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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo
S.Y. 2020-2021


Name:__________________________________________Date:_________________ Score:_______________

Direction: Read each statement carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter on the blanks provided
before the number.

David the Shepherd boy

________1. Who is the father of David?
A. Jesse
B. Samuel
C. Saul
D. Jonathan
_________2. Why did Samuel find another King?
A. God told him B. There is no king C. King Saul died D. Her mother told him to find
_________3. Why did God like David?
A. He is faithful B. he is wise C. he is skillful D. he is strong
_________4. Why did God departed from Saul?
A. He is wicked B. he is not a king anymore C. he is fool D. all of the above
_________5. Which the following best describe Samuel?
A. Prophet B. servant C. soldier D. Godly
_________6. What is the reason why the Israelites afraid to Goliath?
A. He is big and strong
B. He is a monster
C. He is a murderer
D. He is a philistine
_________7. Who appointed Saul as a King?
A. Jesse
B. Samuel
C. Saul
D. Jonathan
_________8. Who is known to be the best friend of David and the son of Saul?
A. Samuel B. Rita C. Jonathan D. Joemarie
_________9. Why did David defeated Goliath
A. Because God is with him B. the battle is in the Lord C. god is with him D. all of the above
________10. What did David used to kill Goliath
A. sling
B. arrow
C. spear
D. knife
David the King – Part 1

Wilderness Doeg Saul David Jonathan Abishai Jug

Philistines Armor bearer Israel

________11. Where did David live after he left Israel because Saul wanted to kill Him?
________12. Who Murdered the Priests
________13. He was the wicked king who keep on disobeying God.
________14. Who is the shepherd who become a king after the death of king Saul?
________15. Who is the best friend of David who had helped him to escape in the temple?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo
S.Y. 2020-2021
________16. This person is a follower of David who wanted to strike King Saul but David refuses?
________17. Instead of killing Saul David take Saul’s spear and _______ to prove that he doesn’t want to kill Saul.
_______18. Who defeated the Israelites under the reign of King Saul?
_______19. To whom did King Saul ask to end his life but he refused?
_______20. In what place did David rule as a king?

David the King – Part 2

True or False. Write true is the statement is correct and false if it is wrong.
________21. David is the king all over the nation.
________22. Jerusalem is known to be the city of David.
________23. David conquers the Philistines and other enemies of Israel.
________24. King David destroy the Ark of the Covenant
________25. King David is a boastful man and always lift up himself.
________26. Mephiboseth was Jonathan’s son.
________27. As long as David trusted God and obeyed Him, God helped David.
________28. David committed a sin with Bathshebah.
________29. Uriah is the father of Bathshebah.
________30. Solomon was the King after David’s death.

Psalm 145:18
The LORD is near to all them that call on him, to all that call on him in truth.


Subject Teacher

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