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Joshua Patiu

Michael Tiagan

Njhay Taguinod

Jonh michael roldan

Sherwin Bonga

report made by the police containing the initial statement made by the victim at the time she or
he reported the crime. A police report consists of a testament, specific details of the event and
names of people involved Non Index Crime refers to all crime not classified as index crime.
A police report is the physical record of an occurrence considered to be illicit or possibly illicit. It
is taken by an agent of a police office and recorded agreeing to said department's method. It is
additionally known as an "occurrence report."
Police reports help with the recognizable proof, trepidation and indictment of hoodlums by
serving as a source archive for recording criminal complaints, by giving a record of all
examinations, and giving a premise for extra take after up investigations.


Reports communicate data which has been compiled as a result of investigate and examination
of information and of issues. Reports can cover a wide range of points, but more often than not
center on transmitting data with a clear reason, to a specific group of onlookers. Great reports
are reports that are precise, objective and complete.
Accuracy- In order to be accurate the details conveyed in a police report must represent the
true situation and set of circumstances described.
Completeness- Can be viewed as part of accuracy.
Clarity- In order to avoid misinterpretations of the information presented, police reports should
be written with simple words and phrases.
Conciseness- While being complete is important, the information must be presented in a way
that isn’t redundant or over inclusive.
Values are basic and fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate attitudes or actions. They help
us to determine what is important to us. Values describe the personal qualities we choose to
embody to guide our actions; the sort of person we want to be; the manner in which we treat
ourselves and others, and our interaction with the world around us. They provide the general
guidelines for conduct.

Criminology students must have character in order for them to have a good interactions
towards other students as well as to the teachers they encounter every day. Character has an
important role on every student because if they have good characters they won’t be hated by
other people can they will gain respect. It also defines your identity whatever attitude you show
towards others and what they judge you that will be your character.

In order for them to have a good character they need to show good attitude such as being
responsible, being honest, and being a helpful student not just on people surrounds them but
also to the administration or should I say to the school they enrolled in. A character cannot be
defined by just simply working onto something that is not on their freewill they just do it
because they have no choice but rather do something wholeheartedly without hesitation.
Values is also important to the criminology students because it is where the decision
making occur because every decision they make it has consequences they should decide
whether it’s for the society or for their own. It includes respect, listening, affection, and love
towards others. Respect because they need to have it in order for they to gain respect.


Senior leadership is responsible for deciding how the organisation should be structured. Their
broad perspective of the ecosystem which the organisation inhabits, and the marketplaces it
forms a part of, give them this authority
Organizational leadership is a management approach in which leaders help set strategic goals
for the organization while motivating individuals within the group to successfully carry out
assignments in service to those goals.

Up to here there is no difference between the two types of leaders. In case the leader relates to
a business organization, the question of competitors and their strategies come in the picture. ...
Also, often organizational leaders use a mix of soft and hard people management stratgies.
There is much that senior leaders in organizations can do to develop leadership character in
others. Simply talking about character, making it a legitimate and valued topic of conversation,
stimulates discussion and facilitates individual reflection. ... For the most part, people do not
learn values and virtues by osmosis.

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