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How to enter the classroom- Quietly and orderly. Please do NOT wait
outside the classroom. Walk in and sit down. You know what to do.

What to do when you come to class- Check the screen for

instructions…if nothing is posted, then READ.

Class dismissal- I dismiss you- not the bell. Please do not pack up while I
am still talking...that is rude.

Fire drill- Quickly and quietly walk out our classroom door, single file,
down the staircase by Mrs. Bishop’s office, to the gym and out the
doors to the left where “pickups” are dismissed.

Tornado drill- Quickly and quietly walk out our classroom door, single
file, down the staircase by Mrs. Bishop’s, to the annex. Follow
instructions of teachers in the annex.

Finished work early- If you finish early, check your work, and then

Questions- Wait until all instructions have been given… then you may
raise your hand and wait to be called upon.

Restroom breaks- Bring me your agenda to sign, and then quietly walk
to the restroom.

Where to find assignments- Google Classroom

Miss Cummings wants your attention- When I talk…you stop ☺

Sharpening pencils- Before class starts only please… better yet use a
When you are absent Note- turn them into me- I send them to Mrs.
Oakley. You do not stop in the office. Missed work- Check Google

When another adult enters our room- You will remain quiet and
continue to work or when all else fails… READ!

Announcements from the Office- Stop whatever you are doing

immediately and listen without moving around.

Assemblies When and if we get to have them again...You will enter the
gym quietly and wait for instructions. Your feet belong on the floor,
not the seat or railing in front of you. Listen carefully, follow
instructions, and be respectful. Assemblies are a privilege.

Lockers- When and if you get to use them again...The lockers are
school property and must be kept organized. You may not use tape on
any part of your locker. You may use magnets if you feel the need to
decorate the inside. You may not decorate the outside of your locker.
If you put a lock on your locker, you must provide the office with a a
copy of the combination or the key.

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