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Question: Bagaimana kita bisa merencanakan sesuatu (yang berhubungan dengan Urban and Regional

Planning) akan tetapi data yang kita punya incomplete/tidak lengkap?

Answer: From what I have read while searching on the internet about the topic, I came across a study
titled “Dealing with the Uncertainty of Having Incomplete Sources of Geo-Information in Spatial
Planning” in which the authors proposes that there is a technique in dealing with incomplete data.
There is the method of fuzzy logic. In using the method, the authors made a map as an example of fuzzy
logic, specifically a map deciding where greenhouse operations may or may not be built. These
greenhouses emit ammonia which can lead to increased acid depositions and excessive levels of
nutrients in the soil, which can cause damage to forests, crops,
and other vegetation.

Instead of having crisp objects (Fig. a; blue area: sensitive for

ammonia emission; red area: very sensitive for ammonia
emission) they were redefined as fuzzy areas that represented a
gradual transition of the protection zone (Fig. b).


Vullings, L.A.E., Blok, C.A., Wessels, C.G.A.M. et al. Appl. Spatial

Analysis (2013) 6: 25.

Dosen: Putu Gde Ariastita, I Made Frendika Septanaya

Muhamad Iqbal Nurhidayat / 08211940000101 / PPWK Kelas C.

Question: Bagaimana perencanaan aktivitas pembangunan di daerah yang belum pernah terjamah

Answer: Tentunya sebelum memulai pembangunan harus diketahui variable-variabel lokasi yang akan
diperdayakan tersebut. Hal-hal yang sangat krusial seperti jenis tanah, akuifer bawah tanah, biota lokal,
fauna endemik, penduduk asli, perkiraan neraca lahan, air, vegetasi, serta udara, serta potensi sumber
daya alam terestrial.

Harus diperkirakan juga seberapa besar daya tampung dan daya dukung wilayah yang akan dibangun itu.
Ecological footprint atau tapak ekologis para calon penghuni juga harus dipertimbangkan agar tidak
membebani daya dukung alam setempat serta agar wilayah tersebut tidak overpopulated sehingga
menyebabkan defisit (kekurangan) berbagai macam hal seperti makanan, sanitasi, air, udara bersih,
fasilitas kesehatan, dll.

Dosen: Putu Gde Ariastita, I Made Frendika Septanaya

Muhamad Iqbal Nurhidayat / 08211940000101 / PPWK Kelas C.

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