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Nama : Faidatul Rohmah

Nim : 1150019035

Nursing is an integral part of health service which is a form of professional that is

offered to the science of nursing. Nursing professions are very concerned with the welfare of

Although this profession tired we still do it every day without any fatigue and despair.
But our love of this profession encourages us to serve the profession. Nurses always provide
first aid to patients, who always ask about the condition of the patient, ask the news, and ask
if there are complaints that are then traded to the doctor.

Being a nurse teaches or encourages us the personality of the participation of solutif,

understanding, friendly and can provide the best service to the patients that we face so that
the patients we face can feel comfortable.

In the future nurses will be in need, this year 23 nurses become superiors in some
famous hospitals, hopefully for the future can increase.

Nurses are a good job of devotion to our own society and nation.

If you are an LPN, the hospital requires LPN to get a Registered Treatment degree. If
you are a registered nurse, the medical industry encourages nurses to get his bachelor degree
in nursing then a master's degree and finally an practioner nurse degree,

I have read that and I feel partly because there is a shortage of doctors. After a nurse
gets a degree then the nurse she can diagnose and write the prescription under the supervision
of a physician.

Nurses offer many awards and outstanding income. This profession is no longer about
women's careers but many men know that this profession is very much a great income to
raise their families.

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