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This report is submitted as a partial requirement for the degree



(AUGUST, 2020)
First of all, I would like to say a lot of thanks to my supervisor, Ms. Sangeetha A / P Arjinan
for her guidance, advice, and patience while guiding me to carry out and complete the research
in this semester. The completion of this research would not have been possible without her
guidance and advice. Moreover, I would like to thank all the respondents who has participated
and helped me in order to complete the questionnaire. Without the cooperation of the
respondents, it is impossible for this research to obtain adequate and reliable data sources so
that this research could not run smoothly.

I would also want to thank my examiners, Sr. Masidah Abdul Majid and Sr. Hasnah Binti
Mohamed for providing advice and suggestion to me in the process of completing this research.
Lastly, I would like to thank my parents, family, and friends who have always given prayers
and support to me in carrying out this research.


I, Muhammad Fakhri, I17012347 confirm that the work in this research is my own work and
the appropriate credit has been given where references have been made to the work of other

Student Name : Muhammad Fakhri

Student ID : I17012347

Date : 13 November 2020


Quantity surveying profession is one of the professions engaged in the construction industry.
This profession first appeared in one area of the United Kingdom since the 18th century. This
research was carried out to discuss and provide insight on the history of the Quantity Surveying
profession and the Quantity Surveying profession in the construction industry in Indonesia.
Quantity Surveyors play an important role in a construction project. The Quantity Surveying
profession first entered Indonesia in the early 1970s, but due to several factors made this
profession less developed in Indonesia. Therefore, this research was carried out to investigate
the current scenario of Quantity Surveying practice in Indonesia. The objectives of this research
is to identify Quantity Surveying practice in Indonesian construction industry and to identify
the perception of being a Quantity Surveyor in Indonesia. In this study, the method used is the
Quantitative method by using an online questionnaire to obtain the data. The questionnaire has
been conducted and has been distributed to Quantity Surveyors who have registered with the
Indonesian Association of Quantity Surveyors (IQSI). The data obtained from the
questionnaire has been analyzed using Relative Importance Index (RII). The outcome of this
research are most of the members that registered with IQSI are not from Quantity Surveying
background, most of the members have working experience is more than 5 and 10 years,
majority of the members working as Quantity Surveyor in their company, the main factor that
affecting less development of Quantity Surveying in Indonesia is lack of institution that provide
Quantity Surveying program, the members chose event/seminar is the best way to delivering
the information to the public regarding Quantity Surveying, and majority of the members felt
it is really important to open Quantity Surveying program at Universities in Indonesia.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...................................................................................................... i
DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE ........................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................... iii
TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................... vi
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................. vii
LIST OF APPENDICES ....................................................................................................viii
ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................................. ix
CHAPTER 1 .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Problem Statement ................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Aim ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Objectives .............................................................................................................. 3
1.5 Key Questions ........................................................................................................ 3
1.6 Importance of Study............................................................................................... 4
1.7 Chapter Outline ...................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 2 .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Quantity Surveying ................................................................................................ 6
2.2.1 History of Quantity Surveying Profession ............................................................. 6
2.2.2 The roles of Quantity Surveyor .............................................................................. 7
2.2.3 Advantages of hiring Quantity Surveyor in the construction project ..................... 9
2.3 Quantity Surveying in Indonesia ......................................................................... 10
2.3.1 History .................................................................................................................. 10
2.3.2 Professional body regulate Quantity Surveying profession ................................. 11
2.4 How to become a Quantity Surveying in Indonesia ............................................ 12
2.4.1 QS Formal education ............................................................................................ 12
2.4.2 Non-QS formal education .................................................................................... 14
2.5 Consultant Quantity Survey in Indonesia ............................................................ 15
2.6 The barrier of implementing the program of Quantity Surveying in University in
Indonesia .............................................................................................................. 17
2.7 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 18
CHAPTER 3 ........................................................................................................................ 19
3.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 19
3.2 Research Framework ........................................................................................... 19
3.3 Research Method ................................................................................................. 20
3.3.1 Quantitative Research........................................................................................... 21
3.4 Data Collection .................................................................................................... 22
3.4.1 Questionnaire........................................................................................................ 22
3.4.2 Questionnaire Design ........................................................................................... 22

3.5 Data Sampling ...................................................................................................... 23
3.5.1 Sample Frame ....................................................................................................... 23
3.5.2 Sample Size .......................................................................................................... 23
3.6 Data Analysis ....................................................................................................... 24
3.6.1 Relative Importance Index (RII) .......................................................................... 24
3.7 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 24
CHAPTER 4 ........................................................................................................................ 26
4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 26
4.2 Respondents General Information (Part 1) .......................................................... 26
4.2.1 Respondents Education Background .................................................................... 27
4.2.2 Working Experience ............................................................................................. 28
4.2.3 The Current Position of the Respondents in Their Company .............................. 29
4.3 Quantity Surveying Profession in Indonesia (Part 2) .......................................... 30
4.3.1 Perception about the level of knowledge about Quantity Surveying profession in
Indonesia .............................................................................................................. 30
4.3.2 Level Involvement of a Quantity Surveyor in the Indonesian Construction
Industry ................................................................................................................. 31
4.3.3 Respondents Perception About the Importance of Hiring a Quantity Surveyor in
the Indonesian Construction Industry................................................................... 32
4.3.4 Replacing the Roles of Quantity Surveyor in Indonesian Construction Industry
with Other Construction Player ............................................................................ 34
4.3.5 Impact of the Roles Quantity Surveyor ................................................................ 35
4.3.6 Factors Affecting Less Development of Quantity Surveying in Indonesia .......... 36
4.3.7 How the Respondents Know About Quantity Surveying Profession ................... 39
4.3.8 Delivering Information to the People about Quantity Surveying......................... 40
4.3.9 Open Quantity Surveying program at University in Indonesia ............................ 41
4.4 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 42
CHAPTER 5 ........................................................................................................................ 43
5.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 43
5.2 Limitation of Study .............................................................................................. 43
5.3 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 43
5.4 Recommendation ................................................................................................. 44
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 46
APPENDICES ..................................................................................................................... 49
APPENDIX A ..................................................................................................................... 50
APPENDIX B...................................................................................................................... 56


Table 2.1 Listed of Quantity Surveyor consultant in Indonesia............................................................ 15

Table 4.1 Percentage of respondents..................................................................................................... 26
Table 4.2 Respondents current position in the company ...................................................................... 29
Table 4.3 Number and percentages of respondents on the importance of hiring a Quantity Surveyor in
the Indonesian construction industry .................................................................................... 32
Table 4.4 Ranking of importance hiring a Quantity Surveyor in the Indonesian construction industry
.............................................................................................................................................. 33
Table 4.5 Number and percentages of respondents on the factors affecting less development of
Quantity Surveying in Indonesia .......................................................................................... 36
Table 4.6 Ranking of the factors affecting less development of Quantity Surveying in Indonesia ...... 38
Table 4.7 Ranking of how the respondents know about Quantity Surveying profession ..................... 39
Table 4.8 Ranking of the best way on delivering information about Quantity Surveying to the public
in Indonesia........................................................................................................................... 40


Figure 2.1 The roles of Quantity Surveyor in all phase of construction ................................................. 8
Figure 2.2 Quantity Surveyor in every stages of construction ................................................................ 9
Figure 2.3 Quantity Surveying curriculum at University Bung Hatta .................................................. 13
Figure 2.4 Quantity Surveying curriculum at University Bung Hatta .................................................. 14
Figure 3.1 Research Framework/Flow .................................................................................................. 20
Figure 3.2 Target Respondents ............................................................................................................. 23
Figure 4.1 Respondents Education Background ................................................................................... 27
Figure 4.2 Respondents Working Experience....................................................................................... 28
Figure 4.3 Respondent position in their company ................................................................................ 29
Figure 4.4 Level of knowledge regarding the Quantity Surveying ....................................................... 30
Figure 4.5 Level of involvement of Quantity Surveyor in the Indonesian construction industry ......... 31
Figure 4.6 Importance of hiring a Quantity Surveyor ........................................................................... 32
Figure 4.7 Replacing the roles of Quantity Surveyor in Indonesian construction industry .................. 35
Figure 4.8 Impact of Quantity Surveyor ............................................................................................... 35
Figure 4.9 Factor affecting less development of Quantity Surveying in Indonesia .............................. 36
Figure 4.10 How the respondents know about Quantity Surveying profession .................................... 39
Figure 4.11 Respondents opinion on the best way to delivering information to the public about
Quantity Surveying............................................................................................................ 40
Figure 4.12 The need to open a Quantity Surveying program at University in Indonesia.................... 41


APPENDIX A QUESTIONNAIRE ...................................................................................................... 50

APPENDIX B SAFEASSIGN .............................................................................................................. 56


QS Quantity Surveyor

RICS Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyor

IQSI Ikatan Quantity Surveyor Indonesia (Indonesian Association of Quantity


AIQS Australian Institution of Quantity Surveyors

RISM The Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia

HKIS Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

PAQS The Pacific Association of Quantity Surveyors

UK United Kingdom

Bachelor Degree

MSc Master (Master of Science)

PhD Doctor (Doctor of Philosophy)

UBH University of Bung Hatta

FTSP Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan (Faculty of Engineering and Planning)

M&E Mechanical and Electrical



1.1 Introduction

The Quantity Surveying profession comes from mainland England which then develops
throughout the other countries in the world (IQSI Official Website, 2019). This profession
emerged around the 19th century after a large fire incident that occurred in the city of London
(IQSI Official Website, 2019). At that time, this profession arises due to the need of skills in
calculating the approximate value of the buildings that affected by the fire (IQSI Official
Website, 2019).

The Quantity Surveying profession arises based on the existence of a need to specialize
in managing a plan or also the design of planners into a format that can show a parameter so
that it can be more easily evaluated, compared, and processed which in turn can form a point
meeting that can connect the desires of the assignor (client) and planning the planners (IQSI
Official Website, 2019). Basically a Quantity Surveyor has a role in a project that must be
responsible for estimate the cost that will be used for the project so it will ensure the
construction and production costs can be managed properly and correctly (The role of a
quantity surveyor, n.d.).

Quantity surveyor can be said to be a new profession in Indonesian construction industry.

Quantity surveyor is a profession that has a lot of contribution in the construction world from
the date of commencement until completion date. However, in Indonesia many people do
not know about this profession due to lack of information and there are only a few Quantity
Surveyor practitioners in Indonesia (IQSI Official Website, 2019). Because of the lack of
information regarding the Quantity Surveyor profession, employers prefer civil engineering
to carry out tasks that should be done by the Quantity Surveyor (IQSI Official Website,
2019). Therefore, there are many construction projects have experienced delays in
completion and there have even been abandoned construction projects (Fathir, 2018).

Information regarding the development of Quantity Surveyor in Indonesia is limited. As

a result, this profession has not received enough attention from the people and resulting in a

lack of people intention to become a Quantity Surveyor (Harususilo, 2018). Some people
who already know about this profession prefer to study outside Indonesia, such as United
Kingdom, Australia, Singapore or Malaysia which have the quality and qualification
standard to become a Quantity Surveyor.

Regarding to (Yusid Toyib, 2015) in order to build a better construction industry, the
Quantity Surveyor profession will begin to be more used in construction projects. According to
(Yusid Toyib, 2015) Quantity Surveyor plays an important role in the efficiency of the
infrastructure development process in Indonesia and also the concern about workplace accidents
is indicated as an example of the lack of calculation of funds for work safety before the project is
implemented. The real challenge faced in Indonesia's construction is the lack of understanding
of the different contracts between parties who are bound by contracts, lack of information, lack
information provider, and lack of practitioners that have QS background (Yusid Toyib, 2015).

1.2 Problem Statement

In the construction industry, there are three phase of construction which is pre-construction
stage (before construction), Construction and post-construction (after construction) (Sims and
Sims, 2014). Pre-construction is a phase when the parties figuring out the scale of work and
prepare the work programme that will determine the cost of the project which will provide
information to give a beginning estimate (Sims and Sims, 2014). After the pre-construction, the
parties will start the construction based on the data that has been prepared in the previous phase
(Sims and Sims, 2014). The final phase is a post-construction, the parties will maintain and
examine all aspects of the project whether it is appropriate to use or not (Sims and Sims, 2014).
After all aspects are assessed to have achieved all aspects planned then the project will be given
to the client but the project must be maintained by the parties concerned for the next few years.
Quantity Surveyor is one of the parties involved in all three construction phases. The Quantity
Surveyor must manage and carry out his duties so that the project can run smoothly and prevent
any issues.

Construction in Indonesia really needs the role of the Quantity Surveyor to assist
government or private projects so that it can run smoothly from the pre-construction to post-
construction process (Media, 2018). The lack of the Quantity Survey profession in Indonesia
results from lack of information and also a lack of practitioners who teach about this profession.
There is only one university that have Quantity Survey course which is Universitas Bung Hatta
located in West Sumatera, Indonesia (Harususilo, 2018). This course was opened in 2002.
Therefore, many construction projects use the services of Quantity Surveyors from other
countries such as Malaysia to help the construction industry in Indonesia.

According to (Khalid and Peli, 2006) most of the Quantity surveyor work in Indonesia is
carried out by parties who are not graduated from Quantity Surveying program. Most of them
are those who have ties to the world of construction such as architects and engineers. They
gained knowledge and abilities through their experience, in-house courses, and attended special
training about Quantity Surveyors. However, Architects and Engineers cannot really master
Quantity Surveyor's knowledge entirely because basically they are trained in designing and
doing fieldwork while Quantity Surveyor refers more to learning financial budgets and

The need for the Quantity Surveying profession in the Indonesian construction industry is
very high and also information about Quantity Surveying in Indonesia is still lacking which
results in a lack of interest in people to become a Quantity Surveyor (Harususilo, 2018). The
development of the Quantity Surveying profession is still quite lacking. This problem must be
resolved as soon as possible by making available more courses, training and basic knowledge
about Quantity Surveying, and by promoting Quantity Surveying services to the construction
industry in Indonesia (Husaini, 2015).

1.3 Aim

The aim of this study is to investigate the current scenario of Quantity Surveying practice in

1.4 Objectives
1. To identify Quantity Surveying practice in Indonesian construction industry

2. To identify the perception of being a Quantity Surveyor in Indonesia

1.5 Key Questions

1. How many number of Quantity Surveyor practicing are from a Quantity Survey
background that involve in the construction industry in Indonesia?

2. Does the Quantity Survey profession have the potential to be use and involve in the
construction industry in Indonesia?

1.6 Importance of Study

The importance of this study is to provide knowledge/understanding to the people or to assist

construction experts in Indonesia about the contribution of Quantity Surveyor can give to the
construction industry in Indonesia. This study also to find and solve the problem regarding the
barrier why the Quantity Surveyor profession is rarely used in the construction industry in
Indonesia and why many people in Indonesia still don’t know about the Quantity Surveyor
profession. It is also really important to know the perception between the construction players
in industry construction in Indonesia about the importance of Quantity Surveyor itself.

Furthermore, what is the best way to provide information to the people who are interested
to become a Quantity Surveyor because information about QS in Indonesia is very limited and
also lack of practitioners in Indonesia. This research can give them a better understanding about
the role of Quantity Survey and the importance of Quantity Surveyor to support the construction
industry in Indonesia to be more developed.

The finding of this research will make the public and construction players will aware of
this matters. The information obtained from this research is expected to be used as a guide for
the future of the construction industry in Indonesia.

1.7 Chapter Outline

Chapter 1: Introduction

This section will introduce about the project tittle. Discuss about the practicing Quantity
Surveyor practicing in Indonesian construction industry. It also sets of aim, objective, key
questions, rationale study, limitation of this research and methodology.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

Researching and find information from the previous studies that conducted by professional
researches and analyzing the data through journal, article, and so on. In this chapter will
discuss more on the Quantity Surveyor practicing in Indonesia. The literature study is used to
formulate the questions to create the questionnaire.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

Discussing about the method that will use to obtain and analyses data. Comparing both method
which is Quantitative and Qualitative research. The method used for collecting the data is
Quantitative method.

Chapter 4: Result and Discussion

This chapter illustrate the analysis of the obtained data and information through diagrams, tables
or any form statistic to support the data obtained for better understanding and also to ensure if
the objectives of the project are achieved at the end.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation

The last chapter summarizing all the obtained data and information about the research and
providing recommendation that can be used to get a better result for future research.



2.1 Introduction

The literature review will provide information and insight on the findings of other researchers or
from construction players regarding Quantity Survey in Indonesia as to support the objective of
this study. This chapter covers about the detail of Quantity Surveying history, Quantity Surveying
in Indonesia, how to become a Quantity surveying in Indonesia, consultant Quantity Survey in
Indonesia, and the barrier of implementing the program of Quantity Surveying in University in

2.2 Quantity Surveying

This chapter will cover the history of Quantity Surveying, the roles of Quantity Surveyor, and the
advantages of hiring Quantity Surveyor. This chapter is intended to provide information and
insight about the origin of Quantity Surveying, roles of Quantity Surveyor, and benefit of hiring
Quantity Surveyor.

2.2.1 History of Quantity Surveying Profession

Quantity Surveying is a profession related to the world of construction industry. This profession
plays an important role in a construction project because QS is one of the parties involved in all
construction phases starting from the pre-construction stages, construction stages, and post-
construction stages. According to (Kirkham et al., 2015) the function of QS is divided into two
areas of work, the first one is planning and controlling the project costs, the second one is managing
the terms for the project and the using of agreed contract between the client and contractor.

The origin of the Quantity Surveying profession comes from a great incident in England
known as "The Great Fire of London" in the 18th century which caused major damage to private
buildings as well as public buildings (IQSI Official Website, 2019). During the reconstruction of
the city of London that resulted from the incident, the insurance company had problems assessing
the compensation for the buildings affected by the incident. Architects were asked to provide
assistance to estimate the value of the building so that at that time many architects chose to deepen
their expertise in building appraisal (IQSI Official Website, 2019). In the 19th century, these

architects created a special educational organization in terms of planning building costs and the
results of this education are known today as Quantity Surveying.

In 1868, this profession is growing rapidly in their home country and these QS are gathered
in an organization called the "Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyor" or commonly known as
RICS, by creating methodology to control the project costs by precise estimation of the work
required, the use of expertise on expenses and costs of work, labor, materials and plant required
(Kirkham et al., 2015). Furthermore, QS will use their expertise and understanding of construction
technology which aims to assess or make design decisions at an early stage to determine the costs
to be used in the project. With this profession, it is hoped that it can help a construction project run
smoothly start from the commencement date until the completion date. QS also help to meet certain
important aspects between the assignor (client) and the planners.

2.2.2 The roles of Quantity Surveyor

Quantity surveyors are one of the parties who have an important role in every phase of
construction. Quantity Surveyor has roles in a construction project such as comprehension of the
specialized parts of construction over the entire life of a structure and facility of the building,
oblige the requirement of a building to suit the specific conditions of a project, accomplish the best
quality and incentive inside the client's particulars and understanding about the contract that will
be used for the project, spending plans (budget/cost), estimation, quantity, and measurement
(Quantity Surveyor Roles and Responsibilities in Pre-Contract and Post Contract Stage, 2015).

The function of the QS has subsequently broadened past measuring and assessing of the
amounts and costs of the project to incorporate emerging roles for example, contract
administration, project management, insurance valuation, and dispute resolution. According to
(Ashworth and Perera, 2018), Currently, the role of a QS is very broad, such as loss adjustment,
auditing, construction dispute resolution, expert witnessing, and value management. Arguably,
some of these descriptors explain the role of QS has advanced and evolved over the changing times
and the need for QS specialists in construction projects.

The main roles of Quantity Surveyor in the construction industry include (The role of a
quantity surveyor, n.d.):
 Manage financially a construction project
 Manage the projects to be completed on time based on the agreements that have been made
 Manage the project to fit the predetermined budget
 Ensure construction costs and processes run according to the contract
 Resolving problems that occur between parties involved in the project that have been
specified in the contract
 Prepare insurance replacement estimates for the project

Quantity Surveyor plays important roles in the construction industry before the
construction (pre-construction) until post-construction.

Pre-construction phase Construction phase

• The role of QS in this • When the • On completion date,

phase is to provide construction begins, QS can create a final
and assist a feasibility QS can give cash account report which
study for a project flow information so includes real cost
based on a the client can arrange records for all aspects
measurement of the the finances required of work costs
project sketch from for each phase of the • Evaluation of life
the designer or client construction. cycle
and also estimate the • The QS can likewise
parties who will be survey cost impacts
involved in the when changes to the
project. task happen, for
• The Quantity example, delays,
Surveyor will study EOT, and agree on
and evaluate the plans Variation Order "V.
of the Architect or O"
Engineers so that they • The QS can prepare
can identify the costs project reports to the
that will be required bank and assist
for the project and clients to prepare
determine the overall withdrawal
budget for the project. documents for money
• Manage and plan to be lent by the bank.
costs to help the • Settling any disputes
design team to use between the parties
costs according to the that involved in the
project budget. project such as client
• The architect and QS and contractor
estimate the final problem.
details of the project;
this is the basis for
evaluating the tender.

Figure 2.1 The roles of Quantity Surveyor in all phase of construction

(source: The role of a quantity surveyor, n.d.)

Figure 2.2 Quantity Surveyor in every stages of construction

(Source: Quantity Surveyor Roles and Responsibilities in Pre-Contract and Post Contract Stage,

2.2.3 Advantages of hiring Quantity Surveyor in the construction project

Using the services of an experienced and skilled Quantity Surveyor can not only predict accurate
construction project cost projections but also can be a cost control expert on the team to help lower
construction costs with ideas, options, and experienced advice.

This is some advantages of hiring Quantity Surveyor:

 QS will prepare a projected cost that is anticipated to be used for the project so that it can
plan a budget before the project is implemented
 QS will help to specify project costs that can be used to get a loan from the bank. Because, a
bank will not issue loans if a client does not have details of the project costs prepared by a
professional QS
 QS provides advice to clients on managing funds for a project and provides project cost
 QS can act as a project manager to oversee the construction process at the site and monitor
the work of the contractor.
 A QS is a contract management specialist who makes sure that provisions in the structure

contract are followed. Before a task is granted to the winning bidder, the contractor needs to
sign the agreement reports and arrangements that contain methods for handling disputes and
payments, in addition to other things.
 Contract management is an expertise of a QS. QS will resolve disputes by using the applicable
classification in the contract. Disputes related to payments, valuations, measurements and
Bills of Quantities are perfectly handled by a QS who is well versed in this area.
(Advantages and Disadvantages of Hiring a Construction Cost Estimator / Quantity Surveyor,

2.3 Quantity Surveying in Indonesia

Under this chapter will cover the history of Quantity Survey in Indonesia and the professional
bodies that governing Quantity Surveyor in Indonesia.

2.3.1 History

Actually, the Quantity Surveying profession entered Indonesia in the mid-70s (IQSI Official
Website, 2019). The entry of the QS profession in Indonesia in the early 1970s was a result of the
popularity of the QS profession from foreign countries such as the UK or Australia and opening
their branches in the Jakarta area (Dharma, 1996). This foreign company employs local Indonesian
workers as assistant technicians and also provides information or training on QS for them. At the
beginning of the emergence of QS in Indonesia, this proves that information about this profession
is only limited to people who work in companies that have QS practitioners and therefore
information about this QS is only known by certain people and is not spread thoroughly throughout
the regions in Indonesia.

At the beginning of the development of this profession, not all projects in Indonesia used
QS services either on the contractor side or on the client side. In the decade of the 80s, the use of
QS services has started to be used in projects, but mostly only in the private project sector (IQSI
Official Website, 2019). This proves the lack of attention from the government to the QS
profession in Indonesia. Another factor that influences the development of QS in Indonesia is the
understanding of the concept of "Value for Money" by clients (IQSI Official Website, 2019).
Clients feel the need to analyze the use of budget that will be used for the project so that they can
provide optimal results with the budget that will be spent.

Around the beginning of 1997, QS services were affected by the economic and monetary
crisis in Indonesia which caused these construction projects to stop and experience delays (Sejarah
- Quantity Surveying, n.d.).

2.3.2 Professional body regulate Quantity Surveying profession

Like any other country, Indonesia also have their own association that governs the Quantity
Surveying profession in the construction industry. The professional body is known as Indonesian
Association of Quantity Surveyor or in Indonesia we know as IQSI. IQSI is a professional
association which was formed on March 24 2006 as the professional body of Quantity Surveyor
in Indonesia and the first person who become the chairman of this organization is Dharma Angkasa
(IQSI Official Website, 2019). IQSI is an organization in Indonesia for Quantity Surveyors
engaged in consulting, contractors, developers, education or other fields related to the construction
industry both in government and private projects (IQSI Official Website, 2019). There are several
association of Quantity Surveying that collaborate with IQSI which are:
 The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
 Australian Institution of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS)
 The Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM)
 Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS)
 The Pacific Association of Quantity Surveyors (PAQS) Purpose of IQSI

There are 5 purposes for the creation of IQSI which are (IQSI Official Website, 2019):
 To provide a common perception of the QS profession in Indonesia
 Actively collaborating with other professions to develop the construction project in Indonesia
 Prepare the standards method that can be accepted, understood, and used in construction
projects in Indonesia
 Improve the quality of QS practitioners in Indonesia
 Prepare and develop a classification system and standardization of the QS profession in
Indonesia. Vision of IQSI

IQSI have a vision to become a container for the development of professional Quantity Surveyors
and beneficial to the construction community in Indonesia.
11 Mission of IQSI

There are 3 missions that carried out by IQSI in order to achieve the goals which are (IQSI Official
Website, 2019):
 Organizing training, seminars, and discussions as a means of equalizing perceptions and
improving current QS competencies in Indonesia.
 Cooperating with universities and educational institutions to produce competent Quantity
 Implementing professional ethics practices to produce a Quantity Surveyor that works
accordance with their roles and duties and also adhere with the rules. IQSI membership

There are several conditions that must be fulfilled to become the member of IQSI which are (IQSI
Official Website, 2019):
 Fill out the membership requirements form
 Have a QS educational background and has 1 year of working experience.
 Have an Engineering educational background and has 5 years of working experience in QS
 For the people who don’t have QS and Engineering educational background must have 8
years of working experience in QS field.
 Must obtain approval by the IQSI management after fulfilling the requirements.

2.4 How to become a Quantity Surveying in Indonesia

In this chapter will provide information on how to become Quantity Surveying in Indonesia by
conducting QS formal education and conducting non-QS formal education.

2.4.1 QS Formal education

One of the best ways to get basic knowledge and expertise to become a QS is by conducting formal
education in the University that offer QS program. In Indonesia, there is only one University that
offers the QS program, namely Bung Hatta University, located in West Sumatra. Bung Hatta

University offers a QS Diploma program under the auspices of the Faculty of Civil Engineering
and Planning or in Indonesia it’s called Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan (FTSP) (Carlo and
Peli, 2005). QS learning at Bung Hatta University takes approximately 2.5 to 3 years to complete
the Diploma program.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

• Indonesia language • Building utilities 2 • Measurement
• English language (1 • Construction construction 4
and 2) technology 3 • Estimating 2
• Pancasila and • Measurement • Building economy
nationality construction 2 • Construction
• Religion and ethics • CAD application management
• Material and • Economy and • Project appraisal
specifications cooperatives • Construction contract
• Engineering • Geometry • Final year project
mathematics • Professionalism 2 • Internship
• Engineering drawing • Measurement • Seminar
• Construction quantity: Mechanical
technology (1 and 2) and Electrical
• Building utilities 1 • Estimating 1
• Measurement • Construction
construction 1 technology 4
• Structural engineering • Measurement
principle construction 3
• Professionalism 1 • Entrepreneurship
• Introduction to
Indonesian Law
• Computer application
• Maintenance of
Figure 2.3 Quantity Surveying curriculum at University Bung Hatta

(Source: FTSP, 2018)

The person that have a QS educational background and has 1 year of working experience
can become a Quantity Surveyor and can register to IQSI to become a member (IQSI Official
Website, 2019).

Figure 2.4 Quantity Surveying curriculum at University Bung Hatta

(Source: FTSP, 2018)

2.4.2 Non-QS formal education

Another way to gain knowledge and deepen QS professional expertise is by participating in a non-
formal education program which is training to deepen QS expertise. For the people who do not
have a QS background such as Architects, Engineers, Civil Engineers, Mechanical and Electrical
Engineers (M&E), and other background that related to construction industry can join this training
program to gain knowledge about QS, what contribution QS can provide, and deepen their skills
to become a QS.

The person that have a Engineering educational background and has 5 years of working
experience in QS field can become a Quantity Surveyor and can register to IQSI to become a
member and also the person that don’t have QS and Engineering educational background must
have 8 years of working experience in QS field can become a Quantity Surveyor and can register
to IQSI to become a member (IQSI Official Website, 2019). Due to the lack of QS practitioners in
Indonesia today, it is hoped that conducting non-formal education such as training, it will can
produce QS practitioners who have the quality and competence that can compete with other
countries and also help Indonesia in the future.

2.5 Consultant Quantity Survey in Indonesia

There are 25 registered QS consultant located in the Jakarta and at this time there is 567 people
registered as a member of IQSI (IQSI Official Website, 2019). There are local consultant and
foreign consultant that registered in the 25 consultant in Jakarta.

Table 2.1 Listed of Quantity Surveyor consultant in Indonesia

Local consultant Quantity Foreign consultant Quantity References

Survey Survey
1. Arthareka Graha Sarana, 1. Rider Levett Bucknall, IQSI Official Website,
PT. (Local) PT. (Foreign) 2019
2. Arcadis Indonesia, PT. 2. Branusa Widnell, PT.
(Local) (Foreign)
3. Estimatika, PT. (Local) 3. WT Partnership, PT.
4. Juruukur Bahan (Foreign)
Indonesia, PT. (Local) 4. Wilde & Wollard
5. Kira Artha Sarana, PT. Indonesia, PT. (Foreign)
(Local) 5. AECOM Indonesia, PT.
6. Korra Antarbuana, PT. (Foreign)
(Local) 6. Turner and Townsend,
7. KSK QS, PT. (Local) PT. (Foreign)
8. Rekagriya Menara Buana,
PT. (Local)
9. Reynolds Partnership, PT.
10. Total Citra Indonesia, PT.
11. Quanta Costindo, PT.
12. QS Indonesia (Local)
13. Quanusa Konsultant, PT.
14. Negeri Cipta Kreasi, PT.

15. Exkortima Consultant
Abadi, PT. (Local)
16. Reka Solusi Kwantitas,
PT. (Local)
17. Mitra Karya Antarbuana
Quantity Surveyors, PT.
18. Danata Estima Sarana,
19. Pratama Savindo Oetama,

2.6 The barrier of implementing the program of Quantity Surveying in University in

According to (Harususilo, 2018), In an event held by Podomoro University in 2018, it was stated
that there were not many universities in Indonesia that focused on providing Quantity Survey
subjects, so that many people did not know about this profession. In Malaysia, there are more than
7 public universities and 10 private universities that organize QS programs and each year Malaysia
can produce approximately 500 QS per year (Harususilo, 2018). In Indonesia, there is only one
university that has a QS program, which is Bung Hatta University, located in West Sumatra.
However, UBH only offer a Diploma program, while universities in Malaysia have Diploma,
Degree (Bachelor), Master (MSc), and Doctor (PhD) program. This is one of the reasons why it is
difficult for Indonesia to produce QS with good qualifications and standards.

According to (Adit, 2020), Minister of Education and Cultural (Mendikbud) make a new
policy concerning universities in Indonesia. Regulation of The Minister of Education and Cultural
Republic of Indonesia (Permendikbud) No.7 (2020) concerning the opening of study programs on
campus in the article 24 point (1). Based on that article, there are several minimum requirements
for accreditation that must be met and in accordance with the National Higher Education Standards
(SNPT). The requirements that must be fulfilled is (Biro Hukor - Setjen, 2020):
1. The study program curriculum is arranged based on the competency of graduates according
to the National Standards Higher Education and regulatory provisions invitations.
2. Must have at least 5 lecturers for 1 study program, with requirement meet the academic age
and qualifications in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations.
3. In the doctoral program, there must be at least 2 permanent lecturers with professorial
academic positions in the field of science and technology appropriate to the study program
4. The applied doctoral program must have at least 2 prospective permanent lecturers with
positions academic doctorate / applied doctorate in the field of science knowledge and
technology in accordance with Study program
5. The lecturers must be willing to work 35.5 hours per week
6. The placement of lecturers and education staff in the study program to be opened is in
accordance with the provisions laws and regulations
7. The approval of the organizing body for opening the study program
8. The study program is managed by the program management unit with organization and work
procedures as following:
 State Universities (PTN) are prepared based on the provisions laws and regulations

 Private Universities(PTS) is compiled and determined by the organizers
Based on the article, the reason why universities in Indonesia do not offer QS programs is
because of the lack of teaching practitioners that willing to become lecturers. QS practitioners
prefer to work in the construction world as a construction player because the pay is higher than
being a university lecturer. That is the reason why universities in Indonesia not offering QS
programme. Because if the university wants to open a QS program, the university must have at
least 5 lecturers for 1 study program sufficient practitioners to get approval from the government.

Due to the lack of teaching practitioners who are competent in the QS field, this has led to
universities in Indonesia not opening Quantity Surveying study programs. The effect of that
causes, the people who want to study in the Quantity Surveying program prefer to continue their
studies outside Indonesia to obtain the knowledge and expertise to become Quantity Surveyor
(Kuliah Jurusan (Ekonomi Konstruksi) Quantity Surveyor, n.d.). The QS practitioners at Bung
Hatta University were students who received scholarships to continue their studies outside
Indonesia on the condition that after completing their studies they had to become lecturer at the
university for several years.

2.7 Conclusion

Based on the literature review, this research provides information and insight on the findings of
other researches as a secondary data. All the information and data that stated on the literature
review are obtained from article, journal, website, books, etc. The literature review used as a
foundation to support this research in order to obtain better understanding about the research and
also the problem being researched.



3.1 Introduction

Research methodology can be said as a process where conduction of a research is being

contemplated. It incorporates apparatuses and strategies used to lead a specific exploration or
finding. The research method is a scope of instruments that are utilized for various sorts of enquiry
(Walliman, 2017). Hence, it is very important to choose the right method that suits the research
objectives so it will get a maximum result. This section will explain some general descriptions of
the research sample, data collection methods, and data analysis methods. In this research, the
quantitative method will be conducted to obtain the data and information.

In this research, data collection is the most important thing to get maximum results in order
to achieve the success of this topic. This section will discuss the methodology that will be
conducted to achieve the objectives of this research topic.

3.2 Research Framework

Determine research topic

Practice of Quantity Surveying in Indonesian construction industry

Define problem statement

1. There are many construction project in Indonesia doesn’t involving Quantity

2. Information about Quantity Surveying is limited in Indonesia
3. Lack of practitioners Quantity Surveyor

To investigate the practice of Quantity Serving in Indonesia


1.To identify Quantity Surveyor practice in Indonesia

2.To identify the perception of being a Quantity Surveyor in Indonesia

Literature Review
Provide information and insight on the findings of other researches that related to the
research topic as to support the objectives.

Research Methodology
Quantitative research will be used for this research

Data collection
Using questionnaire to collect the data

Data analysis
Using RII to analyze the data obtained


Figure 3.1 Research Framework/Flow

3.3 Research Method

There are several ways to collecting the data. In this research, there will be 2 types of method to
obtain the data. There first method is primary data where quantitative method will be used to
collect data and information. Data collection will be carried out by distributing questionnaires via
online in the google document form to target respondents of this research so that can cover a lot
of respondents to obtain maximum and relevant data with the aims and objectives of this research.

The second method is secondary data which is run through a literature review that used to
collect the data and information that is related to this research. All data and information contained
in literature reviews are obtained from various sources such as websites, articles, journals, books,
reports, newspapers, official reports and others which are intended to support for this research and
to be reviewed and analyzed for better understanding while conducting the research or for the

3.3.1 Quantitative Research

Quantitative is the process toward gathering and analyzing numerical data. It tends to be utilized
to find patterns and averages, make forecasts, test causal connections, and generalize the results to
a larger population (Bhandari, 2020). Collecting data and analyzing data using quantitative
research is using software or other techniques. The data and information collected came from the
target respondents of this study by distributing questionnaires via online and after that translated
into numerical forms of format.

There are several advantages of using quantitative research for this research such as (Miller, 2020):
 Using quantitative research can cover a large population to obtain a higher sample size
 Gather data and information quickly because the findings can be distributed via online
 The data and information that has been collected can be shown clearly and are easy to
 Data and information obtained using quantitative research are easier to analyze and more
structured so it will easy to standardize
 The data obtained can be very precise, reliable, and consistent
 The process to obtain the data is easier and economical

Despite the benefits of using quantitative research, there are several disadvantages of using this
method which are (Miller, 2020):
 The results of the answers by respondents may be dishonest, which can make the survey
results not optimal
 The answers from respondents may be not detailed so the data obtained only limited to the
questions that stated in the questionnaire
 The data obtained may be too abstract for other certain population to understand
 Cannot provide feedback in detail
 The results of data from quantitative research cannot be further reviewed because the data
obtained is based on a questionnaire

This research will be using quantitative research to obtain the data. The technique used is
distributing questionnaires via online to the target respondent to obtain the data. Making the
questionnaire is using a google document form.

3.4 Data Collection

In this research will be using questionnaire as a main data collection method.

3.4.1 Questionnaire

In this research, questionnaire will be distributed to target respondents to collect data and
information in accordance with the objectives of this research. The questionnaire made for target
respondents includes questions that related to the practice of Quantity Surveying in the Indonesian
construction industry. The questionnaire will be distributed to the members of IQSI despite of their
background. The questionnaire set is available in Appendix A.

Using this technique is easier due to a simpler and more structured process that can produce
clear and understandable data and at the same time it will be easier to analyze the data. The use of
a questionnaire is very appropriate for this research to reach respondents who are the IQSI
members in Indonesia.

There are several types of questions in the questionnaire that will be given to targeted
respondents such as Likert scale questions, multiple choice questions, and closed ended questions.
Likert scale questions are used to find out the response or opinion of the audience to be
measured starting on a scale of 1 = strongly agree, scale 2 = agree, scale 3 = neutral, scale 4 =
disagree, and scale 5 = strongly disagree.

Multiple choice questions will be given to find out the respondent's answer to several
choices such as gender, age, working experience, etc.

Close ended questions are characterized as a types of questions that pose to respondents to
browse a particular arrangement of pre-characterized reactions, for example, "yes/no".

3.4.2 Questionnaire Design

In the questionnaire there will be 2 parts which is respondent’s general information and Quantity
Surveying profession in Indonesia. In the first parts, the respondents will be asked about their
education background, working experience, and the current position in their company.
Furthermore, in first parts the types of question that will be used is multiple choice question.

The second parts the respondent will be asked about their perception regarding Quantity
Surveying in Indonesia. Moreover, the types of question that will be used is close ended question,
multiple choice question and Likert scale.

3.5 Data Sampling

The sampling technique that will be used for this research is systematic sampling. Systematic
sampling is one of the types of probability sampling method. This type of sampling method which
sample individuals from a bigger group or population are chosen by an arbitrary beginning stage
yet with a fixed, periodic interval (Hayes, 2020). By using this method everyone in a group is
selected periodically which means that each respondent can have a chance to be selected.

3.5.1 Sample Frame

The target respondent of this research is the Quantity Surveyor that registered with IQSI. The
reason why choosing these respondents is to investigate the current scenario of Quantity Surveying
practice in Indonesia. Also, from this respondent we can know about their perception about
Quantity Surveying in Indonesia.

3.5.2 Sample Size

The target respondents of this research is the Quantity Surveyor practitioners in Indonesia.
According to (IQSI, 2019), the total Quantity Surveyor practicing in Indonesia is 567. The
confidence level is 95% and the margin error is 5% which come out the sample size for this
research is 230 sample size.

Figure 3.2 Target Respondents

(Source: SurveyMonkey: The World’s Most Popular Free Online Survey Tool, n.d.)

3.6 Data Analysis

All the data obtained from questionnaire and literature review will need to be analyzed,
summarized, and organized. Information examination for quantitative analysis, includes basic
investigation and understanding of figures and numbers, and endeavors to discover the method of
reasoning behind the rise of primary discoveries (Research-Methodology, 2018). All the data will
be analyzed to conclusive of the practice of Quantity Surveying in the Indonesian construction
industry. By doing data analysis it will find better and more meaningful information for research
topics. Therefore, information ought to be broke down to create the key patterns that speak to the
whole information gathered. The data obtained will be presented using several graphical forms
such as pie charts, histograms, and others with the aim of being easier to understand and clearer.

3.6.1 Relative Importance Index (RII)

Relative Importance Index (RII) is one of the data analysis method that suitable for this research.
RII was utilized that used to analyze the data obtained for ranking questions. The use of RII is to
allows distinguishing the vast majority of the significant models dependent on the participant’s
answers and it is additionally a proper tool to organize markers appraised on Likert-type scales
(Rooshdi, Majid, Sahamir and Ismail, 2018). This method going to adopted in this research within
the Quantity Surveyor practitioners in Indonesia. This is the formula of RII that used to identify
the ranking of the features was stated below:
RII = ΣW/(AxN)
RII = Relative Importance Index
W = Weighting as assigned by each respondent’s
A = Highest weight
N = Total number of respondents

The estimation of RII will be determined from range 0 to 1. The most elevated estimation of RII
which are number 1 speaks to the most significant features in this research and the lowest value of
RII will be the range number 0.

3.7 Conclusion

This research using quantitative research as a method to obtain the data which is distributing the
questionnaire to the target respondents. The data obtained from the respondents will be analyze
and complied as a reference for easy understanding. Conclusions will be made based on the
analyzed data relating to the aim and objectives of this research. Discussions and recommendations
will be made at the end which aims to conclude this research and as a more detailed study and



4.1 Introduction

This chapter discuss the results that have been collected and analyzed. The data were obtained
from the literature review and the questionnaire that has been distributed to the Quantity Surveyor
who are registered with the Indonesian Association of Quantity Surveyors (IQSI) to investigate
the current scenario of Quantity Surveying practice in Indonesia. The obtained data that has been
analyze will be represented in the form of table and figure so it can be understood easily.

In this research, there are about 230 questionnaires were distributed to Quantity Surveyor
that registered with IQSI. Out of 230 questionnaires, there are 138 feedbacks obtained. Based on
that, it can be concluded that the responses rate obtained from the respondents is 60% out of 100%.
Even though the data obtained did not reach the target, it could be said that the survey results were
Table 4.1 Percentage of respondents

Description Number of respondents Percentage (%)

Minimum sample size 230 100
Obtained questionnaire 138 60%
Not obtained questionnaire 92 40%

4.2 Respondents General Information (Part 1)

In this section, the respondents were asked about several things such as their education
background, working experience, and the current position in their company. This question was
asked to determine the reliability of feedback that will be analyzed.

4.2.1 Respondents Education Background

Figure 4.1 Respondents Education Background

Based on the figure 4.1, the data displayed identifies the respondent’s educational background.
The data stated 39.1% responses are from civil engineering background which are 54 respondents.
It is then followed with 20.3% responses are coming from Quantity Surveying background which
are 28 respondents. Other than that, 13% responses are coming from Architect background which
are 18 respondents. Furthermore, 10.1% responses are coming from Mechanical Engineering
background which are 14 respondents. Also, 9.4% responses are coming from Industrial
Engineering background which are 13 respondents and following with 7.4% responses are coming
from Electrical Engineering background which are 10 respondents. Lastly, 0.7% responses are
coming from high school background majoring in engineering building drawing which are 1

From the data obtained from the survey, most of the respondents that registered with IQSI
are not from Quantity Surveying background. Based on the data collected, there are total 110
respondents that registered with IQSI are not from Quantity Surveying background. Lastly, there
is only 28 respondents that are from Quantity Surveying background.

4.2.2 Working Experience

Figure 4.2 Respondents Working Experience

Figure 4.2 shows the percentage of respondents working experience. The working experience of
the respondents is divided into 4 categories which are less than 2 years, 2-5 years, 5-10 years, and
above 10 years. Most of the respondents have working experience are from 5-10 years with 43.5%
responses which are 60 respondents. Following with 38.4% responses which are 53 respondents
that have working experience more than 10 years. Furthermore, 15,2% responses which are 21
respondents with 2-5 years of working experience. Lastly, 2.9% responses which are 4 respondents
have less than 2 years working experience.

The data is liable because most of the respondents have working experience is more than
5 and 10 years so the respondents that registered with IQSI must have a proper knowledge,
expertise, and working experience. The reason why I asked the working experience is to know
how much experience the respondents so it will obtain a reliable data.

4.2.3 The Current Position of the Respondents in Their Company

Figure 4.3 Respondent position in their company

Table 4.2 Respondents current position in the company

Position Percentages No. of respondents
Quantity Surveyor 35.5% 49
Project Manager 16.7% 23
Engineering Manager 15.9% 22
Supervisor 7.2% 10
Site Administration Manager 6.8% 9
Quality Control 5.1% 7
Safety, Health, and 5.1% 7
Director 1.4% 2
Lectures 1.4% 2
Staff 0.7% 1
Contractor Manager 0.7% 1
Contract Manager 0.7% 1
Estimator 1.4% 2
Commercial Manager 0.7% 1
Project Control & Contract 0.7% 1

Based on the figure 4.3 shows the percentage of the respondent current position in their company.
The highest percentages are 35.5% responses which are 49 respondents working as a Quantity
Surveyor. The second highest percentages are 16.7% responses which are 23 respondents working
as a project manager. Following with 15.9% responses which are 22 respondents working as an
engineering manager. Furthermore 7.2% responses which are 10 respondents working as a
supervisor. Also, 6.8% responses which are 9 respondents working as a site administration
manager. Other than that, 5.1% responses which are 7 respondents are working as a quality control
and 5.1% responses which are also 7 respondents are working as a safety, health, and environment.
Moreover, 1.4% responses which are 2 respondents working as a director. Lecture hold 1.4%
responses which are 2 respondents. Staff hold 0.7% responses which are 1 respondent. Contractor
manager hold 0.7% responses which are 1 respondent. Contract manager hold 0.7% responses
which are 1 respondent. Estimator hold 1.4% responses which are 2 respondents. Commercial
manager holds 0.7% which are 1 respondent. Project control and contract manager holds 0.7%
which are 1 respondent.

4.3 Quantity Surveying Profession in Indonesia (Part 2)

In this section the respondent will be asked about their perception about the Quantity Surveying
profession in Indonesia.

4.3.1 Perception about the level of knowledge about Quantity Surveying profession in

Figure 4.4 Level of knowledge regarding the Quantity Surveying

Based on the figure 4.4 above, the respondents were asked to rate their perception about the level
of knowledge among the people in Indonesia regarding the Quantity Surveying profession. Scaling
from 1-5 where 1 is weak and 5 strong. Based on the chart bar on the figure 4.6 above, 57.2%
responses which are 79 respondents have the perception that the level of knowledge among the
people in Indonesia regarding Quantity Surveying profession is weak. Other than that, 28.3%
responses which are 39 respondents are neutral about the level of knowledge among the people
regarding the Quantity Surveying profession in Indonesia. Lastly, 2.2% responses which are 3
respondents have opinion about the level of knowledge among the people regarding Quantity

Surveying in Indonesia is strong.

Based on the obtained data, it shows that most of the people in Indonesia still don’t know
about Quantity Surveying profession that’s why this profession is not really get attention from the
people in Indonesia.

4.3.2 Level Involvement of a Quantity Surveyor in the Indonesian Construction Industry

Figure 4.5 Level of involvement of Quantity Surveyor in the Indonesian construction


Based on the figure 4.5 above, the respondents were asked about their opinion about the level of
involvement of a Quantity Surveyor in the Indonesian construction industry. Scaling from 1-5
where 1 is weak and 5 strong. Based on the chart bar on the figure 4.7, 52.9% responses which are
73 respondents have opinion that the level of involvement of a Quantity Surveyor in the Indonesian
construction industry is weak. Moreover, 20.3% responses which are 28 respondents are neutral.
Lastly, 6.5% responses which are 9 respondents have opinion that the level of involvement of a
Quantity Surveyor in the Indonesian construction industry is strong.

4.3.3 Respondents Perception About the Importance of Hiring a Quantity Surveyor in the
Indonesian Construction Industry

Figure 4.6 Importance of hiring a Quantity Surveyor

Table 4.3 Number and percentages of respondents on the importance of hiring a Quantity
Surveyor in the Indonesian construction industry

Importance Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Total no. of

Agree Disagree respondents
Help to 38.41% 53.62% 4.35% 1.45% 2.17% 138
prepare the
project cost
to be use
according to
the plan and
avoid the
Prepare the 62.32% 28.98% 5.81% 0.72% 2.17% 138
Provide 20.30% 71.01% 5.80% 0.72% 2.17% 138
advice to the
client on
managing the
Monitor the 5.80% 24.64% 65.94% 2.17% 1.45% 138
Resolves 66.67% 25.36% 4.35% 1.45% 2.17% 138

related to
and Bill of
Prepare the 78.98% 14.50% 2.90% 1.45% 2.17% 138
Bill of
Make sure 19.57% 69.57% 7.24% 1.45% 2.17% 138
provisions in
the structure
contract are

Based on the table 4.3 above shows the percentages of responses from the respondents regarding
the importance of hiring a Quantity Surveyor in the Indonesian construction industry.

Table 4.4 Ranking of importance hiring a Quantity Surveyor in the Indonesian

construction industry

Importance of hiring a RII Rank

Quantity Surveyor in the
Indonesian construction
Prepare the Bill of Quantities 0.933 1
Resolves dispute related to 0.905 2
payment, valuations,
measurement, and Bill of
Prepare the tender document 0.897 3
Help to prepare the project 0.849 4
cost to be use according to
the plan and avoid the risks

Provide advice to the client 0.813 5
on managing the cost
Make sure the provisions in 0.805 6
the structure contract are
Monitoring the construction 0.662 7

Table 4.4 above shows the result from the data obtained and calculated using Relative Importance
Index (RII). By analyzing using RII, the ranking is made of all the factors based on the importance
of hiring a Quantity Surveyor in the Indonesian construction industry. Based on the data obtained
from the respondents about their perception regarding the importance of hiring a Quantity
Surveyor in Indonesian construction industry is because Quantity Surveyor can prepare the Bill of
Quantities for the project with an RII 0.933. The second highest that obtained an RII 0.905 is to
resolve dispute that related to payment, valuations, measurement, and Bill of Quantities in the
construction project. The third highest that obtained an RII 0.897 is to prepare the tender document
for the construction project.

Another factor regarding the importance of hiring a Quantity Surveyor in the Indonesian
construction industry such as help to prepare the project cost to be use according to the plan and
avoid the risks with an RII 0.849, provide advice to the client on managing the cost with an RII
0.813, make sure the provision in the structure contract are followed with an RII 0.805, and
monitoring the construction with an RII 0.662 are the bottom 4 factors.

4.3.4 Replacing the Roles of Quantity Surveyor in Indonesian Construction Industry with
Other Construction Player

Figure 4.7 Replacing the roles of Quantity Surveyor in Indonesian construction industry

Based on the figure 4.7 above shows that 75.4% responses which are 104 respondents said the
roles of Quantity Surveyor cannot be replaced with other construction player. While 24.6%
responses which are 34 respondents said the roles of Quantity Surveyor cam be replaced with other
construction player.

Based on collected data from figure 4.9, it is shows that the roles of Quantity Surveyor are
really needed in the construction industry in Indonesia and cannot be replaced with other
construction player.

4.3.5 Impact of the Roles Quantity Surveyor

Figure 4.8 Impact of Quantity Surveyor

In figure 4.8 above, respondents were asked to rate how impactful the roles of Quantity Surveyor
in the Indonesian construction industry. Scaling from 1-5 where 1 is weak (very not impactful)
and 5 strong (very impactful). Based on the chart on figure 4.10 above, 48.6% responses which
are 67 respondents have their opinion that the roles of Quantity Surveyor are very impactful in the
Indonesian construction industry. While 13% responses which are 18 respondents are neutral about
the impact from the roles of Quantity Surveyor in the Indonesian construction industry. Lastly,
there are total 2.2% responses which are 3 respondents have opinion that the roles of Quantity
Surveyor are not impactful in the Indonesian construction industry.

4.3.6 Factors Affecting Less Development of Quantity Surveying in Indonesia

Figure 4.9 Factor affecting less development of Quantity Surveying in Indonesia

Table 4.5 Number and percentages of respondents on the factors affecting less development
of Quantity Surveying in Indonesia

Factors Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Total no. of

Agree Disagree respondents
Lack of 47.82% 39.86% 10.87% 1.45% 0% 138
Lack of 21.01% 68.12% 9.42% 1.45% 0% 138
Lack of 78.99% 13.04% 7.25% 0.72% 0% 138
Factors Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Total no. of
Agree Disagree respondents
Lack of 10.14% 63.77% 25.36% 0.72% 0% 138
from the
Lack of 10.14% 57.25% 30.43% 1.45% 0.72% 138
from the
Lack of 13.77% 72.46% 10.14% 2.17% 1.45% 138
of Quantity
Lack of 54.35% 36.23% 8.70% 0.72% 0% 138
from the

Based on the table 4.5 above shows the percentages of responses from the respondents regarding
the factor that affecting less development of Quantity Surveying in Indonesia.

Table 4.6 Ranking of the factors affecting less development of Quantity Surveying in

Factors affecting less RII Rank

development of Quantity
Surveying in Indonesia
Lack of institution that 0.940 1
provide Quantity Surveying
Lack of attention from the 0.888 2
Lack of information 0.868 3
Lack of information provider 0.817 4
Lack of Quantity Surveying 0.789 5
Lack of awareness 0.766 6
Lack of enthusiastic 0.749 7

Based on the table 4.6 above it shows the results from the data obtained that has been analyzed
using Relative Importance Index (RII) and also ranking for the factor that affecting less
development of Quantity Surveying in Indonesia. The results stated on the table 4.5 shows that the
main factor that affecting less development of Quantity Surveying in Indonesia is lack of
institution that provide Quantity Surveying program at University in Indonesia with an RII of
0.940. This result shows that University plays important roles to provide information and
knowledge in developing Quantity Surveying in Indonesia. Therefore, this factor could explain to
the education service providers and also to the Indonesian Minister of Education to pay more
attention to this issue so the people in Indonesia who want to study about Quantity Surveying do
not need to go aboard to seek knowledge and Indonesia can produce more local Quantity Surveyor
that Quantity Surveying background.

The second highest factor that obtained an RII ranking of 0.888 is lack of attention from
the government. The result shows that the government is not pay attention about this matters so
that Quantity Surveying in Indonesia is less developed like other countries. The third highest factor
that obtained an RII ranking of 0.868 is lack of information. While it is true that the information
about Quantity Surveying in Indonesia is still lacking this evidenced by only one university in
Indonesia that provide Quantity Surveying program that located in University Bung Hatta which
is located in West Sumatera.

Another factor is lack of information providers with an RII 0.817. The result shows that a
lack of information providers such as lecture or any kind of organization affecting less
development of Quantity Surveying in Indonesia. Furthermore, lack of Quantity Surveying
practicing with an RII 0.789. It shows that due to lack of Quantity Surveying practicing will affect
the development of Quantity Surveying in Indonesia. Lack of awareness with an RII 0.766, and
lack of enthusiastic with an RII 0.749 are the bottom 2 factors that affecting less development of
Quantity Surveying in Indonesia because due to lack of information, lack of institution, lack of
information provider will affect the awareness and enthusiastic from the people about this
profession because the people don’t really know about Quantity Surveying profession, what is the
roles of Quantity Surveyor in the project, what contribution that Quantity Surveyor provide until
the completion date and so on.

4.3.7 How the Respondents Know About Quantity Surveying Profession

Figure 4.10 How the respondents know about Quantity Surveying profession

Table 4.7 Ranking of how the respondents know about Quantity Surveying profession

Percentage % No. of respondents Ranking

Event/seminar 89.9% 124 1
Website 73.2% 101 2
Article 63.8% 88 3

Percentage % No. of respondents Ranking
Journal 27.5% 38 4
Television 2.9% 4 5

According to figure 4.10 and table 4.7 shows most of the respondents know about Quantity
Surveying profession from event/seminar which holds 89.9% responses with 124 respondents.
Furthermore, website holds 73.2% responses with 101 respondents, article holds 63.8% responses
with 88 respondents, journal holds 27.5% responses with 38 respondents, and last is television
holds 2.9% responses with 4 respondents.

4.3.8 Delivering Information to the People about Quantity Surveying

Figure 4.11 Respondents opinion on the best way to delivering information to the public
about Quantity Surveying

Table 4.8 Ranking of the best way on delivering information about Quantity Surveying to
the public in Indonesia

Percentage % No. of respondents Ranking

Event/seminar 95.7% 132 1
Social media 82.6% 114 2
Television 42.8% 59 3
Brochure 25.4% 35 4
Banner/billboard 5.8% 8 5

Percentage % No. of respondents Ranking
Radio 1.4% 2 6

According to figure 4.11 and table 4.8 shows most of the respondents chose event/seminar which
is holds 95.7% responses with 132 respondents is the best way to delivering the information to the
public regarding Quantity Surveying. Following with social media holds 82.6% responses with
114 respondents, television holds 42.8% responses with 59 respondents, brochure holds 25.4%
responses with 35 respondents, banner/billboard holds 5.8% responses with 8 respondents, and
lastly is radio which is holds 1.4% responses with 2 respondents.

Based on collected data above shows the majority of the respondents chose event/seminar as the
most effective way to delivering information to the public regarding Quantity Surveying since
event/seminar will provide more knowledge and understanding about the Quantity Surveying to
the people rather than other platform such as social media, television, brochure, banner/billboard,
and radio.

4.3.9 Open Quantity Surveying program at University in Indonesia

Figure 4.12 The need to open a Quantity Surveying program at University in Indonesia

Based on the figure 4.12 above shows the 89.9% responses which are 124 respondents feel it is
really important for universities in Indonesia to open a Quantity Surveying program. Furthermore,
10.1% responses which are 14 respondents disagree or no need to open a Quantity Surveying
program at university in Indonesia.

Based on collected data above, the majority of the respondents felt the need to open
Quantity Surveying program at universities in Indonesia since there is only one university that
have Quantity Surveying program which are University Bung Hatta located in West Sumatera.

4.4 Conclusion

The data showed on the chapter 4 is obtained data that comes from an IQSI member. All the data
that have been analyzed showed in the form of tables, diagram, or any form of statistic so it will
more easy to understand.



5.1 Introduction

This chapter will contain conclusions on this research and also provide recommendations for future
research. The conclusions given will be based on the data obtained that has been analyzed to
support the aim which is to investigate the current scenario of Quantity Surveying practice in
Indonesia and also the objectives of this research. Also, in this chapter will explain about the
limitation of this research.

5.2 Limitation of Study

There are several limitations in conducting this research, such as the time constraints given and
responses from respondents to the questionnaire survey distributed. For the matter of time, it can
be said that the time given is not too sufficient, so the time allocated for distributing and collecting
surveys from respondents is too short and seems too rushed. Therefore, the results obtained are
not 100% maximum because the respondent may need time to understand and complete the survey
of this research so it can be expected to get maximum results. Also, maybe because the time given
to respondents to answer the survey is too short it could result in some respondents ignoring this
survey and some may not fill out this survey based on their honesty because there is not enough
time to understand the purpose and question in the questionnaire. Due that matters, the responses
from the respondents may not fulfill the expectation.

5.3 Conclusion

This research aims to investigate the current scenario of Quantity Surveying practice in Indonesia
and also got two objectives on this research which is to identify Quantity Surveying practice in
Indonesian construction industry and to identify the perception of being a Quantity Surveyor in

Objective 1: To identify Quantity Surveying practice in Indonesian construction industry

Based on the findings, majority of members that are registered with IQSI are not from the
background of Quantity Surveying. The difference is very far. In addition, those members who
practice as a Quantity Surveyor are also very few. This shows that to be a member with IQSI
doesn’t require are to be from Quantity Surveying background or to practice Quantity Surveying
as a profession. It is unlike situation compared to other countries. This research can be evidence
to the government or to employer to pay more attention about Quantity Surveying in Indonesia.

Objective 2: To identify the perception of being a Quantity Surveyor in Indonesia.

The second objective of this research is to identify the perception of being a Quantity Surveyor in
Indonesia. Based on the data obtained, the respondents from IQSI have a perception that the level
of knowledge among people in Indonesia about the Quantity Surveying profession is still weak so
that many people do not know about this profession actually. Also, most of them know about a
Quantity Surveying profession is from event/seminar. Therefore, they think the right platform to
convey about Quantity Surveying to the public is through events / seminars because by using this
method, the delivery of information and also knowledge about Quantity Surveying is easier for the
public to understand. Because at this time, there is no need to come to the place where the event /
seminar is being held, but it can be done using a variety of applications such as zoom or skype as
a means of conveying information.

Furthermore, they have opinion that the level of Quantity Surveyor involvement in the
Indonesian construction industry is still weak. The majority of the respondents also agree that the
roles of Quantity Surveyor are really impactful in the construction industry in Indonesia and says
that the roles of Quantity Surveyor cannot be replaced with another construction player.

In addition, lack of institution is the major factors affecting less development of Quantity
Surveying in Indonesia. Due to the lack of universities in Indonesia that have a Quantity Surveying
program, the development of Quantity Surveying in Indonesia is still underdeveloped like other
countries. This is evidenced by the fact that there is only one university in Indonesia that has a
Quantity Surveying program which is Bung Hatta University. That is the reason why there are
only a few people in Indonesia who have a background in Quantity Surveying and also to get
information and understanding through formal education about Quantity Surveying can only be
obtained at Bung Hatta University. Furthermore, majority the respondents think it is really
important to open a Quantity Surveying program at University so Indonesia can produce more a
Quantity Surveyor that coming from Quantity Surveying background.

5.4 Recommendation

All information and data that has been collected in this research can be useful for construction
player and education providers to develop Quantity Surveying in Indonesia. The recommendations
made below can be used to assist the development of Quantity Surveying in Indonesia and are

expected to be used for better research in the future.
1. This research is expected to be used to increase awareness to construction player, government,
and the public of the importance of the role of Quantity Surveyor in the construction industry.
2. This research is expected to be useful for other researchers in the future so that more detailed
research can be carried out to develop the Quantity Surveying profession in Indonesia.
3. That the data that has been collected in the research can become evidence for the government to
pay more attention to the Quantity Surveying profession so that it is hoped that the level of
involvement of Quantity Surveyor in Indonesia can be further improved.
4. More often holds an events / seminars about Quantity Surveying so that information about this
profession can spread widely to the public so that it can make people aware of the importance
of this profession. Because the delivery of information through events / seminars is expected to
provide more understanding and a more detailed description of Quantity Surveying.
5. This research is expected to be a reference to the Minister of Education and Cultural (Mendikbud)
and also to organizations providing educational facilities in Indonesia to pay more attention to
Quantity Surveying so that in the future it is hoped that Indonesia can provide a Quantity
Surveying program both at local universities and private universities so that the public can learn
and studied Quantity Surveying formally.
6. More surveys can be conducted to obtain more specific data and information about the quantity
surveying profession in Indonesia and to explore more factors that affecting less development of
Quantity Surveying in Indonesia.
7. This research expected to be used for future research for enhance so it more specific and expected
to found another problem such as the reason why Quantity Surveyor is rarely involved in the
Indonesian construction industry.


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Quantity Surveying Profession in the
Indonesian Construction Industry
Dear Sir/Madam

I am Muhammad Fakhri a final year undergraduate from the Bachelor of Quantity Surveying at the INTI
International University, Malaysia. I am undertaking my research for my dissertation which aims to
investigate the current scenario of Quantity Surveying practice in Indonesia. Hoping you could do a favor
by completing this questionnaire and please be assured that your responses will be kept confidential. This
survey will be only used for academic purposes.

Please kindly forward the questionnaire back to upon completion.

Also, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries regarding the survey question.

Muhammad Fakhri
* Required

Part A: Respondent's General Information

1. Education Background *

Mark only one oval.

Quantity Surveying

Civil Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Industrial Engineering

Architect Other:

2. Working Experience *

Mark only one oval.

Less than 2 years

2 - 5 years

5 - 10 years

Above 10 years
3. The current position in your company *

Mark only one oval.

Quantity Surveyor

Project Manager

Quality Control

Safety, Health, and Environment

Engineering Manager

Site Administration Manager

Supervisor Other:

Part B: Quantity Surveying profession in Indonesia

4. What is your perception about the level of knowledge among people regarding the

Quantity Surveying profession in Indonesia? * Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

5. What is the level of involvement of a Quantity Surveyor in the Indonesian construction

industry? * Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

6. What is the importance of hiring a Quantity Surveyor in the Indonesian construction

7. Do you think the roles of Quantity Surveyor in Indonesia can be replaced with other
construction players? * Mark only one oval.



8. How impactful do you think the roles of Quantity Surveyor in the Indonesian

construction industry? * Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

9. Factors affecting less development of Quantity Surveying in Indonesia? *

10. How do you know about the Quantity Surveying profession? *

Check all that apply.


11. What type of platform is the most effective for delivering information to the public
about Quantity Surveying? *

Check all that apply.

Social media

12. Do you think it is really important to open a Quantity Surveying program at University in
Indonesia? * Mark only one oval.



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INTI International University
Faculty of Engineering and Quantity Surveying
BSc. (Hons) in Quantity Surveying


Student Details:

Name Muhammad Fakhri

Matriculation No. I17012347
Quantity Surveying Profession In Indonesian Construction
Project Title

Supervisor Approval:

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expected outcomes of the project and met the specifications required. I hereby approve the
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Date 18/12/2020

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Rev’d: 23/03/2016

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