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Changes Applied on UCM Configuration folder for Disabling Quick Search

 Add Query Operators For Advanced Search Forms In WebCenter Content

(Doc ID 2469634.1)
Enable or disable search operators by setting the
"(ORACLETEXTSEARCH)UniversalQueryOperators" parameter.
For example, if you want to add "Substring" and "Not Substring" search, add the
following parameter to $CS_INST_DIR/config/config.cfg

 "hasAsSubstring" means "Substring", and "notHasAsSubstring" means "Not
Substring" search.

 Limit Set for the Number of Targeted Quick Searches a User can Create and
Display and is this Configurable? (Doc ID 1285659.1)

configure it by setting the following config variable in the

<CS_install_dir>\config\config.cfg file


 Hidden or Disabled Targeted Quick Search Links are Still Visible to Users. (Doc
ID 741994.1)

The status on whether a targeted quick search is enabled or disabled is stored

for each individual user, regardless of whether it was created by the user or
by the admin. When a quick search is disabled the following line is added to
the individual user's pne_portal.hda file:


For the sysadmin user that file is located in:

For other users the file path will be slightly different. When a user disables
the quick search it only affects the individual profile and not the other users.

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