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The purpose of this ferro spectrophotometry experiment is to determine the absorbance

and the concentration of ferro standard solutions (NH 4) 2Fe (SO4)2.6H2O and the ultra milk and
milo using UV-vis spectrophotometer. The reagents used to conduct experiments Spectro is a
phosphate buffer solution and indkator pp.
The methodology of this ferro spektrofotometeri lab that first of all equipment and
materials then make the standard solution (NH 4) 2Fe (SO4)2.6H2O 1000ppm, then made a
reagent solution. The reagent is a buffer solution and an indicator pp. Then diluting the
standard solution of 1000 ppm be 1, 23, 45, 67, 99, 121 ppm. Then take the standard solution of
10 mL and then add 1 drop of HCl and 5 ml of buffer solution and stir. Taking the mixed solution
then inserted into the cuvette and inserted into the spectrophotometer. Last seen absorbance
figures. Repeat the steps with variable concentrations of different and also repeat on milo and
milk samples.
Based on ferro spectrophotometric experiments can be concluded that the greater the
concentration, the greater the absorbance value. Standard solutions (NH 4) 2Fe (SO4)2.6H2O with
the lowest ppm and the highest ppm respectively 1 ppm and 121 ppm have absorbance prices
are respectively 0.001 and 0.026. Ultra milk samples with 10-3 dilutions have absorbance and
concentration of 0.042 ppm 1502.52. Milo samples with 10-3 dilutions have absorbance of 0.945
and 664.77 ppm concentration. According BPOM HK. regarding the maximum
number of microbial and chemical contamination in the food mentioned that the content of
ferro on soft drinks up to 1 ppb or 0.001 ppm. Thus, it can be said that the ultra milo and milk is
not drinkable for the community


Tujuan dari percobaan spektrofotometri ferro ini adalah untuk menentukan absorbansi
dan konsentrasi ferro pada larutan standar (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O dan pada susu ultra dan milo
dengan menggunakan metode spektrofotometer UV-vis. Reagen yang digunakan untuk
melakukan percobaan spektrofotometri fosfat adalah larutan buffer dan indkator pp.
Metodologi dari praktikum spektrofotometeri ferro ini yang pertama-tama adalah
menyiapkan alat dan bahan kemudian membuat larutan standart (NH 4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O
1000ppm, kemudian membuat larutan reagen. Adapun reagennya yaitu larutan buffer dan
indicator pp. Kemudian mengencerkan larutan standart 1000ppm menjadi 1, 23, 45, 67, 99,
121 ppm. Kemudian mengambil larutan standart 10 mL lalu ditambah 1 tetes larutan HCl dan
5 mL larutan buffer dan di aduk. Mengambil larutan campuran lalu dimasukkan kedalam kuvet
dan dimasukkan kedalam alat spektrofotometer. Lalu dilihat angka absorbansinya. Ulangi
langkah-langkah dengan variabel konsentrasi yangberbeda dan juga ulangi pada sampel milo
dan susu ultra.
Berdasarkan percobaan spektrofotometri ferro dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin
besar konsentrasi, maka nilai absorbansinya semakin besar. Larutan standar
(NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O dengan ppm terendah dan ppm tertinggi berturut-turut 1 ppm dan 121
ppm memiliki harga absorbansi berturut-turut adalah 0,001 dan 0,026. Sampel susu ultra
dengan pengenceran 10-3 memiliki absorbansi 0,042 dan konsentrasi 1502,52 ppm. Sampel milo
dengan pengenceran 10-3 memiliki absorbansi 0,945 dan konsentrasi 664,77 ppm. Menurut
BPOM Nomor HK. mengenai batas maksimum cemaran mikroba dan kimia
dalam makanan disebutkan bahwa kandungan ferro pada minuman ringan maksimal 1 ppb
atau 0,001 ppm. Sehingga, dapat dikatakan bahwa milo dan susu ultra tidak layak diminum
untuk kalangan masyarakat.


ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................................... i
ABSTRAK....................................................................................................................................................... ii
DAFTAR ISI.................................................................................................................................................. iii
DAFTAR GAMBAR.................................................................................................................................... iv
DAFTAR GRAFIK........................................................................................................................................ v
DAFTAR TABEL......................................................................................................................................... vi
I.1 Latar Belakang......................................................................................................................... I-1
I.2 Rumusan Masalah................................................................................................................... I-1
I.3 Tujuan Percobaan................................................................................................................... I-1
II.1 DasarTeori.............................................................................................................................. II-1
II.1.1 Pengertian Spektrofotometri................................................................................ II-1
II.1.2 Macam-macam Spektrofotometri........................................................................ II-1
II.1.3 Prinsip Kerja Spektrofotometri............................................................................ II-5
II.1.4 Hukum Dasar Spektrofotometri...........................................................................II-5
II.1.5 Transmittansi dan Absorbansi.............................................................................II-7
II.1.6 Besi................................................................................................................................... II-9
II.1 Jurnal Aplikasi..................................................................................................................... II-10
III.1 Variabel Percobaan.......................................................................................................... III-1
III.2 Alat Percobaan................................................................................................................... III-1
III.3 Bahan Percobaan.............................................................................................................. III-1
III.4 Prosedur Percobaan........................................................................................................ III-1
III.5 Diagram Alir Percobaan................................................................................................. III-3
III.6 Gambar Alat Percobaan................................................................................................. III-7
IV.1 Hasil Percobaan................................................................................................................. IV-1
IV.2 Pembahasan........................................................................................................................ IV-2
BAB V KESIMPULAN............................................................................................................................ V-1
DAFTAR NOTASI...................................................................................................................................... vii
DAFTAR PUSTAKA................................................................................................................................ viii
APENDIKS..................................................................................................................................................... ix
- Laporan Sementara
- Lembar Revisi
- Jurnal


GambarII.1 Hubungan konsentrasi dengan jumlah cahaya yang diserap.....................II-2

GambarII.2 Hubungan konsentrasi dengan jumlah cahaya yang diserap.....................II-2
GambarII.3 Data Spektroskopi inframerah................................................................................II-3
GambarII.4 Spektroskopi resonansi magnet inti.....................................................................II-3
GambarII.5 Data spektrofometri massa....................................................................................... II-4
GambarII.6 Spektrofotometer sinar tunggal.............................................................................. II-4


Gambar IV.1 Hasil Analisa Larutan Standar pada Ammonium Eisen (II) Sulfat Hexahydrat
reints .............................................................................................................................. IV-2
Gambar IV.2 Hasil Analisa Konsentrasi Ferro pada Larutan Sampel X ..................................IV-3
Gambar IV.3 Hasil Analisa Konsentrasi Ferro pada Milo ..........................................................IV-4
Gambar IV.4 Hasil Analisa Konsentrasi Ferro pada Susu Ultra ...............................................IV-4


Tabel IV.1 Nilai absorbansi dari larutan standar....................................................................IV-1

Tabel IV.2 Nilai absorbansi dari sampel..................................................................................... IV-1
Tabel IV.3 Hasil Perhitungan Konsentrasi Larutan Standar Berdasarkan
Absorbansi ....................................................................................................................... IV-1
Tabel IV.4 Hasil Perhitungan Konsentrasi pada Larutan Sampel....................................IV-1


No Simbol Keterangan Satuan

1 M Molaritas
gram ekivalen
2 N Normalitas
3 m Massa Gram
4 V Volume ml
5 e ekivalen -


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Day, R.A., dan Underwood, A.L. 1993. Analisa Ilmu Kuantitatif. Edisi Keempat. Jakarta:
Penerbit Erlangga
Khopkar, SM. 2003. Konsep Dasar Kimia Analitik. Depok: Penerbit UI Press
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Sumar Hendayana, Asep Kadarohman, AA Sumarna dan Asep Supriatna. (1994).
Kimia Analitik Instrumen Edisi Kesatu. Semarang: IKIP Semarang Press.


 Pembuatan larutan (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O 1 ppm

N1 . V1 = N2 . V2
1000 V1 = 1. 100
0,1 mL
 Pembuatan larutan (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O 23 ppm
N1 . V1 = N2 . V2
1000 V1 = 23. 50
1,15 mL
 Pembuatan larutan (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O 45 ppm
N1 . V1 = N2 . V2
1000 V1 = 45. 50
2,25 mL
 Pembuatan larutan (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O 67 ppm
N1 . V1 = N2 . V2
1000 V1 = 67. 50
3,35 mL
 Pembuatan larutan (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O 99 ppm
N1 . V1 = N2 . V2
1000 V1 = 99. 50
4,95 mL
 Pembuatan larutan (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O 125 ppm
N1 . V1 = N2 . V2
1000 V1 = 125. 50
6,25 mL

 Perhitungan konsentrasi larutan

y = 0.000188x + 0.000341
0,001 = 0.000188x + 0.000341
0,000659 = 0.000188x
x = 3,5 ppm
 Perhitungan konsentrasi larutan
y = 0.000188x + 0.000341
0,0055 = 0.000188x + 0.000341
0,005159 = 0.000188x
x = 27,4 ppm
 Perhitungan konsentrasi larutan
y = 0.000188x + 0.000341
0,0085 = 0.000188x + 0.000341
0,008159 = 0.000188x

x = 43,39 ppm
 Perhitungan konsentrasi larutan
y = 0.000188x + 0.000341
0,011 = 0.000188x + 0.000341
0,0010659 = 0.000188x
x = 56,64 ppm
 Perhitungan konsentrasi larutan
y = 0.000188x + 0.000341
0,0185 = 0.000188x + 0.000341
0,018159 = 0.000188x
x = 96,59 ppm
 Perhitungan konsentrasi larutan
y = 0.000188x + 0.000341
0,0245 = 0.000188x + 0.000341
0,024159 = 0.000188x
x = 128,5 ppm

 Mencari konsentrasi sampel milo

y = 0.000188x + 0.000341
0,042 = 0.000188x + 0.000341
0,041659 = 0.000188x
x = 221,59 ppm
221,59 ppm x 3 = 664,77 ppm
 Mencari konsentrasi sampel susu ultra
y = 0.000188x + 0.000341
0,0945 = 0.000188x + 0.000341
0,094159 = 0.000188x
x = 500,84 ppm
500,84 ppm x 3 = 1502,52 ppm
 Mencari konsentrasi sampel X
y = 0.000188x + 0.000341
0,0715 = 0.000188x + 0.000341
0,071159 = 0.000188x
x = 378,50 ppm

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