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University of Antique

College of Teacher Education

Bachelor of Secondary Education
Sibalom, Antique


Why I choose teaching as a Profession?

A person who encourage others, pledge for loyalty of spreading once knowledge is
a great privilege for being an educator.

As I discover myself throughout my studies even though it’s hard for me to say
that I have the passion of teaching. There are times that I experience trials like having no
signal in our barangay, I always think that its better for me not to study anymore because
its hard for me as a student to be in situation like this. Also another factor is my financial
situation has been poor and there are times that I tend to give up. It’s hard for me to
accept this but this is the reality. As for my dreams of becoming an educator this
hindrances was the hardest trials for me that leads to my success.

I choose teaching as profession because I wish to help others in reaching their

dreams. I also wanted to see more children will become successful through education.
Because I believe education is a key to success. Sometimes I observe that being an
educator is hard because there are lots of paper works at school. It’s hard to find time for
ourselves. I choose this career because I can handle it myself.

For me there are lots of inspiration why I choose teaching as profession like my
previous teacher in our high school life. They said that teaching was their greatest gift
from god which educates the children from what they don’t learn through experience and
guide their ambitions in life. Nowadays many of my batch mates were already graduated
and having a better job. In this they can help their family and friends in terms of needs.
Same also as me I inspire myself to share my knowledge and learnings to the younger
generation so that I may inspire them to change their life for a better future.

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