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Estefany Jhoana Ramírez Guevara 11-03

IE Técnico Dámaso Zapata English

Clara Inés Amado González 1101 -1106 and 1109 March 1st to March 8th



2. Use GOING TO for talking about future …. Planned events and intentions

3. FUNCTION of future with GOING TO: talking about – plans and intentions
made before of speaking-

FUNCTION: Talking about -plans and intentions made before of speaking-


1. Read the text and answer the questios

Doing Predictions …

Hello my Friends.
my name is Carlota, I am 16 year old and I live in Bucaramanga. I would like to talk about
my future ideas. When I was 12 I wanted to be a Vet because I like the animals too much.
My favourite subject is Biology and I often go to Natural Zoo close to Piedecuesta.
When I leave school, I think I´ll go to University and I’ll learn how to cure animals. Later I
think I´ll work at my own Vet. I don´t want to get married too son. So I think I’ll wait until I
am thirty. I hope my partner will be a kind, friendly and handsome man. I don´t want to be
a rich or famous but I want to be important and happy. I think I’ll live in a big city. I don´t
think that the world will change very much. We’ll have electric cars and very clever
computers. I hope we won´t have wars and more pandemics. Life will be easier and
peolpe will live longer. We´ll take care nature and animals.
Estefany Jhoana Ramírez Guevara 11-03

Circle the Correct answer

1. Carlota wants to be … a teacher/ a nurse/ a vet
2. … Thinks she’ll go to …. Other city/ National Zoo/ her own vet
3. Wants to get married when she is … three/ thirty/ thirteen
4. ... hopes her partner will be …. Kind/ rich/ famous
5. … wants to be … handsome/ important/ unfriendly
6. … wants to live in a … village/ small town/ big city
7. …. Thinks she’ll work at … vet/ university/ Piedecuesta Zoo
8. … thinks people will have … electric cars/ wars/ diseases
9. … thinks people won´t have … clever computers/ pandemics/ electric
10. … thinks that life in the future wil be … be difficult/ worse/ easier/

Where people can live and work?

1. Hotel
2. House
3. Factory
4. Hospital
5. Bank
6. Flat
7. Shop
8. Office
9. Cottage
10. School
11. Castle
12. Farm
13. Restautant
14. Village

Place to live Place to work

Hotel Factory
House Hospital
Flat Bank
Estefany Jhoana Ramírez Guevara 11-03

Cottage Shop
Castle Office
Farm School
Village Restaurant

What about you? What are your plans for future? (write 10 linee

My plans for the future is to be a successful pediatrician for which I need

to work hard, I would like to be very happy knowing that all my life I
have worked to achieve my goals, I want to feel that gratification that I
am doing things well. I want to be a very happy person who grows up
knowing what is the least and what, what suits him and what does not suit
him, I want to be a person who makes the best decisions and never regrets
having made them, I want to be someone who makes a mark on the
history. I also want to be an independent person, to be on their own and
never have to seek help from another person to get me out of trouble. I
that above all put their values above the people.

2. Watch the video and answer the questions.

1.1. What is the video about?

The video is about sentences with going to

1.2. When are the actions done?

In the future

1.3. What auxiliar is used in these sentences?

The auxiliar is Going to

Estefany Jhoana Ramírez Guevara 11-03

1.4. Are the sentences expressing predictions or resolutions?


1.5. Which the grammar structure for this verbal tense?

Subject + to be + going to + infinitive verb + complement

1.6. What is the functions of the future with going to?

Refers to something that is already planned or is safe and true

3. Read the song´s lyric, underlined the unknown words, copy them in your notebook
and look for meaning in Spanish.

4. What did you understand after reading again?

Is talk about the future and about the resolutions

NEXT YEAR BABY –Jamie Cullum-

Next Year, But if there's one thing, I must do,

Things are gonna change, Despite my greatest fears
Gonna drink less beer I'm gonna say to you
And start all over again How I've felt all of these years
Gonna read more books Next Year, Next Year, Next Year
Gonna keep up with the news I gonna tell you, how I feel
Gonna learn how to cook Well, resolutions
And spend less money on shoes Baby they come and go
Pay my bills on time Will I do any of these things?
File my mail away, everyday The answers probably no
Only drink the finest wine But if there's one thing, I must do,
And call my Gran every Sunday Despite my greatest fears
Resolutions I'm gonna say to you
Well Baby they come and go How I've felt all of these years
Will I do any of these things? Next Year, Next Year, Next Year
The answers probably no

5. Listen the song

Estefany Jhoana Ramírez Guevara 11-03;_ylt=AwrJ6y_d5DNgI7kAwb.rcgx.;_ylu=Y2

6. What is the song´s message?

The message of the song is that when we are in this stage of our lives we must
already make more mature decisions that lead us to a better future.

7. Write 5 plans to do this year

Get the best grades in the class

Study medicine

Read more

Spend less money

Get a great score on the ICFES

8. Watch the video

9. Write in your notebook the difference between: Recent decisions, offers, promises,
predictions and resolutions.

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