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Things I Find Disturbing

By: Stephanie Hernandez

Eyebrow Bugs: While you're reading this there's about 3-5 million bugs living in
your eyebrows that eat your dead skin and hair follicles. Doesn't that disturb you

There’s an island in Mexico City filled with creepy dolls: I don't find dolls
disturbing, but the fact that tourists bring dolls and hang them up as gifts for the
little girl who drowned in the lake, is both creepy and disturbing. They hang them
up on the tree so they won't get dragged into the pool.

Black holes: I'm not sure everyone knows what happens when something or
someone enters a blackhole, no one and nothing comes out. First things first, there's
something called an event horizon that is most definitely lethal but you'll probably
be dead before you even reach it. It's basically an outer ring that circles a black
hole. Due to the tidal force that black holes have, you'll stretch, almost as if you're
under a magnifying glass which will most likely kill you. If you're not dead then less
just fast forward, the black hole will run out of radiation and it'll explode, you'll die
and it'll be as if you were never there.

Hand dryers suck up poop particles: This one is a little self explanatory but i'll explain
anyways. Since most restrooms now have hand dryers instead of paper towels, and poop
particles go in the air, the air dyer sucks it all up and onto your hands it goes. Ever since
my friend told me this, I just dry my hands on my shirt or pants.

The lion costume from wizard of oz is from real lions: i'm pretty sure everyone has
seen wizard of oz, but not too many people know that the lions costume was made
from real lion hair. Imagine getting into the costume everyday knowing it came
from an actual lion, imagine the smell.

We’ve only explored 5% of the ocean: I love the ocean especially since we live on
the west coast but there's so much we don't know about that is actually scary. I
truly believe mermaids are real and until at least 75% is explored I won't stop
believing, if the megalodon was real I'm pretty sure the chances of mermaids
existing are high. Apart from megalodons, there are giant squids that just swim
around in the ocean, most giant squids are close to being 60 ft.
San Andreas fault line: i'm not scared to die, death doesn't seem so scary, i'm
more focused on the way I die. I've done my research and I guess San Andreas won't
cause a big tsunami which is great because my swimming skills aren't the best, but
it's still going to cause a huge earthquake that will shake all of California and cause
$289 billion in reconstruction value. The fact that it will most likely happen during
my lifetime is also scary.

My brother's age: My youngest brother and I are 10 years apart, one whole decade apart,
I am older than him by 1/10 of a century. I know things like this happen often but I hate
knowing that when I'm 30 he's barely going to be 20. The thing that makes this sort of
disturbing to me is that I'm going to most likely die before him. He might live 10 years of
his life without me and in a way it's sad, not for me since I'll be dead but for him . I know
that no one lives forever but it's just weird. One good thing that comes from this is that I
could probably go on school field trips.

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