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2) The world was not prepared to this pandemic. But what is more problematic is the fact that

we knew that this could happen since 2003 with the SRAS. We knew that a pandemic could

happen via the consumption of exotic animals, like in Wuhan. But we attach to much

importance to tradition, at the risk of a sanitary crisis. But even without that, we were not

prepared because most of people took this disease lightly. Even countries as a whole like the

united states, take this pandemic lightly and place profit over safety. But even with countries

that are taking dispositions toward the virus, we see a clear disorganization and a bad gestion

of information. Like in France, when the government said that mask where not necessary but

then told completely another thing when masks were available again. So, we can say that the

whole world was unprepared against this pandemic, but I really hope that this crisis will help

governments take conscience of the risks. But even now, the united states and Brazil do not

take Covid-19 seriously. So, if even all these casualties are not enough to open their eyes, I

am not really sure what could.

202 words

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