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11 Unknown interesting facts about Mosquito

Do you know?

1. Mosquito has 100 eyes on his head.

2. Mosquito has 3 hearts.
3. Mosquito weight 0.001mg.
4. Mosquito has 48 teeth in its mouth.
5. Mosquito has thermal sensors by which it can sense of its prey.
6. Mosquitoes are as old as the Dinosaurs, with evidence of these biting insects dating back
to the Triassic Period.
7. Mosquito drink more blood than students can drink alcohol during freshman week.
8. According to the American Mosquito Control Association, there are over 3,000 different
species of mosquitoes throughout the world.
9. When someone mentions the term “world’s deadliest animal” you probably start thinking
of sharks, tigers, crocodiles and other fierce creatures. Well, it may shock you to learn
that it’s actually mosquitoes. Why? Well, it’s down to the harmful diseases that they are
known to spread.
10. This may surprise you and most people probably assume all mosquitoes bite, but no it is
only the females that like to use us as a tasty snack.
11. It is estimated that mosquitoes live less than 2 months!


Ericsson peris

Notre dame university Bangladesh

English Department

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