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 Need: is something that a living thing must have to live.

 Plant and animals are living things.

 Plant and animals have needs
 People have needs
 Nutrients: material that living things need.

 Needs of plant:
 air
 water
 light
 space to live and grow
 nutrients from soil

 Needs of animal
 air
 water
 food
 nutrients from food
 space to live
 shelter
 Shelter: is a safe place

 Needs of people
 air
 water
 food
 space to live
 shelter
 Shelters keep them warm and dry
 Environments:
 all living and non-living things in one place
 have food, water and air

 Land: one kind of environment

 has rocks and soil
 many plants and animals live on land

 Forest Environments
 land environment
 has many trees and other plants
 Black bears: sharp claws
 dig for food and climb trees

 Prairie Environments
 land environment
 flat land cover with grasses
 Prairie dogs
 sharp teeth: chew prairie grass
 sharp claws: dig holes in the ground -> shelter

 Desert Environment
 land environment
 very dry, little rain or snow
 most deserts are very hot, others are very cold
 Plants: hold water
 Animal: get water from plant
 Rabbit: big ears
 Lizard: light-colored skin
 Waxy leaves: hold water
 Water Environment
 many animals and plants live
 flat leaves help plant float
 long stems with roots down -> get nutrients
 some plants live underwater

 Marsh Environment
 wetland: environment covered with water
 marsh is wetland
 Blue herons
 long, sharp beak: catch food
 long, thin legs

 Swamp Environment
 swamp is wetland
 has soft, wet land and many trees
 Alligators
 long, strong tails: swim

 Ocean Environment
 ocean: large body of salty water
 Fish: has gills and fins
 gills: take oxygen from water
 fins: swim
 Plants: live where sunlight
 do not live in deep ocean

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