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Dago Pakar as a Best Destination for Holiday in Bandung

2. Theresia Bianca Lucretia Olivia/24020120130083

Bandung is a beautiful city located in West Java. Bandung is a special city called Paris van Java,
and famous for its tourist destination. There are a lot of tourist attraction in Bandung. A lot of people
visiting Bandung on their holiday. Not only about the tourist destination, in Bandung there are a lot of
delicious food. Therefore, people like to makes Bandung as their destination for holiday.

For example Dago Pakar. In Dago Pakar, you can find a caves that are witnesses to colonialism.
You can try to enter that cave for a new experience. Beside of that, in Dago Pakar, there is a waterfall
called Curug Putri. In Curug Putri you can find so many monkey. Some people used to play in curug putri
because the water is clean and so refreshing. But, to go there you must to take a walk for 6 KM straight.
Worth to try because after that you can refresh yourself by playing in the waterall. If you are hungry after
walking and playing, there is a mini cafetaria in there. The cafetaria is serving a lot of delicious cuisine
from Bandung.

That was the reason why I called Dago Pakar is one of the best destination for holiday in
Bandung. There are a lot of destination, but for me Dago Pakar is the best because not only taking a break
from your activity, you can also learning about Indonesian history by visiting the caves. After that you
can enjoy your time by playing in the waterfall and trying some delicious snack from Bandung in the
cafetaria. If you want to try something new for your holiday, Dago Pakar will give you unforgettable
memory for your holiday.

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