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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo
S.Y. 2020-2021




Name:__________________________________________Date:_________________ Score:_______________
Direction: Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter on the blanks
provided before the number.


________1. Where was the traveler coming from in the story?
A. Home B. Cannan C. Sodom D. Jeruselem
________2. Where was the traveler traveling to?
A. Home B. Jericho C. Sameria D. The store
________3. What happened to the traveler on this road?
A. He got home and rested B. He met some friends C. He found some money D. He was robbed
and beaten
________4. The first person to see this traveler was______, and he_______.
A. A friend; called the doctor B. A doctor; fixed him up C. A priest; walked by him D. A lawyer;
took him home
________5. The next person to see this man was ________, and he _______.
A. A Levite; walked by him B. A doctor; took him to the hospital C. A dog; licked his sores
D. A giant; crushed him
________6. The next person to see this man was ________, and he _______.
A. A priest; prayed for him B. A Samaritan; cleaned him up and put him on his donkey C. Jesus; healed
him and told him to go home D. A Levite; carried him to the next town
________7. The person in Question (26) then:
A. Covered him up with a sheet while he was still in the road B. Wanted to help, but then decided
that they would not help him C. Paid an innkeeper to take care of him until he returned D. Decided to put
him back on the side of the road
________8. The meaning of this story is:
A. To walk away when someone is hurt B. To always know someones name C. To be mean to people who
do not help you D. To treat your neighbor as yourself
________9. ______ told this story to _______ to answer the question that was asked.
A. A priest; a man B. A doctor; Jesus C. Jesus; a lawyer D. Moses; Abraham
________10. What is the primary lesson of this parable?
A. Be prepared for the second coming of Jesus. B. Temple leaders had become legalistic and
forgotten the spirit of the Law. C. Money is the root of all evil D. Extend your love to everyone in the world.
Moses and Pharaoh
________11. Moses grew up in a royal household despite his humble Hebrew birth. But when he was older, he did
something that made Pharaoh so angry that the king tried to kill Moses! What did Moses do?
A. He prayed to the one God of the Hebrews instead of to the Egyptian gods
B. He killed an Israelite slave
C. He killed an Egyptian
D. He demanded that Pharaoh release the Israelites from captivity
_________12. Why did God send Moses back into Egypt?
A. To demand that Pharaoh release the Hebrews into the desert B. To repent of his murder of the
Egyptian man C. To avenge the deaths of the Israelites who had died by Egyptian hands D. None of the above
_________13. Which of the following was NOT a plague sent into Egypt by the Lord?
A. Plague of darkness B. Plague of locusts C. Plague of blood D. Plague of snakes
_________14. What did the Lord tell Moses to do in order for the Israelites to flee from Pharaoh?
A. Strike the ground near the sea with his staff' B. 'Sacrifice a burnt offering' C. 'Raise both hands
over the waves' D. 'Raise his staff and stretch his hand over the sea'
_________15. Why did the task master whip some of the slaves?
A. They didn’t have time to gather straw
B. They disobey the task master
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo
S.Y. 2020-2021
C. They eat too much
D. They are lazy
_________16. The people blamed Aaron and Moses what did Moses do?
A. pray B. cry C. argue D. none of the above
_________17. When the mighty ruler ask God’s servants for a sign from God, Aaron’s rod turned into a ____?
A. Snake B. dog C. peacock D. frog
_________18. When the Egyptian magician threw down their rods, each rod also turned into a snake. What did the
snake Moses do?
A. Swallowed their snakes B. kill their snakes C. hide from their snakes D. make friends with their
_________19. When Moses held out his rod into the sea, God turned the water into_______.
A. Wine B. blood C. juice D. coffee
________20. Which of the following is true about when Moses and his people go away from Egypt?
A. Pharaoh forgets about God and ran after them
B. Pharaoh killed the Israelites
C. Pharaoh remain silent
D. Pharaoh did not make any move
________21. Who do the birds represent?
A. Jesus B. Satan C. John D. Pastor
________22. Who does the seed that fell among thorns represent?
A. Those who hear the word of the kingdom of God but do not understand it B. Those who receive
word of the kingdom with joy, but fall away in the face of trouble or persecution C. Those who hear the
word of the kingdom but let worries and pursuit of wealth take priority in their lives D. Those who hear the
word of the kingdom, understand it, and put it into practice
________23. Who does the sower represent in the parable?
A. Jesus B. Satan C. John D. Pastor
________24. Who does the seed that fell on good soil represent?
A. Those who hear the word of the kingdom of God but do not understand it B. Those who receive
word of the kingdom with joy, but fall away in the face of trouble or persecution C. Those who hear the
word of the kingdom but let worries and pursuit of wealth take priority in their lives D. Those who hear the
word of the kingdom, understand it, and put it into practice
________25. In the parable of the sower, how many different types of ground were there?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
________26. What happened to the seeds that fell by the wayside?
A. The bird ate them B. they were trampled C. they were scorched D. they were grew
________27. What happened to the seeds that fell on the rock?
A. The bird ate them B. they were trampled C. they were scorched D. they were
_______28. What happened to the seeds that fell on the thorny place?
A. The bird ate them B. they were trampled C. they were scorched D. they were choked
_______29. What happened to the seeds that fell on the good soil?
A. The bird ate them B. they were trampled C. they were scorched D. they were
_______30. So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and ________ accept the word God has planted in your
hearts, for it has the power to save your souls.
A. Humbly B. Proudly C. Bravely D. Heartily

Psalm 145:18
The LORD is near to all them that call on him, to all that call on him in truth.


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