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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo
S.Y. 2020-2021


Name:__________________________________________Date:_________________ Score:_______________

Direction: Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter on the blanks provided
before the number.


________1. Who was Jacob's mother?
A. Rebekah B. Sarah C. Ruth D. Naomi
_________2. What was noticeable about Jacob's twin brother, Esau, at birth?
A. He was small and scrawny B. He was red and hairy C. He was large and ugly D. He came out kicking and
_________3. As Esau grew, he was described as a what...?
A. Skilled craftsman B. Cunning hunter C. Diligent shepherd D. Caring son
_________4. Why did Isaac love Esau?
A. He looked just like his father B. Isaac ate of his venison C. He provided great comfort to Isaac
D. He was strong and brave
_________5. What was Esau doing while Jacob stole his blessing?
A. Hunting
B. Putting up tents
C. Harvesting crops
D. Fetching water
_________6. Which of the following was a way that Jacob fooled Isaac into thinking that he was Esau?
A. Imitated Esau's voice B. made his father drunk C. Put on sheep skins D. Wore Esau's garments
_________7. Jacob had a dream at Bethel, but what did he dream about?
A. That he would be made into a great nation, and have many children B. That he would bow down to his son
C. A fiery chariot with angels riding horses D. A ladder reaching up to heaven
_________8. Who was Jacob's first wife?
A. Rachel B. Leah C. Zilpah D. Bilhah
_________9Who helped Jacob disguise as Esau in order to get the birthright blessing?
A. Rebekah B. Sarah C. Ruth D. Naomi
________10. What did Esau want to do to after Jacob "stole" the birthright?
A. celebrate with Jacob
B. run away from Isaac & Rebekah
C. take the birthright back from Jacob
D. kill Jacob
________11. Where did God tell Jonah to go?
A. New York B. Florida C. Amsterdam D. Nineveh
________12. Where did Jonah plan to go instead?
A. Tarshish B. Philippines C. Thailand D. All of these
________13. Once Jonah was at sea, he went to sleep down below. What did God do?
A. he sent a storm B. he did nothing C. he gave him a bad dream D. he sent the police after him
________14. The captain of the ship woke Jonah up and asked him to pray that God would stop the storm. All the sailors
were praying according to their own religion. What did Jonah tell the captain?
A. that he wanted to go back to sleep B. that it was not his fault C. that God was upset with him
D. that it was only a little storm
________15. God did not stop the storm - in fact, it was getting worse. What did Jonah do?
A. he told the captain to sail back home B. he pushed the captain overboard C. he went back to sleep
D. he allowed the crew to throw him overboard
________16. What animal swallowed Jonah?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo
S.Y. 2020-2021
A. an elephant B. a hippopotamus C. a big fish D. a shark
________17. What did Jonah do when he was inside this animal?
A. he built a raft
B. he went to sleep
C. he built a big fire
D. he prayed to God
_______18. When Jonah was next on dry land, God spoke to him again. What did he say?
A. he told Jonah to go home
B. he told Jonah to get married
C. he told Jonah to learn how to swim
D. he told Jonah to do what he told him in the first place
_______19. The reason God wanted Jonah to go to the city to speak to the people who lived there was because he was
upset that they were bad people. Did God forgive the people of that city?
A. YES, Because God loves them
B. Yes, because of Jonah
C. No, because of Jonah
D. No, because God Hates them
_______20. Why did Jonah gets angry with the people of Nineveh
A. Because God forgave them
B. Because they ignore him
C. Because God bless them
D. All of the above
________21. Where was the traveler coming from in the story?
A. Home B. Cannan C. Sodom D. Jeruselem
________22. Where was the traveler traveling to?
A. Home B. Jericho C. Sameria D. The store
________23. What happened to the traveler on this road?
A. He got home and rested B. He met some friends C. He found some money D. He was robbed and beaten
________24. The first person to see this traveler was______, and he_______.
A. A friend; called the doctor B. A doctor; fixed him up C. A priest; walked by him D. A lawyer;
took him home
________25. The next person to see this man was ________, and he _______.
A. A Levite; walked by him B. A doctor; took him to the hospital C. A dog; licked his sores
D. A giant; crushed him
________26. The next person to see this man was ________, and he _______.
A. A priest; prayed for him B. A Samaritan; cleaned him up and put him on his donkey CJesus; healed him
and told him to go home D. A Levite; carried him to the next town
________27. The person in Question (26) then:
A. Covered him up with a sheet while he was still in the road B. Wanted to help, but then decided that they
would not help him C. Paid an innkeeper to take care of him until he returned D. Decided to put him back on
the side of the road
________28. The meaning of this story is:
A. To walk away when someone is hurt B. To always know someones name C. To be mean to people who
do not help you D. To treat your neighbor as yourself
________29. ______ told this story to _______ to answer the question that was asked.
A. A priest; a man B. A doctor; Jesus C. Jesus; a lawyer D. Moses; Abraham
________30. What is the primary lesson of this parable?
A. Be prepared for the second coming of Jesus. B. Temple leaders had become legalistic and forgotten
the spirit of the Law. C. Money is the root of all evil D. Extend your love to everyone in the world.

Psalm 145:18
The LORD is near to all them that call on him, to all that call on him in truth.


Subject Teacher

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