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Water Research Vol. 15, pp. 449 to 456, 1981 0043-1354/81/040449-08102.

Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Press Ltd


Federal Institute of Water Resources and Water Pollution Control (EAWAG), Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology, CH-8600 Diibendorf, Switzerland

(Received 20 May 1980)

Al~tract--The concentration of aqueous ozone can best be determined by the decolorization of indigo
trisulfonate (600 nm, pH below 4) whenever the ozone cannot be measured directly by its u.v. absorp-
tion. The method is stoichiometric and extremely fast. The change of absorbance vs ozone added is
-2.0 _ 0.1 x 104 M -1 cm -~ and is independent of the concentration of aqueous ozone in the range
0.005-30 mg 1- t. The precision of the analysis is 2% or 3/~g 1-1 for low concentrations if a spectropho-
tometer or a good filter instrument is used. Visual methods can be used to measure 0.01 mg 1-1 ozone.
Secondary oxidants produced by ozone in natural water, including hydrogen peroxide or chlorite, do
not interfere; chlorine can be masked. The reagent solution is stable for 3 months. The method is
recommended for kinetic measurements, for studies of ozonation processes and for visual field methods.

1. INTRODUCTION merciaUy available reagents, listed as pH or redox

Approximately a dozen analytical methods for the de- indicators. Aqueous solutions absorb light at about
termination of aqueous ozone have been described in 600 n m with a rather high molar absorptivity (Preisler
the literature and about half of them are still applied. et al., 1959, reports 2max = 605 rim, ~ = 23,800 M - 1
However, most of these methods are not specific and cm-1 for indigo trisulfonate).
often give incorrect results. The indigo molecule contains only one C----C
Among the first reagents used to measure ozone in double bond which can be expected to react with
air or exhaust gases were indigo and its water soluble ozone with a very high reaction-rate constant (see
derivatives, the sulfonated indigo compounds such as Fig. 1). At low pH the amino groups are protonated
indigo disulfonate, indigocarmine and indigo trisulfo- and therefore unreactive (Hoign6 & Bader, 1978,
hate (Thenard & Thenard, 1872; Fonrobert, 1916; 1979a). Thus, it can be assumed that one molecule of
Dorta-Sehaeppi & Treadwell, 1949; Dr~iger & sulfonated indigo reacts with one molecule of ozone
Driiger, 1966; Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, 1977). In under proper reaction conditions including high rate
contrast, the application of the indigo methodfor the of mixing. Ozonolysis of the reactive ~ bond pro-
analysis of ozone in drinking water has been neg- duces sulfonated isatin and similar products and elim-
lected. We can cite 3 reasons for this: (1) In most inates the absorbance at 600 nm as shown in Fig. 2
waterworks ozone is measured by merely adapting (Dorta-Schaeppi & Treadwell, 1949).
analytical methods already accepted for determi-
nation of chlorine or other oxidants; (2) Most analyti- 2. EXPERIMENTAL
cal chemists are sceptical about methods based on
2.1 Chemicals
decolorizations; and (3) It was not recognized that
erraneous results are often only due to a preliminary Indigo recu3entfor determination of ozone. Generally, the
stock solutions of Indigo Reagent were prepared by dis-
decomposition of ozone and that this can easily be solving 0.6 g l- ~ (1 mM) potassium indigo trisulfonate in
avoided by maintaining pH values below 4 (Hoign6 & 20mM phosphoric acid. These solutions were replaced
Bader, 1976). when their absorbance at 600 nm had decreased to below
In the past few years we have accumulated experi- 80% of the initial value (typically after 3-4 months storage
ence on the application of the indigo method for ana- in transparent glass bottles). Potassium indigo trisulfonate
was generally purchased from Riedel-de Hahn AG (Redox
lyzing aqueous ozone in many different types of Indicator), but a product from Merck, which had been
waters (Hoign6 & Bader, 1979a, b, 1980). For these stored for 10-20 years, gave similar results. The micro-
studies this method showed many advantages: it is analysis for C/N/O and titrations with permanganate indi-
very sensitive, precise, fast, specific, and easy to cated an indigo content of about 80% of the theoretical
value. (An uncertainty of the concentration of the Indigo
handle. Since other analytical methods have presented Reagent does not influence the accuracy of the analytical
difficulties, many research and process chemists have method which is based on standard curves for changes of
approached us for more detailed information con- absorbance achieved per added mole of ozone.)
cerning this method. o-Tolidine hydrochloride and DPD (N,N-diethyl-l,4
Indigo is a well known classical blue vat dye phenylene-diamine sulfate (GR) were Merck p.A. products.
(Comparable results were also achieved with the DPD test
(example: Blue Jeans). Its water-soluble derivatives, kit "AQUAMERCK Nr. 11100 for chlorine".) ACVK (Acid
indigo disulfonate and indigo trisulfonate, are corn- chrome violet K, Michrome Nr. 1047) was an Edward
450 H. BADER and J. HOIGNI~

so~ method; the u.v. method was applied only as a more con-
0 H~Nr--~ venient secondary standard.
s o , . I", . . , ~IIl , ~ =| L "'1~j~' ' ~ ~" s o , indigo trisuffomc acid
2.2 Instrumentation
o [, o.e2oooo .-' cm-' 1 Generally, the absorption measurements for the indigo
method were performed at 600 nm on a Beckman DK 2A
1 ~'03
spectrophotometer which was equipped with a thermo-
stated cell compartment maintained at 25°C. Cells of
0 0.5-5 cm path length were used. A VITATRON photo-
sc~../,~.~k..~.O isatin sutfonic acid meter equipped with a 4 cm cell and a 595 nm interference
2x II ".T r and corres~ndimg products
filter of 15 nm bandwidth was also used. In experiments to
(so~) I~.,-0.0 M-' cm-' I test the indigo method as a visual field method, pairs of
graduated glass cylinders were used (volume 250 ml. height
etc 25 cm).
Fig. 1. Indigo trisulfonate and its ozonation product. 2.3 Glassware
Best reproducibilities were achieved when the glassware
n.Ri -I ozone o~ded used for handling of aqueous ozone was conditioned by
Ascff repetitive use for the same procedures.

0.~ 2.4 Experimental procedures for the indigo method used with
a spectrophotometer
During this study, many varied procedures were tested.
Only illustrative examples can be given here:
Example for the determination of aqueous ozone in the
concentration range 0.3-15 mg 1- t : Series of 100 ml volu-
metric flasks were prepared. To each flask of the series
10 ml of 0.5 M Phosphate Buffer Reagent for pH 2, 1 ml of
1 mM Indigo Reagent and, in case of the measurements of
02 high concentrations of ozone, about 20 ml of distilled water
were added. Some of these flasks were used to determine
[]11 ,, . the standard curve. For this, individual flasks of the series
4O0 500 600 700 nm were dosed with different amounts of diluted stock sol-
utions of aqueous ozone containing about 2 m g l - ' ozone
Fig. 2. Absorption spectra of Indigo Reagent after stepwise e.g. 0, 5, 10... 25 mt, at random to minimize systematic
ozonation (Indigo trisulfonate added: 10/tM). time drifts of ozone concentrations. This solution was
dosed with a glass pipette whose tip was placed below the
surface of the reagent solution while stirring with a Teflon
covered magnetic bar. The concentration of the ozone in
Gurr Ltd (London) product; Phosphate Buffer Reagent for the diluted stock solution applied was calibrated simul-
pH 2: 28g N a H 2 P O 4 ' H 2 0 and 35g H s P O , (85V.) dis- taneously by measuring its u.v. absorbance at 258 nm in a
solved in t 1. dist. water. Other reagents were of commer- 5 cm u.v. cell. Finally, distilled water was added to the
cial pro analysis grade. 100 ml mark. During this operation the stirrer was tempor-
Aqueous ozone. Stock solutions of aqueous ozone were arily raised above the mark. The absorbance of the residual
prepared by continuously bubbling ozonated oxygen indigo present in these series of test solutions was
(about 4%) through a gas-washing bottle into distilled measured at 600 nm in a 5 cm cell. The values were plotted
water chilled to 2°C. This stock solution generally con- vs the amount of the ozone added. A typical standard
tained a steady-state concentration of ozone of 40 mg 1- ~. curve is presented in Fig. 3(B). The determination of the
Lower concentrations were achieved by dilution with dis- ozone in the unknown samples is thereafter performed
tilled water. Whenever not required for later use, this water similarly by dosing specific volumes of these samples to
was acidified with phosphoric acid to pH 2. When the others of the prepared flasks of the series. In order to be
bottle was kept closed the concentration of ozone de- within the range of the amount of Indigo Reagent used the
creased less than 0.2~ per min (Hoign6 & Bader, 1978). size of the sample was selected to contain an estimated
The aqueous ozone was transferred into the individual test 10--40#g ozone. For example, when the concentration of
bottles with glass pipettes or by plastic dispensers. The ozone was expected to be 0.5 mg 1-1 20-80 ml were
concentration of the diluted ozone water was determined injected and when the concentration was very high, such as
before and after the samples were withdrawn. These cali- 15 mg 1-t. 1-2.5 ml were dosed. The volumetric flasks were
brations of the stock solution were performed by measur- filled again with distilled water to the I00 ml mark. The
ing the u.v. absorbance of ozone at 258 rim. They were residual absorption at 600 nm was compared with the stan-
based on a molar absorptivity of 2900 M - * c m - * which dard curve and the original concentration of ozone was
was determined in other studies by a direct comparison calculated.
with the iodine method, here considered as the primary Comparable procedures were adapted to determine
standard (Kilpatrick & Herrick, 1965; Hoign6 & Bader, ozone in other concentration ranges. In cases of higher
1976). For these calibrations t h e samples of aqueous ozone concentrations, higher amounts of the Indigo Reagent were
was acidified by sulfuric acid to give 0.3-0.5 M acid. About dosed. In this case the determination of the residual
0.2 g o f potassium iodide were added. The liberated iodine absorbance of the Indigo Reagent was determined using
was titrated with 0.1 M sodium thiosulfate using starch 0.5 cm cells. An example of a standard curve is shown in
indicator. Fig. 3(A). In this case the amounts of the Indigo Reagent
Care was taken that the aqueous ozone was always and of the ozone applied were about 10 times higher than
handled in exactly the same way, whether it was trans- those in the example shown in Fig. 2. When lower concen-
ferred into samples containing tndigo g ~ t or inlo the trations of ozone were determined, less Indigo Reagent was
u.v. cells or into flasks for the iodide t i t r a t i ~ , All concen- used. Figure 3(C) gives an example in which the concen-
trations of ozone are therefore finally based on the iodide trations were 4 times lower than those for the example in
Determination of ozone in water by the indigo method 451


08' ~, (A)

06 •~
"\ 001
0A ~ I I t I~'lk ! IL
(200 5 IO )5 20 25
Added [ 031/zg I-)
Fig. 4. Standard curve absorbance vs ozone added to
Indigo Reagent. Measurement with filterphotometer. Inter-
O0 I I i ,.I
I 2 3 4~ ference filter 595 nm. Cone. of Indigo Reagent 0.6 M. (Con-
Added[03] n ~ f' centrations are based on final volume.)

- "\.\ (B)
glass cylinders A and B. Cylinder A was filled to its 25 cm
mark with the sample of aqueous ozone. Cylinder B was
filled with distilled water. Cylinder B was then emptied
into an Erlenmeyer flask and refilled with this reference
solution until the color intensity, when observed from top,
matched that of cylinder A. A standard curve was obtained
04 •~e by repeating such measurements using different known
amounts of ozone. The height of the reference solution in
cylinder B was plotted vs the concentration of the aqueous
02 ozone applied in cylinder A. A standard curve is given in
Fig. 5. Thereafter, the concentration of ozone in the
samples was determined by comparing the height of sol-
(20 I
"N ~
0'~ ution in the reference cylinder with the heights given in the
Added [ 03] mg I standard curve. The size of the sample was taken into
IlOOem account for the calculation of the concentration.
At=,, I
o.o,. ~ ICl 2.6 Experimental procedures applied for other spectrometric
analysts of ozone
For some tests, ozone had to be determined by the direct
0.03 measurement of its u.v. absorption at 258 nm even in
natural waters. In these waters, which sometimes exhibited
significant background absorption at 258 nm, the measured
absorbance was corrected by determining the background
002 absorbance after immediately destroying the residual
ozone with an approx. 10-fold excess of aqueous nitrite or
The ACYK method was carried out as described by
Masschelein & Fransolet (1977). The methods based on

I I • i~ h• Approx., A 2~~,.
6 0 Ohm
O. 02 0.04 0,06 (208 O I- ='4
Added [031 mg I-' i
25 • -~o. eo
Fig. 3. Standard curves o f absorbance (A) at 600 nm vs
ozone added to Indigo Reagent. Measurement with 2o .!o.
s t ~ r o p h o t o m e t e r . Conc. of Indigo Reagent added: (A):
0.1 raM; (B) 10 #M; (C) 2.5/~M. (Cone. of Indigo Reagent
and ozone are based on final volumes.)
15~ ~0.48

,e ax -~o32

Fig. 3(B). Figure 4 gives an example for a 14 times lower S ,~ ~ ,,o.)6

concentration range which has however measured on a %** I
filter photometer. 0 I I I I i I 1% i
If the rates of fast consumptions of ozone were measured 20 40 60
(Hoign6 & Bad•r, 1981), the Indigo Reagent was injected Added [0~]/~0 I-I
directly into the flasks containing the aqueous ozone. Ozo-
nation reactions were thus immediately stopped upon mix- Fig. 5. Standard curve for visual method. To both
ing with the Indigo Reagent. The concentration of the cylinders of 250 ml 0.4/zmol of indigo trisulfonate had
ozone was determined again from the decolorization of the been added, h* Is the height of reference solution in
Indigo Reagent as described above. cylinder B giving the same visual color intensity as 25 cm
of the solution in cylinder A which was decolorized by the
2.5 Visual method addition of a sample of aqueous ozone. The right-hand
A visual method was developed for field studies: The scale indicates the approximate absorbance of the solution
same amount of the Indigo Reagent was added to a pair of in cylinder A. (Cone. of ozone is based on final volume.)

w.R. 15/4--D
452 H. BADERand J. HO1GNE

o-tolidine and DPD were performed as described in Stan- the variances is thereby expected to be due to the
dard Methodsfor the Examination of Water and Wastewater variance in ozone doses.
The effect of the rate of mixing of the aqueous
ozone with the Indigo Reagent solution was tested in
special series. Only a small difference of the sensitivity
factor (2°; between matched pairs of extended series
3.1 Absorption spectra of the Indigo Reagent of simultaneously prepared samples) could be found
The Indigo Reagent shows an absorption maxi- between normally and extremely slowly stirred
mum at 600 nm. The apparent absorption coefficient,
based on the amount of total mass of commercial 3.3 Measurements with filter photometers
(non-purified) reagent added is 16,500 M - 1 cm- 1. The
shape of the absorption curve and )~,x do not change Measurements of the residual absorbance of the
with ozone addition (see Fig. 2). Indigo Reagent with a photometer equipped with a
595 nm filter gave results and variances comparable
3.2 Sensitivity and precision of the indigo method as to those determined with the spectrophotometer. An
used with spectrophotometers example of a standard curve is given in Fig. 4. The
slope of this curve is 85°,0 of that expected from
The absorption of samples containing the Indigo
measurements using a spectrophotometer at 600nm,
Reagent decreased linearly with the amount of ozone
probably because the 595 nm filter does not quite
added over all the concentration ranges investigated.
match the maximum of the absorption spectrum and
From the slopes of standard curves the photometric
the filter band-width of about 15nm exceeds the
sensitivity of the analytical method may be deduced.
maximum of the absorption band of indigo trisulfo-
Values are presented in Table 1. The absorbance
change at 600nm is 2.0 + 0.! x 104cm -1 per mol 1-1 nate (c.f. Fig. 2).
of added ozone for all concentrations tested. Lack of 3.4 Visual methods
precision may be due to uncertainties in the calibra-
An example of results found by the visual method is
tion of aqueous ozone applied for the determination
presented in Fig. 5. An incremental ozone dose of
of the standard curves. We estimate that this uncer-
10 pg 1- 1 can be easily detected when 25 cm cylinders
tainty can cover a range of 5% when series performed
are used.
at different concentration ranges are considered. The
precision of the slope of single standard curves (about 3.5 Stoichiometricfactor
8 points measured) was generally within this range.
Extrapolation of the standard curves to the inter-
Neither deterioration of the absorbance of the Indigo
cept on the absissa shows that only 80% of the com-
Reagent solution to 80% of its original value during
mercial indigo product applied is effective in consum-
extended storage (3 months) nor a partial decoloriza-
ing ozone. This calculation is based on the assump-
tion by a preliminary ozonation affected these calibra-
tions that the potassium indigo trisulfonate applied
was 100`0/0 pure and that 1 mol ozone added would
The error of the ozone determination decreases
decolorize 1 tool of indigo. Above pH 4 the stoichio-
with the relative amount of decolorization and
metric factor often decreases and it seems to become
increases in case of very low concentration ranges.
somewhat erratic.
However, the relative standard deviations calculated
from extended series were generally about + 2% when 3.6 Rates of reactions
the concentration of ozone was above 0.1 mg 1-1 and
For the application of the Indigo Method for kin-
when the residual absorbance was in the region of
10-60% of the initial absorbance. The main part of etic measurements it is important to note that all the
ozone is consumed by the reagent immediately upon
mixing. This was observed on a 1 s time scale even in
systems where the concentration of ozone decreases
Table 1. Typical sensitivity values of the Indigo Method by fast concurrent reactions, e.g. 20% s-1, and even
when the concentrations of both the indigo trisulfo-
Range of ozone
co dose AA* nate and the ozone were, at the time of mixing, as low
(/~M) (mg 1-1) (M - l c m - l) a s 10 - 7 M {Hoign6 & Bader, 1981). That means that
the rate constant for the reaction of ozone with indigo
100 0.2-3.5 (2.02 _ 0.10)' 104 trisulfonate must be higher than 107M - is-1.
10 0.02-0.3 (2.02 _ 0.10)" 104
2.5 0.02q?.l (1.99 +_0.10)" 104 Aqueous indigo trisulfonate which is preozonized
until just decolorized consumes further ozone only
Co = cone. of potassium indigo trisulfonate applied, slowly. The apparent reaction-rate constant of t h e s e
based on final volume. ozonolytic products is about 2500 M - ts- 1 (Hoign6 &
AA = C h a n g e o f a b s o r b a n c e ( c m - 1) at 600 n m m o l - 1
Bader, 1981). Based on this, we may assume that t h e
1- t added o z o n e .
* Estimated range of accuracy of calibrations = indigo method will not be significantly disturbed by
+ 0 . 1 . 1 0 ' * M - l cm -1. short temporary local overdoses of ozone.
Determination of ozone in water by the indigo method 453

-- As.~ O25(mg I"~)
-- aCVK A~" o~
DPD - - - o-Tolidine A=~'~'~ O~15
o61- .y ....... om A~'L" oz~
O.5b.. . . . . -~ \ .............
]"'x,,x~" . - ' " Indigo
0.41'- "" k."~,~

0.2 I-
t ""
" " --..¢. o-Tolidine
~ "~ ~ .~......

O.f I I ~1" ~__

J 2
Time of reoction~h
Fig. 6. Stability of residual absorbance of different reagents after addition of aqueous ozone. In case of
ACVK and Indigo the amount of ozone added decolorized about 40% of the added reagent.

3.7 Temperature effect on absorbance mgl-,

The absorbance of the Indigo Reagent and the sen- 03

sitivity factor for the determination of ozone de-
creases 2.0% with an increase of 10°C. O.fl

3.8 Stability of residual absorption after ozone addition 0.6

j a
The residual absorbance of Indigo Reagent 0.4
measured after an addition of aqueous ozone in dis-
tilled water does not change during a 6 h time period.
A similar stability was only found with ACVK. In 0£ I I I
20 40 60
contrast, D P D and o-tolidine show significant ab- Time offer indigo odd. ~h
sorbance changes even when observed within I h
(ef. Fig. 6). a Rowwoter,loke Zurich (3Ore) I rng fJDOC
Row woter, G r e i f ~ , surfoce ~4rag F'DOC
3.9 Determination of ozone in natural water
Comparable results for the determination of the Fig. 7. Stability of residual absorbance of Indigo Reagent
residual ozone present in ozonized natural water have in different types of raw waters, expressed in apparent con-
centrations of ozone determined. The residual absorbance
always been found by measuring its absorbance at was about 50% of the non-ozonized reference.
258 nm (reference method) and by the indigo method.
Comparisons are presented in Table 2. The direct u.v.
measurement, however, required a rather complicated due rather to errors involved in the data of the refer-
procedure to compensate for the background absorp- ence method applied.
tion of natural water at 258 n m (see Experimental), In some types of ozonated surface water the resi-
also its sensitivity is relatively low (see Discussion). dual indigo trisulfonate shows a slow post-decoloriza-
Discrepancies between the two methods are therefore tion when observed over several hours. Samples of

Table 2. Comparison of cone. of residual ozone determined in different types of

ozonized waters by the direct method (u.v. 258 nm) and by the indigo method
(600 nm)
U.V.2sanm Indigo6oonm
Water (rag 1-1 ozone) (mg 1- l ozone)*

Bidistilled 0.51 0.53

Lake Zurich
(lake water, DOC 1.1 mg 1-1) 0.61 0.60
(after sandfilter, DOC 1.2 mg 1-~)1" 0.35 0.34
0.80 0.83
1.24 1.28
Greifensee (lake water, DOC 4 mg 1-1) 0.43 0.43

* All calibrations are based on a sensitivity factor of 20,000 M - ~ cm- 1.

t Ozonizations performed in plant at Zurich-Lengg.
454 H. BADERand J. HOIGNt~

water from Greifensee--a highly eutrophic lake found for this reagent when the absorbancc of the
exhibited the maximum rate of change encountered in disulfonate was measured at 610nm, where this re-
our survey studies (Fig. 7). Such post-decolorizations agent shows its maximum absorption (Hoign6 &
are, however, very small when purified drinking Bader, 19801.
waters are considered.

3,10 Effect of other oxidants

At pH 2 hydrogen peroxide, chlorite, chlorate and
perchlorate do not decolorize Indigo Reagent when 4.1 Stoichiometric Jactor for the decolorization of
observed within a few hours and when the concen- Indigo Reagent
trations considered are within a factor of 10 of that of The sensitivity of the decolorization of Indigo
the ozone to be determined. However, chlorine and Reagent stays constant over a wide range of ozone
iodine lead to a slow post-decolorization. Their effects doses. This can only be expected if it is assumed that
increase with time. Chlorine can be successfully the sulfonated indigo is a spectroscopically uniform
masked by adding 500 mg 1-1 malonic acid to the material with respect to its decolorization reaction; in
Indigo Reagent; malonic acid at pH 2 consumes the presence of reactive impurities (such as other
ozone with a reaction-rate constant of only 3 M ~s- indigo derivatives), both the absorption maximum
(Hoign6 & Bader, 1981) and therefore does not com- and the sensitivity could shift during ozonation.
pete with the Indigo Reagent for reaction with ozone An apparent stoichiometric factor of 1:0.8 for the
when added simultaneously with the reagent. An decolorisation of the Indigo Reagent agrees with the
example of the effect of chlorine in the absence and microanalytical characterization of the commercial
presence of malonic acid is given in Table 3. Products potassium indigo trisulfonate. The phenomenon of
of ozonolysis of organic solutes seem generally not to the stoichiometric factor decreasing above pH 4 can
interfere with the residual Indigo Reagent when tested be explained: in the presence of organic materials
within a few hours: no decolorization was observed in with structures similar to that of the ozonolytic
any of the solutions we used for kinetic measure- products of indigo, a catalytic chain reaction leads to
ments. This study covered many different types of an accelerated decomposition of ozone (Hoign6 &
aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols and other products Bader, 1976). Such chain reactions are initiated by
(Hoign6 & Bader, 1981). However if, for example, hydroxide ions and therefore proceed at elevated pH
l mM 1-hexene-4-ol has been preozonized with during mixing of the reagents wherever temporary
0.5 mM 03 at pH 2, it decolorized a 0.01 mM sol- local excess of ozone is present in the reaction mix-
ution of Indigo Reagent significantly within 40 min. ture. The secondary oxidants formed from decom-
Permanganate decolorized Indigo Reagent in a fast posed ozone, OH radicals, do not however selectively
reaction. oxidize the chromophoric structure of residual indigo
(Hoign6 & Bader, 1978).
3.11 Indigo Reagent based on indigo disulfonate
4.2 The sensitivity and limits of detection
All results reported here are based on an Indigo
Reagent which was prepared from commercial potas- The sensitivity, which amounts to a change of the
sium indigo trisulfonate. In response to inquiries absorbance of AA = - 20,000 cm- 1 mol- t ozone
received, some tests have been repeated with an added l-~ is quite high. If a classical type of filter
Indigo Reagent based on commercial types of sodium photometer or u.v. spectrograph is used, a limit of
indigo disulfonate. Comparable results have been detection of about 5 pg I-1 can be achieved. When
working with a high performance spectrophotometer,
a detection limit of 1 #g l- ~ is approached (cf. Hoign6
Table 3. Effect of chlorine on the determi- & Bader, 1981a). Here the handling of the ozonated
nation of ozone. The residual absorption (A) water and not the instrumental accuracy become
was measured 4 rain and again I h after the
ozone (and chlorine) was dosed to the Indigo limiting.
Reagent. Malonic acid (m.a.+) was added di- The detection limit of the simple visual method is
rectly to the Indigo Reagent before reaction 10 pg l- 1 when 25-cm cylinders are used. This limit of
detection fulfils the requirements for field studies on
600 n m
drinking water: e.g. according to a recommendation
0 3 CI2 m.a. Ascm
0.2 mg1-1 l m g l -~ 500mg1-1 4min lh accepted in Switzerland, less than 50/~g1-t of resi-
dual ozone should appear at the consumers tap
- - - 0.88 0.88 (Schweiz. Lebensmittelbuch, 1972).
+ - - 0.51 0.52
+ - + 0.53 0.52
+ + - 0.44 0.24 4.3 Sensitivity of the Indigo Method compared with
+ + + 0.48 0.48 other spectrophotometric methods
- not added. In Table 4, the absorption regions and sensitivities
+ added. of different photometric methods are listed for corn-
Determination of ozone in water by the indigo method 455

Table 4. Sensitivities of different colorimetric methods have the disadvantage of being non-specific; iodine is
for the determination of aqueous ozone expressed as also formed by secondary oxidants such as produced
AA (change of absorbance per 1 mol 1-t ozone added by ozonation of water below pH 6-7 that contains
per I cm)
organic solutes. Moreover, the DPD method shows a
Wavelength AA large time drift and therefore cannot be recommended
Method (nm) (M- 1 cm- t) Ref. for extended series of measurements as required for
kinetic studies.
u.v. of 03 258 +2900 a
Indigo 600 - 20,000 b 4.4 Dynamic range of the Indigo Method
ACVK 550 - 2500 c
Orthotolidine 440 + 32,000 d The ozone dose must be adjusted to decolorize
DPD 510 + 15,000 e 20-903/o of the Indigo Reagent. For one fixed concen-
Iodide/triiodide 352 +25,000 f tration of the reagent and one predetermined relative
a--Kilpatrick (1965) and Hoign6 & Bader (1976). ratio of volume of reagent to volume of aqueous
b---this study. ozone, the dynamic range is therefore restricted to a
c--own measurement; method of Masschelein (1977). factor of about 4.5.
d--own measurement and Sulzer (1958). In non-automated systems, preliminary tests will
e--own measurement, method of Palin (1975). help to locate the approximate range of concen-
f---talc, from data of Shechter (1973).
tration before specifying the analytical procedure with
respect to ratios of volumes to be used. During our
parison. The most straightforward method is the di- studies, we covered a region of measurement of
rect measurement of the absorbance of aqueous ozone 0.005-30 mg l-1 of aqueous ozone by merely adjust-
at 258 nm. This absorption occurs, however, in a ing the relative volume of aqueous ozone and of
region where many types of other solutes interfere: in Indigo Reagent applied. This entire range exhibits
natural waters, e.g. humic materials often cause a sig- constant sensitivity. It covers the requirements gener-
nificant background absorption which varies with ally encountered in ozone applications.
ozonation. In addition, the instrumental measurement
must be performed at the time at which the concen- 4.5 Calibrations
tration of ozone is of interest. Moreover, due to the In this study we used the u.v. absorbance of ozone
low molar absorptivity of ozone, the sensitivity of this in distilled water at 258 nm as a secondary standard
method is relatively low. This direct method, however, to calibrate the analytical standard curves. At the
must still be recommended as the best defined and present time we still recommend such calibrations,
useful reference method for the calibration of ozone although different commercial products of indigo tri-
concentrations whenever the limitations of sensitivity sulfonate tested so far have shown rather comparable
and background absorptions are not relevant. sensitivity factors (Hoign6 & Bader, 1980). Sensitivity
In contrast, the Indigo Reagent absorbs light in a factors can, however, only be exchanged between
spectral region where only a few other substances laboratories which perform the measurements on cali-
interfere. Natural waters, for example, have generally brated spectrophotometers at 600 nm. Filter instru-
no background absorption in the 600 nm region. The ments will require individual calibrations.
sensitivity, when expressed as the change in absorb-
ance per added ozone, is quite high. In addition, 5. CONCLUSIONS
instrumental sensitivities are generally high at 600 nm
and even the sensitivity of the human eye is relatively The Indigo method covers the range of concen-
high at this wavelength. For most types of waters trations between 0.005 and 30 rag l-t. The method is
measurements can be performed even hours after the relatively straightforward and does not require any
ozonated water has been added to the reagent sol- difficult or time-consuming operations. It can be per-
ution. formed with the classical instrumentation of water-
The sensitivity of the indigo method is about 8 work laboratories. The Indigo Reagent is stable: it
times higher than that of the ACVK method. In ad- can be stored for months as a reagent which is
dition, measurements at 600nm are preferable to "ready to use". The absorption to be measured at
measurements at 550 nm where more aqueous solutes 600 nm is situated in a range where solutes of natural
may interfere. waters do not interfere and where even simple visual
The o-tolidine method exhibits a sensitivity 1.6 methods can be used for measurement. The change
times higher than the indigo method. Its non-specific of absorbance reflects the amount of ozone added
response to many kinds of oxidants, its low wave- with high and constant sensitivity factor of AA =
length region of absorption, and its temporal instabi- - 2 0 , 0 0 0 c m - 1 ( m o l . l - l ) - I ozone added. All stan-
lity, however, disqualify this method when compared dard curves are linear. The sensitivity does not vary
with the others (Sulzer, 1958; Hofman & Stern, 1969), with ozone concentration, with small changes of tem-
The DPD method for the determination of ozone is perature of reaction, or with the chemical compo-
based on a preliminary oxidation of iodide. However, sition of the water whenever the pH is below 4. For
all methods based on oxidations of iodide to iodine many types of waters the instrumental or visual
456 H. BADERand J. HOI,GNF'~

measurements can be performed even a few hours Hoigne J. & Bader H. (1976) The role of hydroxyl radical
after the ozone has reacted with the Indigo Reagent. reactions in ozonation processes in aqueous solutions.
The method is relatively selective. Secondary oxi- Water Res. 10, 377--386.
Hoign6 J. & Bader H. (1978) Ozone and hydroxyl-radical
dation products do generally not interfere. The reac- initiated oxidations of organic and organometallic trace
tion of ozone with the Indigo Reagent is so fast that it impurities in water. Orqanometals and Organometalloids:
can be applied to stop and measure even very fast Occurrence and .late in the Environment. (Edited by
ozonation reactions. The method has been well tested Brinckman F. E. & Bellama J. M.), Am. Chem. Soc.
Symp. Ser. 82, pp. 292 313.
and applied for the determination of ozone in many
Hoign6 J. & Bader H. (1979a) Ozonation of water: Selec-
different types of waters. Unexpected difficulties have tivity and rate of oxidation of solutes. Ozone Sci. Enqng.
not arisen. More practical experiences with this 1, 73 85.
method are now being accumulated in many water- Hoign6 J. & Bader H. (1979b). Ozonation of water: "Oxi-
works and laboratories. dation-Competion values" of different types of waters
used in Switzerland. Ozone Sci. En,qno. !, 357 372.
However, this Indigo M e t h o d cannot be used as a Hoign6 J. & Bader H. (1980) Bestimmung yon Ozon und
primary standard. At the present time the reagent Chlordioxid in Wasser mit der lndigo-Methode. Vom
must still be calibrated. A standard curve can be pro- Wasser. 55, 261--280.
duced using an aqueous solution of ozone in distilled Hoign6 J. & Bader H. (1981) Rate Constants of direct
reactions of ozone with organic compounds in water: In
water which is calibrated by the direct u.v. absorption
measured at 258 nm or by the classical iodometric Kilpatrick M. L. & Herrick C, D. (1965) The decompo-
procedure. It is, however, quite possible that a wider sition of ozone in aqueous solution. J. Am. chem. Soc. 78,
application of the indigo m e t h o d will stimulate cen- 1784-1889.
tral national laboratories or a chemical company to Masschelein W. J. & Fransolet G. (1977) Spectrophoto-
metric determination of residual ozone in water with
market an indigo reagent with a calibrated sensitivity ACVK. J. Am. Wat. Wks. Ass. 69, 461-462.
factor for the determination of ozone and chlorine Palin A. T. (1975) Current DPD method for residual halo-
dioxide (see Hoignb & Bader, 1980). gen compounds and ozone in water. J. Am. Wat. Wks
Ass. 67, 32-33.
Acknowledgements--We thank Professor Werner Stumm Preisler P. W., Hill E. S., Loeffel R. G. & Shaffer Ph.A.
for his continuous encouragement, and Dr Jiirg Zobrist (1959) Oxidation reduction potentials, ionization con-
and Dr Joan Davis for the valuable reviewing and dis- stants and semiquinone formation of indigo solfonates
cussions. Andreas Locher is thanked for his assistance in and their reduction products. J. Am. chem. Soc. 81,
performing many of the experiments during his apprentice- 1991-1995.
ship stage. Schweizerisches Lebensmittelbuch (1972) Trinkwasser und
Mineralwasser. Kap. 27, p. 8.
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