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Hypertension is defined as a persistent blood pressure where the systolic pressure is above
140 mmHg and the diastolic pressure is above 90 mmHg. Based on data from the Ministry of
Health (2008), the prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia is 31.7%. The purpose of this
study was to determine the description of the level of knowledge and behavior of
hypertension sufferers in an effort to prevent uncontrolled blood pressure in Sindangsari
Subdistrict Cikundul Public Health Center in 2021. The method used is descriptive by taking
data from filling out questionnaires using interview techniques. the sample take using the
Accidental Sampling technique. The number of respondents who experience hypertension in
the Sindangsari village, Cikundul Public Health Center in 2021 is 25 cases. Characteristics
based on age of the most correspondents were <60 years as many as 30 patients (52%) and
the average patient was 64.96 years old. Based on gender, the most number were women,
namely 21 patients (84%). Characteristics based on the highest level of education are 12
people (48%) who do not go to school. The description of the level of knowledge at most was
correspondents who had good knowledge of hypertension, namely 19 people (76%).
Correspondents with good behavior to prevent hypertension are mostly compared to those
who are not good enough, namely as many as 14 people (56%). The average age of the
respondents for which the assessment was carried out was 64.96 years. The gender of the
most respondents was female and the education level of the respondents was low, even many
did not go to school. The average patient has good knowledge and behavior about
hypertension. Suggestions to provide more counseling to the public about hypertension in
order to increase knowledge and behavior of patients, especially those with hypertension, so
that the patient's blood pressure can be controlled.

Keyword: Hypertension, Knowledge, Behavior, Public health center

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