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ater and Design 17 (209) 107905, Contonts lists available at ScienceDirect Materials and Design ELSEVIER journal homepage: 3D printed cork/polyurethane composite foams ® N.Gama**, A. Ferreira”, A. Barros-Timmons* + cto - vei sia of Mater an eprtrent of hems, Unies of Aveo Camps Satie, 3810-19 Ave. Portal cco Ae ste of Matera al Super de Trae est de Au Coat ink Fe 28,7750 ~ 127 A, Poa HIGHLIGHTS GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT + Polyurethane foams were produced ‘sing 3 printing technology. + Cork was used to enhance the proper ‘ies ofthe 30 printed compose foams. +The 3D printed foams have potential to be used in appliations beyond thermal insustion. ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT eched 3 Apt 2010 Reced in esd frm 27 May 2019 Peep 38 My 2019 ven though the production of 3 printed foams has already been widely stale, the main fous of he reports has been on their mechanical propentes or thei cushion behavior. nthe present worka preliminary approach is made concering the potenti aplication of 3 printed PU foams for thermal applications wit enhanced me ‘hana properties For that propose, cork was used to eahiance the properties the resulting, 30 printed com posite foams From the results obtained, e was observed thatthe addition of cork decreased the density and — ‘thermal conductivity ofthe ensuing foams. The stiffness ofthe ensuing composts was also reduced, Yet. the Potyretiane am use of orkid notaet the thermal stabil ofthe composts Finally he ayer-o-ayer bonding was evahated ak and theresuts sugges that theadltion of ork may no jeopardize the performance ofthe 3D printed PU foams. Gonpsies Besides ther thermal insulation properties the elstomericbehavir ofthe 3D printed fam produced may find ed manda applications that eombine thermal insulation with damping properties Furthermore, advances inthe 3D printing sD piaing technology may increase the range of applications ofthese Fans (©2019 The Authors Published by Esvier Lu This san open aces arte under the CCBY-NC-ND icense (hp: /reatvecammonsorglicenses/by-n-nd/40). 1. Introduction ‘materials [1,2], The low thermal conductivity of PU foams isthe key property for thermal insulation applications and is related to their cel Rig polyurethane foams (PU foams) are widely used asinsulating architecture, such as cell wall thickness, the size distribution of the boards and panels, as well ain-situ materials for sprayed-in-placeinsu- lation. The low thermal conductivity, high mechanical and chemical ta- bility at igh and low temperatures are some ofthe advantages ofthese ~ Conesponding author mal ares: pan gama pt (N. Cam) nps/iony10. 1016 nates2019107905 cell, the ratio of clased/open cells o the gas that fills the pores can be controlled via judicious adjustments oftheir formulations i. type and quantity of reactants) [3.4]. Despite oftheir low thermal conductiv- ity, different approaches can be used to enhance the thermal perfor- :mance of PU foams such as (7) the adlton of hea storage materials to PU foams formulation for thermal modulation/regulation even 125417750 2019 The Ars bse by eer Le Tian open aces are wer the CCBY-NCND ens (hp reatecononsorensey 8b). 2 Gama ca Maes and Des 179 (201) 107905 though it generally involves heat losses to surroundings [5] or (i) the ‘addition of low thermal conductive materials, such as cork. Cork, the fouter bark of Quercus suber Lis a plant tissue composed of suberin ‘Which has unique properties such as very low density, hydrophobic character, fire resistance and an elastic behavior [6,7]. n adlition, cork isa well-known low thermal conductive material, which can further re- duce the thermal conductivity of PU foams. The useofiqueied cork res- dues as already been explored inthe production of PU foams, is alternative polyol to those derived counterparts [8,9], enhancing the sustainability of PU foams but without a functional property. ‘Besides the use of PU foams as thermal insulation materials, they are also widely used in aircraft and automotive components ot even as damping materials for sound absorption or in geotechnical applications due to their impact absorption properties [4.1012]. Yet, the use of these materials to hamper vibration requires specific viscoelastic char- acteristics [13] In fact, the importance of pore size distribution and Structure in promoting sound and vibration damping has been highlighted by Zhang etal [14] who investigated the influence of the structure characteristics (pore cel size, open porosity) on the sound ab- sorption performance of PU foams. Nonetheless, due to its viscoelastic properties, cork has been used as an effective damping material, in- creasing the damping capability of the ensuing products. In fact, Policarpo et al 15] used cork to reduce vibrations in metallic plates ‘which proved to be quite capable to reduce the vibrations. Silva eta. [16] studied the dynamic properties of a set of sandwich plates with cork compound cores inside two aluminum faces and the results showed that cork compounds can be used as an effective passive ddamping materia in sandwich or multilayer structures, increasing the host structure damping capability due to its viscoelastic properties. ‘Although the production of PU foams is a well-established technol ‘ogy, new processing methods are emerging, such as the additive ‘manufacturing (ie. three-dimensional (3D) printing), which allows producing products with new forms, shapes, and dimensions [17] la fact, different materials such as polymers, composite, metals, o ce- Famics have been used to produce biomedical, aerospace, automotive, electronics, architecture, fashion, or domestic products via additive ‘manufacturing [18} The ability of additive manufacturing to produce products impossible to obtain using the curent technologies offers an ‘opportunity to engineers to design new materials for applications be- yond conventional ones [18], Changfeng et al. [19] have already re- Ported a preliminary study ofthe properties ofa 3D printed PU foam and stated that these materials presented similar resilience properties to bulk rubber, butts density was four times lowerer than that of rub- ber. Bates et al 20] have prepared 3D printed polyurethane honey- combs for energy absorption applications and reported that the ensuing foams presented an absorbing efficiency comparable to that of traditional expanded closed cll PU foams. The study revealed the po- tential of 3D printing for the preparation of resilient cellular materials Which are not constrained by existing manufacturing methods and an be tailored to operational applications and environmental conditions As rigid PU foamsare mainly used as thermal insulation materials, in this work, cor was added to thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) and the ensuing composites were used to produce 3D printed composite foams for thermal insulation applications. Moreover due to the viscoelastic properties of cork, the ensuing foams presented a peculiar elastomeric behavior, which suggests potential tobe used as damping material 2. Experimental 2. Materials ‘Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) (Pearthane 111194) witha spe- cific gravity of 1.18 gem” *, an hardness of 95 (shore D) and a tensile strength of 42 MPa was supplied by Lubrizol and cork powder (with a ‘granulometry inferior to 0,25 mm) isa residue obtained from the sranulation and grinding, as well as cutting, sanding and finishing of ork industry, derived from the outer bark of Quercus suber L, which hhas typically a thermal conductivity of 0.045 W.m~1.K-'. a density of 120-240 kg.m-? and a thermal diffusivity of 1x 10-® ms? [21] was kindly supplied by Cortceira Amorim, 22, Production of composites _TPU pellets were milled in 0.5 mm mesh using a Resch cross beater ‘mill SKI (Haan, Germany) using a 1 mm sieve. Next, the TPU power ‘was mixed with cork powder (1% 3% and 5% wt/wt) im the Retsch cross beater mill SK1 without sieves. Afterwards, the mixtures were [eft overnight in an oven at 105 °Cto remove moisture. The mixtures were then extruded in a Felfil Evo Colours extruder using 4 rpm at 210 °C to produce the 3D printable laments. The resulting laments ‘Were used to 3D print PU foams in an Anycubie Chiron 3D printer. ‘TopSolid Missler Software was used to design the sketch of the PU. foams and Ultimaker Cura was used to prepare the 3D printing model, In Fig. the 3D sketch of the PU foams is presented while in Table 1 the 3D print parameters are listed. 23, Characterization SEM analyses were performed in a SU-70 (Hitachi) scanning elec- tron microscope after vacuum-coating with carbon to avoid electro- static charging during examination and at accelerating voltage of 150. “The melting flow index (MFT) was determined according tothe ISO 1133-1:2011 standard [22] using a Model 6 Advanced met flow system of Ray-Ran. The material was packed inside the barel and heated up to 210°C After that a piston (of 2.16 k)is introduced in the batel which ‘auses the extrusion ofthe molten polymer. The samples ofthe melted polymer are weighed and MFIs expressed in grams of polymer per 10 min of duration ofthe tes Dynamic mechanical analyses (DMA) were caried out using aTritec 2000 equipment (Triton Technologies). The filament samples were an- alyzed in tension mode from ~60 *Cup to 40°Cat a constant heating, rate of 2°Cmin and ata frequency of 1 Hz. The glass transition tem- peratures (Tz) were measured atthe top of the tn (4). ‘Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of the PU composites was per- formed using a SETSYS Evolution 1750 thermogeavimetvic analyzer (Setaram) from room temperature up to 800 °C, ata heating rate of 10 "Cain and under oxygen flux (200 mLnin~, U foams specimens (25 x 25 x 25 mm?) were weighed to deter- ‘mine the density, Densities were calelated from the quotient of the ‘weight ofthe specimens by the calculated volume. The values obtained Fig 1.30 tere ofthe FUeam Gama ca Maes and esi 179 (2019) 107505 3 tablet 3D pricing parame. Taye ele waliceness| Pantin temperate ulate temperature iting pee correspond to the average density determined for 3 specimens ofeach foam, ‘The thermal properties measurements were performed using the Gustafsson Probe method (or Hot Disk) equipped withthe Thermal Constant Analyzer TC-2A from Mathis Instruments [23]. Ths transient ‘method uses an electrically conducting pattern (Nickel) the Hot Disk ‘method allows the determination ofthe thermal conductivity, thermal difusivity and specific heat. The Hot Disk method is an international standard for measuring a thermelement acting both asa temperature sensor and heat source, insulated with two thin layers of Kapton (70 lam). The TPS element is assembled between two samples of similar characteristics with both faces in contact with the sensor surface. ‘Compression mechanical analyses ofthe 3D printed foams were per- formed ina SHIMADZU AGS-X using a load cel of 1 kN and a deforma- tion ate of 5.0mm min”. Moreover tension mechanical analyses were (a) performed perpendicular to the 3D printing specimens (25 x 5 x 10mm?) to assess their bonding properties. Three specimens were {ested fr each sample, 3. Results and discussion 31, Filaments ‘Almost every property of polymer composites depends on the me- chanical properties ofthe fillers and polymer matrix, the size and shape ofthe fillers, the aspect rato of the filler, the interfacial adhesion between the fillers and the matrix or the amount of filler used [24]. ‘Therefore, SEM analysis is an important and versatile too to inspect the composites structure and the fller/matrix interface, The SEM im- ages of the surface and cross-section of the flaments are shown in Fig. 2 which clearly reveal thatthe addition of cork has a pronounced e- feet on the morphology of the filament. As the percentage of cork is in- creased the filaments’ surface becomes rougher, which suggests insufficient impregnation ofthe cork powder by the TPU. According to Stepashkinet al, [25] the reason forthe apparent insufficient impregna- tion might be related to the short residence time ofthe blend (melted polymer and the filler) inthe extruder. Nonetheless, voids were not ob- served, wich are known tobe starting points of material failure under stress, indicating good wettability ofthe cork by the TP. (b) © Fi. 2 Se ages ofthe amen sure of Fea a): rs etn of Fark (b) surface fF) cas satlon ook). d) 4 Gama ca Maes and Des 179 (201) 107905 ‘Werken et al. [9] investigated the microstructure and thermo- ‘mechanical properties of carbon fiber reinforced 3D printed nylon spec- mens and reported thatthe heterogeneous distribution ofthe fibers ‘and void formation in te filaments led to inhomogeneous properties. “The racks formed during the 3D printing were due to the poor bonding between the carbon fibers and the nyion, which is not the case ofthese "TPUjeork filaments. Furthermore, rom the cross-section images ofthe sents, it can be observed the presence ofthe cor particles and its cellular structure, Similar results were observed by Daver et al. [9] ‘who produced 5% wt/wt cork-PLA filaments for fused deposition ‘modelling and reported that cork stil retained it cellular structure within the composite. Nevertheless, the differences inthe morphology on the filaments may have significant effet of the properties of the resulting foams such as their thermal conductivity or mechanical prop- etie a it will be discussed late, ‘The knowledge of the rheological properties of composites isa very Jimportant issue because it affects the processability of the polymer and jscommonly used to compare materials for 3D printing [2627].InFig.3 the melt flow index results of the composites are presented, From Fig. 3, it can be seen thatthe increase of the cork content re ‘duces slightly’ the MFI of the composites from 19.1 (OX cork) to 174 g.10 min" (5% cork) (a reduction lower than 10%). Normally, the addition of filler to polymeric matrixes limits their free mobility, increasing the material apparent viscosity. The effect of filers in the re- duction of MF has been reported by several authors [28-30], The MAis a measurement ofthe polymer processability and canbe linked to the adhesion between the diferent layers ofthe printed products [31] In other words a sever reduction ofthe MFI can affect the 3 printing pro- cess, compromising the layer-to-layer bonding and subsequently the properties ofthe resulting object yet, this was not the casein the present study. [DMA experiments were carried out in order to obtain information on the viscoelastic properties ofthe filaments Fig 4 shows the DMA results oF TP and TPU cork filaments. {At Tower temperatures (-50 °C) the filaments behave as hard solids showing storage modulus (F) values of 1.6 10%, 1.5 x 10, 1.2.x 10° and 83 x 10* Pa for F-0cork, F-Icork, F-3cork and F-Seork filaments, re- spectively The reduction of the storage modulus of the cork derived fi- ments can be associated tothe elastic behavior of cork. Similar results \were obtained by Daver etal. [32] who produced cork-PLA composite flaments. As the temperature goes through the glass transition temper- ature (Tz) (measured atthe top of the tan (6), the increase of molecular ‘motion causes the storage modulus to drop. From Fig. 4 it can also be seen that the addition of cork, caused a reduction of the Ty of laments from ~185°C (E-Ocork) to -285°C (F-Seork), which might be alsoas- sociated with the shape (spherical) of the cork particles and the increase ‘of mobility of the TPU chains. Tserki etal. [33] produced composites 20 ia 9 8s z 19 Es v4 | 16 8 m% 1% m% 3 % Cork Fig 5. rests of composes conting 0 1, and (ta) fa testo 06 109 os 2 iro : 3 é 2 a2 weer tage then 106 on os sw ‘Temperature (*C) Fg A resus of TU flows onal 1 Stand (wt ofeore fom diferent lignocellulosic fillers and biodegradable polyester and re- ported a reduction of the mechanical properties of the derived composites. ‘TGA analysis were cari out under oxygen atmosphere to evaluate the thermal stability ofthe filaments and the TGA curves ae presented ing. 5, 100 0 E00 20 2 ° o 20 “0 0 ‘00 Temperature CO) @ oo 02 os z06 3.8 “0 “4 ° 200 00 0 300 Temperature 0) (b) ig 5. herman (a) andi (0) TP Hamentcotaning 1, Sand SE ott ofc Gama ca Maes and esi 179 (2019) 107505 5 ‘Ast canbe seen from Fig. 5, the decompasiton of filaments is charac: terized by three main degradation processes The first degradation step (at 3307C) is relate to the degradation of the hard segments (eg ure- thane groups). The second degradation step (at 390°C is related tothe esterjether bonds (polyol) decomposition through chain scission and the last degradation step (at 490°C is attributed tothe decompasition of due to C—C bond cleavages ofthe polyol [34,35] Moreover, it can be ‘observed that decomposition of filaments presents vey similar profile, suggesting that the presence of cork does not affect the thermal stability ofthe filaments. From the tesuits presented in Fig 5, it can be concuded that the flaments are thermally stable beyond 250 °C meaning that cork based composites can be processed at high melting temperatures, 32, 3D printed fours ‘The flaments were then used to produce 3D printed foams. The sesuting PU foams ae presented in Fig 6 and thei properties are com- piled in Table 2 From the images presented in Fig. 6, itcan be seen that the addition ‘of cork toTPU does not have a pronounced elect on the appearance of the foams except the color, However, from the results presented in ‘Table 2, it can be seen that the presence of cork, affects significantly their properties. Moreover, SEM analysis was used to inspec the mor- phologies and in Fig. 7 the SEM images ofthe struts (intersection of, three cells of the 3 printed foams are presented © Fig 6. tages of PU adr (2): fame (0). fark) and PU foam Sark @ 6 Gama ca Maes and Des 179 (20) 107905 ‘able Properties of 30 ams. Property PU eam Pam tok a fomeore PU f-Sor Densiy (em >) 31644 22 44 2243 2643 ‘Therma conductivity W:m") ‘010 0.000 ‘0470000 ‘047 0000 pu com Specie eat (45.4) 30527 3548 300-24 2a It ermal sty (os) serena cereits cereses Tet Sars Thermal sy (WS! 2-5) eat eat eat sa ‘Youngs mols (a) 78.83 mao main ma19 Compressive tes 10 (AP) 1846 43 223 “Toughness Jom) sa swe Bias From the resits presented in Fig. 7, tan be observed thatthe pres- ence of cork has a pronounced effect on the skeleton ofthe foams. The PU foam-Ocork presented smoother struts in contrast to what was ob- served fr the cork derived foams. From Fi. 7, it can also be seen that the cork foams presented voids inthe struts. The formation of void in 0 printings nota new subject Stepashkin etal. [25] studied the struc- ture and thermal properties of 3D-printed polyether ether ketone filled with carbon fibers and stated that 3D printing induces both poresin the ‘matrix polymer and discontinuities between layers due tothe lack of impregnation, Nonetheless, since in conventional PU foams, approxi ‘mately 80% of polymer sin the struts [17,36] both density and thermal Conductivity can be enhanced by the presence of voidsin the struts asit willbe discussed later ‘The density of famsis a patculrty important property because it affects their thermal conductivity and theit mechanical properties [3 Moreover, density isa very important property for manufacturers and consumers since ight weight products are desirable [2627] In Table 2, the density ofthe 3D printed foams are presented Being lightweight material cork offen reduces the density of mate- ‘als [37]. Indeed from the ests presented in Table 2, can be sen thatthe neat 3D fam presented a density of 316 kgm” and the add- tion of cork to TPU reduced the density ofthe ensuing 3D foams to 245 kazm’? for 5% wt/wt cork content. A similar trend was observed by Daver et a. [32] who produced 3D printing cork-PLA compesites and by rites al [38] who produced 30 printing corkigh-ensity polyethylene (HDPE) composites, Moreover, as previously discussed (©) @ i 7S ges of PU Fam cr (2): fame), fa vk) and Pam Scr (8). Gama ca Maes and esi 179 209) 107505 7 the lower density of the cork foams can be related to the presence of, voids in their struts as observed in SEM images (Fig. 7). Depending on the formulation, PU foams present typically densities of 20-40 kg, mr, which ae lower than the 3D printed foams produced in the pres- ent study. Nonetheless, tuning the PU foam geometry, using different raw-material, adjusting the 3D parameters or advancesin the 3D print- ing technology may result in less dense materials in near a future “The thermal properties of PU foams are paramount importance and ‘determine their applications. The thermal properties results of the neat and composite foams are presented in Table 2. The thermal insulation performance ofa typical closed cells PU foam, arises from three heat transfer phenomena: conduction, convection and radiation. The heat transfer by conduction occurs trough the polymer (cell walls and struts) and through the gas (which fills the interior ofthe cells) [3]. Considering that approximately 80% of polymer is in the struts, the heat transfer through conduction inthe struts has great influence on the thermal conductivity of these materials [36]. Polyurethane thermal conductivity is generally in the range of0.1-03".K~?[39}, similar to the cork cell walls which have a thermal conductivity of 02 Wn. K-21], however the ar which fils the cells ofthe cork makes itan ex- cellent thermal insulator, therefore the presence of cork in the struts of foams is expected to reduce their thermal conductivity, which is in agreement with the results obtained. Yet, PU foams thermal conductiv- it ies inthe 0.020-0.040 Wan." range (depending on the formu- lation), which is far below that of the 3D printed foams produced. Hence, besides the thermal conductivity, other thermal properties play and important role in thermal insulation. “The specific heat represents the amount of heat required to increase ‘one degree of temperature ofa single unit of mass ofa substance. Since the addition of cork yields lower thermal conductive materials, the amount of heat requited to increase one degree of temperature should increase. In other words, the addition of cork should increase the spe- cific heat of the 3D foams. In fact, from the results presented in ‘Table 2, itcan be seen that the addition of 1% wt/wt of cork leads to an increase ofthe specific heat ofthe ensuing foam. But further addition ‘of cork eads to a reduction of the specific heat of PU foams Being the specific heat dependent on the thermal conductivity and density of the 3D printed foams, the lower specific heat ofthe PU foam-32%cork and PU foam-5tcork canbe due tothe conjugation ofthese properties. As itcan be seen in Table 2 the thermal conductivity of the foams de- creases smoothly withthe addition of cork however thece i a big gap between the density ofthe neat foam and the density ofthe cork de- rived foams, resulting in the lower specific heat of the neat foam. ‘The specific heat is athermophyscal parameter particularly signifi cant for insulating materials. Among other, together with density and thermal conductivity, the specific heat enables the calculation ofthe thermal diffusivity ofthe material 40]-The thermal diffusivity isa mea- sure of thermal inertia and is defined as the rate of heat that is trans- ferred from the hot sie tothe cold side ofa material and is calculated diving the thermal conductivity by density and specific heat capacity [4] Since the addition of cork leads tothe reduction of the specific heat andthe density ofthe foams, te thermal diffusivity ofthe compos- ites foams increases. Moreover, itis well known that lw thermal con- ductive filers can increase the thermal difusvity, while high thermal conductive fillers can reduce the thermal diffusivity ofthe compesites. Stepashkin et al. [25] who studied the thermal properties of 3D- printed composites reported that the addition of carbon filler (high thermal conductive materials) led toa reduction ofthe thermal dffuiv- ity ofthe ensuing composites. Finally, the thermal effusvity isa measure ofthe materials ability t0 exchange thermal energy with its surroundings and its dependent on the thermal conductivity, the density and the eat capacity 42}. From the results presented in Table 2, it can be seen that the addition of cork reduces the thermal effusivity ofthe foams from 69 Ws!®.m?. K~! (PU foam-Ocork) to 52 Ws'.m-2K~" (PU foam-Scork), meaning thatthe addition of cork thus foams less susceptible to transfer heat. From the results presented in Table 2 it was proven that cork enhances the thermal properties ofthe ensuing foams. Besides the density or the thermal properties, the mechanical prop- erties of PU foams can also determine their applications. The mechanical properties results of the neat and composite foams are presented in “Table 2 and plotted in Fig. 8 As stated previously, the addition of fillers to polymer matrix results ina significant change of their mechanical properties, which depends on ‘many factors, such as the elastic properties ofthe fillers and polymer ‘matrix, the size, shape and orientation of the fillers, the aspect ratio of| the fillers, the interfacial adhesion between filers and matrix or the amount of filler used [24.43.44 From the results presented in Table 2 and Fig. 8, itcan be seen thatthe addition of cork caused a reduction of the Young's modulus, the compressive stress at 10% strain and the toughness of the foams. This is thought to be due tothe elastomeric properties of cork. Additionally the presence of voids observed in the ‘SEM images ofthe cork foams can result in a reduction of the mechan- ‘eal properties values of foams. The results presented in Table 2 and Fig. 8 corroborate the DMA results ofthe laments since the addition of cork increases the elastomeric behavior of the filaments and subse- {quently ofthe 3D printed foams. Nonetheless, the mechanical proper- ties ofthe 30 printed foams highlights the elastomeric behavior of these materials, which may find higher added value applications (be- yond thermal insulation, for example in acoustic insulation and aero- nautics (12,45,46]. In fact, the 3D PU foams produced presented similar mechanical properties to those used for sound absorption appli- ‘ations obtained from conventional methods using crude glycerol and liquefied coffee grounds polyol, demonstrating the suitability of these ‘materials for damping applications [4 Despite ofthe promising properties of the 3D printed foams, the ef- fect of using cork inthe printing process can have a significant impact because, as previously discussed, the addition of fillers can result in ‘weaker layer-to-layer bonding [47]. Therefore the layer bonding of the 3D printed products were evaluated, using tensile mechanical tests and te results obtained are presented in Table 3, From the results presented in Table 3, itcan be observed thatthe ad dition of cork reduces the tensile properties ofthe 3D printed speci- ‘mens. Whilst the 3D printed specimen without any filler presents a ‘maximum tension of 853 kPa + 11 and an elongation at break of 61% + 2, the 3D printed specimen filled with 5% of cork presents maximum tension of 765 kPa + 14 and elongation at break of 52% + 1, which rep- resents a reduction of 11% and 15%, respectively. Ths suggests lower bond performance, however the layer-to-layer bonding of the 3D printed products may not compromise their application, since 3D PU foams are more likely to be subject to compression stress. Therefore, the reduction oftheir maximum tension and elongation at break are not expected to compromise the 3D PU feams performance. 250 PU foam rk 20 PU fe =P ocr z PU fa 130 2 Evo x ° ° 1s sein) ie 8 mechan popertesof 307 foams cotanng a 1, 38am 5a) fae ® Gana ca Maes ond Des 179 (201) 107905 ‘ables Layer booing properties 030 printed pret. Proper Cewk tok Sek Seok Maximum tension (Fa) 6B TODAYS 775417 ToS Hongalonatbeak(s) 6142, S741 Sat S241 4.Conctusions ‘This workintended tobe a step forward regarding the production of, 30 printed foams for thermal insulation applications. Infact the addi- tion of cork to TPU enhanced the properties of 3D printed foams. From the results obtained, it was observed that che presence of cok affects the morphology ofthe ensuing foams, leading to rougher skeletons as ‘well as to the presence of voids in the struts ofthe resulting PU foams. Due to the presence of cork as well as tothe presence of voids, the resulting foams presented lower density, lower thermal conductivity ‘and proved to be more flexibie. Moreover, the addition of cor did not affect the thermal stability of the composites and despite of affecting the layer-to-layer bonding performance may not compromise its appli ‘ation. Besides their thermal insulation properties their elastomeric be- hhavior suggests thatthe 3D printed foams produced may be used as thermal insulation, sound absorption or as damping materials, More- ‘over, progresses in the 3D printing technology, may increase the added value of the 3D printed foams for example in medical applica tions such as wound car or surgical aids. Yet. thorough compatibility tests would be required. (CRediT authorship contribution statement N.Gama: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Method ‘logy. Validation, Writing - origina draft, Writing ~ review & editing. A. Ferreira: Funding acquisition, Supervision, Validation, Writing - review editing. A. Barros-Timmons: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Supervision, Valida- tion, Writing - original draf, Writing - review &editing. (Red authorship contribution statement IN. Gama: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodol- ‘ogy, Validation, Writing - origina draft, Writing - review & editing. A. Ferreira: Funding acquisition, Supervision, Validation, Waiting - review & editing. A. Barros-Timmons: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Supervision, Validation, ‘Woting- orginal drat, Writing - review & editing. ‘Acknowledgements ‘This work was developed within the scope ofthe project CICECO- Aveiro institute of Materials, FCT Ref. UID/CTM/5001 1/2019, financed by national funds through the FCT/MICTES. The authors would aso like to acknowledge Luis Fernandes for the sketch of foam, COMPOCAL - Indéstria de polimeros, $A. and Corticeira Amorim, SA forthe TPU and cork, respectively. 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