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Nama : Faidatul Rohmah

Nim : 1150019035

Methods of Family Planning

Family planning to regulate the number and spacing of children in family through the
practice of contracepcion or other methods of birth control. A way of thinking and living that
is adopted voluntarily upon the basis of knowledge, attitudes and responsibel decision by
individual and couples, in order to promote the health welfare of the family group and this
contribute effectively to the social development of a country.

Other aspects of family planning include sex education, prevention and management
of sexually transmitted infections,pre-conception counseling] and management, and infertility
management.Family planning, as defined by the United Nations and the World Health
Organization, encompasses services leading up to conception. Abortion is not considered a
component of family planning, lthough access to contraception and family planning reduces
the need for abortion.

Family planning is sometimes used as a synonym or euphemism for access to and the
use of contraception. However, it often involves methods and practices in addition to
contraception. Additionally, there are many who might wish to use contraception but are not,
necessarily, planning a family (unmarried adolescents, young married couples delaying
childbearing while building a career), family planning has become a catch-all phrase for
much of the work undertaken in this realm.

Criteria for ideal contracetive it should be safe for use means free from any kind off
side effects, it should be reliable, it should be cost effective, it should be culturally feasible
and acceptable. Methods of contracepcion:

1. Spacing methods :
A. Natural methods
B. Barriel methods :
1. Physical barrier methods
2. Chemical barrier methods
3. Intra- uterine devices
4. Hormonal methods
5. Ponts conceptional methods.

There are also various kinds of contraceptives :

1. Implants
2. IUD
3. Female sterization
4. Injectable
5. Pills
6. LAM
7. Male of female condoms.

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