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What are the secrets of a skin allergy disease?

The secrets are that only gullible idiots and ignorant fools think
“secrets” exist for diseases. You might as well burn your money,
because anyone who asks such a question is guaranteed to be taken
advantage of by sellers of fake medicine. Fix your brain before you try to
fix your skin, or you will be scammed out of your savings in seconds.

Skin allergy disease? That’s not even a thing. Whatever it is you think
you are asking about, you are not asking the right question. Many
allergies have skin symptoms. Many hundreds of diseases have skin
symptoms. What exactly do you want to know? You will need to be way
more specific… but not here. Nobody on the internet can diagnose your
unique and individual skin disorder without knowing your unique and
individual body condition and medical history and examining your skin

The “secret” to a long and healthy life with clear skin is to not believe
everything you read online, not ask online strangers for personalized
health advice, and to not be a gullible conspiracy theorist. If you have a
skin problem, go see a real, medical doctor in person. There is no
alternative to real medicine.

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