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Why do people get intramuscular penicillin shots?

What purpose does the intramuscular injection


There are a few indications for penicillin shots these

days, being Syphilis is one of the most frequent
indications (intramuscular benzathine G penicillin).
Neonatal sepsis due to S agalactiae is another
indication where PG salt is used IV intrapartum until

Penicillin G was the first really effective antibiotic,

widely used from 1942, it saved many lives but
bacterial resistance developed rapidly maquing it
unsuitable to treat most of the current infections.

There are other pecicillins such as Aminopenicillins:

ampicillin and amoxacillin; antipseudomonal
penicillins such as piperacillin and
antistaphilococcal penicillins such as oxacilin and
methicillin. These were developed to overcome
resistance, lomited spectrum uf use and oral use
limitations. Resistance became a problem too.
Bacteria will always develop atb resistance no
matter what

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