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Do antibiotics work for pneumonia?

If the pneumonia is caused by a bacteria, antibiotics

should work to clear the fluid in your lungs.

If the pneumonia is caused by a virus, antibiotics

won’t kill a virus. If you have a secondary bacterial
infection due to a throat or nose bacteria, antibiotics
will work and may give the viral pneumonia a better
opportunity to clear up.

If you have Strep and get prescribed antibiotics,

specifically Penicillin, is it better to take it for a few
days or to not take it at all due to the infection
becoming resistant?

You have the reasoning backward. Resistant strains

come from not taking the full course. Microbes are
like people. Some are strong, some are weak. When
you begin to take antibiotics, the weak one have less
resistance to the medicine and are killed off by the
antibiotic. You begin to feel better but take them all.
The stronger microbes are still multiplying and
continued antibiotics will kill them off. If you stop
when you feel better, the strong ones are still there,
will multiply and leave you with more resistant
bacteria a super-infection. There is new thinking on
this but until the jury is in, take every pill.

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