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Penetration Testing is the practice of testing a computer system, network or a website to

find security exposures that an attacker can misuse. It could be automated with software
applications or it could also be performed manually.

Purpose of Penetration Testing:

The purpose of penetration testing is to determine how secure a network is against

an attack and if it is not strong then you can improve it by adding Anti-Virus software
or have a secure network where only authorised people can access.

Example of Penetration Testing:

Black Box
White Box

What does Black Box Testing mean?

The tester does not know how the system operates, because the tester does not
know how the system operates it does not test the possible scenarios

What does White Box testing mean?

It where the operating system knows and it can test to specific vulnerabilities. Since
it is known is should be able to test all the possible scenarios.

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