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5-6 fresh (preferably) roasted and peeled green chilies

1/4 c. chopped green onion
1/4 c. chopped white onion
2 fresh Roma tomatoes, chopped
1 tbsp. fresh chopped cilantro (coriander)
1 1/2 lbs LEAN hamburger meat
1 egg
1 TBS fresh masa
Salt to taste
1 tsp. garlic salt
2-3 dashes black pepper
2 fresh garlic cloves, cut in halves
1 tsp finely crushed oregano
2 TBS flour
2-3 TBS lard, shortening, or oil

Cut whole green chile into thin long strips OR use one 7 ounce can of Ortega brand canned green
First, you start by making a fresh green chili salsa by combininng green chili strips, green and white
onion, tomatoes and garlic salt in a medium size bowl.
Mix all ingredients by hand.
In a large bowl combine (mix) with your hands) hamburger meat to soften it.
Add egg, continue mixing.
Add masa, continue mixing.
Add black pepper and garlic salt and continue mixing.
Finally add 1/2 of salsa and mix with blender in with all other ingredients.
Add ;ard or oil or shortening to 8 quart Dutch oven.
Let it get to a medium heat.
Add flour and stir until flour is browned.
Add rest of salsa and quickly stir.
Now add water to fill 1/2 Dutch oven.
Let broth come to a boil.
Add salt to taste and fresh garlic to boiling broth.
Start shaping meat into meatballs and gently drop into boiling broth.
Let broth continue to boil until you have done all meatballs.
Add crushed oregano and gently stir.
Turn down to simmer and let cook for approximately one hour.

Da herb recipe

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