kuzmin-Chou­

= Ji.bЗ 'jjfe7
dhry, De1hi 1 984. The immediate 12 . . . Ji.e6 is also possi­
Ь) 8 . . . i.a7 9 :te1 h6 10 lUbd2 lЬе7 1 1 Ьle.
lЬП Ь5 1 2 i.b3 с5 1 3 lЬе3 i.b7 and agaiп 13 g4! ? Ji.e6 14 'jjjgЗ .!:.ad8 15 .:.rz
B lack has пothiпg to worry about, Rogic­ i.хЬЗ 16 ахЬЗ dS
Giiiп, Belgrade 1 988. Duras-J aпowski, Nuremberg 1 906.
8...i.a7 The position is roughly level. B1ack oc­
8 . . . Ь5 9 i.c2 i.b6 10 h3 lЬе7 1 1 :te1 cupies the ceпtre but White has chaпces
lЬg6 12 lЬП h6 Hartman-Martiпovsky,
= to attack оп the kiпgside.
Wrexham 1 996. Iп fact, B1ack has no real
need to chase the bishop away, as it's do­ С)
ing very little оп the а4-е8 diagoпal. 6 lUxeS (D)
9 h3
9 :te1 is met Ьу 9 . . . lЬg4 ! , а commoп
idea iп this sort of positioп; Black forces
through ... f5. в
9 ... lЬе7 10 :tel lЬg6 1 1 lЬП lЬhS 12
i.еЗ lЬhf4 13 i.xa7 :txa7 14 lUe3 i.e6
Vujo�evic-ObraliC, Вапjа Vrucica
1 99 1 . White has по advaпtage iп this po­

7 i.еЗ i.хеЗ
Meller Defence 1 49

With this move White uses the stan­ 8 dxc5 ? ! li:'Jxc5 9 .::l.e 1 0-0 10 1:. хе5
dard fork trick to try to c\aim an advan­ li:'Jxa4 gives White insufficient play for
tage in the centreo the pawno
Alternatively: С1)
а) 6oooli:'Jxe4 7 li:'Jxc6 (7 �е2 li:'Jxe5 8 8 �е2 i.e7
�хе4 �е7 9 d4 transposes to the note to 8оо о�е7 9 �хе4 tlJc6 1 0 'i"xe7+ i.xe7
Black's 8th move in Line С 1 ) 7 o oodxc6 8 1 1 с3 to
'ii'e2 �е7 9 .::l.e 1 li:'Jf6 1 О d4 'ii'xe2 1 1 9 �хе4 li:'Jg6 10 с4
.::l.xe2+ i.e7 12 .tb3 and White has the This is White's most sensiЬ\e option,
advantage according to ЕСОо playing for а slight edge rather than go­
Ь) 60000-0 7 tlJxc6 dxc6 8 li:'Jc3 �d6 9 ing all-out for а quick attacko White's
d3 li:'Jg4 10 g3 gave Black insufficient most aggressive option is 10 f4 !? 0-0 1 1
play for the pawn in Luther-Кristensen, f5 but fol\owing 1 1 0 о od5 ! 12 �d3 li:'Jh4 1 3
Gausdal 19940 g3 с5 ! Black seems to Ье doing О К in the
7 d4 li:'Jxe4 complications:
It may Ье possiЬ\e that B\ack's best а) 14 dxc5 i.xc5+ 1 5 Фh 1 li:'Jxf5 1 6
move here is 7о ооЬ5, when 8 .tb3 reaches 1:txf5 i.xf5 1 7 �xf5 �е7 1 8 li:'Jc3 'i"e1 +
Line D of Chapter 90 White's only other 19 'it>g2 Ь5 20 i.b3 (Timman-Gulko,
possibility is 8 dxe5 li:'Jxe4 9 i.b3 (9 Amsterdam 1 987) and now Timman sug­
�d5? is an easy trick to fall for; after the gests 20o o otl.ae8 2 1 i.xd5 .::l.e5 22 �fl
surprising 9oo oi.b7 ! 10 'i!Vxb7 с6! White's 'it'xfl + 23 Фxfl Ь4 24 i.f4 .::l.f5 25 .te4
queen will Ье trapped Ьу o o o.::l.a7) 9oooi.b7 .:l.xf4+ 26 gxf4 Ьхс3, which if anything is
and now: better for Blacko
а) 10 .tct5 !? i.xf2+ 1 1 .::l.xf2 li:'Jxf2 12 Ь) 14 gxh4 Ь5 1 5 i.g5 i.xg5 16 hxg5
Фхf2 �h4+ 1 3 Фfl i.xd5 14 'i!Vxd5 0-0 'it'xg5+ 17 �g3 'it'xg3+ 1 8 hxg3 Ьха4 1 9
15 li:'Jd2 �xh2 "" Stefansson-Hector, Rey­ dxc5 (or 1 9 li:'Jc3 cxd4 2 0 li:'Jxa4 .::l.e8 2 1
kjavik 19970 1 1:!.е3 22 1:!.d3 .l:!.b8 2 3 .::l.f3 tl. e l + 24
Ь) 10 li:'Jc3 �h4 ! ? (safer is 10oo oli:'Jxc3 Фf2 .::l.c l and B\ack's active pieces gave
1 1 Ьхс3 0-0, with а rough1y \evel posi­ him the advantage in Kovaliov-Pinkas,
tion) 1 1 .txf7 +! ( 1 1 .te3? li:'Jxc3 12 Ьхс3 Goch 1 9 9 1 ) 19 о о o.td7 20 li:'Jc3 .::l.a c8 2 1
�е4 is good for Black) with а further 1 .::l.xc5 2 2 li:'Jxd5 .::l. e8 2 3 .::l. f2 h 5=

branch: Perenyi-Mikhalchishin, Budapest 19880

Ь l ) 1 1 0 0 0Фхf7 ! ? 12 'i"xd7+ Фg6 1 3 10...0-0 1 1 li:'Jc3 с6
tlJxe4 ! �хе4 (ЕСО gives 13oo o.txe4, fai1- Preventing li:'Jd5 and preparing both а
ing to spot 14 g3 'ii'e7 1 5 �g4+ +-) 1 4 \ater о о оЬ5 and o ood5o White kept an edge
�е6+ Фh5 15 �h3+ with а draw Ь у per­ after 1 1 oood6 12 li:'Jd5 i.f6 13 i.d2 с6 1 4
petua1 checko li:'Jxf6+ �xf6 1 5 i.c2 i.d7 1 6 J:l.fe 1 i n de
Ь2) 1 1 0 0 0Фе7 12 i.e3 .txe3 13 fxe3 Firmian-Fishbein, New York 19890
li:'Jxc3 14 Ьхс3 �е4 1 5 .:l.f2 with а very 12 i.c2
messy position, Short-Onishchuk, Wijk 12 i.b3 d6 13 i.d2 f5 is equa1, Colo­
aan Zee 1997 о vic-Macieja, Szeged 1 9940
Now (after 7 o o oli:'Jxe4) White has two 1 2 d5 f5 ! ? ( 1 2о о о Ь5 1 3 i.b3 Ьхс4 1 4
main options: 'ii'xc4 с 5 1 5 d 6 i.xd6 1 6 li:'Je4 i.e5 1 7
С1: 8 �е2 149 li:'Jxc5 l/2- 1/2 de Firmian-Gu\ko, Phi\adel­
С2: 8 .l:.e1 1 50 phia 1988) 13 'it'd3 (or 13 �е2 .tf6 ) =
150 Archangel and New Archangel

13 .. .'i'c7 14 f4 Ь5 15 ..ib3 Фh8 16 ..ie3 B1ack was simp1y а раwп up iп Sahu­

Ь4 17 l2Je2 с5 with а rough1y 1eve1 posi­ Flear, Lопdоп 1 987.
tioп, A.Huпt-Laпe, British Ch 1999. 10...0-0 l l l2Jc3 d6
12...f5!? After 1 1 .. .f5 12 .l:l.e2 f4 13 f3 d6 14
This 1ooks stroпger thaп 1 2 ... d6 1 3 ..ic2 ..if5 15 i.xf5 .l:l.xf5 16 "i!i'd3 'i'd7 1 7
-..d3 f5 1 4 f4 ..tf6 1 5 Фh 1 ..tct7 1 6 а4 ! , l2Jd5 White's control o f the e-file gave
wheп White's extra space gave him а p1us him ап edge in Kashdan - Milner-Barry,
iп Fedorowicz-Gu1ko, USA Ch 1 989. Loпdon 1 932.
13 fr'e2 12 l2Jd5
Or 13 �d3 f4 14 f3 d6 1 5 .l:l.e1 =. 12 "iWh5 с6 13 ..ic2 f5 14 .l:l.e1 ..if6 1 5
13...d6 14 f4 ..if6 15 i.e3 .l:.e8 16 'i'f3 l2Je2 l2Jh4 1 6 l2Jf4 ..ixd4 1 7 g3 l2Jg6 1 8
l2Jf8 17 .l:l.ad1 g6 18 ..if2 i.d7 l2Jxg6 hxg6 1 9 "ir'xg6 'itf6 20 "i!i'xf6 ..ixf6
Dimitrov-Lokasto, Primorsko 1 989. 21 ..if4 i.хЫ 22 1 ..ic3 23 .l:l.e3 i.Ь4
White has more space, but B1ack is very 24 ..ixd6 ..ixd6 25 .l:l.xd6 f4 led to а draw
solid апd has по rea1 proЬlems. iп UlyЬin-Femandez Garcia, S aragossa
1994, while Fta�пik suggests the prophy­
С2) lactic 12 .l:l.e1 !?.
8 .l:.e1 (D) 12...i.h4 13 'ithS!
This move of Anand's has breathed
пеw 1ife into the 8 .l:l.e 1 variatioп. White
prepares а very deep exchange sacrifice.
в After 13 g3 с6 1 4 l2Jf4, White gained the
advaпtage iп S miriп-Izeta, Las Pa1mas
1 993 after 14 . . . l2Jxf4?! 15 ..ixf4 ..if6 1 6
.l:l.e1 , but 14 . . . ..ig5 ! looks more 1ike1y to
After 1 3 . . . ..ie6! ? White сап try either
14 g3 or 14 .l:l.xh4 !? 'i'xh4 15 'i'xh4 l2Jxh4
1 6 l2Jxc7.
14 .l:.xh4!
8.....ie7 Haviпg p1ayed 13 "i!i'h5 White is more
8 . . . 'ir'h4? 1oses to 9 g3. or less oЬiiged to go for the exchaпge
9 �хе4 sacrifice. Certaiп1y there is по advantage
9 dxe5 l2Jc5 promises White пothiпg after 14 l2Jc3 Ь5 ! 15 ..ic2 f5.
after 10 l2Jc3 l2Jxa4 1 1 l2Jxa4, wheп both 14...'i'xh4
1 1 ... Ь5 12 l2Jc3 ..ib7 апd 1 1 ... 0-0 12 ..if4 White will поw reach ап eпdgame ап
f6 1 3 'Ш'd5+ Фh8 14 �ad1 fxe5 1 5 "i!i'xe5 exchange dowп, but as we shall see, he
i.h4! 16 ..ig3 d6 17 ..ixh4 'ir'xh4 1 8 "ir'd4 will possess а massive positioпal Ьiпd as
"i!i'xd4 1 9 .l:l.xd4, Geller-Izeta, Pa1ma de compeпsatioп. Black has по real choice,
Mallorca 1 989, 1eave B1ack with а per­ as 14 . . . l2Jxh4? 1eads to trouЬ!e after 1 5
fect1y р1ауаЬlе positioп. ..ig5 ! :
9.. l2Jg6 10 с4
. а) 1 5 . . .'ita5 1 6 l2Je7+ Фh8 1 7 ..ic2 h6
10 h4? is too reck1ess. After 10 . . .Ь5 1 1 ( 1 7 . . . гtJg6 18 ..ixg6 fxg6 1 9 l2Jxg6+ wiпs
..ib3 d 5 ! 1 2 .l:l.e1 l2Jxh4 1 3 ..ig5 l2Jg6 14 for White, as does 17. )iJf5 1 8 l2Jxf5 ..ixf5
l2Jc3 ..ie6 1 5 ..ixe7 l2Jxe7 1 6 "i!i'fЗ 0-0 19 i.f6 ! ) 18 'itxh6+ ! gxh6 19 ..ifб#.
Meller Defence 151

Ь) 1 5 ... f6 1 6 i.xh4 ! cxd5 1 7 'ifxd5+ As you would expect, this move, pre­
Фh8 1 8 i.g3 апd the d6-pawп cannot Ье pariпg d4, is White's most popu\ar plan.
saved, 1eaviпg White with two powerfu1 Now Black has two maiп courses of ac­
pawпs in the ceпtre. tioп. Of these, D2 is Ьу far the more com­
15 -..xh4 liJxh4 16 liJb6 .:lb8 17 i.f4 moп.
Let's try to evaluate the positioп. Black D1: 6...0-0 151
has ап extra exchange, but White has D2: 6,..Ь5 1 52
kept а powerful biпd апd there is а per­
maпeпt weakness оп d6. Black's worries Other moves are known to Ье inferior:
are compounded Ьу the fact that 17 ... .:ct8 а) 6 . . . i.a7 7 d4 ltJxe4 8 .:le1 fS 9
fails to 1 8 i.g5. Added to this, White's liJbd2 0-0 10 ltJxe4 fxe4 1 1 i.g5 ._.е8 1 2
knight оп Ь6 is very well placed, while 1:хе4 d 6 1 3 dxe5 ,..g6 ( 1 3 . . .-tfS loses to
Black's pieces are struggling to fiпd апу 1 4 .:lf4 dxe5 15 .:lxf5 .:lxf5 1 6 -.ь3+) 1 4
useful posts. .:lf4 .:1xf4 1 5 i.xf4 i.g4 1 6 ,..ЬЗ+ ,..f7 1 7
17...ltJf5 18 d5 ltJg5 'ifхЬЗ 1 8 .tхЬЗ+ 1 -0 СараЬ\апса ­
Simply iпcreasing the pressure. Now Milпer-Barry, Margate 1 935.
White's knight оп Ь6 domiпates the Ьlack Ь) 6 . . . i.Ьб is ап improvement, as the
Ьishop. Ьishop shields the b7-pawn fro m attack.
18..J:te8 19 Фn Nevertheless, White сап still coпtinue
White plaпs to aпswer 19 ... .:1е4 with with 7 d4 liJxe4 8 .:lel f5 9 liJbd2 0-0 1 0
20 .:le 1 !, exchaпgiпg off Black's оп\у ac­ ltJxe4 fxe4 1 1 .:lxe4 d 6 1 2 .t g 5 ._.е8 1 3
tive piece. In Anand-Ivaпchuk, Las Palmas dxe5 ! ( 1 3 i.e3? ! •g6 ! 14 i.c2 i.g4 1 5
1 996, Black поw erred with 1 9... h6? апd .:lf4 'ifh5 1 6 i.xh7+ Фh8 1 7 .:lxf8+ { 1 7
after 20 h3 ! .:le4 2 1 i.h2 White was iп .tg6 } 1 7 ....:lxf8 1 8 i.e4 exd4 1 9 cxd4 d5
coпtrol. Much stroпger is 1 9... h5 !, staЬi­ was fiпe for Black in Heпnigaп-Flear,
liziпg the knight оп fS. White сап поw ei­ Hastiпgs 1 987/8) 13 ... i.f5 14 .:lf4 dxe5
ther bail out iпto а drawish-lookiпg ( 1 4 ...'ifh5 1 5 •d5+ Фh8 1 6 i.xc6 Ьхс6
eпdiпg Ьу 20 dxc6 Ьхс6 21 i.xc6 .:lxb6 17 'ifxc6 ±) 15 •d5+ 'i'e6 16 ._.хе6+
22 i.xe8 .:lxb2, or try to maintain the teп­ i.xe6 17 .:lxf8+ .:lxf8 18 i.xc6 Ьхс6 1 9
sioп with the riskier 20 .:le 1 .:lxe 1 + 2 1 .te3 leaves Black with таnу weak pawns.
Фхе 1 . с) 6 ...ltJxe4 ! ? looks very risky, but it's
рrоЬаЬ\у поt as bad as the previous two
D) optioпs. Alekhiпe suggests 7 •е2, while
6 с3 (D) also possiЬie is the straightforward 7 d4
exd4 (7 . . . i.a7 апd 7 ... -tЬб traпspose to
liпes 'а' апd 'Ь' respectively) 8 cxd4 .tЬб
(8 ... .tЬ4 сап Ье aпswered Ьу 9 dS апd 1 0
в ._.d4, while 8 . . . .te7 9 d5 also looks
stroпg for White) 9 d5 ltJe7 10 .tc2 ( 1 0
liJg5 ! ?) 1 0. . .liJf6 1 1 d6 ! cxd6 1 2 i.g5
апd White has а daпgerous initiative.

6...0-0 7 d4 .tb6
7 ... i.a7 \ooks пatural, but it is inferior.
After 8 i.g5 ! h6 9 i.h4 d6 1 О i.xc6 Ьхс6
152 Archangel and New Archangel

1 1 dxe5 dxe5 12 'ii'xd8 .U.xd8 1 3 lt:lxe5, B1ack's weak d-pawn gives White а
White threatens to fork bishop and rook small but definite advantage, Ciemniak­
with lt:lxcб (compare with note 'Ь' to Macieja, Po\ish Cht 1994.
White's 8th move).
8 dxe5 D2)
The main a1ternative is 8 i.g5 h6 9 6... Ь5 (D)
i.h4 d6:
а) lO .U.e1 exd4 1 1 lt:lxd4 i.d7 1 2
lt:lxc6 Ьхс6 1 3 lt:ld2 ;!; Bobras-Macieja,
Polish Cht 1 994. w
Ь) 10 i.xc6 Ьхс6 1 1 dxe5 dxe5 1 2
'ii'a4 ( 1 2 'iixd8 .U.xd8 1 3 lt:lxe5 g5 1 4 i.g3
lt:lxe4 1 5 lt:lxcб .U.e8 gives Black lots of
play for the pawn, Emst- Кristensen,
Gausda1 1 994) 1 2. . . 'ii'd6 1 3 lt:la3 with а
s1ight advantage for White, Chemiaev­
Кristensen, Gausdal 1 995.
8 lt:lxe4 9 �d5 lt:lc5 10 i.c2 lt:lc7 11

The main a1temative for White here is Now 7 i.b3 transposes to Line Е of
1 1 'ii'c4, which may also Ье sufficient for Chapter 9. As well as this, White has two
а small advantage. After l l ... d5 1 2 exd6 other important options:
'ii'xd6 (accepting the iso1ated pawn with D21 : 7 d4!? 152
1 2. . . cxd6 must also give White а s1ight D22: 7 i.c2 1 53
pull) 13 .U.d 1 ( 1 3 i.f4 ! ? 'ii'd5 14 lt:lbd2
i.e6 1 5 'ii'xd5 lt:lxd5 1 6 i.g3 .U.ad8 1 7 D21 )
lt:ld4 was better for White i n Matanovic­ 7 d4!?
Van Geet, Utrecht 1 96 1 ) 1 3 . . . 'iic6 14 Ь4 So far this move hasn' t been seen
lt:le6 ( 1 4. . . lt:ld7 1 5 i.xh7+! Фхh7 1 6 much, but it seems quite dangerous.
'ii'h4+ Фg8 17 'i'xe7 1eft B1ack with in­ 7 Ьха4

sufficient compensation for the pawn in This \ooks forced, as 7 . . . i.b6 8 dxe5
Sax-Macieja, ParduЬice 1 994), 1 5 i.xh7+ lt:lxe4 9 i.b3 doesn' t look very appetiz­
Фхh7 1 6 'iih4+ 1ooks like а stemer test ing for Black.
than 1 5 'i'e2 lt:lg6 1 6 i.e4 lt:lef4 17 'i'c2 8 dxc5 lt:lxe4
'iif6 Kuczynski-Macieja, Lubniewice
= The principal altemative here is to de­
1 994. fend the e5-pawn with 8 . . .'iie7 ! ?. After 9
ll . .d5 12 exd6 �xd6 13 'i'xd6 cxd6
. 'i'xa4 'ii'xc5 10 lt:laЗ ( 10 i.g5!?) we have:
14 i.еЗ а) 10 . . . 0-0 1 1 i.g5 1:l.b8 1 2 1 ( 1 2
14 i.g5 .U.e8 1 5 lt:lbd2 d5 16 с4 f6 17 i.xf6 gxf6 1 3 'jjc2 i s the safe way to play
i.e3 i.f5 ! 1 8 1 ( 1 8 i.xf5 {tjxf5 1 9 for the advantage) 1 2 . . ..U.хЬ2 1 3 lt:lc4
i.xc5 i.xc5 2 0 cxd5 .U.ad8 regains the .U.b5 14 i.xf6 gxfб 15 .U.d5 'i'a7 1 6 lt:le3
pawn) 1 8 . . . i.xc2 1 9 .U.xc2 lt:ld7 \eads to gives White good compensation for the
equality, S.B.Hansen-Кristensen, Esbjerg pawn, Femandez Garcia-lzeta, Salamanca
1997. 1 990.
14....\trs 15 lt:la3 .ltxc2 16 lt:lxc2 lt:lf5 Ь) 1 О . . . i.Ь7 1 1 .lteЗ (1 prefer the al­
17 .U.ad1 .U.ad8 18 .U.fe1 temative 1 1 i.g5 !?) 1 1 . . . 'ii'e7 1 2 1:tad l
Meller Defence 153

0-0 1 3 .i.g5 d 6 14 lL!h4 'Ш'е6 1 5 lLJf5 lLJd7

1 6 f3 lLJc5 1 7 'ili'c4 'Ш'хс4 1 8 lL!xc4 liJe6
19 .i.h4 Garbett-lppo1ito, Hawaii 1 998.
= В
9 lL!xe5 lL!xe5 10 'iVdS .i.b7!
1 O. . . lL!xc5 1 1 'itxa8 0-0 12 .i.e3 liJcd3
1 3 'i/i'd5 d6 1 4 lL!d2 gave Black iпsuffi­
cieпt compeпsatioп for the exchange iп
Matanovic-Segi, Novi Sad 1 955.
11 'ir'xe5+ 'i'e7 12 �хе7+
After 1 2 'fixc7 lL!xc5 1 3 .i.e3 J:c8 14
.i.xc5 J:xc7 15 .i.xe7 Фхе7 Black's ac-
tive pieces compeпsate for his structural
disadvaпtages. Short-Ivaпchuk, Novgo­ We поw reach positioпs similar to
rod 1 996 coпtiпued 16 J:e 1 + Фf6 17 J:d 1 those discussed iп Liпe Е of Chapter 9 .
J:e8 18 liJa3 J:e2 19 J:d6+ Фе7 20 J:b6 The опlу differeпce here is that White's
.i.e4 апd sооп eпded in а draw. bishop is оп с2 rather thaп Ь3. Thus the
12 ... Фхе7 13 :f.e1 Фd8 14 �е3 J:te8 Ьishop is 1ess actively placed than it
15 lL!a3 would Ье оп the a2-g8 diagoпal, but оп
There is still а little work for Black to the other haпd it defeпds е4 and has side­
do here before he has equalized. Both stepped Black's queeпside couпterplay
sides possess раwп weakпesses оп the with . . . lLJa5. Black now must make а de-
queeпside, but Black's are а 1ittle more cisioп about where to put his d-pawп.
vulпeraЬ!e. The options are:
15 ... �d5 D221: 7... d5 153
Altematively: D222: 7... d6 154
а) 15 ... J:b8 16 f3 lL!f6 17 .i.d4 J:xe1+
18 J:xe 1 .i.d5 1 9 с4 .i.e6 20 Фf2 liJg8 2 1 7 . . . 0-0? ! 8 d4 is obviously good for
с6 f6 22 cxd7 Фхd7 2 3 J:d 1 Фе8 24 Фе3 White, as Black is forced to relinquish
;!; Ivaпchuk-Shirov, Мопасо rpd 1997. the ceпtre with 8 . . .exd4. If Black plays
Ь) 15 ... lL!f6 1 6 lLic2 .i.e4 17 ltJct4 lL!d5 the prophylactic 7 . . ..i.b6, play is likely to
1 8 .i.d2 .i.g6 19 Ь4 ахЬ3 20 J:xe8+ Фхе8 transpose iпto D2222 after 8 d4 d6 or 8
21 ахЬ3 lL!e7 22 Ь4 .i.d3 Romanishiп­
= а4 .i.b7 9 d4 d6.
Malaniuk, Koszaliп 1997.
16 с4 .i.e6! D22 1 )
After 16 ... .i.c6 17 f3 lLJf6 1 8 lLic2 J:b8 7... d5 8 d4!
1 9 .i.d4 J:xe 1 + 20 J:xe 1 d6 2 1 cxd6 cxd6 Reacting immediate1y in the ceпtre
22 lL!e3 Black was sufferiпg iп Beпja­ steers the game iпto very tactical waters.
miп-Kaufmaп, New York 1 998. Less coпvinciпg is 8 exd5, when Black
17 �d4 liJf6 18 J:ad1 '>t>c8 19 h3 makes use of the Ьishop's absence from
lLJg8! 20 .i.c3 g6 21 f3 lLJe7 22 Фf2 h5 23 Ь3 with 8 . . . �xd5 ! , followed Ьу . . . 0-0,
g4 so1ving all his opeпing proЬiems.
1/z-lfz Eblvest-Onishchuk, Beijing 1998. 8... dxe4
The game is level. 8 . . . exd4 9 е5 ! looks promi siпg for
D22) 9 lLJxeS
7 �с2 (D) Altematively:
1 54 Archangel and New Archangel

а) 9 dxe5 'i!t'xd 1 (Lutz; 9 ... exf3 ? ! 10 preferred 19 ...�f5 20 J:tdd l �g4 21 J:td3
�xd8+ lLJxd8 1 1 exf6 appears good for �fS 22 .1:1.dd 1 �g4 1/2- 1/2 N .Mariano-Oni­
White) 1 0 J:txd 1 �xf2+ ! 1 1 Фfl (White shchuk, Jakarta 1 997. Of course White
can try 1 1 Фхf2, but after 1 1 . . . lLJg4+ 1 2 could try to continue, Ьу moving his rook
<li>g3 ехfЗ 1 3 �е4 lLJgxe5 14 �f4 J:tb8 1 5 off the d-file, but this would give B lack
gxf3 �е6 he has /ittle e1se but to regain counterchances with ... J:td8. lt seems that
the pawn Ьу 1 6 �хс6+ lLJxc6 17 �хс7 more practical examples of 7 . . .d5 are re­
J:tc8 :::::) 1 1 ...lLJg4 1 2 �хе4 �Ь7 and B1ack quired before any real assessment can Ье
seems О К. For example, 1 3 h3 lLJe3+ 14 given.
Фхf2 lLJxd 1 + 15 Фе2 0-0-0 1 6 lLJbd2
lLJxc3+! 1 7 Ьхс3 J:the8 leaves B1ack well D222)
coordinated. 7 d6 (D)

Ь) 9 dxc5 'ir'xd 1 10 �xd 1 ехfЗ 1 1

�хfЗ �Ь7 1 2 а4 Ь4 1 3 J:te 1 0-0-0 14
�хс6 �хс6 1 5 схЬ4 lLJd5 1 6 �d2 f6 1 7
Ь3 lLJe7 1 8 J:ta2 ;!; de Firmian-Benjamin, w
USA Ch 1 999.
9...lLJxeS 10 dxeS 'ir'xd1 11 1:txd1
lLJg4 12 �хе4 lLJxf2
Other moves:
а) 1 2 ... �xf2+ 1 3 Фfl J:tb8 14 h3
lLJe3+ 1 5 Фхf2 lLJxd 1 + 1 6 Фе2 ±.
Ь) 1 2. . . J:tb8 13 �с6+ Фе7 14 �g5+
Фе6 15 �h4 lLJxe5 16 �d5+ Фf5 17 tLJd2
�b7 1 8 lLJe4 �Ьб 19 lLJg3+ Фg6 20 �b3,
and Black's s1ightly vu1neraЬ!e king is This solid move is Black's most popu­
enough to give White the faintest of edges, Jar choice. Now:
Shirov-Ivanchuk, Monaco rpd 1998. D222 1 : 8 а4 1 54
13 �с6+ <3;е7 14 J:tdS �Ь6 15 �ха8 D2222: 8 d4 1 56
15 ... �е6? 16 J:td4 lLJd3 17 �g5+ f6 1 8 A1tematively:
�е4 lLJxe5 1 9 �е3 + - Lutz-Onishchuk, а) 8 Ь4 �Ьб 9 а4 �g4 transposes to
Bundes1iga 199617. The text-move is note 'Ь' to White's 9th move in D222 l .
Lutz's suggested improvement. Ь) 8 h3 0-0 9 а4 (9 d4 �Ьб is D2222)
16 'iti>П lLJxc1 17 lLJa3 �е6 18 J:txc1 9 ...�b7 1 0 d4 �b6 1 1 axb5 axb5 1 2 J:txa8
J:txa8 19 J:td3 �ха8 1 3 dxe5 lLJxe5 1 4 lLJxe5 dxe5 1 5
Black's two bishops and the pawn 'iie2 �с6 ::::: Leko-Shirov, Groningen 1996.
weaknesses on а2 and е5 give Black some
compensation for the exchange, although D222 1 )
it's questionaЬ!e whether this is enough. 8 а4
In his analysis Lutz gives 1 9 ... �ха2 20 With this move White aims to put early
с4 Ь4 2 1 с5 �а7 22 lLJc4 �хс5 23 lLJa5 pressure оп the b5-pawn. White сап in­
�Ь6 24 lLJc6+ <li>f8 25 lLJxЬ4 (25 Ь3 tensify this strain with Ь4 and lLJa3.
1ooks even stronger) 25 . . .�е6 26 lLJc6 ±. 8 ... �g4
Onishchuk was not sufficiently put off the As we saw in the previous chapter, this
line, however, and Iater repeated it. Не move gains in strength once White has
Meller Defence 1 55

committed himself to the plan of а2-а4. This is White's most dangorou1 plan.
The reason is that В lack can try to make The altemative way to proceed is with 10
use of the weakness the move а4 has cre­ d3 0-0 1 1 li:lbd2:
ated on the queenside (for example, the а) 1 1 . . . hб 12 .:te1 .:tb8 13 liJП d5 1 4
b3-square is weakened). 8 . . . i.Ь7 makes ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 5 li:\g3 .igб ( 1 5 ... dxe4? 1 б
less sense here. After 9 d4 .iЬб 1 О .ig5 li:lxh5 and 1 5. . ..ixf3 1 б ..-хfЗ Ь4 1 7 li:lf5
0-0 1 1 li:la3, B lack has proЬlems with his Ьхс3 1 8 Ьхс3 Фh8 1 9 �а4 are Ьoth strong
b-pawn. for White) 1б li:lh4 and White has а small
9 h3 edge, Am.Rodriguez-Gi1d.Garcia, Yopal
Putting the question to the g4-Ьishop 1 997.
seems the most logica1 way to continue, Ь) 1 1 . . . d5 ! 12 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 13 1:txa8
as it leaves White with more options later �ха8 14 exd5 li:lxd5 15 li:le4 i.Ьб 1 б
on. Other moves include: li:\g3 i.gб and Black has no proЬlems,
а) 9 d3 0-0 10 liJЬd2 and now, rather GiJd.Garcia-Benjamin, Toronto 1998.
than 10 ... Ь4?! 1 1 h3 .ih5 12 а5 ! .:tb8 13 10...i.b6 1 1 dЗ
.:te1 'ii'c 8 1 4 liJП Ь3 15 .tы .:tь5 1 б li:lg3 An important a1temative is the imme­
.igб (or 1б ... .ixf3 1 7 'ii'xf3 .:txa5 1 8 .:txa5 diate exchange on Ь5 with 1 1 ахЬ5 ахЬ5
li:\xa5 1 9 li:lf5 and White has а strong ini­ 12 .:txa8 'ifxa8 13 li:la3 and now l 3\a7
tiative for the pawn) 17 d4 exd4 18 cxd4 14 d3 0-0 transposes into the main line,
i.Ь4 19 .id2 .:txa5 20 .:txa5 .ixa5 21 d5 whi1e Black can also try 1 3 ... li:\d8:
.ixd2 22 li:lxd2 li:ld4 23 li:lxb3 li:lxb3 24 а) 14 d3 сб 15 .ib3 0-0 1б li:lc2 li:leб
'ii'xb3 ;!; Adams-Benjamin, Luceme Wcht 17 li:le3 ( 1 7 g4 ! ?) 1 7. . . .ixf3 1 8 *'хfЗ
1 997, both 1 0 . . . .:te8 ! ?, intending . . . d5, �al ! gives Black good counterplay,
and the immediate 1 0 ... d5!? 1ook stron­ Jansa-D.Gross, Zlin 1 998.
ger. Ь) 14 li:lxb5 ! ? li:lxe4 15 d4 0-0 1 б dxe5
Ь) 9 Ь4 ! ? .iЬб 10 h3 and now 10 ... .ih5 dxe5 17 '1We2 f5 "' Svidler-Benj amin, Lu­
will generally transpose into the main ceme Wcht 1 997.
line. In Topa1ov-Anand, Dos Hermanas с) 14 .:te1 сб 15 d4 'ii'a7 1б g4 .igб 1 7
1 999 B1ack preferred 10 . . . .id7 ! ?, which с 4 exd4 1 8 е 5 dxe5 1 9 li:lxe5 with a n ap­
prevents the possibility of the Ьishop be­ proximately level position, Adams-Svid­
ing forced at а later stage to go to gб, but ler, Frankfurt rpd 1 999.
on the other hand it also releases the pin 11 ...0-0 12 ахЬ5
on the fЗ-knight. Topalov continued with White resolves the tension on the
the solid 1 1 d3 hб 12 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 13 .:txa8 queenside. After 12 g4 ! ?, 12 ... .igб could
'ii'xa8 1 4 li:la3 'ii'aб 1 5 i.Ь2 0-0 1 б �d2 well transpose into the main line, but
li:\e7 =. Wedberg suggests the sharper 1 1 White must Ье ready to meet the sacrifi­
li:\a3 ! ?, keeping the option of playing cial idea 12 ... li:lxg4 ! ? 13 hxg4 .ixg4.
d2-d4 in one go. Не gives 1 1 ... 0-0 12 .ib2 12...ахЬ5 13 �ха8 �ха8 14 li:la3!?
'fie7 1 3 .:te1 t. Adding pressшe to the b5-pawn i s the
9....i h5 most consistent way forward. After 1 4
9 ... .ixf3 makes no sense here, as after .ig5? ! li:ld8 ! 1 5 .ixfб gxfб 1 б g 4 .igб 17
1 0 'fixf3 Black has no time to arrange li:lh4 li:leб Black was doing well in Van
queenside counterplay with . . . li:\a5 and der Wiel-Atalik, Wijk aan Zee 1 997.
. . . Ь4. Following 10 . . . 0-0 1 1 Ь4 .iЬб 1 2 Black also need not fear 1 4 li:lbd2 as both
d 3 White is very well placed. 14 . . . d5 and 14 .. .'if'a1 ! ? 1ook like reason­
10 Ь4 aЬle responses.
1 56 Archangel and New Archangel It seems worth expeпdiпg а tempo to

14 ...'iii'aб 15 i.ЬЗ lt:Jd8 1 б g4 ! i.gб 17 prevent . . . i.g4, апd this has Ьееп the
lt:Jh4 lt:Jeб апd поw 1 8 lt:Jf5 с5 19 lt:Jc2 most popular choice for White. 9 а4 i.g4
i.d8 20 с4 схЬ4 21 lt:Jxb4 �Ь6 22 i.еЗ 10 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 1 J:xa8 �ха8 12 d5 lt:Ja7
lt:Jc5 was ОК for Black iп J.Po1gar-Topa­ 13 hЗ i.h5 14 i.g5 lt:Jd7 15 g4 i.g6 1 6
lov, Dos Непnапаs 1 997, but 1ater Po1gar lt:Jh4 h6 1 7 i. c 1 �d8 1 8 lt:Jf5 i.xf5 1 9
improved with 1 8 lt:Jc2! с5 1 9 с4! t J.Pol­ exf5 lt:Jf6 was ОК for Black i п Fedoro­
gar-IIlescas, Madrid 1 997. wicz-Gulko, USA Ch 1997.
15 g4 9 0-0

If White waпts to avoid the possiЬility A1so possiЬie is 9 ... i.b7 (puttiпg ear­
of the пехt поtе then he could play 15 lier pressure оп the e4-pawn) 10 J:e1 (af­
i.g5 lt:Jd7 and on1y then 1 6 g4. ter 10 i.еЗ, 10 . . . 0-0 transposes to the
15...i.g6 main line, but maybe B1ack could try
15 ! ? must Ье considered here, 1 0... exd4 1 1 cxd4 lt:JЬ4 ! ?) 1 0 ... 0-0:
as Вlack gets two pawпs for the piece апd а) 1 1 аЗ and поw 1 1 . . . hб 12 i.еЗ lt:Jd7
а lasting pin on the fЗ-kпight. After 1 6 13 lt:Jbd2 lt:Je7 14 Ь4 exd4 1 5 cxd4 f5 1 6
hxg4 i.xg4 Wedberg gives 17 i.еЗ f5 18 i.ЬЗ+ Фh8 l 7 lt:Jg5 �е8 1 8 lt:Je6 1ed to
i.ЬЗ+ Фh8 1 9 i.d5 �с8 ! апd 1 7 i.ЬЗ an advantage for White iп Kosten-Laпe,
Фh8 18 lt:Jc2 f5 19 lt:JeЗ i.хеЗ 20 fхеЗ British Ch 1 999, but B\ack shou1d con­
fxe4 2 1 dxe4 �с8 ! , when in both cases sider 1 1 . . . J:e8, preveпtiпg 12 i.еЗ.
Black has reasonaЬ!e compensatioп for Ь) 1 1 i.еЗ and now \ 1 ...J:te8 12 lt:JЬd2
the piece. h6 1 3 аЗ traпsposes to note 'а' to B1ack's
16 i.g5 lt:Jd7 17 i.ЬЗ Фh8 18 lt:Jh4 h6 12th move, but perhaps Black can im­
19 i.d2 i.h7 20 lt:Jc2 �d8 21 l0f5 lt:Jc8 prove with \ l . . . exd4 !? 12 cxd4 lt:JЬ4.
22 lt:Jce3 lt:Je7 23 lt:Jxe7 �хе7 10 i.еЗ!?
;!; Illescas-Adams, Dos Hermaпas Опе advaпtage of haviпg the bishop
1999. on с2 is that the е4-раwп is protected.
Thus White need not rush to р1ау lt:JЬd2,
D2222) but сап deve1op this Ьishop first, 1eпdiпg
8 d4 crucia1 support to the d4-pawп. A1terna­
This is а very 1ogica1 continuation. tive\y, White can р1ау 10 i.g5 h6 1 1 i.h4
8...i.b6 (D) 'i!i'e7 1 2 а4 i.d7 1 3 d5 lt:Ja5 ! ? 14 lt:Jbd2;
e.g., 14 . . . сб 15 Ь4 lt:Jc4 1 6 lt:Jxc4 Ьхс4 1 7
dхсб i.xc6 1 8 �е2 J:ac8 1 9 lt:Jd2 d 5 20
exd5 i.xd5 21 J:fe1 J:fe8 22 а5 .ia7 =

w McShane-Hector, Copenhagen 1 998 or

14 . . . Фh8 1 5 Ь4 lt:Jb7 16 с4 g5 17 i.gЗ
lt:Jh5 with ап unc1ear position, Shirov­
Onishchuk, Groningen 1 996.
1 0 . . . J:b8 1 1 :te 1 i.d7 12 lt:JЬd2 J:e8
1 З lt:Jf l Ь4 14 lt:Jg3 (14 d5 ! ?) 14 . . . Ьхс3 15
ЬхсЗ i.a5 16 i.d2 ;!; Luther-Christiaп­
sen, Bundes1iga 199617.
l l lt:Jbd2 12 Пе1 (D)
9 h3 A1ternative1y:
Meller Defence 1 57

а) 1 2 d5 and now: and White is better, Galkin-Emms, Bat­

а 1 ) 1 2 . . .lt:Ja5?! 1 З Ь4 ! lt:Jc4 14 lt:Jxc4 umi Echt 1999.
Ьхс4 15 lt:Jd2 .tхеЗ 16 fхеЗ с6 17 lt:Jxc4 Ь) 12 ....1:.Ь8 (the idea of this move is to
cxd5 1 8 exd5 �с7 (Wedberg gives the meet the advance d5 with ....tхеЗ, which
lines 1 8 . . . .txd5 1 9 .l:.xf6 .txc4 20 .l:.xd6 would otherwise fail tactically to dxc6!)
and 18 ... lt:Jxd5 1 9 .txh7+! Фхh7 20'i'h5+ ! З аЗ h6 14 'i'e2 and now 14 . . . d5 ? ' 1 5
�g8 2 1 "iifxf7+ �h8 22 .l:.f5 lЬf6 2З lt:Jxe5 dxe4 1 6 lt:Jg4 lt:Jh7 1 7 .txe4 .l:.xe4
"iifxb7 as winning for White) 19 lt:Ja5 ± 1 8 lt:Jxe4 f5 1 9 d5 ! gave White а very
UlyЬin-Hector, Gothenburg 1 999. strong attack in Nunn-Hector, Oxford
а2) 12 !З .tхЬб схЬб 14 с4 Ьхс4 1 998. Nunn suggests 14 . . . 'i'd7 as Ьeing а
1 5 lt:Jxc4 Ь5 1 6 !ЬеЗ lt:Jg6 = Morovic­ more cautious way for Black to play, giv­
Christiansen, New York 1 997. ing 1 5 d5 lt:Je7 16 а4 .tхеЗ 1 7 'lixeЗ с6
Ь) 12 аЗ !?, prevents ideas of ... exd4 18 ахЬ5 схЬ5 19 Ь4 with а small plus to
followed Ьу . . .!ЬЬ4. Black may have White. Best of all, however, may Ье Wed­
nothing better than 12 . . . h6, when ! З .l:.el berg's suggestion of 14 . . . exd4 15 cxd4
transposes to note 'а' to Black's 1 2th lt:Ja5, i n order to meet 1 6 Ь4 Ьу 16 ... lt:Jc4.
move. 13 cxd4 lt:Jb4 14 .tgS!
Of course it would Ье nice to retain the
Ьishop with 1 4 .tы , but Black seems to
Ье аЬ!е to grab the e-pawn with 14 ... .txe4.
в Nunn then gives 1 5 lt:Jxe4 lt:Jxe4 1 6 'i'ЬЗ
с5 17 .txe4 .l:.xe4 1 8 lt:Jg5 ( 1 8 аЗ с4 ! 1 9
�хЬ4 .ta5 is one ofBlack's defensive re­
sources) 1 8 ... .1:.е7 1 9 dxc5 dxc5 20 l
�е8 and Вlack defends.
14 15 �хс2 h6 16 .i.h4
Originally 1 believed this position to
Ье much better for White, but no\\· I ' m
not so sure. Вlack has obtained the two
Ьishops, but in retum has been forced to
12 ... exd4!? relinquish the centre and in addition he
This is the critical test of White's play, has to deal with а nasty pin on the h4-d8
although it may not Ье best. Altematives: diagonal. After 1 6 . . . g5 17 .tgЗ lt:Jh5 1 8
а) 12 ... h6 lЗ аЗ Ci:Ja7 ( 1 З . . . .tа7 1 4 Ь4 .th2, Jansa-Martinovsky, Wrexham 1998
lt:Jd7 1 5 !ЬЬЗ ;j; Rбtsagov-Ziegler, Goth- continued 18 ... lt:Jf4? 1 9 .txf4 gxf4 20 е5
enburg 1 998; 1З . . . !ЬЬ8 ! ?, preparing to dxe5 21 dxe5 and Black was already in
play ... lt:Jbd7 and . . . с5, may Ье ОК for serious trouЬie. 1 8...�f6!, planning ...'i'g6,
Black; of course 1 З ... .I:.Ь8 transposes to looks like а much better proposition, after
line 'Ь') 1 4 а4 ! exd4 1 5 cxd4 с5 1 6 d5 which it's difficult to make а real assess­
!Ьс8 1 7 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 1 8 .l:.xa8 .txa8 1 9 ЬЗ ment of the position.
l ndex of Va riations

Chapter Guide 2: Archangel with 7 сЗ : Rare 7th

Moves for Black
1 е4 eS 2 4::\fЗ 4:\с6 3 it.ЬS а6 4 ..ta4 4:\r6 1 е4 е5 2 4::\В 4:\с6 З it.b5 а6 4 it.a4 4Jf6
5 0-0 ьs 5 0-0 Ь5 6 it.bЗ it.b7 7 сЗ 18
S . . . it.cS - Chapter 1 О А: 7 . . .h6 1 9 8 d4 d6: 9 4Jbd2 19; 9 'ii'e2
6 it.ЬЗ it.b7 19; 9 1:.е1 19
6. . . it.cS - Chapter 9 В: 7 . . . d5 20
Now (after 6 ... it.b7): В 1 : 8 d4 21
а) 7 ltJcЗ - Chapter 8 В2: 8 exd5 21 8 ... 4::\xdS: 9 d4 22; 9 1:.е1 22
Ь) 7 4:\g5 - Chapter 8
с) 7 dЗ - Chapter 7 З: Archangel with 7 сЗ 4:\хе4: Minor
d) 7 d4 - Chapter 1 Lines
е) 7 сЗ 4:\хе4 (other moves - Chapter 2) 8 1 е4 е5 2 4::\fЗ 4::\с б 3 it.b5 аб 4 it.a4 4::\fб
d4 (other moves - Chapter З): 5 О-О ьs 6 .tьз it.b7 7 сЗ 4:\хе4 23
е!) 8 ... 4:\а5 - Chapter 4 А: 8 1:.el 23
е2) Other moves - Chapter З А ! : 8 ... 4::\aS 23
f) 7 1:.е1 : А2: 8 ... d5 24 9 dЗ 4:\с5 10 4:\хе5 llli.e 5 l l
f l ) 7 ... it.c5 8 сЗ d6 9 d4 it.b6 1 0 i.g5 - 1:.хе5+: l l ... it.e7 23; l l . . . lt:\e6 24

Chapter 6 АЗ: 8 . . . 4:\с5 24 9 4:\хе5 4:\хе5 1 0 1:.хе5+

f2) AIJ other lines - Chapter 5 АЗ ! : 1 0 ... it.e7 24
АЗ2: 1 0... 4::\еб 25 1 0 . . . 4:\е6 1 1 d4 it.d6: 1 2
1 : Archangel with 7 d4 1:.h5?! 25; 1 2 1:.е1 25
1 е4 е5 2 4::\ fЗ 4:\с6 з it.b5 а6 4 it.a4 4Jf6 В: 8 d4 2б
5 0-0 Ь5 6 it.bЗ it.b7 7 d4 б 7 ... 4:\xd4 В 1 : 8 . . . exd4 26
А: 8 it.xf7+ б 8 . . . ФхП 9 4:\хе5+ Фg8 1 0 В2: 8 ... it.e7 27
'ii'xd4: 1 0. . .'ii'e 8 б ; 1 0 . . . d6 7; I O. .. c5 7 В2 1 : 9 1:.е 1 28
В: 8 4:\xd4 9 8 . . . exd4 В22: 9 'ii'e2 29 9 . . . d5 10 dxe5: 10 ... 4:\а5
В ! : 9 сЗ 9 30; 1 0...0-0 30
В2: 9 е5 10 9 ... 4:\е4
В 2 1 : 1 0 f3 10 4: Archangel with 7 сЗ 4:\хе4: Main
В22: 1 0 'it'g4 10 Line (8 d4 4:\а5)
В2З: 10 'it'fЗ 11 1 е4 е5 2 4::\fЗ 4::\сб З it.b5 а6 4 it.a4 4Jf6
В24: 10 1:.е1 1 1 5 0-0 Ь5 6 .tьз i.b7 7 сЗ 4:\хе4 8 d4
В24 1 : I O. . .it.e7 1 1 : 1 1 с З 1 1 ; 1 1 'ii'g4 12; 4::\aS 32
1 1 'ii'fЗ 12 А: 9 4:\хе5 32 9 . .. 4::\хЬЗ 1 0 �хЬЗ
В242: 1 0 ... 'it'h4 13 A l : 1 0 . . . 'ii'f6 32 1 1 fЗ !
В24З: 10 ... d5 13 А 1 1 : 1 1 ... 4::\d б?! 32
В244: 10 .. . с5 ! 13 А 1 2: 1 t ...ltJc5 33 1 2 4:\g4 llli.ьз 1 з llli.f6+:
В25: 10 сЗ 14 13 ... Фе7? 33; 1 З ... gxf6 34
В25 1 : 10 . . .4:\с5 14 А2: 1 0 . . . 4Jd6 34: 1 1 it.f4 34; 1 1 а4 35; 1 1
В252: I O ... dЗ 14 : 1 1 it.eЗ 14; 1 1 'ii'fЗ 15; 1:.е1 35; 1 1 с4 35
1 1 'ii' xdЗ 15 В: 9 it.c2 36 9 . . . exd4
В25З: l O . . . dxcЗ 1б В 1 : 1 0 4:\xd4 3б 1 0 .. . с5
Index of Variations 159

В 1 1 : 1 1 .txe4 37 1 1 ... .txe4 1 2 1:te 1 d5: 1 3 Н5: 10 . . . 0-0 63

liJf5 37; 1 3 fЗ 37 HS I : 1 1 liJaЗ 63
В 1 2: 1 l liJf5 37 Н 52: 1 1 ахЬ5 64 1 1 . . . ахЬ5 1 2 1:txa8:
В2: 1 О ft'e2 38 1 2 . . . .txa8 64; 1 2 . . . 'ii'xa8 64
ВЗ: 10 .:tel 39 IO ... d5 l l liJxd4 с5 Нб: IO . . . hб! 65
ВЗ 1 : 1 2 liJf5 40: 1 2 . . . g6 40; 1 2 . . . �d7 40 Нб l : 1 1 ахЬ5 65 1 1 ... ахЬ5 1 2 .:.Ха8 'ifxa8:
В32: 1 2 f3 41 1 3 d5 65; 1 3 liJaЗ 66
В4: 10 .txe4 41 Н62: 1 1 liJh4 67
B S : 1 0 Ь4 41 10 ... liJc4 1 1 .txe4 .txe4 1 2 1: 10 .tеЗ 68
.:te1 1 1 : IO . .. 'it'e7?! 68
В5 1 : 1 2 .. .f5 ? ! 42 12: 1 0 . . . exd4 !? 69
В 52: 1 2 ... d5 42 1 3 liJxd4 IЗ: IO ... hб 69 1 1 hЗ 0-0 1 2 liJbd2
В521 : 1 3 ... 'iii'd7 42 13 1 : 1 2 . . .We7 69
В522: I З ... .tdб 43 I32: 1 2 . . . liJd7 70
В523: 1 З ... с5 ! 44 1 4 Ьхс5 .txc5 1 5 fЗ 0-0 IЗЗ: 1 2 . . . 'ii'd7 70
1 6 fxe4 dxe4 1 7 .:.Хе4 f*'d5 : 1 8 'iffЗ I34: 1 2 . . . .1:1.е8 70
45; 1 8 .:th4 46 I34 1 : 1 3 wы 7/
I342: 13 d5 71: 1 3 . . . liJa5 72 ; 13 . . . liJe7 72
5: Archangel with 7 Пе1 : Minor Lines I35: 1 2 ... 1t'b8 73
1 е4 е5 2 liJB liJcб З .tb5 аб 4 .ta4 liJf6 IЗб: 1 2 . . . 11Ь8 73
5 о-о Ь5 б .tьз .tь7 7 .:te1 47 7 . . . .tc5 I37: 1 2 . . . exd4 73 1 3 cxd4 liJЬ4 1 4 �Ь! с5
8 сЗ dб 9 d4 .tЬб 1 5 аЗ liJcб: 1 6 dxc5 74; 1 6 е5 74; 1 6 d5
А: 1 0 dxe5 49 75
в: 1 0 liJbd2 50 14: 1 0 ... 0-0 76
С: 1 0 d5 50 141 : 1 1 dxe5 76
D: 1 0 ft'dЗ 51 1 0 ... h6 142: 1 1 h3 76: 1 1 . . . liJa5 76; l l ... exd4 77
D l : 1 1 а4 51 1 1 . . . 0-0: 1 2 ахЬ5? ! 5 1 ; 1 2 d5 143: 1 1 d5 77
5 1 ; 1 2 liJh4 52; 1 2 liJbd2 52 144: 1 1 liJbd2 78: 1 1 . . . liJd7 78; l l . . . 'it'd7
D2: 1 1 liJbd2 53 78; l l . . . exd4 78; 1 1 . . . .1:1.е8 79
Е: 1 0 hЗ 53
Е ! : 1 0 .. .'i!ie7 53 б : Archangel with 7 .1:1.е1 : Main Line
Е2: 1 0 . . . 0-0 54: 1 1 а4 54; 1 1 .tg5 54 ( 1 0 .tg5)
ЕЗ: I O ... hб 55 1 1 а4 0-0: 1 2 liJaЗ 55; 1 2 d5 1 е4 е5 2 liJf3 liJcб 3 .tb5 аб 4 .ta4 liJfб
55 5 0-0 Ь5 б .tьз .tb7 7 :l.el .tc5 8 с3 dб
F: 1 0 аЗ 56: I O. .. hб 56; IO. .. 'it'e7 57; 9 d4 .tЬб 1 0 .tg5 80 1 0. . . hб 1 1 .th4
1 0...0-0 57 А: 1 1 ... 1t'd7 80 12 а4 0-0-0 1 З ахЬ5 ахЬ5
G: 1 0 liJh4 58 А 1 : 1 4 d5?! 81
G 1 : I O ... g6 58 А2: 14 .txfб 81 1 4 . . .gxf6 1 5 .td5: 15 . . . f5
G2: 10 . . . liJe7 58 82; 1 5 ... .1:1.dg8 82; 1 5 . . . .1:1.hg8 83
GЗ: 1 0 . . . 0-0 58 АЗ : 1 4 liJaЗ 84 1 4 . . . g5 1 5 .tgЗ
G4: 1 O. . . exd4 59 1 1 liJf5: 1 1 . . . 0-0 59; АЗ ! : 1 5 ... exd4 84
1 l . . . dxcЗ 59 АЗ2: 1 5 ... h5 84
GS: 10 .. .'�d7 60: 1 1 liJf5 60; 1 1 .tg5 61 АЗ2 1 : 1 6 dxe5 84
Н: 1 0 а4 62 АЗ22: 1 6 h4 86 1 6 . . . gxh4 1 7 .txh4 :l.hб:
Н 1 : 1 0 . . . Ьха4 62 18 dxe5 86; 1 8 'it'dЗ 87; 1 8 lLJxb5 87;
Н2: I O . . . liJa5 62 1 8 liJg5 87; 1 8 liJc2 88
НЗ: I O .. �d7 62
. В : l l .. .'�e7 89 1 2 а4
Н4: 1 о .. .'�'е7 62 в 1 : 1 2 ... 0-0-0? ! 90
160 Archangel and New Archangel

В2: 1 2. . . g5 92 1 3 .tgЗ h5 14 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 04: 8 tUcЗ 119

1 5 1:1.ха8+ .ixa8 04 1 : 8 . . .dб 1 19
В21 : l б dxe5 92 042: 8 ... 0-0 1 20 9 а4: 9 .. Ь4 121; 9 . . . tt:Jd4

В22: l б hЗ 92 1 2 1 ; 9 . . . tt:Ja5 122

В23: l б h4 93 lб . . . g4 1 7 tt\g5 tiJd8!
В23 1 : 1 8 dxe5 ? ! 93 8: Archangel : Rare 7th Moves for
В232: 1 8 tt:Jaз 94 White
В233: 1 8 'ir'dЗ 94 1 е4 е5 2 tiJfЗ tUcб з .tь5 аб 4 .ta4 tt:Jfб
В234: 1 8 f4 94 5 а-о Ь5 6 .tьз ..tь7
В235: 1 8 tt:Jaз 95 I 8 ... tt:Jd7 1 9 tt:Jc2 fб 20 А: 7 tt:JcЗ 123: 7 . . . tt:Ja5 ? ! 1 23 ; 7 . . . .ie7 123
tUeЗ fxg5 2 1 tUб: 2 1 .. .'ii' fб 95; В : 7 tt\g5 123 7 . . .d5 8 exd5 tt\d4 9 .:l.el :
2 1 ...'i'h7 95 9 . . . tUxb3 124; 9 ... .tdб 124
ВЗ: 1 2 . . . 0-0 96: t з tt:Jaз 96; 1 3 'i'dЗ 96;
1 3 d5 97; 1 3 ахЬ5 97 9: New Archangel
С: 1 1 .0-0 98
.. 1 е4 е5 2 tiJfЗ tt:Jcб 3 ..tb5 аб 4 .ta4 tiJfб
C l : 1 2 d5 98 5 о-о Ь5 6 .tьз .ic5 126
С2: 1 2 'i'dЗ 98 А: 7 .:!.e l ? ! 126
С2 1 : 1 2 . . . .:l.e8 99 В: 7 'ir'e2 1 2 7: 7 ... dб 127; 7 ... d5 128
С22: 1 2 ... tt:Ja5 99 С: 7 dЗ 129: 7 ... d6 129; 7 . . .0-0 130
С23: 1 2 . . . 'i'e7 100 1 3 tUЬd2 tt\a5 1 4 .tc2 0: 7 tt\xe5 130 7 . . . tt:Jxe5 8 d4 .txd4 9
с5 1 5 d5 с4 l б 'i'e2: l б . . . .tc8 1 00; 'i'xd4 d6: 10 сЗ 131; 1 0 f4 132
t б . . .:.rь8 101 Е: 7 сЗ 133 7 ... dб
С24: 12 ... g5 101: 13 tt\xg5 101; 1 3 .tgЗ E l : 8 1:l.el 134
101 Е2: 8 а4 134
СЗ: 1 2 а4 102 Е2 1 : 8 . . ..ib7 135
СЗ \ : 1 2 ... tt:Ja5 102 Е22: 8 ... .ig4 135 9 dЗ 0-0 \ 0 hЗ:
С32: 1 2 . . . .:1.е8 103 1 3 ахЬ5 ахЬ5 14 .:l.xa8 I O ... .txfЗ 135; 1 0 ... .th5 136
.txa8: 1 5 'i'dЗ 103; 1 5 d5 104 Е23: 8 . . ..:l.b8 137 9 d4 .iЬб 1 О ахЬ5 ахЬ5:
СЗЗ: 1 2 ... exd4 105 \ 3 cxd4 .:l.e8 14 ахЬ5 1 1 hЗ 1 37; 1 1 tt:Jaз 138
ахЬ5 1 5 .:l.xa8 .txa8: \б 'i'dЗ 105; l б ЕЗ: 8 d4 140 8 ... ..tЬб: 9 dxe5 140; 9 .J:rel
tt\c3 107 141; 9 ..tез 1 4 1 ; 9 hЗ 142; 9 .tg5 142;
С34: 12 ... g5 108: 13 tt\xg5? ! 108; J 3 .tgЗ 9 а4 143
108 F: 7 а4 144: 7 . . . .tЬ7 144; 7 . . ..:1.Ь8 144
о: 1 1 ... g5 109 12 .tgз о-о
0 1 : 1 3 d5 110 1 0 : Meller Defence
02: 1 3 dxe5 110 \ 3 . . . tt\xe5 14 tt\xe5 dxe5: 1 е4 е5 2 tiJfЗ tt:Jcб 3 .tb5 аб 4 .ta4 tt:Jfб
1 5 tt:Jd2 1 10; 1 5 'i'fЗ 1 1 1 5 О-О .tc5 146
А: б .tхсб 146
7 : Archangel with 7 dЗ В : б dЗ 147 6 ... dб: 7 сЗ 148; 7 .tеЗ 148
1 е4 е5 2 tiJfЗ tt:Jcб 3 .tb5 аб 4 .ta4 tiJfб С: б tt\xe5 148 6 . . . !Ьхе5 7 d4 tt\xe4: 8
5 о-о ь5 б .tьз ..tь7 7 сtз 112 'ir'e2 149; 8 1:1.e l 150
А: 7 . . .gб?! 1 1 2 0: б сЗ 151
В : 7. . . h б ? ! 1 1 2 0 1 : б . . О-0 151

С : 7 ... .tdб ll3: 8 аЗ 114; 8 с З 114; 8 а4 115 02: б . . . Ь5 152

0: 7 ... .tc5 1 1 7 021 : 7 d4! ? 152
01: 8 сЗ 117 022: 7 .tc2 153
0 2 : 8 .tез 1 1 7 022 1 : 7 ...d5 153
0 3 : 8 a4 ll8 0222: 7 ... dб 154: 8 а4 154; 8 d4 156

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