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Solutions for Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, 4/e (published by Wiley)  MPGroover 2010

(5) By further linear interpolation, try hf = 10 + (44/48)(0.33) = 10.30

Af = 21,206/10.30 = 2058.8 mm2
ε = ln(30/10.30) = ln 2.913 = 1.069
Yf = 400(1.069)0.2 = 405.38 MPa
Df = (4 x 2058.8/π)0.5 = 51.2 mm
Kf = 1 + 0.04(51.2/10.3) = 1.199
F = 1.199(405.38)(2058.8) = 1,000,553 N
Close enough! Maximum height reduction = 30.0 - 10.3 = 19.7 mm
Using a spreadsheet calculator, the author’s program (written in Excel) obtained a value of h =
19.69603 mm to achieve a force of 1,000,000 lb within one pound.
19.21 A part is designed to be hot forged in an impression die. The projected area of the part, including
flash, is 16 in2. After trimming, the part has a projected area of 10 in2. Part geometry is complex. As
heated the work material yields at 10,000 lb/in2, and has no tendency to strain harden. At room
temperature, the material yields at 25,000 lb/in2 Determine the maximum force required to perform
the forging operation.
Solution: Since the work material has no tendency to work harden, n = 0.
From Table 19.1, choose Kf = 8.0.
F = 8.0(10,000)(16) = 1,280,000 lb.
19.22 A connecting rod is designed to be hot forged in an impression die. The projected area of the part is
6,500 mm2. The design of the die will cause flash to form during forging, so that the area, including
flash, will be 9,000 mm2. The part geometry is considered to be complex. As heated the work
material yields at 75 MPa, and has no tendency to strain harden. Determine the maximum force
required to perform the operation.
Solution: Since the work material has no tendency to work harden, n = 0.
From Table 19.1, choose Kf =8.0.
F = 8.0(75)(9,000) = 5,400,000 N.
19.23 A cylindrical billet that is 100 mm long and 50 mm in diameter is reduced by indirect (backward)
extrusion to a 20 mm diameter. The die angle is 90°. The Johnson equation has a = 0.8 and b = 1.4,
and the flow curve for the work metal has a strength coefficient of 800 MPa and strain hardening
exponent of 0.13. Determine (a) extrusion ratio, (b) true strain (homogeneous deformation), (c)
extrusion strain, (d) ram pressure, and (e) ram force.
Solution: (a) rx = Ao/Af = Do2/Df2 = (50)2/(20)2 = 6.25
(b) ε = ln rx = ln 6.25 = 1.833
(c) εx = a + b ln rx = 0.8 + 1.4(1.833) = 3.366
(d) Y f = 800(1.833)0.13/1.13 = 766.0 MPa
p = 766.0(3.366) = 2578 MPa
(e) Ao = πDo2/4 = π(50)2/4 = 1963.5 mm2
F = 2578(1963.5) = 5,062,000 N
19.24 A 3.0-in-long cylindrical billet whose diameter = 1.5 in is reduced by indirect extrusion to a diameter
= 0.375 in. Die angle = 90°. In the Johnson equation, a = 0.8 and b = 1.5. In the flow curve for the
work metal, K = 75,000 lb/in2 and n = 0.25. Determine (a) extrusion ratio, (b) true strain
(homogeneous deformation), (c) extrusion strain, (d) ram pressure, (e) ram force, and (f) power if the
ram speed = 20 in/min.

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Solutions for Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, 4/e (published by Wiley)  MPGroover 2010

Solution: (a) rx = Ao/Af = Do2/Df2 = (1.5)2/(0.375)2 = 42 = 16.0

(b) ε = ln rx = ln 16 = 2.773
(c) εx = a + b ln rx = 0.8 + 1.5(2.773) = 4.959
(d) Y f = 75,000(2.773)0.25/1.25 = 77,423 lb/in2
p = 77,423(4.959) = 383,934 lb/in2
(e) Ao = πDo2/4 = π(1.5)2/4 = 1.767 in2
F = (383,934)(1.767) = 678,411 lb.
(f) P = 678,411(20) = 13,568,228 in-lb/min
HP = 13,568,228/396,000 = 34.26 hp
19.25 A billet that is 75 mm long with diameter = 35 mm is direct extruded to a diameter of 20 mm. The
extrusion die has a die angle = 75°. For the work metal, K = 600 MPa and n = 0.25. In the Johnson
extrusion strain equation, a = 0.8 and b = 1.4. Determine (a) extrusion ratio, (b) true strain
(homogeneous deformation), (c) extrusion strain, and (d) ram pressure and force at L = 70, 60, 50,
40, 30, 20, and 10 mm. Use of a spreadsheet calculator is recommended for part (d).
Solution: (a) rx = Ao/Af = Do2/Df2 = (35)2/(20)2 = 3.0625
(b) ε = ln rx = ln 3.0625 = 1.119
(c) εx = a + b ln rx = 0.8 + 1.4(1.119) = 2.367
(d) Y f = 600(1.119)0.25/1.25 = 493.7 MPa
Ao = π(35)2/4 = 962.1 mm2
It is appropriate to determine the volume of metal contained in the cone of the die at the start of the
extrusion operation, to assess whether metal has been forced through the die opening by the time the
billet has been reduced from L = 75 mm to L = 70 mm. For a cone-shaped die with angle = 75°, the
height h of the frustum is formed by metal being compressed into the die opening: The two radii are:
R1 = 0.5Do = 17.5 mm and R2 = 0.5Df = 10 mm, and h = (R1 - R2)/tan 75 = 7.5/tan 75 = 2.01 mm
Frustum volume V = 0.333πh(R12 + R1R2 + R22) = 0.333π(2.01)(17.52 + 10 x 17.5 + 102) = 1223.4
mm3. Compare this with the volume of the portion of the cylindrical billet between L = 75 mm and L
= 70 mm.
V = πDo2 h/4 = 0.25π(35)2(75 - 70) = 4810.6 mm3
Since this volume is greater than the volume of the frustum, this means that the metal has extruded
through the die opening by the time the ram has moved forward by 5 mm.
L = 70 mm: pressure p = 493.7(2.367 + 2 x 70/35) = 3143.4 MPa
Force F = 3143.4(962.1) = 3,024, 321 N
L = 60 mm: pressure p = 493.7(2.367 + 2 x 60/35) = 2861.3 MPa
Force F = 2861.3(962.1) = 2,752,890 N
L = 50 mm: pressure p = 493.7(2.367 + 2 x 50/35) = 2579.2 MPa
Force F = 2579.2(962.1) = 2,481,458 N
L = 40 mm: pressure p = 493.7(2.367 + 2 x 40/35) = 2297.1 MPa
Force F = 2297.1(962.1) = 2,210,027 N
L = 30 mm: pressure p = 493.7(2.367 + 2 x 30/35) = 2014.9 MPa
Force F = 2014.9(962.1) = 1,938,595 N
L = 20 mm: pressure p = 493.7(2.367 + 2 x 20/35) = 1732.8 MPa
Force F = 1732.8(962.1) = 1,667,164 N
L = 10 mm: pressure p = 493.7(2.367 + 2 x 10/35) = 1450.7 MPa
Force F = 1450.7(962.1) = 1,395,732 N

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Solutions for Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, 4/e (published by Wiley)  MPGroover 2010

19.26 A 2.0-in-long billet with diameter = 1.25 in is direct extruded to a diameter of 0.50 in. The extrusion
die angle = 90°. For the work metal, K = 45,000 lb/in2, and n = 0.20. In the Johnson extrusion strain
equation, a = 0.8 and b = 1.5. Determine (a) extrusion ratio, (b) true strain (homogeneous
deformation), (c) extrusion strain, and (d) ram pressure at L = 2.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.5 and zero in. Use of a
spreadsheet calculator is recommended for part (d).
Solution: (a) rx = Ao/Af = Do2/Df2 = (1.25)2/(0.5)2 = 6.25
(b) ε = ln rx = ln 6.25 = 1.8326
(c) εx = a + b ln rx = 0.8 + 1.5(1.8326) = 3.549
(d) Y f = 45,000(1.8326)0.20/1.20 = 42,330 lb/in2
Ao = π(1.25)2/4 = 1.227 in2
Unlike the previous problem, the die angle α = 90°, so metal is forced through the die opening as
soon as the billet starts to move forward in the chamber.
L = 2.0 in: pressure p = 42,330(3.549 + 2 x 2.0/1.25) = 285,677 lb/in2
Force F = 285,677(1.227) = 350,579 lb
L = 1.5 in: pressure p = 42,330(3.549 + 2 x 1.5/1.25) = 251,813 lb/in2
Force F = 251,813(1.227) = 309,022 lb
L = 1.0 in: pressure p = 42,330(3.549 + 2 x 1.0/1.25) = 217,950 lb/in2
Force F = 217,950(1.227) = 267,465 lb
L = 0.5 in: pressure p = 42,330(3.549 + 2 x 0.5/1.25) = 184,086 lb/in2
Force F = 184,086(1.227) = 225,908 lb
L = 0.0 in: pressure p = 42,330(3.549 + 2 x 0.0/1.25) = 150,229 lb/in2
Force F = 150,229(1.227) = 184,351 lb
These last values for L = 0 are not possible because of the increase in pressure and force due to the
butt remaining in the extruder container at the end of the operation.
19.27 A direct extrusion operation is performed on a cylindrical billet with an initial diameter of 2.0 in and
an initial length of 4.0 in. The die angle = 60° and orifice diameter is 0.50 in. In the Johnson
extrusion strain equation, a = 0.8 and b = 1.5. The operation is carried out hot and the hot metal
yields at 13,000 lb/in2 and does not strain harden when hot. (a) What is the extrusion ratio? (b)
Determine the ram position at the point when the metal has been compressed into the cone of the die
and starts to extrude through the die opening. (c) What is the ram pressure corresponding to this
position? (d) Also determine the length of the final part if the ram stops its forward movement at the
start of the die cone.
Solution: (a) rx = Ao/Af = Do2/Df2 = (2.0)2/(0.5)2 = 16.0
(b) The portion of the billet that is compressed into the die cone forms a frustum with R1 = 0.5Do =
1.0 in and R2 = 0.5Df = 0.25 in. The height of the frustum h = (R1 - R2)/tan 65 = (1.0 - 0.25)/tan 60 =
0.433 in. The volume of the frustum is
V = 0.333πh(R12 + R1R2 + R22) = 0.333π(0.433)(1.02 + 1.0 x 0.25 + 0.252) = 0.595 in3
The billet has advanced a certain distance by the time this frustum is completely filled and extrusion
through the die opening is therefore initiated. The volume of billet compressed forward to fill the
frustum is given by:
V = πR12(Lo - L1) = π(1.0)2(Lo - L1)
Setting this equal to the volume of the frustum, we have
π(Lo - L1) = 0.595 in3
(Lo - L1) = 0.595/π = 0.189 in
L1 = 4.0 - 0.189 = 3.811 in
(c) ε = ln rx = ln 16 = 2.7726
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Solutions for Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, 4/e (published by Wiley)  MPGroover 2010

εx = a + b ln rx = 0.8 + 1.5(2.7726) = 4.959

Y f = 13,000(2.7726)0/1.0 = 13,000 lb/in2
p = 13,000(4.959 + 2 x 3.811/2.0) = 114,000 lb/in2
(d) Length of extruded portion of billet = 3.811 in. With a reduction rx = 16, the final part length,
excluding the cone shaped butt remaining in the die is L = 3.811(16) = 60.97 in.
19.28 An indirect extrusion process starts with an aluminum billet with diameter = 2.0 in and length = 3.0
in. Final cross section after extrusion is a square with 1.0 in on a side. The die angle = 90°. The
operation is performed cold and the strength coefficient of the metal K = 26,000 lb/in2 and strain-
hardening exponent n = 0.20. In the Johnson extrusion strain equation, a = 0.8 and b = 1.2. (a)
Compute the extrusion ratio, true strain, and extrusion strain. (b) What is the shape factor of the
product? (c) If the butt left in the container at the end of the stroke is 0.5 in thick, what is the length
of the extruded section? (d) Determine the ram pressure in the process.
Solution: (a) rx = Ao/Af
Ao = πDo2/4 = π(2)2/4 = 3.142 in2
Af = 1.0 x 1.0 = 1.0 in2
rx = 3.142/1.0 = 3.142
ε = ln 3.142 = 1.145
εx = 0.8 + 1.3(1.145) = 2.174
(b) To determine the die shape factor we need to determine the perimeter of a circle whose area is
equal to that of the extruded cross section, A = 1.0 in2. The radius of the circle is R = (1.0/π)0.5 =
0.5642 in, Cc = 2π(0.5642) = 3.545 in
The perimeter of the extruded cross section Cx = 4(1.0) = 4.0 in
Kx = 0.98 + 0.02(4.0/3.545)2.25 = 1.006
(c) Given that the butt thickness = 0.5 in
Original volume V = (3.0)(π x 22/4) = 9.426 in3
The final volume consists of two sections: (1) butt, and (2) extrudate. The butt volume V1 =
(0.5)(π22/4) = 1.571 in3. The extrudate has a cross-sectional area Af = 1.0 in2. Its volume V2 = LAf =
9.426 - 1.571 = 7.855 in3. Thus, length L = 7.855/1.0 = 7.855 in
(d) Y f = 26,000(1.145)0.2/1.2 = 22,261 lb/in3
p = 1.006(22,261)(2.174) = 48,698 lb/in2
19.29 An L-shaped structural section is direct extruded from an aluminum billet in which Lo = 500 mm and
Do = 100 mm. Dimensions of the cross section are given in Figure P19.29. Die angle = 90°.
Determine (a) extrusion ratio, (b) shape factor, and (c) length of the extruded section if the butt
remaining in the container at the end of the ram stroke is 25 mm.
Solution: (a) rx = Ao/Af
Ao = π(100)2/4 = 7854 mm2
Af = 2(12 x 50) = 1200 mm2
rx = 7854/1200= 6.545
(b) To determine the die shape factor we need to determine the perimeter of a circle whose area is
equal to that of the extruded cross section, A = 1200 mm2. The radius of the circle is R = (1200/π)0.5
= 19.54 mm, Cc = 2π(19.54) = 122.8 mm.
The perimeter of the extruded cross section Cx = 62 + 50 + 12 + 38 + 50 + 12 = 224 mm
Kx = 0.98 + 0.02(224/122.8)2.25 = 1.057
(c) Total original volume V = 0.25π(100)2(500) = 3,926,991 mm3

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Solutions for Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, 4/e (published by Wiley)  MPGroover 2010

The final volume consists of two sections: (1) butt, and (2) extrudate. The butt volume V1 =
0.25π(100)2(25) = 196,350 mm3. The extrudate has a cross-sectional area Af = 1200 mm2. Its volume
V2 = LAf = 3,926,991 - 196,350 = 3,730,641 mm3.
Thus, length L = 3,730,641/1200 = 3108.9 mm = 3.109 m
19.30 The flow curve parameters for the aluminum alloy of Problem 19.29 are: K = 240 MPa and n = 0.16.
If the die angle in this operation = 90°, and the corresponding Johnson strain equation has constants
a = 0.8 and b = 1.5, compute the maximum force required to drive the ram forward at the start of
Solution: From Problem 19.29, rx = 5.068
ε = ln 5.068= 1.623
εx = 0.8 + 1.5(1.623) = 3.234
Y f = 240(1.623)0.16/1.16 = 223.6 MPa
Maximum ram force occurs at beginning of stroke when length is maximum at L = 250 mm
p = Kx Y f (εx + 2L/Do) = 1.057(223.6)( 3.234 + 2(250)/88) = 2107.2 MPa
F = pAo = 2107.2 (6082.1) = 12,816,267 N
19.31 A cup-shaped part is backward extruded from an aluminum slug that is 50 mm in diameter. The final
dimensions of the cup are: OD = 50 mm, ID = 40 mm, height = 100 mm, and thickness of base = 5
mm. Determine (a) extrusion ratio, (b) shape factor, and (c) height of starting slug required to
achieve the final dimensions. (d) If the metal has flow curve parameters K = 400 MPa and n = 0.25,
and the constants in the Johnson extrusion strain equation are: a = 0.8 and b = 1.5, determine the
extrusion force.
Solution: (a) rx = Ao/Af
Ao = 0.25π(50)2 = 1963.75 mm2
Af = 0.25π(502 - 402) = 706.86 mm2
rx = 1963.75/706.86 = 2.778
(b) To determine the die shape factor we need to determine the perimeter of a circle whose area is
equal to that of the extruded cross section, A = 706.86 mm2. The radius of the circle is R =
(706.86/π)0.5 = 15 mm, Cc = 2π(15) = 94.25 mm.
The perimeter of the extruded cross section Cx = π(50 + 40) = 90π = 282.74 mm.
Kx = 0.98 + 0.02(282.74/94.25)2.25 = 1.217
(c) Volume of final cup consists of two geometric elements: (1) base and (2) ring.
(1) Base t = 5 mm and D = 50 mm. V1 = 0.25π(50)2(5) = 9817.5 mm3
(2) Ring OD = 50 mm, ID = 40 mm, and h = 95 mm.
V2 = 0.25π(502 - 402)(95) = 0.25π(2500 - 1600)(95) = 67,151.5 mm3
Total V = V1 + V2 = 9817.5 + 67,151.5 = 76,969 mm3
Volume of starting slug must be equal to this value V = 76,969 mm3
V = 0.25π(50)2(h) = 1963.5h = 76,969 mm3
h = 39.2 mm
(d) ε = ln 2.778 = 1.0218
εx = 0.8 + 1.5(1.0218) = 2.33
Y f = 400(1.0218)0.25/1.25 = 321.73 MPa
p = Kx Y f εx = 1.217(321.73)(2.33) = 912.3 MPa
Ao = 0.25π(40)2 = 1256.6 mm2
F = 912.3(1256.6) = 1,146,430 N
19.32 Determine the shape factor for each of the extrusion die orifice shapes in Figure P19.32.
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Solutions for Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, 4/e (published by Wiley)  MPGroover 2010

Solution: (a) Ax = 20 x 60 = 1200 mm, Cx = 2(20 + 60) = 160 mm

Ao = πR2 = 1200
R2 = 1200/π = 381.97, R = 19.544 mm, Cc = 2πR = 2π(19.544) = 122.8 mm
Kx = 0.98 + 0.02(160/122.8)2.25 = 1.016
(b) Ax = πRo2 - πRi2 = π(252 - 22.52) = 373.06 mm2
Cx = πDo + πDi = π(50 + 45) = 298.45 mm
R2 = 373.06/π = 118.75, R = 10.897 mm, Cc = 2πR = 2π(10.897) = 68.47 mm
Kx = 0.98 + 0.02(298.45/68.47)2.25 = 1.53
(c) Ax = 2(5)(30) + 5(60 - 10) = 300 + 250 = 550 mm2
Cx = 30 + 60 + 30 + 5 + 25 + 50 + 25 + 5 = 230 mm
Ao = πR2 = 550, R2 = 550/π = 175.07, R = 13.23 mm
Cc = 2πR = 2π(13.23) = 83.14 mm
Kx = 0.98 + 0.02(230/83.14)2.25 = 1.177
(d) Ax = 5(55)(5) + 5(85 - 5x5) = 1675 mm2
Cx = 2 x 55 + 16 x 25 + 8 x 15 + 10 x 5 = 680 mm
Ao = πR2 = 1675, R2 = 1675/π = 533.17, R = 23.09 mm
Cc = 2πR = 2π(23.09) = 145.08 mm
Kx = 0.98 + 0.02(680/145.08)2.25 = 1.626
19.33 A direct extrusion operation produces the cross section shown in Figure P19.32(a) from a brass billet
whose diameter = 125 mm and length = 350 mm. The flow curve parameters of the brass are K =
700 MPa and n = 0.35. In the Johnson strain equation, a = 0.7 and b = 1.4. Determine (a) the
extrusion ratio, (b) the shape factor, (c) the force required to drive the ram forward during extrusion
at the point in the process when the billet length remaining in the container = 300 mm, and (d) the
length of the extruded section at the end of the operation if the volume of the butt left in the
container is 600,000 mm3.
Solution: (a) rx = Ao/Af
Ao = π(125)2/4 = 12,272 mm2
Af = Ax = 20(60) = 1200 mm2
rx = 12272/1200 = 10.23
(b) To determine the die shape factor we need to determine the perimeter of a circle whose area is
equal to that of the extruded cross section, Af = 1200 mm2.
The radius of the circle is R = (1200/π)0.5 = 19.544 mm, Cc = 2π(19.544) = 122.8 mm.
The perimeter of the extruded cross section Cx = 2(20 + 60) = 160 mm
Kx = 0.98 + 0.02(160/122.8)2.25 = 1.016
(c) ε = ln 10.23 = 2.325
εx = 0.7 + 1.4(2.325) = 3.955
Y f = 700(2.325)0.35/1.35 = 696.6 MPa
p = Kx Y f εx = 1.016(696.6)(3.955 + 2(300)/125) = 6196.3 MPa
F = pAo = 6196.3(12,272) = 76,295,200 N
(d) Total original volume V = π(125)2(350)/4 = 4,295,200 mm3
The final volume consists of two sections: (1) butt, and (2) extrudate.
The butt volume as given V1 = 600,000 mm3.
The extrudate has a cross-sectional area Af = 1200 mm2.
Its volume V2 = LAf = 4,295,200 – 600,000 = 3,695,200 mm3.
Thus, length L = 3,695,200/1200 = 3079.3 mm = 3.079 m

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Solutions for Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, 4/e (published by Wiley)  MPGroover 2010

19.34 In a direct extrusion operation the cross section shown in Figure P19.32(b) is produced from a
copper billet whose diameter = 100 mm and length = 500 mm. In the flow curve for copper, the
strength coefficient = 300 MPa and strain hardening exponent = 0.50. In the Johnson strain equation,
a = 0.8 and b = 1.5. Determine (a) the extrusion ratio, (b) the shape factor, (c) the force required to
drive the ram forward during extrusion at the point in the process when the billet length remaining in
the container = 450 mm, and (d) the length of the extruded section at the end of the operation if the
volume of the butt left in the container is 350,000 mm3.
Solution: (a) rx = Ao/Af
Ao = π(100)2/4 = 7854 mm2
Af = Ax = π(50)2/4 - π(45)2/4 = 1963.5 – 1590.4 = 373.1 mm2
rx = 7854/373.1 = 21.05
(b) To determine the die shape factor we need to determine the perimeter of a circle whose area is
equal to that of the extruded cross section, Ax = 373.1 mm2.
The radius of the circle is R = (373.1/π)0.5 = 10.9 mm, Cc = 2π(10.9) = 68.5 mm.
The perimeter of the extruded cross section Cx = π(50) + π(45) = 298.5 mm
Kx = 0.98 + 0.02(298.5/68.5)2.25 = 1.53
(c) ε = ln 21.05= 3.047
εx = 0.8 + 1.5(3.047) = 5.37
Y f = 300(3.047)0.50/1.50 = 349.1 MPa
p = Kx Y f εx = 1.53(349.1)(5.37 + 2(450)/100) = 7675.3 MPa
F = pAo = 7675.3(7854) = 60,282,179 N
(d) Total original volume V = π(100)2(500)/4 = 3,926,991 mm3
The final volume consists of two sections: (1) butt, and (2) extrudate.
The butt volume as given V1 = 350,000 mm3.
The extrudate has a cross-sectional area Af = 373.1 mm2.
Its volume V2 = LAf = 3,926,991 – 350,000 = 3,576,991 mm3.
Thus, length L = 3,576,991/373.1 = 9,587.2 mm = 9.587 m
19.35 A direct extrusion operation produces the cross section shown in Figure P19.32(c) from an
aluminum billet whose diameter = 150 mm and length = 500 mm. The flow curve parameters for the
aluminum are K = 240 MPa and n = 0.16. In the Johnson strain equation, a = 0.8 and b = 1.2.
Determine (a) the extrusion ratio, (b) the shape factor, (c) the force required to drive the ram forward
during extrusion at the point in the process when the billet length remaining in the container = 400
mm, and (d) the length of the extruded section at the end of the operation if the volume of the butt
left in the container is 600,000 mm3.
Solution: (a) rx = Ao/Af
Ao = π(150)2/4 = 17,671.5 mm2
Af = Ax = 60(5) + 2(25)(5) = 300 + 250 = 550 mm2
rx = 17,671.5/550 = 32.1
(b) To determine the die shape factor we need to determine the perimeter of a circle whose area is
equal to that of the extruded cross section, Ax = 550 mm2.
Cx = 30 + 60 + 30 + 5 + 25 + 50 + 25 + 5 = 230 mm
Ao = πR2 = 550, R2 = 550/π = 175.07, R = 13.23 mm
Cc = 2πR = 2π(13.23) = 83.14 mm
Kx = 0.98 + 0.02(230/83.14)2.25 = 1.177
(c) ε = ln 32.1= 3.47
εx = 0.8 + 1.2(3.47) = 4.96
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Solutions for Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing, 4/e (published by Wiley)  MPGroover 2010

Y f = 240(3.47)0.16/1.16 = 252.5 MPa

p = Kx Y f εx = 1.177(252.5)(4.96 + 2(400)/150) = 3059.1 MPa
F = pAo = 3059.1(17,671.5) = 54,058,912 N
(d) Total original volume V = π(150)2(500)/4 = 8,835,750 mm3
The final volume consists of two sections: (1) butt, and (2) extrudate.
The butt volume as given V1 = 600,000 mm3.
The extrudate has a cross-sectional area Af = 550 mm2.
Its volume V2 = LAf = 8,835,750 – 600,000 = 8,235,750 mm3.
Thus, length L = 8,835,750/550 = 14,974 mm = 14.974 m
19.36 A direct extrusion operation produces the cross section shown in Figure P19.32(d) from an
aluminum billet whose diameter = 150 mm and length = 900 mm. The flow curve parameters for the
aluminum are K = 240 MPa and n = 0.16. In the Johnson strain equation, a = 0.8 and b = 1.5.
Determine (a) the extrusion ratio, (b) the shape factor, (c) the force required to drive the ram forward
during extrusion at the point in the process when the billet length remaining in the container = 850
mm, and (d) the length of the extruded section at the end of the operation if the volume of the butt
left in the container is 600,000 mm3.
Solution: (a) rx = Ao/Af
Ao = π(150)2/4 = 17,671.5 mm2
Af = Ax = 5(55)(5) + 5(85 – 5(5)) = 1675 mm2
rx = 17,671.5/1675 = 10.55
(b) To determine the die shape factor we need to determine the perimeter of a circle whose area is
equal to that of the extruded cross section, Ax = 1675 mm2.
Cx = 2 x 55 + 16 x 25 + 8 x 15 + 10 x 5 = 680 mm
Ao = πR2 = 1675, R2 = 1675/π = 533.17, R = 23.09 mm
Cc = 2πR = 2π(23.09) = 145.08 mm
Kx = 0.98 + 0.02(680/145.08)2.25 = 1.626
(c) ε = ln 10.55= 2.36
εx = 0.8 + 1.5(2.36) = 4.33
Y f = 240(2.36)0.16/1.16 = 237.4 MPa
p = Kx Y f εx = 1.626(237.4)(4.33 + 2(850)/150) = 6046.2 MPa
F = pAo = 6046.2(17,671.5) = 106,846,146 N
(d) Total original volume V = π(150)2(900)/4 = 15,904,313 mm3
The final volume consists of two sections: (1) butt, and (2) extrudate.
The butt volume as given V1 = 600,000 mm3.
The extrudate has a cross-sectional area Af = 1675 mm2.
Its volume V2 = LAf = 15,904,313 – 600,000 = 15,304,313 mm3.
Thus, length L = 15,304,313/1675 = 9,137 mm = 9.137 m
19.37 A spool of wire has a starting diameter of 2.5 mm. It is drawn through a die with an opening that is
to 2.1 mm. The entrance angel of the die is 18° degrees. Coefficient of friction at the work-die
interface is 0.08. The work metal has a strength coefficient of 450 MPa and a strain hardening
coefficient of 0.26. The drawing is performed at room temperature. Determine (a) area reduction, (b)
draw stress, and (c) draw force required for the operation.
Solution: (a) r = (Ao - Af)/Ao
Ao = 0.25π(2.50)2 = 4.91 mm2
Excerpts from this work may be reproduced by instructors for distribution on a not-for-profit basis for testing or instructional purposes only to
students enrolled in courses for which the textbook has been adopted. Any other reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted
by Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful.

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