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Agile Certified Practitioner

Active Listening
In communication, the role that requires the receiver to receive and understand what is
said and provide feedback to the sender
Affinity Estimating
a technique designed to rapidly estimate a large feature backlog. It uses shirt sizes,
coffee cup sizes, or the Fibonacci sequence of numbers to rapidly place user stories
into similarly sized groups
A set of principles for project management based on the Agile Manifesto. Emphasizes
self-organizing teams, customer collaboration, rapid releases, responding to change,
and the elevation of values
Agile Manifesto
A document created in 2001 that lays out the guiding principles of Agile projects and
methodologies. The Manifesto is organized around four statements that desribe the
values that Agile methodologies share
Agile Modeling
A representation of the workflow of a process or system that the team can review before
it is implemented in code. Stakeholders and non-programmers should be able to
understand and work with the model more easily than code.
Agile Space
Team space that encourages colocation, collaboration, communication, transparency,
and visibility
Agile Tooling
Hi-tech or low-tech softwre or artifacts designed to icrease the sense of team and to
encourage participation among the members. Examples include version control
software, collaboration software, or video conferencing for distributed teams
Developing an understanding of potential solutions by studying the problem and
underlying need
The output of a process or work, typically in the form of a document, drawing, model, or
A method of gathering ideas from a group. It is designed to elicit a large number of
ideas in a short time frame and to foster creative responses. Participants throw out
ideas in rapid fire, and no one is allowed to comment on or discuss a suggestion until
everyone has finished
Burn-down chart
A chart used to communicate progress during and at the end of an iteration. It shows
the nmber of stories that have been completed and the ones that remain. The idea is
that as the project progresses over time, the backlog of work will "burn down" or lessen

Burn Rate
The cost of the Agile team, or the rate at which it consumes resources. Most often it is
calculated simply by adding up the team cost. It iscommunicated by the cost per
iteration, cost per week, cost per month, or some other measure that is meaningfule ot
the performing organization.
Burn-Up chart
The opposite of a burn down chart, showing functionality completed over time. Progress
trends up as stories are completed and value is accumulated.
Burn up charts do not show work-in-progress, so it is not an accurate way to predict the
end of the project
A regular meeting on an Agile project such as the iteration planning meeting, the daily
stand-up, the iteration review, and the iteration retrospective
On Agile projects, this most often refers to changing requirements. Agile embraces
changing requirements, even if they occur late in the project, viewing it as a competitive
advantage the team can give to the customer
The docuument that formally begins the project. charters are created in the project's
initiation, and they include the project's justification, a summary level budget, the major
milestones, critical success factors, constraints, assumptions, and authorization for the
team to begin working.
Someone on the Agile project who is involved but not committed. Should not be part of
the core project team but they may have input
In the eXtreme Programming (XP) methodology, the Coach is the person who keeps the
team focused on learning and the XP processes. Embodies the XP values and will help
the team deliver value while improving
Working together toward a common goal

Collective Code Ownership

An environment where the entire team is collectively responsible for 100% of the code.
This means that each member of the team is cross-capable of maintaining everyone
else's code. Discourages specialization and the formation of silos.
Having he entire team physicaly working in one room
Command and Control
A non-Agile principle where decisions are made by individuals higher up on the
organizational chart and are handed down to the team
Information shared. On Agile teams, it should be transparent and free-flowing. The
entire team should have a strong sense of what is occurring with all aspects of their
Meeting a regulation. One justfication for a project ot be initiated
Cone of Silence
Creating an environment free ofdistractions and interruptions for one or more team
Cone of Uncertainty
A term describing the difficulty of estimating early due to unknowns and how that should
improve over time. Indicates that the ability to estimate should get more accurate if
estimats are given shortly before the work is performed
Areas of disagreement on the team. Some is healthy and encouraged on Agile projects,
as it can lead to process improvement and a higher quality product
Conflict Resolution
Working to come to an acceptable agreement when areas of conflict arise
Continuous Integration
The pracitce of regularly checking in each team member's work and building and testing
the entire system. The most rigorous methodologies do this daily with the goal of quickly
catching systemic errors that may have been introduced
Team members orchestrating their work together with the goal of higher productivity and
Cumulative Flow Diagram
A chart that is part of an information radiator that shows feature backlogs, work-in-
progress, and completed features over time
The representative who will define and prioritize business value. Participates in the
Agile team
Cycle Time
The amount of time needed to complete a feature or user story
Daily Stand-up Meeting
A brief meeting, usually held at the start of the day, when the entire team attends and
participates by briefly answering three questions: What did you accomlish yesterday?,
What do you plan to do today? and are you encountering any obstacles? they are
miportant to the flow of communication and to the early detection of any issues. Most
Agile methodologies firmly keep these meetings to 15 minutes in length.
Decide As Late As Possiblet
The Agile practice, particularly embodied in Lean, that seeks to postpone decisions as
long as it is responsible to preserve all possible avenues and make the decision with as
many "knowns" as possible
An acronym describing esirable attributes of a product backlog. It stands for Detailed
Appropriately, Emergent, Prioritized

Breaking down epics or large stories into smaller user stories. Similar to decomposition
on traditional projects
something the Agile Manifesto values less than working software. Agile practitioners
generally view the right level of documentation as being "barely sufficient".
A term that must be explicitly defined and agreed upon by the entire team. The
definition of done is important so that each team member means exactly the same thing
when he or she says that a piece of work is "done".
For a module, it compiles and runs without error and passes all predefined acceptance
tests and regression tests
Don't Repeat Yourself. Underscores the need to maximize the work not done. For
example, the statement "This module is not very DRY," would indicated that the code
recreates or repoeats work already done instead of leveraging it.
Earned Value Management
A way of measuring and communicating progress and trends at the current point in the
project. If required, it is best applied at the iteration level on Agile projects
Earned Value Management
A component of DEEP acronym that indiacates that the product backlog items should
grow and change over time as user stories are completed
Emotional Intelligence
The ability to related to others and to lead. Not directly related to traditional intelligence
measures. An important leadership skill for leaders to be able to relate to teams
A necessary attribute of Agile teams. The concept of empowerment on an Agile project
means that the team is able ot make the necessary decisionts to add value. This is in
contrast to traditional projects where teams typically have to ask permission or escalate
most decisions
Epic Story
A very large story that may span iterations. Must be diaggregated into their component
user stories before they are useful at a tactical level
Epic Story
Escaped Defects
Defects that are reported by the customer after being delivered by the team. Surges in
the number of escaped defects likely indicate a process problem with the team
Extreme Persona
A team-manufactured persona that is strongly exaggerated in order to elicit
requirements that standard personas might miss
eXtreme Programming
A highly disciplined Agile methodology that runs one week iterations and has
programmers work in pairs. Defines the roles of Coach, Customer, Programmer, Tacker
and Tester
eXtreme Programming
A group of stories that delivers value ot the customer
Fionacci Sequence
A sequence of numbers often used in Agile estimating. The numbers calculated by
beginning with the series 0, 1, and adding the previous two numbers together to get the
next number resulting in the following series: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89...
Often simplified as 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100
Five Whys Technique
A form of root cause analysis popularized at Toyota where the question "why?" is asked
five successive times, each time looking one level deeper at the underlying problem
A highly important team discipline, encouraged through Agile practices such as daily
stand-ups, dedicated team space, information radiators, and limiting work in progress.
Most Agile practitioners believe it is the Coach or Scrummaster's job to encourage and
protect team focus
Force Field Analysis
A technique for analysing the forces that are encouraging and resisting potential or real
change and the strength of these forces
In an Agile context, an action that a system performs that adds value to the customer or
user. If the user cannot see or experience something, the it does not count as
cleaning up the product backlog through various activitiies such as removing items,
disaggregating them or estimating thing
Ground Rules
Unwritten rules that apply to all team members. Should be communicated with everyone
on the team
High-Bandwidth Communication
Face-to-face communication. Much of the information is tranmitted through body
language, posture, expression, and inflections. High-bandwidth communication is a
preferred way to communicate on projects

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