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Name : Faidatul Rohmah

Nim : 1150019035

How to Give Bed Bath

The understanding of patient bathing in bed is: A nursing action is done in patients
who are unable to bathe on their own in bed.

Supplies required for the bed bathing are:

a. Separate water basin and washcloths to wash and rinse

b. Bath towel, small towel to dry the body
c. Soap, lotion, and deodorant
d. Light Blanket
e. Clean clothes
f. Place for dirty clothes

How should I prepare to give a bed bath?

 Close the windows or turn up the heat to keep the room warm.
 Fill the water basin with warm water. Check the water temperature to make sure it is
not warmer than 115° F (46° C).
 Place towels under the person to keep the bed dry. Cover the person with a blanket or
towel and help him undress.
 Keep the blanket or towel over the person during the bath to keep him warm.

How do I give a bed bath?

 Always make sure the person cannot fall out of bed if you need to walk away.
 Wet the washcloth without soap. Gently wipe one eyelid by wiping from the inner
corner of the eye to the outer corner. Pat the eyelid dry and repeat on the other eyelid.
 With soap and water, wash and dry the person's face, neck, and ears.
 Wash 1 side of the body from head to toe and then repeat on the other side. Pull the
blanket or towel back while you wash, and cover when you are done. Start by
washing the shoulder, upper body, arm, and hand. Move to the hip, legs, and
feet. Rinse each area free from soap and pat dry before moving to the next. Check for
redness and sores during the bed bath.
 Change the bath water before you wash the genital area.
 The genital area is the last area to be washed. You may need to bend the person's
knees to help reach the area better. For women, wash the genital area from front to
back. For men, make sure you wash around the testicles. To clean between the
buttocks, you may need to help the person roll onto his side.

What should be done after the bed bath?

 Rub lotion onto the person's arms, legs, feet, or other dry skin areas.
 Remove all wet towels and help the person dress.

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