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TAR ¢ommon roffia pot-afh, diffolved and pu- Hed. This ged alkali i of great ule in opening the bodies of refinous and.ful- eats, and making thers yield a Qtronger tinQure to fpirit of wine, ‘or water, than they otherwile would do. often mixed poipsr the faline draughts; or elle blended with a large quantity of liquor, to pre- vent its proving too acrid as it paffes the cele i. . Tindale of Tartan. Pot aquan- "tity of falt of tartar into a good crocible 5 fet it in an open fire, and ealcine it for fome hours, railiny file, ar laft, to make the falt ready ir it into a clean marble mortar, g it fome time, and while hot, put it into a matrale heated be~ forehand; pour a quart of reGtified fpi- rits of wine on four ounces of thia cal- cined falt, and let it fland in a fand-heat three or four days, in which time, if the fs have been rightly mansged, the Pir will become of a frong yellowith and is then to be filwed off for « ule. Pe-ple who make this tinftore, find it difficult to give the fpirit the true colour. ‘This tindure is attenuant and refolvent, given from ten to thirty drops: it is alfo of great ule in extracting the tinglures of vegetable and mineral fubfances, which would not import any colour to fimple fpirit of wine. Foliated Tantat, of regenerated Tan- over a gentle fireto drinefs, taking great eare that the matter does not contrift any empyreama, On the fale which re~ mains atter this evaporation, peur out as mach fecth vinegar ax will agin fatorate ity then filtre the Auid, and carefully diy it by evaporation. ‘Ths falt has a febrifuge and deobfrnent qualiry. dole may he from sins to one fcruple, ta be taken ii of water, and reprated every fou h hour, wecorving to the exigence of the cafe. : Eoatic Tartar, a preparation of arti- + mony wibanar, See Antimony. Soluble Tartar is thus made: Diflolre a [3166] TAS d of fixed alkaline fake in a gallon of iling-water, and gradvally throw io eryftals of tartar as long as a fyeth addi- tion thereof raifeaany eferveleence, which ecerally ceafes before three pouods of e cryftals bave been vfed: then filtre the liquors aed, after due evaporation, fet ix by to cryftallize, This falt has Deen long efteemed both as a medicine anda menftruum : it is aperient, atte- nustes ee pokes promotes the urinary” fecretion, and gently loofens the belly: the dofe is from ten grains to a dram or two, or more. Tap lo atl ean ad dition to the re purgatives, as it promotes their a€tion, and at the fame time nts their ing quality. Vitriglated Tawtan is ordered, by the or College of London phyficians, to be made thus: Diffolve eight ooncer of green vitriol in four piprs of boiling water 5 and while the liqoor continues boiling, throw into it falt of tartar, or any other alkaline falt, till no effervefcence arifet upon throwing in a freth addition, which generally happens when four ounces, of alittle more of the falt have been ufed = filtre the liquor through paper, due evaporation fet it by to ery! Vitriolated tartar id juices, motes the fluid fecretion, Ta lurger dofes it proves a mild and fafe cathartic. TARTARY, « vaft country in the nor- f Afia, hounded by Siberia on the north an welts this ie called Great-Tartary, The Tartare who lie fouth.of Mofovy and Siberia, are thole of Aftracan, Curaffis, avd Dagiltan, fituated north-weft of the Cafpian-fea: the calmu: Tartare, who lie between Siberia and the Cafpivn-fea: the ulbee Tartare and Moguls, who lie north of Perfia and India: and, Lally, thole of Tibet, who lie nort of Chioa, TASSEL, a fort cf prn lant omament at the corners of a ‘on, or the like, In building, t-ffels der ote thofe pieces of board that lie under the endeof the man tle urres, TASSO, or Tuassvus, a fmall iflacd in the Archipelsge, thirty miles noch ‘Lemnos en the tongue, See the article Toxcue. Trestles of bodies dey Ceterminais magrite: i ndicn a eertsia their panticlery , adapred

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